024 of 1984 - Street and Alley Closure - Closing a portion of Learned Avenue between 1100 and 1200 West and the cl STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss 13947622 I,,,._.Lyndzj,QgrUjnQ.....................Chief,,DQPUty..,City Recorder of Salt Lake City,Utah, s do hereby certify thatthe attached. is.a.fUl.l.,.true,.and.correct.copy.Of..Ordinance.24..from w .1.9.84.cl.Qsi.ng.a.certain.portion.of learned.Avenue.between.11.th.and.12th.West.and Cr cl,osi,ng.a.1.5'..al.].ey..between.Learned.Avenue.and.NW,th Temp q, ..Said.ordinance.. was duly approved and accepted by City Council/IX9'M Dm Action otalte kkp�`tiit¢,'Ufa}"> .10th.•....... day of.....April.......................A.D.19.84. Cr IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aflee-the c6rp6rat'eseal bf'Salt Lake City,Utah, N thi......1.6th........day of...Ap.r.i.l..............�.'.i A.D.19. VL Chief Deputy/City ecorder of Salt Lake City,Utah P 84-15 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 24 of 1984 (Closing a certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and the closure of a 15 ' alley between Learned Avenue and North Temple. ) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF LEARNED AVENUE BETWEEN 11TH AND 12TH WEST AND CLOSING A 15 FOOT ALLEY BETWEEN LEARNED AVENUE AND NORTH TEMPLE IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. RECITALS Salt Lake City Corporation has submitted a request known as Petition No. 400-130 of 1983 , rea,uesting the closure of a certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and the closure of a 15 foot alley running parallel between Learned Avenue and North Temple between llth and 12th West in Salt Lake City. The City finds, after public hearing , that the subject properties are not and will not be needed for use by the public as vehicular thoroughfares and that closure of said public road and alley with the reservation of certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest, nor will it relinquish and terminate the City 's interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. tv NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt :I. CA Lake City, Utah : Can SECTION 1 . A certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and a 15 ' alley running parallel between Learned 2U C,Jt 1V Avenue and North Temple between llth and 12th West, which are the subject of Petition No . 400-130 of 1983, which are more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby are CLOSED - and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public street and a public alley; and the title to the City ' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation: g' PARCEL ONE STREET CLOSURE: 4�i'�;�, �- 9 Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, North Temple Street Subdivision, Block 55, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence Westerly 660 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 26; thence Southerly 80 feet to the West property line of Lot 4 , Block 55 , Plat C ; thence Easterly 660 feet to a point on the East property line of Lot 1 , Block 55, Plat C, said point being Southerly 80 feet of the Southeast corner of Lot 1 , North Temple Street Subdivision; thence Northerly 80 feet to the point of beginning . PARCEL TWO ALLEY CLOSURE : Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, North Temple Street Subdivision, Block 55, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence Westerly 660 G 6 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 26; thence Northerly 15 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot °• tv' 27; thence Easterly 660 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 52 ; thence Southerly 15 feet to the point of beginning . RESERVATIONS. Said closures are expressly made SUBJECT TO w all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities ' U't of any and every description now located on, in, tinder or over CJt tD the confines of the above-described property; and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , CJ1 altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities W -2- including the City ' s water and sewer facilities, and all of them. Said closures are SUBJECT TO any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. - SECTION 2 . This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this loth day of April , 1984 . -CHAIRMAN ATTEST: CIW /RE R )ER Transmitted to the Mayor on 4/17/84 Mayor 's Action: 4/17/84 7 �MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVE" ," TO FC^N Sait Lako Ci}� A:t�r y': Cdiica a, C DLfo / -_ --�� ........ C I TV'' Rt OTZ E12 c c 8 4 '� '" Cn (S E A L) v� -- c c rr, U BILL 24 Q f 1984 °r a co c, Ct� Published: April 24, 1984 `ZmX -3- t O W-/ P 84-15 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE: No. _24 of 1984 (Closing a certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and the closure of a 15 ' alley between Learned Avenue and North Temple. ) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF LEARNED AVENUE BETWEEN 11TH AND 12TH WEST AND CLOSING A 15 FOOT ALLEY BETWEEN LEARNED AVENUE AND NORTH TEMPLE IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. RECITALS Salt Lake City Corporation has submitted a request known as Petition No. 400-130 of 1983 , requesting the closure of a certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and the closure of. a 15 foot alley running parallel between Learned Avenue and North Temple between llth and 12th West in Salt Lake City. The City finds, after public hearing , that the subject properties are not and will not be needed for use by the public as vehicular thoroughfares and that closure of said public road and alley with the reservation of certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest, nor will it relinquish and terminate the City's interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah : SECTION 1 . A certain portion of Learned Avenue between llth and 12th West and a 15 ' alley running parallel between Learned Avenue and North Temple between llth and 12th West, which are the subject of Petition No . 