05/20/2024 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the May 20, 2024 Meeting BAC Members Present for this meeting were Alla Chernenko and Greta Sommerfeld. BAC Members Electronically Present for this meeting were Ashley Lodmell, Ben Trueman, Joshua Poppel, Laura Lewis, Martin Cuma, and Pat Casey. BAC Members Absent for this meeting were Matthew Morriss and Sara Johnson. Also Present were Lt. Wooldridge, Jon Larsen and Becka Roolf. Also Electronically Present were Dave Iltis,Amy Lyons, Dede Murray, Mary Sizemore, Geoff Dupaix, and Julianne Sabula. The meeting was held both electronically via WebEx and in person and was called to order at 5:04 p.m. by Greta Sommerfeld. Greta welcomed everyone and everyone introduced themselves. Approval of Minutes Motion: Greta Sommerfeld moved to approve the minutes of the April 15, 2024 meeting. Alla Chernenko seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment— Dave Iltis commented that Virginia Street is getting reconstructed this summer and it's going to get speed bumps/speed tables on the downhill. He said depending on how they're constructed, this could be ok for cyclists. It's not going to be great because it's steep and it's hard to go slow on that downhill. He said he would maybe ask the Committee to ask SLC to find out a little bit more. Find out if staff have ridden speed bumps and if they have ridden down this hill. He said there's a lot of discussion both in TAB and BAC to look at basically muting the BAC and folding it into TAB and having mostly joint meetings. This is a monumentally bad idea, and he thinks the Committee should vehemently argue against this. The BAC/MBAC has been around for 45 years or so, since the late 70's. Cyclists have very different perspectives on the street and different ideas of what's needed in terms of serving the needs of cyclists. TAB typically does not have cycling perspectives. There are people on TAB who ride their bikes,but TAB discussions are often chaotic. This is just going to end up muting the voice of cyclists and if they have more than one or two joint meetings per year, it's just not a good idea. If they look at the interest of TAB with cyclists,he doesn't know when the last time somebody other than the Vice-Chair for BAC who is also a tab member, when the last time anyone from TAB or multiple people from TAB decided they were interested enough in BAC to show up for a BAC meeting. The BAC is the eyes and ears for the city of cycling and if they're mushed into TAB, that option for discussion is going to disappear. The voice for cycling is going to get drowned out by lots of voices on TAB who may or may not understand or be interested in cycling. He said they can't make BAC disappear, it's in City code and they can't just make it go away. He's asking the Page 1 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes BAC to really argue against this idea as it's a monumentally terrible idea. This doesn't mean there aren't things the BAC could do to be more effective. They could comment more on projects and plans that are coming up instead of waiting for the City to bring the ideas to them. Mayor's Recommended Budget/ Capital Improvement Projects Becka shared with the Committee where they stand on the projects that both BAC and TAB considered over the winter, and the applications the Transportation Division submitted. She went over the CIP process and what was new and different this year including the creation of a new Capital Asset Program Committee. She went over what projects the Mayor and the CDCIP Board recommended along with the amounts recommended. These recommendations will now go to the City Council for review and possible adoption in June. Becka also went over the TAB &BAC project rankings. Greta asked if this is now in the stage where she could contact her Council person and personally give input. Becka said it is the time to do that or the BAC could choose to take action if they'd like. Chair and Vice Chair Elections - preparation In the past, the BAC has used a somewhat unique process for elections. She went over an outline of that process and the descriptions of each position. She spoke about the timing of term limits that would ensure both TAB and BAC are on alternating cycles, so the leadership isn't all changing at the same time. Steve suggested the people in these positions be familiar with City ordinance or State code. Alla feels like that's where the Transportation folks would be able to help. The elections will be held at a future meeting. Committee Announcements &Updates Matthew Morriss sent in a comment that Greta read for him. He said"I've been almost hit by several cars recently while biking on the 9-Line. All of them were making rolling right turns on red lights. I want to propose to the City to consider barring right turns on red lights along our greenways dedicated for multi-modal pedestrian and cyclist transit. The same could be said at the greenway on 300 West and perhaps for future bike paths. The idea is that right turns on red lights are efficient for vehicles,but dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians crossing in front of those right turning vehicles who don't often look to their right before driving across the greenway to make their turn. If not barring right turns on red of all intersections, then perhaps just 300 West,West Temple, State Street, and 70o East which are all UDOT intersections." Greta said his point is controlling the City controlled intersections first. She said she echoes what he said as this has