010 of 1984 - Nonconforming Buildings and Uses 0 84-6 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 10 of 1984 (Nonconforming Buildings and Uses ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 8 OF TITLE 51 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, BY AMENDING SECTIONS 51-8-3, 51-8-4 AND 51-8-5, RELATING TO NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS AND USES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Sections 51-8-3 , 51-8-4 and 51-8-5 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 , as amended , relating to alterations of nonconforming structures, be, and the same hereby are, AMENDED as follows: Sec . 51-8-3. Alterations. A nonconforming building or structure may not be reconstructed nor shall such building or structure be structurally altered during its life to an extent in aggregate of 250 percent of the most recent assessed valuation of the building or structure. Sec. 51-8-4 . Extensions or additions. No extension or addition shall be made to any nonconforming structure, or to any structure containing a nonconforming use except as specifically provided herein: ( 1 ) Additions or extensions may be made to a residential building which is nonconforming as to height, area, or yard regulations provided said addition or extension meets all the requirements for the district in which it is located and does not increase the number of dwelling units or occupancy of the building. ( 2 ) A building or structure occupied by a nonconforming use may be added to or enlarged provided a permit is authorized by the Board of Adjustment. Said permit may be authorized only after a public hearing, and provided the Board shall find: ( a) The addition will be in harmony with one or more of the purposes of this title as stated in Section 51-1-2 , and shall be in keeping with the intent of this title; and (b) The proposed addition will cause the use to be more in harmony with, and will not impose any unreasonable burden upon, the properties located in the vicinity of the nonconforming use or structures. (c) The proposed addition or enlargement shall not expand the non-conforming use or cause an increase in occupancy. ( 3 ) A nonconforming use of land shall not be expanded or extended either on the same or adjoining property. Sec. 51-8-5 . Restoration. A nonconforming building or structure which has been allowed to deteriorate or which has been damaged by fire, explosion, act of. God, or act of a public enemy shall not be repaired or rebuilt, and the occupancy or use of such building or structure, or part thereof, which existed at the time of such damage or destruction shall not be continued or resumed , if such restoration exceeds 250 percent of the most -2- recent assessed valuation of the building or structure. SECTION 2. This Ordinances shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of Fehr-U a1::, , 1984. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Cf TY AE'CPPER Transmitted to the Mayor on 2/14/84 Mayor 's action 2/14/84 J l ATTEST: APPROVFD AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Afforney'g 3y / _..__ ._........................ ....... L CIFZt R C DER cc76 (SEAL) BILL 10 of 1984 Published: February 29, 1984 -3- Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE Cheryl Glerloff Na14of1fM ............................................................. (N onconforinilw'Buildinss INBANEILED-I CHAPTER TT OF THE REVISED ORDI- NANCES OF •SALT LAKE AMENDED,By AMEND AS ING Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is SECTIONS 51.8.3, 31-0.4 AND 51-&5, .RELATING TO NON. legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ANDUSESING BUILDINGS newspaper printed in the English language with general Be if ordained .by the Cfft Council ofsaR Lake City,Utah: circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City' SECTION 1.That.Sedlons$I-5144 and ces of Salt .y� the Revised Ordinances Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah. Ref Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to alter- ations a and the ereby That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto tur•es,be,and the same hereby are,AMENDED as follows: Sec: 51413., Alterations. A nonconforming building re or Salt 1 t Lake C].t O r 1 0 0 struct re may rrot•be reconat• ................ Y••••••• .. }$�1¢.g.. ,,,e...�....9. ........ ruc4 nor shall such !wilding ............... or structure be structurally altered during Its Ilfe to an extent in aggregate of 2M Per- cent of he most recent as- ............198......... 4�}.�.S�i1,�,�??;.fi 2� ..�.lt}�,Cl�a1 S1..AACl....... sessed'valuation of the building or structure. Sec. 514eJ. Extensions or additions.No extension or addl- ............14$Q.ca.......................................................................... tion shall be made t0 any non- conforming structure,or to any structure contalnino a noncon• 'forming use except as specifi- ............................................................................................. cally provided herein: (1) Additiohs or extensions may be made to a residential building which Is nonconform- ing as to height,area,Or yard ............................................................................................. regulations.Provided'said addi- tion or extension is all the requirements for'f�istrict In which it is located'and does not was published in said newspaper on.................................. increase the number of:' Il- Ing units or OCCUpdtlby'OP the building. (2) A building or'structure ............rabxm&ry...2.9.#..2.9B.4..... occupied.by a nonconforming . """ use may'be added to or en- larged Provided a Permit Is authorized by the Board of Adfustment. Said permit may ............................................... .... .......... .. ........ be authorized only after a pub- lic hearing, and Provided the Le u ga sing Board shall find: (a) The addition will be in harmony with one or more of the purposes of this title as stat- ed in Section 51.1-2, and shall be in keeping with the intent of this title;and (b) The proposed addition will cause the use to be more in harmony with, and will not impose any unreasonable bur- den upon,the properties located in the vicinity of the noncon. C forming The Proposedaddition r orn to before me this 4.th day of "-or enlargement Shall not ex- pand the nonconforming use or cause an increase in occupan- cy A.D. 19...as... (31 A nonconforming use of •••••••••••••••••• land shall not,be expanded or extended either on the same or adioining property. Sec. 5145. Restoration. A nonconforming building or structure which has been al- :�!� ..:. ....... ............................. lowed to deteriorate orb whichary Public has been damaged by fire, explosion,act of God,or act of a public enemy shall not be repaired or rebuilt, and the occupancy or use of such build- ing Or Structure,Or,part There- of,which existed at the time of Xplres such damage or destruction shall not be continued or re-' sumed, if such restoration ex- ceeds 250 percent of the most 18 6 recent assessed valuation of the building or structure. SECTION 2.This Ordinances shall take effect 30 days after its first Publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 14th day of February,1984. Ronald J.Whitehead Chairman ATTEST; Kathryn Marshall City Recorder Transmitted'to the Mayor on Feb.14,1984 Mayor's Action:Feb.14,1984 Ted Wilson Mayor ATTEST: Kathryn Marshall City Recorder (SEAL) 'BILL 10 of 1994 Prlhllohed.:FxhA9_WA