019 of 1986 - Amending 51-12-2 relating to Sugar House Rezone - Westminister Residential Area 0 86-1 PP tlDVEB FOR P 85-239 }y OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 19 of 1986 (Sugar House Rezoning -- Westminister Residential Area 1700-2100 South from 700-1100 East) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING OF BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. WHEREAS, in response to the request pertaining to a compre- hensive change of zoning as initiated by the Sugar House Community Council , said petition being known as Petition No. 400- 277 of 1985, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has held public hearings before its own body and before the planning commission and has taken into consideration citizen testimony, siting and demographic details of said community on an area-by- area basis, and the area' s relationship to the master plan as part of its deliberations. Pursuant to these deliberations, the Council has concluded that requested changes of residential classifications in the Westminister Area , including 1700-2100 South and 700-1100 East Streets, is appropriate for the development of the community in that Area . THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby adopts the following amendment to the Use District provisions of Title 51 . Be it ordained b the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That the Use District Map, as adopted by Section ei; f'. . fir, .: .'%• ..t .a 51-12-2 , of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is AMENDED as follows : Sec . 51-12-2. Boundaries of Use Districts. That the following-described five parcels of real property in Salt Lake City, Utah, presently located in the Westminister area of Sugar House community in the area of 1700-2100 South between 700-1100 East Streets , are hereby rezoned to the designated residential Use District classification, and the Use District Map is amended accordingly. Parcel 1 : All of the existing Residential "R-4 " property within area of 700-1100 East from 1700-2100 South, EXCLUDING any areas within the boundary not zoned Residential "R-4 " . Residential "R-4 " to "R-2 " . Commencing at the southeast corner of 1700 South and 700 East Streets and running thence East along the south line of 1700 South Street 3099. 56 feet , more or less, to E "'S a point being the southwest corner of 1700 South and 1100 East Streets ; thence South along the west line ofi�' 1100 East Street 2883. 90 feet, more or less, to a point being the northwest corner of 1100 East and 2100 South Streets; thence West along the north line of 2100 South Street 3004. 21 feet, to a point being the northeast corner of 700 East and 2100 South Streets; thence North along the east line of 700 East Street 2874. 10 feet to the point of beginning . Parcel 2: All of the existing Residential "R-5" Property between Ramona and Wilson Avenues and 1100 East and McClelland Street . Residential "R-5" to "R-2" . Commencing at the southwest corner of Wilson Avenue and 1100 East Street and running thence South 0 *04109" West 60 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 0004109" -2- West along the west line of 1100 East Street 932. 38 feet , more or less, to a point being the northwest corner of Ramona Avenue and 1100 East Street; thence South 88 °59 '39" West along the north line of Ramona Avenue 194 . 46 feet, more or less, to a point being the northeast corner of Ramona Avenue and McClelland Street ; (A thence North along the east line of McClelland Street 1002.63 feet , more or less, to the northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, West Grandview Subdivision, a subdivi- sion of Block 1, 5 Acre Plat "A" , Big Field Survey; thence East along said north line of said lot 112. 