6/26/2024 - Summary of ActionSalt Lake City Planning Commission
Summary of Actions
June 26, 2024, 5:30 p.m.
City & County Building
451 South State Street, Room 326
1. Extension Request for Mews Townhomes at Approximately 720 & 724 S 300 East – Bogart
McAvoy, property owner, is requesting a one-year extension for a planned development that was
initially approved by the Planning Commission on June 14, 2023. The granted petition allowed lots
without street frontage, and modifications to the required lot width, setbacks, building coverage, and
landscaping in the RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. The development
includes 7 townhomes units, each on their own lot. The subject property is located within District 4,
represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Rylee Hall at 801-535-6308 or
rylee.hall@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00200
Action: Approved
1. Conditional Use Modification for the VOA Youth Shelter at Approximately 888 S. 400 West -
Sue Ativalu, on behalf of Volunteers of America of Utah, Inc., is requesting approval of a Conditional
Use modification for a legal non-conforming Youth Homeless Shelter at the above-listed address.
The applicant is seeking to increase the overnight bed capacity from 30 to 50 for homeless youth
aged 18-22. The subject property is in the CG (General Commercial) zoning district, located within
Council district 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Diana Martinez at 801-535-7215 or
diana.martinez@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00910
Action: Approved with conditions
2. Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at Approximately 843 S. Lake Street -
Michael Colligan, the property owner, is requesting approval for a Planned Development and
Preliminary Subdivision to subdivide the existing lot at the above-listed address into two lots for two
new single family homes.
A. Planned Development: Requesting to modify the required lot width from 30 feet to 18 feet
for Lot 1 and to modify the front yard setback from approximately 13 feet to 8 feet 5 inches for
Lot 1 and to 10 feet for Lot 2. Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00422
B. Preliminary Subdivision: Requesting to subdivide the property into two lots. As the proposal
creates a lot without the required lot width on a public street, the subdivision can only be
approved if the Planned Development is also approved. Case Number: PLNSUB2023-00412
Currently the land is used for one single family home that will be demolished. The subject property is
located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801 -
535-7780 or kristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com)
Action A & B: Approved
3. Rezone at Approximately 3052 E and 3150 E Emigration Canyon Road – AnA Enterprises,
representing the property owner, is requesting to amend the zoning map for the properties at the
above-listed addresses from FR-2/21,780 (Foothills Residential) to RMF-75 (High Density
Residential). The intent of the rezone is to increase the development potential of the property. The
subject property is located within Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff Contact: Krissy
Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or 2ristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01106
Action: A recommendation to deny was forwarded to City Council
4. Yalecrest – Upper Yale Local Historic District Designation – Patricia Goede, a property owner in
the proposed local historic district, has submitted a petition to designate a new local historic district
within the Yalecrest neighborhood of the City. The proposed boundaries of the Yalecrest – Upper
Yale Local Historic District are approximately 1802 East to 1885 East along Yale Avenue. The request
is before the Planning Commission because the local historic district designation process requires
the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council.
The City Council has final decision-making authority on this type of request. The proposed district is
located in City Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff Contact: Nan Larsen at 801-535-
7645 or 2annette.larsen@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNHLC2023-00571
Action: A recommendation to approve was forwarded to City Council
5. Obstructions in Required Yards and Height Exceptions Tables Text Amendment - The Salt Lake
City Planning Commission has initiated a petition to amend Tables 21A.36.020.B and 21A.36.020.C.
The tables regulate obstructions in required yards and permitted height exceptions, respectively. The
proposed updates will clarify, combine, and delete portions of the obstructions and exceptions found
in the applicable tables. Related provisions of Title 21A may be amended as part of this petition. (Staff
Contact: Ben Buckley at 801-535-7142 or benjamin.buckley@slcgov.com) Case Number:
Action: A recommendation to approve, with conditions, was forwarded to City Council
Disclaimer: A written record of decision for any item where the Commission made a final decision will be created by the staff
planner. If you are interested in receiving a copy of the record of decision for any agenda item, please contact the planner listed
for that agenda item.
Any final decision made by the Planning Commission can be appealed by filing an “appeal of decision” application within 10
days of the decision. Contact the Planning Division for more information about filing an appeal.
Dated this 27th day of June 2024 in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Aubrey Clark, Administrative Assistant