024 of 2007 - adopting final City budget for fiscal year 2007-2008 0 07-1 • 1. � ` B 07-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 24 of 2007 (Adopting the budget, excluding the budget for the Library Fund which is separately adopted, and the employment staffing document of Salt Lake City,Utah for fiscal year 2007-2008) AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET, EXCLUDING THE BUDGET FOR THE LIBRARY FUND WHICH IS SEPARATELY ADOPTED, AND THE EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT OF SALT LAKE CITY FOR FISCAL YEAR 2007-2008. PREAMBLE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 10-6-111 of the Utah Code Annotated, the City Budget Officer prepared and filed with the City Council a tentative budget in proper form for all funds for which budgets are required by said law, including budgets for the general fund, the library fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds and the capital improvements funds for fiscal year 2007-2008. The tentative budget was accompanied by a budget message as required by law. That tentative budget was adopted by the City Council, in Resolution No. 28 of 2007, on May 1, 2007. Section 10-6-118 of the Utah Code Annotated requires that before the 22nd day of June of each fiscal year or, August 17, in case of a property tax increase under Sections 59-2-919 through 59-2-923 of the Utah Code Annotated, the governing body shall,by resolution or ordinance, adopt a budget for the ensuing fiscal year for each fund for which a budget is required. The City budget officer has now prepared a budget, in proper form, for all funds for which budgets are required by law. Section 2.52.020 of the Salt Lake City Code states in part that employment staffing documents shall be adopted as an element of the City's budget, or otherwise, as the City Council may require. Three copies of such documents have been filed for use and examination of the public in the Office of the City Recorder. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this ordinance is to adopt the budget, except the budget for the Library Fund which is separately adopted, for fiscal year 2007- 2008, and to adopt the employment staffing documents. All conditions precedent to the adoption of the budget, which includes the employment staffing documents, have been accomplished. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF BUDGET. The budget attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance, shall be, and the same hereby is adopted as the budget of the City, excluding the budget for the Library Fund which is separately adopted, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2007 and ending June 30, 2008, in accordance with the requirements of Sections 10-6-105, 10-6-118 and 59-2-923 of the Utah Code Annotated, subject to the conditions set forth herein. The budget is subject to the approval of the Mayor and reconsideration of the City Council pursuant to Section 10-3-1214 of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 3. EMPLOYMENT STAFFING. The employment staffing documents, three copies of which are filed for use and examination in the Office of the 2 t .,0....- B<re. R.v. ems' 'W' w:a " w 6 City Recorder, are hereby adopted as an element of the budget, pursuant to Section 2.52.020 of the Salt Lake City Code. SECTION 4. FILING OF BUDGET. The City Budget Officer is hereby authorized and directed to certify and file copies of said budget with the State Auditor as required by Section 10-6-118 of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 5. PUBLIC INSPECTION. The City Budget Officer is hereby authorized and directed to certify and file copies of the budget in the office of said Budget Officer and in the Office of the City Recorder,which budget shall be available for public inspection during regular business hours as required by Section 10-6-119 of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 6. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be deemed effective on July 1, 2007. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah, this 12th day of June , 2007. C CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: HIEF DEP T CORDER 3 Transmitted to the Mayor on June 22, 2007 . Mayor's Action: Approved. Vetoed. MAYOR ATTEST: Alf . IA. ' A lR_ -r*,e CHIEF DEPUTY r RE 0 ' I ER I '�' /l, ,; ';;il APPROVED AS TO FORM ,, `=-" ;'�'w,; Salt Lake City Attorney's Office '\* > 'S��' Date Y-e. -o7 (SEAL) +l`'"", B �,t^„_ Bill No. 24 of 2007. Published: July I, 2007 . I\Ordinance 07\Budget\Adopt final budget 2007 doc 4 6/21/2007 BUDGET ADOPTION SCHEDULE - FY2007-08 FY2007 Changes , Considered ISSUE from FY08 Council Council. One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FTEs FY 2007 Changes Budget (General Budget Budget Budget Fund) L:::::; GENERAL:FUND:(IQ) Revenue and Other Sources Taxes Property taxes-real(current year collections) 42,005,274 200,000 42,205,274 431,254 42,636,528 Property taxes-Judgment Levy 188,309 -188,309 0 Property taxes-general obligation bond 7,778,623 -24,659 7,753,964 2,525 7,756,489 Property taxes-Rebate of Tax Increment from Redevelopment Agency 603,000 603,000 603,000 Property taxes-real(prior year collections) 1,800,000 200,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 Property taxes-personal 7,100,000 -200,000 6,900,000 6,900,000 Motor vehicle fees 4,300,000 -250,000 4,050,000 4,050,000 Sales taxes-local option general 41,835,500 6,664,500 48,500,000 48,500,000 Sales taxes-municipal energy taxes 4,602,000 -244,674 4,357,326 4,357,326 Franchise taxes 16,670,000 2,410,000 19,080,000 19,080,000 Telecom Tax 6,776,972 -650,000 6,126,972 6,126,972 Payments in lieu of taxation(PILOT) 871,836 153,611 1,025,447 1,025,447 Licenses and Permits Regulatory licenses-general 5,356,364 143,942 5,500,306 5,500,306 Airport and Public Facility Parking Tax 818,500 100,000 918,500 (274,000) 644,500 Expansion of Parking Tax to other entities and increase rate to$1.00 1,618,000 1,618,000 1,618,000 Ground transportation badging fee 300,000 300,000 300,000 Building permits 7,822,749 2,221,614 10,044,363 10,044,363 2,000,000 Intergovernmental Agency Revenue Other local sources 4,765,805 -8,127 4,757,678 4,757,678 Charges and Fees for Services Cemetery fees 517,205 -46,605 470,600 470,600 Public safety fees 1,403,800 147,400 1,551,200 1,551,200 Street and public improvement fees 242,600 21,900 264,500 264,500 Sports,youth and other recreation fees 130,300 7,500 137,800 60,000 197,800 Rental and concession fees 672,830 -72,072 600,758 600,758 Parking Parking meters 1,486,600 -22,600 1,464,000 1,464,000 Fines and Forfeitures Other fines 8,962,400 -267,743 8,694,657 (80,000) 8,614,657 Interest Income (net of allocation) - .Interest income-adjustment 4,393,000 907,000 5,300,000 5,300,000 1 6/21/2007 Changes Considered Fdopte from FY0eCouncil �. Council One-Time ISSUE Adopted FTEs Recommended 'Ms Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Administrative Fees Charged to Enterprise and Internal Service Funds Airport police reimbursement 97,000 23,000 120,000 120,000 Airport fire reimbursement 3,868,863 203,000 4,071,863 4,071,863 Administrative fees 3,207,344 101,003 3,308,347 3,308,347 Additional airport fees for new attorney 110,000 110,000 110,000 