06/10/2024 - Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES
Catherine Tucker, Committee ChairLAugust
Laura Marshall,SLC Facilities
Jennifer Hale, Committee MemberJosh Lander,SLC Facilities
Barbara Murphy,Committee MemberSean Fyfe,SLC Engineering
unro�L;uilDinKathy Davis, Committee Member CommitteeAnne Oliver,Committee Member
Travis Sheppard, Committee Membe ��Robyn Taylor-Granda, Committee Member
Karen Ferguson,Committee Member 024
John Kemp,Committee Vice Chair
Catherine Tucker welcomed everyone to today's Conservancy and Use Committee meeting. She began by taking a role call as
follows: Barbara Murphy,Committee Member;Jenny Hale, Committee Member; Kathy Davis,Committee Member; Karen Ferguson,
Committee Member; Catherine Tucker,Committee Chair; Laura Marshall,Salt Lake City Facilities;Travis Sheppard, Committee
Member;Sean Fyfe,Salt Lake City Engineering;Anne Oliver, Committee Member; Robyn Taylor-Granda, Committee Member and
Josh Lander,Salt Lake City Facilities.
Agenda Item 1: Review and Approval of Last Month's Meeting Minutes
Catherine gave everyone a moment to review last month's meeting minutes. Then asked if anyone had any comments or corrections
to the minutes. If not,can I have a motion to approve the meeting minutes.
Kathy Davis motioned to approve the meeting minutes.
Barbara Murphy Seconded the motion.
Catherine asked all those in favor. Or any opposed.
The Committee unanimously voted to approve the minutes.
Agenda Item 2: Earthquake Remediation Update
Sean stated we're pretty excited we started our last phase,which is on the north side of the first floor. The project has gone
amazingly well.We have received compliments from the mayor's office about how well the project has moved along.Which is really
good to hear,and this is a reflection of the great team that we've assembled. And Travis has been an essential part of that team and
I wanted to take the time to applaud our architect of recorded.
Here are the updates, Phase 8 is on the south side of level two and is basically completed.There are a few minor items in the hallway
and those will be finished this week.We'll take a look on Wednesday at the work and make a little punch list if necessary.We expect
that punch list to be completed by the end of the month. But Phase 8 is essentially done. Phase 9 is on the south side of the first
floor and work is ongoing. Currently,we have plaster repair and painting ongoing.And that work is scheduled to be completed mid-
July.And the last phase, Phase 10, is on the northside of the first floor.We just started that phase last week on June 5t". The
furniture has been moved out of the area and we are starting to do the assessment in those areas.And that is expected to be
completed mid-August.
Catherine said this is very exciting news. I am sure you are very proud to be at this stage of the project.Sean confirmed. Catherine
asked if there were any questions for Sean from the committee.The committee members thanked Sean for all the work that he has
done on the project.
Agenda Item 3: Discuss Progress of Potential Committee Member Recruits
Catherine said we have Karen Ferguson here today as our new At Large committee member and asked Karen if she would introduce
herself. Karen said she's been with VCBO Architecture since 1998. I'm a project manager there. I was a project manager for the
restoration at the State Capitol in the early 2,000's.And was also the project manager on the restoration of this building's exterior
stonework in 2015. 1 have always had a passion for these grand buildings and so I'm thrilled to be on this board.
Catherine added she is currently the project manager for the North Capitol building. Karen said yes and we are replacing that
building but it is going to look like the Capitol. The stones are being cut right now in Italy. Karen mentioned she is up at the site
about three times a week. Kathy said I used to work in the old office building. Catherine asked with which department? Kathy stated
the Attorney General's office. Kathy then asked Karen about what the interior of the courtyard was going to look like at the new
building.Are they going to put another fountain there in the center. Karen said yes, it will have a fountain but we're putting a little
bit more hardscape and less grass in the area.We're using more types of landscape shrubberies to cut down on the amount of grass.
Kathy said that will be good.
Catherine asked Laura do you have any additional discussion points that you want to bring up for the potential candidates. Laura said
for Jenny's candidate, I sent an email to Mark Morris with the application weblink but have not received a response back yet. But the
email was just sent out on May 22"d. I will do a follow up email this week.Anne's candidate I have emailed multiple times. I was in
contact with them on April 24'and they said they were interested and would send the application in. However, I still have not
received it yet. Last email sent last week. I will follow up.
