10/23/2024 - Pending Minutes
SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, September 25, 2024
A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video
recording of the meeting is available at www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings
Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Aimee Burrows, Vice Chair Landon Kraczek, Commissioners Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Mike Christensen and Brian Scott.
Staff members present at the meeting were: Deputy Director Michaela Oktay, Planning Manager John Anderson, Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson, Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria, Senior Planner Diana
Martinez, Senior Planner Cassie Younger, Urban Designer Amanda Roman, Principal Planner Alicia Seeley, Principal Planner Olivia Cvetko and Administrative Assistants Bonnie Whaley and Aubrey Clark. REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The Chair and Vice Chair had nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Deputy Director Michaela Oktay had nothing to report. OPEN FORUM Commissioner Christensen wanted to discuss again the issue of land use tables that disallow some land uses with a radius of a specific type of residential form and not others. Chair Burrows stated Nick Norris was looking into the item.
CONSENT AGENDA 1. Planned Development for El Centro at Approximately 155 S 600 West - Peter Corroon, representing Centro LLC, is requesting approval for a Planned Development to redevelop/expand a community and cultural center at the above listed address. Currently the land is used for a community
center and the property is zoned G-MU (Gateway Mixed-Use). The subject property is within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff Contact: Alicia Seeley at 801-535-7922 or alicia.seeley@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00814 2. Design Review for Alta North Station Apartments at Approximately 1865 W North Temple - Travis Nicholes of JZW Architects, representing the property owner, is requesting approval for a Design Review to develop an eight-story mixed use building with 283 affordable residential units and 780 square feet of commercial space at the above listed address. Currently, the land is occupied by a motel with surface parking. The property is zoned TSA-MUEC-C (Transit Station Area Mixed Use Employment Center Station Core). The subject property is within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro (Staff Contact: Cassie Younger at 801-535-6211 or cassie.younger@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00115 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2024
Commissioner Christensen motioned to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Commissioner Barry, Scott, Kraczek, Scheer, Christensen, and Burrows voted “yes”. The motion passed unanimously. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. Alley Vacation at approximately 268 W Paxton Avenue - This is a continuation from the June 12th, 2023, Planning Commission. The public hearing was closed. RCB Rental Properties and Little Garage, Inc. are requesting approval for an Alley Vacation to vacate the public alley between 1161 South 300 West and 268 West Paxton Avenue and replace it with a cross-access easement. The subject property is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact: Olivia Cvetko at 801-535-7285 or olivia.cvetko@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01128 Principal Planner Olivia Cvetko presented the Alley Vacation as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to City Council.
Representing the applicant, Ryan Bushman gave their presentation to the commission. They stated that they appreciated staff’s time.
There was discussion between Commissioner Barry and Staff to clarified whether 300 West has a current curb cut. MOTION Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to adopt this Alley Vacation to the City Council.” Commissioner Christensen seconded. Commissioner Barry, Scott, Kraczek, Scheer, Christensen, and Burrows voted “yes”. The motion passed unanimously.
REGULAR AGENDA 1. Zoning Text Amendment to allow 6' fences in the Front Yard Setback in the M-1 Zoning District of the Salt Lake City International Center - Greg Beecher requests Zoning Text Amendment approval to amend the zoning ordinance in the M-1 zoning districts of the Salt Lake City International Center to increase the height of front yard fences from four feet to a maximum of six feet. The subject
area is located within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro (Staff Contact: Diana Martinez at 801-535-7215 or diana.martinez@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00800 Senior Planner Diana Martinez presented the zoning text amendment as outlined in the staff report. She stated the staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to City Council.
Applicant representative Greg Beecher came to the desk but did not have a presentation to share. Commissioner Barry clarified 6 foot tall fences are allowed on the side and rear of the property.
Commissioner Scheer asked staff if there are restrictions on fence material and wanted to know why this is this an individual item not a city-wide change. Staff responded it was because it was a privately initiated
petition. The Chair opened the public hearing.
PUBLIC HEARING As no one wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing. EXECUTIVE DISCUSSION Commissioner Kraczek requested information about safety concerns with a 4 foot fence versus a 6 foot fence. Commissioner Scheer stated that the fire department has specific requirements about gates. MOTION
Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to adopt this text amendment to the City Council.” Commissioner Scott seconded the motion. Commissioner Barry voted “no”. Commissioner Christensen, Scheer, Kraczek, Scott, and Burrows voted “yes”. The motion passed five to one. 2. Development Agreement for Intermountain Health at Approximately 700 to 800 South and State to Main Street - The Planning Commission will review the concepts that would be included in a development agreement between the city and Intermountain Health for the property generally located between 700 and 800 South and State and Main Streets. The development agreement is required to receive a recommendation from the commission because the agreement proposes to reduce zoning standards that would be required in the D1 Central Business District Zoning District.