Reimbursement labor and utilities 2,355,281 -15,111 2,340,170 2,340,170 Miscellaneous Revenue Sundry and other miscellaneous revenue 884,962 -84,812 800,150 800,150 Interfund Transfers Transfer from 911 1,505,000 46,000 1,551,000 1,551,000 Transfer from CIP for traffic calming 35,015 -35,015 0 - Transfer from SL trust 5,000 5,000 5,000 Transfer from misc.grants 117,300 2,700 120,000 120,000 Transfer from Unity Center Trust Fund 253,986 253,986 253,986 Total On-going Revenue 183,174,432 13,730,429 196,904,861 197,044,640 One Time Revenue Building Permits 1,866,000 1,866,000 1,866,000 1,866,000 transfer from risk mgmt subrogation fund 120,000 120,000 120,000 120,000 Fund balance to replaced on-going revenue for one-time expenses 80,412 80,412 80,412 Fund balance(for one time expenses) 1,500,000 513,532 2,013,532 2,013,532 2,013,532 Fund balance(for Land Acquisition) 2,000,000 -2,000,000 0 - Fund balance(to bridge sales tax gap from mall reconstruction) 225,000 275,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 Appropriation of prior year surplus 258,866 -258,866 0 - Fund Balance(Potential Executive Severance) 286,468 286,468 286,468 286,468 Total One Time Revenue 4,103,866 682,134 4,786,000 4,866,412 General Fund Total Revenue and Other Sources Budget 187,278,298 14,412,563 201,690,861 0.00 220,191 201,911,052 6,866,412 2 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 ,_ Considered ISSUE from Council , 'wCouncil One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FTEs ' :� Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget h Fund) Expenses and Other Uses Attorneys Office: FY07 Beginning Balance 3,909,521 45.20 3,909,521 45.20 3,909,521 FY08 base personal services projection less FY07 budget 65,087 (7,000) 58,087 Insurance programming change 7,508 7,508 Insurance rate changes 30,600 30,600 Pension rate change 15,564 15,564 Contractually obligated adjustment 130,100 130,100 Clerical Support-Budget Amendment#3 1.00 22,928 1.00 22,928 Allocation of FTE from Risk Fund 0.30 13,166 0.30 13,166 Operational Increases 22,852 22,852 New attorney for airport(associated revenue offset) 1.00 110,000 1.00 110,000 47.50 417,805 4,327,326 47.50 4,320,326 Community Development: FY07 Beginning Balance 9,308,760 128.00 9,308,760 128.00 9,308,760 FY08 base personal services projection less FY07 budget 69,813 (18,000) 51,813 Insurance programming change 71,920 (51,000) 20,920 Insurance rate changes 91,740 91,740 Pension rate changes 35,178 35,178 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 272,612 272,612 Prior Year Budget-One time funding for nw quadrant master plan -154,000 (154,000) Prior Year Budget-One time funding for traffic calming education -25,000 (25,000) Prior Year Budget--One time funding city-wide transportation plan -30,000 (30,000) Prior Year Budget--One time funding for base adjustment of outsourcing structural engineer contract -50,000 (50,000) Prior Year Budget-One time funding for reconfiguration of one stop shop office space -98,000 (98,000) Prior Year Budget-One time funding for avenues historic district survey -12,816 (12,816) Prior Year Budget-one time funding for preservation plan -30,000 (30,000) Prior Year Budget--One time funding for automation of housing and zoning enforcement(haze system) -63,500 (63,500) One Stop Shop Positions-Budget Amendment#3 3.00 219,264 3.00 219,264 Transfer 1 FTE to IMS Fund per Council Audit -1.00 -82,860 -1.00 (82,860) Financial Manager 1.00 81,200 1.00 81,200 BSL Fleet Maintenance 45,500 45,500 BSL Ground Transportation Initiative Office Tech/Cashiers 2.00 86,300 2.00 86,300 BSL Ground Transportation Initiative-Police Specialist 1.00 34,000 1.00 34,000 BSL Ground Transportation Initiative-criminal background checks for drivers 156,000 156,000 BSL Operational Increases 29,445 29,445 Planning-Senior Planner Historic Preservation 1.00 77,350 1.00 77,350 Planning-Building Inspector II Boarding 1.00 49,300 1.00 49,300 Planning-Principal Planner-Long Range 1.00 70,950 1.00 70,950 Planning-Administrative Planner 1.00 70,000 70,000 ' Planning-Internet Service Cost of HAZE automation 17,000 17,000 . Planning Operational Increases 12,255 12,255 Transp-Street Lighting Extraordinary Repairs Funding 20,000 20,000 Arts Council Operational increases 740 740 • 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes ,Considered ISSUE from FY08 Council Council On Tiime Adopted FTEs Recommended FTEs Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Operational Reduction(department wide) -50,000 (50,000) one time-BSL One Stop Shop Database Software 1,650,000 1,650,000 1,650,000 one time-BSL Plan Review Outsourcing 50,000 50,000 50,000 one time--BSL One Stop Shop Copier/Printer 13,850 13,850 13,850 one time-Planning Univ Historic District Intensive Level Survey 257,000 257,000 257,000 one time-Planning Northwest Quadrant Master Plan 168,250 168,250 168,250 one-time--Preservation Plan Printing 14,000 14,000 14,000 one time-Communities Master Plan Printing 17,000 17,000 17,000 one time-Downtown Master Plan Update Printing 10,000 10,000 10,000 one time--Ayes.Historic District Survey Phase II 6,600 6,600 6,600 one time--Emergency Radios for CD functions 12,000 12,000 12,000 one time-Arts Council CD/DVD Stereo System and laptop system 3,800 3,800 3,800 one time-BSL software licensing 8,800 8,800 8,800 one time--IMS development of Accela project 108,563 108,563 108,563 137.00 3,055,691 12,364,451 138.00 12,474,014 City Council: FY06 Beginning Balance 1,595,941 18.60 1,595,941 18.60 1,595,941 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget 0.00 1,600 (2,000) (400) Insurance programming change 10,016 (3,000) 7,016 Insurance rate changes 14,348 14,348 Pension rate changes 17,800 17,800 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 20,990 20,990 Public Policy Analyst-Budget Amendment#2 1.00 56,144 1.00 56,144 19.60 120,898 1,716,839 19.60 1,711,839 Fire: FY07 Beginning Balance 30,549,938 362.00 30,549,938 362.00 30,549,938 FY08 base personal services projection less FY07 budget -55,206 (12,000) (67,206) Insurance programming change 433,836 (9,000) 424,836 Insurance rate changes 287,012 287,012 Pension rate changes 206,830 206,830 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 901,123 901,123 Prior Year Budget-One time funding for equipping new apparatus -408,000 (408,000) Prior Year Budget-One time funding for SCBA Upgrades -52,500 (52,500) Prior Year Budget-One time funding for Heavy Rescue Team Equipment -43,750 (43,750) Prior Year Budget--First Year Funding for CAD/RMS -182,500 (182,500) Medical Supplies 5,000 5,000 Special Clothing to comply with new requirements 60,000 60,000 IMS Lease Expense 6,500 6,500 Station Upkeep and Maintenance 5,000 5,000 Fleet Maintenance 88,300 88,300 Fleet Fuel Charges 21,800 21,800 Vacation buy back(four-handed staffing) 310,000 310,000 Airport Operations Overtime(offset by additional revenue) 203,000 203,000 Overtime for Dispatch and Investigations 43,300 43,300 ' Attrition Reduction -370,000 (370,000) Training for Paramedics,new recruits,and other education 23,100 23,100 Copy Center Increase 7,000 7,000 -6 New Firefighters 6.00 307,500 6.00 307,500 4 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes Considered from FY08 Council Council