89 feet , more or less, to the point of beginning . Parcel 3 . All of the existing residential "R-6" property on 342 portion of west side of 900 East beginning south of Ramona and extending west to Windsor be rezoned to Residential "R-5" . Residential "R-6" to Residential "R-5" : Commencing at the southwest corner of Ramona Avenue and 900 East Street and running thence South along the west line of 900 East Street 118. 5 feet to the point of beginning ; thence South along the west line of 900 East Street 342. 63 feet ; thence West 363 feet , more or less , to a point being on the east line of Windsor Street; thence North along the east line of Windsor Street 160. 51 feet, more or less, to the end of Windsor Street; thence West 198. 0 feet ; thence North 179. 5 feet ; thence East 561 . 0t feet to the point of beginning . Parcel 4: Business "B-3" on the northeast corner of Downington Avenue and 700 East Street to Residential "R-2'1 Business "B-3 " to Residential "R-2 " : Commencing at the northeast corner of 700 East Street and Downington Avenue and running thence East along the north line of Downington Avenue 150 feet ; thence North 300 feet; thence West 150 feet, to a point being on the east line of 700 East Street ; thence South along the east line of 700 East Street 300 feet to the point of beginning . Parcel 5 : Business "B-3 " on northeast corner of Blaine Avenue and 900 East Street to Residential R-2 " : Business "B-3 " to Residential "R-2 " : -3- Commencing at the northeast corner of 900 East Street and Blaine Avenue and running thence East along the north line of Blaine Avenue 100 feet; thence North 181 . 5 feet , more or less, to a point being the southeast corner of Lot 22, Block 3, PERKINS SECOND ADDITION TO GRANDVIEW SUBDIVISION, a subdivision of Block 1, 5 Acre v� Plat "A" , Big Field Survey; thence West along the south boundary line of said Lot 22, 100 feet, to a point being the east line of 900 East Street; thence South along the east line of 900 East Street 181. 5 feet to the point of beg inning . SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be effective upon the date of its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 4th day of March , 1986. ICE- C AIRMAN ATTEST: y 0 I Y RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on March 4, 1986 Mayor's Action: March 4, 1986 �.lA.u. �rl�Gt.C'�s► MAYOR ATTEST: �tTY RECORDER cm13 0 �� ": � 9..i -4- 4,;o .-It-of 1�..,.,L6— PutliSn'A: March 15, 1986 Affidavit of Publication M36 STATE OF UTAH, Ss. County of Salt Lake Sharon Payne SALT ItK!CITY OROINANCt ..................................................... f1•LRpNgo.19 of IPl6 • ........................................ 1lugdr 1700.770056gIbWo+l;Mew 11 l W 10a f Ame AN OROINANG AMlNDING SECTION Sl•IJ- OF THE REVI 0 DINAN OF gALTLAKECITV 1ITAN 1968 AS AMYTzD Et'N TO 20NIN0 AND FI%{tYp Od15o(�Fra M1E!' Rs o3TTe�s. Beim first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is WHlREA,Inrefp6se to ther8W1•s/pNMfPlllyfe b cam• g Mehenslve change o:emnp ea lnlRtl�Md Uv the l r Hdy, legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily CommunlW jrgII sold p.ITIryHoh b61 {Il1own a D. 4a-277 of 19B3,fhe t3tl'Councll of$,HYPllaeH9 MpRhas heb publk heWlrps before He own bad ann Vqi, 16IT nblh. newspaper printed in the English language with general c mmisalan ondh.stakenl OM Ofton QMl an fes many, Dnlgand.aemaarmmhbeeN"l°!`ar, pped n an0o has circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, vbreo bpah and+he area's rele11a11ahlpN maeferp nos opaprr}f I Hs pe{Iberatbna.Paftuant 4bb HRhhN hgeral +ne Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. Coiblpll nos conclutletl mar reauesl�I dI a of ree lot y Cla IIICOIbM In the Weafminlstor Araa, tutlln 17 100 le9t�lane7o0.11ooEas+smeeN Isopq'olx erorlRea6v91oP• m•m m.cammam mmWAreu That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto ,a� ,here- by, 1.MI /abwmq amenam<"r fO 1h• s.Dfblrlc(prayl. copy T R}EnP••ORE,1he MVCouncll of$OM LoKt19 CIIV 11MP slams TRN,81. ,6 - N•IlptltlNWWyll.de H»ary caa R IMII k•e ,uwhl Salt Lake Cit Ordinance No 19 rF,57gT4;6t.fiernRe Iua orainolN"rl,,_t Cdirh�ev .........................Y................................................. t965,an �yrebllnebme MXln p e a+Use •-• ••""' ' DhMleh,bmm.;;�•''aadey!ea the Some MrebY 19 AfcAlfNDpW IOnari/Blowy, eu 31JSIT.'bodndarlea at UsIN ItIY4lTI of N16.I9Rdw. .............................................................. 