013 of 2000 - adopting the Northpoint Small Area Plan and amendments to the Transportation Master Plan 0 00-1
0 99-28
No. 13 of 2000
(Adopting the Northpoint Small Area Plan and
Amendments to the Salt Lake City Transportation Master Plan)
WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has held public hearings before its
own body and before the Planning Commission as required by § 10-9-303, Utah Code
Annotated; and
WHEREAS, the City had previously adopted the 1992 Jordan River/Airport Area Master
Plan; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted the Salt Lake City Transportation
Master Plan; and
WHEREAS, due to continued and anticipated developments in these areas, the City
Council finds it appropriate under § 10-9-301, et. seq., U.C.A., and in the best interest of the
City, to enact a new master plan and to amend the major street plan for that area; and
NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Northpoint Small Area Plan, recommended for adoption by the
Salt Lake City Planning Commission on February 17, 2000, shall be and hereby is adopted,
pursuant to § 10-9-303, U.C.A., for the area located between 1900 North and approximately
3500 North and between Interstate 215 and 3400 West. The City Recorder is hereby directed to co
retain three certified copies of the Northpoint Small Area Plan, as it pertains to this geographic C...J
area, for the public records. -0
SECTION 2. The Salt Lake City Transportation Master Plan, as previously adopted by
the City Council, shall be and hereby is amended as set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto.
The City Recorder is hereby directed to retain three certified copies of the amendment to the
Transportation Master Plan, as it pertains to this geographic area, for the public records.
SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its first
publication and shall be recorded with the Salt Lake County Recorder.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this llth day of April
Transmitted to the Mayor on April 11, 2000.
Mayor's Action: K Approved Vetoed
a.bo. n,is 3 Zct�p __._..
(SEAL) 7- '�.
Bill No. 13 of 2000. oco
Published: APR\L 19, 2_nnO • cn
G\Ordma00\Northpomt Small Area Plan-Mar 2,2000 draft doe �,`�
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The Northpoint area is located in
the northwest section of Salt
Lake City within the Northwest a,
Community. The study area is gener- x
ally located between 1900 North and GI
, . n
the north City limits(approximately - 'S' C o i
1 cl
3500 North)and between I-215 and ,.��-4 • T.,
3400 West. Most of the land in the ' - e, iD
study area is either vacant or used for .o
agricultural purposes. However,be- �'"' rri
cause of its proximity to the Salt Lake
International Airport and the 2200 r3
North interchange of I-215,develop-
ment pressures for new types of uses
are increasing and will continue in the
future. In addition,over half of the
property in Northpoint is under the ju-
risdiction of Salt Lake County.
In January 1992 the Salt Lake City
Council adopted the Jordan River/Air- ture. As part of the 1995 Zoning Re- the desire to try to preserve the agricul-
port Area Master Plan which called for write Project,the City took initial steps tural lifestyle in the area.
the long-range transition of the existing to implement this policy by rezoning
agricultural uses to industrial uses in various properties in Northpoint for
this area. These decisions were based business park development.
on proximity to the Airport and major GOAL
transportation corridors,assumptions As developers have begun to propose
relating to proposed highway and rail- business park developments along 2200 he purpose of the Northpoint
road routes, similar type industrial uses West,residents of the area are becom- Small Area Plan is to eliminate
in adjacent communities in southern ing increasingly concerned that they are potential land use conflicts with
Davis County and a lack of infrastruc- being pushed out for business park de the Salt Lake International Airport
velopment. They believe their rural while preserving and enhancing the
lifestyle will be jeopardized by the existing agricultural lifestyle. CO
f"�1 eventual encroachment of business park 9c
, uses. In response, in 1999, the City
- %;:m� aCO
Council adopted a six-month morato-
rium to allow for the creation of a small G.11
MITI wx area plan for Northpoint. This morato- -gyp
�"""",,'T iv'I, �� rium decision was based on the fact ,.....
