10/9/2024 - Meeting AgendaSALT LAKE CITY PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA October 09, 2024 at 5:30 pm City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (The order of the items may change at the Commission’s discretion) This meeting will be held in person at the City & County Building. If you are interested in watching the Planning Commission meeting it will be available on the following platforms: • YouTube: www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings • SLCtv Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCtv-Live/2 If you are unable to attend in person but would like to submit comments regarding an item on the agenda, please email your comments to the staff contact listed for each item or provide general comments to planning.comments@slcgov.com. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 pm in room 326 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OPEN FORUM - The Commissioners may discuss planning, zoning, and general land use items that are not listed on the agenda. This discussion will be limited to no more than 10 minutes. There is no public discussion associated with this item. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Conditional Use for TOSA Adult Daycare at Approximately 630 E 100 S- Josh Hansen, representing the Other Side Academy, is requesting approval for a conditional use to remodel the 12th Ward Building to use it as an adult daycare at the above listed address. Currently, the building is vacant, and the property is zoned RMF-45 Moderate/High-Density Multi-Family. The subject property is within Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Seth Rios at 801-535-7758 or seth.rios@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00792 2. Conditional Use for KRCL Community Radio at Approximately 509 W 300 N - KRCL Community Radio, is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to install a communication tower exceeding the maximum building height allowed in the TSA-UC-T district. KRCL is a legal nonconforming business that will be incorporated into a new mixed-use development at 509 W 300 N. The subject property is within Council District 3, represented by Chris Wharton (Staff Contact: Olivia Cvetko at 801-535-7285 or olivia.cvetko@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00631 3. APPROVAL OF THE MEETING MINUTES REGULAR AGENDA 1. Text Amendment to Permit Outdoor Theaters in the CG General Commercial District – At their Formal Meeting on May 7, 2024, the Salt Lake City Council initiated a petition to research and draft an ordinance to amend sections 21A.33.030 (Table of Permitted and Conditional Uses for Commercial Districts) and 21A.62.040 (Definitions of Terms) of the Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance to permit live performance theaters, either indoor or outdoor, within the CG General Commercial District. Currently, only indoor live performance theaters are permitted in the CG District. Other related provisions in Title 21A may also be modified as part of this proposal. (Staff Contact: Noah Elmore at 801-535-7971 or noah.elmore@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00595 2. Granary District Area Plan - The Planning Commission will consider making a recommendation to the City Council regarding the adoption of the Granary District Area Plan. This plan is intended to identify policies and recommends transportation solutions designed to improve connectivity, comfort, and safety for people walking, biking, rolling, and connecting to existing and future transit in the Granary District. The Plan identifies short and long-term projects for the area to provide the Transportation Division with guidance when seeking funding for transportation improvements in the area. If adopted, the plan will be considered an element of the city's general plan. (Staff Contact: Lara McLellan, Transportation Program and Policy Lead at 801-535-7175 or lara.mclellan@slc.gov) BRIEFINGS 1. Fairpark Zoning Amendments at Approximately 1500 W North Temple - Larry H. Miller Development, represented by Snell & Wilmer, is seeking approval to amend Salt Lake City's zoning ordinance by creating a new zoning district known as the Jordan River Fairpark District (JRF District). This proposed district would rezone approximately 93 acres across 38 parcels, into a single zone to support the area's redevelopment. The JRF District would permit buildings up to 400 feet in height, with Design Review required for structures above 200 feet. The proposal includes no minimum lot size or width, no setbacks, and no open space requirements. Additionally, development within the JRF District would be exempt from adhering to the City's general plans. Development plans have not been submitted. Under a new state law, the City and the applicant have until December 31, 2024, to enter into an agreement providing the applicant with an expedited process for review and approval of land use applications and vesting the applicant in any approved land use for a qualified stadium and related uses. If an agreement is not reached by that date, none of the property in the district will be subject to the City's zoning, riparian, airport, or other land use regulations. The subject property is located within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slc.gov ) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00982 For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.