019 of 2011 - Amending 21A.32.140 providing clarity & efficiency in land use regulation 0 11-1 P 11-4 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 19 of 2011 (An ordinance amending certain land use provisions of Title 21A (Zoning) of the Salt Lake City Code) An ordinance amending certain sections of Title 21A (Zoning) of the Salt Lake City Code pursuant to Petition No. PLNPCM2010-00064 to provide additional clarity and efficiency in land use regulation. WHEREAS,the Salt Lake City Planning Commission("Planning Commission") held a public hearing on December 8, 2010 to consider a request made by Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker(petition no. PLNPCM2010-00064)to amend the text of certain sections of Title 21A (Zoning) of the Salt Lake City Code to provide further clarity and efficiency in land use regulation; and WHEREAS, at its December 8, 2010 hearing, the Planning Commission voted in favor of recommending to the City Council that the City Council amend the sections of Title 21A of the Salt Lake City Code identified herein; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that adopting this ordinance is in the City's best interests, NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21A.36.020.B. That section 21A.36.020.B of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: General Provisions: Conformance with Lot and Bulk Controls), including Table 21A.36.020B therein, shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: B. Obstructions In Required Yards: Accessory uses and structures, and projections of the principal structure, may be located in a required yard only as indicated ("X") in table 21A.36.020B of this section. No portion of an obstruction authorized in table 21A.36.020B of this section shall extend beyond the authorized projection. Dimensions shall be measured from the finished surface of the building or structure. TABLE 21A.36.020B —OBSTRUCTIONS IN REQUIRED YARDS1 Front And Corner Side Rear Side Yard Yard Type Of Structure Or Use Obstruction Yards j °s i Accessory buildings subject to the i X3 X provisions of chapter 21A.40 of this title, and located at least 1 foot from the side property line except for the FP and FR , districts where no accessory building is permitted in any yard. Accessory buildings 1 shall be at least 10 feet from a principal residential building on an adjacent lot. ; Arbors and trellises not to exceed 12 feet in X ( X ' X t. height or 120 square feet in residential districts. This requirement shall also apply to . nonresidential districts unless otherwise authorized. F; Architectural ornament not elsewhere X I X X regulated projecting not more than 4 inches '1 Awnings and canopies, extending not more X X X 't than 21/2 feet into front, corner side, or side yards and not more than 5 feet into rear yards allowed in residential districts only Balconies projecting not more than 5 feet [ XII r , Basketball hoop and backboard on or X X X adjacent to permitted driveways -_ Bay windows which are 1 story high, not X X X more than 10 feet long, project 2 feet or less ;' and are located not less than 4 feet from a lot ;i line ,- ___ _ -_-- ---__-_--- — - - - -- i Below grade encroachments2 X X I X (' Breezeways and open porches j 1 X 1 _ ._._. r ., Central air conditioning systems, heating, I X X il ventilating,pool and filtering equipment, the ! ?: outside elements shall be located not less ! than 4 feet from a lot line. Structures less .a than 4 feet from the property line shall be 1 t reviewed as a special exception according to ry the provisions of section 21A.52.030 of this title. Chimneys projecting 2 feet or less into the X X yard must be located not less than 2 feet , - from a lot line. Decks (open) 2 feet high or less X X F X Eaves, not including gutters projecting 2 feet X X X or less into the yard. 4 foot eave may project into a 20 foot yard area. V. Fallout shelters (completely underground), X il '`, conforming to applicable civil defense regulations and located not less than 4 feet from a lot line "l r• -- - -- ...__..... _ _ ------___..._.—_._ _.__-- ---- �E Fences or walls subject to applicable height X X X rl restrictions of chapter 21A.40 of this title !_ Fire escapes projecting 4 feet or less X !a Flagpoles: Residential districts: 1 permanent flagpole X X X •': per street frontage Nonresidential districts: 3 flagpoles per X X X street d frontage I Subject to provisions of table 21A.36.020C :1 of this section Grade changes of 2 feet or less except for the X I X X FP and FR districts which shall be subject to the provisions of subsection 21A.24.010P of this title. (All grade changes located on a property line shall be supported by a retaining wall.) Ground mounted utility boxes subject to the X X X provisions of section 21A.40.160 of this title Ham radio antennas subject to provisions of X subsection 21A.40.090D of this title Landscaping, including decorative berms 4 X X X M feet or less in height with no grade change along any property line, provided that if such landscaping obstructs