j c;nr that many of the assumptions made in .....,14� the Jordan River/Airport Area Plan
would probably never materialize and 1 IN)
LAND USE ISSUES larger agricultural lots. NORTHPOTNT '
This diversity in livestock �4,,� SMALL AREA PLAN
types and length of resi- Qf EXISTING LAND USE
he Northpoint area consists of saooN__
approximately 1, 544 acres of deny indicate the com-
mitment AND ZONING
PP Y1 ;
land. Of this, twenty-five per- mitment of the residents ,Bp _,
cent(approximately 387 acres)is de- to this agricultural life- " - ._ _ o,00NC < ,�
veloped for agricultural uses with ac-
style. According to the y
cessory residential dwellings. The
State Soil Conservation -CbUNTY
other seventy-five percent Service,the Northpoint /i
(approximately 1, 157 acres) is either area contains some prime - _ �
vacant land or land used for agricul- farmland located north of `. MON _ T!` r ;�
or crops. Because of its 2800 North on the eastern , A A
tural grazing = t i
proximity to the Salt Lake International side of 2200 West. This t,,
Airport and easy access to I-215 at fact,coupled with the
2200 North,this area has a high poten- residents' commitment to : �
R �'"'"—"': —Property with Residential Structure
an agricultural lifestyle ,COUNT/ .+ ;-j 1 :,Vacant or No Res oeob Structure
tial for redevelopment,especially for : " -1'! "A, a arty =
uses that are dependent on,or can supports a policy of agri-
cultural uses in this area. qg' " "
benefit from locating near these major I $P 1 n GI
transportation networks. �} a� o
Airport Issues
Agricultural The Salt Lake Interna- rn b
tional Airport developed 1( r . ;. o rn
The established agricultural uses have AIRPORT \,�) i� N ao z•
in 1945 as a major land F�,,,
been present in the Northpoint area l=--a i ,' ' A m a
since as early as 1924. According to a use just south and west of --.-- s ... , f~ o
the study area. Due to !f I :�:""� aO
questionnaire of area residents,many of !±,t hb.w1, h
the residents in Northpoint are related the high volume of noise
to each other and have lived in the area and the potential for air-
for 20 years or more. Most of the cur- plane crashes,the Airport is very aware point'
rent residents would not be willing to of its neighbors and how it negatively
given the oppor- impacts surrounding land uses. The
move from the area ifPP Noise:Airport Influence Zone A/B
sty. City has tried to protect surrounding Boundary. Aircraft noise can interfere
uses from the Airport since as early as
1971 when zoning ordinances were with daily living activities including
There are approximately fifty-nine resi- sleep,conversations and listening to
dential structures in Northpoint. Most adopted to limit the types of develop-
p ment adjacent to the Airport. In 1983, televisions and radios. Although the
of the residents live there because of vast majority of survey respondents in
the agricultural lifestyle. In fact,rather the City Council adopted regulations Northpoint stated that noise from Air-
than just a typical suburban"ranchette" Air-
which prohibit the development of in- craft never or seldom is a concern for
subdivision,the majority of residents compatible land uses in Northpoint
ty (especially residential uses)to protect them,the Airport receives many corn-
(especially a variety of livestock types. The plaints from residents who live in the
majority of the housingis accessoryto these uses from high levels of noise
j ty flight path of the Airport(such as resi-
theprimaryagricultural use although from the Airport and to prevent future
g g landuse conflicts
flicts with airport activity. dents in West Valley City and other
there has been a pattern of subdividingjurisdictions south of the Airport.) Be-
small lots for family members from cause of problems associated with
Consequences of Aircraft Overflights.
The proximity of the Airport to the ex- noise,the Federal Aviation Administra-
isting residential tion requires that each airport study the
uses results in noise impacts and create a Noise Com-
negative impacts patibility Program associated with alle-
_--- relating to noise viating noise issues.
