10/07/2024 - Meeting Materials Here are the Transportation Division internal applications. Please drag and drop them into the right column in priority order, with
#1 being the highest priority.
Number of responses:19
Rank choice n Score Times Ranked
1. Livable Streets Program$3,000,000 117 19
2. Safer Crossings Citywide$600,000 _ 117 19
3. Neighborhood Byways Program$1,600,000 103 19
4. Urban Trails Program$1,500,000 95 19
5 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit 89 19
6 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 85 19
7 Conceptual Design and Cost Estimates for FY26-FY28 84 19
8 Green Loop$10,000,000(Public Lands submitted with 84 19
Transportation as a partner)
9. Transportation Corridor Transformations$4,600,000 81 19
Lowest Highest
Here are constituent applications that are transportation-related. Please drag and drop them into the right column in priority
order, with #1 being the highest priority.
Number of responses:19
Rank Choice Distribution = Times Ranked
California Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements
1 19
Construction-Concord St/Glendale Dr.$807,000
Guadalupe Neighborhood Streets Improvement
2. $2,517,000 1= 19
3 Marmalade-Fairpark East-West Connector Study -- 126 19
4. 600 South Safety Improvements $530,000 -- 119 19
5. 500 East Raised Crosswalk(400 Block)$115,000 -- 116 19
Route 209-Accessibility,Bus Shelters,Benches,and 94
6' 19 Trash Cans $500,000
Pedestrian Safety/HAWK at Richmond St.and Zenith
7 93 19
Ave. $500,000
8 Pedestrian Safety/HAWK at Richmond St.and Elgin 92 19
Ave. $500,000
9. 700 East Median Tree Planting Project$2,400,000 62 19
10. Westminster Urban Forestry and Traffic Calming 54 19
Measures $477,000
Here is the combined list. Please drag and drop them into the right column in priority order, with #1 being the highest priority.
Number of responses:19
Rank Choice Distribution Score Times Ranked
1. Livable Streets Program $3,000,000 279 19
2. Safer Crossings Citywide $600.000 270 19
3. Neighborhood Byways Program $1,600,000 -- 269 19
4. Urban Trails Program $1,500,000 245 19
5 California Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements _- 230 19
Construction-Concord St/Glendale Dr.$807,000
6 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit 220 19
7 Conceptual Design and Cost Estimates for FY26-FY28 214 19
Projects $600,000
8 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 209 19
9 Green Loop$10,000,000(Public Lands submitted with . 205 19
Transportation as a partner)
10. Transportation Corridor Transformations $4,600,000 202 19
11 Guadalupe Neighborhood Streets Improvement _-- 196 19
COMBINED (continued)
12. 600 South Safety Improvements $530,000 174 19
13. Marmalade-Fairpark East-West Connector Study 174 19
14. 500 East Raised Crosswalk(400 Block)$115,000 161 19
15. Route 209-Accessibility,Bus Shelters, Benches,and 137 19
Trash Cans $500,000
16. Pedestrian Safety/HAWK at Richmond St.and Zenith 135 19
Ave. $500,000
17 Pedestrian Safety/HAWK at Richmond St and Elgin 127 19
Ave. $500,000
18. 700 East Median Tree Planting Project$2,400,000 92 19
19 Westminster Urban Forestry and Traffic Calming 71 19
Measures $477,000
Lowest Highest
Participating in this poll:
• 12 members of TAB (out of 13 current members)
• 7 members of BAC (out of 12 current members)
SLC Transportation Advisory Board
Chair and Vice-Chair—Job Descriptions, Board Responsibilities
Chair of the Committee:
• In collaboration with Transportation Division staff, set the monthly agenda
• Run the meetings following "Bob's rules" (a less formal version of Robert's rules)
• Basic understanding of active transportation — concept, design, and engineering as well as road design
• Ability to set and maintain a relaxed, friendly tone while keeping the committee on task
• Strong understanding of how to manage productive meetings while encouraging ideas to flow freely and
able to enhance the overall understanding of the issues.
• Responsive and responsible — able to follow through on commitments in a timely manner
• Available for most scheduled meetings and any additional hours required to plan for productive meetings
• Ability to remove personal basis/convictions and focus on keeping the committee focused
• Good communicator who meets deadlines
• Most valuable if has knowledge of best practices for pedestrians and cyclists in other
• Able to serve up to two consecutive terms of 2 years but are encouraged to limit leadership service in a
given position to one term
• Election to occur in October
Vice Chair of the Committee:
• Ability to chair meetings when the Chair is absent
• Basic understanding of active transportation — concept, design and engineering
• Ability to remove personal basis/convictions while keeping the committee focused
• Good communicator
• Useful to have a knowledge of other cities and best practices for cycling in other
• Able to serve up to two consecutive terms of 2 years but are encouraged to limit leadership service in a
given position to one term
Committee member's responsibilities:
• Ability and willingness to give substantive input on behalf of the council district or organization you
• Attend, if possible, the community council meeting for your district for a two-way flow of information:
What city is planning and what concerns, problems, needs your district has and wants city to
• If your community council has a transportation committee try to participate in keeping info flowing both
• When items affecting your district arise, familiarize yourself with the issue, location, public position
• Attend open houses and give feedback on issues related to your district. Spread the word to others on
your community council and encourage them to attend.
• Consider submitting and /or encourage others to submit Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) for your
• Carefully read the past minutes before each meeting. Submit changes to the secretary ahead of time
• Adjust your schedule to give priority to attending meetings. After 3 consecutive absences you will be
• Members may serve up to two consecutive terms of 2 years in any leadership position but are
encouraged to limit leadership service in a given position to one term.
Review Role & Specified Term
State responsibilities, qualifications, term.
Submit Ballots
Me 'I ,.(y !r, norminate ...
Sjbmk to ifeolibn facWtabr,
Share Reasons Round
"I'd like in this role because "
Invite Charges - - - - - - -D OV- - - - - -
'I charge my nomination to ------- because------- - Elect for an unlimited term.
Ask for a volunteer.
Open Discussion I nq uire who is interested or who is net.
Use dais step Daly i€necasswy. It ds Vdmal annd seddsors rid. Have dialog d uH ng a Round.
Seek the perfect candidate: recall that each
Consent Round candidate has strengths and weaknesses.
Facilitator proposes the can di date with the
strongest arguments relative to qualification.
> Propose m didaIe based on arguments. dl amerdc rnao ds
Less important than? weight"of reasofls.
> Ask far the candidate's cmsenl kas!.
> To address pars want oqedions, see `Options for MovOg
Forward"kr &e consent decisien ma-king process,
> ff rreoessary, amend proposal and mpeaf conserd round.
r VP IP Program' 11::1n1::11 [
ImprovingOur Parks e Streets Buildings Public
iim EL — Funding
Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility Improvements
24 The project will address the Art Barn's failing infrastructure due to flooding and lifespan $500,000
end,as well as ADA requirements,energy efficiency,and more public services.
Harvey Milk Blvd LGBTQ+and Neighborhood Visibility
6( This funding is for 27 banner arms that will be placed along both sides of the street in $30,000
the heart of the four business districts:from 1000 E to 800 E,400 E to 300 E,and West
Temple to 400 W.The banners will be funded privately.
1.5%for Art $200,000
Funding set aside annually to provide public art at City developed projects.
'M1 Mayor'sOffice
:1 14
Historic Markers
73 This is additional,one-time funding for creating and installing metal historic markers $30,000
around the City to highlight underrepresented communities and equity.
• • •
Prniart M
Transit Capital Program/ Funding Our Future Transit
10 This program,a partnership with UTA,aims to install bus stops,mobility hubs,and $750,000
accessible first/last-mile connections on frequent transit routes.
Safer Crossings Citywide
11 Implement pedestrian-focused crossings such as HAWK Beacons, Rectangular Rapid $352,531
Flashing Beacons, raised crosswalks,curb extensions,and other similar safety
Neighborhood Byways Program
16 Neighborhood byways are designed to create safe and pleasant routes for walking, $970,000
bicycling,and other forms of active transportation while connecting people to
destinations. Most or all of this funding will be used for the Kensington Byway project.
19 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program $900,000
This project will replace two traffic signals in failing condition.
500 East Raised Crosswalk(400 Block)
38 This project will implement a mid-block raised crosswalk on 500 E between 400 S and $115,000
500 S to improve vehicle and pedestrian safety.
California Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvements Construction
41 This project will implement the recommendations of a previously funded study to make $807,000
pedestrian safety improvements at the intersections of California Avenue and Concord
Street/Glendale Drive.
Urban Trails Maintenance
77 The funds will be used for repaving,repairs,trail shoulder surfacing,and snow and $200,000
debris removal on urban paved trails.
Public •
:1 :11 • •
Log# Project Funding
Liberty Park Greenhouse Restoration
3 This project aims to secure and restore the Liberty Park Greenhouse to its historical $124,000
prominence while enhancing its educational, recreational,and environmental value to
the community.
Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction Documents
5 This project includes a detailed structural assessment of the east greenhouse,followed $921,700
by additional assessments,design,and reconstruction of new greenhouse facilities.
Sugar House Park—Two Pavilion Replacements
12 This allocation matches the County's funding to replace two pavilions and associated $960,000
amenities,such as signage,tables, barbecues,landscaping,water,and accessibility
Transitioning to Regionally-Appropriate Landscapes,Adapting
13 Irrigation Systems, and Reducing Water Use $500,000
This project will improve irrigation efficiency in our public lands and replace some turf
areas with low-water, regionally-appropriate plantings.
Citywide Park Restroom Planning Study/Fairmont Restroom
15 Conceptual Design $100,000
This funding is for a study to update planning guidance for city-wide parks restroom
policy and practice and conceptual design for a new restroom if warranted by the study.
Courts& Playgrounds
17 This funding will be used to replace one playground or partially reconstruct or resurface $1,508,090
at least one court and to plan and design a playground at Curtis Park.
Memory Grove Park Repairs+ Preservation & Maintenance Plan
20 This funding would cover urgent capital repairs at Memory Grove Park and the $1,910,000
development of a Preservation&Maintenance Plan for the Park and Freedom Trail.
Amplifying Our Jordan River Revitalization: Leveraging Bond
This funding doubles the impact of GO Bond funding planned for the area and will be
22 $1,500,000
used to enhance safety,activation,and recreation amenities in the Jordan River corridor
and its public land spaces. Improvements to the Fife Wetlands and the International
Peace Gardens including security fencing are the top priority areas.
Jordan River Trail Food Forest+ Og Woi Partner Garden
29 The funding will cover soil testing at the sites of the new Wasatch Community Gardens $20,000
food forest farm and Og Woi People's Orchard and Garden.
Green Loop Implementation
33 The Green Loop project aims to improve the quality of life for people living,working, $3,140,000
and traveling downtown by adapting the existing street space to include more trees,
shade,and comfortable options for various transportation choices.
Riverside Park Pathway Loop
44 This project will create a looping recreational pathway through Riverside Park that $530,000
accommodates multiple user types and utilizes the Jordan River Parkway Trail.
Fairmont Park Basketball Court
47 A basketball court will be added to Fairmont Park to accommodate more visitors and $754,000
replace the old,inadequate court. Details will be decided upon with public input and
coordinated with other park projects.
Street Futsal Courts 1:1 Match
51 This allocation is a 50%match for private funding from"Free the Game"and will be used $350,000
to add or convert underutilized concrete courts at several parks in Salt Lake City into
"futsal"or street soccer courts.
Playground Shade
56 This project will install shade cloths over up to five playgrounds, increasing the use of all $500,000
play equipment for the full day in the summer and helping prevent skin cancer.
Pocket Park Community Space-Jake Garn Way
64 This project aims to transform an underused city-owned space into a pocket park, $330,000
preserving existing trees and vegetation.The park could feature a play area,seating,
waste bins,and signage.
Equal Grounds Project(Calisthenics-Fitness Area)
67 This funding will be used to construct a calisthenics/fitness area at Liberty Park, pending $86,200
approval from the Historic Landmark Commission.
5th West Commons Conversation Center(s)
70 This project will install tables and seating on 500 West between 50 North and 500 South $50,000
to promote face-to-face meetings,conversations,and community.
Engineering Division
801-535-7961 1 Engineering1nfoQSLC.gov
Log# Project Funding
2 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction $4,000,000
This project will reconstruct the 400 South vehicle bridge over the Jordan River.
Complete Streets Reconstruction
4 This annual program funds the vital reconstruction of deteriorated City streets, $4,500,000
including street pavement,curb and gutter,sidewalk,drainage improvements,and
appropriate Complete Streets bicycle and pedestrian access improvements.
Complete Streets Overlay
6 This annual program funds the resurfacing of City streets with a 3"or greater depth $3,500,000
asphalt mill,curb and gutter replacement,select sidewalk replacement,drainage
improvements,and Complete Streets enhancements for bicycle and pedestrian access.
Public Way Concrete
7 This annual program addresses deteriorated or defective concrete sidewalks, $500,000
accessibility ramps,curbs and gutters, retaining walls,etc.in the public way through
saw-cutting,slab jacking,or removal and replacement.
700 South (Phase 7,4600 West to 5000 West)Additional Funding
18 This funding will be used to complete the last half mile of 700 South's 4.6-mile $4,500,000
reconfiguration from a 25-foot-wide deteriorated asphalt road to a 50-foot-wide
concrete street with bicycle lanes,curb and gutter,sidewalk,and storm drainage.
Fayette Avenue Improvements between Washington Street&200 W
48 This funding will cover the design of much-needed infrastructure improvements along $560,000
Fayette Avenue.
Alleyway Improvements and Mitigation
52 This annual program funds the reconstruction or rehabilitation of deteriorated City $500,000
alleyways,including pavement and drainage improvements.
Concrete Replacement
74 This one-time project addresses deteriorated or defective concrete sidewalks in the $750,000
public way through saw-cutting,slab jacking,or removal and replacement.
L� Finance
:1 • • • •
77 CIP Cost Overrun Account $223,171
Funding set aside annually to cover unforeseen costs of CIP projects.
•1 ••
. • # Project Funding
Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration
1 Address urgent repairs at the fire training tower to ensure its structural integrity and the $858,800
safety of those using it for training.
I Facilities
:1 • 1 Pub1icServiceslnfo@SLC.go
# Project
Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan
8 The project aims to strategically address the backlog of deferred assets,ensuring $2,756,500
efficient resource allocation and long-term facility improvement.
Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements- Phase 1
9 Plaza 349 is critical to the City's operations as it hosts several departments.This funding $2,200,000
covers life safety,security, HVAC design,and critical HVAC asset upgrades.
HVAC Control Replacement at the Public Safety Building
14 This project will upgrade the Public Safety Building HVAC control system to enhance $1,300,000
operational reliability,security,and resilience.
0 Real Estate Services
801-535-7932 1 Real EstatePSLC.go
Vacant and Leased City-owned Property Maintenance
76 This funding will prepare the Fleet Block property for redevelopment and mitigate $500,000
mounting security and safety issues.
Projects Not • - •
:1 • Qen_I.LuedtkePSLC.gov Ail
Pr# Project
21 Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements
23 Livable Streets Traffic Calming Program
Note:The Council approved$2 million for this program from a different fund as part of the FY25 budget.