1^p- YO{wrceh 0/real b, ............................... Wa'In aarYppffl1M d In me wdofY ppaar Hausa f:9lmllunMY•Ineb1garyfWp}eea700""Eat! 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Slreeh'meMe wear 011Mq men a t00 south S1ree+�00421feet,toopomfbel 111e tar corner of 70D East and 2100 louts Sires 'mence NurMI Of beglnninca ol0 �me eastllm o1ESmee1240hetaMe ..�a ,LS` �..............•• .•.•. ....................................... P•rtel M Atl Of the,enhlMp 1.dld•wI.1"R,Y'Mep• •rty Wlw•M ROry1oPe and WI I•n AVenWd and �., 110p leaf aM MKIa1bM 6sre•f. •-••.--.Mr.- �• Restdemlal,R-S.,ro R.r, "✓ �/../"��. �. ..!'�J............................ Corn at Me e1-1�unn4no°ShW.�u"s"awl; Leg�Advertising Clerk d'0409"West 60 feet fu me ppoolts of be9lnnln,flronte b lout'O'01'09"West oboe the west Ilse of 1(00 Eosf SI,.M U24,38 reef,more W less,To a point balm,Ma Ornlwest Caner o}Romorlo Av�nae ontl 1100 EMf Sfi eeF,mence loom BB'$9'39"WBalpbn0 ma noHn Ilne of Romono Avenue 194,46 feet,more W less,ro o point low"d"norYhaat""of Ramona 44hue and MCCJ.I1.ra SNeen mence North.01' me east line Of MCrhhwe9/w�afO1002.63 L2%p+3,feet,ltml Wes IGr4 to the f Su1obdlvlslon,a subtlNlab Of 01ock{,3 Acre Plat"A" a Field lW VOY;menu"East PMm sold north Ilne of d lot 112.89 feel,more W It's,ro M!Polnf of De01n• nin0. P.rt ll.AII fflN eahlNny I e•lden d"It- prof• a me this.........nth..................................................... ay of •.ty anie29•rHon•f W.1l aide IF last b.W •••• d 'In eeeN+of Ramena�.aIldd "I IF ..0 Wind. e1•nsen•d ro R•Nden 1"0..6'. Resideear Comm Hlal"R•6"to Re9lan al'w.s". A.D.19.Hh..... CommenUnnpp at me toumwa$t c,r"•r of Ragmona Ave - ue9nd900Eosi5meetand hlpmence m alongQ me Wesfline of 900 East Skaarrd0B6l 118.S feet to apointM Oeglnnlnpp;mence SouM abnp me Wesf ilm or 900 East Street 344.63 feet mence We 1363 feet,more or less,t0 o aolnf belnq on foe east Ilne W Wintlsor sfreet;thence Norm oI.,MIe east Ilse o}WInSW Skeet 160.51 teef ............................. /�• .d more or less,tomeeM Of WlntlsW Sheet;thence Wesf •................ 198.01041 mehde N=I79 S feat;mence East 561.0+. Bualness"B•3"Ze IfeSIgeM10r1"R-2": feet to in.point of bebinnlnp: Commentlnp of ma normaosS corner of 000 Ear Stree, parcel ally/IMI/"E-3"an Me nOrlll•9N yer1 of a dB101ne.4Venue Ontl runnpla mence E9slabn01 me pelw�Rn0.fM AvIwe and 790lae+lm•N to Il•sld•n- north Ilne of 0laim Avenue 100 feet'mence North 1e11 99 eef,more or lets ro o pplyd aeinpi�le soumeaf terror Business"e•3"b ResldenMCl'41 f Lot 22 Block IJ PERKINISplECONO ADDITION TO and OaMnIrQ AmlAev"ennuue aandeast�"Vannl"q than.Eof 700 East ast l) ARAP'Jf1 Aw BI,ble1C5 Nrvta�ovl:JmJB,""'!oionothret along effete North NO IsO th of e^Ce wee"I50 NBt�IO��sl!o Doll .('Qe Pv,� _ b;0 the e�tll in 01 v0"0 East Ww Ii f taCe Me WplpmeemOest�raite toff 700 Eaw StroSir 3af et Weppoint �Y• point of Of,?y"lnq. of Oe¢In'Jnlnp pn NnI� ( SECTION 2.EFFECTIVE DATE.This ralnanCe sntlll t lief:A�nui a e'9olRel sl""scan.4 d 61 •• Ofedi-upon me dab of V Rrsioublltdbe. Passed by*a CHY Council of SOH L e GIN,(Mdh,this 4 •'R•2"r tt�� y do,of MWCh,1986. RoselY.N.KI B.T.DAVIS CHAIRfM ATTEST: Kathryn M 11.11 l CITY RECORDER �y M'YV.A t 1a MoyOr an Motets 4,1486. z9 vfi MaYWY Actlon:MWCh 1,1986 Palmer DePQ'a {.� `Y MAV of � ATTEST: CIITV RECORDER I(ZEAL) BIII 19 of Me 239) 3hl r" MWch is,1986