., - : and the potential
;e0 4 ; ---- -s �Y-- i The Department of Airports submitted vC
. of arplane
f isuch a study in February 1998 which C'X)
•� :�'ht � ,�: r a �-'� '�' c� ' crashes. There-k ,1 ,A* r 1 ,.9 identifies where the noise contours are GI)
-3 E , ,� ri,,-i.yr fore,the Depart-
1 rn r. 1 r P:V-,`I ,` t x 1 ment of Airports located and a program to deal with land CA
or t r recommends use incompatibility issues. The noise .w+�.�' a ,4 '5,7,r S"9i J" F _. y
, .,,. rX exposure maps included in the study
,r. c-a'itt, ,' '` ,,z ' limiting the a,
number of resi- show the computer generated noise
dances in North- contours for 1998 and forecasts for -..1
" nua 2003. The contours on these maps 2 Ca)
indicate a Day-Night Average sound w,,. 1 ,.«,,,,µ11 the agricultural lifestyle in North-
level(DNL)for sound levels between ...,, i 1 'or 9X XN�,,, " point,as well as providing an ade-
60 and 75 DNLs. The FAA does not ( / \ 1quate buffer between residential
allow residential development within \ ./ — uses and business park development
any contour of 65 DNLs or greater. is to allow residential land uses on
Other types of development,such as ;;� "r4 the west side of 2200 West outside
institutional and hotels/motels are only 1 of the 1998 65 DNL noise contour
allowed if they are constructed with an ` Z „n line. This can be accomplished by
air-circulation system and sound at- t shifting the Airport Influence Zone
tenuation features. I, \ -1 A/B boundary line to the west at
approximately 3100 North, to allow
Studies show that noise interferes with new residential development on the
indoor conversations when the DNL ' west side of 2200 West.
reaches between 55-65 DNL. Further- i jr--
1 tr
more,when the outdoor DNL exceeds �% { Crash Potential. The Federal Hous-
55 DNL, it causes sleep disruption. ;'1 ing and Urban Development Depart-
Although five percent of the population 1 * ! ment(HUD)does not provide any
? assistance,subsidy or insurance
is highly annoyed by noise interference AIRPORT!��� _ 4'
at 55 DNLs,the percentage increases ri\ _- (including Federal Housing Admini-
more rapidly as the noise increases __: ";,:; I- i 5 stration loans)for projects and ac-
above 65 DNLs. When background tions located in Runway Clear
noise is also high, such as with noise Zones,Clear Zones and Accident
generated from vehicular traffic,the Potential Zones. All of these zones
aircraft noise is not as disturbing. and sound attenuation. Institutional are located on existing Airport prop-
uses and hotels/motels are only allowed erty. Of the residential property owners
To mitigate incompatibility issues, Salt when they have air-circulation systems who responded to the survey, 86%said
Lake City adopted Airport Influence and are built with sound attenuation they never or seldom have concerns
Zones in 1983 which relate to both features. This influence zone is located about the possibility of an airplane
noise and height issues. These zones on the east side of 2200 West between crashing in the area.
establish what types of land uses are North Temple and 3300 North.
prohibited within the specific influence Business Park Development
zones as well as require avigation ease- Airport Influence Zone A closely re- The location of the Airport and the I-
ments for development to allow for air- lates to the 65 DNL noise contour level 215 interchange at 2200 North makes
craft overflights. These influence from 1998. The DNL contour lines are the Northpoint area attractive to new
zones are contained in the City's Zon- computer generated to show the aver- types of development. There are cur-
ing Ordinance and are part of the Air- age decibel readings over a twenty-four
port Flight Path Protection Overlay hour period. These levels can shift due
Zone. The Northpoint area includes to variables such as wind direction,etc. NORTHPOINT
both Influence Zones A and B. Therefore,they are not a precise meas- - ».,, 4, SMALL AREA
\ i ".• PLAN
urement. In an effort to mitigate noise -
Airport Influence Zone A relates to ar- impacts,the Airport has rerouted -__• ZONE A/INFLUENCE
eas exposed to very high levels of air- flights to the west and requires most . D BOUNDARY
craft noise. In this influence zone,resi- aircraft to use the center and western , , ,
dential development is prohibited. runways. This coupled with quieter 1
Commercial,institutional and hotel/ aircraft has shifted the 65 DNL noise f N
motel uses are allowed where they have contour line to the west. Even so,the
air-circulation systems and are built increased number of aircraft in the fu-
with sound attenuation features. This ture may reverse this shift. ',! , _ °..u..
zone is located on Airport property and
on the west side of 2200 West between The existing boundary line between co
2200 North and approximately 3300 Influence Zones A and B is located at
North. 2200 West. In the Northpoint area 0.)
there are currently 16 residential struc- i U"l
Airport Influence Zone B relates to ar- tures located in Influence Zone A(four I (31
eas with high levels of aircraft noise. of these are south of 2200 North)and + -,
In this zone,residential development is 43 structures in Influence Zone B.