Laura said then there is John Kemp's seat. I did receive an application from someone who was interested in applying for 2 different
boards,the Conservancy,and the other was for the RDA. His name is Dan Richardson. He currently is on the board for Preservation
Utah. He is an architect and has been in construction. So, he does have that background. I just wanted to mention this so we could
discuss it with the committee and was hoping that John would be here today to be part of the discussion.The committee members
asked if we know if John knows him. Laura said I don't know; it was not reflected on the application. I believe he just applied
because he could see there were some committee members whose terms were expiring. I will try to get a hold of John to see if he
has someone to recommend.
Anne said Laura I can reach out to Caitlyn and see if they're still interested in applying. I will send them a text, okay. Laura said that
would be fantastic.They did say they were interested but I just had not received the application yet.
Catherine asked in terms of the makeup of the committee, obviously the position for John Kemp's replacement is a Member At Large
with no specific requirements.We had discussed the value of having somebody that was a contractor,familiar with the contracting
industry in that role. Does anyone here want to speak about or have a strong opinion about having someone from a contracting
background in the position. Or does it matter to the committee overall.
Barbara said, it seems like it was really useful to have.Jenny added especially in the early days when we had the construction
projects going on with the exterior.Travis said not only that, but to have a lifeline with someone with costing data, understanding
where the market is currently and bidding. I think that's a good resource to have on the committee.Jenny stated I don't think we
should say it has to be that way. But she would probably lean away from having 2 people from Preservation Utah. Because it is a
Member At Large position and I think it should be filled that way for this seat. Catherine added, I would perhaps lean away from
having yet another person from the architectural industry,where we already have 3 on the committee.
Jenny said when I started almost 8 years,a Member At Large was perhaps a retired person,someone part of the community who
has an interest. Barbara said it's interesting because I filled an At Large position. Even though I spent my career at SHPO it was my
background in preservation rather than an architectural contractor. It was doing that work.Jenny said I think that's probably what
happens most of the time,someone that has an interest as a community member and it's not necessarily another professional.
Sean asked, Laura you had mentioned another candidate that was potentially interested. Did you say David Richardson?Laura said
Dan Richardson. Sean stated oh okay I don't know him. I do know David Richardson who is an architect and a contractor and could
fill that role as a contractor.You know there has been value in having someone with that experience on the committee.Just for a
unique perspective, a builder's perspective. I know past committee members valued that perspective.That is something to consider
as you are looking for other candidates. Barbara said David Richardson would be great. He's with Capitol Hill Construction and he
was on landmarks, but his term ended there.
Catherine asked should we have an action item on whoever is going to contact John Kemp,to see who his candidate is and forward
him this candidate's name as a possibility,too. Laura said I will call John Kemp and let him know about the candidate who submitted
the application and see what his thoughts are. Catherine said and Anne is going to contact Caitlyn.And we've got Barbara's seat
filled.And Jenny said she can follow up with her candidate.
Agenda Item 4: Review&Approve Final Amended Ordinance
Catherine said it looks like Jaysen is tied up with something and could not join today.This agenda item is to review and approve the
Final Amended Ordinance. I think even without Jaysen being present,we could go ahead and take a vote on the Final Amended
Ordinance. Could we please review the Final Amended Ordinance. Laura said here is a copy of the Final Amended Ordinance and a
copy of the redlined version with the changes that we made in our last meeting.All of the changes are reflected in different colored
lettering.And for the people online these documents were sent as an attachment in the email invite for the meeting.
Catherine asked the committee to take a look at the edited redline copy with the blue lettering and compare it to the one with all
black lettering,which is the Final Amended Ordinance. Jenny mentioned I have just one correction.On item C, he didn't capitalize
the City and County Building Conservancy& Use Committee. He just missed that.Catherine mentioned in the Final version it is
capitalized, it's the one that does not have any blue lettering. Theoretically the blue version should match the black version, but it
doesn't.The all black lettered version is the Final Amended Ordinance that we are actually voting on. Laura asked if there are any
corrections needed to the final version?The committee members said no the final version of the Ordinance is good.Travis asked so
this final version shows everything that we talked about in the last meeting can I motion to approve.The committee members said
please do.
Travis Sheppard motioned to approve the Final Amended Ordinance.
Barbara Murphy Seconded the motion.
Catherine asked all those in favor. Or any opposed.
The Committee unanimously voted to approve the Final Amended Ordinance.
Catherine said the motion has passed.We have a new Ordinance for the Salt Lake City and County Building Conservancy and Use
Committee. Laura stated I'll let Jaysen know.