25 Jordan River Trail Safer Crossing Improvements
26 Police Department Training Center
27 Pedestrian Safety/ HAWK at Richmond St. and Zenith Ave.
28 Transportation Corridor Transformations Program
30 Urban Trails Program
31 Route 209 -Accessibility, Bus Shelters, Benches, and Trash Cans
32 Fairmont Park East Enhancement
34 Main Street Alley Improvements- No-Tell Motel to Utah Pride
35 Faultline Park Playground
36 Guadalupe Neighborhood Streets Improvement
37 Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2
39 Public Safety Building EV Charging Phase 1 and 2
40 Poplar Grove Park Lighting
42 600 South Safety Improvements
43 Victory Park Tennis Courts
45 Curtis Park Reimagined
46 Marmalade-Fairpark East-West Connector Study
49 "Elevating Access":The Regional Athletic Complex's Blueprint for the Future
50 Public Safety Building(Police Occupancy) Remodels
53 International Peace Gardens
54 1200 E Curb/Gutter/Sidewalk and Repave Street
55 700 East Median Tree Planting Project
57 First Encampment Park
58 Alley Improvement A798
59 Westminster Urban Forestry and Traffic Calming Measures
61 200 E 1910 S Public Art
62 Alleyways between Sherman/Harrison and Harrison/Browning
63 Jackson Park Art
65 800 East Parks and Pathways
66 Fairpark Placemaking Signage
68 Liberty Wells Community Garden
69 Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot
71 Sugar House Map and Historic Recognition Project
72 East Bench H Rock Preserve
78 City Hall Physical Security Improvements Holding Account Release
For a map of the projects, funding source details, and more,
please visit tinyURL.com/SLCFY25CIP.
Applicants can resubmit the request if their project is not funded or
receives partial funding. If you have questions regarding applications,
please email ClPlnfo@SLCGov.com.
Note: City email addresses currently use the @slcgov.com email domain
but will change to @slc.gov in mid-September.
I have a project idea!
How do I let the City know?
-+To submit a constituent project request, please fill
out the application at: tinyURL.com/SLCCIPInfo
Salt Lake City welcomes and values your input for potential capital
improvement projects throughout the City. Constituent project applications
open from September 1 through September 30 and will be available on the
Finance Department's website. After a request is submitted, the assigned
division will review the proposed project, refine the scope and options with
the constituent, and provide cost estimates.
The Community Development and Capital Improvement Program resident
advisory board (CDCIP) reviews all projects in public meetings and makes
funding recommendations to the Mayor and City Council. If a request doesn't
align with current City priorities, they will not recommend funding for your
request. Please keep in mind that the City runs on a July-June Fiscal Year and
that the CIP process takes at least one year to complete.
The constituent project request must:
❑ cost at least $50,000 (estimates are done by the Engineering Division)
❑ have a useful life of 5 or more years
❑ be a Salt Lake City-owned asset
❑ include community outreach or alternative public engagement
Questions on Council funding?Contact Ben Luedtke, City Council Staff,
at Benjamin.Luedtke@SLC.gov or 801-535-7622
To: Community Development and Capital Improvement Program(CDCIP) Advisory Board
From: Capital Asset Planning(CAP) Committee
Date: March 7, 2024
Re: CAP Committee Recommendations to CDCIP Board
The Capital Asset Planning Committee(CAP Committee) was established in 2023to evaluate Salt Lake
City department Capital Improvement Program (CIP) proposals and make recommendations to the
Community Development and Capital Improvement Program(CDCIP)Advisory Board.The goal of the
Committee is to reduce the amount of time it takes the Board to review internal applications.
Aligning with the Mayor's goal of One City, CAP Committee members represent major departments
and divisions in Salt Lake City government.The CAP Committee met regularly over the course of
several months to set a scoring criteria matrix and then applied these criteria while reviewing and
scoring applications. The CAP Committee reviewed, scored, and ranked a total of 32 internal
applications.The scoring matrix, criteria definitions, and detailed scoring summary are provided in
the appendices.
The CAP Committee is tasked with reviewing and ranking internal Salt Lake City department/division
CIP applications and then sending recommendations to the CDCIP Board, with the goal of reducing
the amount of time it takes the CDCIP Board to review internal applications. The CDCIP Board is
responsible for reviewing, scoring, and ranking constituent and internal applications, and sending
recommendations to the Salt Lake City Council and Mayor.
The scoring criteria, definitions and weighted scores were builtfrom a framework of Resolution 29 of
2017 (see Appendix A) and Mayor's Goals.The CAP Committee intentionally developed the scoring
criteria to be neutral and quantitative, removing as much bias as possible from the scoring process.
Definitions for each of the scoring criteria can be found in the appendices. Salt Lake City's Capital
Improvement Program is a multi-year planning program of capital expenditures needed to replace or
expand the City's public infrastructure. Capital improvements involve design, community
engagement, construction, purchase or renovation of buildings, parks, streets, or other physical
structures. Capital assets are important to Salt Lake City and its management approach centers on
having a unified city approach that focuses on sustainability, equity, and meeting the growing needs
and demands on our public asset systems. City Council appropriation of CIP funding for a particular
project does not guarantee that the City will ultimately implement and complete that project.The
City reserves the right to withdraw or reappropriate funding forany project atthe City's sole
discretion.The City has withdrawn or reappropriated funding
from projects in the past, and it is anticipated that circumstances requiring the withdrawal or
reappropriation of funding for projects will arise in the future. In addition, capital projects that aren't
in capital plans/master plan can't be funded.
Upon completing the scoring process for FY25's internal CIP applications,the CAP Committee will
begin developing a 10-year CAP Plan that will be guided by Salt Lake City master plans, as well as
division and department capital plans.
CAP Committee
The CAP Committee began meeting in fa112023 to setthe scoring criteria and weights.Earlierthis year
SLC departments presented their CIP applications to the committee, committee members scored the
applications, and met to discuss the application scores.
The CAP Committee is comprised of directors, deputy directors,and other leaders from the following
Salt Lake City departments or divisions: Finance, Engineering,Transportation, Public Services,
Community&Neighborhoods, Public Lands, Police, Fire, Equity&Inclusion, Community Outreach,
Information Management Services, Public Utilities, Mayor's Office, Redevelopment Agency(RDA),
Economic Development, and Sustainability.
Committee Discussions
The Committee met multiple timesto discuss internal applications and the scores they assigned.They
discussed critical assets and critical failure at great length and found agreeing on scores for these two
criteria to be challenging.There was strong consensus that Critical Failure Category 1 should be
prioritized over all other requests. Further discussions revealed challenges with distinguishing
maintenance requests versus assets, the difference between projects and programs in several
applications,restrictions surroundingthe spending of Impact Fee funds,and scoring overall within the
limited criteria. The CAP Committee will work through and resolve these challenges prior to the
development of the 10-year CAP Plan and next year's scoring.
The CAP Committee used the following criteria to score internal applications:
• Existing Asset
• Critical Failure Category 1, 2, or 3
• Legal/Contractual Obligation Category 1 or 2(determined by Attorney's Office)
• Risk:Life,Health&Safety
• Includes Outside Funding
• Project Phase
• Promotes Equity,Resiliency, Sustainability
• Reduce Cost/Increase Investment
• One City Approach
• Workforce Support
Seethe Appendices for the CAP Scoring Criteria and CAP Scoring Criteria Definitions.
The CAP Committee's scores are ranked by average score,in the order of highest to lowest.The scores
have been placed in the following groups: Renewal and Replacement, Program, New Public Asset
(Increase Level of Service), and New Asset that Supports City Operations.
Funding Requests
The funding amount being requested for internal applications is $72,593,600 and the funding
request for constituent applications is $17,796,496 for a total of $90,309,096. The total available
funding for FY25 is $39,300,000, of which an estimated $18,000,000 is Parks Impact Fees and is
restricted to eligible Parks projects.
CAP Committee Funding Recommendation
The CAP Committee has provided a ranked list of projects, and various other ways of looking at the
internal projects to aid the CDCIP Board in making their recommendation. Partial funding information
and guidance has been provided on each project by the internal applicant(s). Programs are intended
to receive funding year after year to elevate and maintain the City's assets at a reasonable and safe
level. Also provided are the desired/needed funding and the historical funding for each of these
Rank Project Title Score
1 Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration 72.82
2 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction 71.44
3 Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 66.44
4 Public Way Concrete 2025 62.41
5 Complete Streets Overlay 2025 61.74
6 HVAC Control Replacement at PSB 60.76
7 Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements- Phase 1 59.71
8 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 57.76
9 Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction Documents 57.76
10 700 South (Phase 7,4600 West to 5000 West) Additional Funding 57.06
11 Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan 55.53
12 Safer Crossings Citywide 53.97
13 Sugar House Park-Two Pavilion Replacements for the Cost of One 52.47
14 Transitioning to Regionally-Appropriate Landscapes, Adapting Irrigation 51.91
Systems, and Reducing Water Use
15 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit 51.38
16 Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility Improvement Request 50.94
17 Neighborhood Byways Program 49.65
18 Amplifying OurJordan River Revitalization: Doubling Bond Investment 49.65
19 Courts & Playgrounds 48.62
20 Police Department Training Center 48.18
21 Livable Streets Program 48.12
22 Memory Grove Park Urgent Repairs+ Preservation &Maintenance Plan 46.85
23 Transportation Corridor Transformations Program 46.44
24 Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements 46.21
25 PSB EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 43.50
26 Urban Trails Program 42.18
27 Green Loop Implementation 41.88
28 Alleyway Improvements 2025 41.29
29 Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 40.62
30 "Elevating Access":The Regional Athletic Complex's Blueprint for the Future 38.74
31 SLCPSB(Police Occupancy) Remodels 37.41
32 Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot at PSB 26.85
A. Resolution 29 of 2017
B. CAP Scoring Criteria Definitions
C. CAP Scoring Criteria
D. Ranked list of Internal Applications
E. Ranked List by Department/Division
F. Ranked List by Group
G. Program Amounts—easti m at@d a^^'1al Reed, minimum required and historical annual amounts
H. Partial Funding Details
Appendix A: Resolution 29 of 2017
R 17-1
R 17-13
(Salt Lake City Council capital and debt management policies.)
WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City Council ("City Council" or"Council") demonstrated its
commitment to improving the City's Capital Improvement Program in order to better address the
deferred and long-term infrastructure needs of Salt Lake City; and
WHEREAS, the analysis of Salt Lake City's General Fund Capital Improvement
Program presented by Citygate Associates in February 1999, recommended that the Council
review and update the capital policies of Salt Lake Corporation ("City") in order to provide
direction to the capital programming and budgeting process and adopt and implement a formal
comprehensive debt policy and management plan; and
WHEREAS, the City's Capital Improvement Program and budgeting practices have
evolved since 1999 and the City Council wishes to update the capital and debt management
policies by updating and restating such policies in their entirety to better reflect current
practices; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to improve transparency of funding opportunities
across funding sources including General Fund dollars, impact fees, Class C(gas tax)funds,
Redevelopment Agency funds, Public Utilities funds, repurposing old Capital Improvement
Program funds and other similar funding sources.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Salt Lake City,
That the City Council has determined that the following capital and debt management
policies shall guide the Council as they continue to address the deferred and long-term
infrastructure needs within Salt Lake City:
Capital Policies
1. Capital Project Definition—The Council intends to define a capital project as follows:
"Capital improvements involve the construction, purchase or renovation of
buildings, parks, streets or other physical structures. A capital improvement must
have a useful life of five or more years. A capital improvement is not a recurring
capital outlay item (such as a motor vehicle or a fire engine) or a maintenance
expense (such as fixing a leaking roof or painting park benches). In order to be
considered a capital project, a capital improvement must also have a cost of
$50,000 or more unless such capital improvement's significant functionality can
be demonstrated to warrant its inclusion as a capital project (such as software).
Acquisition of equipment is not considered part of a capital project unless such
acquisition of equipment is an integral part of the cost of the capital project."
2. Annual Capital Budget Based on 10-Year Capital Facilities Plan—The Council requests that
the Mayor's Recommended Annual Capital Budget be developed based upon the 10-Year
Capital Facilities Plan and be submitted each fiscal year to the City Council for consideration
as part of the Mayor's Recommended Budget no later than the first Tuesday of May.
3. Multiyear Financial Forecasts—The Council requests that the Administration:
a. Prepare multi-year revenue and expenditure forecasts that correspond to the capital
program period;
b. Prepare an analysis of the City's financial condition, debt service levels within the capital
improvement budget, and capacity to finance future capital projects; and
c. Present this information to the Council in conjunction with the presentation of each one-
year capital budget.
4. Annual General Fund Transfer to CIP Funding Goal —Allocation of General Fund revenues
for capital improvements on an annual basis will be determined as a percentage of General
Fund revenue. The Council has a goal that no less than nine percent (9%) of ongoing General
Fund revenues be invested annually in the Capital Improvement Fund.
5. Maintenance Standard - The Council intends that the City will maintain its physical assets at
a level adequate to protect the City's capital investment and to minimize future maintenance
and replacement costs.
6. Capital Project Prioritization - The Council intends to give priority consideration to projects
a. Preserve and protect the health and safety of the community;
b. Are mandated by the state and/or federal government; and
c. Provide for the renovation of existing facilities resulting in a preservation of the
community's prior investment, in decreased operating costs or other significant cost
savings, or in improvements to the environmental quality of the City and its
7. External Partnerships - All other considerations being equal, the Council intends to give fair
consideration to projects where there is an opportunity to coordinate with other agencies,
establish a public/private partnership, or secure grant funding.
8. Aligning Project Cost Estimates and Funding - The Council intends to follow a guideline of
approving construction funding for a capital project in the fiscal year immediately following
the project's design wherever possible. Project costs become less accurate as more time
passes. The City can avoid expenses for re-estimating project costs by funding capital
projects in a timely manner.
9. Advisory Board Funding Recommendations - The Council intends that all capital projects be
evaluated and prioritized by the Community Development and Capital Improvement
Program Advisory Board. The resulting recommendations shall be provided to the Mayor,
and shall be included along with the Mayor's funding recommendations in conjunction with
the Annual Capital budget transmittal, as noted in Paragraph two above.
10. Prioritize Funding Projects in the 10-Year Plan - The Council does not intend to fund any
project that has not been included in the 10-Year Capital Facilities Plan for at least one (1)
year prior to proposed funding, unless extenuating circumstances are adequately identified.
11. Cost Overrun Process - The Council requests that any change order to any capital
improvement project follow the criteria established in Resolution No. 65 of 2004 which
reads as follows:
a. "The project is under construction and all other funding options and/or methods
have been considered and it has been determined that additional funding is still
b. Cost overrun funding will be approved based on the following formula:
i. 20% or below of the budget adopted by the City Council for project
budgets of$ioo,000 or less;
ii. 15% or below of the budget adopted by the City Council for project
budgets between $1oo,00l and $250,000;
iii. io% or below of the budget adopted by the City Council for project
budgets over $250,000 with a maximum overrun cost of$1oo,000.
c. The funds are not used to pay additional City Engineering fees.
d. The Administration will submit a written notice to the City Council detailing the
additional funding awarded to projects at the time of administrative approval.
e. If a project does not meet the above mentioned criteria the request for additional
funding will be submitted as part of the next scheduled budget opening.
However, if due to timing constraints the cost overrun cannot be reasonably
considered as part of a regularly scheduled budget opening, the Administration
will prepare the necessary paperwork for review by the City Council at its next
regularly scheduled meeting."
12. Recapture Funds from Completed Capital Projects - The Council requests that the
Administration include in the first budget amendment each year those Capital Improvement
Program Fund accounts where the project has been completed and a project balance remains.
