G 20240115 - Affidavit & Notice of Restriction - Great Day Investments LLC - 10806 E Moose Run LaneErin Mendenhall Mayor June 5, 2024 City Recorder 451 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Department of Public Utilities Re: Affidavit and Notice of Restriction — Great Day Investments, LLC — 10806 E Moose Run Lane Dear City Recorder: Please find enclosed a copy of the County recorded document for the above -noted file. Please file this document in your office. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Karryn Greenleaf at 801-483-6769 or karrvn..zreenleaf(@slcizov.com. Sincerely, Ka n Greenleaf Water Rights, on racts and Property Manager /nb attachment(s) cc: File 1530 South West Temple WWW.SLC.GOV Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 TEL 801-483-6900 FAX 801-483-6818 When Recorded Please return to: Salt Lake City Public Utilities Attention: Karryn Greenleaf 1530 South West Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 County Parcel No. 24-16-356-oo1 14243397 B: 11492 P: 9302 Total Pages: 10 05/22/2024 11:19 AM By: tpham Fees: $0.00 Rashelle Hobbs Recorder, Salt Lake County, Utah Return To: SL CI1Y PUBLIC UTILITIES 1530 SOUTH WEST 'rEMPLESALT LAKE CITY, UT 84115 I I I I hY1 NFJI NOT fI71P:III : Will 1110 11 AFFIDAVIT AND NOTICE OF RESTRICTION COMES NOW Nikole Bench, who, after first being duly sworn, hereby represents as follows: i. I am of legal age, familiar with the subject matter of this Affidavit and competent in all respects to make the representations set forth herein. 2. The following document (the "Notice") has been recorded in the office of the Salt Lake County Recorder: A Notice recorded April 19, 2024, as Entry No. 14230004 in Book 11485 on Page 6857 of the records of the Salt Lake County Recorder. 3. I am employed by Salt Lake City Corporation and supervised the preparation of the Notice wherein Alfred George Kessler and Hazel Ann Kessler are named as Owner and Salt Lake City Corporation is named as the City. The Notice records a letter referring to a request for waiver for building near a water source, which is described in the Notice. It was my intent, and the intent of the parties named in the Notice, that the date of the request for waiver letter is dated April 3, 2024 and that a typographical error in Section One of the letter to be corrected from "existing" to "proposed". A copy of the corrected request for waiver letter for the Notice, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A." 4. The Notice relates to and affects certain real property located in Salt Lake County, State of Utah, which is particularly described as 24-16-356-ooi (the "Property"). 5. Notice is hereby given of the existence of the Notice of Restriction. Parties dealing with the Property advised to review the terms and conditions set forth in the Notice and its Exhibit A. 6. This Affidavit is given pursuant to UCA 57-3-lo6(9) to correct the clerical error described herein, to provide record notice of the Notice of Restriction, and to clarify the record title to the Property. Dated this loth day of May, 2024 By: �46U ". Nikole Bench Water Rights and Property Agent Salt Lake City Corporation Department of Public Utilities ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thdday of I- 10v,4( , by Nikole Bench in her capacity as Water Rights and Property Agent of SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION, a municipal corporation`of the State of Utah. PATRICIA L DENNING Notary Public store or Utah NOTARY PUBLIC,/kesiding in r/ My Commission Expires on: Salt Lake County Utah March 14, 2027 Comm. Number: 729920 When Recorded Please return to: Salt Lake City Public Utilities Attention: Karryn Greenleaf 1530 South West Temple Salt Lake Citv. Utah 84115 County Parcel No. 24-16-356-oo1 14230004 B: 11485 P: 6857 Total Pa9es:/9 04/19770t4 i1.27- AM --By: ECarter Fees�0f0 Rashelle Hobbs,Raeorder; Salt —Lake Gh y, Utah Return To: SALT LAKE CITY PUBLIC UT1L4:f7r�S__1 1530 LIF SWEST TEMPLESALT LAKE CJ--Y—UT B4115f l Y -Y1lip11� 1�191�� NOTICE OF RESTRICTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of that certain Letter referring to a Request for Waiver for building near a water source, for the construction and maintenance of a single-family residence signed and agreed to by Great Day Investments, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, as the legal owner of property known as 1.o8o6 E. Moose Run Lane, Salt Lake County Parcel ID being 24-i6-356-ool as described below. A copy of the condition and approval letter is attached as the official record. Located in Section 16 Township 2 South Range 3 East; Lot 51 Pine Tree Subdivision as recorded in the Office of the Salt Lake County Recorder in Book S Page 96 located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. Great Day Investments, LLC Date / y •� v Alfred George Kessler, Manager Date `l� " % �S 2�, y Hazel Ann Clark Kessler, Manager STATE OF UTAH ) County of Salt Lake ) � ,y - in the year 2024, before me L-.� �' � �tOn the 1'•-= r,d�ao-f a notary public, personally appeared Alfred George Kessler, proved on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to in this document, and acknowledged he executed the same. PATRICIA L DENNING 1 F Notary Public Stale of Utah NOTARY PUBLIC;;'residing in My Commission Expires on: Salt Lake County March 14, 2027 Comm. Number: 729920 STATE OF UTAH County of Salt Lake On the � day of J�J1' 1 , in the year 2024 before me o '�— 1 �4-1It 1�—, a notary public, personally appeared Hazel Ann Clark Kessler, proved on the basis -'of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to in this document, and acknowledged she executed the same. PATRICIA L DENNING Notary Public State of Ulah ! f/ /���f✓{ Wx ,ap My Commission Expires on: f March 14, 2027 NOTARY PUBLIC, residing id Comm. Number: 729920 Salt Lake County SALT LAKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT April 3, 2024 Great Day Investments, LLC C/O Alfred and Hazel Kessler 2303 Smith Legacy Cove Taylorsville, UT 84129 ERINMENDENHALL Mayor LAURA BRIEFER, DIRECTOR Department of Public Utilities RE: Updated Request for Waiver for Building near Water Source — io8o6 East Moose Run Lane Parcel No. 24-16-356-oo1 Request for relief for New Residential Structure within 50 foot of stream/wetland protection area Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kessler: The Salt Lake County Health Department, Division of Environmental Health, and Salt Lake City Corporation have reviewed your request to allow a portion of your new residence and deck to be located on the above property to be constructed within the 50- foot setback created for the protection of watercourse as required by the Salt Lake County Health Department's Watershed Regulation #14. After careful review it has been decided that the request can be approved with the following stipulations: The Limit of Disturbance (LOD) for construction of the proposed residence shall be no closer than the one point 25-feet from the edge of wetland/top of bank and as indicated in Exhibit A. This approval is per the site plan attached herewith only. Under the current rules decks and patios are considered part of the living space structure. a. As a condition of this approval the existing structure(s) located within the 50400t setback is to be removed and the ground returned to its natural state as a betterment of the protection area. b. Any demolition of the original structures must be removed in accordance with Salt Lake County Health Department pre -demolition requirements. C. The outhouse located on the property must be removed and abandoned in accordance with Utah Administrative Code R317-4. d. No hot tubs are allowed within 50' of the watercourse and any hot tubs approved with this project must be connected to the public sewer. 2. The location of the dwelling and the LOD, as shown in the attached site plan, shall be located in the field by a licensed land surveyor and approved by Salt Lake City Watershed or Salt Lake County staff before construction begins. Great Day Investments, LLC Apri13, 2024 Page 2 For long-term protection of the,,vatercourse and wetlands and to maintain the required buffer areas, this approval and site plan is to be recorded at the Salt Lake County Recorder's Office under the current parcel number. 