also been her experience. Alla said she also agrees with this as she was recently in contact with a cyclist that was hit by a car because for this same reason and it is not uncommon. She has also heard this about the big box store driveways on 300 West and she suggested using blank out signs. Jon said they're working on and have installed other blank out signs within the city. He also said the big box store driveways are a challenge and they are going to make some additional changes there. It's a relatively new design for the City and they are still learning,but they have been designed so drivers must slow down before turning. Greta said New York City has a citywide ban on right hand turns on red and asked if SLC would ever consider this. Jon said it is something he thinks they should consider and, in the meantime, they're starting to expand the locations of where they're putting no right turn on red. Steve said there is better sign compliance if the signs are in a place that makes sense to all users. Alla has Page 2 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes been reading about quick build bicycle infrastructure and it seems like the City is prioritizing more substantial solutions over quick builds and asked what the City's stance is on movable items. Jon said the voters gave them a lot of resources in a street bond approval, so they prioritized bigger more expensive projects. As that funding goes down, they will have to go back to being a little scrappier,but they have done some other permanent installations that have had low costs. Pat said the iioo East bike lane stands out to him and he has a hard time riding in that bike lane because it's so over engineered and here's a lot of road furniture. He'd like to discuss how over-concreting diminishes safety because there is no exit point and he told of several times he was nearly hit by a bus or other vehicles because he had no exit point due to the concrete. He said there is also a problem with vehicles parking in bike lanes not being enforced. Cyclists are more vulnerable to concrete structures on the road than cars. They create a fabrication of protection, but they don't make things safer. Joshua seconded everything that Pat said. It seems to him like they're trying to create the perspective of safety whereas they're increasing the number of obstacles and decreasing safety. It's particularly problematic when there are people parking in the bike lanes and he gave an example of this causing his wife to break her foot while avoiding a car and concrete in a bike lane. Jon said generally speaking, having a physical separation improves safety, but each street is specific. Joshua said if you have a consistent barrier, it would be different, but when you have curb cuts for driveways and businesses, it seems to undermine safety. Alla suggested they paint all the bike lanes or at least protected lanes bright green. Julianne said Compliance responds faster if called rather than an online complaint. Becka looked at summer meeting attendance in terms of quorum so there's a question of whether the Committee will meet in both July and August. The next meeting is a joint meeting with TAB, so elections won't be held until at least July. Laura said thinking about safety, it makes her wonder what's actually safe vs the perspective of safety. For example, riding on the sidewalk may feel safer to naive riders when it's actually very dangerous, where riding with traffic can feel very dangerous but is actually safest. She's wondering if this is an education issue or knowing if a design is going to be the safest for an area. Jon said if they look at the crash statistics, the slower the speeds, the safer it is, and their top priority is eliminating serious and fatal crashes and speed is almost always a factor. One of their guiding principles is to slow people down and make them pay attention. He said the City has been investing heavily in high comfort bike infrastructure over the last io- 15 years. Ben would like to put on a future agenda how we design bike infrastructure and what is working well and what's not and hear from the City on how they're thinking about these intersections. Future of Bicycle Advisory Committee Becka circulated a proposal for a discussion about the possibility of recognizing the considerable overlap of topics between TAB and BAC. Her proposal suggests having more joint meetings while continuing to have both the TAB and BAC function separately but wanting to put them together where the topics do overlap. It wouldn't mean that they would necessarily have to vote as one voice, they could have different recommendations even out of the same meetings. They would at least hear the topics together and would have the opportunity for discussion together. This would create some efficiencies overall in terms of staff, outside, or consultant resources. She pulled up her proposal which is to have eight joint meetings per year, one month of break and then three individual meetings. When she looked at the data of how much overlap there was between the two groups, this is what seemed appropriate. TAB discussed it and ended their discussion suggesting they could try it for a specific timeframe and see if it Page 3 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes was working or go back to meeting separately if not. The other issue was about the time of the meetings which would need to get worked out. After input from Committee members, it was determined that this topic needs further discussion at a future meeting. BAC Impact Assessment In the interest of time, this will be an action item for their next meeting. Motion: Greta Sommerfeld motioned to adjourn the meeting; Laura Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Meeting Chat Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 5:26 PM • Can the committee please fix the process by which you send out agendas? The agenda did not have the '3 pages excerpt attached.' You 5/20/2024 5:28 PM • The attachments can all be found here: https://data.slc.gov/. They are posted prior to posting the agenda to the State website. Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 5:48 PM • -Amy, it's not clear how to download the document from the city site nor is it easy to find. You 5/20/2024 5:52 PM • Dave, I'm happy to help you find it, feel free to call any time. It is the SLC Recorder's website so I'm unable to make any changes. Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 5:51 PM • We still need input for summer meetings from Ben and Pat (in this meeting) and from Matthew and Sarah (not in this meeting). We will have to figure out when elections will be. https:1/forms.glel2lvJFQNu7oAELmoJ8 Ben Trueman 5/20/2024 5:55 PM • thanks Becka, I submitted my answers Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 5:52 PM • '* after we get input from those 4 committee members. Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 5:56 PM • Thanks Amy. The City's notification process doesn't work well and needs to be revamped. It has been a consistent issue that members of the public do not see what is sent to the committee until after the meetings. This doesn't really help engagement. Jon and Becka, can you work on this? Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 6:0o PM • Question for Transportation and for the committee - since the committee does not just advise transportation, it advises the entire city-why can't the city provide a better answer for questions that are for Streets (for example) See this from the minutes: " Why hasn't Streets figured out how to re-stripe existing bike lanes on roads such as 3rd and 11th Avenue where the street has been resurfaced. o We'll pass this concern along to the Streets Division " Pat Casey 5/20/2024 6:01 PM - Amen Joshua Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 6:01 PM •And this one merits a response from Public Utilities: " Wants an update on City Creek to find out if Public Utilities would work like every other Page 4 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes construction project and keep the canyon open to people. o As previously discussed, Public Utilities has made their final adjustments to their construction plan and access. " Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 6:02 PM • Pat and Joshua- could you please put in the chat or email us after with the specific locations you are concerned about. Joshua Poppel 5/20/2024 6:03 PM • The location that I'm most concerned with is llth east between 13th South and 17th South. Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 6:04 PM • For parking enforcement: 801-535-6628 or slcparking(&slcgov.com or use SLC Mobile. Pat Casey 5/20/2024 6:05 PM • iioo E, California and goow(the scariest intersection IMO), and countless downtown roads which have separated bike lanes from traffic with road furniture everywhere. Oh and 700S going west towards Redwood Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 6:o8 PM • Thank you both for your locations and also for bringing it up. Roolf, Becka 5/20/2024 6:10 PM • Request to put design of bikeways on the agenda for a future meeting. Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 6:11 PM • Or your ebike... Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 6:15 PM • Or 1 joint meeting a year... Dave Iltis 5/20/2024 6:17 PM • From city code: " 2.23.070: BICYCLE STANDING COMMITTEE CREATED: A. There is created a Bicycle Standing Committee of the board. The members of the Bicycle Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. One member of the Bicycle Standing Committee must be a member of the board. Other members of the Bicycle Standing Committee do not have to be members of the board. In appointing members of the Bicycle Standing Committee, the Mayor shall provide for diversity of membership with respect to different uses of bicycles and place of residence or business. Members of the Bicycle Standing Committee shall be appointed for a term of three (3)years, but may be removed at any time with or without cause in the discretion of the Mayor. The Mayor may appoint up to thirteen (13) members to the Bicycle Standing Committee. The members of the Bicycle Standing Committee may adopt a specific name of the committee by majority vote of the members of the committee. B. In performing its advisory role, the Bicycle Standing Committee shall recognize that bicycle planning reaches across the areas of transportation, recreation (both hard surface and soft surface cycling), health and fitness, enforcement and safety, sustainability, community building, air quality, economic development, social and poverty issues, children and school issues, and tourism. (Ord. 44-17, 2017)" Martin Cuma 5/20/2024 6:24 PM • My internet looks sketchy, I'll turn off my video. Laura Lewis 5/20/2024 6:28 PM • I think carefully curated agendas will e key Page 5 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes Ben Trueman 5/20/2024 6:33 PM • quarterly joint meetings sound reasonable to me Approved by the Bicycle Advisory Committee 08-19-24. Page 6 of 6 BAC 05-20-2024 Minutes