It is the Council's intent that all account balances from closed projects be recaptured and
placed in the CIP Cost Overrun Contingency Account for the remainder of the fiscal year, at
which point any remaining amounts will be transferred to augment the following fiscal year's
General Fund ongoing allocation.
13. Recapture Funds from Unfinished Capital Projects — Except for situations in which
significant progress is reported to the Council, it is the Council's intent that all account
balances from unfinished projects older than three years be moved out of the specific project
account to the CIP Fund Balance. Notwithstanding the foregoing, account balances for bond
financed projects and outside restricted funds (which could include grants, SAA or other
restricted funds) shall not be moved out of the specific project account.
14. Surplus Land Fund within CIP Fund Balance — Revenues received from the sale of real
property will go to the unappropriated balance of the Capital Projects Fund and the revenue
will be reserved to purchase real property unless extenuating circumstances warrant a
different use. It is important to note that collateralized land cannot be sold.
15. Transparency of Ongoing Costs Created by Capital Projects —Any long-term fiscal impact to
the General Fund from a capital project creating ongoing expenses such as maintenance,
changes in electricity/utility usage, or additional personnel will be included in the CIP
funding log and project funding request. Similarly, capital projects that decrease ongoing
expenses will detail potential savings in the CIP funding log.
16. Balance Budget without Defunding or Delaying Capital Projects —Whenever possible,
capital improvement projects should neither be delayed nor eliminated to balance the
General Fund budget.
17. Identify Sources when Repurposing Old Capital Project Funds —Whenever the
Administration proposes repurposing funds from completed capital projects the source(s)
should be identified including the project name,balance of remaining funds, whether the
project scope was reduced, and whether funding needs related to the original project exist.
18. Identify Capital Project Details — For each capital project, the capital improvement projects
funding log should identify:
a. The Community Development and Capital Improvement Program Advisory Board's
funding recommendations,
b. The Administration's funding recommendations,
c. The project name and a brief summary of the project,
d. Percentage of impact fee eligibility and type,
e. The project life expectancy,
f. Whether the project is located in an RDA project area,
g. Total project cost and an indication as to whether a project is one phase of a larger
h. Subtotals where the project contains multiple scope elements that could be funded
i. Any savings derived from funding multiple projects together,
j. Timing for when a project will come on-line,
k. Whether the project implements a master plan,
1. Whether the project significantly advances the City's renewable energy or
sustainability goals,
in. Ongoing annual operating impact to the General Fund,
n. Any community support for the project -such as community councils or petitions,
o. Communities served,
p. Legal requirements/mandates,
q. Whether public health and safety is affected,
r. Whether the project is included in the io-Year Capital Facilities Plan,
s. Whether the project leverages external funding sources, and
t. Any partner organizations.
Debt Management Policies
1. Prioritize Debt Service for Projects in the 10-Year Capital Facilities Plan - The Council
intends to utilize long-term borrowing only for capital improvement projects that are
included in the City's 10-Year Capital Facilities Plan or in order to take advantage of
opportunities to restructure or refund current debt. Short-term borrowing might be utilized in
anticipation of future tax collections to finance working capital needs.
2. Evaluate Existing Debt before Issuing a New Debt - The Council requests that the
Administration provide an analysis of the City's debt capacity, and how each proposal meets
the Council's debt policies, prior to proposing any projects for debt financing. This analysis
should include the effect of the bond issue on the City's debt ratios, the City's ability to
finance future projects of equal or higher priority, and the City's bond ratings.
3. Identify Repayment Source when Proposing New Debt - The Council requests that the
Administration identify the source of funds to cover the anticipated debt service requirement
whenever the Administration recommends borrowing additional funds.
4. Monitoring Debt Impact to the General Fund - The Council requests that the Administration
analyze the impact of debt-financed capital projects on the City's operating budget and
coordinate this analysis with the budget development process.
5. Disclosure of Bond Feasibility and Challenges - The Council requests that the
Administration provide a statement from the City's financial advisor that each proposed bond
issue appears feasible for bond financing as proposed. Such statement from the City's
financial advisor should also include an indication of requirements or circumstances that the
Council should be aware of when considering the proposed bond issue (such as any net
negative fiscal impacts on the City's operating budget, debt capacity limits, or rating
6. Avoid Use of Financial Derivative Instruments - The Council intends to avoid using interest
rate derivatives or other financial derivatives when considering debt issuance.
7. Maintain Reasonable Debt Ratios - The Council does not intend to issue debt that would
cause the City's debt ratio benchmarks to exceed moderate ranges as indicated by the
municipal bond rating industry.
8. Maintain High Level Bond Ratings —The Council intends to maintain the highest credit
rating feasible and to adhere to fiscally responsible practices when issuing debt.
9. Consistent Annual Debt Payments Preferred—The Council requests that the Administration
structure debt service payments in level amounts over the useful life of the financed
project(s) unless anticipated revenues dictate otherwise or the useful life of the financed
project(s) suggests a different maturity schedule.
io. Sustainable Debt Burden —The Council intends to combine pay-as-you-go strategy with
long-term financing to keep the debt burden sufficiently low to merit continued AAA general
obligation bond ratings and to provide sufficient available debt capacity in case of
ii. Lowest Cost Options —The City will seek the least costly financing available when evaluating
debt financing options.
12. Avoid Creating Structural Deficits —The City will minimize the use of one-time revenue to
fund programs/projects that require ongoing costs including debt repayments.
13. Aligning Debt and Project Timelines — Capital improvement projects financed through the
issuance of bonded debt will have a debt service that is not longer than the useful life of the
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 3rd day of
October , 2017.
v By:
By. Salt Lake City
City Recorder App7qed As To Form
Appendix B:CAP Scoring Criteria Definitions
Critical Asset Failure: When reviewing this criterion, particular focus should be paid to whether the
request will prevent a failure of a critical asset.These applications will be marked non-discretionary to
highlight importance.
Legal/Contractual Obligations: When reviewing this criterium, considerations include coming into
compliance with ordinances and executive orders,various contractual agreements, or state and federal
mandates. Consideration of whether the issues penalize the City or puts the City in jeopardy. The
urgency of needing to meet these obligations and consequences of not meeting them will be
Risk: Life,Health,and Safety:When reviewing this criterium, particular focus should be paid to whether
the request will correct various types of code violations, increase safety/reduce crime, or safety
improvements toward eliminating fatalities and severe injuries related to mobility.
Includes Outside Funding:This criterium assesses whether there is external funding support for a
particular initiative, including federal and state grants, coordination with other agencies, public/private
partnerships, or donations. When analyzing outside funding, it should be noted how much of the
fundingwill still need to be provided by the City in addition to any outside support. (Enterprise funding
through the RDA and Public Utilities fundingwill be considered part of External Funding. Non-enterprise
external funding will be weighted higher than internal enterprise funding.)
Project Phase:This is in accordance with Resolution Number 29 of 2017 which states, "The Council
intends to follow a guideline of approving construction funding for a capital project in the fiscal year
immediately following the project's design wherever possible. Project costs become less accurate as
more time passes.The City can avoid expenses for re-estimating project costs by funding capital projects
in a timely manner."
Promote Equity:Consideration should be given to areas of the city in order to improve the infrastructure
of the city as a whole rather than improving some areas and allowing others to deteriorate. A map
showing the condition of the infrastructure of the city and existing tools could help in performing this
Reduce Cost/Increase Investment:The main considerations for efficient investment are whether a
project reduces maintenance expenditures or will be leveraged with another CIP project,thereby
eliminating duplication of work or creating economies of scale. Funding projections should be as
accurate as possible and vetted through the Department of Finance.
Resiliency:This criterium involves analyzing whether a project supports resiliency efforts to better
enable the Cityto prepare for,prevent,orrespond to events that have the potentialto disrupt the City's
operations or the delivery of services.
Sustainability:This criterium involves assessing whether the projectsupports water conservation, green
infrastructure, materials resource reduction or a reduction in carbon emissions, fossil fuel use, and/or
criteria pollutants.
One City Approach: Does the project involve coordination across City Divisions and align with Mayor's
Workforce Support:This criterium focuses on whether a project supports the physical, mental, or
economic well-being of City employees, in keeping with the Mayor's goal of supporting"Our City
Community Application:While the financial limitations of any municipality inhibit the ability to act on
every request-the concerns and desires of our residents are vital to understanding how bestto allocate
our limited resources, therefore, projects that are closely aligned with community requests should be
given proper consideration. (Yes/No)
Appendix CAP Scoring Criteria
Decision Tree with Weighted Scores
Y N Score Reference Question FY25 App
Step 1 Existing Asset Y/N Step 3 C Question#10
Step 2 Critical Failure Category 1 Step 3 q Question#12
Legal/Contractual Obligation Category 1 Step 3 C Question#21
Step 3 Scoring Criteria Scoring Scale (0-5) Weight Score
Critical Failure Category 2 or 3 2 C Question#12
Legal/Contractual Obligation Category 2 1 C Question#21
Risk: Life, Health&Safety 2 C Question#21
Includes Outside Funding 1 C Question#17
Project Phase(further along scores higher) 1 C Question#11
Promote Equity 1.5 C Question #18, 19,20
Resiliency 1.5 C Question#2
Sustainability 1 C Question#22
Reduce Cost/Increase Investment 1.5 C Question#16,21
10 One City Approach 11 q Question#16
11 Workforce Support 11 1Question#2
Weighted Score:
• Step 1 Existing Asset is worth 7.5 points.
• Step 2 Critical Failure Category 1 is worth 20 points.
• Step 2 Legal/Contractual Obligation Category 1 is worth 15 points.
• For Step 3, CAP Committee members gave a score ranging from 0-5 forthe eleven criteria lines. Those scores are then multiplied by the weight
assigned to the category in the next column to arrive at the score.
Appendix D: Ranked List of Internal Applications
Rank Project Title Average Requested$ Department Group
1 Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration 72.82 $858,800 Fire Renewal and Replacement
2 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction 71.44 $4,000,000 Engineering Renewal and Replacement
3 Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 66.44 $4,500,000 Engineering Program
4 Public Way Concrete 2025 62.41 $750,000 Engineering Program
5 Complete Streets Overlay 2025 61.74 $3,500,000 Engineering Program
6 HVAC Control Replacement at PSB 60.76 $1,300,000 Facilities Renewal and Replacement
7 Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements- Phase I 59.71 $2,200,000 Facilities Renewal and Replacement
8 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 57.76 $2,700,000 Transportation Program
Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction
9 57.76 $921,700 Public Lands Renewal and Replacement
700 South (Phase 7, 4600 West to 5000 West)Additional
10 57.06 $4,500,000 Engineering Renewal and Replacement
11 Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan 55.53 $2,756,500 Facilities Program
12 Safer Crossings Citywide 53.97 $600,000 Transportation Program
Sugar House Park—Two Pavilion Replacements for the
13 52.47 $960,000 Public Lands Renewal and Replacement
Cost of One
Transitioning to Regionally—Appropriate Landscapes,
14 51.91 $3,250,000 Public Lands Program
Adapting Irrigation Systems, and Reducing Water Use
15 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit 51.38 $1,500,000 Transportation Program
Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility
16 50.94 $500,000 Arts Council Renewal and Replacement
Improvement Request
17 Neighborhood Byways Program 49.65 $1,600,000 Transportation Program
18 Amplifying Our Jordan River Revitalization: Doubling Bond 49.62 $1,500,000 Public Lands New Public Asset
Investment (Increase LOS)
19 Courts&Playgrounds 48.62 $3,100,000 Public Lands Program
20 Police Department Training Center 48.18 $250,000 Police New Asset that Supports CityOperations
21 Livable Streets Program 48.12 $3,000,000 Transportation Program
Memory Grove Park Urgent Repairs+ Preservation &
22 46.85 $1,910,000 Public Lands Renewal and Replacement
Maintenance Plan
23 Transportation Corridor Transformations Program 46.44 $4,600,000 Transportation New Asset that Supports City
24 Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements 46.21 $1,410,300 Fire New Asset that Supports City
25 PSB EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 43.50 $874,400 Facilities New Asset that Supports City
26 Urban Trails Program 42.18 $1,500,000 Transportation Program
27 Green Loop Implementation 41.88 $10,000,000 Public Lands
New Public Asset
(Increase LOS)
28 Alleyway Improvements 2025 41.29 $500,000 Engineering Program
29 Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 40.62 $601,900 Facilities New Asset that Supports City
"Elevating Access":The Regional Athletic Complex's New Public Asset
30 Blueprint for the Future 38.74 $6,250,000 Public Lands (Increase LOS)
31 SLCPSB(Police Occupancy) Remodels 37.41 $650,000 Police Renewal and Replacement
32 Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot at PSB 26.85 $50,000 Police New Asset that Supports City
Appendix E: Ranked List of Internal Applications by Department/Division
Department Rank Project Title Average Requested$ Group
Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility Improvement
Arts Council 16 50.94 $500,000 Renewal and Replacement
2 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction 71.44 $4,000,000 Renewal and Replacement
3 Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 66.44 $4,500,000 Program
4 Public Way Concrete 2025 62.41 $750,000 Program
5 Complete Streets Overlay 2025 61.74 $3,500,000 Program
10 700 South (Phase 7, 4600 West to 5000 West)Additional Funding 57.06 $4,500,000 Renewal and Replacement
28 Alleyway Improvements 2025 41.29 $500,000 Program
6 HVAC Control Replacement at PSB 60.76 $1,300,000 Renewal and Replacement
7 Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements- Phase 1 59.71 $2,200,000 Renewal and Replacement
Facilities 11 Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan 55.53 $2,756,500 Program
25 PSB EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 43.50 $874,400 New Asset that Supports City
29 Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 40.62 $601,900 New Asset that Supports City
1 Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration 72.82 $858,800 Renewal and Replacement
24 Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements 46.21 $1,410,300
New Asset that Supports City
Police 20 Police Department Training Center 48.18 $250,000 New Asset that Supports City
31 SLCPSB(Police Occupancy) Remodels 37.41 $650,000 Renewal and Replacement
32 Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot at PSB 26.85 $50,000 New Asset that Supports City
9 Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction Documents 57.76 $921,700 Renewal and Replacement
13 Sugar House Park—Two Pavilion Replacements for the Cost of One 52.47 $960,000 Renewal and Replacement
Transitioning to Regionally—Appropriate Landscapes, Adapting
14 51.91 $3,250,000 Program
Irrigation Systems, and Reducing Water Use
Amplifying Our Jordan River Revitalization: Doubling Bond New Public Asset
18 Investment 49.62 $1,500,000 (Increase LOS)
Public Lands
19 Courts&Playgrounds 48.62 $3,100,000 Program
Memory Grove Park Urgent Repairs+ Preservation & Maintenance
22 46.85 $1,910,000 Renewal and Replacement
27 Green Loop Implementation 41.88 $10,000,000 New Public Asset
