10/14/2024 - Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES SALT LAKE CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING CONSERVANCY AND USE COMMITTEE HYBRID MEETING HELD,October 14,2024 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT Catherine Tucker,Committee Chair Laura Marshall,SLC Facilities Kathy Davis,Committee Member 71akr� Josh Lander,SLC Facilities maltCup&Ql:ountn JZduilDinq Mark Morris,Committee Member Congerbanty&MOr Committee Sean Fyfe,SLC Engineering Caitlyn Barhorst,Committee Member Jaysen Oldroyd,SLC Attorney's Office Travis Sheppard,Committee Vice Chair APPROVell) Karilyn Anderson,SLC Engineering Robyn Taylor-Granda,Committee Member Nathan Kobs,SLC Safety&Security Joseph Ramos,SLC Parks COMMITTEE MEMBER ABSENT T)a November 18,2024 Tony Gliot,SLC Urban Forestry Karen Ferguson,Committee Member Jonathan Pappasideris,SLC Attorney's Office Steven Burt,Committee Member Vivian Saumure,SLC Attorney's Office Catherine Tucker welcomed everyone to today's Conservancy and se ommittee meeting. She began by asking each person to introduce themselves for a roll call.Those in attendance as follows: Laura Marshall,Facilities;Josh Lander,Building Administrator;Karilyn Anderson,Salt Lake City Engineering;Vivian Saumure,Salt Lake City Attorney's Office;Jonathan Pappasideris,Salt Lake City Attorney's Office;Mark Morris,Committee Member;Joseph Ramos,SLC Parks;Tony Gliot,SLC Urban Forestry;Jaysen Oldroyd,Salt Lake City Attorney's Office;Travis Sheppard,Committee Vice Chair;Caitlyn Barhorst,Committee Member;Kathy Davis,Committee Member;Catherine Tucker,Committee Chair;Nathan Kobs, Director Safety& Security;Sean Fyfe,Salt Lake City Engineering;and Robyn Taylor-Granda,Committee Member. Agenda Item 1:Review and Approval of Last Month's Meetinz Minutes Catherine gave everyone a moment to review the meeting minutes for last month. After a few minutes she asked if anyone had any comments or corrections to the minutes. If not,can I have a motion to approve the meeting minutes. Mark Morris motioned to Approve the meeting minutes. Kathy Davis Seconded the motion. Catherine said we will now vote on the motion to approve the meeting minutes from September 9,2024. All those in favor. Or any opposed. Travis Sheppard said I will abstain from voting since I was not at the meeting. All the other Committee members unanimously voted to approve the meeting minutes. Agenda Item 2:Review Adding Security Camera on Pole at Washington Square Nate said there have been for a very long time many blind spots that our current City Hall cameras do not cover.A lot of this is due to the trees on Washington Square. Even in the wintertime,we can't really with our current camera system see the roads.And even what we can see when we zoom our cameras in,they're not actually zooming in,but just enhancing and increasing the pixel size.The mid-block on 200 East is the highest point for pedestrians and vehicle traffic.And to be able to place a camera closer to the street would greatly increase our coverage.This area has had quite a few issues in the past.We are talking about fights and damage to vehicles. In the past 2 months,we've had considerable damage to vehicles without any way to show who could have done it,so the property owners have to pay for repairs themselves. The picture of the location where the camera would be placed is shown there.That placement is based on where the city electricians told me that they could get power. We looked into other locations,but due to the age of our infrastructure underneath the grounds,I was told this is pretty much the only spot on the property that we can get power to the camera.We also looked at integrating the power from the light poles,but they are on a switch with a timer,so the camera would only be able to work when the lights were on.So,according to our electricians,that is the only possibility.And then you see the designs for the pole that is in consideration. Catherine said I know I have a couple of questions,but I'll open it up to everybody. Does anyone have questions right now.Travis said I am trying to pull up the Design and Use guidelines. The light poles are all decorative,but this one being proposed is not. I know that there are attachments for those lighting poles.Is there any reason why this is not a decorative pole. Catherine mentioned there are also a lot of parking signs,and all of those types of things.Are they also decorative.Josh said the handicap blockers are decorative,but the one-hour parking signs are not,they're just standard.Travis said but this pole,you know,is going to be 10 feet tall.Catherine said it's going to be pretty,prominent and right in the primary. Travis added right in the main field of view. It's going to be in every photograph ever taken of the building. Catherine said my concern with the pole is from a maintenance standpoint.Additionally,they're indicating this pole is milled steel,and that means that within a few years you're going to be dealing with rust on it,and it will be unsightly right in the middle of everybody's photograph of the 1 building.So,from a practical standpoint,if there's any way to change the switching on a light pole that's in a good location and attach a security camera to an existing pole,rather than introducing another one. Was that discussed with the electricians. Nate said yes,but there's the issue with getting power up to those poles.We've looked at the structure of those poles. It doesn't really make sense where we would have to place the camera on those poles.Because it would need to be attached lower than the light and that gets a little awkward. Travis said you mean awkward for the function of the camera.Because you'll have glare from the light shining into the camera which doesn't work. Nate said there is a potential to put shielding on top of the camera,but this makes the camera a bigger piece,hanging off the side of the pole below the light. Because we can't put it on top of the light pole, because that's where the light is. And then my concern is the lower you put it,the more likelihood of damage to the camera.Travis said yeah,we've experienced that same thing placing lights and cameras on the same pole. Sometimes it works,and sometimes it doesn't,it depends on the light fixture.So, I agree. But in general,if we were to go to a single pole, I'd say that we would propose that we go to one that was matching the existing poles. Nate said decorative and not milled steel.Travis said yeah just match the rest of the light poles on the campus.Nate said yeah okay. Josh said Robinson Iron did the bollards and the handicap placard signs.We could look into getting a quote from them to create a decorative pole that would match the existing poles. Catherine asked the committee how we feel about the asymmetrical placement of the pole.Mark said maybe one question for you Nate. I know you're looking at the whole square for hardening and putting in the kiosk for this parking loop. Is this pole considered a temporary pole,that when that hardening happens with the building of the kiosk,this pole be relocated. Nate said no,I am looking at this as being a permanent fixture.Mark added but aren't we still limited by where they can get electrical power,because I assume we'll be running power to that kiosk as well. Nate said when the kiosk does happen,they would need to do trenching,which would increase the scope of the project. But at this point,the location for this camera pole has zero trenching required.The only construction would be digging the hole,pulling some more wire from the location and pouring concrete. Catherine said Mark raises a really good point,and I'm wondering if the committee might be willing to approve this as a temporary measure if the security needs are significant,and they're needed right now.That this might be a temporary measure,but not seen as a permanent addition to facilities. How much of a need is this from a security standpoint. Nate said I would always argue that the security needs are always exigent.The longer you wait,the more vulnerable you are. I've had funding for this project for quite a while,due to instances in the past.That caused me to start this project in the first place.Since the inception of the idea,we've had multiple issues come up since then.Security cameras are a fantastic way to not only catch,but to prevent criminal activity. Mark asked do we know what sort of timeline we are looking at before the next proposal with the decorative pole would be presented.Josh said the next opportunity would be next month's meeting. Nate said I'd be willing to push it off to next month,so we can get a quote for a decorative pole. Catherine asked if there are any other comments or questions from the committee on this.Then let's push this to next month's meeting,and would urge that while you're looking at decorative poles,also consider the option of looking at the existing poles that are there.See if there's potentially an option to add a camera on an existing pole already,if that may be feasible. It may not be,but if you could just review it that would be great. Nate said absolutely,thank you very much committee. Agenda Item 3:Review Attorney's Office Breakroom Project Karilyn said good afternoon, I believe that this project was presented a while ago for a preliminary acceptance of the project.After that the engineering office has moved this project forward by doing the code reviews and studying the space to make sure that it works,that it is ADA compliant and meets code. The rooms that are affected are room 532 and 534,which are Priority C space classification where all added new elements are considered of none or low importance.The area is highlighted in yellow where the proposed breakroom will be. Right now,there is a pantry in here,and then this area is empty right now but was being used for storage,and then they have sort of a break room without a kitchen. The back corner is where the dining room area is.On the next slide I've shown the plan layout.You come in through the existing door and all the existing doors have half-light,which is nice,because that space has no windows.And then you go into the break room dining area where they have a lot of windows and it's very bright and delightful. As you enter the breakroom kitchen,immediately you have an island in the middle and in the backdrop of the island is where we placed the refrigerator,base cabinets with the dishwasher on the right side,on the south side we have the sink,and in the corner is the microwave.We have studied the circulation on this and it is all ADA compliant with a lateral approach for the appliances. My intention was to have a very streamlined small island that is only 2 feet wide but will have stools that can be tucked underneath. People can use the island for preparation and things. But they can also use the stools as extra seating on the island.Then the dining room area has a very large area for seating. I have placed additional outlets in the break room kitchen.We just got an electrical engineer on board and he's going to start working on the estimate that will be available later.We're thinking of providing under cabinet lighting.On the plan I said were upgrading the can lighting but I just learned that the area has already been upgraded. So,we don't have to touch those.Catherine asked is the layout going to be similar to what's shown here. Karilyn said yes,the layout is like that. But the electrical engineer might suggest some specialty lighting.But we'll need to discuss that further. Then there are two up-light scones,one on either side of the room.They're very outdated.So,if they want the same level of lighting,we'll probably replace the one scone on the east side of the room.The other scone removed,replaced with under cabinet lighting. So,let's go back to the mechanical&plumbing drawings,because there's going to be some disturbance on the back wall because of the sink. Right now,where the sink is going to be located there are 3 panels,one is electric and two are data.This will be the main struggle with this project.We 2 just learned that we have a wiring under the floor.We have that sink there and are proposing using tile on the floor.So,all of that wiring is going to need to be moved up into the ceiling area and then come back down where it needs to go.That might be one of the major expenses of this project, unfortunately. But the main plumbing on the sink is going into that chase,and then the rest of it's going to be underneath the cabinet and that's where the key plate space is going to be.We're not going to disturb that wall behind it.Here's where the waistline is,which is very easy to get to for the water and can be tied in easily.Catherine asked Karilyn,reflected on the ceiling plan in the break room dining,in the center of the ceiling there's a light fixture. Is that an existing historic fixture with any historical significance. Karilyn said It is.It's a chandelier and we're not going to touch that or the ceiling in there.Catherine asked are there any other historic fixtures in there that you're keeping or is It just that one light.Karilyn said no,there's no other. Vivian said in the dining area we call it the plant room,it's a lovely place to go and relax in.The chandelier is historical,and of course,all the windows and everything.So,the only changes made in that room are just the flooring. Karilyn said yeah,if we had to bring power from above the ceiling,then we might have to disrupt the plaster and that would be a major expense,since we just remodeled the building.Vivian said I don't think there's any plaster work in that room.There is just millwork,baseboard and the windows. Karilyn said what about the chimney bump out there. Vivian said yeah that is lath&plaster on the bump out. Karilyn said but we are not going to mess with the chimney or any of the millwork. Karilyn said we've taking some liberty to go a little bit beyond what the finishes are in there right now.The only wood I could find in the breakroom were the doors,and that is an oak finish.The main intent was to use that oak color as a complemented finish in the design,but not actually use it as the main material. I did a study of the oak,with the variations of brown and lighter colors,so that these wood colors would complement the design and the intent of the space.Karilyn invited the committee to review the wood samples on the table showing the colors being used for the cabinets. These white cabinets are all labeled here on the plan.The wall cabinet is a white ash laminate with a woodgrain in gray.And this represents the systems doors here. We have the base cabinets which are a walnut color,and then we have a background that is the oak color which complements the doors to bring that color into this space. For the main countertops are white quartz countertops with this matte finish as shown in these samples.Then we have the island which is going to be glossy,and it's going to have the veining which will tie into the entire design.Then the last touch will be this backsplash that's going to work all the way around,and it's going to be the focal point at the sink.Which comes up from the counter to the ceiling and then there's two shelves which are also tying in the oak color. Catherine asked Travis,what are your thoughts on this.Travis said I was just going through and looking at the priority C rooms in the guidelines.And it said in general they are not historic,with no character defining features. But there is a point where it says,as with low importance features,every effort should be made to replace these features with new features,that are comparable in design and materials with the room,size,and configuration,and overall historic character of the City and County building.So,as I see it,this design is in keeping with the historic character of the building. But there are some materials being used I'm not so sure about,specifically the glass backsplash.Catherine said that's interesting,because that was my first reaction,too,and just from an architectural standpoint.But I understand you don't want it to be boring either. And I think the role of this committee isn't necessarily that we play the architect.The role of this committee is to stay in our lane,and make sure we're following the design guidelines. Karilyn said yeah, I chose glass because it's a reflective material,and the space has no lighting.So, I thought that the lights reflected on would help brighten the room and it would make it more interesting.So,if you want,I could go with just a plain tile,which I have an option for. Because we are tight on the budget with electrical work eating into a lot of the budget.We might have to value engineer this project,by selecting less costly tile options to meet budget.And the glass tile is an expensive material.If you go to the last page of the presentation which shows other tile options, you'll see my idea of the backsplash with the horizontal lines.And I was thinking,maybe take the area above the sink and make it the focal point with glass,and then the rest of the backsplash could be one of these other option on this page,a little more conservative. It looks a little bit more like marble.I don't have any samples of that tile. But I can certainly revise the backsplash. Travis said yeah but Catherine is right.We're not judging the design of it. But the guidelines do say to use materials that have the same original historical character of the building. Catherine said I'm just thinking,say maybe 30 years from now,when somebody decides they no longer like the kitchen&they want to remodel it. It appears to me that in the break room dining,unless those 2 tables are going to have electrical underneath them,that whatever flooring you put in that room could stay there for the next 200 years. It might make sense that the flooring in the break room dining,try to do what Travis said and echo the existing building floors even more closely than the current proposal.Whereas the kitchen island is likely going to have electrical routed through it,or maybe the millwork around there.If you were going to redo the kitchen,you'd probably end up redoing the flooring in that break room itself. Maybe,we decide we don't put this level of importance in the kitchen.Travis,what are your thoughts.Travis said yeah,it's something to consider.Catherine said the question to me is which of these are more temporary in terms of a 10,20,30,or 40-year lifespan.And which of these are going to become more permanent. Karilyn said for the dining area,the border all the way around I'm proposing, I matched the proportions of the system tiles around the building.We try to use something similar but not exact,because the octagon and dot was$50 a square foot,and that cost was too much out of our budget. Travis mentioned the tiles you're showing are appropriate for the building by both color and style. Karilyn said I have these tiles which have the proportion of 6 inches,then 2 inches,and then one inch,and then over here is about 6 inches,again.Then we have two other options,and the first tile is about$3 a square foot,which is really affordable.Whereas this other one is about$13 a square foot.So,if it comes to something that we have to choose between one or the other,maybe this one would be a better choice.But I wanted to propose this to you guys. I mean the dining 3 room is so delightful, I think this would look great there,with all the plants and all those windows. I think having a white floor in there will be very lovely,and it would lighten up the space pretty good. But I wanted to bring these two options just in case we needed to find the right balance& style of tile for the area.If you tell me oh no,we wouldn't like to set this type of material on the floor.We'd rather stick more with what we have in the bathrooms with the square instead of the hexagon.Travis said the hexagon is a period appropriate material,even though you might not be able to find it in the building,it could have been here. Catherine said my reading of our design guidelines would be that things like millwork are not considered,especially in the non-contributing room, are not considered to be permanent fixtures in the building.And that we would be having too heavy of a hand as a committee,to prevent you from choosing your own millwork,right. Because you can choose what you want for the modern kitchen with a modern function.Where we can to Travis's point,if we're going to end up putting money into a tile floor,and that tile floor is expected that it could stay for many years.Then that's where the burden becomes greater to match the historic nature. Karilyn said yeah,I had the same reaction.You see,this is the existing stockpile we have right now in storage for the building. I got this from Josh, but we don't have enough for the whole floor,and he wants to keep his stock tile for repairs. So I went to another company,and they have this one, with these colors available that we could use in the octagon&dot. But this again is$50 a square foot. I found another in Switzerland,and it was $200 per square foot.So,that when I switch to this tile,which I'm not totally in love with it. I really wanted to do the octagon and dot.But I don't want to kill the budget either.Travis said yeah,no,that's what I'm saying,this is very period appropriate. Vivian asked,do you have a preference as far as the larger or the smaller tile.Travis said the smaller is more period appropriate. Karilyn said for the actual breakroom this is the border color that I'm showing there.Catherine said sorry are you talking about the border on the wall.Karilyn said on the floor,the border is sort of that brownish color there.And then this is the tile in the pantry area.And then the field tile,that grey hexagon that is shown.And then it has the border there and the mosaics.And I thought the break room is probably going to get dirty the most,so I thought less grout is probably better which is usually the problem with smaller tiles.But we can do the full floor tile like this.Catherine asked if there is a cost difference between what you've proposed for the break room kitchen and the break room dining area. Karilyn said yeah,this is the style price over here for the larger octagon at 6 inches is about$3 per square foot.The smaller hexagon here is about$13 a square foot.So,there is a$10 difference between that one and this one. And if you go to that mosaic gray tile look,this is a little more. Catherine asked do you already have budgets approved for this.Karilyn said yeah.Catherine asked so everything you've shown us is something that you could do other than what was originally shown. Karilyn said what I said was the floor tiles at$50 per square foot,maybe we couldn't do those because we just found out about electrical issues.So that's the only one that is up in the air.And I have this option here that is LVT(luxury vinyl tile) that looks like tile,but this is just glue in flooring.And they have the hexagons that we could use.Or maybe something like wood.But I wanted to get your feedback and see if we can even go there. Because we could do something like this for the break room and the dining area,but it wouldn't be permanent.It has only a 10-year warranty for commercial,and I think 25 for residential.Travis said you're suggesting this to stay in budget. Karilyn said yes if we have to.Vivian asked because of the wiring under the floor,we could leave the wiring there if we use this. Karilyn said oh,no, already talked to the electrical engineer,he said by code the only thing allowed to cover the electrical wire is carpet.And we really don't want to do carpet in the breakroom.Because keeping it clean would be impossible.So,the wiring will have to go up above the ceiling&pulled where needed. Catherine said well my personal opinion on this is I really like what you've done with the border in the break room dining.I think that's really nice and reflective of the building,and my thought is that several generations from now,it could be something that stays.So,in the long term,it's very economical,because it wouldn't be something that would be ripped out and thrown away. For the field color in the middle of the break room dining,personally,it doesn't matter to me if it's the larger hexagonal,or the smaller,if it's that big of a cost savings.Travis said it just that the larger tile was not produced in that period. Catherine said but don't we have larger field tiles right outside the door there too.Travis said they're not this large. Karilyn said they are a 6-inch tile.Travis said oh they are.Karilyn said yeah.Catherine asked did you consider using the same design that you came up with for the break room dining floor,and use that same design in the break room itself. Karilyn said yeah,that's fine.Travis said I agree. Karilyn said I started with what we have in this corner over here,which is more period approved,more tied into the building. I started with that,and then when I was told it was$50 a square foot,that's when I went with another option that was a bit less expensive. But if we can afford to have it all the same look,that's fine,too. Travis said yeah,you've done a very nice job with the break room dining and I think,if we could carry that through into the kitchen area.When someone comes into the kitchen,it wouldn't stand out,it would look original.Catherine said but again I think that this is up to the group of attorneys and what they want their breakroom to look like with the millwork,fixtures,appliances you're going to put in. It's really not the purview of this committee,nor do we intend for it to be.We're not trying to have too heavy of a hand on it. Karilyn said and what about the backsplash tile. Catherine said it'd be kind of like the millwork right. If you were to remodel your millwork,you'd probably reconfigure and change your wall tile. Anyway,I don't see that as a permanent piece of the building.But,Travis,really,what are your thoughts,do you have any preference in terms of adhering to the guidelines.Travis said yeah,there are really not a lot of guidelines. I was looking for the part of permanent and impermanence that I wanted to read as part of this discussion. I couldn't find it,so give me a second.Catherine said I think for the guidelines,the idea is that they're always evolving,and so we don't have to follow it as though it's set in stone. But If we're going to use taxpayer money for the building,doing something that's going to be permanent and withstand the test of time in terms of style. It's just a smart way to use our money.But then,if you're going to be putting in mill work. No one expects anybody to put in historic kitchen millwork.You don't have the budget for it,right.We see that as kind of temporary,that it could be changed in 10,20,or 30 years you know.What are the committee's thoughts on this. 4 Kathy said I support her on that, I really like the border in the break dining room.I think that's really pretty. Karilyn said thank you.If you go to this page 11 it shows what we currently have in the building. Kathy said oh yeah.Catherine said these colors are really nice and in keeping with that color scheme. I know it's not everybody's favorite color