09/11/2024 - Meeting Minutes
City & County Building
451 South State Street, Room 326
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to
order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for
a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting and not a verbatim transcript. A video
recording of the meeting is available at https://www.youtube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings.
Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chair Mike Christensen, Vice Chair Aimee Burrows,
Commissioners Bree Scheer, Amy Barry, Anaya Gayle, Landon Kraczek and Brian Scott.
Staff members present at the meeting were: Director Nick Norris, Planning Manager Krissy Gilmore,
Senior City Attorney Katherine Pasker, Principal Planner Rylee Hall, Urban Designer Amanda Roman,
Senior Planner Eric Daems, Principal Planner Meagan Booth, and Administrative Assistants Bonnie
Whaley and Aubrey Clark.
Chair Mike Christensen shared the opening statement.
The Chair and Vice Chair had nothing to report.
Director Nick Norris spoke on the redevelopment of the former Sears block and stated that a development
agreement will be coming before the Planning Commission on September 25, 2024. He also discussed a
bill that was adopted by the Utah State Legislature regarding a potential baseball stadium that would require
the City and property owner to enter into an agreement by December 31, 2024. The commission and staff
discussed whether the proposal could be included in the MU zones.
No one wished to speak.
1. Extension Request for Bumper House Planned Development and Design Review - George
Hauser, on behalf of the property owner, is requesting a one-year time extension for the Bumper
House Planned Development and Design Review for the multi-family development located at
approximately 1050 S. Washington Street. Planning Commission granted a modification to the
original approval on September 27, 2023. The subject property is located in the CG (General
Commercial) zoning district within council district 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact:
Kelsey Lindquist at 801-535-7930 or kelsey.lindquist@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01165
& PLNPCM2022-01166
Commissioner Burrows motioned to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Scheer
seconded the motion.
Commissioner Gayle, Scott, Scheer, Kraczek (abstained from the minutes), Barry, Burrows,
and Chair Christensen voted “yes”. The motion passed.
1. Conditional Use for Concrete Manufacturing Facility at Approximately 1055 N Warm Springs
Road - Russell Skuse, representing the property owner, is requesting approval of a conditional use
permit to establish a concrete manufacturing facility at the above-listed address. The project site is
currently being used for outdoor storage by the owner and the property is zoned M-1 (Light
Manufacturing) District. The subject property is within Council District 3, represented by Chris
Wharton. (Staff Contact: Rylee Hall at 801-535-6308 or rylee.hall@slc.gov) Case Number:
Principal Planner Rylee Hall reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff
recommends approval with several conditions. She shared the proposed conditions.
Representing the applicant, Russell Skuse came to the dais but did not have a presentation to share.
He stated that he appreciated staff’s time.
The commission and staff discussed the conditions for air quality. Staff and the applicant discuss the
how the materials are moved from the silo to the mixer.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Brian Munch – Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment – against the proposal.
Glen McBride – Chair of Capitol Hill Neighborhood Council – against the proposal.
Jackson Bradshaw – against the proposal.
Jake Surigao – against the proposal.
Janine Lock – Capitol Hill Neighborhood Council – against the proposal.
Randall Smith – against the proposal.
Karen Tuddenham - Healthy Environment Alliance of Utah – against the proposal.
Email from Spencer Shafer – against the proposal.
Email from Amy Leech – against the proposal.
Email from Jessica McCandis – against the proposal.
Seeing that no one wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing.
The Chair called the applicant to respond to the public comments. Russell Skuse stated that Granite
Construction owns the property but will not be the operator and stated they have planned to comply
with staff recommendations.
The commission and staff discussed how the residential buffer was calculated and how the buffer
provision is applied.
The commission and applicant discussed what steps would be taken to mitigate pollution.
Commissioner Burrows stated that she would like City code to be reviewed so that multi-family
residential uses can be protected from detrimental impacts the way that single and two family
residential uses are protected.