Agenda Item 5:Other Building Proiects or Updates
Catherine said today's meeting looks like it will be a relatively short one. Do we have any other building projects or updates on
anything else to discuss.
Sean said if you recall,you had appointed Jenny to be the representative for our Washington Square Improvements Project. I just
wanted to give an update.We had our initial meeting on that project.We met about a week and a half ago,approximately,and
Jenny was in attendance. Her input was greatly appreciated.What we did at the meeting was we went through a threat analysis on
potential threats to the site and the building.And kind of determined the level of threats we felt were appropriate to address for the
site and building.We expect to now see some potential remedies to those sites.We have another meeting scheduled in mid-July.
I'm not sure if Nate will be ready for the August committee meeting because it will take some time to review the suggestions and
give directions on them. But perhaps for the September committee meeting we could prepare a presentation for the Committee on
the initial study.
Catherine asked if this work is being conducted just with Salt Lake City staff or is there an external landscape architect consultant.
Sean said we've hired GSBS to perform the study for us.They did a similar study right before Covid.Things have changed significantly
since then.The appetite of the administration is a lot different now than it was back then.So,since GSBS had already provided this
initial study, it made sense for them to elaborate on this next step.The project committee members consist of city stakeholders,
other than Jenny,of course. And all this is in preparation to request some funding for the improvements.That's really what the
whole effort is about. It is to develop a budget that our security manager can then request funding for the improvements to the site.
Catherine said I understand it's preliminary. But based on your initial meeting what are the major modifications that are being
considered through this. Sean said I hate to speculate too much; I would imagine there's going to be some protection against
vehicle threats.And probably more control in the horseshoe area.And perhaps a hardening of the perimeter of the site in some
manner yet to be presented. It will have to be historically appropriate,of course. But those are some of the improvements I
envision.We'll see what's proposed shortly.
Travis asked Sean even though GSBS is doing this study. Kevin Miller at GSBS is working on this,and I haven't been a part of it. Just
out of curiosity,the horseshoe area is really the only place for visitors to park close to the building. Is visitor parking being relocated
or eliminated? Sean said it's a little early as far as solutions, I would expect any public parking that's in the horseshoe will probably
be relocated to the parameter sites, like the stalls along Fifth South,State Street and others.There will still be parking, I believe, but
again I'm speculating. There will likely be some staff parking within the horseshoe that's controlled. And in some manner probably
on Second East Street.There may be more parking requirements in the library parking garage for visitors. I can see that being a
policy change happening as a result. But again, I'm speculating.
Travis said I know you're just in the initial stage. I was just wondering if visitor parking was considered as part of the design-based
threat assessment. Because there's a lot of interaction that happens within the City and County Building. Many are very brief,
literally dropping off a file or drawings. I'd hate for people to pay for 2 hours of parking on the street,when they are only in the
building for 5 minutes.Sean said I think there will be deliveries that will be accommodated. Maybe a scenario where there's short-
term parking, not a lot of spaces probably, because that could be a potential for a threat in the area. But that's going to be part of
the study, looking at the impact on the operations of the site&the building. Catherine added it seems you could have a street
parking spot for deliveries-only,free of charge for a short period of time. Sean said yeah, I think that's within the realm of
Catherine asked if there were any other questions for Sean on this topic. Jenny said there's one thing I should probably mention,
since my time is ending soon. I recommended at the meeting that they conduct a cultural landscape report as part of this project.
That was something in our design guidelines that was recommended we do before we make any significant changes to the site. I feel
this is an important report to get as part of this project so we can make more informed decisions about the landscape.The
committee members agreed the report would be good because we are losing both Jenny and Anne with their terms expiring.
Catherine asked how we want to ensure that we retain the knowledge base.Are you or Anne availability to continue in an advisory
role? Jenny said I think they'll get a qualifying person to do the report.And that person will get all the history included in the report,
so you can make informed design choices on what should or shouldn't be impacted. Anne added,a true cultural landscape report is
a large, intensive document. But if I'm remembering correctly,we did quite a bit of research,on the landscape for the preservation
plan.A full-fledged cultural landscape report can be very expensive. But this is a small site,and I think we can make use of the data
that we already have.
