023 of 1984 - Alley Closure - North End Subdivision, located in Block 122 between 8th and 9th Avenue and D and E S STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE � ss ����'"��� I, .Lynda .Domino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chief.Qep U�Gity Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, dopereby certify that the attached. . .is -a .full , .true, .and.correct.copy.of.Qrdinance.23. from A984 closing .a .public .alley.located .withln the North End Subdivision, said alley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . being"16:5 feet wide and located in Block 122 between 8th and 9th Avenues and "D" and "E" Streets. Said "or;diriance' ' ' * ' ' * ' * ' * ' ' * . . . . . was duly approved and accepted by City Council/Executive Action of Salt Lake City, Utah,this, ! °" i ! i day of. . . .March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.D. 19.84. _.. sl IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate sedl'of Salt Lake City; Utah, this. . .28th . . . . . . . . .day of. . . . .March . . . . . . . . . . . .e . .. . . . . . AD 19. . . . . Chief Depu4 Cit "Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah CA ry O V, •V —c� a P 84-21 �! SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE r?o. 23 of 1984 (Closing a public alley located within the North Fnd Subdivision, said alley being 16. 5 feet wide and located in Block 122 between 8th and 9th Avenue and D and E Streets in Salt bake City AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PUBLIC ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTH END SUBDIVISION, SAID ALLEY BEING 16. 5 FEET WIDE LOCATED IN BLOCK 122 BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TH AVENUE AND D AND E STRFETS IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah finds after public hearing that the City 's interest in the alley described below which was platted within the Main Street Subdivision is no longer necessary for use by the public as a public way and that the closure of said alley with the reservation of the certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest nor will it relinquish or terminate the City ' s interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . An alley located within the North End Subdivi- sion, said alley being 16. 5 feet wide and located in Block 122 t Qn On between 8th and 9th Avenues and D and E Streets in Salt Lake GO City, which is the subject of Petition No. 400-167 of 1984 filed by Intermountain Health Care Inc. and the Boyer Company, and is t1t more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby is h+ closed and declared no longer to he needed or available for use as a public alley ; and the title to the City ' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation. Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 9 , Block 1221 North End Subdivision of Block 3 Plat "D" + Salt Lake City Survey and running thence S . 89051143 " F. 148 .50 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 ; thence N: 11038 ' 50" E . 40 .842 feet to � . the Northeast corner of Lot 9 ; thence N. 0 °00 ' 24" W. 125. 0 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 12 ; thence S . 89° 51 '43" E. 16 . 5 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 13 ; thence S. 0000 ' 24" E . 125.0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 16; thence S. 11039138 " F. 40 . 842 to the Southwest corner of Lot 16; thence S. 89 °51 '43" E. 148 .50 to the Southeast corner of Lot 16; thence S. 0 * 00124" E. 16 . 5 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1 ; thence N. 89051143" W. 330 .0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 8; thence N . 0°00 ' 24" W. 16 .5 feet to the point of beginning . Contains .195 acres more or less. RESFRVATIONS. Said closure is expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities including the City ' s water and sewer facilities and all of them. Said closure is subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. Q, r� C) SECTION 2. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This Ordinance after Qn CJt passage shall be published but shall not become effective until OD the petitioner ' s pay to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for appraising h) said property. -2- SECTION 3 . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance after the date of its first publication shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the Recorder of Salt Lake City is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the condition subsequent has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon verification of satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the Ordinance to be recorded . However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from the effective date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of March , 1984 . CHAIRMAN ATTEST: •CITY RECORDER l � -- w r> C� Transmitted to the Mayor on April 3, 1984 Qq CP Mayor 's Action: April 3, 1984 OD IV FORM i:.;r Baia L:ir:/ iParnoy's C1ii'cC: '��-` "1 �1.'�'��/'J�,l•'�--�• bate ..__... 3��/Y MAYOR By -3- ATTEST: J, CITY RECORPPA cc77 (S E A L) BILL 23 of 1984 Published: April 10, 1984 ko Cj cd Cn GO CP P 84-21 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 23 of 1984 (Closing a public alley located within the North End Subdivision, said alley being 16. 5 feet wide and located in Block 122 between 8th and 9th Avenue and D and E Streets in Salt Lake City AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PUBLIC ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN THE NORTH END SUBDIVISION, SAID ALLEY BEING 16. 5 FEET WIDE LOCATED IN BLOCK 122 BETWEEN 8TH AND 9TH AVENUE AND P AND F STRFETS IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds after public hearina that the City's interest in the alley described below which was platted within the Main Street Subdivision is no longer necessary for use by the public as a public way and that the closure of said alley with the reservation of the certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest nor will it relinquish or terminate the City ' s interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . An alley located within the North End Subdivi- sion, said alley being 16 . 5 feet wide and located in Block 122 between 8th and 9th Avenues and D and E Streets in Salt Lake City, which is the subject of Petition No. 400-167 of 1984 filed by Intermountain Health Care Inc. and the Boyer Company, and is more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby is closed and declared no longer to be needed or available for use mil,f as a public alley ; and the title to the City' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation. Beginning at the Southwest corner. of Lot 9, Block 122, North End Subdivision of Block 3 Plat "D" Salt Lake City Survey and running thence S . 89051 '43 " F. 148 .50 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9; thence N. 11°38' 50" E . 40 .842 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 9; thence N. 0000124" W. 125.0 feet to the Northeast corner of.. Lot 12 ; thence S . 89051 '43" E. 16. 5 feet to the Northwest � • corner of Lot 13 ; thence S. 0*00124" E. 125.0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 16; thence S. 11039138" F. 40 .842 to the Southwest corner of Lot 16; thence S. 89051 '43" E. 148.50 to the Southeast corner of Lot 16; thence S. 0 *00124" F. 16 . 5 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 1; thence N. 89051143" W. 330 .0 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 8; thence N. 0000 ' 24" W. 16 .5 feet to the point of beginning . Contains .195 acres more or less. RESERVATIONS. Said closure is expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities including the City' s water and sewer facilities and all of them. Said closure is subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This Ordinance after passage shall be published but shall not become effective until the petitioner ' s pay to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for appraising said property. -2- SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance after the date of its first publication shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the Recorder of Salt Lake City is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the condition subsequent has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon verification of satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the Ordinance to be recorded. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from. the effective date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 20th day of March , 1984 . d ZgAf RMAN ATTEST: J C TY ,RE RDE Transmitted to the Mayor on April 3, 1984 Mayor 's Action: April 3, 1984 ." e c.r..r t "ry 1i irPUJy"s fyE,":& !` f.' _ +' i s,'•��"�.�,✓ Date . 3/��� MAYOR By .. ... _ -3- ATTEST: C I TY AR F C R ., cc77 (SEAL) BILL 23 u. I Published: April 10, 1984 —4— Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SAL' lAKECITYORDINAN ! �—No.23 of 1984 Cheryl Gierloff ;P I, a public alley located within the North ............................ .........................•............................ ntlE�4�ubdlvlsion sppit QIlsy bolng 16.5 feet wide a dCbNfd In 81oe�C 1221retween Ith and C AL L}9th Avenue *All' IV D and E Streets In Salt lake CI}EEyy) 1NITMiN, TED HRInNNORTH END SUBDIV 5 ONNG A I SA?ALLEYY BEING 16.5PEE WIDE LOCATED IN BLOCK 12�BETWEENBTHAND 9TH'AVENUE AND D AND E STREETS IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is The. HHrr Council of Salt Lake City,'Utah finds after public hearing at the Cltv's Interest In the alley described below Iegal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily which was platted W In the Main Street subdlvlslon Is no long• er necessary for use by the pubic os a ppybllt wgYond mutihe newspaper printed in the English language with general closure ft of salt alley writ Me reselenervat an of the certain ease- circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, rltents WIh•not be adverse-to the pqenerol public's Interest nor WII,H relinoulsh or terminate the Clty's Interest In the underly- InOp rlywHhOutseparatedocumentsattranster. Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 2r_o0 ,THEREFORE,be H ordained by the City Council of Solt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1,An alloy located within the North End Subdlvl- sl6"bet Sold alley being en feet Wit@ and I Streets In Block Lake That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto between 8th and 9th Avenues and D and E Sheets In Salt Lake Clty,which Is the subject of PetHtOh No.400.167 of 1984 filed by into mquptaIn Health Care Inc.and the Boyt Company,and Is more pdeelcul&ly described below,be,and thesomeherebyls Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 23 of 1984 - closedand declared no ionppeer to be needed or available for use ....................... ........................................................... as a public alley'Ong the tifle to the City's Interest therein shall be reserved ahU retained by Solt Lake City Co�porotlon. Beginning at the vlslonSouthwest fBlorrler lotI'D Block Closing a public alley located wtih the North No End`Subdivlslon of Block 3 Plat"D 1 Solt Lake g p y Cityurvey and running thence S.89'51'431"E.14P.50 ............. .............................................................................. feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 4;the•1nce N.1 V38 50" OOO a"W 12B.0feeNttoottheeNorthdas}torno Lot12; End Subdivision thence S.89*51'43"E.16,5 feet to the Northwest corner ............•................................................................................ of Lot 13;thence'S.0'00'24"Ei,123.0 Not to the North• we$tftOrner at Lot 16;thence S.11*391381,E,40.842 to the Southwest corner of Lot 16;thence S.89.51'43"E. 148:5 to the Southeast corner of Lot 16,thence S. ............................................................................................. O'00'24"E.16.5 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot l; Once N.89'51'43"W.330.0 feet to the Northwest car. ner of Lot 8;thence N.Q-00'24"W.16.5 feet to the point RESERVATIONSContains Sai ld.closurreerls expresslylmode sub echo ............................................................................................. all existing rights of way and easements of all public Utll les of any and every description now located on and under or over the con}In@s of the above described property and also subject to the ' rights Of entry thereon for the purpo"s.ofmalntalntnp,altering, was published in said newspaper on.................................. re�ppairing rempvine or reroutlnp sold utilities Including the Clty s water and seWee facilities and all of them.Sold closure is subject to,any existing rights of way or easements of private April 10, 1984 third parties. SECTION 2.CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT.This Ordinance ................................................................. """'.""""""" "' offer ppassag9e shall be published but shall not become effective until Me petitioner's.pay to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for ap• prolsing sold property. ............................................... .. . . ........ SECTION 3.EFF.CTIVE DATE.This ordinance otter the Legal dye 1SIng date of ItsYlrst publication shall not become effective until re- corded with the Recorder of SOH Lake County.However the It of Salt Lake Cit�}yy Is instructed not to record this Ordl. nonce until the Mayor verlfles that the condition subsequent has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement.Upon verification of satisfaction the Mayor may Instruct the Ordi- nance to be recorded.However If the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from the effective date of the Passage,this Ordinance shall be null,vold and of no effect and no recordinga dthereafter ouncill be allowed. Lake City,Utah,this 20th day of March,1084, Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: CHAIRMAN Kathryn Marshall fore me this 16th d CITYRECORDER ................................................. ay of Transmitted to the Mgyor on April 3,1904 Mayor's Action:April 3;1984 Ted Wilson ,... A.D. 19..84.... ATTEST: MAYOR Kathryn Marshall f CITY RECORDER i (SEAL) BILL 23 0f 1984 BSiished:April 10,1984 I .:....:.. ...................................................... - Notary Public My Commission Expires .. . March 1, 1988...................................................... d� g 1[.DAM