6/9/2022 - Meeting MinutesRacial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 1 3/15/2023 12:07 PM Racial Equity in Policing Commission City & County Building 451 South State Street Cannon Room 335 Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, June 9, 2022 5:30 p.m. The Racial Equity in Policing Commission met in an electronic and in-person meeting. Minutes are provided in conjunction with the video/audio file. Meeting Materials _________________________________________________________________ Commission Members in Virtual Attendance: Commissioner Rev. Davis, Salazar-Hall, Commissioner Anjewierden, Commissioner Johnson, Sagato-Mauga, Satini, Samantha Eldridge Commission Members Absent: Commissioner Hawkins, Commissioners McDonald, Commissioner Solovi, Commissioners Romero, and Oomen City Staff in Virtual Attendance: Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Equity Manager; Maria Romero, Executive Assistant to the Chief Equity Officer; Captain Zayas, Guests in Attendance: , Sgt Nate Groves, Zerina Ocanovic, Carlos Sabuco, Jonatha Puente The meeting was called to order at 5: 1.Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines 2.Open Dialogue (~5 minutes) 3.Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes) 4.Approve and Adopt Minutes February, March, April, May 2022 Minutes Older meeting minutes: June 30, 2021, May 19, 2021, June 16, 2021, February 24, 2021, March 10, 2021, May 5, 2021 5.SLCPD Chief Update (~5 minutes) Chief Brown may provide update to commission and introduce the Lt. Cluff to the commission. -Participated in the Pride Parade was extended a few blocks and was extended because of the overwhelming support of the community. 2,000 Pride Stickers were distributed in the event -Yvette Zayas has been promoted to Captain on the West Side of the City. New Executive Officer Lt. Cluff. -Training has been looked into collecting applications, commissioners can be involved by being in the meetings. -Funding for the REP Budget -Position for the Community Outreach Position has been filled and report from PR Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 2 3/15/2023 12:07 PM 6.Utah Courts Office of Fairness Follow-up (~15 minutes) Director Jonathan Puente and Valeria Jimenez will present on their continued work. -Jonathan Puentes follow up, 20 years had a marginalized communities receive fair treatment at the court's disproportionate representation of color in the courts it actually increased as the criminal proses increased. The court put a RED group pulled from all stakeholders to identify to speak on their behalf to identify decision points criminal judicial process that might trigger a disparity. -Partnership with U an algorithm has helped obtain more data, they get a person's first and last name and zip code and pair with census then the algorithm this person is from this demographic and identifies possible race. This working group is identifying a working draft of examination -Once points are obtained algorithms report of race of the person ad can help with disparities at the court -These findings will be presented to the Judicial Council. -Focuses Pre Trial, Release, Probation Violations -Jonathan will bring a Chair Judge to present 7.Juvenile Court's Efforts to Reduce Racial and Ethnic Disparities Presentation (~20 minutes) Zerina Ocanovic and Carlos Sabuco from the Juvenile Courts will present. -Current Efforts to sway have fair diverse and diverse for children and families. Policy and -Judicial Network Group Also Probations Chief, DCFS to create child well fair, -Judicial Racial Justice Group Lead by Judge Monica Diaz, with the areas that are being looked at and are important, the data that is available can explain the disparities. This is allowing for recommendations such as risk assessments, these recommendations can be recommended to the Judges. Access to interpreters to have language access. Language access extends timelines with the court, the longer the wait the more they may reoffend. Cultural education component not just for probation officer or judges. -CARROT social files for the youth, profile picture, the probation takes a picture taken and that picture goes on the file, and we recognize that those pictures can create a bias, is the youth in a detention center, and vice versa. This is an item that has been addresses -Chiefs Group A probation officer sends a letter to parents, and they found a disparity that might prolong the disparities. Accessibility is the focus of the first contact. -Focus had been emphasized with delinquent cases they have been broken in phases and are in currently in Phase 2. -Phase 1 was our population who is referred to the court and for there is disproportionate ages 10-17 they found that about 25% of the whole state is minority youth. Minority Youth receive more referrals. Minority youth are diverted. Minority youth are living under the means. -Are minority Youth receiving a harsher sentencing this study has been requested by judges. -Carlos Sabuco and Commissioner Steve Anjewierden are exploring a training of the effects of a Juvenile Record to POs to help guide their decision making in policing juveniles. 8.Salt Lake City Park Rangers Program (~20 minutes) Janessa Edwards, new Park Ranger Manager, will provide update on the program. -Jeneta Edwards New Park City Rangers, Park Rangers are friendly Uniformed stewards of the city of the trails, and Natural areas. Promote voluntary compliances, community engagement. -Building a group of city ambassadors to the city. -Park Rangers will be stationed Pioneer Park, Jordan Park, and Fairmont Park Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 3 3/15/2023 12:07 PM -Another meeting offline for the trainings 9.Mayor’s Office Equity and Inclusion Team Update (~10 minutes) If time permits, Moana will provide a presentation on the current DEI efforts within the city. 10.No Meeting in July Request to recess during July to update webpage and compile 2022 official written report. 11.Subcommittee Chair Updates (~ 5 minutes) Priorities for 2022 Policy & Practices – Second Monday of the Month at 4-5pm Training – First Monday of the Month 5:30-6pm School Safety – Third Monday of the Month at 4-5pm Application Review – Meets as needed 12.TENTATIVE Closed Session The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to: a.discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual; b.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; c.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and d.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. Item not held Meeting adjourned at 7:08 pm Minutes approved through consensus:November 10, 2022 Action Notes: Human Rights Commision for organization ask of Johnathan Puentes Make Jonathan Puentes Serina Ocanovi Emails available Send Jeneta Edwards presentation to all Commisoners Commissioner Steve Anjewierden and Janeta Edwards needs a separate meeting with the training subcommittee MOANA ULUAVE-HAFOKA SALT LAKE CITY MAYOR’S OFFICE This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-203(2)(b). This document Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 4 3/15/2023 12:07 PM along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Racial Equity in Policing Commission Regular Meeting on June 9, 2022.