One-Time ISSUE Adopted FTEs Recommended FTEs Budget FY 2007 Budget Changes Budget (General g Budget Fund) 2 additional dispatchers 2.00 88,484 88,484 , Reduce dispatch overtime (44,000) (44,000) Authorization to early hire 4 dispatchers in fiscal year 2007-08 - Station Steam Cleaning and Bug Spraying 5,000 5,000 Public Education Supplies 5,000 5,000 Fitness Facility Membership Funding 20,000 20,000 Transfer 1 FTE to IMS Fund per Council Audit -1.00 -68,180 -1.00 (68,180) One time-Emergency Supplies in Fire Stations 12,000 12,000 12,000 Wild Land Pants(first year of two year one time cost) 16,000 16,000 16,000 One time-New Apparatus Equipment 170,000 170,000 170,000 One time-New AEDS and Defibrillator Monitor Units 92,000 92,000 92,000 One time--Special Technical Rescue Equipment Replacement 10,000 10,000 10,000 One time-Training Tower Maintenance and Repair 23,000 23,000 23,000 One time-SCBA Bottle Replacement and Upgrades 65,000 65,000 65,000 One time--Radio Replacement 10,000 10,000 10,000 367.00 2,157,165 32,707,103 369.00 32,730,587 Management Services: FY06 Beginning Balance 10,301,656 116.76 10,301,656 116.76 10,301,656 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget -0.10 85,548 -0.10 (17,000) 68,548 Insurance programming change 47,492 (11,000) 36,492 Insurance rate changes 82,848 82,848 Pension rate changes 34,995 34,995 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 272,389 272,389 Transfer of a FTE from Police to Mgmt Services-HR Budget Amendment#1 1.00 49,500 1.00 49,500 Sustainability Director 1.00 115,000 1.00 (62,292) 52,708 (62,292) Credit Card Charges for building permits/impact fees 20,000 20,000 Prior year contractual employees for Justice Court -135,399 (135,399) 2 PT Judges to 2 RPT 1.00 15,932 0.50 15,932 RPT position for Human Resources 0.50 0 0.50 - 4 Justice Court clerks(temporary positions to full time) 4.00 199,056 4.00 199,056 One time-Phones,Radios and Supplies for EOC 15,000 15,000 15,000 124.16 802,361 11,104,017 123.66 11,013,725 Mayor: FY07 Beginning Balance 1,633,638 17.00 1,633,638 17.00 1,633,638 FY08 base personal services projection less FY07 budget 7,806 (3,000) 4,806 Insurance programming change -14,600 (4,000) (18,600) Insurance rate changes 10,908 10,908 Pension rate changes 6,444 6,444 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 44,938 44,938 Assistant to Mayor-Policy and Special Projects-Budget Amendment#2 1.00 69,520 1.00 69,520 18.00 125,016 1,758,654 18.00 1,751,654 • 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 - Considered ISSUE Adopted FTEs from Council ;Council Recommended 'F')C'Es ,,,One-Time Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget gFund) Police: FY07 Beginning Balance 50,669,719 586.00 50,669,719 586.00 50,669,719 FY08 base personal services projection less FY07 budget -66,592 (29,000) (95,592) Insurance programming change 420,748 (83,000) 337,748 Insurance rate changes 436,548 436,548 Pension rate changes 400,786 400,786 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 1,939,171 1,939,171 Transfer of a FTE to Management Services-HR Budget Amendment#1 -1.00 -49,500 -1.00 (49,500) Computer capital replacement(move to lease) -71,255 (71,255) Attrition one time reduction FY 07-adding back to base 100,000 100,000 Authorization to early hire 10 police officers(not to be funded in future years) 10.00 - FY 08 Attrition reduction -150,000 150,000 - Employee Personal Leave buy back to reflect historical use 8,000 8,000 Fund recruit issued equipment from$2600 to$3800 24,000 24,000 Continue rotational replacement of officer protective supplies 10,000 10,000 Rotational replacement of public order unit equipment 14,000 14,000 Rotational replacement of narcotic field test kits 10,000 10,000 Rotational replacement of dispatch headsets 12,000 12,000 Rotational replacement of accident investigators supplies 5,000 5,000 Potential copy service and mail service due to changes 7,500 7,500 Access to State computer systems at historical use rate 6,000 6,000 Cell phones to reflect historical use 18,500 18,500 Fleet Fuel Costs not related to decreased gallons used 38,000 38,000 Fleet maintenance 62,000 62,000 Technology Systems support and maintenance 75,000 75,000 Cold Case investigative costs (funding for additional 11 cases) 105,000 105,000 Obtaining evidence on gang and intelligence investigations 6,000 6,000 Increased cleaning needs in Pioneer training rooms 6,000 6,000 Operational reduction(department-wide) -50,000 (50,000) Narcotic enforcement overtime budget vs.actual 200,000 200,000 One time-Officer personal protection equipment(first aid kits,CBRN masks) 140,000 140,000 140,000 one time-Public Information for new Public Safety facilities 35,000 35,000 35,000 One time--Complete taser availability for all sworn line positions 30,240 30,240 30,240 One time-Sworn officer physical fitness program validation 51,000 51,000 51,000 585.00 3,773,146 54,442,865 595.00 54,480,865 Public Services: FY07 Beginning Balance 36,578,795 316.09 36,578,795 316.09 36,578,795 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget 49,653 (45,000) 4,653 Insurance programming change 201,316 (106,000) 95,316 Insurance rate changes 224,508 224,508 Pension rate changes 115,831 115,831 Contractually obligated compensation adjustment 551,100 551,100 Prior year budget-one time item paver repairs in crosswalks -46,000 (46,000) Prior year budget-tree removal and replacement one time item paver repairs in cross. -165,000 (165,000) Prior year budget-Open space coordinator -30,000 (30,000) Prior year budget-carpet for one-stop shop and quadrant of building -116,925 (116,925) _Garfield school expenses-BA#2 92,700 - Operational and inflationary increases 517,248 7,248 517,248 6 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 s Considered ISSUE Adopted FTEs from Recommended FTEs Council- ;,Council ,Utte,Time FY 2007 Changes Budget (General Budget Budget Budget Fund) Operational reduction -763,800 (763,800) Parking Enforcement Officer(associated revenue offset) 1.00 52,840 0.00 (52,840) - Sidewalk Snow Removal Enforcement--seasonal 10,600 10,600 Signal Technician 1.00 42,200 1.00 42,200 YouthCity staff to GF 4.00 275,813 4.00 275,813 YouthCity cost cutting and grant covered expenses -65,000 (65,000) Building Maintenance Workers(1 FTE) 1.00 60,972 1.00 60,972 Work Order manager(1 FTE) 1.00 80,080 1.00 80,080 Eliminate Office Tech 1 RPT position(vacant) -0.75 -33,528 -0.75 (33,528) Open space lands coordinator 1.00 92,950 1.00 92,950 Unity Center Operational staffing (offset with revenue) 1.00 148,132 1.00 148,132 Unity Center Facility Maintenance(offset with revenue) 91,300 91,300 Unity Center operational expense(offset with revenue) 14,554 14,554 Graffiti technician 1.00 48,336 48,336 Contract for open space consultant 25,000 25,000 25,000 Parley's historic Nature Park-management plan&site assessment 80,000 80,000 80,000 Change RPT to full-time and transfer 0.75 FTE to Refuse Fund -0.50 (17,000) (17,000) one time-Paver Repairs 60,000 60,000 60,000 one time-Tools and Equipment,new signal tech 10,000 10,000 10,000 one time-Unity Center equipment 18,430 18,430 18,430 Total Public Services 325.34 1,489,974 38,068,769 324.84 38,001,265 Non Departmental: FY07 Beginning Balance 42,730,330 42,730,330 