014 of 2004 - Budget Amendment No. 3 for Fiscal Year 2003-2004 0 04-1
B 04-7
No. 14 of 2004
(Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 58 of 2003
which adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City,
including the employment staffing document,
for Fiscal Year 2003-2004)
On August 12, 2003, the Salt Lake City Council approved, ratified and finalized
the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2004, in accordance with the
requirements of Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated, and said
budget, including the employment staffing document, was approved by the Mayor of Salt
Lake City,Utah.
The City's Policy and Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer,
prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted
budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document, copies of which
are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public.
All conditions precedent to amend said budget, including the employment staffing
document, have been accomplished.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the budget of
Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and
finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 58 of 2003.
SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including
amendments to the employment staffing document, attached hereto and made a part of
this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget
of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2004, in accordance with the requirements of
Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated.
SECTION 3. Certification to Utah State Auditor. The City's Policy and Budget
Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, is authorized and directed to certify and file
a copy of said budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing
document, with the Utah State Auditor.
SECTION 4. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget
Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments,
including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget
Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for
public inspection.
SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 16 day of
March , 2004.
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Transmitted to the Mayor on March 19, 2004
Mayor's Action: Approved Vetoed
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Bill No. 14 of 2004.
Published: April 13, 2004
G:\Ordinance 04\Amending budget-feb 3 doe
FY 2004 Initiatives in Budget Amendment #3 —March
FY 2004 FY 2005
Initiative Gen. Fund Gen.
Initiative Name FTE Fund FTE
Amount Impact
New Items
1. National League Convention $459,723 $199,570 -0-
2. Collection of Acct Rec. on $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
Parking and Traffic Fines
3. CIP North South Light Rail $254,644.82 -0- -0-
UTA Payment
4. CIP Liberty Park Tennis $630,000 -0- -0-
CIP Liberty Park Project $-630,000 -0- -0-
5. CIP Jordan River Trail $-0-net -0- -0-
6. SID Rail Yard Gateway $15,585,474 -0- -0-
7. CIP Class "C" Asphalt $1,500,000 -0- -0-
Overlay 2004-05 Funding
8. CIP 2100 S 900 W Bridge $175,850 -0- -0-
9. CIP California Ave $30,000 -0- -0-
Concrete St. Rehab
CIP Continency -$30,000 -0- -0-
10. CIP 1300 South Viaduct $85,000 -0- -0-
11. Fund 73 Escort Vice $10,000 -0- -0-
12. SID Special Improvement $174,547 -0- -0-
13. Fund 81 Motor Fuel Excise $1,500 -0- -0-
Tax Bonds
14. Fund 60 E-9-1-1 Fund $294,707 -0- -0-
15. Salt Lake City Marathon $50,000 $50,000 -0-
Police Support
Grants Requiring Existing Staff Resources
16. Violence Against Women $19,014 -0- .5 -0-
17. Police Dept Crisis $14,000 -0- OT -0-
Intervention Team Training
18. Police Dept Metro Drug $128,027 -0- 3.0 -0-
19. Traffic Control Center $90,000 -0- 2.0 -0-
20. Sorenson Multicultural $8,000 -0- PT -0-
Computer Center
21. Emergency Mgmt Services $24,000 -0- 1.0 -0-
22. Police Dept Local Law $250,446 -0- OT -0-
Enforcement Block Grant
FY 2004 Initiatives in Budget Amendment #3 —March
FY 2004 FY 2005
Initiative Gen. Fund Gen.
Initiative Name Amount Impact FTE Fund FTE
New Items
Grants Requiring No Staff Resources
23. Emergency Mgmt Services $3,000 -0- -0-
Housekeeping Items
24. Volunteers of America $7,810 -0- -0-
(VOA) Youth Resource Ctr
25. CIP Projects Budget $728,470 -0- -0-
26. HUD & Misc Grants Budget $141,901 -0- -0-
27. Special Revenue Pool $623,800 -0- -0-
28. Central Business $233,332 -0- -0-
Improvement District
Renewal with Downtown
29. CIP for Hogle Zoo and $11,300,000 -0- -0-
Tracy Aviary Bond Election
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services Department 2003-2004
Department For Fiscal Year
National League Convention BA#3 Initiative#1
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Gordon Hoskins 535-6394
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item
Type of Initiative
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
2nd year of biennium Biennial Period
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Non Departmental-Appropriation of Fund Balance 199,570.05
Total 199,570.05 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total 0.001 I $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total 0.001 I $0I $0
4. Other Fund
73 Fund National League Convention(73-00801)Transfer ir
from General Fund. 199,570.05 0 0
73 Fund National League Convention (73-00801)Transfer ir
from 73 Fund Balance of Urban Emphasis(73-73004) 1,120.00 0 0
73 Fund National League Convention (73-00801)Transfer ir
from 73 Fund Balance of Tenant Relocation (73-73008) 34,462.56 0 0
73 Fund National League Convention (73-00801)Transfer ir
from 73 Fund Balance of Awards&Recognition (73-00600) 25,000.00 0 0
Total 260,152.61 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Non Departmental-Transfer to 73 Fund National League
Convention 199,570.05
Total 199,570.05 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
73 Fund National League Convention (73-00801) 260,152.61
Total 260,152.61 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services and Contingency Accounts 260,152.61
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify) Transfer to other funds 199,570.05
459,722.66 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#1 National League Convention.xls2/9/200411:11 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#1 National League Convention.xls2/9/200411:11 AM
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;criteria,condition,
effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which analysis
cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or policy. In to
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a service level
impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition varies from
the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into management
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the condition to
be in line with the criteria.
The National League of Cities and Towns Convention incurred expenses higher than the funds that
were collected in the amount of $260,152.61. This issue was addressed in Budget amendment
#12 for FY 2002-03. The funds were appropriated from the General Fund fund balance in the
amount of$227,000.
The budget was established in the Non Departmental, but the funds were never transferred to the
73 Fund and the funds then dropped into the General Fund fund balance at the end of fiscal year
We are able to cover part of the expenses from surpluses in other accounts in the 73 fund. The
remaining amount is requested to be transferred from the General Fund fund balance once again
in the amount of$199,570.05. This will close the National League Convention Fund.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services Fv 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Collection of Delinquent Parking and Traffic Fines BA#3 Initiative#2
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Laurie Donnell/Gordon Hoskins/Mary Johnston 535-7766/535-6394/535-7173
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item NA
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Parking and Traffic Fines 100,000
Total $100,000 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Justice Court Temporary Staff-2 people for 5 months 100,00 i
plus supplies to support the two positions
Total $100,00. $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages(Temporary Staff)
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply 70,000
4. Charges and Services 30,000
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $100,000 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#2 Collection of Delinquent Parking and Traffic Fines.xls2/10/20048:59 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#2 Collection of Delinquent Parking and Traffic Fines.xls2/10/20048:59 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets. The is a
legislative intent statement that this issue relates to.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a difficult element to identity but is essential to a finding. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Justice Court imposes fines for parking, traffic, and criminal violations. The City can employ a variety of
collection efforts to obtain those fines. The Justice Court staff are usually expected to collect the delinquent
fines in addition to the duties of tracking current cases.
The Finance Division was given the responsibility of collecting an additional $500,000 from the Courts
outstanding accounts receivable of parking violations. The administrative cost for those collections has been
As of December 31, 2003, the Finance Division has collected $556,000. The Finance Division will collect
additional outstanding receivables to cover these administrative costs. The costs are for postage, paper
supplies, credit reports and temporary employment help.
The Finance Division feels that it is important to continue the collection efforts even after the $500,000 target is
collected. We have found that if we can place an emphasis on the collection of a ticket within 30 days to one
year of the issuance of the ticket the likelihood of collection increases greatly. We have also noticed that the
City is continuing to increase the outstanding accounts receivable parking violation fines by $2 million per fiscal
The revenue generated by pursuing these additional outstanding amounts would be far greater than the
expense to collect them. The Court sends out three notices of request for payment in the first two months after
the ticket is issued. They do not have the staff to pursue the collections after those three notices and the tickets
are added to the outstanding accounts receivable amounts.
The requested $100,000 would cover the administrative costs for the full fiscal year. The Finance Division will
collect the additional $100,000 to make sure that these expenses are covered for the rest of the fiscal year.
This would fund two full time temporary employees, postage, paper supplies and credit reports.
Resources are needed to continue the collection effort. The Finance staff cannot continue to dedicate their
time, but temporary staff could be used for collections.
It is recommended to increase Management Services budget to fund two temporary staff positions and supplies
to support the positions dedicated to collecting delinquent accounts. The resulting revenue is expected to
exceed the expenses by $100,000.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
North/South Light Rail
UTA Final Payment BA#3 Initiative#3
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83-98035(Light Rail Corridor) 175,081.8
CIP 83-03099(2003 Contingency) (175,081.82)
CIP Class"C"Contingency- (New Cost Center) 79,563.0
CIP Class"C"Contingency-(Proposed Cost Center) (79,563.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83-98035(Light Rail Corridor) 175,081.82
CIP 83-03099 (2003 Contingency) (175,081.82)
CIP Class"C"Contingency-(New Cost Center) 79,563.00
CIP Class"C"Contingency-(Proposed Cost Center) (79,563.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#3 Eng CIP Lightrail.xls2/10/20049:09 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#3 Eng CIP Lightrail.xls2/10/20049:09 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
UTA has requested and billed the City an outstanding balance of $401,693.31 due for construction of
the North/South light rail which was completed in 2000. In the original MOU between the City and
UTA, the City agreed to pay not more than $23,205,192.00. As of this date the City has paid
$20,115,832.71, with a request for final payment of$401,639.31.