(Increase LOS)
"Elevating Access":The Regional Athletic Complex's Blueprint forthe 38.74 $6 New Public Asset
30 Future ,250,000 (Increase LOS)
8 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 57.76 $2,700,000 Program
12 Safer Crossings Citywide 53.97 $600,000 Program
15 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit 51.38 $1,500,000 Program
Transportation 17 Neighborhood Byways Program 49.65 $1,600,000 Program
21 Livable Streets Program 48.12 $3,000,000 Program
AI.,... Acco+that Ciippnr*c fi*v
23 Transportation Corridor Transformations Program 46.44 $4,600,000 n, 1&New Public Asse (Increasel-OS)
26 Urban Trails Program 42.18 $1,500,000 Program
Appendix F: Ranked List of Internal Applications by Group
Group Rank Project Title Average Requested$ Department
20 Police Department Training Center 48.18 $250,000 Police
24 Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements 46.21 $1,410,300 Fire
New Asset that
Supports City 25 PSB EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 43.50 $874,400 Facilities
29 Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 40.62 $601,900 Facilities
32 Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot at PSB 26.85 $50,000 Police
18 Amplifying OurJordan River Revitalization: Doubling Bond Investment 49.62 $1,500,000 Public Lands
New Public
Asset(Increase 23 Transportation Corridor Transformations Program 46.44 $4,600,000 Transportation
27 Green Loop Implementation 41.88 $10,000,000 Public Lands
30 "Elevating Access":The Regional Athletic Complex's Blueprint for the Future 38.74 $6,250,000 Public Lands
3 Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 66.44 $4,500,000 Engineering
4 Public Way Concrete 2025 62.41 $750,000 Engineering
5 Complete Streets Overlay 2025 61.74 $3,500,000 Engineering
Program 8 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program 57.76 $2,700,000 Transportation
11 Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan 55.53 $2,756,500 Facilities
12 Safer Crossings Citywide 53.97 $600,000 Transportation
Transitioning to Regionally—Appropriate Landscapes, Adapting Irrigation Systems,
14 51.91 $3,250,000 Public Lands
and Reducing Water Use
15 Transit Capital Program/ Funding Our Future Transit 51.38 $1,500,000 Transportation
17 Neighborhood Byways Program 49.65 $1,600,000 Transportation
19 Courts&Playgrounds 48.62 $3,100,000 Public Lands
Program 21 Livable Streets Program 48.12 $3,000,000 Transportation
26 Urban Trails Program 42.18 $1,500,000 Transportation
28 Alleyway Improvements 2025 41.29 $500,000 Engineering
1 Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration 72.82 $858,800 Fire
2 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction 71.44 $4,000,000 Engineering
6 HVAC Control Replacement at PSB 60.76 $1,300,000 Facilities
7 Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements- Phase 1 59.71 $2,200,000 Facilities
Renewaland 9 Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction Documents 57.76 $921,700 Public Lands
10 700 South (Phase 7, 4600 West to 5000 West) Additional Funding 57.06 $4,500,000 Engineering
13 Sugar House Park—Two Pavilion Replacements for the Cost of One 52.47 $960,000 Public Lands
16 Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility Improvement Request 50.94 $500,000 Arts Council
22 Memory Grove Park Urgent Repairs+ Preservation & Maintenance Plan 46.85 $1,910,000 Public Lands
31 SLCPSB(Police Occupancy) Remodels 37.41 $650,000 Police
Appendix G:Program Amounts
Department/Division Project Title Requested$ Minimum$Required Historical Annual Funding
Street Reconstruction
$4,500,000-Potential Street Improvements Construction Projects 2025 FY21:$2,546,329
Engineering Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 $4,500,000 which equates to 20.23 total lane miles. FY20:$4,801,400
$3,500,000-Potential Street Improvements Construction Projects 2025. Street Overlay
We have submitted 13.29 lane miles as candidates for Complete Streets FY24:$1,250,000
Overlay 2025.The 3.5 million asked would cover less than half of those FY22:$175,000
Engineering Complete Streets Overlay 2025 $3,500,000 13.29 lane miles. FY20:$1,000,000
Public Way Concrete
Engineering Public Way Concrete 2025 $ 750,000 $750,000 FY20:$402,443
Alleyway Improvements
$200,000 would allow us to address two alleys(this request would cover—5 FY23:$142,919
Engineering Alleyway Improvements and Mitigation 2025 $ 500,000 alleys) FY21:$200,000
Courts and Playgrounds
Approximately$600,000 for one playground or$950,000 for one court, FY23:$521,564
Public Lands Courts&Playgrounds $3,100,000 depending on the location,size,need,and condition of the asset(s). FY22:$1,113,045
$500,000:design and new irrigation for roughly 2.5 acres.Replacing
Transitioning to Regionally-Appropriate Landscapes, irrigation systems costs an average of$200,000 per acre,when factoring in Waterwise Enhancements
Public Lands Adapting Irrigation Systems,and Reducing Water Use $3,250,000 design,construction,and soft costs. FY20:$419,328
Facilities Asset Replacement
and Renewal
Public Services Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan $2,756,500 $1,366,350 FY20:$1,250,000
Livable Streets
Transportation Livable Streets Program $3,000,000 $500,000 FY20:$849,500
Neighborhood Byways
Transportation Neighborhood Byways Program $1,600,000 $970,000 FY20:$150,000
Transportation Safety
Transportation Safer Crossings Citywide $ 600,000 $300,000 FY20:$452,000
Traffic Signal and
Intersection Upgrades
Transportation Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program $2,700,000 $800,000 FY20:$700,000
Transit Capital
Transportation Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit $1,500,000 $500,000 FY20:$1,100,000
Urban Trails
Transportation Urban Trails Program $1,500,000 $600,000 FY21:$3,192,000
Minimum$Required-How much funding is needed to accomplish critical items this fiscal year
The Historical Annual Funding column does not include dollar amounts allocated in Budget Amendments,Recaptures or Administrative Budget Adjustments
Appendix H:Partial Funding
Department/Division Project Title IL Requested$ Partial Funding Details
Hardwood Floor Replacement$45,000
Lighting Upgrade-$35,000
Interior Accessibility Ramp $45,000
Lower-Level Artist Studio and Community Workspace Renovation$100,000
Econ Dev/Arts Council Art Barn Failing Infrastructure and Accessibility Improvement Request $ 500,000 Office Suite Renovation$30,000
Yes,although it is not advised.Even if fully funded at this requested funding rate,we will still witness a continued degradation to the city street system as a whole and the city will be forced to
continuously seek bond after bond to improve the road network.Currently 447 Lane Miles have an OCI of less than 40(SLC has approximately 1,850 lane miles total).
Minimum funding needed:$4,500,000-Potential Street Improvements Construction Projects 2025 which equates to 20,23 total lane miles.
Engineering Complete Streets Reconstruction 2025 $ 4,500,000 Recommended annual funding:$46,500,000 this is to achieve a backlog of 15%
Yes,this is a partial funding request.Even if fully funded at this requested funding rate,we will still witness a continued degradation to the city street system as a whole and the city will be forced
to continuously seek bond after bond to improve the road network.86.25 lane miles are eligible as of 2/21/2024.This is based on RAS maintenance recommendations of 40-50 OCI and
additional criteria set by the SLC Engineering Division.
Minimum funding needed:$3,500,000-Potential Street Improvements Construction Projects 2025.We have submitted 13.29 lane miles as candidates for Complete Streets Overlay 2025.The
3.5 million asked would cover less than half of those 13.29 lane miles.
Engineering Complete Streets Overlay 2025 $ 3,500,000 Recommended annual funding:$20,000,000.This would fund roughly 31.56 lane miles of overlays.
We are asking for a portion of the required amount.Construction ready but cannot start until fully funded.The request is as follows:Additional funding is needed to complete the package for
multiple reasons:a water main 1,300 feet long is required to be replaced($650,000)which is unfunded by SLC Public Utilities constrained budget;Styrofoam fill was proposed to mitigate
settlement over the water main as a cost savings method,however that proposal was rejected;Union Pacific changed the City cost of the rail crossing from$400,000 to$1,200,000;and inflation
continues to drive up the cost of construction
Engineering 700 South(Phase 7,4600 West to 5000 West)Additional Funding $ 4,500,000 Minimum funding needed:$4,500,000
Yes,we are asking for a portion of the required amount.Funding could be split among multiple CIP FY cycles,however each year of delaying project construction for additional funding increases
the final price tag.
Engineering 400 South Jordan River Bridge Reconstruction $ 4,000,000 Minimum funding needed:$4,000,000
Yes.A reduction from the requested amount will reduce the length of sidewalk and number of access ramps that can be constructed.This requested amount is sorely needed to improve the
current sidewalk network quality.Currently the city receives approximately 50%more service requests than can be addressed annually when this program is fully funded.Due to reduced funding
in previous years(54%in FY19/20,0%in FY20/21,and 58%in FY22/23)Engineering has a backlog of over 450 sidewalk service requests.
Minimum funding needed:$750,000
Engineering Public Way Concrete 2025 $ 750,000 Recommended annual funding:$750,000 based on current capacity;however,this figure is subject to change as data becomes available
Yes,although it is not advised as partial funding will reduce the number of alleys improved.It's worth highlighting that our current funding model operates more as a pilot program,addressing
requests on a case-by-case basis rather than through an established standard or policy for alleyway mitigation.
Minimum funding needed:$2001,would allow us to address two alleys(this request would cover-5 alleys)
Recommended annual funding:The precise value is currently unavailable as we await the results of an ongoing survey.These pending findings are expected to inform the establishment of a
Engineering Alleyway Improvements and Mitigation 2025 $ 500,000 standard selection procedure,aiding in determining the appropriate funding level.
Yes.The project could be phased through 4 different areas.In order of priority:
Required for all areas:
•Engineering and Design$196,617.00
•Contractor OH&P 17%,Bonding&Insurance 3.5%,Owners Construction Contingency 10%,Escalation 32%,SLC Engineering Fees 0.8%
1.Turn-Out Cleaning Room expansion and PPV-$40,240
2.Security System and lights-$37,669
3.Grounds-excavation,re-grading,curb and gutter,landscaping,storm water,backfill,paving,extrication pads,and technical props-$436,431
Fire Fire Training Grounds Site Improvements $ 1,410,300 Minimum funding needed:Required Amount(varies)+Turn-Out Cleaning Room expansion and PPV$40,240
No.The project cannot be partially funded as each step is contingent on the other.The work is as follows:
1.Div 01-Erect Scaffolding and Prepare Existing Surface$333,040
2.Div 03-Patch and Repair Spalled Concrete$99,445
3.Div 07-Concrete Waterproofing$58,140
4.Div 32-Misc.$25,000
5.General Conditions$103,125
Total$757,969-adjusted for 2024=$858,800
Fire Stabilize the Fire Training Tower Deterioration $ 858,800 Minimum funding needed:$858,800
Yes,the Structural Assessments and Concept Design(the constituent application's scope)could be completed separately.Funding both the constituent application($124,000)and this internal
application($921,700)would be preferable and would fund concept design and construction document development,which are both critical steps that must occur before an accurate
construction/implementation funding request can be made in FY 26.
Another note:Public Lands is currently exploring emergency improvements to the east bay of the Liberty Park Greenhouse to allow this one part of the greenhouse to be used for operations
Public Lands Liberty Park Greenhouse Design and Construction Documents $ 921,700 while a larger renovation project is underway.
This is likely to be a programmatic,reoccurring application with annual funding requests for replacement of irrigation systems(critical infrastructure)that support the city's living landscape.
The minimum effective amount of funding for this fiscal year's request is$500,000:design and new irrigation for roughly 2.5 acres.Replacing irrigation systems costs an average of$200,000 per
when factoring in design,construction,and soft costs.Fully funding this request would fund new irrigation systems for up to 16 acres(which is less than 2%of the Public Lands
Department's irrigated landscapes).Due to the 25-30 year lifespan of irrigation systems and some landscapes,and in order to replace and/or upgrade systems that irrigate 3-5%of the Public
Lands'landscapes per year,on-going requests would be around the$6 million to$9 million per year range going forward,though that determination has not been made or included in the
department's capital asset plan.
Replacement of irrigation systems significantly reduces the use of water,a critical resource in our climate.Water costs are also the single largest operating cost for the Public Lands Department.
Transitioning to Regionally-Appropriate Landscapes,Adapting Irrigation Systems, The Department suggests that irrigation system upgrades or replacements and turf reduction strategies(for the same site)be funded and occur at the same time.This will allow new landscaping
Public Lands and Reducing Water Use $ 3,250,000 to be appropriately cared for rather than retrofitted to fit an unaccommodating,inefficient irrigation system.
Yes,in the following order.
1.A minimum of$700,000(for design and construction)in 1/4 Cent transportation funding is needed to match the federal grant for State Streets addition of active transportation facilities.
2.An additional$5 million would fund full design(i.e.,create bid documents readyfor construction)for 3-5 blocks of 200 East.Design is typically estimated at 10%of project construction costs.
The combination of State Street match(for design and construction)and 200 East(for design)would bring a partial funding request to$5.7 million.
3.Fully funding this request(including the above and the remaining$4.3 million)in FY 24/25 would provide the Green Loop team more flexibility and leverage when exploring additional funding
sources to bring strategic segments to construction as quickly as possible.Not funding the remaining$4.3 million would push a much larger construction funding request to FY 25/26.
Additional funding requests are likely in FY 25/26 and other future application rounds.If no additional,outside funds are available,a minimum construction strategy might focus this$10 million
Public Lands Green Loop Implementation $10,000,000 funding request(along with state funds awarded or pending)to construct at least one prototype block on 200 East,tentatively in 2026.
Yes.This Memory Grove Park application comprises two possible phases:Phase 1 consists of urgent repairs while Phase 2 is focused on the development of a Preservation&Maintenance Plan.
1.The full request for the Preservation&Maintenance Plan($160,000)should be considered essential.It must work hand-in-hand with any of the urgent repairs(Phase 2)that are funded.
2.Nine(9)urgent repairs have been prioritized by City staff(see project description for the complete list).If needed,the order of priority and/or number of repairs could be adjusted to meet
Public Lands Memory Grove Park Urgent Repairs+Preservation&Maintenance Plan $ 1,910,000 nearly any partial funding amount.It should be noted that performing repairs in separate phases would result in a higher overall cost(particularlydueto"softcosts").
Yes-this is a phased project.We are seeking funding for phase 1.
Phase I-Estimated Cost$2.2 Million(adjusted for inflation),a reduction in funding would allow us to address some of the items below.
•Design Life safety,access controls,and security systems
•Upgrade Life safety,access control,and security systems
•Design HVAC System
•Upgrade Key HVAC Systems
Phase II-Estimated Cost$2 Million(not adjusted for inflation)
•Upgrade piping and terminal units on floors 1-3
Phase III-Estimated Cost$2 Million(not adjusted for inflation)
•Upgrade piping and terminal units on floors 4-6
Phase IV-Estimated Cost$1 Million(not adjusted for inflation)
•Upgrade air handlers
Public Services Plaza 349 HVAC Improvements-Phase 1 $ 2,200,000 •Repair parking structure and canopy
Yes.The project is broken into 3 phases,currently seeking funding for phase 1 and 2,currently 7 electrical vechicles are in this lot and only 4 EV chargers.Chargers to be added in phase 2.In
order of priority:
1.Phase 1—Addition of a utility switch,500kVA Utility Transformer,and 1600A 208V 30 SES-EV-1-$499,043
2.Phase 2-(8)L2 Chargers-$102,836
3.Phase 3-(8)L2 Chargers-$305,715
Public Services Plaza 349 EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 $ 601,900 Minimum funding needed:$499,043+302,836
Yes.The project is broken into 3 phases,currently seeking funding for phase 1 and 2 to capture the needs for the current and incoming PD and Fire EV.In order of priority:
1.Phase 1—Addition of a 3000kVA Utility Transformer,2500A 208V 30 SES-EV-1,Proposed 1200A 208V Panel,and(6)L2 Chargers-$709,633
2.Phase 2-1000A 208V Panel and(8)L2 Chargers-$164,749
3.Phase 3-(6)L2 Chargers-$76,118
Public Services PSB EV Charging Phase 1 and 2 $ 874,400 Minimum funding needed:$709,633
Public Services HVAC Control Replacement at PSB $ 1,300,000 No,all of the controls will need to be addressed at the same time.