scheme. Karilyn said yeah,the dark gray,yellow and red.So that's pretty much what it is. Travis said one thing that's also kind of interesting throughout the building is that each floor has different tile patterns.We're not even held to a specific tile pattern.It's more of the color and the period appropriate size and shape,and then you can reconfigure it however you want. Karilyn said yeah,I wanted to get more creative. But I thought the more creative you get,the more money you have to pay. Catherine said one thought that I have had on the border,that we've all agreed that we really like.The gray tile that you're using isn't a solid matte color.It has more like a speckle to it.Catherine said I was just wondering if it would be better to keep it in a matte color. If we're seeing it as a new permanent fixture of the building.Karilyn said but we do have speckles in this grey tile,if you look at the stock system tiles.They do have speckles in them. Travis asked where do you see the speckled tiles. Karilyn said they are in the corners of the floor do you see that.Travis said oh,yeah.Karilyn said this one is the octagon that they're using this with the yellow. I think it's just because we have the tile polished now,there may be some sort of coating on it which makes it look matte.Josh said they shouldn't be doing that. Karilyn said these feel a little more raw.Josh said maybe the buffing machine's driven over it about a thousand times.Karilyn said I did have a plain brown in there,and I thought no more brown,except for the cabinets in the break room.And I thought let's just put a little bit of speckle in that,to kind of tie in with the whole cream and yellow. Catherine said as I understand it this committee should be serving to provide advice using the design guidelines,and then try to let you do what you need to do to make your space function. I don't know what others think.Do we want to vote to approve the design that has been proposed for the dining break room flooring only. Karilyn said then we can come back with the final design for the kitchen breakroom area for the flooring and re- visit the backsplash,because the budget may require different options there.Catherine asked what does your schedule look like. Because we don't want to hold up your schedule.Karilyn said we still need to get the electrical estimate done,which will be a major part of the budget.So once the estimate is done and we'll know where we are. Catherine asked do you want to present again in a month. Karilyn said it will probably be 2 months before we can come back.Vivian said is it going to be that long. Karilyn said yeah.Jonathan asked if we will be able to do the electrical work,so we can make some progress on the project. Karilyn said yeah.That is what I am saying,we're doing that now that we have the electrical engineer on board,have them do all the drawings and get an estimate. He's probably going to need a month to get things going,and then we get an estimate and then we can come back here and say,this is how we're going to do it.And get the final approval. Catherine said okay I'll put forward a motion that this group will vote so you have tentative approval on this project,based upon you coming back with a second set of drawings,that'll reflect the committee's comments from today.Karilyn said yeah that is fine. Can I have a second on that motion for us to conduct a vote so that they're comfortable proceeding forward with work without risk.Travis Sheppard Seconded the motion. Catherine said all in favor.All opposed. All the committee members unanimously approved. Catherine said so you have a formal approval to proceed forward.Karilyn said yeah,I just wanted to hear your recommendations on this. Catherine asked if there are any other discussion for this project.I really appreciate the level of detail of the drawings and product sheets.What Karilyn put together here for our first page indicating how this complies with the design guidelines,was so helpful.And for future proposals,I think this could be the gold standard. It was really well done.Travis added I just wanted to say with any other future decisions,if you just look at the design guidelines and follow these very simple guides which are in keeping with the historic nature and character of the City and County Building. Karilyn, Vivian and Jonathan all thanked the committee. Agenda Item 4:Other Building Projects or Updates Catherine asked if there are any other building projects or updates in general to discuss. Josh said the fountain removal will be happening on Wednesday this week. That was something we presented last month.So that's exciting news. They'll be restoring them back to their former glory. Catherine said that's great. Laura said I just wanted to let you know that we do have the conference room scheduled for November 181h,so we'll have our November meeting on November 18th versus the 11th. And I'll be sending out the cancellation for November 11th and the new calendar invite for the 181h next week. Catherine asked just to double check.We don't need to discuss seismic remediation whatsoever.It's done.Seanm has anything else come up. Sean said nope,it's done. Catherine said that's great news. Mark said If it's okay,I can report on the meeting about site security. Kevin from GSBS presented a budget which they made very clear,nothing has been designed.They were merely putting a budget together for the scale of the project.So,I