Although this project was completed in 2000, UTA did not submit their estimated final billing to the City
until last spring. Since then, differences between City records of payment and UTA records have
been resolved to arrive at the current amount due. Since this project was completed and closed, there
are currently no allocated funds to pay the balance due to UTA.
For this reason, it is requested that the budget and cash of the Light Rail CIP Cost Center 83-98035
be increased by $175,081.82 (bringing the current budget and cash in cost center 83-98035 to
$322,130.31) and reduce the 03 CIP Contingency. This would leave a balance of CIP Contingency of
$689,768.30. In addition, it is requested that a new Class "C" cost center be established in the
amount of $79,563.00 from the new proposed Class "C" Contingency account addressed in this
Budget Opening. This would leave a Class "C" Contingency balance of $127,222.47. NOTE: CIP
Contingency and Class "C" Contingency balances are contingent upon recapture of funds on
closed projects as proposed in this Budget Opening.
It is recommended that the City Council increase cost center 83-98035 by $175,081.82, reducing the
the 03 CIP Contingency by same amount; and, establish a new Class "C" cost center in the amount of
$79,563.00, reducing the newly established Class "C" Contingency by same amount to facilitate final
payment to UTA.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Liberty Park Tennis Courts
Job No.220131 BA#3 Initiative#4
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
New CIP Project-Liberty Park Tennis Courts Reconstruction& 630,000.00
83-03029 Liberty Park Improvements (630,000.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
New CIP Project-Liberty Park Tennis Courts Reconstruction& 630,000.00
83-03029 Liberty Park Improvements (630,000.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)83-03029 Liberty Park Improvements
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#4 PKS CIP LibertyPk TennisCts.xls2/10/20049:11 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#4 PKS CIP LibertyPk TennisCts.xls2/10/20049:11 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The construction of the new tennis building in Liberty Park was expedited due to a private donation of
($200,000) by "Friends of Tennis". The new building should be operational this spring. The
completion of this building requires a decision concerning the existing tennis courts. Four (4) of the
sixteen (16) courts have been rebuilt and are currently is good condition, the remaining twelve (12)
need to be rebuilt in order to be consistent with the new tennis facility.
Improvements for four (4) of the remaining twelve (12) courts are budget for in the 04/05 budget,
along with the improvements necessary to allow the bubble provided by "Friends of Tennis" to be
installed seasonally on these four (4) courts. The remaining eight (8) courts were projected for rebuild
in the 05/06 budget.
In addition, the four (4) recently rebuilt tennis courts had lighting installed along with the lighting work
just completed throughout the park. Included were electrical stubs etc., for the remaining twelve (12)
courts. It is requested that lighting for the eight (8) courts be included in this request and included in
the reconstruction project. Lights for the remaining four (4) courts is budgeted for in the 04/05 budget.
It is possible that an additional $50,000 will be donated from the "Friends of Tennis" for additional
electrical needs.
This request is to facilitate improvements and lighting to the remaining eight (8) courts rather than 2
years from now as previously planned. From the City and Public perception, construction now would
be both cost effective to the City and provide a more efficient and quality tennis facility for the public.
The current scope of service within the Liberty Park Improvements includes building a third restroom
at a cost of$350,000. This has been postponed because the new tennis building includes public
restrooms. Because of this, and having received better construction bids than anticipated on various
projects included in the Liberty Park Improvements Project, it is requested that the fund savings be
redirected at this time to facilitate the Tennis Courts Improvement and Lighting Projects.
It is recommended that the City Council establish a new CIP budget in the amount of$630,000 and
reduce the CIP Cost Center 83-03029 by the $630,000. This will leave a remaining balance in the
Liberty Park Improvement cost center of$307,320.62.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Jordan River Trail Improvements
Job No.260118 BA#3 Initiative#5
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-3136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
CIP 83-01016(Jordan River Trail) 60,000.00
CIP 83-00043(Jordan River Trail) (20,000.00)
CIP 83-02016(Jordan River Trail) (40,000.00)
CIP New Cost Center(Grant Funds)(Jordan River Trail) 47,940.71
CIP 83-02074(Grant Fund)(Jordan River Trail) (32,980.00)
CIP 83-02045(Grant Fund)(Jordan River Trail) (14,960.71)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
CIP 83-01016(Jordan River Trail) 60,000.00
CIP 83-00043(Jordan River Trail) (20,000.00)
CIP 83-02016(Jordan River Trail) (40,000.00)
CIP New Cost Center(Grant Funds)(Jordan River Trail) 47,940.71
CIP 83-02074(Grant Fund)(Jordan River Trail) (32,980.00)
CIP 83-02045(Grant Fund)(Jordan River Trail) (14,960.71)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance
4.Charges and Services
5.Capital Outlay
CIP New Cost Center(Grant Funds)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#5 PKS CIP Jordan River Trail.xls2/17/20042:08 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA43 FY2004 Initiative#5 PKS CIP Jordan River Trail.xls2/17/20042:08 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Various sections of the Jordan River Trail have been completed or are near completion except for the
section of the trail from 1-80 to 1700 South which includes the trail head at Fremont Avenue. The City
matched GF monies with State Grants to compete these projects.
This request will recapture remaining grant funded budgets and establish a new grant funded cost
center with budget in the amount of $47,940.71, and recapture a portion of two Jordan River Trail
Projects CIP budgets, increasing the budget in cost center 83-01016 by $60,000.
It is recommended that the City Council increase the CIP cost center 83-01016 by $60,000 and
decrease CIP cost centers 83-00043 by $20,000. and CIP cost center 83-02016 by $40,000; and,
establish a new grant funded cost center in the amount of$47,940.71, reducing the remaining
balances in grant funded cost centers 83-02074, $32,980. and 83-02045, $14,960.71., to facilitate the
continued construction of this section of the Jordan River Trail.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services/Treasurer's Division FY 2004
Department For Fiscal Year
Railyard SID/Gateway Project Reimbursement BA#3 Initiative#6
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Daniel A.Mule/Randy Hillier 535-6411/535-6641
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item
Type of Initiative
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Railyard SID Gateway Project CC 83-04086 1980 15,585,474
Total $15,585,474 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Payment to reimburse Gateway Retail Holding for 15,585,474
Infrastructure Improvement 83-04086 2700
Total $15 585,474 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Capital Expenditure) 15,585,47
Total $15,585,4741 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#6 Railyard SID Reimbursement.xls2/10/20049:18 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#6 Railyard SID Reimbursement.xls2/10/20049:18 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a difficult element to identity out is essential to a finding. It is simpiy identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Railyard Special Improvement District is located at approximately 100 South and 400 West in the
downtown area of the City. The improvements consist of various infrastructure improvements including
sidewalks, crosswalks, storm drainage systems, landscaping, beautification of recreation and public area
facilities, curb and gutter, irrigation systems, utility lines, paving of roads and other miscellaneous work which
was necessary to complete the aforementioned improvements.
The Property Owner, under the supervision of the City, has acquired, constructed and installed the
improvements within the District for and on behalf of the City. Acquisition and construction of all of the
improvements has been completed. The property owner undertook such work with the understanding that the
City would issue the Series 2003 Bonds to permanently finance the improvements and proceeds of the Series
2003 Bonds are being applied to reimburse the costs of the improvements.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Asphalt Overlay -Class"C"
Job No. 104014 BA#3 Initiative#7
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-56136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Class"C" Funding from FY 04-05(New Cost Center) 1,500,000.00
Total $1 500,000.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Class"C" Funding from FY 04-05(New Cost Center) 1,500,000.00
Total $1,500,000.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services 100,000.00
5. Capital Outlay 1,400,000.00
Total $1,500,000.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#7 Eng CIP Asphalt Overlayl.xls2/10/20049:20 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#7 Eng CIP Asphalt Overlayl.xls2/10/20049:20 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
This project is included in the 2004-2005 FY request for funding within the Class "C" Fund. As in prior
years, expedited budget approval of this project is being proposed to allow the work to begin in the
spring of 2004 and be completed during the 04/05 construction season. The overlay will increase
pavement life, provide smoother street surfaces and enhance the streetscape appearance. In addition
ADA ramps will be constructed and deteriorated curb and gutter replaced. This request also includes
$100,000 to design the fiscal year 2005/2006 Overlay Project.
Priority streets include: 2100 So., State to 900 East; 200 So., 500 to 900 East; 1000 West, 1400 So.
to Wenco Dr. (1595 So.); 1500 West, 200 to 300 So.; 400 West, 200 to 400 So.; and 200 East, 400 to
900 So.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the appropriate Class "C" budget to facilitate this
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
CD-Housing and Neighborhood Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
2100 So.-900 W.to Redwood Rd.UTA Match
Job No. 102091 BA#3 Initiative#8
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Fund from UTA(New Cost Center) 175,850.00
Total $175 850.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Fund from UTA(New Cost Center) 175,850.00
Total 175,850.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay 175,850.00
6. Other(Specify)
Total 175,850.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#8 CD CIP 2100 So. 900 W..xls2/10/20049:22 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#8 CD CIP 2100 So. 900 W..xls2/10/20049:22 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Salt Lake City was originally awarded Federal Aid to Highway's Surface Transportation Program (STP)
funds for it's 2100 So. Project, 900 West -Redwood Rd., (including the bridge over the Jordan River)
by the Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC). Subsequently, this project became eligible for
Bridge Replacement Funds and the City was awarded those funds. Once the City was awarded the
Bridge Replacement Funds, UTA, requested that the STP funds be reallocated to UTA to support the
purchase and rehabilitation of used light rail cars to expand the fleet and relieve crowding on TRAX.
WFRC agreed to this request, and modified it's program to provide the needed STP funds to UTA.
The Bridge Replacement Funds require a 20% match, where as the STP funds require a 6.77% match
leaving a $175,850 shortage of Funds. To ensure that Salt Lake City does not suffer a financial loss
as a result of relinquishing the STP funds, UTA has agreed to provide to Salt Lake City the $175,850
to cover the difference in local matching ratios.
For this reason, it is necessary to create a budget for the expense of the $175,850.00 to be used as
match for this project.
It is recommended that the City Council create a budget for the $175,850 to receive the UTA
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2—Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3—Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4—None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? NA. What programs are funded with this
grant and what are the performance measures of each program?
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? NA.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? NA.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? NA.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? NA.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
California Ave. Concrete Street Rehabilitation
Job No.101017 BA#3 Initiative#9
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83-02042(Concrete Street Rehab) 30,000.00
Class"C"Contingency(New Cost Center) (30,000.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83-02042(Concrete Street Rehab) 30,000.00
Class"C"Contingency(new Cost Center) (30,000.00)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services(Contingency)
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#9 Eng Calif Ave Concrete.xls2/10/20049:25 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#9 Eng Calif Ave Concrete.xls2/10/20049:25 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
During the construction of the California Avenue Street Rehabilitation project, it was determined that
the deterioration of the streets concrete pavement was more widespread than originally indicated
during the project design phase. The existing pavement is thinner than identified on the as-built
drawings and in the contract documents. The additional funding is required to complete the necessary
pavement replacement within the project limits.
This request is to increase the budget in cost center 83-02042 by $30,000 and decrease the newly
established Class "C" Contingency by $30,000 to cover the unanticipated cost overruns. This would
leave a Class "C "Contingency balance in the amount of$97,222.47.
NOTE: Class "C" Contingency balance is contingent upon recapture of funds on closed Class
"C" projects as proposed in this Budget Opening. This figure represents the balance after
addressing the two requests to use these funds, in this Budget Opening.
It is recommended that the City Council increase the budget in cost center 83-02042 by $30,000. and
decrease the Class "C" Contingency to facilitate the cost over-runs in this project.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
CD-Housing and Neighborhood Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
1300 South Viaduct-Class"C"
Job No. 104014 BA#3 Initiative#10
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Max Peterson/LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Class"C" Funding From FY 04-05(New Cost Center) 85,000.00
Total $85,000.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
83 CIP Class"C" Funding From FY 04-05(New Cost Center) 85,000.0'
Total $85 000.0. $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay 83 CIP Class C Fund (New Cost Center) $85,000.00
6. Other(Specify))
Total) $85,000.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#10 Eng CIP 1300 So.Viaduct.xls2/10/20049:27 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#10 Eng CIP 1300 So.Viaduct.xls2/10/20049:27 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The 1300 South Viaduct, built in 1975, is currently showing signs of age and deterioration. Bridge
deck and seismic upgrade is needed. Due to recent changes in eligibility requirements for Federal
Bridge Replacement Funding, rehab of this structure is now eligible for Federal funding. In order to
obtain the Federal funding, the City needs to prepare a comprehensive study and analysis of the
structure to determine rehabilitation needs and costs. These funds will be used to hire a consultant to
complete and prepare the study.
This project is included in the 2004-2005 FY request for funding within the Class "C" Fund. Approval
of this project now, will allow the City to expedite the request for federal funding.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary Class "C" budget and decrease the Class
"C" Contingency to facilitate this project.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Department For Fiscal Year
Escort Vice Enforcement BA#3 Initiative#11
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Jerry Burton 799-3824
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item n/a
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
73 Fund 73-73016 Vice Restitution Account(Fund Balance) 10,000
Total $10,000 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
73 Fund 73-73016 Vice Restitution Account 10,000
Total $10,000 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services 10,000
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $10,000 $0 I $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#11 Vice Escort Enforcement.xls2/9/20041:15 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact 0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#11 Vice Escort Enforcement.xls2/9/20041:15 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a service
level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying wny the condition varies
from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Police Department requests an additional $5,000 to send seven vice detectives to a training
seminar in Las Vegas. Currently only one of the detectives has over a year of experience in vice
investigations. Cost would cover the travel, tuition, per diem and hotel costs.
In addition, $5,000 would be used to monitor escort business used as a front for prostitution. Existing
General Fund budget of$6,000 uses approximately $500 per month for liquor, street prostitution and
gambling. An average escort sting is approximately $500 for rent on two hotel rooms and props. The
$5,000 requested would provide for approximately 10 additional operations in a year. There is
sufficient fund balance in Cost Center 73-73016 Vice Restitution Account.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services/Treasurer's Division FY 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Special Improvement District Budgets BA#3 Initiative#12
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Daniel Mule/Randy Hillier 535-6411 /535-6641
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item CFDA#(If Applicable)in this Cell
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Fund 20 Special Assessment Tax 20-00201-1125 142,800
Interest Income 20-00201-1830 31,747
Total $174,547 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Fund 20 Special Assessment Tax 20-00201 174,547
Total $174,547 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Special Assessment Debt Service) 174,547
Total $174,5471 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#12 Special Improvement District.xls2/10/20049:32 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#12 Special Improvement District.xls2/10/20049:32 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Debt Service Funds for Curb& Gutter Special Improvement Districts
FY 2004 Budget
FY 2004 Amount to be
SID District Cost Center Object Code Description Adopted
20-00201 1125 Special Assessment Tax $142,800
20-00201 1830 Interest Income $31,747
Grand Total Revenues $174,547
103009 20-03009 2811 Bond Principal $129,000
103009 20-03009 2821 Bond Interest $30,643
103009 20-03009 2830 Collection Charges $400
101016 20-02016 2811 Bond Principal $13,000
101016 20-02016 2821 Bond Interest $1,105
101016 20-02016 2830 Collection Charges $400
Grand Total Expenses $174,547
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify out is essential to a finding. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Bonding for Special Improvement Districts 103009 and 101016 occurred in July 2003 after the budget for
this fiscal year, 2004, was adopted. The debt service budget was never approved. Assessment revenues and
annual interest charges are sufficient to cover these costs.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services/Treasurer's Division FY 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
MFET 93A Arbitrage Rebate Caic Expense BA#3 Initiative#13
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Daniel Mule/Randy Hillier 535-6411 /535-6641
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item CFDA#(If Applicable)in this Cell
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
81 Fund Motor Fuel Excise Tax (MFET) 1993A Bond (Fund 1,500
Total $1,500 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
81 Fund Motor Fuel Excise Tax(MFET) 1993A Bond Fund 1,500
Other Expense 81-00812 2590
Total $1,500 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4.Charges and Services 1,500
5. Capital Outlay
Total $1,500 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#13 MFET 93A Arbitrage Rebate Calc.xls2/10/20049:35 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#13 MFET 93A Arbitrage Rebate Calc.xls2/10/20049:35 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a dimcult element to identify out is essential to a finding. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The final arbitrage calculation for the Motor Fuel Excise Tax (MFET) Series 1993 bond was anticipated to
happen during fiscal year 2003 and funds were budgeted in fiscal year 2003 to cover the cost of the
calculations. However, the calculations were not completed until early in fiscal year 2004. By that time the
funding for the calculations had fallen to the MFET Series 1993 bond fund. As such, $1,500 now must be
budgeted to cover the expense already incurred.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Department For Fiscal Year
E-9-1-1 FUND TRANSFER BA#3 Initiative#14
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item N/A
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
60 Fund E-911 60-00620(Fund Balance) 294,707
Total $294,70 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
60 Fund E-911 60-00620 294,707
Total $294 70 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services 164,707
5. Capital Outlay 130,000
6. Other(Specify)
Total $294,707 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#14 E-911 TRANSFER.xls2/10/20049:36 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact 0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#14 E-911 TRANSFER.xls2/10/20049:36 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a a►mcuit e►ement to identity but is essential to a tinamg. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
During the preparation of the FY 04 E 9-1-1 budget the 5th and final lease payment of $ 164,707 for E
9-1-1 equipment was not included. The department request transfer of available fund balance to cover
this expense. There is sufficient fund balance to cover this proposed transfer.
In addition, a transfer from fund balance is requested to allow for the purchase of a dispatch voice
recording system. The council during last fiscal year appropriated funding for this system but due to
the request for proposal process and bidding the system was not purchased. The background work
has been done and now funding is needed to place the order.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Department For Fiscal Year
SL Marathon Police Services BA#3 Initiative#15
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Jerry Burton 799-3824
Prepared By Phone Number
New Item n/a
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Police Department General Fund (Fund Balance) 50,000
Total $50,000 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Police Department Overtime 50,000
Total $50,000 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages 50,000
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $50,0001 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#15 Salt Lake Marathon.xls2/10/200410:33 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Overtime 0
NOTE: Assumes law enforcement agencies outside of SLC
absorb their own costs or are reimbursed to them
directly by the sponsor.
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#15 Salt Lake Marathon.xls2/10/200410:33 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions, structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a aitncuit element to identity out is essential to a tinging. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Police Department has identified 260 police officer stations in support of the Salt Lake City
Marathon. The police services cannot be accomplished within existing special events budget. Using
an estimate of 5 hrs per station, some shorter, maximum of 7 hours @ $32 per hour for 260 officers is
$ 41,600. Additional staffing will be needed for command post. Administrative planning is being done
as part of regular assignments. Total estimate of needs is $ 50,000.
The race route includes Salt Lake City as well as Salt Lake County. There are questions about the
County's ability or willingness to pay for an event sponsored by the City. If the City is required to fund
the entire event, cost estimates are likely to double as approximately 500 posts would be required.
Physical limitations on sworn staffing would require the assistance of outside agencies and the City
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Salt Lake City Police Department 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
State of Utah-Office of Crime Victim Reparations
VAWA-Violence Against Women-04 BA#3 Initiative#16
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Wes Galloway/Sherrie Collins Enter Phone#of Contact Person
Prepared By 535-6150
Grant for Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing Staff Focus VAWA2003/04
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 19,013.83
Total $19,013.83 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 19,013.8
Total $19,013.83 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages 17,430.40
2. Employee Benefits 1,333.43
3.Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)Training 250.00
Total $19,013.83 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#16 PD Violence Against Women.xls2/10/200410:35 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Victim Advocate hourly rate 16.76 x 1040 hrs 0.5 $ 17,430.40
Benefits 1,333.43
Total 18,763.83
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#16 PD Violence Against Women.xls2/10/200410:35 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Salt Lake City Police Department receives this grant annually from the State of Utah for their
Victim Advocate program. The required match of $6,459 is met with the Victim Advocate Program
Director's Salary, and is budget within the PD's general fund budget.
Currently, there are four-FTE Victim Advocates, including the Program Coordinator, and one-PTE
Victim Advocate who are funded within the PD's GF budget. In addition there are four-PTE's that are
VAWA and VOCA grant funded positions These funds will continue to fund 50% of one-PTE that will
continue to recruit, train and supervise volunteers to provide services to victims of domestic violence.
Services provided include resources, referrals, information support, community education, court
advocacy, and crisis intervention. The $250. of training funds will be used to send the grant funded
victim advocate to the Utah Victim Assistance Academy and the Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault
trainings for Certification.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is a
continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1- In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? Yes. What programs are funded with this
grant and what are the performance measures of each program? The Victim Advocate Program is
funded annually to continue program which provides services to Victims of Domestic
Violence. From January to September of 2003, the PD responded to 3,090 domestic violence
calls. Of these,the Victim Advocate program provided services to approximately 67.7%.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Although not
guaranteed,It is highly probable that these funds will continue to be awarded for this program.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable?Yes. This program will continue but at a lower service level.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No. Other local law enforcement agencies
receive their own funding for similar programs that provide services to victims of domestic
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Salt Lake City Police Department 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Utah State University
Interagency Outreach Training Initiative BA#3 Initiative#17
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Krista Dunn/Sherrie Collins 535-7159/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant For Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing Staff Resources Pass Throu.h C031450
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 _$0, _ $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 14,000.00
Total $14,000.0.0 $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 14,000.00
Total ,14,000.00 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages 12,600.0
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance 1,150.0
4.Charges and Services-Contractual 250.00
5.Capital Outlay
Total $14,000.0C $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#17 PD Outreach Training.xls2/9/20041:24 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Officer Over-time
Coordinator- 16 hrs x 5 Trainings @ 32.00 per hr. 2,600.00
12 Officers x 5 hrs x 5 Trainings @ 32.00 per hr. 10,000.00
Total 12,600.00
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#17 PD Outreach Training.xls2/9/20041:24 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria,condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective.The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,them is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Salt Lake City Police Department received this continuation funding from Utah State University to
further the Police Officer Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) certification/training program. This training
provides officers with crisis mediation and intervention skills needed in dealing with persons who have
serious mental illness or developmental disabilities who are involved in law enforcement issues.
These funds will be used to continue the City's program in providing training to Officers Statewide.
The goal of this project is to conduct 5 trainings for the purpose of training and certifying an additional
50 Salt Lake City Officers and 60 other agency Officers during this funding period. Trainings are
conducted in collaboration with the SLCPD, Valley Mental Health, Utah State Division of Mental
Health, University of Utah Emergency Room, University of Utah Neuropsychiatric Institute, and other
related agencies.
NOTE: Officer/Coordinator over-time will only be necessary if Officers who attend certification
training or who participate in the preparation of training is off-duty at the time training is held.
This grant requires a$5,450.00 match which will be met within the Supplies categorical expenses and
is budgeted within the Police Departments General Fund budget. Funding received will be used as
follows: $2,600 will be used to pay approximately 80 hours overtime for the CIT Coordinator to work
the 5 academy trainings; $10,000 will be used to pay over time expenses of approximately 12 Officers
to work 5 hours at 5 academy trainings; $1,150 will be used for supplies which include 32 manuals,
printing and mailing the Newsletter. CIT Certification pins and miscellaneous training supplies; and,
$250. will be used for a contractual component which includes a Human Capabilities Presenter at 5
academy trainings.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is a
continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1- In some cases,the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2=Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3_Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 -Will this grant fund employee positions? No. Officer over-time only. What programs
are funded with this grant and what are the performance measures of each program? Currently,
there are approximately 300 certified Officers Statewide. Of these 300 Officers, 100 are SLC
PD Officers. Participating number of collaborating agencies has increased to 25.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Although not
guaranteed,these funds have been made available to the SLC PD for the last 3 years. If funds
continue to be available,the PD will continue to request funds.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. The Statewide program would be discontinued. The City would
have the option to continue training it's Officers at a considerable expense to the City.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No. The City in being the lead agency,receives a
cost savings in providing training to at least 50 Officers per year.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Salt Lake City Police Department FY 2004
Department For Fiscal Year
Rocky Mountain HIDTA BA#3 Initiative$18
Executive Office of the President
Office of National Drug Control 2004
initiative Name Initiative Number
Jerry Burton 799-3824
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant For Existing Staff
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing staff Resources CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 128,027
Total $128,027 $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 128,027
Total $128 027 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages 127,272
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance Supply 755
4.Charges and Services 0
5.Capital Outlay 0
Total $128,0271 $0 $0_
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#18 PD HIDTA Metro Narcotics Enforcement.xls2/9/20041:28 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Police Officer 3 502-A $ 127,272
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#18 PD HIDTA Metro Narcotics Enforcement.xls2/9/20041:28 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization,or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;criteria,
condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective.The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Police Department applied for and has received confirmation that the City will be receiving a grant
in the amount of$128,027.,from the Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control.
The grant continues funding for 3 police officers assigned to the Metro Narcotics/Drug Enforcement
Agency. The grant caps benefits at 35%of base salary so a projected$15,000 of actual 6 month
NOTE: Grant Funding has been approved at the HIDTA level and is pending funding from Congress in March
or April 2004. In order to avoid a lapse of personal services,the PD is requesting that the Administration
and City Council review and approve in this budget opening.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant,
This is a continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1— In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? Yes. 3 FTE's. What programs are funded
with this grant and what are the performance measures of each program? Three Officers assigned
to Metro Narcotics/Drug Enforcement Agency.
Yes. Drug enforcement
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. The PD
has received this funding for the last 4 years. They will continue to apply if funding is
Continuation of existing program.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. High community impact when City loses Officer positions. However,
if funding is not awarded, the Chief will make an evaluations based on the value of the
Positions and will either request for positions to be put in GF budget of fill positions through
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Utah Department of Transportation
Traffic Control Center BA#3 Initiative#19
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Tim Harpst/Sherrie Collins 535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grand For Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Re•uiring Exlstin•Staff Focus
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 90,000.00
Total $90 000.00 $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 , $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0, $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 90,000.00
Total $90,000.00 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages 69,000.00
2.Employee Benefits 18,750.00
3.Operating and Maintenance 500.00
4.Charges and Services 200.00
5.Capital Outlay 1,550.00
Total $90,000.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#19 CD Traffic Control center.xls2/9/20041:30 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D.Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Traffic Control Center Operation 1 308 $ 40,000.00
Benefits 12,800.00
Partial Salary and benefit of additional person 1 29,000.00
Benefits 5,950.00
Total 87,750.00
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#19 CD Traffic Control center.xls2/9/20041:30 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria,condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective.The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Transportation Division received this grant in FY 01-02, from the Utah Department of
Transportation to hire an additional Traffic Control Center Operator. This is a three(3)year grant.At
the time the budget was established for this grant, it was brought in under the biennial budget. This
request is being submitted to establish a budget for the final year,in the amount of$90,000.
These funds will be used to continue to pay salary and benefits of an existing FTE, and partial salary
and benefits of another existing FTE who are currently employed at the Traffic Control Center. In
addition, the remaining funds will be used for additional equipment as needed for operation of the
Traffic Control Center.
The purpose of the Traffic Control Center is to monitor over 300,or nearly half of the traffic signals in
the Salt Lake Valley included in the CommuterLink system. Additional responsibilities include
evaluation and update of traffic signals and traffic signals timing plans. Personnel are required to staff
the Control Center as well as provide services in the field.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is
grant is a 3 year grant which was budgeted for in 01-02 and 02-03 but not 03-04. A Resolution was
previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or
agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2—Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? Yes. 1 FTE and partial salary and benefits
of additional employee. What programs are funded with this grant and what are the performance
measures of each program? The Traffic Control Center monitors over 300 traffic signals as well
as producing annual traffic signal evaluations and plans.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? None.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
No. CD is currently working on other funding options to retain these positions. The Traffic
Control Center currently has a total of 3 FTE's including the grant funded positions.
