7/31/2024 - Meeting Materials SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, June 12, 2024 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video recording of the meeting is available at https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Mike Christensen, Vice-Chair Aimee Burrows, Commissioners Bree Scheer, Brian Scott, Landon Kraczek, and Rich Tuttle. Commissioners Amy Barry and Anaya Gayle were absent from the meeting. Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Director Nick Norris, Planning Manager John Anderson, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore, Senior Planner Eric Daems, Principal Planner Grant Amann, Associate Planner Seth Rios, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. Chair Mike Christensen shared the opening statement. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair had nothing to report. The Vice-Chair had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Director Nick Norris reported that the changes to the Commissioner minimum have gone into effect. He also reported that Wayne Mills left the Planning Division and Krissy Gilmore was promoted to manager position. OPEN FORUM Commissioners Kraczek requested more information about the Commissioner minimum requirements. Vice-Chair Burrows clarified how many members are authorized for the Planning Commission. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Lotus Alchemy Design Review Modifications at approximately 48 W 700 South (Public Hearing) – Lotus Alchemy LLC is seeking a modification to the approved Design Review for the Lotus Alchemy apartments located at approximately 48 W 700 S, which received approval from the Planning Commission on August 24, 2022. The modification involves minor changes to the building’s exterior to accommodate the removal of underground parking and the addition of parking on the second level. These changes must be reviewed by the Planning Commission, as only minor modifications can be approved administratively. The property is located within the D-2 zoning district and is within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or Kristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-00422 2. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES FOR MAY 22, 2024 Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. Commissioner Scheer motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Burrows seconded the motion. Commissioner Consent Agneda Minutes Mike Christensen Y Y Aimee Burrows Y Y Bree Scheer Y Y Brian Scott Y Y Landon Kraczek Y Abstained since absent Rich Tuttle Y Y The motion passed. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Continuation of Preliminary Subdivision and Planned Development for Carrigan View Phase 2 at Approximately 1820 & 1822 S. Lakeline Drive and 1937 & 1939 S. Scenic Drive - Adam Turville, the property owner, is requesting approval for a 3-lot residential subdivision and the dedication of open space land for conservation, trail preservation, and future trailhead development. A. Planned Development: Requesting approval for three residential lots that do not front on a public street. Lot 3 is 50’ wide at the front yard setback where 100’ would be required. The 3 residential lots include portions of their buildable areas which include slopes that exceed 30%, and the private road would include construction across slopes that exceed 30 percent. Case number: PLNPCM2023-00890 B. Preliminary Subdivision: The development requires Preliminary Subdivision approval to establish boundaries for the residential lots, open space, and private road, and to establish easements through the property. Case number: PLNSUB2024-00219 The subject property is within FR-2 (Foothills Residential) and OS (Open Space) zoning districts, located in Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff Contact: Eric Daems at 801-535- 7236 or eric.daems@slcgov.com) Senior Planner Eric Daems reviewed the changes to Planning’s recommendation since the last meeting. He stated that staff recommends approval of items 1, 2, and 3 and denial of item 4. Alternative motion was presented if items 1-4 were approved: 1. Geotechnical evaluation 2. Slopes over 40%be unbuildable. The applicant Adam Turville discussed his proposal. The commission, staff, and applicant discussed survey lines and lot size. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Elizabeth Barrows - Expressed concern about a fourth lot being made. Asked for clarification of the private street and parking concerns. Andrea Barrows - Does not support the proposal in regard to slopes over 30 degrees, private road, and concern with fourth lot. Cindy Kromer- Concerns over 30-degree slope building. Melanie Marry- Concerned about public access and intent of development. Homer Smith - Ask for clarification about 30 percent vs 30 degree grade. Nelson War - In support of some exceptions to be made for this if public access is still available. Tim Chambliss - Concern over private street and why not a private drive. Concerned over “H” rock preserve area. Riley Rodgers – Concerned that his property didn’t receive a notice about hearing. Concern about approval and asking for more access to expand in future. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. The commission and staff discussed concerns about building into open space zoning, “H” rock preserve area, lot four in the plan, clarification of a private street and a private driveway, safeguarding public access to trails. MOTION Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission approve request items 1, 2, and 3 of this plan development.” Commissioner Scheer seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission approve request items 1, 2, and 3 of this preliminary subdivision application.” Commissioner Kraczek seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. 2. Planned Development and Design Review for Maltair Lanes Townhomes at approximately 1012 W 200 South - NeighborWorks Salt Lake, represented by Pascal Meyer of Carpenter Stringham Architects, is requesting Planned Development and Design Review approval to develop the property at the above-stated address in the TSA-UN-T (Urban Neighborhood Transition) zoning district. The proposal is to construct a 13 unit 3-story townhome development consisting of a mix of two- and three-bedroom units on an undeveloped 0.54-acre lot. A. Planned Development: Requesting increasing permitted open space from 2,500 SF to 3,010 SF, and a reduction of the 10-foot landscape buffer. Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00312 B. Design Review: Requesting a reduction of required 45% Ground Floor Glass and reduction of the side yard setback from 32' to 12'. Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00252 The subject properties are in Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff contact: Grant Amann at 801-535-6171 or grant.amann@slcgov.com) Principal Planner Grant Amann reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. MOTION Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission approve this design review application.” Commissioner Tuttle seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission approve this plan development application.” Commissioner Scheer seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. 