The development agreement may include establishing ground floor street activation, the length of building facades facing the street, vehicle access and parking, open space, food truck locations, and potentially other specific info related to the development of the site as a hospital as identified by the
commission. The property is located in City Council District 4, represented by Eva Lopez Chavez. (Staff Contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01109
Urban Designer Amanda Roman presented the development agreement as outlined in the staff report. She stated the staff recommends forwarding a recommendation of approval to the City Council. The applicants, Bentley Pay with Intermountain Health Real Estate and Heather Wall, LDS Hospital President, reviewed their proposal. They stated that they are comfortable with the compromises that were
made with staff. The commission and staff discussed the development agreement, parking structures, and the location of the building entrances.
The Chair opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING There was a discussion of an emailed comment, but the commission stated that it was in the record and
there was no need to read it aloud. The Chair closed the public hearing. EXECUTIVE SESSION The commission and staff discussed the building length and façade. The commission and applicant discussed window transparency and standards for reflective glass. There was discussion about identifying the entrances of the building, ensuring active uses with-in the D-1 zone are being followed, and asking the City Council to include them in the decision. MOTION
Commissioner Scheer stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the Commission forward a recommendation to adopt the draft Development Agreement, including the additional conditions 6-8 as outlined in the Staff Report. I propose that we revise condition 6 to remove the following language: “Additionally, a signal-protected pedestrian crossing shall be installed approximately midblock on Main Street, with specific details subject to approval by the Transportation and Planning Divisions. Also, it is recommended that the applicant be required to assure the transparency of the glass on the ground floor throughout the ground floor of the project. Commissioner Barry seconded the motion. Commissioners Scott, Barry, Christensen, Kraczek, Scheer, and Burrows voted “yes”. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Zoning Consolidation Project - Salt Lake City is proposing to update its zoning ordinance and zoning map by consolidating up to 27 existing commercial, form-based, and mixed-use zoning districts into six new mixed-use (MU) districts. The aim is to simplify zoning regulations, improve
clarity of language, and incorporate missing design standards. The new mixed-use districts will be similar to the current districts but will have changes to setbacks, building height, lot coverage, and permitted land uses. Related provisions of Title 21A-Zoning will also be amended as part of this
petition. (Staff Contact: Daniel Echeverria at 801-535-7165 or daniel.echeverria@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00707
Senior Planner Daniel Echeverria presented the zoning consolidation project as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends tabling a recommendation, due to the public comment period still being open, until the second public hearing scheduled for October 23, 2024. The Chair opened the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING Cindy Cromer provided concerns with mixed uses, historical RB zone issues, and the need to prepare for ordinance modifications after adoption Bernie Aua spoke against the zoning consolidation and provided concerns about the proposed heights
Paul Christenson spoke in favor but was cautious of active ground use Ashley Kinser spoke against the zoning consolidation and noted general concerns
Ben Engel provided concerns about setbacks within historical areas and spoke in favor of simplifying the process Stephen Hopkins spoke in favor of zoning consolidation and the need for housing
Dan Dansie noted they would like their properties to be changed to a different MU designation than a currently proposed Ann Ruth Issacson spoke against the zoning consolidation and the proposed setbacks and height, Darrin Peery spoke against the zoning consolidation and the need for light Justin Kani spoke against the setbacks in MU-8 Shelley Carpenter noted concerns about large events in neighborhood, traffic and trash, and supporting existing businesses Layne Anthony spoke against the proposed setbacks and the zoning consolidation Email: Amanda Dillion noted support for the consolidation but felt timelines were rushed.
Public hearing is open until October 23, 2024. MOTION Commissioner Christensen stated, “I move that the Planning Commission continue the public hearing to a later date.” Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Scheer, Barry, Christensen, Scott, Kraczek, and Chair Burrow voted “yes”. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Burrows summarized the information that was heard during the public hearing. The commission and staff discussed concerns with the zoning changes and how it will affect people in the areas. The meeting adjourned at approximately 7:49 PM
For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public-
meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified,
which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.