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Public Services-Sorenson Multicultural Center 2003-2004
Department For Fiscal Year
Hear Our Voices
Initiative Name BA#3 Initiative#20
Initiative Number
Sean Martin/Sherrie Collins 908-6234/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant For Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing Staff Focus
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund-Misc 72 Grant Fund 8,000
Total $8,000 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund- Misc 72 Grant Fund 8,000
Total $8,000 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages 7,200
2. Employee Benefits 550
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply 250
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $8,000 $0 $0
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Seasonal Part time Coordinator(720 hrs x$10) 700 7,200
Benefits FICA 550
Total 7,750
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
Functions: The impact on current functions of the Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center will be a continued emphasis on
project-based discovery learning within young women and technology programs. No major impacts on structure
or organization will occur as a result of the continuation of this Grant.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which analysis cannot
be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or policy. In other cases,it may be
an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a service level
impact.If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition varies from the
criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into management
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the condition to be in
line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Sorenson Multi-Cultural Center (SMCC) has been awarded an $8,000 cash grant from the Boston
Museum of Science for 2nd year funding for the "Hear Our Voices; Girls in Technology Program". In
2001, The SMCC received a grant from the Intel Foundation to open and operate the Intel Computer
Clubhouse. Intel collaborates with the Boston Museum of Science, who develops and supports the
"Computer Clubhouse" program. This continuation grant, from the Boston Museum of Science, will
continue to pay salary and benefits of a seasonal part-time coordinator for one year. The Seasonal
part-time Hear Our Voices Coordinator will manage the Girls Day program by working directly with
young females, providing community outreach, recruiting and training volunteer mentors.
Current Technology Center and Computer Clubhouse programs include: Adult and youth open
access; adult computer literacy courses, After-school, summer and evening youth computer activities.
The grant will provide funding, training and support to increase girls' technological fluency.
This program will continue to provide unique services to approximately 60 young women youth, ages
8-18 yrs old, enrolled in the Sorenson after-school, summer and evening programs. In addition, 300
"drop-in" young women current Clubhouse members from the surrounding area will have the
opportunity to participate in "Hear Our Voices" programming. Activities will focus on young women's
creative expression and scientific exploration including; graphic design, scanned and computer
generated art projects, video production, digital music creation, multi-media presentations and
engineering/robotic projects and other community-based activities
Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate
this grant. This is a continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the mayor to
sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1 - In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2—Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3—Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question I - Will this grant fund employee positions? YES- (seasonal) What programs are funded
with this grant and what are the performance measures of each program? Hear Our Voices: Girls
and Technology. Performance measures are outlined in the Sorenson Technology Center's 03-
05 Strategic Initiatives. Measures include increasing female participation rates to 50%;
increasing girls ability to express themselves with technology; collaborate on projects;
increase self-esteem, problem-solving skills and their ability to plan and execute complex
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? This is the 2nd year of
this grant. Future years funding may be made available through the Boston Museum of Science It is
the Sorenson Center's management's goal to obtain other private and federal funds to make
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Yes. The Hear Our Voices Coordinator position will be posted and filled with condition that
employment is contingent on continued grant funding.
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes. Given the Successful first year of operation of the Computer
Clubhouse, Sorenson Center's management is confident it will continue to meet the goals of
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? No, it is the administrations goal that other funding, from private and
federal sources, will be secured to continue program beyond the current year grant period. If
additional funding is not secured through new grants or savings in other departments, the
Hear Our Voices program's services can be continued, at reduced levels, by existing funded
positions with in the Dept. of Public Services including, the Sorenson Technology Center
Manager, part-time staff and volunteers.
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No. There are no other programs within the Salt
Lake County that "duplicate" the Hear Our Voices program. Other public and private sector
organizations do not offer similar programming to young females in the Glendale and Poplar
Grove communities in Salt Lake City.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
State Of Utah
Emergency Services&Homeland Security-04 BA#3 Initiative#21
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Michael Stever/Sherrie Collins 535-6030/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant for Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing Staff Focus 97.042
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 24,000.00t
Total $24 000.00 $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 24,000.00
Total $24 000.00 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages 24,000.00
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance
4.Charges and Services
5.Capital Outlay
Total _ - $24,000.0g - $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#21 Emergency Mgmt.xls2/9/20041:35 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D.Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
Management Services Coordinator 1 $ 24,000.00
Total 24,000.00
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#21 Emergency Mgmt.xls2/9/20041:35 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Management Services receives this grant annually from the State of Utah, Division of Emergency
Services and Homeland Security. It is awarded to Salt Lake City to defray some costs associated with
the Emergency Managers salary and benefits.
These funds will be used to defray salary expenses of the Emergency Managers Position. This
position is responsible to design, implement and apply the Emergency Operating Procedure manual
and to educate Salt Lake City Corporation, Community Groups, and local businesses of emergency
procedures and policies in the event of a natural disaster, hazardous materials, bombs, terrorist
attacks, etc. The remaining costs associated with this position are budgeted for within Management
Services General Fund Budget.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is a
continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1- In some cases,the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
proiects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
33-Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? Yes. This grant will cover approximately
28% of salary and benefit costs of Emergency Manager's Position. The remaining portion of
this position,is budget for within Management Services GF budget. What programs are funded
with this grant and what are the performance measures of each program?
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Although not
guaranteed,It is highly probable that these funds will continue to be awarded for this program.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds,a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable?Yes.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Salt Lake City Police Department 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
US Department of Justice
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant BA#3 Initiative#22
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Krista Dunn/Sherrie Collins 535-3265/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant For Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant Requiring Existing Staff Focus 16.592
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Fund 72 Misc Grant 72-20407 Transfer From General Fund 23,545
Fund 72 Misc Grant 72-20407 Interest Income 15,000
Fund 72 Misc Grant 72-20407 Grant Proceeds 211,901.00
Total $250 446.00 $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
Fund 72 Misc Grant 72-20407 250,466.00
Total $250 466.00 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages 36,466.00
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance
4.Charges and Services-Contractual 79,000.00
5.Capital Outlay 45,000.00
6.Other(Specify)-Training 20,000.00
Innovate Law Enforcement Projects 70,000.00
NOTE:Match included in proposed project funding $250,466.00. $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#22 PD Local Law Enforce Block Grant.xls2/9/20041:47 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D.Personnel Service Detail: Amount
Officer Over-Time $ 36,446.00
Officer(s)1139 hrs x 32.00 per hr.
Detail of Other Costs
Crime Lab Enhancements/Equipment $ 45,000.00
Civilian Training $ 20,000.00
Contractual $ 79,000.00
Drug Court $ 37,000.00
Peer Court 15,000.00
Restorative Justice Programs 12,000.00
McGruff Program 15,000.00
Innovative Law Enforcement Projects $ 70,000.00
Projects to be determined at a later date
Total Costs $ 250,446.00
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#22 PD Local Law Enforce Block Grant.xls2/9/20041:47 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria,condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective.The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Salt Lake City Police Department applies for and receives Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
Funds(LLEBG)on an annual basis to provide operational support and services in the eligible areas of
law enforcement,crime prevention and drug courts. The amount awarded is based on the number of
Part 1 Crimes committed within the City's jurisdiction. Part 1 Crimes include murder, armed robbery,
aggravated assault, rape, etc. The SLCPD was awarded grant funds in the amount of$211,901 for
the period of 10/01/2002-9/30/2004. The required match is $23,545 which is currently budget for
within the PD's General Fund budget but will be transferred to the grant cost center. In addition,the
PD expects to received approximately $15,000 in interest income. The total program amount is
$250,446. NOTE: Payment of LLEBG funds are paid directly to awarding agencies in advance,
at the beginning of the Grant Period. The grant requires that these funds be placed in an
interest bearing account. This accumulated interest must be spent with the grant. The funds
will be spent on law enforcement equipment and spent in the final month of the grant period. A
relate to grant requirements.
The SLCPD proposes to fund the following projects/programs at the levels indicated: $36,446 Officer
Over-Time for Targeted Enforcement;This program proposes to assist citizens and local businesses
that report lower priority complaints and issues in a more timely manner by assigning an Officer
directly to the problem/targeted area. These cases include issues/complaints referred by the CAT
Teams, Mobile Neighborhood Watch, local businesses and citizens and may involve nuisances,traffic
problems, parking, drug houses, juvenile problems, etc.; NOTE: Although lower priority
complaints and neighborhood issues are reviewed, often there are not enough Officer
resources to resolve these issues in what neighborhoods and businesses believe is a timely
manner. It is felt that off-duty officers could be dedicated to any particular issue or targeted
area without impacting daily higher priority law enforcement issues.
$30,000 for Crime Lab Enhancements/Equipment; These funds will be used to bring the Crime Lab
up to the minimal standards of a large municipal Police Department. Equipment needs include a new
Forensic Identification Comparator for evidence processing of finger and palm prints, with updated
technologies to process and save evidence.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
$20,000 for Civilian Training; These funds would be used to address the training needs of non sworn
civilian employees responsible for the operation and maintenance of high-tech equipment, as well as
program operations that require training;
$79,000 for contractual components that include; $37,000 to Drug Court for case management of
persons living within the SLC limits. $15,000 to Peer Court for a percent of staff salary of the
prevention/intervention program provided to youth offenders. $12,000 to Restorative Justice
Programs to pay for percentage of a case manager or court worker in providing the therapeutic
jurisprudence for the purpose of preventing recidivism. $15,000 for the SLC School District for the
McGruff Program;
$70,000 for Innovative Law Enforcement Projects; The PD has been conducting a new Leadership
Training (West Point Leadership Academy) for the past two years. As a part of the training,
supervisors take an issue or area of concern in their Divisions/Neighborhoods and create an
innovative project to solve that problem or issue. These funds would provide the resources necessary
in providing innovative projects to problem solve law enforcement issues within our communities.
Examples of projects could include the creation of a Homeland Security Assessment Team to assess
infrastructure within the City, map routes within sites for responding to incidents, and the creation of
incident response protocols relating to Homeland Security. Another example might be creating a
Citizen Satisfaction Survey to assess or measure citizen's satisfaction with Police response, courtesy,
efficiency, etc. A third example could be focusing on less-lethal munitions within the Department by
studying the use and feasibility of Officers using Tasers and then supplying Tasers to all Officers.