We are seeking$250,000 in funding for the second phase of our initiative,aimed at conducting a comprehensive feasibility study for anew training facility.The current facility's inadequacy in
capacity and condition is exacerbated by the anticipated growth in the Northwest region,driven by an inland port and business developments.With projected population growth in the
downtown area and the potential addition of two more professional sports teams,the demand on the Salt Lake City Police Department(SLC PD)and Salt Lake City Fire Department(SLC FD)is
expected to surge.Meeting these increasing demands necessitates additional trained personnel to address the heightened call volume from residents and visitors.Anew training center is central
to our ability to adequately train current and future first responders,making planning for these anticipated increases vital to ensuring the safety and security of our growing community.
The requested funds will be used to conduct the feasibility study,addressing Public Safety,Public Services,and Community Access components.This study is essential for identifying design
requirements and establishing a well-defined project scope,laying the foundation for subsequent project phases.
Police Police Department Training Center $ 250,000 Mini mum funding needed:$75,000(this is our on-call purchasing limit,for scoping,designing,and rendering the project we will require the full amount.)
Police Drop Arm Gate on the Entry to the Rear Parking Lot $ 50,000 No,all of the electrical trenching for the booth,cameras,and lighting will need to be addressed at the same time.
Yes.The project could be phased through 4 different areas.In order of priority:
Priority 1
•ROOM 4621-$186,902.30
Priority 2
•ROOM 3445-$78,942.40
Priority 3
•ROOM 2214-$112,994.30
Priority 4
•4th ROOM 2251-$142,499.50
•4th ROOM 2412-$26,868.40
•4th ROOM 2263-$96,801.90
Police SLC Public Safety Building(Police Occupancy)Remodels $ 650,000 Minimum funding needed:$265,744.70(Priority 1&2)
Yes.The minimum partial funding amount would be approximately$600,000 for one playground or$950,000 for one court,depending on the location,size,need,and condition of the asset(s).If
the CDCIP Board,Mayor,or City Council would like to inquire about one or more specific sites,Public Lands will provide a more accurate(and potentially less expensive)estimate.
However,this application expresses a programmatic,reoccurring need with annual funding requests for the replacement of courts and playgrounds that support the city's ability to provide safe
recreation and active play infrastructure.The expected life cycle of each playground/court is roughly 20-25 years.Based on the number of courts and playgrounds in Salt Lake City's inventory,
two to three playgrounds and two to three courts should be funded for replacement each year(an approximately$4.5 to$5 million recurring request).
The General Fund is the only funding source eligible for these project types,unless an expansion of level of service is desired for any court or playground replacement(in which case that part of
the work would be impact fee eligible).
The following is a list of potential parks where courts and/or playground replacement projects could occur with this year's and subsequent years'funding requests,in descending order of priority
(including condition,opportunity,geographic need,and equity criteria).
1.Popperton Park(playground)
2.Wasatch Hollow Park(playground)
3.Sunnyside Park(courts)
4.10th East Senior Center(courts)
5.Riverside Park(courts and playground)
6.Fairmont Park(courts,possibly playground)
7.Warm Springs Park(courts)
Public Lands Courts&Playgrounds $ 3,100,000 8.Westpointe Park(courts and playground)
The bulk of this request($1,250,000)could be partially funded at any dollar amount in order to increase the impact of GO Bond funding.Any partial funding dedicated to this part of the scope
would go towards expanding improvements funded by the GO Bond,specifically in Bend in the River,Modesto Park,and the International Peace Gardens.Planning,design,and immediate
Public Lands Amplifying Our Jordan River Revitalization:Doubling Bond Investment $ 1,500,000 improvements at the International Peace Gardens could also be funded independently at$350,000.
This project could be funded in three separate phases.However,funding more than one phase at a time(in the following order of priority)would ensure better project outcomes,less overlap or
rework,and lower costs.
1.Planning,Design,and Engagement for the RAC and the Rose Park Lane Open Space:Must be completed prior to construction(see#2,below)and is estimated to cost$1,300,000(likely 100%
impact fee eligible).
2.Construction(also known as Phase 1 Construction):Two multi-use fields,walkways,and the northern parking lot in the RAC are estimated to cost$4,100,000(likely 100%impact fee eligible).If
only partial funding is available,this request could be reduced to fund one field($1,750,000 each)and the parking lot and walkways($600,000)for$2,350,000,orjust the parking lot and
walkways for$600,000 as they are essential to facilitating use of any new fields.
Public Lands "Elevating Access':The Regional Athletic Complex's Blueprint for the Future $ 6,250,000 3.Rose Park Lane Trail Reconstruction and Beautification:This part of the scope could be implemented by itself or along with any other phase for$850,000,and is partially impact fee eligible.
No,not very easily.Salt Lake County(a 50/50 funding partner)can only match what the City funds.Due to the County's funding decision occurring between the time of this writing(February
2024)and the City's CIP funding award(August 2024),partial funding by the City would result in only a 33%match,which is at odds with the City's and County's cooperative funding agreement
Public Lands Sugar House Park—Two Pavilion Replacements for the Cost of One $ 960,000 for Sugar House Park.Delays in Salt Lake City's or Salt Lake County's funding would also increase the risk to and costs of this project and future projects.
Yes,although it is not advised as these critical and deferred assets will increase the risk of a costly critical failure and will be more expense to replace in the future due to inflation.The program
could be addressed at the following funding levels:
1.Critical Components—Priority land 2-$1,366,350
2.Critical Components—Priority 1,2,and 3-$2,756,500
Minimum funding needed:$1,366,350
Recommended annual funding:$9,240,000(IFMA National Standard(,we currently recieve$350K ongoing and variable$1.7M to 2.2M through CIP requests,ideally this can also become
Public Services Facilities Replacement and Renewal Plan $ 2,756,500 ongoing,bringing our total to$2,500,000.
Transportation Transportation Corridor Transformations $ 4,600,000 $560,000
Transportation Livable Streets Program $ 3,000,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Transportation Neighborhood Byways Program $ 1,600,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Transportation Safer Crossings Citywide $ 600,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Transportation Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Program $ 2,100,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Transportation Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Future Transit $ 1,500,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Transportation Urban Trails Program $ 1,500,000 See Transportation specific spreadsheet
Q Q o�Quo Qc Quo Q ce .z Qco C. �e� P� �ep�a `o��a a�Qray yJQQ�°�rec y°Jtc
1 Livable Streets Program(Zone 10-15) ,000,000 $500,000 1 - Average$500,000 per zone;amount varies with zone size,street
1 characteristics,traffic intensity,etc.
2 Safer Crossings Citywide $600,000 $300,0001 limited to minor - At current costs,single crossing(HAWK+bulbouts)may cost in
treatments excess of the$600,000 being requested.$300,000 would allow
some RRFBs or other less expensive treatments.
3 Traffic Signal Replacement and Upgrades Pr $2,700,000 $800,000 i 2 signals Yes. Full funding would help us to retire aged traffic signals closer
to their normal retirement age of 30 years,decreasing
1 maintenance costs and improving safety.This program has been
Ichronically underfunded for over a decade. Need flexibility for
4 Neighborhood Byways Program $1,600,000 $970,000
Kensington Neighborhood 6A i $1,600,000 $400,000 $400k as match, Pending state TTIF $1,120,000 If pending state grant is received,$400,000 needed for match. If
Byway(700 E crossing) or$1.6 million to FLM;scored#5 no grant,$1,600,000 will enable this crossing to go forward w/
1 proceed without statewide prior Kensington CIP&federal funds. Otherwise this crossing will
TTIF award be held until additional funds are received.
800 East Neighborhood 6B i $570,000 $570,000 match or design Pending state TTIF $1,330,000 If pending state grant is received,$570,000 needed for match for
Byway(400 S to 1300 S) FILM;scored#7 design&construction. If not received,$570,000 would go toward
1 statewide(tied) design and/or other citywide.
800 East Neighborhood 6C 1 $480,000 $480,000 If pending state grant is received,$570,000 needed for match for
Byway/1300 South / design&construction. If not received,$570,000 would go toward
Intersection I design and/or other citywide.
Other citywide/ 6D 1 $150,000 Funds to ensure completion of projects listed above and/or to be
contingency used strategically toward design and construction of other
neighborhood byways in Salt Lake City.
5 Transit Capital Program/Funding Our Futur $1,500,000 $500,000 Note:FOF Transit UTA matches with generally This project is highly scalable.Partial funding could be used to
1 funding source for shelters and doubles our construct fewer stops and connections. These investments are
this program. amenities investment budget neutral for maintenance,except when custom furnishings
are used,which will be included at key locations as part of FTN
branding. UTA funds the maintenance of the furnishings at
standard bus stops,but will not fund the maintenance of custom
6 Urban Trails Program $1,500,000 $600,000AL
Sugar House Greenway 8A $450,000 $300,000 State legislature $16,000,000 S-Line Extension under construction in later part of 2024;without
Extension(to accompany S- I earmark,UTA funding UTA will require an ugly chainlink fence to provide a
Line Extension) I funds physical barricade between pedestrians and the train.
Alphabet Trail(along east 8B 1 $500,000 $300,000 Concrete only;no WFRC federal $11,700,000 Complete Streets Ideal construction timing with 1300 East reconstruction in 2025.
side of 1300 East,Alphabet I landscaping or grant($8 million), ordinance
Streets area) 0 lights. SLC Bond
The Other Side Village to 8C $500,000 $500,000 design only Construction preparation:Soil testing,design,and permitting for
Orange Street Transit Hub I trail skirting or on top of retired SLC landfill on SLC-owned land
Citywide/contingency 8D $50,000 Funds to ensure completion of projects listed above and/or to be
1 used strategically toward design and construction of other urban
trails in Salt Lake City.
Dear Local Elected Officials,Appointed Officials, and Staff in Northern Salt Lake County,
We look forward to seeing you at Millcreek City Hall.At this workshop,we will put ideas on the table
to improve our transportation system, identify our eventual aspirations for roads and transit, and
explore updates to your Wasatch Choice city and town centers. We will also provide input on a
draft in-town trail system map that is based on workshop results from a year ago.
2024 Fall Workshop Map
Dear Local Elected Officials,Appointed Officials, and Staff in Northern Salt Lake County,
WFRC, UDOT, and UTA invite you to a workshop with your neighboring communities to provide ideas
for updating the Wasatch Choice Vision.The Vision is refined every four years with communities
and partners to reflect the changing conditions and priorities. This workshop is a key milestone in
updating the vision.
The in-person Northern Salt Lake County Workshop is scheduled on Monday, November 4th,
2024 from 4:00-6:00 pm at Millcreek City Hall.
Designed for local government leaders in your area (mayors/commissioners, council members,
planning commissioners, and key staff),the workshop will have two primary objectives:
1. Gather your intentions and ideas for the types and locations of city and town centers within
your community.
2. Explore aspirations and ideas to optimize regional roads,transit, and in-town trails/
bikeways. This will expand on ideas many of you put forward in workshops a year ago.
Our future quality of life depends on the choices we make today-and we have a plan.The Wasatch
Choice Vision is a collaboration of communities and other partners that includes both the official
Regional Transportation Plan and your long-term development aspirations. The Vision map and key
strategies show how advancing the Vision can enhance quality of life even as we grow.
We look forward to meeting with you and will send additional information prior to the workshop.
Please feel free to get in touch with Ted Knowlton,WFRC Deputy Director, at ted(@wfrc.org or 801-
363-4250 if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Wasatch Front Regional Council
Constriation Project Title Date Last Brief Project Status and/or Upcoming Brief Project Description Including Project Benefits) Project Website Project Origin Project Area Council Project Manager Project Manager's Email
vaa` Updated Milestones A rox.Two-Three Sentences Please regularly update (Citywide Plan,Constituent Districts Address
tEwaorea P ( pP ) 9 Y P L� ( Y ( )
start) (MM/DD/Y (Approx.One-Two Sentences) website pages! Request,etc.)
2022-2024 200 South Reconstruction 9/30/2024 Construction complete on east side(200E-900E)and Conplete street reconstruction with transit priority lanes and boarding islands. https://W w✓.slc.aov/mystreet/2023/i Transit Master Plan,Funding Our 200 South-400 West to 900 East D4 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
buses are operational. To request weekly construction updates: 2/16/200south/ Future Bond
200 E-400 W is under construction for the remainder of phone:385341-8646
2024 and is expected to be completed this year.
2024 1000 East/Ramona Avenue Quick 9/30/2024 Install 2 planters in center of 1000 East to slow traffic Quick-Build Safety Project Tempoary project. D7 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.com
Build until new traffic circle is constructed.The south planter
was hit and destroyed and removed.Will not replace it.
2024 1000 West 1500 North 9/30/2024 Construction has started.This should finish just prior to The City has been considering how calm traffic,improve crossings,create https://www.sic.aov/transl>ortationt2O 1000 West-North Temple to 600 D1,D2 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.00m
close of construction season. more appeal,and balance the local and regional transportation functions of 23/12/08/1000-west-corridor-plan/ North
the street.Rather than narrow the street,our proposed approach focuses on
This project involves bicycle and pedestrian intersections at 500 North,400 North,and 300 North.The intersection
improvements at the intersection of 1000 WesU500 features work together to create systematic and coordinated improvements
North. that help achieve the project goals.Funding is available for the 500 North
intersection,whereas the other intersections still need to secure funds and
therefore may be built in future phases.
2024 1100 East Reconstruction 9/25/2024 Paving has happened.They are scheduling the striping https://www.sic..qovlmvstreet/2022/1 1100 East-900 South to Ramona D7 Lynn Jacobs lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com
and completion of the bike protection islands now. 2/1 211 1 0 0east/ Ave
2024 1100 East/Highland Dr 9/25/2024 Road reopened to two-way traffic today.Engineering is https://highlandsic.org/ 1100 East-Ramona Ave to D5,D7 Lynn Jacobs lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com
Reconstruction working with Stacy Witbeck and Silver Spur to ensure Warnock Ave
the project finishes on time(Nov 15).
2024 300 East/700 South Bike Lanes 9/30/2024 Install several Omega Posts in parking area and Quick-Build Safety Project Posts installed until permanent D4 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski0slcgov.com
Quick Build intersection to reduce right turn conflicts in north and concrete islands are constructed in
south directions.Added more posts this week. 2025
2024 300 North Reconstruction 9/24/2024 Construction expected to began in July,2024,and will 300 North will be reconstructed from 300 West to 1000 West.The project will https://www.slc.gov/mystreet/2024/0 300 North-300 West to 1000 West D1,D2,D3 Jena Carver jena.canmr@slcgov.com
complete summer 2025 replace the pavement,substandard curbs,gutters,sidewalks,and curb ramps 1/03/300north/
to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all road users.The new 300
North design also includes:
A continuous westbound bike lane from 300 West to 1000 West
A two-way parking protected bike lane on the south side of the street from 400
West to 1000 West
A protected intersection at 1000 West to improve safety for people crossing
the street
Raised crosswalks at 700 West,800 West,and West High School
A four-way stop at the intersection with 800 West
2024 300 North/State Street 9/30/2024 UDOT construction project that is part of the State LOOT LOOT project.Review and D3 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiAslcgov.com
Roundabout Capitol Master Plan circulation plan developed way coordination.
back in 2001.Demolition began last week.Intersection
is closed until XMAS
2024 400 East Quick Build 9/30/2024 Install traffic planters to slow traffic at Westminster Quick-Build Safety Project Ongoing study. D5 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskinslcgov.com
Avenue and Ramona Avenue intersections.Added 4
posts to planters that were being moved by big trucks.