only allowed in agricultural zones and
with required air-circulation systems One way of preserving and enhancing 3 I CZ
rently no business park developments interested in new discharges to the ca- north of 2200 North, for their commut-
in Northpoint. However,approxi- nal could become a responsible party ing route to and from Davis County.
mately 545 acres of property are cur- and be held liable for a part of the clean Widening of this portion of 2200 West
rently zoned Business Park. These up costs should the canal be listed as a will encourage more commuter and
properties were annexed into the City Superfund site. Clean up costs have non-local traffic on this two lane rural
in 1974 and in 1982 and were zoned C- not been established but will likely be road which in turn will decrease the
3A(commercial)at the time of annexa- substantial. quality of life for the residents in this
tion. As part of the 1995 Zoning Re- agricultural area. As commuter traffic
write project,these properties were re- and business park development in-
zoned Business Park which was consis- INFRASTRUCTURE creases,the negative impacts on the
tent with the existing zoning and the agricultural and residential land uses
policies of the adopted 1992 Jordan Streets will increase. Therefore,the City
River/Airport Area master plan. The Major Street Plan identifies devel- should amend the Major Street Plan to
oping arterial roads around each quarter identify another route for this Davis
section of the Township and Range
Environmental Issues County connection road north of 2200
Lake Level. The presence of wetland "block." Both 2200 West and 2200 North. This alternative route should
environments adjacent to the Jordan North are main arterial roads in the be located west of 2200 West to ac-
River Delta and at the edge of the Great Northpoint area and 2200 West is one commodate future business park devel-
Salt Lake is the most pertinent environ- of the few roads which directly con- opment. (see proposed map). Once this
fleets to Davis County. The Major new road is complete, the Cityshould
mental issue in the area. The currentp c,
historic high water elevation for the Street Plan identifies 2200 West and create a cul-de-sac at the northern end a
2200 North as minor arterials with a of 2200 West to eliminate throughtraf- a)
Great Salt Lake is 4212. In response toc�
the unpredictability of the Lake,most proposed improved width of 84 feet fic. . m
planning agencies identify contour including two lanes in each direction _ v
1'11 -,s.
4217 as the limit of safe and beneficial with a center turn lane. The plan iden- : . h ° C, 'a3
tifies 2200 North to extend from Red �� re�=r
development. New development must ,_ ,.; . ',VI E- .=
wood Road to 4000 West and the City %` r•
meet existing regulations to meet a i' - �'
minimum elevation of 4217. has widened this street between 2200 . --5= ti 1p
West and 4000 West° The Plan also - .y• i `'A4 •,i fg
identifies 2200 West to extend from ' < •. �� "
Soil Stability. The types of soil in the � � ' `
North Temple to the north City limits. -C1 T
area affect the feasibility of develop- �
ment. According to the Soil Conserva- The City has widened 2200 West be- t t. 3
tion Service there are a variety of soil tween North Temple and 700 North. t, -4� r , , ',.,,t?1
types in the Northpoint area. Most of However,there are no Capitol Im-
these Projects pendingtowiden New business park development should
soils are subject to frost action provement �
and have a water table depth which var- the road north of 2200 North. not negatively impact the agricultural
land uses in the area. Access to busi-
ies between 0-50 inches. This affects ness park development should be from
drainage and compressibility. In addi- The business park developments that
have been ap- a future industrial road built to serve
tion,most of the soil types cause severe the property. Ac-
problems with filter fields of septic proved south of
2200 North cess to business
tanks. Except for single-family rest- ,' - - NORTHPOINT park developments
dences and accessorystructures,pro- have been re- SMALL AREA p
PLAN should be prohib-
posals for new development in the quired to sub- �, PROPOSED ited from 2200
Northpoint area should include a geo- mit bonds for CIRCULATION
the widening of 1 SYSTEM West near agricul-
technical report to investigate wetlands, tural/residential
water tables, flooding,soil problems 2200 West �I land uses. In addi-
and seismic related issues. along these de- %) 7
velopments' \ „.� tion, adequate
frontage. As A. buffers should be
Sewer Canal. In the 1920's a canal °° required to mitt- co
was built for the conveyance of sewage business park
developments ` z,. R°W gate land use con-
in the Northpoint area. The canal cur- OD
�, , flirts between new
rently contains storm drain water,in are completed, , ,'„3 N;rtw„.„°., •
there is concern , business park de- CO
dustrial drainage and treated wastewa- velopment and ag- U'1
ter from the wastewater treatment plan that those corn- �� c.n
ricultural land
near the Rose Park Golf Course. This routers who2-2 uses. These buff- c
canal is under review by the Environ- select analter- --' "�;""
