021 of 1984 - Rescinding Bill 13 of 1984 - (Alley Vacation) P 84-5 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCF No. 21 of 1984 (Rescinding Bill. 13 of 1984 ) AN ORDINANCE RESCINDING Rill 13 of 1984 , providing for the vacation of a public alley located within the Waterloo Addition Subdivision, such alley being 13 feet wide and running north from Bryan Avenue to Kensington Avenue between and parallel to 300 and 400 East Streets in Salt Lake City , Utah. WHEREAS , the City Council finds that the consent to the proposed vacation by property owners abutting the above referenced alley has not been obtained and that the requirements for vacating streets and alleys have not been followed as set forth in Sections 10-8-8.3 , 8 .4 Utah Code Annotated . NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Bill No. 13 of 1984 providing for the vacation of a public alley within the Waterloo Addition Subdivision, such alley being 13 feet wide and running north from Bryan Avenue to Kensington Avenue between and parallel to 300 and 400 East Streets in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, is hereby RESCINDED. SECTION 2 . This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this - 20th day of March, 1984. CHAIRMAN - ATTEST: OR ' CI 41 �E" I DER Transmitted to the Mayor on April 3. 1984 Mayor ' s Action: April 3, 1984 ATTEST: CITY �EC R R cc75 (S E A L) BILL 21 of 1984 Published: March 24, 1984 AMC)-, AS M FORM. Self LAO Ci9y uayOfF/o� IC3 ------- .............. ...... ------- -2- Affidavit of Publication, ADM 3,A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake Cheryl Gierloff ............................................................................................. SAL— CITY oR'NANCE No.21 of 1984 (Resfinofil9 8411 13 AN ORDINANCE IRESCIND- INGBill13of1984,providingfer Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is file catva0atin of thapublicalleylo- legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Gated within tt,e Waterloo Arldl- In g 3 feetlswin,such alley b. north from Bryan,Avenue ,o I newspaper printed in the English language with general Kensington 'Avenue between circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, and oral el to 300 tx,d 400 East ' Streets in SbttLoke City,Utah. Salt Lake Count in the State of Utah. WHEREAS,the City Council y� finds tt,bt tt,e consent to tt,e pro- Posed vacation by property owhOrs abutting the above ref- erenced alley has not been ob. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto tolned and that the require- ments for vacating streets and asses have not been followed� Salt Lake City ordinance — No• 21 o f as set forth in,AnnotS,8.4 Utah Code Annotated. ............................................................................................. NOW,THEREFORE,be it or- coined by the City Council of. Salt Lake City,Utah: 1984 - Rescindincg Bill„ 13 of 198!4 SECTION1.That Bill No.13 or ....................'........••............ ...•....................................... 1984 providing for the vocatio,i I of o Public alley within the Wa- terloo Addition Subdivision, such alley being 13 feet wlde ............................................................................................. and running north from Bryon Avenue to Kensinoton Avenue between and parallel to 300 and 400 Easi Streets In Salt Lake City,Salt Lake Countyr Utah,is ............................................................................................. hereby RESCINDED. SECTION 2. This ordingnce shall take effect upon its,flrst Publication, ............................................................................................. Passed by the CI1y Council of It Lake City,Utph,this 20M day of March, was published in said newspaper on Ronaldld J.Whiteheau .................................. Chairn,on I AT'TE5T: CitKathrynMarshalt Mash ''119pp4,,,, y Recorder ...........24../...+r...`l... .... ............................... ........ Transmitted to the Mayor up, """"""" 3/20i84 � Mayor's AC1fai,:.. / Tell L.Wilson ATTLST; ..,,. MaYOr, ........................................... ...... ... .......... Kothryn'Murshas Leg d rtisin rk Cify R@Cot der .A (SEAL) Bili 21 of 1984 Published:March 24,1984 D-63 I Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...........................6th................................... day of ........................ A.D. 19..Q.4..... f......A ......� ; ,l;l;.................... Notary Public My Commission Expires July 23 , 1986 ......................................................