The commission reviewed the standards, compared the proposal to the standards, and conferred
with staff for clarification.
Commissioner Gayle stated, “Based on the information presented and the discussion, I move
that the Commission approve this Conditional Use application coinciding with staff’s
recommendations and with the additional condition that there be a physical barrier consisting
of either a permanent fence or earthen berm placed at the 1000 foot buffer area.”
Commissioner Kraczek seconded the motion. Commissioners Barry and Scheer voted “no”.
Commissioners Kraczek, Gayle, Scott, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted “yes”. The
motion passed 5 to two.
2. Planned Development and Design Review for Elliott North at Approximately 29 W 800 South
– Nicholai Lazarev, representative of the Boyer Company, is requesting approval for a 266-unit
multifamily development. The proposed building is 93' tall (eight stories) and will include a midblock
walkway on the south side of the property. The site consists of three parcels totaling approximately
1.37 acres and is in the D-2 Downtown Support District.
A. Planned Development: Requesting an increase in the front yard setback requirement from a
maximum of 10' to 13' along 800 S, a reduction in the ground floor setback requirement for
residential uses along Richards Street from 8' to a requested 0' and a reduction of the required
sidewalk width in the Downtown Districts from a minimum of 10' to a requested 6' along
Richards Street. Case number: PLNPCM2024-00383
B. Design Review: Requesting the following: a height of 93', use of Ground Floor and Visual
Interest option with 72% active ground floor use along Richards St., in the form of artist work
studios, but with a depth of only 13'7" where 25' would be required, reduction in durable
ground floor materials along 800 S from 80% to 60%, reduction in ground floor glass from
45% for residential uses to approximately 40% along Richards St., reduction in upper floor
glass from 50% to approximately 40%, increase in the street facing façade length along
Richards St. from a maximum of 200' to 356', and a modification of the upper floor step back
requirement of 10' for buildings between 6-8 stories. Case number: PLNPCM2023-00818
The subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact:
Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slc.gov)
Urban Designer Amanda Roman reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that
staff is recommending approval with conditions. She shared the proposed conditions.
Nicholai Lazarev, representative of Boyer Company, and Ioanna Magiati, of Architects Orange,
presented the project vision of the Elliott North and Elliott South. They expressed gratitude to the
planning staff and planning commission.
Commissioner Barry shared some of her concerns regarding the project.
Commissioner Kraczek likes the project, and it is an interesting use. It fits in with the new MU
standards being adopted.
Chair Christensen opened the public hearing.
Sam Sampaios - has concerns about how close Elliott buildings are to his building and the utility
Seeing that no one else wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing.
The applicants, staff, and the commission discussed the project including setbacks, stepbacks,
easements, art space, and active ground floor use.
Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and the discussion, I move
that the Commission approve this Design Review application as recommended by staff but
with the following modifications: 1) That the gallery space along 800 South remain in
operation as retail to comply with ground floor uses defined by zoning code and if the galley
use changes it should continue to be retail in focus.”
Commissioner Scheer seconded. Commissioners Barry, Scheer, Gayle, Kraczek, Burrows,
and Chair Christensen voted “yes”. Commissioner Scott voted “no”. The motion passed six
to one.
Commissioner Gayle motioned, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move
that the Commission approve this Planned Development as recommended by staff.”
Commissioner Burrows seconded the motion. Commissioners Scheer, Kraczek, Barry, Gayle,
Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted “yes”. Commissioner Scott voted “no”. The motion
passed six to one.
3. Planned Development and Design Review for Elliott South at Approximately 846 S. Richards
Street - Nicholai Lazarev, representative of the Boyer Company, is requesting approval for a 62-unit
multifamily development. The proposed building is 83’ tall (seven stories) and will include a midblock
walkway on the south side of the property. The site consists of two parcels totaling approximately
.49 acres and is in the D-2 Downtown Support District.