native route to -* ers should include ,_,,,
mental Protection Agency for potential a 100 foot `
listing as a Superfund site. Developers 1-215 will use 4 CO
2200 West, -
landscaped buffer between business fore,other users are not allowed to con- adequate police protection. Requiring
park development and agricultural nect into this sewer line. Future busi- new uses to be designed in a way to
uses and mitigation of lighting and ness park development will need to reduce crime could help ensure crime
parking issues. Site review of each provide trunk line sewer utilities. does not increase in the area. Large
development should be required for industrial and business parks currently
business park development in North- The City's sewer system relies on have problems with car prowls because
point to ensure negative impacts are gravitational flow. Because of the long the parking areas are not readily visible
mitigated. distances and minimal slopes,pumping from the streets. Requiring developers
will be required. One pumping station to incorporate Crime Prevention
Public Utilities costs approximately$250,000 and sev- Through Environmental Design
The Northpoint area has limited wa- eral pumping stations may be required (CPTED)principals in the design of
ter service and no sewer services. to service this area. new developments will help prevent
Development of water and sewer crime and make surveillance of the area
services in this area will require ma- Large industrial users would not be al- easier for law enforcement officers. In
jor investments. Storm drainage for lowed to use septic systems and would addition,the Police Department recom-
the area will be challenging because be required to construct new sewer mends promoting land uses which oper-
of the low elevation,flatness of the lines. New residential construction ate at various hours to provide some
terrain and the high ground water. would be required to connect to a sani- natural surveillance around the clock.
Ground water de-watering systems tary sewer system if the residential use Private security services could also ad-
will be needed for construction below is within 300 feet of a public sewer. dress the needs in this area for business =
the existing surface elevation. Pump- Existing residential property owners park development. a
ing will likely be required for both may want to abandon their septic sys- r-
storm drainage and underdrains sys- tems and connect to the new sewer As the growth of this area will probably o 4
tems that would service the area. lines. There would be an expense to be gradual and predictable,police serv- •M v
the owners for this connection. ices would not have to increase all at c'i
Water. There is an existing six-inch once. This would allow the Police De- c)
culinary water line on 2200 West PUBLIC SAFETY partment to do the planning and analy- m
north of 2200 North and another six- sis necessary to address the future ex-
inch water line on 3400 North. How- pansion and growth.
ever,these lines will not be able to ue to its remoteness, emer-
support new growth in the area. Of gency service providers have
particular concern are adequate pres- concerns with future development in
sure and flow rates for fire protection. the Northpoint area. Whether develop-
There are also operational concerns ment includes agricultural or business
when long lines have low usage and park,adequate infrastructure and ap-
do not loop back into the distribution propriate design must be ensured prior
system. The Salt Lake City Public to approval of any new development.
Utilities Department recommends a In the future,there may be a need to
12 inch looped line for the area. This 111.11
provide a joint Fire/Police Station to
type and size of line would ensure service the Northpoint Area.
adequate flow for fire protection and
decrease the number of people incon- Fire
venienced if the line breaks. The Salt Lake City Fire Department
provides fire protection services to the ...: .
Sewer. Residents in Northpoint rely Northpoint area. The Fire Department
on septic tanks to provide sewage has concerns with a lack of water pres-
services. According to the Salt Lake sure flow as well as response time. The
County Health Department,each re- most likely station to respond to an
quest is individually analyzed and emergency is Fire Station 11, located
septic tanks are permitted where the near the Air National Guard Station at co
owner has demonstrated compliance 581 North 2360 West.
with the regulations for septic tanks. CO
However,because of the high water Co)
Police 01
table in the area,allowing additional The Salt Lake City Police Department Cil
septic tanks in the Northpoint area is responds to public safety calls in the -0
questionable. The Airport recently Northpoint area. The distance of the
completed the installation of a sewer Northpoint area from other developed
line along 2200 North. This line is areas creates a problem for providing 5 rJ
used for de-icing chemicals. There- W
,, --1t:: NORTHPOINT
/ / .: r SMALL AREA
• o
. �' 0Q�'► PLAN
�� `r. .._.._____.— - — ' ='.L- FUTURE LAND
AG-_2--1 =«.`: '-� USE MAP
_.}` 3100 N approx.
y�)+I •BP" z
�11,: .F.
