022 of 2015 - Fire Systems Reporting Requirement & other Fire Ordinance Revisions (Section 18.44.020) 0 15-1 0 11-12 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No.22 of 2015 (Fire Systems Reporting Requirement and other Fire Ordinance Revision) An ordinance amending Section 18.44.020 of the Salt Lake City Code relating to reporting requirements for fire suppression systems inspections and testing and Section 9.24.030 relating to the definition of"Recreational Fire.'" WHEREAS,the City has adopted the International Fire Code in City Ordinance 18.44.010;and WHEREAS,the current City Code contains a definition for Recreational Fire that is not consistent with the International Fire Code;and WHEREAS,the International Fire Code requires the regular inspection,testing,and maintenance of fire protection and suppression systems and that such records be copied to the fire code official upon request;and WHEREAS,there exist third party reporting systems that facilitate the transmission of all such records to the fire code official:and WHEREAS,the City's Fire Marshall believes it is in the best interest of fire safety within the City for all such records to be transmitted to the City through such a system;and WHEREAS,after a public hearing on this matter the City Council has determined that the following ordinance is in the City's best interests. NOW,THEREFORE,be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1. Section 9.24.030 of the Salt Lake City Code(Definitions)shall be,and hereby is,amended to read as follows: 9.24.030:DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this chapter,the following terms,phrases and words shall have the meanings given in this section: AEROSOLS:Any dispersed matter,solid or liquid,in which the individual aggregates are larger than single molecules but smaller than five hundred(500)microns in diameter(a micron is]/I 000.00°of a meter). AGRICULTURAL BURNING:Open burning,in rural areas,essential to agricultural operations,including the growing of crops,the raising of fowl,animals or bees,when conducted on the premises where produced. AIR CONTAMINANT:Any particulate matter,or any gas,vapor,odorous substance, suspended solid or any combination thereof,excluding steam and water vapors. AIR CONTAMINANT SOURCE:Any and all places where an air contaminant originates. AIR POLLUTION:The presence in the ambient air of one or more air contaminants in quantities sufficient to be excessive or objectionable,as determined by the standards,rules and regulations adopted by the Salt Lake Valley health department. AIR QUALITY SECTION:Air quality section of the Salt Lake Valley health department. AMBIENT AIR:The surrounding or outside air. ATMOSPHERE:The air that envelops or surrounds the earth,and includes all space outside of buildings,stacks or exterior ducts. BTU:British thermal unit,the quantity of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit(1°F). BOARD:The Salt Lake Valley board of health. CLEARING INDEX:A number indicating the predicted rate of clearance of ground level pollutants from a given area.This number is calculated by the U.S.weather bureau,from daily measurement of temperature lapse rates and wind speed,and directions from ground level to ten thousand feet(10.000'). CONTROL EQUIPMENT:Any equipment which has the function of controlling the emissions from a process,fuel burning,or refuse burning equipment,and thus reduces the creation of or the emission of air contaminants into the atmosphere,or both. DEPARTMENT:The Salt Lake Valley health department. DIRECTOR:The Salt Lake Valley director of health. EMISSION: The act of discharging into the atmosphere an air contaminant or an effluent which contains or may contain an air contaminant, or the effluent so discharged, into the atmosphere. EQUIVALENT OPACITY: The relationship of opaqueness or percent obscuration of light to the Ringelmann chart for shades other than black and is approximately equal to the following: Opacity Percent Ringelmann 10 0.5 20 1 30 1.5 40 i 2 60 3 80 ; 4 100 5 EXISTING INSTALLATION: A plant, process, process equipment or a device, construction of which began prior to the effective date of any regulation having application to it. FACILITY: Machinery, equipment, structures or any part of accessories thereof, installed or acquired for the primary purpose of controlling or disposing of air pollution. FUGITIVE DUST: Solid airborne particulate matter emitted from any source other than through a stack or chimney. GARBAGE: The animal and vegetable waste and food refuse resulting from handling, preparing, cooking and consumption of food. HEAVY FUEL OIL: A petroleum product or similar material heavier than diesel fuel. HOUSEHOLD WASTE: Any solid or liquid material normally generated by a person or persons in a residence in the course of ordinary day to day living, including, but not limited to, garbage, paper products, rags, leaves and garden trash. INCINERATOR: Any device used for the destruction of garbage, rubbish or other wastes by burning, or to process salvageable material by burning. LPG: Liquid petroleum gas, such as propane or butane. MULTIPLE CHAMBER INCINERATOR: Any device used to dispose of combustible refuse by burning, consisting of three (3) or more refractory lined combustion furnaces in series,physically separated by refractory walls,interconnected by gas passage ports or ducts,and employing adequate parameters