A. Planned Development: Requesting a reduction in the ground floor setback requirement for
residential uses along Richards Street from 8’ to a requested 0’ and a reduction of the required
sidewalk width in the Downtown Districts from a minimum of 10’ to a requested 6’ along
Richards Street. Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00384
B. Design Review: Requesting the following modifications: a height of 83’ where buildings
between 65’ – 120’ require Design Review approval, use of Ground Floor and Visual Interest
option with 73% active ground floor use along Richards Street, in the form of artist work
studios, but with a depth of only 15’ where 25’ would be required, reduction in ground floor
glass from 60% to approximately 28%, reduction in upper floor glass from 50% to
approximately 26%, and elimination of the upper floor step back requirement of 10’ feet for
buildings between 6-8 stories. Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00385
The subject property is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff Contact:
Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems@slc.gov)
Senior Planner Eric Daems reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff is
recommending approval with conditions. He shared the proposed conditions.
The applicants shared a joint presentation on the previous agenda item and did not share another for
this item.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Lynn Lonardo – wanted to know if the gallery space was open to the public to sell their art.
Seeing that no one else wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing.
The applicant stated that the gallery spaces will be reserved for the residents of the building to use.
Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that
the Commission approve this Planned Development as recommended by staff.”
Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion.
Commissioners Barry, Gayle, Scott, Scheer, Kraczek, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted
“yes”. The motion passed.
Commissioner Barry stated, “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that
the Commission approve this Design Review as recommended by staff.”
Commissioner Gayle seconded the motion.
Commissioners Barry, Gayle, Scott, Scheer, Kraczek, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted
“yes”. The motion passed.
4. Alley Vacation at Approximately 373 W American Avenue – Jarod Hall, Di'velept Design, is
requesting a recommendation for approval to vacate a public alley located between American Avenue
and the 900 South I-15/West Temple off-ramp, just east of 400 West. The applicant requests to vacate
this alley to allow for future redevelopment of these properties. The property is zoned CG (General
Commercial District). The subject property is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano.
(Staff Contact: Meagan Booth at 801-535-7213 or meagan.booth@slc.gov) Case Number:
Principal Planner Meagan Booth reviewed the proposal. She stated that staff recommends forwarding
a recommendation for approval to City Council.
The architect Jarod Hall shared a presentation and reviewed the reason for the proposal.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Seeing that no one wished to speak the chair closed the public hearing.
The commission and staff discussed the process that proposal will need to go through before a
property owner abutting the alley will be able to purchase the property, and the new easement.
Commissioner Burrows stated, “based on the information presented and the discussion, I
move that the Commission forward a recommendation to approve this alley vacation to City
Council with the conditions listed in the staff report.”
Commissioner Barry seconded the motion.
Commissioner Barry, Gayle, Scheer, Kraczek, Scott Burrow and Chair voted “yes”. The motion
5. General Plan, Zoning Map, & Text Amendment at Approximately 1095 E 2100 South - Jason
Boal of Snell & Wilmer, representing the property owners, Harbor Bay Ventures, is requesting
amendments that would facilitate the redevelopment of property listed above. The property is 1.22
acres in size and is currently occupied by a vacant, two-story building (formerly a Wells Fargo bank
branch). The intent of the general plan and text amendments is to increase the development potential
of the property.
A. General Plan Amendment: To support the change in zoning, the applicant is proposing to
amend the Sugar House Community Master Plan to allow for high density residential
development within the Business District Mixed-use – Town Center Scale area of Sugar
House. Case number PLNPCM2023-00960
B. Zoning Text & Map Amendment: The applicant is proposing to create a new zoning district
MU-15 (Form Based Mixed-use 15 Subdistrict) that would apply to the property and potentially
other properties within the city. Case number PLNPCM2023-00961
The subject property is located within Council District 7, represented by Sarah Young. (Staff contact:
Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slc.gov and Rylee Hall at 801-535-6308
or rylee.hall@slc.gov)
Urban Designer Amanda Roman and Principal Planner Rylee Hall reviewed the proposal as outlined
in the staff report. They stated that staff is recommending approval with conditions. They shared the
proposed conditions.