4 e-.1 ..,.- CI=
_ % ,g; P
:'l. ' 21 00N t",,°t 1 fr i-- m
St _ p
t '. ' �.�,,. "� /, �‘eb5 DWI_Noise Contour Line(1998)
' " 5 :.� �° Airport Influence Zone Boundary Line
f # \ Local Collector Rural Road(66'ROW)
�.....-_..... la
7. ° �. A ���µ //Industrial Road(66'ROW)
",i„',',:;: �1 '� j/Futut a 2200 W Industrial Rd(84'ROW)
Lowland Conservancy Zone
, Future Land Use
_ `274� -f Agriculture-2 Acre Minimum
' S - t'V`-' '4�}`,1 4 I.— Agriculture-5 Acre Minimum
-' .t ' Access Restriction to 2200 West
ka 4 :;} . uv'r ti. ; x
i 4 ' ,, 0 fir=. 49pVI ,.';
yu,;,'h, M1^i�
i '2200.N i7''-ckl%'.�"---- .�l , ;..4..Nr„' ;g1,
AIRPORT _.„ "•y. YVI ,,,,- .,
,,ii;,;,-.H, ,,i :t:-,
Salt Lake City PlanningP Divas., -1
t,-•:� > s' Geographic Information System CA)
February 16. 2000 Cu
..r + x
6 CA)
The future land use plan identi- property line to a structure and at least area.
fies most of the vacant land in 50 feet from a parking area and the
the Northpoint area as business property line. The buffer should be a Due to the long range time frame for
park development. It also identifies minimum of fifty feet,with mature business park development to occur,
preserving and enhancing agricultural landscaping and a minimum five foot agricultural uses,such as grazing,
land uses established along 2200 West berm to visually screen the business should be allowed to continue and ex-
north of approximately 2600 North. park development from the agricultural pand on properties which are proposed
land uses. In addition,vehicular access for future business park development.
Permitting the development of business to 2200 West from these business parks Therefore,the zoning ordinance should
park uses on most of the land directly should be prohibited. Prohibiting ac- be amended to allow agricultural uses
north of the Salt Lake City Interna- cess for business park and industrial on land zoned Business Park.
tional Airport will protect the Airport traffic onto 2200 West will allow the
from incompatible land uses and will northern portion of 2200 West to serv- Under this future land use plan ap-
allow for the development of land uses ice local and agricultural traffic. proximately 442 acres of existing agri-
which are dependent on the proximity culturally zoned land is recommended
to the Airport or Interchange. Business The Future Land Use Plan also identi- for business park or airport zoning.
park development will be required to fies agricultural land uses on the west The future development pattern of
provide necessary infrastructure im- side of 2200 West beginning at ap- Northpoint will consist of approxi-
provements such as roads, water and proximately 3100 North. Agricultural mately 63%business park or airport
sewer to serve the new industrial area. uses are already allowed in this area. uses and 37%agricultural uses.
Any business park development with However,shifting the Airport Influence
frontage on 2200 West should provide Zone AM boundary to the west will
a buffer of at least 100 feet from the allow new residential dwellings in this
IMPLEMENTATION priate use in the Northpoint area.The penalty for agricultural uses and make
existing purpose statement of the Agri- it clear that agricultural uses should be
oning and annexation are the cultural zoning district identifies this the primary use in these zones.