It is recommended that the Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is a
continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any future grants or agreements stemming from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question I - Will this grant fund employee positions? No - Officer Over-Time Only. What
programs are funded with this grant and what are the performance measures of each program? This
would be a new service provided by the Police Department focusing on lower priority law
enforcement issues.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. Grant is
awarded on an annual basis. SLCPD will continue to apply for funding as available from the
Department of Justice. However, funding priorities could change.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
NA. However, Over-time for these specific grant related programs would discontinue.
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. Due to limited Officer resources, Officers dedicated would not be
feasible for these lower priority complaints.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3—Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? No. What programs are funded with this grant
and what are the performance measures of each program? The Drug Court has been successfully
operating for the past ten years. Approximately 400 cases are processed each year by the
Drug Court with 75% of these cases involving Salt Lake City residents who receive drug
treatment services through this program. The cost is currently$2,000. per case. LLEBG Grant
funds will pay a percentage of salary and benefit expenses Case Manager.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. The
SLCPD will continue to apply for federal grant funding as available. Drug Court is a
Department of Justice mandatory component/condition of grant funding.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. Although Drug Court would continue it's program services, the
number of clients served would probably be reduced.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1 - In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4—None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? No. What programs are funded with this grant
and what are the performance measures of each program? Peer Court has been successfully
operating for the past six years. Approximately 300 cases are processed each year by Peer
Court with approximately 100 volunteers receiving mediation/resolution training. Volunteers
contribute approximately 8 hours per week to the program. LLEBG Grant funds will pay
percentage of salary and benefit expenses of 1 staff person.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. The
SLCPD will continue to apply for federal grant funding as available and may propose to
continue to contract with the SLC School District for the Peer Court Program.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. Program may continue but at a lower service level.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1- In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 -Will this grant fund employee positions? No. What programs are funded with this grant
and what are the performance measures of each program? The City will contract with the County
Criminal Justice Services for the Restorative Justice programs. The components of these
programs include Passages that will provide court costs and case management services to
approximately 25 early offenders of SLC. The Mental Health Program that will provide case
management services to approximately 20 offenders with mental illness. The Prostitution
Outreach Program will provide case management and counseling services to approximately 10
young female prostitutes. LLEBG Grant funds will pay a percentage of salary and benefit
expenses of case manager or court worker.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. The
SLCPD will continue to apply for federal grant funding as available and may propose to
continue to contract with the Salt Lake County Criminal Justice Services for these programs.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 -Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable?Yes.Program may continue but at a lower service level.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No. These programs are a collaborative effort
between Salt Lake City and Salt Lake County.
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2—Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3—Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? No. What programs are funded with this grant
and what are the performance measures of each program? The City will contract with the Salt
Lake City School District for the McGruff Program. The School District continues to monitor
200 "Safe Houses, Businesses, and Trucks'; through current back ground check and contact
every six months. In addition, they schedule community, neighborhood, and school events for
McGruff presentations at 15 different schools and 10 neighborhoods on a yearly basis.
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Probable. The
SLCPD will continue to apply for federal grant funding as available and may propose to
continue to contract with the Salt Lake City School District for this program.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? Yes. Program may continue but at a lower service level.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No. These programs are a collaborative effort
between Salt Lake City and Salt Lake City School District.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
State Of Utah
Emergency Services&Homeland Security-04 BA#3 Initiative#23
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Michael Stever/Sherrie Collins 535-6030/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Grant for No Existing Staff Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Continuation Grant 20.703
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 3,000.00
Total $3,000.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 72 Grant Fund 3,000.00
Total $3,000.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services 3,000.00
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)Training
Total $3,000.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#23 Emergency Mgmt Training.xls2/10/200411:17 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#23 Emergency Mgmt Training.xls2/10/200411:17 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Management Services receives this grant annually from the State of Utah, Division of Emergency
Services and Homeland Security. It is awarded to Salt Lake City to defray some costs associated with
the Hazardous Material Emergency Preparedness Planning.
These funds will be used for travel and registration for the City's Emergency Manager to attend the
intermountain HazMat Conference, and the Hazmat Expl Conference, and personnel costs associated
with the attendance of these meetings and other costs associated with the necessary exercises and
drills. The grant requires a 20% match which will be met through in-kind activates of the Local
Emergency Planning Committee of which the Emergency Manager is co-chair, and the Emergency
Managers salary.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the necessary budget to facilitate this grant. This is a
continuation grant. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the
grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the grant.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1- In some cases,the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
22-Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? Yes. What programs are funded with this
grant and what are the performance measures of each program? Reimbursement for attending
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? Although not
guaranteed,It is highly probable that these funds will continue to be awarded for this program.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 -Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable?Yes.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
CD-Housing and Neighborhood Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Volunteers of America(VOA) BA#3 Initiative#24
Homeless Youth Resource Center Improvements
Cost Center 71-29047
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Karen Wiley/Sherrie Collins 535-7276/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping N/A
Type of Initiative Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CDBG Cost Center 71-29047 Increase budget 7,810
CDBG Contingency Cost Center 71-29099 (7,810)
Total $0 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CDBG Cost Center 71-29047 Increase budget 7,810
CDBG Contingency Cost Center 71-29099 (7,810)
Total $0 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services CDBG Contingency 71-29099 ($7,810)
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify) 71-29047 VOA Homeless Resource 7,810
Center Imp.
Total $0 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#24 VOA Youth Resource Center.xls2/9/20041:49 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Personnel Service Detail
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#24 VOA Youth Resource Center.xls2/9/20041:49 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria,condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective.The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it maybe an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
Volunteers of America (VOA) was awarded $10,000 of 29th Year CDBG funds for kitchen
improvements to the Homeless Youth Resource Center. After funds were awarded,the Fire Marshall
notified VOA that a Type II ducted hood would be necessary to be in compliance with Fire Code
requirements. In addition, the Health Department Regulations require the countertops be stainless
steel, with a three compartment sink included. The additional funding is necessary to cover the
unanticipated costs of upgrades needed to meet the requirements of the Fire Code and Health
Department Regulations.
VOA intended to fund the additional costs from their own funds. However,two emergency issues on
two of their other properties required that their funding be used to address those issues. Those items
were a leaky roof on their youth transitional housing home and an electrical overload at the detox
This amendment will increase the 29th Year CDBG VOA-Homeless Youth Resource Center budget,
cost center 71-29047 by $7,810.00 and decrease the 29th Year CDBG Contingency Budget cost
center 71-29099 by the same amount. The remaining CDBG Contingency Budget is$12,190.00.
It is recommended that the City Council increase the CDBG VOA budget by$7,810.00,and decrease
the CDBG Contingency by this amount to facilitate this project.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G.Grant Criteria:A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1_In some cases,the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2- Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3- Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? No. What programs are funded with this
grant and what are the performance measures of each program? NA.
Question 2 -What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? NA.
Question 3 -Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 -Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? Yes.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable?NA.
Question 6 -Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector?Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
SLC Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Recaptured General Fund CIP 1981-1999
and Class"C"1995-2002 BA#3 Initiative#25
Initiative Name Initiative Number
LuAnn Clark/Sherrie Collins 535-6136/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Type of Initiative Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
$0.00 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
CIP 83-04099 CIP General Fund Contingency $ 521,684.39
CIP Miscellaneous 83 CIP Projects(See Detail Attached) _$ (521,684.39)
CIP Class"C"Contingency(New Cost Center) $ 206,785.47
CIP Miscellaneous 83 CIP Class"C"Projects(See Detail
Attached) $ (206,785.47)
Total _$0 00' $0 $0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
CIP 83-04099 CIP General Fund Contingency 521,684.3•
CIP Miscellaneous 83 CIP Projects(See Detail Attached) (521,684.39
CIP Class"C"Contingency(New Cost Center) (206,785.47
CIP Miscellaneous 83 CIP Class"C"Projects(See Detail 206,785.4
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance
4.Charges and Services
5.Capital Outlay Various Completed CIP Projects
6.Other(Specify) _
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#25 CIP Projects Recapture.xls2/10/200411:21 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
General Fund CIP #
83-90018 Misc Facilities Repair $ 12,492.77
83-91051 Low Income SID Abatement 589.42
83-94052 Underground Storage Tanks 15,000.00
83-95025 C&C Bldg Security 3,864.64
83-95028 Foothill Drive Tree Planting 949.95
83-96004 Foothill Blvd Curbs 50,000.00
83-96106 Automated Parking Enforcement 3,000.13
83-96115 Gravel Pits Plan 200.00
83-97007 Jordan River Parkway Trail 252.37
83-97049 Neighborhood House 393.00
83-98037 Local Streets 9,761.94
83-98042 Ensign Downs Peak 0.41
83-98082 Senior Center Project 51,556.23
83-98101 Public Relations SL Transit 32,901.40
83-99021 Reconstruct 1300 South 5,505.05
83-99030 Urban Design Study 75,000.00
83-99097 Study Excavation/Restoration 492.65
83-00015 Research Park Median 17,846.40
83-00022 Mt. Dell Picnic Area Improvements 12,261.03
83-00037 Memory Grove Park 0.44
83-00045 Bridge Rehabilitation 35,313.34
83-00050 Sport Filed Reconstruction 24.48
83-00113 Park Property Soil Remediation 31,036.96
83-01010 ADA Ramps/Corners 977.54
83-01011 Bridge Rehabilitation 5.66
83-01029 Liberty Park 22.64
83-02030 Seven Canyons Fountain 2,000.00
83-02031 Seven Canyons Fountain 0.94
83-02035 Pavement Condition- Inventory 235.00
83-02081 PD Soil Mitigation Pioneer 160,000.00
83-04099 Contingency CIP GF 521,684.39
Total GF $ 521,684.39 $ 521,684.39
CIP Class "C"
83-95086 2100 So., 1700-2300 East $ 1,045.19
83-97017 Calif.Ave., Bangerter-4800 West 14.959.00
83-97019 Bridge Replacement California Ave. 1,500.00
83-97023 Guardsman Way 5,842.64
83-98015 Bridge Replacement California Ave. 2,697.85
83-98024 1300 East, So.Temple-500 So. 79,563.00
83-99042 California Ave.,4800-5600 South' 7,515.64
83-01041 1300 So., 1700 E.-Foothill
83-01044 1100 So. Jordan River Bridge 63.48
83-01046 2100 South- 1700-2300 East 12,015.67
83-02038 5500 West Realignment 96,542.00
Contingency Class"C"-New Cost Center $ 206,785.47
Total Class"C" $ 206,785.47 $ 206,785.47
Total All funds 728,469.86 728,469.86
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#25 CIP Projects Recapture.xls2/10/200411:21 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
This action will decrease the remaining budgets and cash balances of completed and or closed
General Fund CIP Projects from Years 1990-2002 and increase the budget and cash of CIP
Contingency in year 2004 for CIP cost over-runs and/or reprogramming. This action involves closing
29 projects totaling $521,684.39, bringing the current Contingency budget to $864,850.12. This is the
remaining amount, after the appropriation for the Smart Zone Controller proposed in the last budget
In addition, this request will also decrease the remaining budgets of 11 completed CIP Class "C"
Funded Projects Years 95-02 and established a new cost center for CIP Class "C" Contingency. This
Contingency account will be used as Match funds for Class "C" projects as well as provide final
payment of Matching funds to Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), for UDOT administered
projects. UDOT in the administration of Federal Highway funded projects, often takes three or more
years after project completion to close and bill the City for final match. In addition, this action will
enable the Administration to facilitate change orders related to the allowable 20% budgetary cap on
necessary change orders of Class "C" Projects. The Class "C" Contingency budget would be
Note: The Council asked to be informed if the funds allocated from CIP Contingency for the
Pioneer Precinct soil mitigation, were not spent. As the project closed, the bond funds were
able to pay for all soil mitigation expenses allowing the $160,000 to be recaptured and returned
to the CIP Contingency fund.
