016 of 1984 - Alley Vacation - Avondale Park Subdivision, located between 1700 South and Blaine Avenue from 400-50 I� V/ STATE OF UTAH ss � .11�J 13 COUNTY OF SALT LAKE 1,........Lynda,Domj no..........................Deputy,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah, do hereby certify that the attached..j$.a.fUl1..true,.acid.correct.copy.of.Ordinance.l 6.. from ...lgg4.yacatiog.l70.33.'.of.the.east/west.leg.of.a.l4'."T" shaped.public.alley.. .jn.the.Avondale.Park.Subdivi5ion.(1700.South.acid.Blaine.Aveaue,.400-500.East).. as it runs from approximately 455 to 475 East. Said ordinance was duly approved and accepted by City Council/ffkftMt(0WAction of Salt Lake,PiM btahghis.Zl st........... day of...February.... ........ .........A.D.19.$4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff'66—the corporate seal ofZ;alt Lake City,Utah, this....1st.........day of. .....March............. A. 1•s..$4_,. Deputy 64y Re der Salt Lake C G I.; !"' ity,Utah v, C!t GIt W tJ C� SALT LAKF CITY ORDINANCE No . 16 of 1984 (Alley Vacation ) AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT 170 . 33 ' OF TNF, FAST/WEST LEG OF A 14 ' "T" SHAPED PUBLIC ALLEY IN THE AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION (LOCATED WIWEEN 1700 SOUTH AND RLAINE AVENUE FROM 400-500 EAST) AS IT RUNS FROM APPROXIMATELY 455 TO 475 EAST IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . WHERAS , the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after an advertised public hearing , that the City ' s interest in the portion of the alley described below, which was platted within the AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION, is no lonaer necessary for use as a public thoroughfare, and that the vacation of said alley described below will not be adverse to the interests of the general public. NOW, THERFFORF, be it ordained by the City Council of. Salt Lake City, Utah : 1 . SECTION 1 . ALLEY VACATION. That the eastern 170 .33 feet of the east/west leg of a 14 ' "T" shaped alley in the Avondale Park Subdivision lyina parallel to and between 1700 ,South and Blaine Avenue ( formerly known as "Galena Street" ) as it runs from approximately 455 to 475 East in Salt Lake City, Salt CTi Lake County, Utah, which is a portion of the entire alley Ca vacation requested in petition No. 324 of 1982 submitted by i3 Patric McGarvey, et al . , more particularly described below, be, tJ U TO FOAM BY and the same hereby is vacated and declared no longer to be needed for use as a public alley or publicway. Beginning at the southeast corner of I.ot 11 , AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of Lot 12 , Block 4 , 5 Acre Plat A Survey , according to the Official Records of Salt Lake County Recorder, �. thence running west 170. 33 feet ± along the north line of a 14 ' wide alley; thence south 14 '±, to a point being 8 and 1/3,� west of the northwest corner \� of Lot 51 of said Subdivision; thence east 170 .33 feet along the south line of said alley to the northeast corner of Lot 56 , thence north 14 '±, to the point of. beginninq . RESERVATIONS. Said vacation is expressly made SUBJECT TO all existing rights of ways and easements of all public utilities of every description located on , in, under, or over the confines of the above described property; and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of obtaining , altering , replacing, removing , repairing or rerouting said utilities and all of them without any obligation of the City or the public utilities to restore landscaping or improvements thereon . Said vacation is also SUBJECT TO the existinq rights of ways or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance may become effective upon the date of its first publication . r1u Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, C; C.n this 21st day of February 1984 . CA CHAIRMAN C0 -2- ATTEST: I R CO DE Transmitted to the Mayor on 2/28/84 Mayor 's action: 3/l/84 O ATTEST: *CITY , ER cc85 (SEAL) BILL 16 of 1984 `� Published: March 8, 1984 , f0 00 4•l IY f n Z 7 W r) G7 t' 1 V 1 W �n V CD —3— P 83-471 SALT LAKF CITY ORDINANCF No. 16 of 1984 (Alley Vacation ) AN ORDINANr F VACATING THAT 170 . 33 ' OF TFF, FAST/WEST LEG OF A 14 ' "T" SHAPED PUBLIC ALLEY IN THE AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION (LOCATED RETWEEN 1700 SOTJTF AND RLAINF AVENUE FROM 400-500 FAST) AS IT RUNS FROM APPROXIMATELY 455 TO 475 EAST IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH . WHERAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after an advertised public hearing , that the City ' s interest in the portion of the alley described below, which was platted within the AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION, is no lonaer necessary for use as a public thoroughfare, and that the vacation of said alley described below will not be adverse to the interests of the general public. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : 1 . SECTION 1 . ALLEY VACATION. That the eastern 170 .33 feet of the east/west leg of a 14 ' "T" shaped alley in the Avondale Park Subdivision lying parallel to and between 1700 South and Blaine Avenue ( formerly known as "Galena Street" ) as it runs from approximately 4. 55 to 475 East in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, which is a portion of the entire alley vacation requested in petition No. 324 of 1982 submitted by Patric McGarvey, et al . , more particularly described below, be, gY and the same hereby is vacated and declared no longer to be needed for use as a public alley or publicway. Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 11 , AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of Lot 12, Block 4 , 5 Acre Plat A Survey, according to the Official Records of Salt Lake County Recorder, thence running west 170.33 feet ± along the north line of a 14 ' wide alley; thence south 14 '±, to a point being 8 and 1/3 west of the northwest corner of Lot 51 of said Subdivision; thence east 170 .33 feet along the south line of said alley to the northeast corner of Lot 56 , thence north 14 '±, to the point of. beginning. RFSERVATTONS . Said vacation is expressly made SUBJECT TO all existing rights of ways and easements of all public utilities of every description located on, in, under, or over the confines of the above described property; and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of obtainira , altering , replacing, removing , repairing or rerouting said utilities and all of them without any obligation of the City or the public utilities to restore landscaping or improvements thereon. Said vacation is also SUBJECT TO the existing rights of ways or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance may become effective upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of. Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of February , 1984 . N CH IRMM, -2- ATTEST: L I R CO DE 7'.j Transmitted to the Mayor on 2/28/84 Mayor 's action: 3/l/84 O ATTEST: CITY r,IT R ER cc85 (SEAL) BILL 16 of 1984 Published: March 8, 1984 -3- Affidavit of Publication ADM�5A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake ------ --_-_- Cheryl Gierloff SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE ............................................................................................. No.16 of 1994 (Alley Vacation) AN ORDINANCE VACATING THAT 170.33' OF THE EAST/WEST LEG OF A 14' "T"SHAPED PUBLIC ALLEY IN THE AVONDALE PARK SUBD VISTN (LOCATED BETWEEN 1700 SOUTH AND BLAINE AV NU FROM 40500 EAST)AS IT RUNS FROM APPROXIMATELY 455 TO 475 EAST IN SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH. Being y p y first dui sworn, deposes and says that he/she is WHEREAS, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, finds after an bdvertised public hearing,,that the City's Interest in the legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily portion A the shay described below;which was platted within The newspaper printed in the English language with general AVONDALE PARK SUBDIVISION,is no longer necessary for use as i public thoroughfare,not adv that.the vacation of said alley general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, scribed low,will,not be adverse to the Interests of the general , Public. Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City'Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: 1. SECTION 1.ALLEY VACATION. That the eastern 170.33 feet of t, east/west leg of a 14"'T"shaped alley In the Avondale Park SAven e( lyingrme parallel to and between et" as it and That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Blaine Avenue(formerly known as"Galena Street") as it runs from approximately 455 to.475 East In Salt Lake City,Salt Lake County,Utah,which is a portion of the entire alley vacation re quested In petition No.324 of 1982 submitted by Patric McGarvey, Salt Lake C i tX• O r d i ti a n e e N o 16 of et al.,more particularly described below,be,and the same here- ...................................... .................. by is vacated and declared no longer to be needed for use as a public alley or publlcway. Beginning;at the southeast corner of Lot 11,AVONDALE 19 8 4 - A 11 a V a c a t i o n PARK SUBDIVISION,a subdivision of Lot,12,Block 4,S ....... y..... .............................................. Acre Plat A Survey according to the Official Records of Salt Lake,County Kecorder,thence running west 170.33 feet +-along the north line of a 14'wide alley; thence south 14'+-,to a point being 8 and 1/3 west of the north- west corner of Lot'51 of said Subdivision; thence east ............................................................................................. 170.33 feet along the south line of said alley to the north- east corner of Lot 56,thence north 14'+-,to the point of beginning. RESERVATIONS.Said vacation Is expressly made SUBJECT TO all exlstino rights of ways and easements of all Ppublic utilities of every description located on,In,under,or over the confines of The above described property;and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purpose of obtaining,altering,replacing, removing, repairing or rerouting said utilities and all of them ............................................................................................. without any obligation of the City or the public utilities To restore landscaping or improvements thereon. Said vacation is also SUBJECT TO the existing rights of ways or easements of private tnirdpart;es. was published in said newspaper on.................................. SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance may be come effective upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake,City,Utah,this 21st 11, Q pee���1 dayofFebruarv,'984. RONALD J.WHITEHEAD ............ ...Q.o...1✓04............ .......... .......................... .. CHAIRMAN ATTESTT KATHRYN MARSHALL CITYRECORDER .......................................... . . y.. ..... . ....... Transmitted ayo 5iac�tion teMayor hYl r1ocg8 Feb. 7984. Leg �y ising TED WILSON MAYOR ATTEST: CITYHRECORDERALL (SEAL) ''' BILL 160 Published: arch 8,)984 B-23 - Subscribed and sworn to before me this .............................4.th................................. day of ........... .......................... A.D. 19..Q4..... � ..................... ~ ............................ ry Public My Commission Expires October lir 1996 ......................................................