400-130 of 1983, which are more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby are CLOSED and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public street and a public alley; and the title to the City ' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation: PARCEL ONE STREET CLOSURE: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, North Temple Street Subdivision, Block 55, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence Westerly 660 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 26; thence (� Southerly 80 feet to the West property line of Lot 4 , Block 55, Plat C ; thence Easterly 660 feet to a point on the East property line of Lot 1 , Block 55, Plat C, said point being Southerly 80 feet of the Southeast corner of Lot 1 , North Temple Street Subdivision; thence Northerly 80 feet to the point of beginning. PARCEL TWO ALLEY CLOSURE: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 1 , North Temple Street Subdivision, Block 55, Plat C, Salt Lake City Survey, and running thence Westerly 660 G- 6 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 26; thence Northerly 15 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 27; thence Easterly 660 feet to the Southwest corner of. Lot 52 ; thence Southerly 15 feet to the point of beginning . RESERVATIONS. Said closures are expressly made SUBJECT TO all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on, in, finder or over the confines of the above-described property; and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , altering, repairing, removing or rerouting said utilities -2- including the City' s water and sewer facilities, and all of them. Said closures are SUBJECT TO any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2 . This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt .Lake City, Utah, this loth day of April , 1984 . CHAIRMAN ti ATTEST: F I VR.E R ER Transmitted to the Mayor on April 17, 1984 Mayor 's Action: April 17, 1984 �iAYOR ATTEST: CITT R ;CTFIZBy Y 1 � cc84 (SEAL) BILL 24 of 1984 Published: April 24, 1984 -3- Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake ' SALT LAKE 44ITY ORDINANCE lye:?4. 11 1Ne4.. - (Clgat g.a;ce UrppoM h q;c401*0 �bttn4eDerwaen ' .........Che.. ...•rvl Gierloff......................................................... 11 ptrd 1 1Nest and tAe<Ip y�e p/A 1V alley twoen Yet+rned Avenue a�i�Florfh Temple. AN RDINAr�CE CLOSING A PORTION OF LEARNED AV- ENUE'B TWEEfi 11TH AND.12TH WE$7 A CLOSING A 15 Fpppp? , LEY-.BETWFEN LEARNep l>Ve UE AND NORTH TEMPLIN S LT LAKE CIT,y UT AM: < ; - . RECFhass Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is AL San Lake City Corporation has submitted a request known as Petition No.400.130 of 1983,requesting the closure of a cer- tain portlonof Learned Avenue betw Anhthppol2MWestond , Iegal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily the closure of b 15 foot alley runnl�tCI I frGllal petween Learned , Avenue and North Temple betwee ' tn'an 2fh west In Salt I newspaper printed in the English Ianguage with general Lake thcCity lnd$,atter' ubil0e rIt (thatth9 subledproper• circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City,ties dre not ohd will not be needed for use py the public as , , Ono icul thoroughfares and thatrtulhclosure of Bald pwilln rand I Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. an ails whh'the reservation of certain easerynenis will not be adverse the gpeneral public's Imer6st nQQr will If relinoulsh and termin , the Chy's Interest In the undorCving property without separdt documents of transfer. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto NOW,THEREFORE,be ordained by the City'Councll of I Solt LLk it CV,Utah: SECyTIO 1,A certain portion of Learned Avenue between 11th�ah7:'12th West and 015'alloy running parallel between Learned Avenue and North Temple between filth and 12th Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 24 of 1984 - West .which Oro,the sublIet of Petition No;'400.130 of 1983; .......•................................................ white;deb'more particularly described below,be;and the some herebyy Ire,CLOSED and.declared no longer to be needed or I avoilobI for-use as a public street and a publicpphey;and the ' Closing a certain portion of Learned Avenue title M the City s Interest}herein shall be reserved,ond Cetoined I ........................................... by Sq r�:a�a Ct Corporation: PITCEL ONE STREET CLOSURE: I Beg hny githee Southeast carpp�er of Lot 1,Npr�Temple Stollitsgu, Ivision 131ogk55,P1, SaNL4le ,ftSur• between 11th and 12th West the veyrandrunningthence Westerly Z60 feet to a South-, ............................................................................................. west corner of Lot 26•thence.Southerly 80 feet to the West property line of Lot 4,Block 55,Plat C•then EQS„N �60 feet too point on the.East pg.Ryl llne 0 Lof.g,Block SS,PIatC,sold polnf being Southerly 60 feet of the Southeast corner of Lot 1 North Temple Street Subdlvislon;thence Northerly 40 feet to file polnt of beginning. PA CEL TWO ALLEY CLOSURM, ............................................................................................. Beg ng althe Nt4orthea t eorner.df Lot 1,North Temple 5tre t Subdivlslon Bloc 55,Plat C �$aaN Lake,City Sur- Vey ondrunning4hancgWesferly�660'feettofheNorth• . wes.1corner of Lot 26;thence Northerly 15 feet to the was published in Said newspaper on.................................. Squyiwe'st corner of L 27•thence Easterly 660 feetto the. uthwestcornero Lof52;thence Southerly 15,feet to a point of beginning, RESERVATIONS.Sold closure$are expressly made SUB- April 24, 1984 JECTTOall ekisting rights ofwgqv and easements ofollpublic •••••••••••-•••••••••••••••.-••••••••••........................................ . utilities of anti and every desorinllon now located on,In„under or over the confines of the above-described properly;and also SUBJECT TO the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of mointainin ,alteringq repolring„removing or rerouting said uth- ................................................ . ........ .ties Including the Ctty's Water and sewer facilities,and all of "' "' them. Legal dve .sing C Sold closures are SUBJECT TO any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2.This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after' Its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this tbth day of April,1984. Ronald J.Whitehead CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Kotheryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Tronsm ed to the Mayor on April 17,1904, Mayor's Action:April 17,1984 Ted Wilson 17th ATTEST: MAYOR ore me this .................................................................... day of Kotheryn Marshall IEA R®CORDER A 77�� r�84 A BILL 24,of 1984 A.L. 19.......... C.eished:April 24,1984 i ', t1. i ...........:.:.......:.................................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires ........March.1,..1988...................... ' taa:scov,sYy� p/