7/31/2024 - Meeting Materials (3) SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, June 26, 2024 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video recording of the meeting is available at https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Mike Christensen, Commissioners Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Landon Kraczek, and Rich Tuttle. Vice Chair Aimee Burrows, and Commissioners Brian Scott and Anaya Gayle were absent from the meeting. Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Manager Casey Stewart, Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist, Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Principal Planner Rylee Hall, Senior Planner Diana Martinez, Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore, Senior Planner Nan Larsen, Associate Planner Ben Buckley, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. Chair Mike Christensen shared the opening statement. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair had nothing to report. The Vice-Chair was not in attendance. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Manager Kelsey Lindquist did not have anything to report. OPEN FORUM No one had anything to report. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Extension Request for Mews Townhomes at Approximately 720 & 724 S 300 East – Bogart McAvoy, property owner, is requesting a one-year extension for a planned development that was initially approved by the Planning Commission on June 14, 2023. The granted petition allowed lots without street frontage, and modifications to the required lot width, setbacks, building coverage, and landscaping in the RMF-35 (Moderate Density Multi-Family Residential) Zone. The development includes 7 townhomes units, each on their own lot. The subject property is located within District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Rylee Hall at 801-535-6308 or rylee.hall@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00200 MOTION Commissioner Tuttle motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Conditional Use Modification for the VOA Youth Shelter at Approximately 888 S. 400 West - Sue Ativalu, on behalf of Volunteers of America of Utah, Inc., is requesting approval of a Conditional Use modification for a legal non-conforming Youth Homeless Shelter at the above-listed address. The applicant is seeking to increase the overnight bed capacity from 30 to 50 for homeless youth aged 18-22. The subject property is in the CG (General Commercial) zoning district, located within Council district 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Diana Martinez at 801-535-7215 or diana.martinez@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00910 Senior Planner Diana Martinez reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends approval with one condition. The applicants Kathy Bray – President & CEO of VOA Utha, Dani Nives – Division Director, Youth Homeless Services, and Sue Ativalu – VP, Program operations shared a handout with the commission and covered their request. Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Amy Hawkins – Chair of the Ballpark Community Council – voiced concerns over the amount of police calls to the area and the lack of an updated safety and operations plan was presented. Janet Hemming – Asked the commission to postpone this request until Public safety concerns over calls to the police were addressed. Email from Art Space, Annie Brown- Program manager in support of conditional use modification. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. Kathy Bray addressed concerns about extra police calls and violence within the area. Sue Ativalu addressed concerns over public safety. Commissioner Barry requested clarification of the increased number of calls to police and were they addressed internally. Commissioner Tuttle asked about the length of stay for the Youth. Commissioner Scheer requested clarification of where the extra beds are being placed. MOTION Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and discussed, I move that the Commission approve this Conditional Use modification application, as recommended by staff.” Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed unanimously. 2. Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision at Approximately 843 S. Lake Street - Michael Colligan, the property owner, is requesting approval for a Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision to subdivide the existing lot at the above-listed address into two lots for two new single family homes. A. Planned Development: Requesting to modify the required lot width from 30 feet to 18 feet for Lot 1 and to modify the front yard setback from approximately 13 feet to 8 feet 5 inches for Lot 1 and to 10 feet for Lot 2. Case Number: PLNPCM2023-00422 B. Preliminary Subdivision: Requesting to subdivide the property into two lots. As the proposal creates a lot without the required lot width on a public street, the subdivision can only be approved if the Planned Development is also approved. Case Number: PLNSUB2023-00412 Currently the land is used for one single family home that will be demolished. The subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801- 535-7780 or kristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com) Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends approval of the request. The applicants Michael Colligan – owner and Sydney Garcia – JW Architects reviewed their proposal. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Alan Crittenden – East Liberty Park Community Organization – expressed concerns about the removal of parking on Lake Street. Joe Larrea – opposed to the petition and the effects of parking. Delano Wing – opposed to the petition and the effects of parking. Arlo Wing – expressed concern over parking and vehicle accessibility. Bri Henke – expressed concern over parking and accessibility to homes and street. Art Fenstermaker – expressed concern over parking. Seeing that no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing. Commissioner Kraczek requested clarification of the timeline and parking removal. Krissy Gilmore clarified the timeline and that the parking removal on Lake Street is not within the scope of the Planning Commissions review. Commissioner Barry requested clarification of the height of SR3 zones. Commissioner Tuttle expressed concern over parking and notification process and timeline. MOTION Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission approve this Planned Development application as recommended by staff.” Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed 4 to one. Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission approve this Preliminary Subdivision Plat application as recommended by staff.” Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed 4 to one. A break was called for. The meeting reconvened at 7:11 PM 3. Rezone at Approximately 3052 E and 3150 E Emigration Canyon Road – AnA Enterprises, representing the property owner, is requesting to amend the zoning map for the properties at the above-listed addresses from FR-2/21,780 (Foothills Residential) to RMF-75 (High Density Residential). The intent of the rezone is to increase the development potential of the property. The subject property is located within Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff Contact: Krissy Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or Kristina.Gilmore@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01106 Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends denial of the petition. The applicants Chance Anderson and Lance Anderson shared details of their requests. Commissioner Scheer asked if the plan met the 100 foot setback requirements. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Sara Baldwin – opposed to the petition. Joe Smolka- Mayor of Emigration Canyon – opposed to the petition. Chris Tollenger – opposed to the petition. Kristina Hayes- opposed to the petition. Card: Janice and Chris Cantwell opposed to the petition. Lisa Fitzgerald – opposed to the petition. John Wonderly – opposed to the petition. Jan Hemming – opposed to the petition. Elisabeth Barrows – opposed to the petition. Steve Newton – opposed to the petition. Ramon Lavandero- opposed to the petition. Jodi Jaru – opposed to the petition. Emails: Patricia Vital – opposed to petition Karen Pensky- opposed to petition Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing. The applicant responded to some of the public comments. The Commission and Staff discussed the difficulty of developing the site. MOTION Commissioner Kraczek stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation of denial to City Council for this Zoning Map Amendment.” Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed unanimously. 4. Yalecrest - Upper Yale Local Historic District Designation - Patricia Goede, a property owner in the proposed local historic district, has submitted a petition to designate a new local historic district within the Yalecrest neighborhood of the City. The proposed boundaries of the Yalecrest - Upper Yale Local Historic District are approximately 1802 East to 1885 East along Yale Avenue. The request is before the Planning Commission because the local historic district designation process requires the Planning Commission to hold a public hearing and forward a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council has final decision-making authority on this type of request. The proposed district is located in City Council District 6, represented by Dan Dugan. (Staff Contact: Nan Larsen at 801-535- 7645 or nannette.larsen@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNHLC2023-00571 Senior Planner Nan Larsen reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to City Council. The applicant Patricia Goede reviewed the reason for her petition. Public Hearing Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. Janet Hamming – recommends the approval of the application. Lynn Persing – recommends the approval of the application. Cindy Kromer – supports the approval. Art Swindle – supports the approval. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, the Chair closed the public hearing Commissioners, staff, and applicant discussed the application and answered questions. Motion Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to City Council to adopt the Upper Yale local historic district.” Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed unanimously. A break was called for. The meeting reconvened at 8:51 PM 5. Obstructions in Required Yards and Height Exceptions Tables Text Amendment - The Salt Lake City Planning Commission has initiated a petition to amend Tables 21A.36.020.B and 21A.36.020.C. The tables regulate obstructions in required yards and permitted height exceptions, respectively. The proposed updates will clarify, combine, and delete portions of the obstructions and exceptions found in the applicable tables. Related provisions of Title 21A may be amended as part of this petition. (Staff Contact: Ben Buckley at 801-535-7142 or benjamin.buckley@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00231 Associate Planner Ben Buckley reviewed the proposed changes. He stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to City Council. The commission and staff discussed height recommendations. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Christensen opened the public hearing. MOTION Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation, with conditions, to adopt the zoning text amendment to City Council.” Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioner Yes No Kraczek x Barry x Scheer x Tuttle x Christensen x The motion passed unanimously. BRIEFINGS 1. Amendments to Chapter 21A.59 Standards for Design Review - The Salt Lake City Planning Commission initiated a petition to amend the text of section 21A.59.050 Standards for Design Review. This briefing will inform the Planning Commission on updates made since the prior briefing that was held on March 27, 2024. The amendment includes the deletion of duplicated standards as well as clarification on existing standards to ensure the intent of each standard is clear. (Staff Contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024- 00294 The commission and staff discussed concerns over text amendments in section 21A 59.050. The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:42 PM. For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.