two main strategies for imple- zone as a"holding zone." This holding
zone status conflicts with the overall The current minimum lot size for a
menting the Northpoint Small
Area Plan. Because of the cost of in- goal of preserving and enhancing these residential dwelling in an agricultural
frastructure in this area, unless the City agricultural uses. Therefore,the words zone is Salt Lake City is 10,000 square
Council agrees to allocate money for "until these lands can be developed for feet. In Salt Lake County the minimum
improving water and sewer infrastruc- the most appropriate use"should be lot size is one acre. Of the existing lots
ture,these costs will not be met until a eliminated from the zoning ordinance with developed agricultural and resi-
business park development oc text. dential accessory uses,the vast major-
largeity is located on the east side of 2200
curs. Since the market will play the
major role of when business park de- Minimum Lot Size. Agricultural uses West. With the exception of major ag-
velopment takes place,rezoning the are the most appropriate use for the ricultural uses,the majority of lots are 5
properties zoned agricultural in the acres or less. In an effort to minimize
properties now, along with amending
Northpoint area. Any new residential the number of new residential dwell-
sections of the Zoning Ordinance, will
ensure the master plan policies are im- use should be accessory to the main ings in the high Airport noise zone ar-
plemented. Promoting annexation into agricultural use. Under the existing eas,maintain the agricultural develop-
the City will also ensure that the regula zoning regulations,single-family dwell- ment pattern and preserve open space
ings can be developed on lots of 10,000 and agricultural areas,the minimum lot
tionsfor all properties in the North-
square feet whereas agricultural uses size of properties in the Agricultural CO
point area are consistent. require five acres. Therefore,the zoning district should be increased.
ZONING minimum lot size for single-family and CA)small group homes(which are required Maximum Building Coverage. In an CJ1
by law to be allowed anywhere single- effort to maintain an appropriate dis- CJ"i
Agricultural District
Purpose Statement. One of the main
family dwellings are allowed)should tame between residential land uses and --0
be increased to be consistent with the the 1998 65 DNL noise contour line,to
goals of this small area master plan is
to ensure the preservation and enhance- minimum lot size for agricultural uses. provide easier access for utilities �.d
ment of agricultural uses as an appro- This provision will remove the implied and emergency services and to 7
C T'
maintain a compatible development services will be more in demand. The tions as outlined in the Future Land
character,residential land uses should proposed text changes allow for stand Use Map should be adopted concur-
be developed near streets or rights-of- alone retail and services as part of a rently with the master plan to ensure
way. In addition, zoning must establish minimum of ten acres planned develop- the policies of the plan are imple-
that the residential land use is secon- ment business park. This change will mented.
dary to the agricultural use. Therefore, allow more flexibility in the size and
the agricultural zones should have a location of retail and services,while ANNEXATION
maximum building coverage for resi- providing a public process to ensure pproximate 854 acres of prop-
dential uses. This maximum building appropriate design and site layout of erty in the Northpoint study
coverage should not include any non- the project. area are within the jurisdic-
residential buildings associated with the tion of Salt Lake County. Approxi-
agricultural use. Airport Flight Path Protection Over- mately 412 acres of this property is ei-
lay District(AFPP) ther vacant or is used for the grazing of
Create New Agriculture Zones. Taking livestock. All of the property in the
into consideration the standard mini- Airport Influence Zone Map. The cur- County is zoned Agricultural A-2.
mum lot size for all uses allowed in the rent boundary between the Airport In-
zone(except for public and private fluence Zones A and B is 2200 West. Although Salt Lake County has adopted
utilities which are a conditional use), However,the most restrictive of the Airport Flight Path Protection Overlay
overall minimum lot sizes of five acres Noise Exposure Maps(1998)shows the Zones similar to Salt Lake City's,the
and two acres and the maximum build- 65 DNL noise contour line west of agricultural zoning regulations are dif-
ing coverage for residential uses,two 2200 West at a point at approximately ferent than the City's and allow for
new agricultural zoning districts should 2600 North. In an effort to help pre- more intensive agricultural uses. In
be created for the Northpoint area. Ag- serve and enhance the agricultural life- addition, Salt Lake City provides public
ricultural properties as shown on the style,agricultural land uses(including safety, sanitation and snow removal to
future land use map should be zoned accessory residential dwellings) should the residents in this area. In an effort to
either AG-5 or AG-2. be allowed on both sides of the rural ensure the policies of this small areplan
two-lane road. This agricultural land are implemented and to prevent the de-
The agricultural uses on the west side would also provide a buffer between velopment of non-compatible land
of 2200 West should be a minimum of residential and future business park de- uses,the City should proactively apply
5 acres. In addition,any subdivision of velopments further west. To accom- for annexation of all properties in the C
existing large agricultural parcels on plish this the boundary between the Northpoint area. n
the east side of 2200 West should also Airport Influence Zones A and B o r
be a minimum of 5 acres. Areas of ag- should be shifted west of 2200 West at CI
ricultural/residential uses on the east approximately 3100 North and extend
side of 2200 West which are either in north to the end of Influence Zone A. North City Lump v la'
gCity (please see mapon page 3. '" =Irrl CA
the existing limits or which have p g ) tic<1,*,,; o
frontage along 2200 West should have 'K�' ___
a minimum lot size of 2 acres. These There are currently 12 homes west of k'�' � �p
`o�o,y..>' .:`o� ��..nazi Y
new zoning regulations will create nine 2200 West in the Airport Influence ,.ow it ;`yw
non-complying lots on the west side of Zone A,north of 2200 North. All were :_ 4 ,s're
2200 West(proposed AG-5 zone)and built prior to 1983 when the Airport .ki,.: •• a€ol K
nineteen non-complyinglots on the east Influence Zones were adopted. Moving : ,,. :w
side of 2200 West(proposed AG-2 the boundary line to the west and z Y� 4:`/;
gi n. t- : 'v.Veer
zone). These new requirements would adopting agricultural zoning with a five y ;; ,�
non-comply approximately 50%of ex- acre lot minimum on properties west of j I / // ;!`.