42,730,330 Prior year budget-one time funds for No More Homeless Pets -10,000 (10,000) Prior year budget-one time funds for Econ Growth study -10,000 (10,000) Prior year budget-one time funds for Mayor's Portrait -20,000 (20,000) Prior year budget-one time funds for GIS interdepartment coordination -200,000 (200,000) Prior year budget-one time funds for land acquisition -2,000,000 (2,000,000) Prior year budget-difference In GO Bond debt service -24,293 (24,293) SLC Arts Council(FY 07=243,600) 75,000 75,000 SLC Arts Council grants program 75,000 75,000 75,000 Tracy Aviary-additional on-going 250,000 250,000 Legal Defenders Contractual Adjustment(FY 07=615,162) 71,000 71,000 Salt Lake Chamber (FY07=30,473) 1,527 18,000 19,527 Sugarhouse Park Authority(FY 07=175,481) 16,095 16,095 Utah League of Cities and Towns-full funding of$108,559(FY 07=104,168) -104,168 108,559 4,391 National Legal of Cities-funded(FY 07=11,200) -11,200 11,200 - Local lobbyist(increase from$25,000 to$40,000) 15,000 15,000 Salt Lake COG(FY 07=30,627) -7,437 (7,437) Sister Cities Program(FY 07=7,000) 3,000 3,000 Housing Authority Transitional Housing(FY 07=118,000) 7,000 7,000 US Conference of Mayors(FY 07=12,500) 375 375 Sales Tax Rebate(FY 07=158,000) -18,000 (18,000) Community Emergency Winter Housing(FY 07=65,000) 2,600 2,600 IMS Internal Service Fund Base Increase(FY 07=5,317,318) 212,300 212,300 IMS Transfer Fire and CD FTEs 151,070 151,070 • Interest expense reduction relating to Tax&Revenue Anticipation Notes (143,611) (143,611) Risk Fund Admin Fees(FY 07=1,811,903) -151,022 (151,022) General Fund support of CIP(FY 07=22,280.939) 739,620 1,594,292 2,333,912 1,594,292 7 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 Considered ISSUE Adopted FTEs from Recommended FTEs"`` Council Connell One-Time Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes=. Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Street Lighting(FY 07=120,000) -2,562 (787) (3,349) Bus pass Program(UTA deal for 3 years of passes)(FY 07=62,130) -62,130 (62,130) IFAS Account transfer(FY 07=82,936) -1,386 (1,386) Animal Services(FY 07=991,500) 29,700 29,700 Animal Services-additional spot enforcement 40,000 40,000 40,000 Washington DC Consultant(FY 07=58,000) 2,000 2,000 1%GF dedicated to"Energy Fund for the Future" 1,881,150 (1,381,150) 500,000 500,000 Local circular bus-study 100,000 100,000 100,000 one time-Municipal Elections 500,000 (200,000) 300,000 300,000 one time--TRAX 200 S.Station(CIP) 600,000 600,000 600,000 one time-Downtown Alliance SID(overrun correction) 203,000 203,000 203,000 one time-Severance Contingency 286,468 286,468 286,468 One time Fleet Transfer -transfer for Lift a Lot Truck for Signal Tech 74,000 74,000 74,000 One time Fleet Transfer --Youth City Minibuses 210,000 (210,000) - - One time Fleet Transfer -Vehicle for Graffiti Technician 28,000 28,000 28,000 One time Fleet Transfer-BSL Vehicle for Ground Transportation Initiative 26,800 26,800 23,974 One time reduction-transfer to IMS Fund(Note:See offset in Community (108,563) (108,563) (108,563) One time-Local First Utah 20,000 20,000 20,000 One time-Display cabinet for submarine memorabilia 10,000 10,000 10,000 Total Non Departmental 2,470,507 45,200,837 45,426,777 General Fund Total Expenses and Other Uses Budget 187,278,298 1623.60 14,412,563 201,690,861 1635.60 220,191 201,911,052 6,866,412 Difference 0 0 0 0 8 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes Considered ISSUE from FY08 Council Council Ono-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FTEs ' ..- Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g "Fund) CIP Fund (FC 83) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 26,523,694 26,523,694 Increase in CDBG eligible capital projects 208,488 208,488 Increase in Class C roads 177,900 177,900 ($2,900,000 approved in Amendment#4) 0 - Decrease in donations (1,500,000) (1,500,000) Increase in Intergovernmental Revenues 1,354 1,354 Transfer from General Fund (1,284,673) 1,618,585 333,912 Increase in Transfer from RDA 2,016,659 - 2,016,659 Increase in Bond Proceeds 8,530,000 60,000 8,590,000 District 4 Olympic Legacy outside funding 100,000 100,000 0 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 8,149,728 34,673,422 36,452,007 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 27,858,709 27,858,709 Increase in Debt Service Transfer 161,176 161,176 Increase in Bond Expense 120,000 120,000 Decrease in Transfer to General Fund (35,015) (35,015) Increase in Class C roads 177,900 177,900 Increase CDBG capital expenditures 208,488 208,488 Increase in Capital Expenditures 386,984 386,984 Grant Tower-Sales Tax Bonds 5,680,000 40,000 5,720,000 TRAX Extension Sales Tax Bonds 2,850,000 20,000 2,870,000 District 4 Olympic Legacy project(additional outside funding) 100,000 100,000 Increase transfer to Debt Service Fund(Sales Tax Series 2007) 15,486 15,486 Decrease amount available for on-going projects 15,486( ) (15,486) Increase amount available for on-going projects 1,618,585 1,618,585 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 9,549,533 37,408,242 39,186,827 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (2,734,820) (2,734,820) 9 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 Considered ISSUE Adopted FTEs from Recommended FTEs Council < Council .One-Time Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Airport Fund (FC 54,55) evenue an. • er ources FY 06 Beginning Balance 172,705,000 172,705,000 Increase in operating revenues 11,271,800 11,271,800 Increase in passenger facility charges projects 22,720,200 22,720,200 Increase in interest income 3,000,000 3,000,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 36,992,000 209,697,000 209,697,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 06 Beginning Balance 181,564,579 567.80 567.80 181,564,579 Decrease in operating expenses 7,457,221 7,457,221 Increase in capital equipment 3,354,900 3,354,900 Decrease in capital improvements projects 11,035,300 11,035,300 Decrease in debt service payments 158,100 158,100 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 567.80 22,005,521 203,570,100 567.80 203,570,100 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 6,126,900 6,126,900 Golf Fund (FC 59) evenue an. •t er ources FY 06 Beginning Balance 8,302,299 8,302,299 Increases in Fees,Rentals and Passes 139,852 139,852 Increase in Interest Income 5,000 5,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 144,852 8,447,151 8,447,151 Expenses and Other Uses FY 06 Beginning Balance 8,575,415 43.00 43.00 8,575,415 Increase In operating expenses -0.60 111,154 -0.60 111,154 Increase in capital outlay 31,500 31,500 Increase in debt service payments 4,830 4,830 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 42.40 147,484 8,722,899 42.40 8,722,899 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (275,748) (275,748) 10 6/21/2007 Changes Considered, FY2007 FY08 ISSUE from Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FI' s'` Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes , `��Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Intermodal Hub(FC 50) evenue an. •t er ources FY 07 Beginning Balance 4,900,000 4,900,000 Decrease in Federal Grant Revenue (4,100,000) (4,100,000) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget (4,100,000) 800,000 800,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 4,900,000 4,900,000 Decrease in Intermodal Hub expenditures (4,100,000) (4,100,000) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget (4,100,000) 800,000 800,000 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 - Revenue an ter ources FY 07 Beginning Balance 8,741,822 8,741,822 Increase in Refuse Collection Fees 290,613 290,613 Decrease in Landfill dividend (135,000) (135,000) Increase in Debt Proceeds for Purchase of Vehicles 387,406 387,406 Increase in misc income 201,400 201,400 Delay fee increase to coincide with green can availability (185,000) (185,000) Increase in fee revenue if 48-gal approved 30,000 30,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 744,419 9,486,241 9,331,241 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 8,869,022 26.30 26.30 8,869,022 Decrease In operating expense (17,772) (17,772) Increase in capital outlay 2,462,516 2,462,515 Increase in debt service 208,657 208,657 Additional 0.75 FTE office staff relating to new container options 0.76 36,000 36,000 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 26.30 2,653,400 11,522,422 27.05 11,558,422 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (2,036,181) (2,227,181) 11 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes Considered ISSUE from FY0 Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommee Recommended FTEs Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget = (General g Budget g Fund) ailRevenue an er ources FY 07 Beginning Balance 17,081,000 17,081,000 Increase in sewer revenue 71,000 71,000 Increase in interest income 200,000 200,000 Decrease in impact fees (17,800) (17,800) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 253,200 17,334,200 17,334,200 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 24,056,639 101.30 101.30 24,056,639 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget -1.90 248,623 -1.90 248,623 Increase in operating expenses 709,652 709,652 Decrease in capital outlay 24,000 24,000 Decrease in capital improvements (1,544,000) (1,544,000) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 99.40 (561,725) 23,494,914 99.40 23,494,914 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (6,160,714) (6,160,714) Storm Water Utility (FC 53) -evenue an. et er ources FY 07 Beginning Balance 6,121,000 6,121,000 Increase in interest income 20,000 20,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 20,000 6,141,000 6,141,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 8,533,648 26.30 26.30 8,533,648 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget 54,954 54,954 Increase in operating expenses 103,210 103,210 Decrease In capital outlay (265,000) (265,000) Increase in capital improvements 1,710,654 1,710,654 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 26.30 1,603,818 10,137,466 26.30 10,137,466 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (3,996,466) (3,996,466) 12 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes 'Considered ISSUE from FY08 k Council, Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended Fits . Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) evenue an erSources FY 07 Beginning Balance 51,676,867 51,676,867 Increase in water 1,652,955 1,652,955 Decrease in impact fees (454,000) (454,000) Increase in developer contributions 550,000 550,000 Increase in revenue bonds 9,600,000 9,600,000 Increase in other revenue 10,000 10,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 11,358,955 63,035,822 63,035,822 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 51,378,407 262.80 262.80 51,378,407 FY07 base personal services projection less FY06 budget -6.50 652,670 -6.50 652,670 Increase in operating expenses 1,131,952 1,131,952 Increase in capital outlay 1,203,150 1,203,150 Decrease in capital improvements 10,044,000 10,044,000 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 256.30 13,031,772 64,410,179 256.30 64,410,179 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (1,374,357) (1,374,357) Fleet Management(FC 61) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 15,843,759 15,843,759 Increase in maintenance,fees,other revenue 348,800 348,800 Increase transfer Community Development and Public Service vehicles 408,069 408,069 Decrease transfer to Fleet for YouthCity busses (210,000) (210,000) Increase transfer relating to vehicle for Graffiti technician 28,000 28,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 756,869 16,600,628 16,418,628 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 17,244,619 43.00 43.00 17,244,619 Increase in operating expenses 0.60 327,523 0.60 327,523 Increase in capital outlay 1,710,800 1,710,800 Decreases expenses relating to YouthCity busses (210,000) (210,000) Increase related to purchases of vehicle for Graffiti technician 28,000 28,000 Decrease in debt service (278,353) (278,353) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 43.60 1,759,970 19,004,589 43.60 18,822,589 Budgeted revenues and other sources over - (under)expenditures and other uses (2,403,961) (2,403,961) 13 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes a Considered ISSUE from FY08 Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended r'Xi Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Government Immunity (FC 85) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 1,182,200 1,182,200 No change in revenue 0 - Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 0 1,182,200 1,182,200 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 1,182,200 0.00 1,182,200 No change in expenses 0 - Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 0.00 0 1,182,200 1,182,200 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 Information Management Services (FC 65) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 8,051,091 8,051,091 Increase in IMS revenue city-wise 460,626 460,626 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 460,626 8,511,717 8,511,717 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 7,967,424 60.00 60.00 7,967,424 FY06 base personal services projection less FY05 budget 279,195 279,195 Transfer of FTEs from Fire and CD 2.00 150,040 2.00 150,040 Increase in operating expenses 121,075 121,075 Increase in capital outlay-rental program 215,531 215,531 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 62.00 765,841 8,733,265 62.00 8,733,265 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (221,548) (221,548) • 14 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes Considered ISSUE from FY08 Council- Council One-Time, Adopted FTEs FY 2007 Recommended Ft'Es Changes Budget.. (General Budget Budget BudgetFund) ) Insurance and Risk Management(FC 87) Revenue and Other Sources FY 06 Beginning Balance 31,897,477 31,897,477 Decrease in premium income (299,433) (299,433) Increase in other income 87,124 87,124 Transfers in (105,160) (105,160) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget (317,469) 31,580,008 31,580,008 Expenses and Other Uses FY 06 Beginning Balance 32,017,477 6.64 6.64 32,017,477 Decrease in personnel service transferred to attorney -0.30 (13,166) -0.30 (13,166) Decrease in charges and fees (304,303) (304,303) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 6.34 (317,469) 31,700,008 6.34 31,700,008 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (120,000) (120,000) Curb and Gutter(FC 20) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 600,000 600,000 No change in special assessment tax 0 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 0 600,000 600,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 393,594 393,594 Increase in assessment bonding charges 99,489 99,489 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 99,489 493,083 493,083 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 106,917 106,917 Street Lighting (FC 30) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 475,525 475,525 Decrease in special assessment tax (5,773) (5,773) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget (5,773) 469,752 469,752 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 1,896,923 1,896,923 Increase in street lighting expenses 35,781 35,781 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 35,781 1,932,704 1,932,704 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (1,462,952) (1,462,952) • 15 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes Considered ISSUE from FY08 ��Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FTES" Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes. Budget (General g Budget g Fund) CDBG Operating (FC 71) Revenue and Other Sources FY 06 Beginning Balance 2,971,961 2,971,961 Decrease in CDBG funds (232,457) (232,457) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget (232,457) 2,739,504 2,739,504 Expenses and Other Uses FY 06 Beginning Balance 2,971,961 2,971,961 Decrease in CDBG funds (232,457) (232,457) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget (232,457) 2,739,504 2,739,504 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 Emergency 911 (FC 60) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 2,216,000 2,216,000 Decrease in E-911 revenue (268,000) (268,000) Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget (268,000) 1,948,000 1,948,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 2,056,600 2,056,600 Decrease in E-911 expenses (108,600) (108,600) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget (108,600) 1,948,000 1,948,000 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 Housing (FC 78) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 6,608,367 6,608,367 Increase in federal grant revenue and housing income 597,326 597,326 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 597,326 7,205,693 7,205,693 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 6,608,367 6,608,367 Increase in loan disbursements and related expenses 597,326 597,326 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 597,326 7,205,693 7,205,693 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 16 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 y' <:�x z '`Considered ISSUE from Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended FCEs' Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Misc Grants Operating (FC 72) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 4,721,609 4,721,609 Increase in federal grant revenue and program income 908,809 908,809 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 908,809 5,630,418 5,630,418 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 4,721,609 4,721,609 Decrease in grant expenditures 908,809 908,809 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 1.50 908,809 5,630,418 1.50 5,630,418 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 Misc Special Service Districts(FC 46) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 700,000 700,000 Increase In special assessment taxes 98,911 98,911 Increase in transfer from General Fund 203,000 203,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 301,911 1,001,911 1,001,911 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 700,000 700,000 Increase in assessment expenditures 94,511 94,511 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 94,511 794,511 794,511 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 207,400 207,400 Other Special Revenue(FC 73) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 26,500 26,500 No change to revenue 0 - Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 0 26,500 26,500 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 153,000 153,000 Decrease in operating expenses (126,500) (126,500) Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 1.08 (126,500) 26,500 1.08 26,500 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 • 17 6/21/2007 FY2007 Changes FY08 Considered. ISSUE from Council Council One-Time Adopted FTEs Recommended F 1'Es Bud et FY 2007 Bud et Changes Budget (General g Budget g Fund) Donation Fund (FC 77) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 50,000 50,000 Increase in donation revenue 50,000 50,000 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 50,000 100,000 100,000 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 50,000 50,000 Increase in donation expenses 50,000 50,000 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 50,000 100,000 100,000 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses 0 0 Debt Service (FC 81) Revenue and Other Sources FY 07 Beginning Balance 17,402,570 17,402,570 Increase In debt service revenue 435,548 435,548 Increase in transfer from CIP for debt service(81-81826) 15,486 15,486 Increase from RDA for dept service(81-81826) 5,427 5,427 Total Revenues and Other Sources Budget 435,548 17,838,118 17,859,031 Expenses and Other Uses FY 07 Beginning Balance 17,437,570 17,437,570 Increase in debt service payments and related expenses 538,548 538,548 Increase in debt service for sales tax 07(81-81826) 20,913 20,913 Total Expenditures and Other Uses Budget 538,548 17,976,118 17,997,031 Budgeted revenues and other sources over (under)expenditures and other uses (138,000) (138,000) Citywide total 2,756.62 2,769.37 663,097,365 18 #wf''' _ .. r A ,-... "°kcal:-`yhJ ` '9' J1-11.S11118, 'W '-4,se. ., I'CelfI I till'0 -/Icy'(I P I'tY),ccts $8,574,293 58,213,218 Fiscal YR,'2',07 2007 I,lcril l'cr& FY 2(lli]-211U11 C P Hoard os Proposed 0per,tiny Plan Inlormui,cn Project Description Funrllott History m tc F undue,Request Proposal Amount Amount Councils Fund rl Budget innDuct Notes I),,hl.S,r,i,,' Debt 1 MFET CIP Bond Debt Service 5702,355 $702,355 $702,355 $702,356 Nona Debt sermon payment for bonds Issued to complete venous Class"C"road improvements throughout the Crty Bonds mature 2009 Debt 2 City&County Building Debt Service-00 Bond Series 2001 52,395,405 S2,395,405 $2,395,405 $2,395,405 None Debt service payment on bonds issued to rehabrldate 8 refurbish the Crty 8 County's County Building Bonds mature 2011. portion $581.745 Debt 3 Limy 00 Bond Debt Service-Series 1999 $4,144,938 $4,144,938 54,144,938 $4,144,938 None Debt Service payment for bond issued for Library/MHJ Block Renovation Bonds mature 2019 Debt 4 Library 00 Bond Debt Service-Series 2002 52,738,788 S2,738,785 52,738,788 $2,738,788 None Debt Service payment for bond Issued for Library/MHJ Block 8 to refund a portion of the GO Senna 1999 Bonds mature 2019 Debt 5 Seise Tax•Series 2004 $2,073,442 $2,073,442 $2,073,442 $2,073,442 None Debt