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the appropriate action to decrease the remaining
budgets and cash balances of completed CIP General Fund Projects and place into the 04 GF
Contingency account and decrease the remaining budget's in the completed Class "C" projects and
appropriate into a new Class "C" Contingency account.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
CD-Housing and Neighborhood Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
HUD Federal Programs
CDBG,ESG,HOME,HOPWA Recaptures BA#3 Initiative#26
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Karen Wiley/Sherrie Collins 535-7276/535-6150
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping Item Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Housekeeping Item Not Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 71, 72&83 Grant Funds(See Detail Attached) (141,901.09)
Miscellaneous 71, 72&83 Contingency Accounts 141,901.09
Total $0.00 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Miscellaneous 71, 72&83 Grant Funds(See Detail Attached) (141,901.09)
Miscellaneous 71, 72&83 Contingency Accounts 141,901.09
Total $0.00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $0.00 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#26 HUD&Grants Recapture.xls2/10/200411:23 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Cost Center/Project Name Debit Credit
CDBG Recaptures
29th Year
71-29013 BSA Learning for Life 15,000.00
71-29042 SLC CAP-Head Start Kitchen 6,000.00
71-29099 Operating Contingency $ 21,000.00
Total 29th Year Operating Contingency $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00
28th Year
71-28008/15-71812 Attorneys Office 1,599.74
71-28013 Prevent Child Abuse Utah 2,892.53
71-28014 First Step House-Sub.Abuse Program 1,386.00
71-28037 Mobile Neighborhood Watch 5,661.72
71-28045 Utah Issues-Continuum of Care 988.42
71-28044 Nettie Gregory Center 4,000.00
71-28099 Operating Contingency 16,528.41
Total 28th Year Operating Contingency $ 16,528.41 $ 16,528.41
83-03052 600 West/500-600 North Street 53,675.69
83-03098 CIP Contingency 53,675.69
Total 28th Year CIP Contingency $ 53,675.69 $ 53,675.69
27th Year
71-27041 Odyssey House Child Care Facility 2,290.10
71-27099 Operating Contingency 2,290.10
Total 27th Year Operating Contingency $ 2,290.10 $ 2,290.10
83-02054 Physical Access Ramp Construction 12,618.04
83-02057 100% Sidewalk Replacement 2001-02 2,751.21
83-02064 Cannon Park Improvements 11,484.40
83-02066 Riverside Park Irrigation- Phase 2 7,659.35
83-02069 West Temple Park 2,518.33
83-02098 CIP Contingency 37,031.33
Total 27th Year CIP Contingency $ 37,031.33 $ 37,031.33
26th Year
83-01064 Jordan River Restroom Remodel 1,448.99
83-01066 Riverside Dr. Landscape&St. Improv. 688.49
83-00098 CIP Contingency 2,137.48
Total 26th Year CIP Contingency $ 2,137.48 $ 2,137.48
25th Year
71-25019 SLPD Security Lock Program 28.00
71-25098 Operating Contingency 28.00
Total 25th Year Operating Contingency $ 28.00 $ 28.00
ESG Recaptures
12th Year 2001-2002
72-60207 Housing Outreach Rental Program(CAP) 214.32
72-60207 Odyssey House Operations 1,600.00
New Holding Account 1,814.32
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#26 HUD&Grants Recapture.xls2/10/200411:23 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Total ESG $ 1,814.32 $ 1,814.32
HOME Recaptures
11th Year 2002-2003
72-60310 Utah Nonprofit Housing-Jacob Apartments 4,010.00
New Holding Account 4,010.00
Total HOME $ 4,010.00 $ 4,010.00
HOPWA Recaptures
2nd Year 2002-2003
72-60312 Catholic Community Services-Northern Utah 1,827.76
72-60312 Housing Authority of SLC 1,558.00
New Holding Account 3,385.76
Total HOWA $ 3,385.76 $ 3,385.76
Total Recaptured Funds 141,901.09 141,901.09
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#26 HUD&Grants Recapture.xls2/10/200411:23 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it maybe an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
This action decreases the remaining balances/budgets of The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) ProgramsProjects, and increases the Contingency accounts of the same year.
Remaining funds are recaptured when projects/programs that have been completed or have not spent
funds within the allotted timeframe, and are placed into the Contingency accounts of the same year,
for future reprogramming or cost over-runs for programs/projects within each of the four HUD
Programs and Amounts include 25th-29th yrs. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)-
$132,691.01; Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG)-$1,814.32; HOME-$4,010.00 and Housing
Opportunities for Persons with Aids (HOPWA) $3,385.76.
It is recommended that the City Council decrease the remaining budgets of the completed HUD
Programs and increase the contingency budgets of the same year to be reprogrammed for future HUD
related programming/projects.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
G. Grant Criteria: A grant will satisfy one of the following four criteria.
1—In some cases, the General Fund or an Enterprise Fund of the City will use grant funding for
projects or programs that have been identified by the Council for future funding. The General Fund
or Enterprise Fund will provide funding once grant funding
2—Grant funding will be used when the use of the grant money will result in long-term financial
savings or operating efficiencies.
3—Grant funding will allow the City to build internal capacity to continue the service in the future.
4- None of the above.
Question 1 - Will this grant fund employee positions? NA. What programs are funded with this
grant and what are the performance measures of each program?
Question 2 - What is the potential for continued grant funding for the position? NA.
Question 3 - Is it expected that the positions can be eliminated once the grant funds are unavailable?
Question 4 - Is the program that the grant funds, a program that can accomplish its goals within the
grant funding time frame? NA.
Question 5 - Will there be a significant service level impact on the community once the grant funds
become unavailable? NA.