necessary for maximum combustion of material to be burned. NEW INSTALLATION:A plant,process or process equipment,construction of which began following the effective date of the regulation concerned.A modified process unit or system shall be construed as a new installation if a physical change in,or change in the method of a process unit system,increases the amount of any air pollutant not previously emitted.An increase in either production rate or hours of operation alone shall not be considered a change in method of operation. ODOR:Property of an air contaminant that affects the sense of smell. OPEN BURNING:A fire from which the products of combustion are emitted directly into the open air without passing through a stack or chimney. PARTICULATE:Any gas borne material,except uncombined water,which exists as a liquid or solid and which is capable of being suspended in a gaseous system. PERSON:Any individual,public or private corporation,partnership,association,firm, trust,estate,the state,or any department,institution,bureau or agency thereof,any municipal corporation,county,city and county or other political subdivision of the state,or any legal entity whatsoever which is recognized by the law as being subject to rights and duties. PUBLIC NUISANCE:As defined by Utah code sections 76-10-801,76-10-803,and 78B- 6-1107. RECREATIONAL FIRE:A fire which meets the definition and restrictions of a Recreational Fire as defined by the International Fire Code,as adopted by City Code. REFUSE:Any solid waste,including garbage and trash. RINGELMANN CHART:The chart published by the U.S.bureau of mines(information circular 8333)which illustrates graduated shades of gray to black for use in determining the light obscuring capability of particulate matter. SALVAGE OPERATION:Any business,trade or industry engaged in whole or part in salvaging or reclaiming any product or material,including,but not limited to,metals, chemicals,and shipping containers or drums. SANDBLASTING:The use of a mixture of sand and air at high pressures for cleaning and/or polishing any type of surface. STACK:Any chimney,flue,conduit or duct arranged to conduct emissions to the ambient air. TRASH:Solids not considered to be highly flammable or explosive.including,but not limited to,clothing,rags,leather,plastic,rubber,floor coverings,excelsior,tree leaves, yard trimmings,and other similar material. WASTE:All solid,liquid or gaseous material,including,but not limited to,garbage,trash, household waste,construction or demolition debris,or other refuse,including that resulting from the prosecution of any business,trade or industry. SECTION 2.Section 18.44.020 of the Salt Lake City Code(Definitions)shall be,and hereby is,amended to read as follows: 18.44.020:AMENDMENTS: Section 109.3 of the international fire code is amended to read as follows: 109.3.Violation Penalties.Upon conviction for such violations of this chapter,the person(s)or entity(ies)shall be punishable as provided by title 1,chapter 1.12 of the city code.Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense. Section of the international fire code is amended to read as follows: Discharges.When hazardous materials are released in quantities reportable under federal,state,or local regulations,the fire department shall be notified without delay,and the following procedures are required in accordance with section through Section 305.5 of the international fire code is amended to read as follows: 305.5.Hazardous Environmental Conditions.When the fire code official determines that hazardous environmental conditions necessitate controlled use of any ignition sources, including fireworks,lighters,matches and smoking materials,the ignition or use of such ignition sources in mountainous,brush-covered or forest-covered areas or other designated areas is prohibited except in approved designated areas. Section 901.6.2 of the international fire code is amended to read as follows: 901.6.2 Records of all system inspections,tests,and maintenance required by the referenced standards shall be maintained on the premises for a minimum of three years and shall be provided to the Salt Eake City Fire Bureau through a third party inspection reporting system. Said third party inspection reporting system may charge a fee to users in an amount not to exceed$10.00 per inspection. Section 1104.16.5.1 of the international fire code is amended to read as follows: 1104.16.5.1 Examination. Fire escape stairs and balconies shall be examined for structural adequacy and safety in accordance with Section 1104.16.5 by a registered design professional or other acceptable to the fire code official every five years,or as required by the fire code official. An inspection report shall be submitted to the fire code official via its established third party inspection reporting system. Said third party inspection reporting system may charge a fee to users in an amount not to exceed$10.00 per inspection. SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 2nd day of June ,2015. CHA :O 4, al 1pG+t y ''4 ATTEST: • .:-Yy 0.4 CITY RECORDER Transmitted to the Mayor on June 3, 2015 Mayor's Action: )' Approved. Vetoed. / Are' 4 MAYOR u" ATTEST: ------.,, / i 147 CIT• RECORDER APPROVED AS TO FORM N.RATE SEQy' (SEAL) �ay''c....... S Date : /26//S Bill No. 22 of 2015 By Published: ,line 12, 21115 • H B_ATTY-#35223-v2-Inspection_Reporting_and_Definition_Ordinance.DOC