isting lots. However,under current 2200 West would allow nine new -
zoning regulations all lots which were homes to be constructed. Therefore,21 04. ; k G
legally existing prior to April 12, 1995 homes would be the maximum number o° 7"' `.`;' ..
are considered legal complying lots. of homes on the west side of 2200 = «.<� f 'I'.' `-� CO
West. re 41.`'`$ 1 r'• I x
Business Park ��z M s<:= ::..;<;:.., t ,
0 North
if f co
The existing Business Park zoning Amendments to the Northwest Commu- 190 CA).;,e
regulations limit retail and services to nity Zoning Map. The timeframe for '.-_
accessory uses when located within the development in the Northpoint area is C1'l
principal building and operated primar- contingent on market trends. There- >;;: ''""Salt Lake City C)
ily for the convenience of employees. fore,zoning will be the major tool used
However,with the future increase of to implement the policies of this small 'V
employees to the area,these types of area plan. The zoning recommenda- 8 CA)
Ross C."Rocky"Anderson
City Council
Carlton Christensen,District 1
Van Blair Turner,District 2
Tom Rogan,District 3
Nancy Saxton,District 4
Roger Thompson,District 5
David L.Buhler,District 6
Keith S. Christensen,District 7
Planning Commission
Andrea Barrows
Arla Funk
Jeff Jonas
Diana Kirk
Craig Manger
Judi Short
Max Smith
Stephen Snelgrove
Mike Steed
Participating Planning Staff
William T. Wright AICP,Planning Director
Brent B.Wilde,Deputy Planning Director
Cheri Coffey AICP,Project Director,Principal Planner
Kathy Schroeder,GIS/Mapping Specialist
Everett L Joyce,AICP Planning Programs Supervisor
Jackie Gasparik,Associate Planner
Margaret Pahl AICP,Principal Planner
Doug Wheelwright,Planning Programs Supervisor
Steering Committee
Dan Bergenthal,Transportation
Brad Stewart,Public Utilities
Wayne Leydsman,Fire Department
Linda Johnson,Police Department
Steve Domino,Airport Planning and Environmental Director
Allen McCandless,Airport Planning and Environmental Specialist Co
Scott Weiler,Engineering x
Planning Commission Approval Date:February 17,2000
City Council Adoption Date: (it-0
. ,
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,., ().0 SMALL AREA
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Salt Lake City Planning Division
Geowapide Information System
February 17,2000 CND
., 1;..., 9c
04/14/2000 09:17 AM NO FEE
City and County of Salt Lake, BYe BIM, DEPUTY - WI 13 P
I, Bonnie Ferrin Deputy , City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah,do hereby
certify that the attached document is a full, true and correct copy of. Salt Lake City Code; ,1988= , ,
as amended, Ordinance 13 of 2000 - Adopting the North point, Small, Area Plan and „
,��, Amendments to, the Salt Lake City Transportation. Master. Plan
passed by City Council/Executive Action of Salt Lake City, Utah,. . . . .......... ....... ........ . . . . . , .
as appears of record in my office.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of said City,
this 13th day of April, 2000
Deputy City Recorder
Published. .Apvil./.9% .2QQQ .
r .s�1yq
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