So far they have not moved again.
2024 400 South Safety Improvements 10/2/2024 Construction is occurring this construction season Consituent requested Capital Improvement Program project.The project will https://www.sic.aov/transl>ortationt4O 400 South-Emery Street to 1000 D2 Jenne Simkins jenna.simkins@slcgov.com
(2024)and is expected to be completed this year. improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety by constructing new crosswalks with 0southsafely/ West
flashing signs at 1000 West and 400 South.The project will also include
bulbouts at 1000 West and Goshen,to shorten the crossing distance for
2024 700 South11000 West Roundabout 9/30/2024 Construction began in September.Outside comers are A roundabout will be installed at the intersection of 1000 West and 700 South https://www.sic..qovltransl>ortation/20 Constituent Capital Improvement 700 South at 1000 West D2 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski0slcgov.com
almost completed.Looks really good. in the Poplar Grove neighborhood.This project is a citizen requested CIP 2 3/1 210 8/1 0 0 0-west-700-south- Program funding request approved
(Capitol Improvement Program)project,and will help reduce vehicle speeds roundabout/ by Council.
on 700 South.
2024 900 South Reconstruction and 9- 9/24/2024 Construction is occurring this construction season Sall Lake City is nearing completion of 900 South reconstruction from 900 www.slc.gov/mystreet/900-south-900- 900 South-900 West to 950 East D2,D4,D5 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
Line Trail (2024)and is expected to be completed this year. West to Lincoln Street(945 East).The project has extended the 9-Line Trail east-to-900-westl
corridor into an attractive,safe,and inclusive place for neighbors,businesses,
and street users.The new trail created a walking and bicycling connection
between east and west Salt Lake City,linking neighborhoods,business
districts,and cultural destinations.
2024 Crosswalk Safety Projects 2024 8/29/2024 Design is in process for five locations:500 S 900 E.800 The current project will install pedestrian safety improvements at five Transporta!ton Safety Projects Citywide All Dan Bergenthal dan.bergenthaidslcgoy.com
RRFBs N 900 W,Montague Ave 900 W,Fayette Ave 900 W, uncontrolled crosswalks.Construction is expected Winter 2 02 412 02 5 or
and Dalton Ave 900 W. Spring 2025.
2024 Downtown Sidewalk Signs& 9/27/2024 Downtown is about halfway done.Contractor trying to Downtown signs prohibiting riding bicycles,skateboards and scooters on NA Quick-Build Safety Project Central Traffic District 8 the Jordan D1,D2,D4 Laura Stevens laura.stevens(rDslcgov.wm
Jordan River Trail Speed Limit get Blue Stakes out to the Jordan River Trail before sidewalks.Jordan River Trail 15 mph speed limit signs. River Trail
Signs starting work. Benefit:Improve pedestrian safety in areas with higher ped traffic.
2024 Green Loop Roundabout Design 9/30/2024 Installed temp roundabout that can remain after Green A large roundabout was installed with temporary paint,tape,delineators. Green Loop Program Awesome roundabout with new D2 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.cem
at 700 South/500 West Loop Pop up is completed.Went back this week to Meeting soon to discuss what to do after dens project is ended.To keep or green space and art opportunities in
install 8 white posts on 3 of the comers to restrict turns not to keep it? center.
and parking near the circle.Kyle Cook installed Yellow
posts in splitter islands.Will meet to discuss keeping
roundabout after demo is over.
2024 Harrison Ave./1400 East Quick 9/30/2024 Install traffic planters to slow traffic near 1400 East Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski2Dslcgov.com
Build Harrison Ave.Planters were installed.Talked to two
residents while I was placing reflective tape around the
two planters.
2024 Indiana Avenue Quick Build 9/30/2024 Engineering Design-Alternate Bid Fall 2024 Quick-Build Safety Project 900 West to 1300 West:Diverter D2 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiRslcgov.com
island at Goshen Street and 5 speed
cushions on Indiana Avenue.
2024 In-Road Pedestrian Signs and 9/30/2024 Enhanced safety at existing school crosswalks.9 Quick-Build Safety Project Improve pedestrian crossings at D1,D2,D3,D4, Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.cem
Yellow Tuff Curbs locations so far in 2024. existing school crosswalks.Reduce D5,D6
traffic speeds.
2024 Ken Rey Street/Bryan Avenue 9/30/2024 Traffic diverter island installed at request of City Traffic Quick-Build Safety Project Temporary striping and delineator D6 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski0slcgov.00m
Temporary Quick Build Engineer.Asjusled island shape and added one-way posts installed.
arrow on north side.To be removed in Fall
2024 Life on State:Transportation 9/24/2024 Construction is occurring this construction season The Life on State Implementation Plan,initiated by Salt Lake City,is focused httos://www.lifeonstate.com/600to9O State Street-600 South to 800 D4 Jena Carver jena.cawer@slcgov.com
(2024)and is expected to be completed this year. on promoting economic development,improving transportation options,and Ohome South
addressing specific safety measures along the five mile stretch of State Street
between North Temple and 3300 South.Construction on the safety and
beautification upgrades on State Street,between 600 South and 800 South,
are scheduled to be completed by Fall 2024.
The section of the plan between 600 South to 800 South is the first in a series
of planned improvements on the State Street corridor.Salt Lake City is
excited to bring expanded walkways and street landscaping to this section of
State Street.
2024 Livable Streets Zone 2 8/29/2024 100%design is expected to be complete in September. Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the Livable Streets Zone 2:Central Livable Streets Program 2100 S to 1-80 and 9W E to 1300 E D7 Dan Bergenthal/Bill dan.bergenthal(Mslcgov.com
zone. Suqar House(arcgis.com) BaranowskVLaura Stevens
2024 Livable Streets Zone 3 8/29/2024 100%design is expected to be complete in September. Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the Livable Streets Zone 3:Glendale at Livable Streets Program 1300 S to 1700 S and 900 W to 700 D2 Dan Bergenthal/Bill dan.bergenthal(avZslcgov.com
zone. the Sorenson(arcgis.com) W BaranowskVLaura Stevens
2024 Livable Streets Zone 4 8/29/2024 100%design is expected to be complete in September. Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the Livable Streets Zone 4:Poplar Grove Livable Streets Program 400 S to 900 S and 900 W to 1-15 D2 Dan BergenthaVBill dan.bergenthal@slcgov.com
zone. at the Chapman Library(arcgis.com) BamnowskVLatim Stevens
2024 Navajo Street/Harris Street Quick 9/30/2024 Installed temporary YIELD line striping and added 8 Quick-Build Safety Project Striping and signing at odd D2 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski(cDslcgov.com
Build omega p[osts.Moved YIELD sign.Adjusted striping on intersection on Navajo.No crashes
north side.Made all yellow a double yellow stripe. but several near misses.Slow speed
2024 Signals 9/24/2024 1.West Temple 200 South Project under construction 200 South Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2024 Signals 9/24/2024 2.1100 East 2100 South Project under construction Highland Dr Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2024 Signals 9/24/2024 3.1100 East 1700 South Project under construction Highland Dr Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2024 S-Line Extension 9/25/2024 Subdivision Plat has been publicly noticed and httos://www.rideuta.com/Current- Sugarmont Dr-McClelland St to D7 Lynn Jacobs lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com
processing towards the property exchanges. Protects/S-Line-Extension-Project Highland Dr
Construction slated for 2025-2026 at this point.
2024 Sugar House Safe Side Streets 8/15/2024 Installing traffic circle at intersection of Ramona Ave httos://www.slc.gov/transportation/20 CCIP Project D7 Keegan Galloro keegan.galloro@slcgov.com
and 1000 East-Fall 2024 23/12/08/safesidestreets/
2024 Tralnfo(50 S 900 W) 8/29/2024 Installing Variable Message Signs September or Demonstration Project-Installing the Trainfo System at 50 S 900 W.This httos://trainfo.ca/ City Council Request 50 S 900 W D2 Dan Bergenthal/Bryan Meenen dan.bergenthalaslcuov.com/bryan.
October 2024 project will help reduce traffic delays at rail crossings. meenen(cDslogov.com
2024 Vlrglnia Street Reconstruction 9/24/2024 Construction is occurring this construction season The reconstruction project will provide a safer and more comfortable multi- httos://www.slc.gov/mvstreet/virginia/ Virginia Street-11 th Avenue to D3 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
(2024)and is expected to be completed this year. nodal roadway for all users.This project will also address the deteriorating South Temple
roadway condifion.
2024 West Temple Reconstruction 9/24/2024 Construction is occurring this construction season The reconstruction project will provide a safer and more comfortable multi- www.sic.gov/mystreettwest-temple/ West Temple-North Temple to 400 D3,D4 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
(2024)and is expected to be completed this year modal roadway for all users.This project will also address the deteriorating South
roadway condition.
2024 Westminster Avenue Quick Build 9/30/2024 Install 4 planters on side of street to slow traffic between Quick-Build Safety Project On-going study. D7 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski(alslcgov.com
1200 East and 1300 East.Plan is to remove them
before the snowfalls.
2024 Westmoreland Drive 9/30/2024 Traffic island installed to reduce cut-through traffic near Quick-Build Safety Project Temporary striping and delineator D6 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski0slcgov.com
Uintah Elementary School. posts installed.
2025 100 South Reconstruction 9/24/2024 Concept has been prepared and shared with the public In 2025,Salt Lake City will reconstruct 100 South between University Street httos://www.slc.gov/mvstreet/100sout University St to North Campus Or D3 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
for comment.Roadway design is starting. and North Campus Drive,near The University of Utah to refresh the roadway h/
for future and continuing use.
This stretch of 100 South has been identified in Salt Lake City's 2015
Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan and the team will be evaluating options to
add bicycle facilities.Salt Lake City anticipates that a roadway reconfiguration
may be needed to better accommodate pedestrians and bicycles in this area.
No final decisions have been made,and the current concept design is a
preliminary draft and subject to change.
The 100 South Reconstruction Project will provide a safer and more
comfortable multi-modal roadway for all users.This project will also address
the deteriorating roadway condition of 100 South.This project will interface
with the previous reconstruction project completed on the corridor in 2021,
from 900 East to University Street.
2025 1300 East Reconstruction 9/25/2024 ROW completed,working towards an October httos://www.1300eastsic.com/ 1300 East-2100 South to 3300 D7 Lynn Jacobs lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com
advertising date,Pavement design updated to use a South
new pavement mu LOOT developed-should save 1
month off the project and could save up to$1 M.There
is concern about construction fatigue in Sugar House
and discussion about if this project can be delayed
again to give people a recovery period.
2025 1300 South TRAX Crossing and 10/2/2024 Design is complete and is in the process of being The 1300 South TRAX Crossing project will build pedestrian crosswalks None TRAX crossing of 1300 South D5 Jenne Simkins jenna.simkins@slcgov.com
Corridor Study awarded to a contractor for construction.Construction adjacent to the 1300 South rail crossing.The project will make it safe and
expected in 2025. accessible to cross 1300 South near the TRAX station.
2025 1700 South(900 East to 1100 East)9/24/2024 Minor adjustments to bike lanes at intersections as part This segment of 1700 South currently has one vehicle travel lane in each httos://www.slc.gov/mvstreet/2024/0 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
of a resurfacing effort. direction,an eastbound bike lane,and on-street parking on the north side of 5/13/surface-treatments/
the street.People heading westbound on bicycles share the lane with 30 MPH
vehicle traffic.
The new lane configuration removes on-street parking on the north side of the
street to create space for a westbound bike lane.
2025 200 East ADA and Sidewalk 9/24/2024 Construction is going to slide into 2025.Plan to bid in This is a Constituent CIP project to replace damaged sidewalk and make ADA No websde Constituent Request 200 East-1700 South to 2100 South D5 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
Improvements Q4 2024 or Of 2025. ramp improvements along 200 East-it is being designed and is expected to
be constructed in 2025
2025 2100 North 2200 West Roundabout 9/30/2024 Conceptual design complete.Waiting for Engineering to A roundabout is proposed to connect 2200 West north south that is currently Roundabout to connect the skewed D1, Bill Baranowski bill.baranowsk!Oslcgov.com
begin design. offset. intersection north south on 2200
West.City owns most of the ROW.
Half of funds dedicated.
2025 2100 South Reconstruction 9125/2024 Stacy Witback is working on the south side of 2100 2100southslc.org 2100 South-700 East to 1300 East D7 Lynn Jacobs lynn.jacobs@slcgov.com
South between 1100 E and 1300 E and on utility work
elsewhere on the corridor.Plan is to open 2100 South
to permemnant configuration in October between 1100
E and 1300 E.Work will continue between 700 E and
1100 E
2025 2100 South Restrlping and 9/24/2024 Concept is being developed. Pedestrian crossing improvements across 2100 South and a lane Coming soon 2100 South-1700 East to 2300 East D6,D7 Mary Sizemore mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
Pedestrian Enhancements I reconfiguration east of 1700 east.
2025 2500 East/Blaine Ave Closure and 9/24/2024 This is a Constituent CUP project to close 2500 East at Close or limit traffic entering/exiting 2500 East onto Foothill to reduce speeds 2500 East/Blaine Ave Intersection D6 Mary Sizemore mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
Enhancements Blaine Ave/Foothill Drive-the concept is being finalized and increase safety in front of elementary school.Other safety improvements
on 2600E,Bryan Ave,and Westminster
2025 300 West Bikeway 9/24/2024 Currently being designed.Construction is expected in Protected bicycle lanes on 300 West from 900 South to 300 South.The new https://w .sic.gov/transportatioN20 300 West-900 South to 300 South D4 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
2025. design will create a safer,more inviting,and comfortable roadway that 24/05/21/300westbikewav/
connects existing and newly constructed bikeways and makes it easier for all
users to get around.This project will not reconstruct the roadway,curbs,or
sidewalks.The bicycle lanes will be designed within the existing footprint of
the roadway.
2025 400 South viaduct Trail 8/19/2024 Two-way trail from 900W to 200W on south side of the Two-way trail&bikeway from 900W to 200W to enhance multimodal safety& httos://�.slc.00v/transDortation/40 400 South-900 West to 200 West D2,D4 Mary Sizemore mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
street.Currently reviewing 70%plans-will construct in connectivity across the east-west divide.Shared use trail 900W to 500W; 0southtrail/
2025. protected bikeway 500W to 200W.
Benefit:Connecting across the east-west divide;art;multimodal
infrastructure;connections to neighborhoods,parks,transit hubs,other
2025 Bending River Rd Sidewalks 9/24/2024 This project will add sidewalks on Bending River Road-Add sidewalks to the west side of Bending River Road to facilitate access Wallace Stegner Academy to Indiana D1,D2 Mary Sizemore mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
design will occur this year tatfrom Wallace Stegner Academy Ave
2025 Bus Stop Improvements 10/2/2024 Outreach to adjacent residents and property owners. The project will improve bus stops by building concrete pads in the public right None 900 East-South Temple to Elgin, D2,D4,D5,D7 Jenna Simkins jenna.simkins@slcgov.com
Draft design underway. of way,to make it easier for people with disabilities to get on and off the bus. State St-900 South to 1700 South,
Higher ridership stops will have pads for amenities like shelters,trash cans, Redwood Rd-North Temple to 2100
and benches,which are installed and maintained by UTA. South
2025 Capitol Hill Traffic 9/30/2024 Construction is going to slide into 2025.Plan to bid in Following construction of 58 asphalt speed humps last year(Phase 12023), CCIP/Livable Streets Various roads in Capitol Hill D3 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
Calming/Livable Streets Zone 1- Q4 2024 or Q1 2025. this second phase will make permanent changes to the intersection at 600
Phase 2 North/200 West/Center Street and install 7-10 additional speed humps.