Jason Boal of Snell & Wilmer provided a presentation of the requested amendments they are seeking.
Commissioner Scheer clarified a mass timber building can be built with any zoning. She asked what
incentives were provided with the extra floors. The applicant stated that they are not proposing to use
adopted incentives (affordable housing or adaptive reuse), which would allow for increased building
Commissioner Scheer asked about anticipated construction impacts. Urban Designer Roman
specified that the adjacent property owner called in with questions about future staging and told staff
that they will not allow their property to be used as a staging area for construction.
The Chair opened the public hearing.
Judy Short, Sugar House Community Council - against the proposal.
Ben Oliver- against the proposal.
Thea Brannen - not present
Lorie Brea - against the proposal.
Sara Woolsey - against the proposal.
Michael Rubin - against the proposal.
Milton Brazzelton - against the proposal.
Becky Davis - against the proposal.
Lynn Schwartz – against the proposal.
Kim Petrozo – against the proposal.
CJ Fishburn – read into the record, against the proposal.
Lynn Lenardo – read into the record, against the proposal.
Steve Cook – against the proposal.
Sheila O’Driscoll – email - against the proposal
Kelli Hannah – email - against the proposal
Emily Potts – email -against the proposal
Devin Xander – for the proposal
Seeing that no one else wished to speak the Chair closed the public hearing.
Jason Boal addressed public comments.
The Commission and Staff discussed additional housing in Salt Lake City, higher housing density,
the proposed MU11 zone, building materials, spot zoning,
Commissioner Barry “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the
Commission forward a recommendation of denial to City Council for this General Plan
Amendment for the following reasons: Does not lessen congestions on the streets, is not
scaled to enhance the neighborhood, City department reviews state the area does not have
the capacity for the development, and there is no community benefit.”
Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion.
Commissioner Gayle, Scott, Scheer, Kraczek, Barry, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted
“yes”. The motion passed unanimously.
Commissioner Barry “Based on the information presented and discussion, I move that the
Commission forward a recommendation of denial to City Council for this Zoning Text & Map
Amendment for the following reasons: potential impacts where not fully explored, and the
staff report did not give credence that capacity could be met, and the impact on the city’s
ability and need of timing future transportation improvements has not occurred or been met.”
Commissioner Burrows seconded the motion.
Commissioners Scott, Scheer, Kraczek, Barry, Gayle, Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted
“yes”. The motion passed unanimously.
1. Zoning Consolidation Project – The Planning Commission will be briefed on the proposal to
consolidate the existing mixed use and commercial zones into new “MU” zones. This briefing will
include an overview of the proposed drafts of the MU-8 and MU-11 zoning districts. (Staff Contact:
Kelsey Lindquist at 801-535-7930 or kelsey.lindquist@slc.gov) Case Number: PLNPCM2024-00707
The briefing was cancelled due to the late hour of the meeting. The Commission was instructed to
review the staff report and to contact staff if they have any questions or concerns regarding the
1. Chair and Vice-Chair Elections
Commissioner Barry nominated Commissioner Burrows as Chair. Commissioner Burrows
accepted the nomination. Commissioner Barry motioned to approve the nomination.
Commissioner Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Barry, Gayle, Scott, Scheer,
Kraczek Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted “yes”. The motion passed.
Commissioner Kracek nominated himself for Vice Chair. Commissioner Barry motioned to
approve Commissioner Kraczek as Vice Chair. Commissioner Burrows seconded the motion.
Commissioners Barry, Gayle, Scott, Scheer, Kraczek Burrows, and Chair Christensen voted
“yes”. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:24 PM
For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division’s website at slc.gov/planning/public-
meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified,
which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.