Salt Lake City Transportation Division Office-349 South Zoo East, Suite 150 - P.O. Box 145502
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5502
This meeting will be accessible both electronically and in person at the anchor location. The anchor location is 349 South
Zoo East,1st floor conference room and the virtual meeting information is below.Members of the public are welcome to
participate in either format. Additional documents may be found at https://data.slc.gov/
WebEx Virtual Meeting Link https://saltlakeciiy.webex.com/saltlakeciWj.php?MTID=mccQee7()8c�4,�ddib4l28gticaO4afr,4c48
Meeting number(access code):2498 329 7896 Meeting Password:7czBP8mwzZ7
Join by Phone: +1-4o8-418-9388 United States Toll Access code:2498 329 7896
Monday, October 7, 2024
4:00 -5:30 P.M.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests 4:00 3 min
Approval of Minutes:August 8 TAB, September 16 Joint Meeting 4:03 2 min
Action by TAB:Approve minutes
Public Comment 4:05 5 min
Report Out—by Members 4:10 15 min
Capital Improvement Program (CIP), io-Year Capital Facilities Plan,
and Prioritization Process (continued from September meeting) 4:25 40 min
New: CIP Funding Summary FY23-25
As circulated previously for September meeting
CAP Committee Recommendations to CDCIP Board
CDCIP and Mayor's recommended CIP—
Discussion: New transformative projects vs. Capital maintenance? Network approach?
Elections —All 5:05 20 min
Please see attached job descriptions and come prepared to nominate someone for Chair and
Vice Chair. Each and everyone of you will make nominations for both seats.
Invitation to WFRC Fall Workshop, in lieu of Nov. 4 TAB meeting 5:25 5 min
Becka Roolf,SLC Transportation
Attachment: Fall Workshop Agenda
Adjourn 5:3 0
Official Accommodation Notice for Salt Lake City Corporation
Salt Lake City Corporation is committed to ensuring that we are accessible to all members of the public. To request ADA reasonable
accommodations,please contact Amy Lyons at 801-535-6630 or amy.lyons@slcgov.com. Please provide 48 hours advanced notice.
ADA accommodations can include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.