05/06/2024 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the May 6, 2024 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board Greg Sanchez, Johnnae Nardone, Jon
Larsen, Josh Stewart, and Steve Wooldridge.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Craig Buschmann,
Daniel Mendoza, Isaac Astill, John Close, Julie Bjornstad, and Matthew Gray.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Justice Morath and Suzanne
Present was Mary Sizemore, Lynn Jacobs, Julianne Sabula, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb,
Troy Saltiel.
Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Becka Roolf, Dave Iltis, and Martin Cuma.
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:04
p.m. by Greg Sanchez.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone, and the guest
introduced himself.
Motion: Daniel Mendoza moved to approve the minutes of the April 1, 2024 meeting.
Julie Bjornstad seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment —Troy Saltiel representing Central City Neighborhood Council:
They would like to see a combination of pedestrian and cyclist defaults on construction
sites so there is access on both sides of the road and people don't have to reroute.
PNLTT Board — Joint Committee Proposal, Motion &Vote
Kerri Nakamura,PNUT Board
Greg said the PNUT Board wants to propose having a TAB or BAC member attend their
meetings. Since Kerri is not yet in attendance, they will discuss this later in the meeting
if she arrives.
Sidewalks —Widths and More — Potential Action
Becka gave a brief introduction to this topic which is a follow-up from last meeting's
discussion about sidewalks. Part of that discussion was concern about things being
closed whenever there is construction happening on an adjacent property or sometimes
on the street. She looked at how the City charges fees for closures and it is being
significantly revised. That may or may not impact how permits are pulled for closing a
sidewalk or bike lane for construction,but she circulated the new fee schedule with the
agenda. She said this is part of the Mayor's budget recommendation that will be going
to City Council tomorrow, so TAB does still have time to write a letter and weigh in on
this if they wish to. Lynn said in the past there hasn't been a fee to close a bike lane and
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now there will be. He explained the proposed fee schedule which encourages people to
leave sidewalks and bike lanes open rather than diverting them to the other side of the
street,when this can be safely done. He explained the permitting process and what
things are taken into consideration when a permit application is being reviewed. Becka
shared scenarios for different types of closures and the cost difference is small. Daniel
asked if there was a modifier for a danger quotient and he gave an example of where that
could apply. Johnnae thought that was a great idea and offered other suggestions for
looking at these fees. Lynn said it would be very difficult for them to predict what
closures would be safer or less safe and they're trying to make them all as safe as
possible. He also said State roads must be permitted through UDOT. Troy said if you
close a bike lane the bike network is incomplete and you don't always go to the next
road,you go to the next higher safety bike route which could be blocks away. Lynn said
this is why they take a hard look at every permit application as they come in and decide
what they will allow to keep everything as safe as possible. Jon said they have also been
struggling with enforcement, making sure the contractors are following what they were
given permission to do. He believes there may be additional resources in the Mayor's
budget to have more ability to enforce this since there are currently only four inspectors
for the entire city.
Motion: Johnnae Nardone motioned to write a letter to the City requesting further
examination of the fee schedule for various kinds of closures as well as additional
support for enforcement. Josh Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed
TAB / BAC Overlap &Joint Meetings
Becka first wanted to let them know that they tendered a resignation from the Vice-
Chair, Pat Casey. He will remain as a member and a new Vice-Chair will be appointed.
As a result of that, she did a poll that shows most of the members of BAC have a
challenge with meeting before 5 p.m. Half of the members said they would be willing to
attend the TAB meeting as Vice-Chair if the meetings were held later. The topic of
overlap between TAB and BAC also came up as there is a lot of overlap on agenda items
requiring staff or consultants to present twice. The question has come up as to whether
it would make sense to have more joint meetings. She said it would be easier to have
good representation from fellow agencies if there were more joint meetings. She sent a
proposal with the agenda that outlines a series of eight joint meetings, a summer month
off for both groups and then each would have three separate meetings each year. This
roughly represents the time spent each year on joint agenda items. She has received
input from the BAC and is now looking for additional input from the TAB. She would
like to put this feedback together and discuss it at their joint meeting in June. She is not
trying to dilute the effectiveness of either group,but rather be strategic with their time.
A group discussion resulted in multiple suggestions including fewer than eight joint
meetings per year, going with Becka's proposed meeting schedule, permanently
combining the groups, keeping the groups separated, changing meeting times, and
bringing more bicycle related topics to TAB.
Report Out — By Members
Bicycle Advisory Committee — (vice chair vacant)
TAB Members
There was no report out.
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School Transportation/TAB Letter - Follow-up from last meeting
Greg has not completed this letter but will have it sent out to the Board for review once
it's done.
Motion: Josh Stewart motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jonnae Nardone seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board is a joint
TAB/BAC meeting and is scheduled for June 10, 2024.
TAB WebEx Meeting Chat
Craig Buschmann (he/him) 5/6/2024 4:08 PM • I've a hard stop at 5:20 for a work
meeting. I'll make a note in the chat when I drop off.
Roolf, Becka 5/6/2024 4:27 PM •We have 3 minutes remaining on this agenda item.
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 4:34 PM • What do other cities do?
5/6/2024 4:35 PM •And, why is the system so bad currently?
Amy Lyons 5/6/2024 4:43 PM • Quorum is 6 so you can collaborate in groups of 5 or
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 4:53 PM • Note that the BAC is in code. It cannot just be disbanded
willy nilly.
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 4:56 PM • Having 1-2 joint meetings a year is ok. Folding one
committee into the other is just a bad idea. Different perspectives and different focuses
happen on both TAB and BAC.
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 5:02 PM • The BAC/MBAC has a 35-40 year history within SLC.
Folding this into TAB will dilute the input of cycling. Cycling is still (even with SLC's
improvements) an afterthought across the city and this will just make it far worse.
Again, this is a monumentally bad idea.
Roolf, Becka 5/6/2024 5:04 PM • Links to ordinances are provided in the agenda.
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 5:11 PM • It isn't just the topic, but TAB and BAC will often have
very different perspectives. If the goal is to increase citizen involvment, this is not it.
Roolf, Becka 5/6/2024 5:18 PM • Craig, I know you need to leave at 5:20. Could you
share your perspectives before you depart?
Craig Buschmann (he/him) 5/6/2024 5:21 PM • Ok, I
5/6/2024 5:21 PM • I've to jump off now. Thanks everyone
Dave Iltis 5/6/2024 5:22 PM •You might have a TAB person go to each BAC meeting,
not just the opposite.
Approved by Transportation Advisory Board o8-05-24.
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