4. At no time trill additional encroachments, including such items as decks, patios, hot tubs, bridges, paths, fire pits, etc., be allowed within the 50-foot setback area under any other use or request except to make repairs to the existing structure as approved under this approval. All utility connections for this lot will exit from the structure furthest from the watercourse. b. Groundwater and surface water i,,411 be protected from runoff or contamination, no direct drainage into the vvatercourse or the -o-foot buffer area is allowed, except for the approved storm water retention basin as shown on exhibit A. Best management practices must be used during construction to protect the watercourse. Please note, that the approval of this request will expire if construction has not started within one (1 ) year of the date of this approval letter. Sincerely, Foi} l,u id• NIPH, LEHS, Director Salt Lake County Health Department E:n,ironmental Health DiNision Cc.- mike@�axesshomebuyers.com file Laura r' -fer, Director Salt Lake City Corporation Department of Public Utilities Great Day Investments, LLC April 3, 2024 Page 3 Acknowledge and Accepted: (,- , +r Date Alfred George Kessler, Manager r Great Day Investments, LLC Date - Hazel Ann Clark Kessler, Manager Great Day Investments, LLC Great Day Investments, LLC April 3, 2024 Page 4 Exhibit A BUILDING AREA WITHIN 50' SE T BACK FROM TOP OF BANK So. F T . 787 DESCRIPTION An area of building located in Lot 51. Pine Tree Subdivision cs recorded in the Office of the Solt take County Recorder in Book S Pace 96 located in the Scuth,vrest Q6arter of Section 16, Township 2 South, Range 3 East, Sclt Lake ease and Meridian, more particularly described as follaw: Beginning a, a point on a comer of a buifding, said point being North 24'37'i7 East 54.85 feet from tE•e southwest comer of Lot 51 and running; Thence North 4.16 feet to the 50 foot wetland off set ling; Bence along 50 foot wetland off set fine the following thir-teen(13) courses; North 84'35'36 East 2.91 feet; thence South 85'58'5? Ecst 5.47 feet; thence South 86'1650`i East 5,25 feet; thence South 69'56'154 Ecst 2.25 feet; thence South 41 a2'04 East 1-21 feet; thence North 55'03'33p East 4.9g feet; tt•ence North 76'C-0'5f Ecst 4.20 foot; tt-.ar.co north 45'21'21" Ecst 8.30 fcct; thanco North 57'35'4Y East 3.95 feat; tt encc South 49'3"21 East 11.32 feet; tt.ence South 83'13'34" East 11.42 feet; thence South 24'51'027 East 6.87 feet, ther'ce South 5238'06' East 4.P4 feet to a paint on a buildir•g; Thence along sold buildirg tie following ten(10) courses; North 74'59'4 vies[ 12,02 feet; thence South 1.82 feet; thence Wast 8.58 feet; thence North 2.72 foot; thcnco West 4.74 feat; thence South 6.82 feet to a point of curvature; thence 19.52 feet along the arc of a 3,5 foot radius carve to the right through c central angle of 319'35l i" (Long Chord Bears South 2.42 feet); thence south 1.97 feet to a pa;nt of curvature; thence 11.57 feet clang the are o4 a 25.00 foot radius curve to the left through a central engfe of 26'30'33' (Lang Chord Bears South 80'45'57 West 11.45 feet); thence 'Nest 163,83 feet; thence North 13.05 feet; thence West 7.51 feet to the point of beginning. Area contains 7137 square feet, �4SI�Y� 1 4� ; /28/22' r No.5152 62 NATIMAN S. W E S C - xr, OF Jrt� Great Day Investments, LLC April 3, 2024 Page 5 Attachments F] :Mike Kessler Kessler Custom 301-8-14,5754 i N A$ R Pal, Site Plan PAGE JW6 E lAnase Flu") Lane Sall Lave City Lot # 51 s'n H—."y 'W. I E"Gha' rt i u- 11-101 SCALE: 1'= 27-0' Utah 84102 Pine Tree Sutdivls:or tral 131XI 4C'111 DATE: 3.111 i2024 Great Day Investments, LLC Apri13,2024 Page 6 Attachments GREENS BASIN RD. .......... . its yP* V1- z ----------- L 0 rr, I Ile x o 7i;l t OEMC-MO ' " I " — 10 -% ;tA' ,3,6 EAST .Vi;(35f RU.-4 t A,.F DIAMOND v SURVEYINC. LAND LLC ALFRED