Sernc payment for sales tax bonds issued to refund the MBA Series 1993 RDA's portion Bonds.Venable rote issue with no mandatory sinking fund requirement $508 791 Interest 8 pnncipal subject to fluctuation Debt 8 ZoolAvlary Debt Service 00 Bond-Series 2004A $870,238 $870,2311 $870,238 $870,238 None Debt Service payment for bond used for Zoo 8 Aviary Improvements Bonds mature 2024 Debt 7 Saris Tax-Series 2005A $1,247,588 $1,247,588 51,247,588 81,247,586 None Debt Service payment for sales tax bonds issued to refund the remaining MBA RDA's portion series 1999A,1999B,8 2001 Bonds Bonds mature 2020 $1,235,136 Debt 8 Saks Tax-Series 2007 $388,334 $388,334 $388,334 $403A20 None Preliminary Debt Service payment for bonds issued for TRAX Extension 8 RDA's portion Westside Railroad Realignment(Grant Tower)Projects Bonds mature 2026 $274,732 •Bonds sale is scheduled for June 12,2007 Debt Service Total $14,561,086 414,581,088 514,581,088 $14,574,572 I'iij'(IS 1011„1) 1 Percent for Art Percent for Art 1 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 None To provide enhancements such as decorative pavement,railings,sculptures& $360,000• other works of art 'Percent for Art has been awarded$80,000 per year for the last 8 years 2 CIP Coat Overrun CIP Cost Overrun Account 2 $80,000 $50,000 5104,293 None Fund Funding set aside to cover unanticipated cost overruns of funded projects 1 Parks 12 Pioneer Park Plan Upgrade-300 to 400 West,300 to 400 So. 58 1 550,000 S0 $50,000 $300,000 None Final Use Plan& To review the current final use plan for consideration of actual needs,in an 05-06 $ 600,000 Design Parks Recovery effort to constrain the redevelopment based on available funding for park 06-07 $ 400,000 Action Plan Design S40,000 Engineering fees$10,000 'Funding history includes Total $1,000,000* Distnct 4 allocations to Pioneer Park over 2 year period 2 Parks 9 Jordan River Trail Safety Lighting-Constitution Park,1300 W.300 N.to 1 2 5289,000 5289,000 5289,000 Minimal Row Park Golf Course Bridge,1388 N.Redwood Rd. Parks Recovery To instep new security lighting along this section of the Treilway.Some 01-02 $100,000 Power Usage Action Plan conduits&power sources previously constructed with Dist 1 Legacy funds 03-04 $165,000 10 Year CIP Plan Design 515,000 Construction inspection 8 admin fees$24,000 •Funding 04-05 $100,000 Appprer year FY12-13 history includes security lighting to various sections of Jordan River Tra,lway 05-06 $62,800 Distnct 1 over 4 year Penod Total $427,600• 3 Parks 4 Westminster Perk ADA Playground&Imp-990 East 1700 South 2 3 5250,000 5250,000 $250,000 None Parks Recovery To remove&replace the existing playground equipment with equipment that 04-05 $19,500 Action Plan meets current safety&ADA accessibility standards,provide improvements to 10 Year CIP Plan existing gazebo,fencing&south west parking area,rebuild irrigation system& FY08-09 additional site work as necessary Design complete Engineenng fees$5,000 Distncts 7 Constriction inspection&admit fees$20,000 4 Parks 2 Analysla&Design of 4th Ave.Stairway-4th Ave.,Canyon Rd.to A Street 3 4 $80,000 550,000 $80,000 None Parks Recovery Funding to hue a civil engineering consultant to do extensive soils 8 concrete Design Action Plan sampling leating to determine 8 prepare the proper design for reconstruction of 10 Year CIP Plan wasting stairway from 4th Ave between Canyon Road 8 A Street,8 to produce FY07-08 construction documents providing accurate cost estimate 8 construction bid Distnct 3 Construction funding will be requested,n subsequent years.Design$54,000 Contract admin fees,review&approvals$6,000 5 Parka 3 ADA Transition Parks Citywide-Oak Hills Baseball Park Wwatch Blvd., 4 5 $200,000 5200,000 $200,000 None 1230 So.&Raservolr Park 1300 E.,So.Temple Parks Inventory of To provide ADA accessibility improvements at venous parks citywide as 01-02 $150,000 ADA Needs needed Improvements include ramps,curb cuts,sidewalk,signage 8 other 04-05 $200,000 Assessment phyacel access needs Proposed parks include Oak Hills Baseball Park 8 06-07 $30,000 10 Year CIP Plan Reservou Park Projects are identified by the park inventory of ADA needs Total $380,000° FY08-09 esseesmere.Design$18,500.Construction inspection 8 admin fees$14,500 Diamcta 6&4 'Finding history includes allocations over 3 year penod 6 Parks 1 Jordan River Trellway Improvements-North Temple&Jordan River 5 8 5375,000 5375,000 $375,000 $375,000 Minimal Parks Recovery Funding to be used as required match for UDOT Enhancement Grant of Power Usage Use as match for Action Plan $450,000 Funds Will be used to provide improvements to include parking lot, Approx$1,000 UDOT 10 Year CIP Plan boat ramp,secunty lighting,bridge,relocation of existing pedestrian signal per year Enhancement FY07-08 across North Temple 8 associated drainage 8 landscaping Pacific Corp Grant Distnct 1 donated land 8 design at an estimated$250,000 value,however it is not eligible to be used as UDOT match Total project cost 51,095,000 Design complete Construction Inspection&admin fees$50,000 UDOT fees&Admin$137,000 7 Transportation 1 Traffic Signal Upgrades-300 E.500 So„300 E.2100 So.,400 E.500 So., 8 7 $800,000 $450,000 $400,000 $500,000 Minimal 1300 E.200 So. Transportation Plan To remove&replace four(4)existing traffic signals with equipment that 00-01 $ 925,000 $360 Per Year Mayor 10 Year CIP Plan includes steel poles,span wire,signal heads 8 traffic signal loops,mast arm 02-03 $ 550,000 recommended FY06-16 poles.new signal heeds,pedestrian signal heads with countdown timers, 03-04 $ 495,000 funding for 3 Districts 4 8 6 Improved loop detection,8 left turn phasing as needed Design$80,000 04-05 $ 500,000 sites Engineering fees$80,000 Construction inspection 8 admit$20,000 '06-07 $ 450,000 Funding history includes allocations over 5 year period. Total $2,920,000' 8 Transportation 4 Bicycles Facilities Development-Citywide 7 8 $50,000 550,000 $50,000 $50,000 None Bicycle&Pedestrian To develop,design&construct bicycle/pedestrian paths,routes,&facilities 01-02 $50,000 Master Plan Citywide Project includes slurry seal and restnping 'Funding history includes 02-03 $50,000 10 Year CIP Plan allocations over 5 year period 03-04 $50,000 FY06-16 05-06 $50,000 All Districts 06-07 $50,000 Total $250,000• 9 Streets 1 ADA Ramps/Corner Repairs-Citywide 8 9 $400,000 5400,000 $350,000 None ADA Ramp Transition To construct various ADA pedestrian ramps 8 related repairs to corners 8 00-02 $685,241 Plan walkways including sidewalk,curb,gutter 8 corner drainage improvements 02-03 $350,000 10 Year CIP Plan Design$27,400 Construction inspection&admin$29,600 Locations to be 03-04 $450,000 FY06-16 daternaned based on City's ADA Ramp Transition Plan in conjunction with the 04-05 $600,000 All Districts Sall Lake Accessibility Committee 8 the City's Accessibility Services Advisory 05-0O $400,000 Council •Funding history includes allocations over 6 year period 06-07 $433,418 Total $2,918,650 10 Streets 4 California Ave.Street Construction SID-4800 to 5600 West 9 10 $803,500 $803,500 5503,500 None 1 • Fiscy,Ye.i 2col 2008 Identity:r N FY 2007.2006 CiP Board l:.ayors Proposed Operating Plan Intorm.,lion Project Description Funding History m F undmq Roquesl Prnpn`ed Amnu, Amount Council's Funded Budget Impact Notes 10 Year CIP Plan To reconstruct&create Special Improvement District(SID)for Westside artenal 06-07 $770,000 Total project FY06-07 street to include removal&replacement of existing detenorated pavement, request is Distnct 2 construction of widened concrete pavement section to match street section east $2,970,000-See of 4800 West,curb&gutter,sidewalk,storm drainage,streetecape Class"C"*6& landscaping,traffic signals&street lighting Public Utilities to coordinate water, Impact Fees 82 sewer 8 storm drainage upgrades SID portion of project I.