2025 Highland High Crosswalk 9/24/2024 Project has been designed and is waiting for a The project would add pedestrian crossing enhancements across 1700 East None 1700 East at Parleys Canyon D7 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
Enhancements successful bid package. at Parleys Canyon,including bulbouts and RRFBs.
2025 Indiana Ave Sidewalks and 9-Line 9/24/2024 This project will add sidewalks on Indiana Ave-design Establish sidewalks where there currently are none-north sidewalk will be Indiana Ave-Redwood Rd to D2 Mary Sizemore mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
Extension will occur this year wide enough for a multi-use trail,particularly important for the new TOSA tiny Bending River
home village.
2025 Jordan Meadows Neighborhood 9/24/2024 Concept design completed.Final design starting in Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of https://www.slc.gov/transportation/nei North Temple to 1700 North along D1 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
Byway August.Construction is expected in 2025. transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-byways/westpointe-iordan Various Roads
vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting meadows/
people to destinations.
through a series of iafmstmctre improvements.
2025 Kensington Neighborhood Byway-9/24/2024 Design is complete.Construction is expected in 2025. Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of https://www.slc.gov/transportatior/nei Kensington Ave-West Temple to D5,D6 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
Phase 2 transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-byways/Kensington/ 1500 East
vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting
people to destinations.
through a series of infmstructre improvements.
2025 Livable Streets Zone 5 9/30/2024 Conceptual design complete.Engineering finishing the Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the httos://storvmaps.arcgis.com/stories/Livable Streets Program 1300 S to 1700 S and West Temple D5 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.com
design. zone. 4803c0bebf36445ab78d3874f2b1512 to State Street
2025 Livable Streets Zone 6 9/27/2024 Engineering Design begun.Less than 40%done, Livable streetshraffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the httos://storvmaps.arcais.com/stories/Livable Streets Program North Temple to 700 N and 1-215 to D1 Laura Stevens laura.stevensaslcgov.com
tentative cost estimates in. zone.Part of a citywide program to improve traffic safety for all modes. b1276139e4504b88845b9cf21 b7175 Redwood Rd
2025 Livable Streets Zone 7 9/27/2024 Engineering Design begun.Less than 40%done, Livable streetsAraffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the https://storymaps.aregis.com/stories/Livable Streets Program Redwood Rd to 1000 West and 600 D1 Laura Stevens Iaura.stevens(cDslcgov.com
tentative cost estimates in. mine.Part of a citywide program to improve traffic safety for all modes. ca7314e 1 6b314d6cb 1455351 0fc1 59 North to N Temple
2025 Livable Streets Zone 8 9/30/2024 Conceptual design complete.Engineering finishing the Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/Livable Streets Program 300 E to 500 E and 400 S to 900 S D4 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.com
design. zone. 731 e52e45d8d4fa9a570cd911 bf89a7
2025 Livable Streets Zone 9 9/27/2024 Engineering Design begun.Less than 40%done, Livable streets/traffic calming elements to be installed to calm traffic within the httos://storvmaps.arcgis.com/stories/Livable Streets Program Redwood Rd to Cheyenne St and D2 Laura Stevens Iaura.stevens(Oslcgov.com
tentative cost estimates in. zone.Part of a citywide program to improve traffic safety for all modes. 075fec38def341 d7acf386981048756 400 S to Indiana Ave
2025 Main Street Crosswalk 9/30/2024 Design is underway to provide enhanced safety Crosswalk safety was improved with the 2022 resurfacing project that No website Various crossings along Main Street D5 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
Enhancements(900 5-2100 S) measures at several crosswalks along Main Street reconfigured Main Street as one travel lane in each direction with a center
turn lane(700 S to 1700 St.This project is a follow-up to provide crosswalk
safety improvements as many locations as possible.Currently there are 10
unsignalized intersections betweeen 900 S and 2100 South,
2025 Poplar Grove Neighborhood 9/24/2024 Project to construct additional improvements beyond Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of https://www.sic.gov/transportationtnel Various Roads in Poplar Grove D2 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
Byway-Phase 2 what was added in 2020.Concept design completed transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-byways/poplargrove/ Neighborhood
August 2024.Waiting for engineering to assign staff vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting
and design the project. people to destinations.
through a series of infrastmctre improvements.
2025 Signals 9/24/2024 5.1300 East 400 South Hoping to bid 2024 Signal Priority reconstruction needs Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2025 Signals 9/24/2024 6.West Temple North Temple Hoping to bid 2024 Signal Priority reconstruction needs Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2025 Sunnyside Ave Pedestrian Safety 10/2/2024 Continuing community engagement. Constituent requested Capital Improvement Program project.Constituent None Sunnyside-1350 East to D6 Jenne Simkins jenna.simkins@slcgov.com
Improvements received funding for landscaped medians,bulbouts,and crosswalk Guardsman Way
improvements on Sunnyside.Constituent has also requested a lane
reconfiguration in the westbound direction,between Guardsman Way and
1350 East.Project will provide a safe street crossing and beautify Sunnyside.
2025 Westpointe Neighborhood Byway 9/24/2024 See Jordan Meadows byway.Jordan Meadows and Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of https://www.slc.gov/transportation/nei Various roads in Westpointe and D1 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
Westpointe are being designed together. transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-bywevs/westp0lnte-Iordan Jordan Meadows
vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting meadows/
people to destinations.
through a series of infrastmctre improvements.
2026 2100 South/State Street 9/30/2024 This project has yet to begin.Funding through UDOT's None 2100 South at State Street DS Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
Pedestrian Enhancements Transit Transportation Investment Fund(TTIF)-First
Last Mile program.
2026 Capitol HIII Main Street Bike Lanes 10/2/2024 This project has yet to begin.Funding through UDOT's Project benefits are to make it easier to bike to and from TRAX. None Main Street-North Temple to 300 D3 Jenne Simkins jenna.simkins@slcgov.com
Transit Transportation Investment Fund(TTIF)-First North
Last Mile program.
2026/2027 Green Loop 10/4/2024 200 East conceptual design&report is nearing The Green Loop is a project to transform 5.5 miles of city streets to an urban www.slcqreenlocp.com Downtown Plan;Reimagine Nature North Temple/500 West/900 D2,D3,D4,D5 Becka Roolf becka.roolfaslcgov.com
completion.An RFP will be released for full design on green space which incorporates an urban forest,safe and comfortable Public Lands Master Plan;Ped Bike South/200 East
500 West(600 5-900 S)later this fall.500 West may be walking and bicycling routes;stormwater filtration and retention;waterwise Master Plan.
able to tap signfirant developer contributions as 60- landscapes and urban habitat;cool and comfortable places for people.Target
80%of the frontage along these blocks is in play for construction year varies by segment.2026 for 500 West(south blocks),2027
development. for 200 East(north blocks)--pending funding and further discussion.
2026 Llvable Streets Zone 10 9/27/2024 Public Engagement in progress Engaging with the community to determine what traffic calming elements https://maps.slcgov.com/portal/apes/Livable Streets Program South Temple-400 S;West Temple D4 Laura Stevens laura.stevens(a)slcgov.com
should be used&where they'd be of the most benefit to the zone.Expect to storvrllap3/stOri 3caa449e09644d4 3W
complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024,engineering 4a4d368f2a2lfd225
design 2025 and construction 2026.
2026 Livable Streets Zone 11 9/27/2024 Public Engagement in progress Engaging with the community to determine what traffic calming elements https://maps.slcgov.com/portal/apps/Livable Streets Program North Temple/South Temple-400 D4 Laura Stevens laura.stevensnslcgov.com
should be used&where they'd be of the most benefit to the zone.Expect to storvmaps/stories/b95ff4ed31 a14a40 South;5W-3W(check website,
complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024,engineering b5ale876f6eOb29f map shows extent)
design 2025 and construction 2026.
2026 Livable Streets Zone 14 9/27/2024 Public Engagement in progress Engaging with the community to determine what traffic calming elements https://maps.sicuoy.com/portal/apps/Livable Streets Program 600 N-North Temple/South Temple; D3 Laura Stevens laura.stevens(dlslcgov.com
should be used&where they'd be of the most benefit to the zone.Expect to storvmaps/stories/d3e34c7c446545f 3W-1-15(check website for exact
complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024,engineering b8dd87c6dl4d94f8e extent,map at top)
design 2025 and construction 2026.
2026 Livable Streets Zone 16 9/27/2024 Public Engagement in progress Engaging with the community to determine what traffic calming elements httos://maps.slcgov.com/portal/apps/Livable Streets Program 6 N-North Temple;1-15-1000 W D1 Laura Stevens laura.stevensnslcgov.com
should be used&where they'd be of the most benefit to the zone.Expect to storvmaps/stories/b63f51 a98280457
complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024,engineering 487afa58a49lb69d7
design 2025 and construction 2026.
2026 Livable Streets Zone 19 9/27/2024 Public Engagement in progress Engaging with the community to determine what traffic calming elements https://maps.slcgov.com/portal/apps/Livable Streets Program 9S-13S;West Temple-3W D5 Laura Stevens Iaura.stevensaslcgov.com
should be used&where they'd be of the most benefit to the zone.Expect to storvmaps/stories/8223bd808ecd420
complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024,engineering e8ef57083fd5238aa
design 2025 and construction 2026.
2026 Livable Streets Zones 12,13,15, 9/30/2024 Public Involvement to begin July 2024 Expect to complete public involvement and conceptual designs in 2024, httos://www.slc.gov/transportation/pla Livable Streets Program Various locations-see Livable D1,D2,D3,D4, Bill Baranowski bill.baranowski(cDslcgov.com
17,18 engineering design 2025 and construction 2026. ns-studies/livable-streets/ Streets website D5
2026 Signals 9/24/2024 7.900 West 200 South Hoping to bid 2024 75+year old signal Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.00m
2026 Signals 9/24/2024 5.Glendale California Hoping to bid 2024 Signal Priority reconstruction needs Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.00m
2026 Signals 9/24/2024 9.500 East South Temple Hoping to bid 2024.Will be the first dropped if funding runs dry. Signal Priority reconstruction needs Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
2027 Signals 9/24/2024 4.Highland Dr 2700 South ROW needed hoping to bid 2024.This reconstruction will upgrade the Signal Priority reconstruction needs Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
phasing and ADA at this intersection.
2030 Sunnyside Avenue/Crestview 9/30/2024 Concept and traffic study is complete.Approved by Ready to go to design. Roundabout to help traffic calming on D6 Bill Baranowski bill.baranowskiaslcgov.com
Drive Roundabout. Hogle Zoo.WFRC final approval.Talked with Zoo CEO Sunnyside Ave.Improve pedestrian
Doug.Funding is approved by WFRC. crossing to trails and bikeways.
2025-2026 600/700 North Corridor 9/30/2024 Construction planned for 2025 and possibly 2026. In 2025-2026,Salt Lake City will reconstruct 600 North from 800 West to https://www.600northsic.org/ 600/700 North-Redwood Rd to 800 D1,D2,D3 Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
Reconstruction Coincides with replacement of JRT bridge at 650 N. Redwood Road to replace aging and failing roadway pavement,improve West
safety,provide more active transportation options,and beautify the street.
N/A 10-Year Capital Facilities Plan: 10/4/2024 Refining 5+5 with an emphasis on programming streets In preparation for the City's 10-year Capital Facilities Plan,the 5+5 Program is none Administrative:Future Project Citywide All Becka Roo1f becka.roolf(Mslcgov.com
Transportation for Complete Street Reconstructions and Overlays, a collaborative effort between Transportation,Engineering and Public Utilities Selection&Initiation,based on
using new CollabMap tool with shared data from that will identify transportation projects to be initiated and implemented or adopted plans.
Engineering,Public Utilities.Preparation for 10 year constructed in coming years.The first 5 years will identify projects and
Capital Facilities Plan update.A short list of streets for programs by likely year;the second 5 years will be combined together with
potential reconstruction in tandem with neighborhood likely year assigned at the time that items move into the near term 5 years.
byways and other transportation projects has been
N/A 1300 East/University District 9/24/2024 Working on concept development;public survey live This plan,funded by a TLC grant,will recommend transportation changes to https://www.slc.gov/transportation/pla 1300 East&University St-South D6 Lara McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
Circulation Plan through Oct 11. the area that improve connections to the University of Utah while considering ns-studies/1300universitvstudv/ Temple to 500 South
additional transit,walking,and biking improvements on 1300 East and
University Street.
N/A Art In Transit Citywide All Julianne Sabula julianne.sabula@slcgov.com
N/A Bike Rack Parking Study 9/24/2024 A study to look at where and how bike racks should be Revamp and streamline the existing bike rack request program. Citywide All Mary Sizemore mary.slzemore@slegov.com
installed&revamp existing program
N/A Connect SLC:Cltywlde 9/24/2024 Approved by the City Council! Connect SLC is a 20-year vision for transportation in Salt Lake City.The plan, httos://www.slc.gov/transportation/pla Citywide All Joe Taylor joe.taylor@slcgov.com
Transportation Plan envisioned by the community,will help Salt Lake City work toward a future ns-studies/tmo/
On Tuesday,May 7,the City Council approved the where everyone enjoys equitable,affordable,and reliable transportation
Citywide Transportation Plan,Connect SLC.The plan choices.Connect SLC sets goals to improve health and safety,expand
identifies goals,long-term policies,and actions to access to opportunities,and improve air quality.Additionally,it identifies;how
create an equitable transportation system.It will guide we move today,what we value,how we want to improve public spaces,and
the City's transportation efforts for the coming decades what improvements would make it easier to move around Salt Lake City.
and replace the Transportation Master Plan from 1996.
N/A Critical Connections Study 9/24/2024 FHWA,UDOT,and SLC have signed the agreement. As part of the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods federal grant https://www.slc.gov/transportation/l)la West-east divide in Salt Lake City All Joe Taylor joe.taylor@slcgov.com
Monument Engineering has been contracted to program,this project has a budget of approximately$3.7 million.To foster ns-studies/east-west-connections/
administrate the process for UDOT.RFD is closed, connectivity and cohesion,funding will be used to support a planning analysis
selection occurs 10/3. and prioritization of solutions for the transportation infrastructure surrounding
the east-west divide.The process will empower the communities most
affected by the division to define the precise nature of the issues and propose
solutions that address their needs and desires.
N/A Go Route:Frequent Transit 9/24/2024 Prototype stops are completed.Coordinating with UTA Sall Lake City and the Utah Transit Authority(UTA)launched the City's first https://www.slc.gov/transportation/tra Citywide All Late McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
Network Branding/Marketing to do joint press event/brand kickoff.Working with a phase of the frequent transit network(FTN),providing 15-minute bus service nsit/
consultant on a citywide marketing campaign to achieve on high-capacity routes.All FTN routes will be branded and marketed to
greater brand recognition and higher ridership on Go promote this important service that provides more options and greater equity
Routes;finalizing campaign concepts now.Should be for Salt Lake City residents.
live marketing by Nov 1.