Question 6 - Does the grant duplicate services that are provided in the private or non-profit sector? Is
there a better fit in another jurisdiction or entity? No.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services/Finance Division FY 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Special Revenue Budget(Trust Funds) BA#3 Initiative#27
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Elwin Hellmann 535-6424
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping Item CFDA#(If Applicable)In this Cell
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A.Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
77 Fund Special Revenue Donations(77-77001 1895)Budget 623,800
Only(See Detail Attached)
Total $623 800 _ $0 0
B.Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1.General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2.Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3.Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4.Other Fund
77 Fund Special Revenue Donations(77-77001 2590)Budget 623,800
Only(See Detail Attached)
Total $623,800 $0 $0
C.Expenditure Impact Detail
1.Salaries and Wages
2.Employee Benefits
3.Operating and Maintenance Supply
4.Charges and Services 623,800
5.Capital Outlay
Total $623,800 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#27 Special Revenue Fund.xls2/10/200411:25 AM
Special Revenue Funds (Trust Funds)
Fund Cash as of Remain Additional
Class Fund 1/9/2004 Budget Budget Needed Name of Special Revenue Fund
77 00875 53,822.00 32,620.00 -21,202.00 Youth City
77 03040 38,897.00 38,825.00 -72.00 East Central
77 09100 43,876.00 43,876.00 0.00 Child abduction
77 10000 2,439.00 2,235.00 -204.00 Cycle Salt Lake
77 77103 19,047.00 19,012.00 -35.00 Access Salt Lake City
77 77108 49,006.00 48,916.00 -90.00 Parks and Rec Maintenance trust
77 77113 54,455.00 53,954.00 -501.00 Development Agreement, Hughs Investments
77 77114 4,521.00 4,480.00 -41.00 Sorensen Center After School
77 77115 9,981.00 9,889.00 -92.00 Sorensen Center Arts program
77 77116 670.00 664.00 -6.00 Sorensen Center Sports
77 77119 23,336.00 20,838.00 -2,498.00 Sorensen Center Technology
77 77121 280,102.00 279,584.00 -518.00 Gallivan Rainy Day
77 77122 22,291.00 22,250.00 -41.00 SLC Classic Donations
77 77123 25,144.00 -29,855.00 -54,999.00 SLC Foundation
77 77124 183,861.00 168,009.00 -15,852.00 Fire Training Center
77 77125 532.00 527.00 -5.00 Eccles Foundation
77 77126 12,739.00 12,622.00 -117.00 SLOC Tornado Pins
77 77130 3,974.00 2,518.00 -1,456.00 Imagination Celebration
77 77131 4,599.00 4,557.00 -42.00 Junior Golf
77 77132 108,669.00 108,468.00 -201.00 SLC Tree Replacement/99 Tornado
77 77133 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 Millenium Poor and Needy
77 77134 6,037.00 6,035.00 -2.00 Physical Fitness of Cities
77 77135 10,000.00 10,000.00 0.00 Installation of Greek Sculpture
77 77136 35,338.00 35,272.00 -66.00 Police equipment Endowment
77 77137 71,857.00 71,541.00 -316.00 Fire equipment Endowment
77 77139 5,094.00 5,047.00 -47.00 Anna Palmer Reward
77 77140 1,820.00 1,803.00 -17.00 Cannon Farms Indemnification
77 77146 122,015.00 0.00 -122,015.00 Gilgal Gardens
77 77147 2,500.00 0.00 -2,500.00 Sugarhouse Crossing 13th East
77 77760 80,137.00 79,399.00 -738.00 Steiner Acquatic
77 77780 10,316.00 10,180.00 -136.00 Newspapers for trees
Total -223,809.00
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a aitt►cult element to identity but is essential to a f►na►ng. It is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Council has given the administration the flexibility of increasing budgets in the Donations Fund (formerly
called Expendable Trust Funds) by the use of a lump sum budget only appropriation. Budget would be drawn
from the lump sum as donations were received or interest income was earned in each of the Special Revenue
The lump sum budget has now been completely depleted. Because of the large draws related to the Child
Abduction (Elizabeth Smart) rewards and donations for the Gilgal Gardens, there is a current backlog of
donations totaling $223,800 that cannot be funded.
Revenue Fund totaling $623,800. That will cover the backlog of$223,800 and establish the original
$400,000 budget.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Comm. &Econ.Development FY 2003-2004
Department For Fiscal Year
CBID Renewal BA#3, Initiative#28
Initiative Name Initiative Number
David Dobbins 535-7236
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping Item CFDA#(If Applicable)in this Cell
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
46 Fund Special Rev. Fund- Downtown Econ. Develop. (46- 233,332 700,000 700,000
Total $233,332 $700,000 $700,000
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
46 Fund Special Rev. Fund-Downtown Econ. Develop. (46- 233,332 700,000 700,000
Total $233,332 $700,000 $700,000
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services 233,332 700,000 700,000
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)
Total $233,332 $700,000 $700,000
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#28 CBID Downtown Alliance Funds.xls2/10/200411:32 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D.Personnel Service Detail: FTE GradelStep Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#28 CBID Downtown Alliance Funds.xls2/1 0/2 0 04 1 1:32 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E.Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization,or plans.
A budget is necessary for the implementation of the Downtown Economic Development Fund.
F.Issue Discussion:A complete justification wit contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;criteria,
condition,effect,cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected.It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue.In straightforward cases,it can be an ordinance or
policy.In other cases,it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices.It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference,if any,between the condition and criteria.It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact.If an effect cannot be identified,there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding.It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria.Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause.By doing so,it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The City Council has approved a new, three-year assessment for the Central Business Improvement District.
This amendment request is required to implement the program. A revenue budget needs to be made to
recognize the assessment revenue and an expense appropriation needs to be made so that contractual
payments can be made to the Downtown Alliance.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Management Services/Treasurer's Office FY 03-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Zoo and Aviary Bond Proceed Appropriation BA#3 Initiative#29
Initiative Name Initiative Number
Dan Mule or Randy Hillier 6411 /6641
Prepared By Phone Number
Housekeeping CFDA#(If Applicable)in this Cell
Type of Initiative CFDA Number
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83 Fund Tracy Aviary Bond Proceeds 1,100,000
CIP 83 Fund Hogle Zoo Bond Proceeds 10 200,000
Total $11,300,000 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP 83 Fund Tracy Aviary Project Construction 1,100,00
CIP 83 Fund Hogle Zoo Project Construction 10,200,00
Total $11,300,00 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance Supply
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay 11,300,000
6. Other(Specify)
Total $11,300,000 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#29 Zoo and Aviary Bond Proceed.xls2/10/200411:34 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D.Personnel Service Detail: FTE Grade/Step Amount
No Impact
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#29 Zoo and Aviary Bond Proceed.xls2/10/200411:34 AM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization, or plans.
This action has no impact on the FY2004 balanced scorecard business plan measurable goals and targets.
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below; criteria,
condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. it is simply identifying wny the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
This budget request is to establish the approproiation of funds authorized in the general election for the Hogle
Zoo and Tracy Aviary capital improvement projects. Although the general obligation bonds have not yet been
sold, the bond proceeds need to be appropriated in order for each of these entities to begin construction on and
submit billings for their approved projects.
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Department of Community Development 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
CIP Allocation to Community Action Program Amendment#3 Initiative#30
Initiative Name
Michael Sears I Sherrie Collins 535-6295/535-6150
Prepared By Enter Phone#of Contact Person
New Item NA
Type of Initiative Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP Allocation to Community Action Program 10,828
Olympic Overflow Shelter(CIP cost center 83-02072) (10,828)
Total 0 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total 0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
Olympic Overflow shelter 83-02072 (10,828)
CIP Allocation to Community Action Program 10,828
Total 0 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)Allocation to assist with tenet relocation 10,828
Total $10,828 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#30 CIP to CAP3/17/20041:14 PM
a Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Cost Centers Decrease Increase Net
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#30 CIP to CAP3/17/20041:14 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
F. Issue Discussion:A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Administration is recommending that the City Council appropriate $10,800 from an existing
Capital Improvement Fund (CIP) cost center to a new cost center in the CIP Fund for relocation
efforts. The requested funds would be transferred to the Community Action Program (CAP) for
programs that they provide relating to relocation efforts of residents.
The Council is required to hold a hearing on a cost benefit study before these funds can be expended.
The public hearing is scheduled for April 6, 2004. After the public hearing, the Council may decide to
It is recommended that the City Council make the necessary budget adjustment to facilitate this
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
Department of Management Services 2003-04
Department For Fiscal Year
Allocation of One-Time Olympic Funds to The Leonardo Amendment#3 Initiative#31
Initiative Name
Michael Sears/Gordon Hoskins 535-6295/535-6394
Prepared By Enter Phone#of Contact Person
New Item NA
Type of Initiative Enter Grant CFDA#As Applicable
Fiscal Impact of Proposed Change
A. Revenue Impacted by Fund and Source: 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year
FY 2003-04 FY 2004-05 FY 2005-06
1. General Fund
General Fund Balance 50,000
Total $50,00. $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
The Leondardo-Transfer in from GF 50,000
Total $50,000 $0 $0
B. Expenditures Impacted by Fund and Source:
1. General Fund
Transfer to CIP 50,000
Total $50,0001 $0 $0
2. Internal Service Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
3. Enterprise Fund
Total $0 $0 $0
4. Other Fund
CIP Allocation to The Leonardo(2-to-1 match) $50,000
Total $50,000 $0 $0
C. Expenditure Impact Detail
1. Salaries and Wages
2. Employee Benefits
3. Operating and Maintenance
4. Charges and Services
5. Capital Outlay
6. Other(Specify)Allocation to assist with hosting Olympic 50,000
related exhibits
Total $50,000 $0 $0
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#31 The Leonardol3/17/20041:18 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
D. Cost Centers Decrease Increase Net
BA#3 FY2004 Initiative#31 The Leonardo13/17/20041:18 PM
Salt Lake City Corporation
Management and Fiscal Note Worksheet
Budget Development and Budget Amendment
E. Measured or measurable Impact on functions,structure and organization
F. Issue Discussion: A complete justification will contain a discussion of each of the elements mentioned below;
criteria, condition, effect, cause and recommendation.
Criteria is a definition of what is expected or what can be expected. It provides a basis for comparison without which
analysis cannot be effective. The criteria varies from issue to issue. In straightforward cases, it can be an ordinance or
policy. In other cases, it may be an industry standard or comparable data from another city.
Condition is a description of current practices. It is the information to which the criteria is compared.
Effect is the difference, if any, between the condition and criteria. It is best described in terms of a dollar impact or a
service level impact. If an effect cannot be identified, there is no finding.
Cause is sometimes a difficult element to identify but is essential to a finding. It is simply identifying why the condition
varies from the criteria. Sometimes the answer is as simple as a change in policy or budget but often goes deeper into
Recommendation is made in a way that addresses the cause. By doing so, it is most likely to result in improving the
condition to be in line with the criteria.
Issue Discussion:
The Administration is recommending that the City Council appropriate $50,000 from fund balance in
the General Fund to the Capital Improvement.Program so that the request from The Leonardo can be
fulfilled. In December of 2002, the Council allocated $50,000 to The Leonardo to host "cultural events
designed to celebrate Olympic ideals and diversity". The funds were transferred to an account in the
non-departmental section of the City's budget. At the end of the fiscal year, the appropriation lapsed
and the funds "dropped"to fund balance. The Administration would like to include the re-appropriation
of these funds from fund balance on this current budget amendment
It is recommended that the City Council make the necessary budget adjustment to facilitate this