the visibility of an intersection the city may require its pruning or removal. i 1 ,,` r Laundry drying equipment (clothesline and X .41 : poles) Parking, carports and covered parking spaces X if; except as otherwise expressly authorized by table 21A.44.050 of this title ';i Patios on grade X X X Patios on grade(attached, covered and I X 41 unenclosed) maintaining a minimum 15 foot 41 setback from the rear property line Iti Porches (attached, covered and unenclosed) X projecting 5 feet or less '' Recreational (playground) equipment ' X1 Refuse dumpster j Removable ramp for persons with X X X disabilities (when approved as a special I I exception) j -: Satellite dish antennas X Xj',:1 Signs, subject to the provisions of chapter X I X X 21A.46 of this title Steps and required landings 4 feet or less X { X X above or below grade which are necessary for access to a permitted building and located not less than 4 feet from a lot line Swimming pools (measured to the water X X line), tennis courts, game courts, and similar uses shall not be located less than 10 feet from a property line. Window mounted refrigerated air X i X X conditioners and evaporative "swamp" • coolers located at least 2 feet from the property line. Window mounted refrigerated air conditioner units and "swamp" coolers less than 2 feet from the property line shall be reviewed as a special exception according • to the provisions of section 21A.52.030 of this title. Window wells not over 6 feet in width and X X X projecting not more than 3 feet from structure ri Notes: 1."X"denotes where obstructions are allowed. 2.Below grade encroachments(encroachments which are completely below grade where the surface grade remains intact and where the below grade encroachment is not visible from the surface)into required yards shall be treated as a routine and uncontested matter in accordance with the procedures set forth in chapter 21A.14 of this title. 3.The accessory structure shall be located wholly behind the primary structure on the property. SECTION 2. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21A.46.110.A.3.b. That section 21A.46.110.A.3.b of the Salt Lake City Code(Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Downtown Districts), including the table therein, shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: b. Sports Arena Located on the Block Between South Temple and 100 South between 300 and 400 West Streets: STANDARDS FOR THE SPORTS ARENA LOCATED ON THE BLOCK BETWEEN SOUTH TEMPLE AND 100 SOUTH BETWEEN 300 AND 400 WEST STREETS Maximum Limit On Height Of Number Of Combined Freestanding Minimum Types Of Signs Maximum Area Signs Permitted Number Of Signs' Setback2 Permitted Per Sign Face Per Sign Type Signs3 See note 1 May extend Awning/canopy 1 square foot 1 per first floor None 6 feet from signs per linear foot door/window face of of storefront building but (sign area only) not within 2 feet from back of curb6 See note 1 n/a Canopy, drive- 40%of canopy 1 per canopy None through face if signage face is on 2 faces; 20% of canopy face if signs are on 4 faces 12 feet 5 feet Construction sign 64 square feet 1 per storefront None See note 1 n/a Flat sign(general 4 square feet 1 per building None building per linear foot face orientation) of building faces See note 1 n/a Flat sign 2 square feet 3 per business None (storefront per linear foot storefront orientation)4 of each store frontages See subsection See Marquee sign Subject only to 1 per storefront None 21A.46.0700 subsection subsection of this chapter 21A.46.070 21A.46.0700 of 0 of this this chapter chapter 20 feet None Monument sign 1 square foot 1 per street 1 sign per per linear foot frontage street of street frontage frontage 8 square feet None Nameplate, 3 square feet [ 1 per building None building 12 feet 5 feet New development 200 square feet 1 per street None sign frontage 45 feet None,but Pole sign 1 square foot 1 per street 1 sign per shall not per linear foot frontage street extend of street frontage across a frontage; 200 rproperty line square feet maximum for a single business, 300 square feet maximum for multiple businesses 8 feet r 5 feet Political sign 32 square feet [-No limit None 4 feet i 5 feet Private directional 8 square feet No limit None sign 6 square feet None Public safety sign 8 square feet No limit None 8 feet ( None Real estate sign 32 square feet 1 per street None frontage See note 1 n/a Roof signs 4 square feet 1 per street None per linear foot frontage of building face or 6 square feet per Iinear foot of building face on buildings taller than 100 feet No limit n/a Window sign 25% of total No limit None frontage window area per use 90% of total frontage window area (interior or exterior) for Sports Arena events,not to exceed 3 months in duration for each calendar year7 Notes: I.For height limits on building signs,see subsection 21A.46.070J of this chapter. 2.Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3.The total number of signs permitted from the sign types combined. 4.Storefront flat signs limited to locations on the lower 2 floors. 5.A single-tenant building may combine the square footage total of both the storefront orientation and the general building orientation flat signs to construct 1 larger sign. 6.Public property lease and insurance required for projection over property line. 7.Verbiage and/or corporate logos are limited to on premises advertising of Sports Arena events only and are limited to 10 percent of the window coverage. SECTION 3. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21A.46.120.E.4.b. That section 21A.46.120.E.4.b of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Signs: Sign Regulations for Special Purpose Districts), including the table therein, shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: b. Standards For the Ballpark Located on the Southeast Corner of 1300 South and West Temple: Flat signs, construction signs, political signs, real estate signs, new development signs, window signs,public safety signs, and nameplates shall comply with the table for standards for the PL, PL-2 and I districts. The design, materials, and colors for all signs must be compatible with the Ballpark on the corner of 1300 South and West Temple subject to the approval of the Salt Lake City urban design committee. i Maximum i Types Of Height Of 1 Signs Maximum Area Freestanding Minimum Number Of Signs Permitted Per Sign Face Signs' Setback2 Permitted Awning 1 square foot per See note 1 May extend 6 11 per first floor door/window signs linear foot of feet from face of;and not to extend beyond 1 1 awning building, 2 feet 1foot on each side of the door 1 from back of for window width curb faces .:I Monument 60 square feet of 8 feet 10 feet 1 per building frontage signs3'4 total sign face area including a base. The base shall be • 25%of the sign height Pole signs 180 square feet per 30 feet No sign 11 pole sign which allows 4 (triangle gross sign face. 540 projection over ;sign panels per sign face, 1 of, frame square feet for the the property line 'which may be an electronic structure) structure (changeable copy sign"'and 1 logo sign(12 total signs for (the triangular pole sign) 'Private 8 square feet of 4 feet 2 feet behind 12 per driveway approach and directional total sign face area property lines las necessary for pedestrian signs3 including a base. !direction The base shall be 25%of the sign height Notes: 1.For limits on the height of building signs,see subsection 21A.46.070J of this chapter. 2.Not applicable to temporary signs mounted as flat signs. 3.Modified from the standards for the PL,PL-2 and I districts and required for the ballpark overlay district. 4.Electronic changeable copy signs shall only be permitted on arterial street frontages. Electronic changeable copy signs/panels shall not exceed 50 square feet. 5.Public property lease and insurance required for projection over property line. SECTION 4. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21A.62.040. That section 21A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code (Zoning: Definitions), shall be, and hereby is, amended, in pertinent part,to add the following definition of"pitched roof'to be inserted in alphabetical order into that section: PITCHED ROOF: The covering on the top of a structure, serving to protect against rain, snow, sunlight, wind, and extremes of temperature, having a minimum pitch or slope of a twp foot (2') rise over a twelve foot (12') run. SECTION 5. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code section 21A.62.040. That section 21A.62.040 of the Salt Lake City Code(Zoning: Definitions), shall be, and hereby is, amended, in pertinent part, to amend the definition of"fraternity/sorority house" as follows: FRATERNTITY/SORORITY HOUSE: A building which is occupied only by a group of university or college students who receive lodging and/or meals on the premises in exchange for compensation, and are associated together in a fraternity/sorority that is officially recognized by the university or college and that has a national affiliation. SECTION 6. Amending text of Salt Lake City Code chapters 21A.24, 21A.26, 21A.28, 21A.30, 21A.31, and 21A.32. That chapters 21A.24, 21A.26, 21A.28, 21A.30, 21A.31, and 21A.32 of the Salt Lake City Code, shall be, and hereby are, amended to remove the text and tables of sections 21A.24.200; 21A.26.090; 21A.28.050;21A.30.060; 21A-31.060; and ' 21A.32.150 in their entirety. The codifier is instructed to replace the omitted text and tables of each of the sections identified herein with the parenthetical, "(omitted)". SECTION 7. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 26th day of April , 2011. ca. , CHAIRPERSO A EST AND COUNTERSIGN: /Y CORD Transmitted to Mayor on May 11,2011 . Mayor's Action: X Approved. Vetoed. E / .),: / OR • APPROVED AS TO FORM Salt Lake City Attorney's2Office�yKIS(*e ,` ,A,Ci N Date: J 2 f/ CITY RECORDER , �� -w +[1 _ r." aul C.Ni 1 Senior City Attorney (SEAL) ti Bill No. 19 of 2011. Published: May 17, 2011 • HB_ATTY-#16055-v4-Ordinance_- Zoning_Fine Tun in PLNPCM2010-00064.DOC