Jenny added I know the city did one for Pioneer Park. I don't know if that was a full-fledged report or not.Anne mentioned I haven't
seen it, but that could be useful for them,as a good model reference.Anne asked who did that report?Jenny said I'm pretty sure it
was 10. Sean said alright that is good to know. Jenny was pretty sure the city did a mini report for all of their cultural landscapes
which might also have some good information. But the background research that they did for the design guidelines will give the
committee a lot of information.Anne said I think that is a great idea,Jenny.See what's on the other reports from the other parks
and then they could treat this site similarly to the other ones, utilizing the format they used. I would think that would be sufficient
for this building site.
Sean said, I don't think the cultural landscape report was terribly expensive for Pioneer Park.So, I think it's something we could
easily add to our funding application form, having the culture landscape report done on the site. I mean,out of all the sites we have,
this is probably one of the top priorities.
Catherine asked because it's simply not my field. I have no idea how this cultural landscape report works with the design guidelines,
but could it potentially give contradictory findings to the guidelines. So, moving forward with the decision process how would it work
together. Jenny said I suppose it could be contradictory. But I feel the design guidelines were written in such a way that it would
probably only help it.The guidelines provide information if you're going to make any major changes and then it lays it out under the
priorities.So,when I reviewed it for the meeting, having the topography was one of the top things for our Priority A spaces outside.
So, my biggest concern is that we're not going to add a fence or put a fence around the perimeter.The guidelines will only help us
understand what is most important.
Catherine said I'm envisioning perhaps the report would be adopted as an amendment to the guidelines,just something for future
consideration with future groups of people when they're considering changes to the landscape.Jenny said I think the design
guidelines were always intended to be updated,and maybe it will get pulled in on the next update.Sean said that definitely seems
appropriate,that was the intention of the design and use guidelines.When more information comes in,you update that document
as needed.So, I can see the culture landscape report being a great reason to amend the design and use guidelines with new
information. Anne added I agree with all of that. It could be amended later when there's time. But I don't think, Catherine, it would
conflict. It shouldn't be because the basic principles of landscape preservation are abided by,and if there were conflicts that would
be something that would be discussed among the committee members. But I wouldn't anticipate there being much conflict.
Catherine said that was a great update,and I think what we want to do is add the Washington Square Project updates to the agenda,
so that we can keep track of it,just like the seismic updates. Laura said alright I will add it. Laura asked Sean,do you think September
is when you'll be presenting this?Sean said September will be the target for now.We'll just have to see how it goes. But that seems
like a reasonable target to me.
Laura mentioned we have our second committee member walk,which will be the Washington Square grounds this fall.Josh,you
were going to contact Parks and Urban Forestry to schedule with them. Can you speak a little about this. Josh said we are going to
do it in the fall, right.After the event's season is over.Were we thinking about September?Jenny said in the past October seemed
like a good time to do it. Because the busy season is kind of winding down by then. Josh said okay I will try for October.Catherine
added early enough in October,that even if we get a good snow year, it won't matter.Josh said I will work on that.
Catherine asked are there any other announcements or topics we want to discuss at this meeting. Barbara said I just want to thank
you all. It's been fun being on this committee for the last 8 years,and you're in good hands with Karen.So,thank you Karen for
coming on board. Karen said I appreciate that and thank you for your service. Barbara said thank you.Catherine added of course
feel free to attend in the future.You're welcome any time, it's open to the public.
Laura asked,Josh do you have any additional updates on projects.Josh said Sean and I spoke and we're going to hire a structural
engineer for the metal post which the gate will be attached to in the Council Chamber so that we can insure it's supported &secured
properly.And then there will be a wood sleeve going over the post with the wood matching the existing woodwork.Which is what
everyone decided on.We don't want to fasten the post to the wall. Kathy asked if were doing a gate at the other end of the room, or
just going to leave the other end ungated.Josh said the other end is ungated. The gate being added is purely to provide protection
as people egress from the formal Council Chamber.The COW workroom gate has been canceled due to complications. And Karilyn
will continue working on the design and layout changes recommended by the Committee.
Catherine asked should we look forward to having any further review of that. Since we've already gone through the general review
of the plans and drawings and reviewed the site, do we need to review anything else. Or will it just go straight to construction
documents. Sean said I would recommend we actually bring it back one more time for final approval.Just based on the comments
received,just to make sure all the expectations are met. Laura asked should I coordinate when this will happen through Karilyn or
Josh. Sean said you can coordinate through Josh.
Catherine asked are there any other topics for discussion or announcements. If not, may I please have a motion to adjourn the
Kathy Davis motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Catherine asked, do I have a second.
Robyn Taylor-Granda Seconded the motion.
The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn.