08/05/2024 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the August 5, 2024 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board Daniel Mendoza, Greg Sanchez,
Johnnae Nardone, and Steve Wooldridge.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Craig Buschmann,
Isaac Astill, John Close, Justice Morath, Matthew Gray, and Miranda Bradshaw.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Jon Larsen, Josh Stewart, Julie
Bjornstad, and Suzanne Stensaas.
Present was Kerri Nakamura and Becka Roolf.
Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, and Julianne
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:12
p.m. by Greg Sanchez.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone, and everyone
introduced themselves.
Motion: Craig Buschmann moved to approve the minutes of the May 6, 2024 TAB
meeting and the June 10, 2024 Joint Meeting. Daniel Mendoza seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment — There were no members of the public.
PNUT Board — Joint Committee Proposal, Motion &Vote
Kerri Nakamura,PNUT Board
Kerri said the Parks, Natural Lands, Urban Forestry, and Trails Advisory Board (PNUT)
is proposing a new joint sub-committee with the TAB &BAC. The Board feels there is so
much crossover in the work on urban trails that become part of the transportation
system. There are some good goals in the Reimagine Salt Lake Plan that guide PNUT's
work. She said there are also good goals in other plans such as the Pedestrian/Bicycle
Master Plan, the 9-Line Trail Extension, Plan Salt Lake, and the Complete Streets
Ordinance that overlap with PNUT's goals. They are proposing having a sub-committee
that keeps constituent focus on that work with Salt Lake City. The PNUT board has
tentatively approved this sub-committee contingent on TAB's positive endorsement.
Becka said Ginger Cannon previously presented this to BAC and Greta Sommerfeld
volunteered to be a BAC representative. Kerri said it would be great if there were also
TAB members to help the City keep a focus on what they have already said they want to
implement. Miranda Bradshaw said she would be interested in serving. Steve
Wooldridge said he would also like to participate representing the SLCPD. Johnnae
Nardone said she would also be happy to serve.
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Motion: Johnnae motioned to endorse the Committee for Urban Trails that will be a
joint committee between PNUT and TAB, and that Johnnae, Miranda and Lt.
Wooldridge would be representatives of that. Greg seconded the motion. The motion
pass unanimously.
Capital Improvement Program (CIP), io-Year Capital Facilities Plan, and
Prioritization Process
Becka came to inform the Committee about how a new process the City is using for the
CIP program has played out for the FY25 round of projects and that they're just about to
ramp up for the FY26 round of CIP projects. She said it's a good time to see what that
process looks like and what projects are ideal to submit for funding requests. Also, for
the Committee to understand the changed landscape that the CIP is undergoing now
that there is a slightly new process. She said next month TAB may have further
discussion about this topic along with a draft list of CIP projects to prioritize. Julianne
started with a description of what has changed during the past year. She said there has
been a general desire to take a more holistic citywide approach to budgeting which has
motivated the formation of a new committee called the CAP Committee, an internal city
committee. They get together and review all the internal City applications, not just the
Transportation applications. The Committee was tasked with figuring out a way to fairly
rank the projects with the same set of metrics while also taking into consideration the
projects the Council wants to be prioritized such as projects that had already been
designed the prior year. Julianne explained the CAP Committee's scoring criteria and
how they ranked the CIP projects. She said they may revisit this process and see what
refinements they think may be needed. TAB will see in about a month or so that CIP
constituent applications will open back up again. The CAP Committee is ultimately
expected to produce a new io-year capital asset plan. She said one of the interesting
things would be to see how TAB ranked the projects vs the CAP Committee. They
looked at the transportation project rankings by BAC and TAB and where they fell
compared to the CAP Committee rankings. There was further discussion about specific
projects and the scoring system. Julianne said if TAB has any input on this process, she
can take that to the Committee and share. The Board would like to hear a little bit more
about this process so they will put this on a future agenda.
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Time/ BAC Vice Chair
Joint Meeting with BAC in September
The BAC has several people who are interested in starting the role of the Vice-Chair who
are not able to make the 4:00 P.M. meeting time that TAB currently has. This has also
come up as part of an ongoing discussion about doing joint meetings. Becka is
wondering if the Board would consider the possibility of revising their meeting time to
make it later. Secondly, Becka would like to propose having a joint meeting for the TAB
meeting in September at BAC's normal time on September i6th from 5-6:30 since there
is a conflict for TAB's regular meeting time. She said it is partly for the two groups to
have a discussion together and determine if there is an agreeable way to move forward
on either doing more joint meetings or continuing the way they are now. Becka would
also like to present on the FY26 CIP to both groups at once. After some discussion, it
was determined that, of the TAB members present, they want to continue meeting at
4:00 p.m. Greg asked if any TAB members attend BAC regularly and said it's a problem
if they do not. Becka said it would strengthen the connection if at least one TAB
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member attended BAC. Becka proposed 8 joint meetings per year and if they did those,
it sounds like they would all have to be at 5:00 p.m. to accommodate BAC. Over time,
the BAC membership may evolve to people who can make a certain time,but generally
TAB has tended to have more professional representatives which is why it's been at the
end of the workday. Johnnae suggested they split the meetings to meet half at TAB time
and half at BAC time. Daniel agreed with that proposal. Becka said the challenge with
that is that there may not be quorum if members weren't available. The joint meeting
discussion was tabled to have a discussion with BAC.
Motion: Greg motioned to move their September meeting due to Labor Day and also to
accommodate the BAC and have a joint meeting on Monday, September i6th from 5-
6:30 P.M. Matt seconded the motion. The motion passed with one member opposing as
they are not available on that date and time.
School Transportation/TAB Letter
Due to time constraints, this topic will be on a future agenda.
Report Out — By Members
TAB Members •Bicycle Advisory Committee — (vice chair vacant)
Reminder: Elections — October 2024
Due to time constraints, this topic will be on a future agenda.
Motion: Johnnae motioned to adjourn the meeting; Greg seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board is a joint
TAB/BAC meeting and is scheduled for September 16, 2024.
TAB WebEx Meeting Chat
There was no meeting chat.
Approved by the Transportation Advisory Committee 10-07-24.
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