3. Zoning Text Amendment for the creation of the Northpoint Light Industrial (M-1A) Zoning District – The Salt Lake City Council initiated a Zoning Text Amendment to create a new zoning district that algins with the goals, policies, and future land use recommendations established in the Northpoint Small Area Plan. This includes providing an environment for light industrial, office, and research uses, while reducing the impact on adjacent agricultural and residential properties and native habitat. The proposed regulation changes will create a new section 21A.28.030 of the zoning ordinance. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning may also be amended as part of this petition. The subject area is located within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or Kristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00333 The commissioners and staff talked about hazardous land uses being allowed. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Cindy Kromer – Concerns over the proposed modification of zoning standards on page 6 of the draft ordinance (21A.28.040.I.4). Dallan Hinkley – Concern over the Northpoint Small Area Plan transitional land use category and the 300-foot Jordan River buffer . Heather Lelon – Concern over the Northpoint Small Area Plan Land Use map and that it is dividing her property in half. Clarification over transitional and open space land use categories. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. The commission and staff addressed concerns about the Small Area Plan boundaries, 300-foot buffer on Jordan River, and that hazardous and medical waste land uses should not be permitted. MOTION Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to adopt this text amendment, with the addition of the consideration of not allowing storage, destruction, and processing of medical waste or hazardous waste.” Commissioner Tuttle seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. A five-minute break was called. The meeting reconvened at 7:18 PM. 4. Sports, Entertainment, Cultural, and Convention District Text Amendment – Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a zoning text amendment to modify provisions in the D4 Downtown Secondary Business District that would support the creation of a sports, entertainment, cultural, and convention district in and around the site of the Delta Center. The changes would impact all of the properties within the D4 zoning district and include removing the limitations on building height, expanding, and modifying the existing arena sign overlay to the blocks where the Salt Palace is located, and changing the following land uses from conditional to permitted: stadiums, heliports, and commercial parking structures. The subject area is located within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Nick Norris at 801-535-6173 or nick.norris@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00441 Planning Director Nick Norris reviewed the proposal. The commission and staff discussed signs, timeline imposed, parking, PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Cards: Brent Coga (comment read by Chair) – Shared concerns over the Japanese Church of Christ and Buddhist Temple needing a say in the process. Alania Gerr (comment read by Chair) – Shared concerns over housing and availability of water fountains and heliport. Barbara Scocroft – Shared concerns of Abravanel Hall and UMOCA Julia Pilant – Shared concerns about Abravanel Hall Laurie Wicke – wanted to see heliports restricted around Abravanel Hall, sign overlay, and building height. Lynn Schwartz – Would like to see a requirement for affordable housing and expressed concern for signs. Mercades Smith – Shared concerns about Abravanel Hall and heliports. Daniel Hass – Shared concerns of Japanese Church of Christ. Robert McConnel (SEG Attorney Representative) – Addressed concerns about Abravanel Hall, UMOCA, heliports, Japanese Church of Christ, signs and billboards. Cindy Cromer – Shared concern of D4 Downtown Secondary Business District. Rebecca Johnson – wants to see Abravanel Hall preserved as is. Emails: Musicians of Utah Symphony shared concerns over Abravanel Hall, sign overlay, and heliport. Thea Brannon - Shared concerns about heliport, signs, green space, and Abravanel Hall. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. The Chair stated that he wants to see Abravanel Hall, UMOCA, Japanese Church of Christ, and Buddhist Temple preserved. Commissioner Scheer read a statement regarding downtown revitalization stating she will not vote to recommend approval. Commissioner Burrows talked about Salt Palace and preserving Abravanel Hall, Japanese Church of Christ and the Buddhist temple. Commissioner Kraczek felt the process has been rushed. Preserving Abravanel Hall, Japanese Church of Christ and the Buddhist temple. Commissioner Tuttle wants more information and a substantial community benefit but doesn’t see it with the proposal as is. Commissioner Scheer expressed issues with building heights in proposal. Commissioner Scoot felt this was rushed and not highly informative. Would like to add recommendation about commercial parking. Commissioner Kraczek and commission want to make recommendations on commercial parking, Abravanel Hall, Japan Town, and building height. MOTION Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion and public hearing I move that the Commission make a recommendation of denial for the following reasons, does not comport with downtown plan, does not comport with existing purpose of the zone.” Commissioner Tuttle seconded the motion. Commissioner Tuttle wants to hear added community benefits. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. 5. Mobile Business Text Amendment - Mayor Erin Mendenhall has initiated a petition to amend regulations in Titles 5 and 21A regarding mobile businesses. The proposed updates are to address legislative changes in state law, which requires that the city allow mobile businesses in all zones that permit restaurants. Other changes include the creation of a pedestrian clearance zone for sidewalk vending carts, the removal of prohibited design criteria, and the reorganization of code chapters. The proposed regulation will affect sections 5.65, 5.69, 21A.33.020, 21A.36.160, 21A.36.161, 21A.42, 21A.44, and 21A.60.040 of the city code. (Staff Contact: Seth Rios at 801-535-7758 or seth.rios@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00938 Associate Planner Seth Rios reviewed the petitions, including why the changes were being initiated. The commission and staff discussed clarification of what zones will now permit mobile businesses, , the updated definition of mobile business, and how parking will be addressed. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Cindy Cromer – expressed concern of public land use. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. Commissioner Scherr expressed concern over the use of public lands for mobile businesses. MOTION Commissioner Burrows stated, “I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to adopt this zoning text amendment to the City Council.” Commissioner Kraczek seconded. Commissioner YES NO Mike Christensen x Aimee Burrows x Bree Scheer x Brian Scott x Landon Kraczek x Rich Tuttle x The motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM. For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.