N/A Granary District Area Plan 9/4/2024 Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Oct.9th. This planning effort,driven by data and community input,will develop a www.slc.qov/granaryplan Granary District D2,D4,D5 Late McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
They will make a recommendation to Council to adopt or multimodal circulation plan for the Granary District that responds to
not. development patterns,existing and future transit service,and right-of-way
opportunities.The plan will recommend transportation solutions designed to
improve connectivity,comfort,and safety for people walking,biking,rolling,
and connecting to future transit in the neighborhood.
N/A Grants and Funding 10/4/2024 Letters of intent submitted for STP 2031(California Transportation lead for identifying and seeking funds,both internal and none Ped Bike Master Plan;1992 Open Citywide All Backs Roof becka.roolf(cDslcgov.com
Avenue Redwood to 1-215),CMAQ 2031(Roundabout external,for current and future projects.Grant writing collaboration with Space Plan;several University of
location TBD),TAP 2027(Greenbike Capital Care), project managers in Transportation Division and grant team in the Finance Utah/Research Park plans.
CRP 2027(9-Line Greening),and TLC 2025(Beehive Department.
Bikeways,South Temple/Avenues plan).Following
RAISE NOFO for potential Green Loop application.
CDBG will likely apply for sidewalk gap on 1700 South
(700 W to 900 W).
N/A Livable Streets(Traffic Calming Salt Lake City is currently working on zones 10 through The Livable Streets program implements traffic calming measures to improve https://www.slc.goy/transportation/pla Citywide All Kyle Irvin/Keegan Galloro kyle.irvin@slcgov.00m/
Program;Engagement Tasks) 19. safety and comfort in Salt Lake City neighborhoods.Based on based on injury ns-studies/livable-streets/ (Engagement Tasks) keegan.galloro@slcgov.com
crashes,traffic speeds,access to community assets,and socioeconomic
data,the program identified 403 miles of candidate streets and established
113 zones to help the City prioritize the allocation of funds.
N/A Mission and Vision 9/24/2024 Enacted new mission and vision statements,based on Mission:We connect people via a safe and equitable multi-modal https://www.slc.gov/transportation/ N/A Citywide All Heather McLaughlin-Kolb heather.mclauchlin-
the direction provided by the recently adopted Citywide transportation system. kolb((Zslcoov.com
Transportation Plan.
Vision:We envision a Salt Lake City where everyone enjoys an equitable,
affordable,and reliable multi-modal transportation system that supports
health,safety,and sustainability.
N/A Neighborhood Byway Design 7/29/2024 Completed The Salt Lake City Neighborhood Byways Design Guidelines provide a hftps://www.sic.aovltransi>ortationtnel Citywide All Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
Guide detailed framework for transforming local streets into safe and enjoyable chborhood-byways/
routes for walking and biking.Emphasizing low-speed,low-traffic
environments,the guidelines include strategies for route selection,
intersection improvements,and traffic calming measures.The goal is to
enhance connectivity,safety,and neighborhood livability,making active
transportation more accessible and pleasant for all residents.Download the
full guidelines to explore SLC's vision for vibrant,connected communities.
N/A Safe Streets and Roads for All 9/24/2024 Working on an agreement with FHWA and various Salt Lake City was awarded nearly$1 million through the SS4A program to Citywide All Joe Taylor/Mary Sizemore/Julianne joe.taylor@slcgov.com/
(SS4A)TravelWell Study parties.Project is on pemtanant hold. pilot an interactive safety education program in K-12 schools.The community Sabula mary.sizemore@slcgov.com
will learn about safe streets and Vision Zero through technology,with digital
mapping to identify real-time travel behaviors,problems,and solutions.It will
allow them to measure the effects of their individual and families'
transportation choices and empower students'decisions on how they move
about our community.
N/A Social Media Posts Statistics? Citywide All Kyle Irvin/Keegan Galloro kyle.irvin@slcgov.com/
N/A TechLink TRAX Study 9/24/2024 Alternative 3 is the technical recommendation.Next The TechLink TRAX Study will analyze potential light mil(TRAX)options to https:ltwww.techlinkstudy.com/ 400 SoutlV400 WesttArapeen D4,D6 Julianne Sabula/Lars McLellan julianne.sabula@slcgov.com/
steps are UTA meetings(Board of Trustees),SLC improve east-west,downtown Sall Lake City,and regional connectivity.Upon Connector lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
Council meeting,and preparing for the NEPA process. completion of the review,the team vnll develop and screen equitable and
Informational update on LPA to Board of Trustees—Oct sustainable transit alternatives,and prepare a final report to move the project
9;SLC City Council Work Session-Oct 15 into the federal environmental process.
Local Advisory Council adopts LPA—Nov 6
UTA Board of Trustees adopts LPA—Dec 4
N/A Transit Passes:Hive,Low-Income,9/24/2024 There are typically between 350-400 monthly Hive Pass At$42 a month,the Hive Pass is the best transit deal available to Salt Lake https://www.sic..qovltransl>ortationttra Citywide All Lara McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.00m
and School subscribers.Upcoming marketing efforts will seek to City residents,and includes FrontRunner,TRAX,and bus,as well as a one- nsit/
increase this number.SLCSD pass ridership totals year GREENbike membership.
529,712 trips from August 2023-May 2024.Low income
passes distributed to thousands of clients via 7 partner The low-income program is offered to social service agencies that serve very
service providers. low income and unhoused residents in our community.The program aims to
provide transportation to those who need it most.
Every student in the SLC School District,all faculty and staff,and one
parent/guardian per student household receive a UTA pass for free each
school year.
N/A Transportation Advisory Board& 10/4/2024 TAB and BAC have decided to meet jointly four times a Transportation staff support and steward the agendas and functions of two hftps://www.sic.gov/transportationttm Both TAB and BAC are created in Citywide All Becka Roolf becka.roolfdsl000v.com
Bicycle Advisory Committee year,two focused on funding recommendations,and advisory groups which serve as sounding boards for transportation policies, nsportation-advisory-board-tab/ City Ordinance.
two focused on multi-department collaboration around programs and projects.
transportation needs and maintenance.TAB is further hftps://www.sic.gov/boards/boards-
contemplating CIP funding process,while BAC will Commissions/bicycle-advisory-
focus on bikeway design guidelines this fall.TAB and
BAC will ask other departments to participate regularly committee/
in two meetings per year.
N/A Transportation Budget Citywide All Julianne Sabula julianne.sabula@slcgov.com
N/A Transportation Data and Mapping Citywide All Steffe Sotkin stephanie.sotkin@slcgov.cem
N/A Transportation Division Executive 9/24/2024 Transportation received a notification that an error was Salt Lake City will partner with the Executive Fellow to develop strategic N/A Funds requested from City Council Citywide All Heather McLaughlin-Kolb heather.mclauchlin-
Fellow(FUSE Corps) made in June,and funding for this and other recommendations to equitably operationalize the recently adopted Citywide upon approval of the Citywide kolb(cDslcoov.com
transportation planning projects/programs will be Transportation Plan.Ultimately,this work will help Salt Lake City achieve Transportation Plan.
considered at the end of August during the CIP tangible improvements in transportation equity,enhance access to
process.As a result,SLC will partner with FUSE Corps opportunities for all residents,and foster a more inclusive and resilient
for the spring 2025 cycle.Additionally,the SLC attorney community.
reviewed the draft contract and provided comments.
Next steps:Julianne will work with the SLC attorney and
HR re:follow up questions.Upon approval of funding,
the draft contract will be sent to FUSE Corps for review.
N/A Transportation Policy Citywide All Julianne Sabula julianne.sabula@slcgov.com
N/A UTA On Demand Program 9/24/2024 August 2024:11,448 total ridership;1023 unique riders;Salt Lake City has partnered with the Utah Transit Authority(UTA)to provide https://www.rideuta.com/Services/UT Rose Park,Poplar Grove,Glendale, D1,D2 Lara McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
(Westside) 9.63%seats unavailable.Service provider has made on-demand service,an innovative form of transportation that connects riders A-On-Demand Fairpark
some changes to reduce the number of seats with other transit services,such as TRAX,FrontRunner,or bus,as well as to
unavailable and is seeing improvement-not to goal of other destinations in the community.The app-based technology matches https://www.sic.,qovltransi>ortationttra
%unavailable,but it is trending down. multiple riders headed in a similar direction into a single vehicle,allowing for nsit/
quick and efficient shared trips.
Ongoing Adopt A Crosswalk Program 9/27/2024 Engage with public,draw up agreements,and update Engage with public,draw up agreements,and update cartegmph. N/A(?) Traffic Safety Program Salt Lake City intersections All Laura Stevens Iaura.stevens0slcgov.com
cartegraph. Benefit:Improve pedestrian safety when crossing streets at crosswalks.
Ongoing Signals 9/24/2024 Various Above projects can be combined for biding and other purposes. 5by5 Citywide All Kurt Larson kurt.larson@slcgov.com
Ongoing Traffic Safety 8/29/2024 Ongoing Crash data analysis.Install safety improvements at safety hot spots.Improve NA Various Citywide All Dan Bergenthal dan.bergenthalaslceov.com
traffic safety for all modes city-wide.
TBD 1300 East/Gilmer Drive HAWK 9/24/2024 Project has been designed and is waiting for a Install a HAWK crossing at the 1300 East/Gilmer Drive intersection to provide None 1300 East at Gilmer Drive D5,D6 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
successful bid package. a more comfortable crossing of 1300 East for people walking and riding
TBD 1700 South Corridor 9/24/2024 Project has been designed and is waiting for a The project includes a lane reconfiguration on 1700 South from 300 West to None 1700 South-Redwood Rd to 300 D2,D5 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
Improvements and Restriping successful bid package. Redwood Rd and installation of a HAWK crossing at 1300 West.The benefits West
include a more comfortable walking and bicycling experience,especially
around the Glendale Park area.
TBD Kensington Neighborhood Byway-9/24/2024 TBD TBD Kensington Ave-west of Foothill Dr D6 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
Foothill Adjacent
TBD Road to the Regional Athletic 9/24/2024 Concept being developed for a road at approximately The project is evaluating a secondary access to the Regional Athletic None Redwood Rd to Rose Park Lane D1 Jeff Gulden jeff.gulden@slc.gov
Complex 2600 North between Rose Park Lane and Redwood Complex.The concept being developed is for a road at approximately 2600
Road. North between Rose Park Lane and Redwood Road.
TBD KENSINGTON TO SUNNYSIDE 9/24/2024 Concept design phase.Project was on hold as we Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of https://www.slc.gov/transportatioNnei Kensington Ave(1400 E)to Will Becker will.becker@slogov.com
(unfunded) NEIGHBORHOOD BYWAY collected additional data and updated concepts.Public transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-byways/kensington-to- Sunnyside(Le Grand St)
review anticipated Fall 2024. vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting sunnyside/
people to destinations.
through a series of infrastmetre improvements.
TBD Life on State:Bikeways(Main 9/30/2024 Long term street transformation still several years out, This project is a major transformation on Main Street that will narrow the https://w .lifeonstate.com/bikeways Main Street-700 South to 2100 D4,IDS Kyle Cook kyle.cook@slcgov.com
(unfunded) Street) TBD funding. pavement width and add a separated bike lane and wider sidewalks from 700 studyhome South
South to 2100 South.The new design will also include features like street
trees,waterwise landscaping,public art,sidewalk dining,and bike parking.
TBD WESTMINSTER TO KENSINGTON 9/24/2024 Concept design phase.Project was on hold as we Creating pleasant and convenient routes for people using active modes of hftps://vn .sic.clov/transportation/net Various roads between Westminster D6,D7 Will Becker will.becker@slcgov.com
(unfunded) Neighborhood Byway Concept collected additional data and updated concepts.Public transportation by encouraging safe travel speeds,discouraging cut-through ghborhood-byways/westminster-to- College and Kensington Ave
review anticipated Fall 2024. vehicle traffic,providing safe crossings of busy streets,and connecting kensington/
people to destinations.
through a series of infrastructre improvements.
500 South and 600 South Grand 9/24/2024 Consultant is selected;working on contracting. This project will assess potential changes to Salt Lake City's one-way streets, 500 South&600 South from 1-15 off- Late McLellan lara.mclellan@slcgov.com
Boulevards Concept Development 500 South and 600 South,from Interstate 15 to residential areas near 700 ramps to 700 East
Capital Improvement Program Funding Summary FY23-FY25 compiled october2024
FY23Request FY23Award FY24Request FY24Award FY25Request FY25Award Capital New
Totals $ 36,415,000 $ 22,754,941 $ 22,450,000 $ 16,661,126 $ 36,390,000 $ 26,362,531
Active Transportation&Safety
Neighborhood Byways $ - $ - $ 800,000 $ 800,000 $ 1,600,000 $ 970,000 X
Urban Trails $ - $ $ 1,700,000 $ 1,700,000 $ 1,500,000 $ - X
Safer Crossings $ 800,000 $ $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 600,000 $ 352,531 ?
Livable Streets $ 3,500,000 $ 2,000,000 $ 2,500,000 $ 1,644,126 $ 3,000,000 $ 2,000,000 ?
Green Loop $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 3,140,000 $ 3,140,000 ? X
Percent of requests funded 47% 85% 66%
Percent of total funding 9% 30% 25%
Complete Streets
Bridge Reconstruction $ 8,900,000 $ 3,700,000 $ - $ - $ 4,000,000 $ 4,000,000 X
Complete Streets Reconstruction $ 15,550,000 $ 13,794,885 $ 11,100,000 $ 7,792,000 $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 X ?
Complete Streets Overlays $ 1,250,000 $ 1,250,000 $ 3,500,000 $ 3,500,000 X ?
Corridor Transformations Including Striping $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,600,000 $ - ? X
700 South Reconstruction(4600 W-5000 W) $ 1,600,000 $ 1,407,848 $ - $ $ 4,500,000 $ 4,500,000 X
California Avenue Infill(4800 W-5500 W) $ 1,500,000 $ - $ - $ $ - $ - X
Percent of requests funded 69% 73% 78%
Percent of total funding 83% 54% 63%
Alleyway Improvements $ 250,000 $ 142,919 $ 250,000 $ 250,000 $ 500,000 $ 500,000 X
Bridge Preservation $ 300,000 $ 173,008 $ - $ - $ - $ - X
Multimodal Capital Maintenance $ 250,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ X
Overlay Maintenance $ - $ - $ 750,000 $ 750,000 $ - $ - X
Public Way Concrete/Replacement $ 750,000 $ 436,281 $ 750,000 $ 75,000 $ 750,000 $ 1,250,000 X
Rail-Adjacent Pavement $ 70,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - X
Traffic Signal Replacements $ 1,845,000 $ - $ 950,000 $ 400,000 $ 2,700,000 $ 900,000 X
Percent of requests funded 22% 55% 67%
Percent of total funding 3% 9% 10%
Transit&First Last Mile
Transit Capital(Bus Stops+FILM) $ 1,100,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 1,100,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 750,000 X
Percent of requests funded 100% 73% 50%
Percent of total funding 5% 7% 3%
Transportation-initiated program
Engineering-initiated program ?=to some extent,one might debate whether these programs are new or
Joint-initiated program maintenance. If the crossing exists,but is unsafe,are the safety upgrades to an
Collaborative program(minor opportunity for complete streets) existing asset?? Or is the crossing"new"due to new equipment?