think that's going to be the next step to get this into a design.They talked about doing a CLR,culture landscape report,for the entire block before it can proceed.So,it sounded like that was their next task to get a CLR put together and engage someone to do that before any decisions are made.So,I guess the takeaway is no decisions have been made yet.Catherine asked do you foresee,as you move forward with the project,do you have kind of an estimated schedule.Are we talking that we might see something next month,or in a couple of months,and when this committee might see anything on this. Mark said I think it would probably go well into next year before they get into that.A CLR takes several months.And they haven't even engaged with anyone to even start that yet.So,it'd probably be next year before we'd see anything.They basically took sort of a worst-case scenario,with them lining the block with bollards.What would that cost be. Making the caveat,that is not what is being considered.That is just what's the most expensive thing that they would do.So that's where they kind of started regarding the budget.Travis asked using rated bollards.Mark said crash rated bollards,yes.Travis 5 said K-12 rated bollards. Mark said yeah,just to say here's what the most expensive approach would be.And then let's work backwards from that. But in that discussion,they were very clear about the historic sensitivities to the block,and the landscape was top of the list.So,I think it will be many months before we see any proposed design.Catherine said I appreciate you being their Mark,as our liaison at those meetings.Are there any other items that anybody needs to discuss as part of our official meeting. If not,may I please have a motion to adjourn the meeting. Caitlyn Barhorst motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kathy Davis Seconded the motion. The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn. Catherine said and as we've completed the agenda,and received a motion and a second, I declare this meeting as adjourned. Agenda Item 5:Washington Square Grounds Walk Through Catherine said as I understand it,we're now going to be walking the Washington Square grounds with Joseph Ramos who is with Salt Lake City Parks and Tony Gliot with Salt Lake City Urban Forestry. All the committee members who attended in person at the meeting were then invited to go outside to Washington Square to tour the grounds. Tony Gliot,with Urban Forestry,was asked by the committee about how these trees were selected to be placed on the grounds of Washington Square. He said he thought that the trees were selected based on what trees they were seeing around the city and streams. They probably planted trees they thought would grow,thrive,and provide shade in the area. He said most trees can grow here if it is watered well. But water is the limiting factor.And with this site being an historic site we get a lot of pressure with all the festival being grandfathered in here. If I can be completely honest it gives our trees a really difficult time. In the last year we have removed 8 trees from the site,and we just planted back 5 trees with more to come. But the overall health of these trees on this site is a concern of mine.And our biggest challenge as you can see is to reduce the compaction of the soil around the trees and keep them well watered in the middle of summer when they need it the most. We really try to keep them watered well but it is hard when we have these events on the square and you can really see it when you come here in the summer the trees really struggle.The committee did ask if there is any consideration about planting more drought-tolerant trees.Tony mentioned many of the trees here are very drought tolerant.The committee also asked about the irrigation system whether we have thought about separating the grass areas from the tree areas.So that during the festivals the trees could still be watered. Tony said we are doing that at many of our parks in the city. But it is costly,so we have started in the areas which had needed it the most.Tony talked about the different species of trees on the square and how they monitor these trees closely regarding their health,looking for any issues and how to treat them,so as to prolong the longevity of each tree. As well as any public safety issues that may need to be addressed regarding the trees. Joseph Ramos with the Parks Department talked about the maintenance of the grass areas with mowing,fertilizing,weeding and replacement of grass when needed done by the Parks Department. He also talked about the sprinkler system in the grass areas and drip water irrigation which have been installed in the planting beds around the building,the 2 fountains and the horseshoe parking area.They have put in drought tolerant shrubs and perennial plants as well as some annuals that provide plenty of flowers,colors and variety in the planting beds for the community to enjoy for each season of the year. They have a small team of Parks employees who work very hard to maintain the planting beds for all the parks so the community can enjoy them when they visit the parks in the city. The committee members walked all the way around Washington Square and saw the trees,planting beds,fountains and the horseshoe area. Once the tour was completed the committee members all thank Tony Gliot and Joseph Ramos for providing them with an informative guided tour of the square. 6