$2,000,000, 51,870,0001e Impact Fee eligible,$286,500 is Class"C"eligible, 51,800,000 le public utilities portion&prior yrs funding Is$770,000.Total project cost$7,540,000. Design update 550,000 Construction,inspection& admin fees 5140,000 11 Streets 5 Sidewalk Replacement SID-FY 07/08 1100 to 1700 East,1300 to 1700 10 11 $550,000 5550,000 $550,000 None South 10 Year CIP Plan To design,construct&create SID for sidewalk improvements in the proposed FY06-16 SID as funding permits Improvements includes ADA pedestrian ramps, Districts 5 8 7 replacement of trees,&some corner drainage improvements SID portion of project le$450,000.Design 567,600 Construction Inspection&admm $72,800.SID processing 515,000 12 Streets 2 Ckywde Sidewalk Inventory 11 12 $60,000 560,000 560,030 None All Distncts To conduct a citywide sidewalk inventory,identify defective sidewalk&create a Inventory/Plan GIS sidewalk condnion database Information will be used to determine rate of deterioration&long range planning for replacement of defective sidewalk, horizontal sawcutting or gnnding 13 Parka 7 Liberty Park Improvements-500 to 700 E.,900 to 1300 So. 12 13 $700,000 5600,000 $600,000 Minimal Liberty Park Master To complete construction of the surfacing around the Children's Garden 00-02 $3,952,753 $1,000 per year Plan 8 Parks playground,tying Into the Improvements between the merry-go-round,new 02-03 $2,170,000 Recovery Action Plan conce sans building&public restrooms,reconstruct&realign the boat dock on 03-04 $2,000,000 10 Veer CIP Plan the lake,rebuild drainage system around these areas&relocate 8 reconstruct 04-05 51,000,000 FY08-09 the War Memorial Design$58,000 Engineering fees 511,000 Construction 05-06 51,000,000 District 5 inspection&admin fees 551,000 `Funding history Includes allocations to 06-07 $ 653,000 Liberty Park over 8 year period Total S10,775,753" 14 Parks 23 Falrmom Skate Perk Lighting•2381 South 900 East 13 14 562,000 $62,000 $62,000 Minimal Submitted by To provide 4,40'lighting poles,with 1500 watt high efficiency metal-halide Increased Power constituent lamps with deflectors,at each side of the skate park&an on-site control usage District 7 system 15 Streets 3 Sidewalk Rehabilitation/Concrete Sawing-Citywide 14 15 $200,000 5150,000( $100,000 None 10 Year CIP Plan To provide sidewalk rehabilitation&reduction of tnpping hazards through 03-04 5150,000 FY06-16 concrete sawing or grinding Process eliminates displacement of up to one& 04-05 5200,000 All Districts ono-half inch Design 514,500 Construction inspection&admin$15,100 •05-06 $400,000 Funding history includes all allocations over 4 year period 06-07 $150,000 Total $900,000• 16 Parks 14 Tree Replacement Parks-Citywide 15 16 $50,000 550,000 $50,000 None Parks Recovery To replace existing deteriorated or removed trees throughout City Parks 05-06 5 50,000 Action Plan Design$4,300.Construction inspection&admin fees 53,000 'Funding 06-07 S 50,000 10 Year CIP Plan history includes allocations over 2 year period Total $100,000• FV07-08 All Districts 17 Parks 21 Tracy Aviary Building Renovation,Wilson Pavilion-700 East 1300 South 18 17 $950,000 S950,000 $200,000 None Submitted by Fnends To provide funding for construction renovation improvements to the Wilson 05-06 5118,200 Mayor of Tracy Aviary Pavilion Project request includes removal of all interior/exterior non-weight recommended District 5 banng walls,doors,windows,HVAC,plumbing&electncal,then reconstruct Seed funding for building to include flooring,walls,exhibit space,off-exhibit bird space,new roof, solicitation of Mahan,restroom,mechanical room,HVAC,plumbing&electrical Tracy donations Aviary has received 5125,000 of pnvate donations for design&partial construction coats&anticipates leveraging other donations to meet the expected cost of$2,134,500 Design$100,000 previously funded.Construction inspection 8 admin fees$119,500 18 Streets 7 Reeidsetial Concrete Street Rehabilitation-Design 1500 to 1900 East,900 17 18 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 None to 1300 So. 10 Year CIP Plan To design street rehabilitation improvements to include concrete slab Design FY08-16 replacement,gnndlng,resurfacing,joint repair&some total reconstruction Districts 2&6 Design$50,000 19 Transportation 3 Pedeetrtar Safety Devices-Citywide 18 19 $75,000 $50,000 $50,000 None Street Lighting Policy To design,purchase&install pedestrian safety devices Citywide which could 02-03 $50,000 10 Veer CIP Plan include overhead flashing lights at crosswalks,pedestrian refuge islands, 03-04 $60,000 FV08-18 signalized pedeetnen crossings 8 new on improved pavement markings 05-06 $50,000 All Distncts •Funding history includes allocations for over 4 year period 06-07 $120,000 Total $280,000• 20 Parks 15 Jordan Park Power Pedeetele-900 W.1000 So. 20 20 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Nona Parks Recovery To provide site work associated with Installation of 2 power pedestals to be 01-02 $150,000 Power Usage Action Plan used to provide power for events programmed 8 scheduled et the park Design 03-04 $190,000 charged in user 10 Year CIP Plan 54,400 Engineering fees$1,500.Construction inspection 8 admin fees Total $340,000• fees FY06-07 53,500. 'Funding history includes allocations to Jordan Perk over 2 year Distnct 2 plead 21 Streets 9 Median Island Reconstruction-500 West 500 South 21 21 544,000 $44,000 $44,000 None Distnct 4 To reconstruct a portion of the public way median island to resolve existing truck access problem for local business due to the current island configuration Median island was onginally constructed by UDOT in conjunction with 500 8 600 So.viaduct removals Design$3,200 Construction inspection 8 admin fees 53,300 22 Perks 20 Morton Park Improvements-1858 West 1700 North 23 22 $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 Minimal Submmed by To design 8 construct neighborhood pocket park with improvements to include 06-07 530,000 Westpointe CC irrigation,lighting,landscaping 8 trees Community Council to donate$5,000 District 1 of labor,Chevron commitment of 52,000&other donors 53,000 Design 51,000. 23 Streets 6 Local Street Reconstruction FY 07/08 27 23 $2,000,000 50 $967,046 None 10 Year CIP Plan To reconstruct or rehabilitate deteriorated local streets to include replacement of 01-02 $1,000,000 FY06-16 street pavement,sidewalk,curb,gutter 8 drainage improvements Proposed 02-03 $2,872,123 District 6 Streets Inefude Greenwood Terrace-900 So to Sunnyside;Emerson Ave-1500 03-04 $1,000,000 to 1700 East,Emigration St-Harrison Ave to 1300 So,Military Dr-Yale to 04-05 51,000,000 Vslecrest Ave.Mayfair Circle-1300 South to Cul-de-sac end,Cornell Circle- 05-06 51,500,000 1300 S to loop;Harvard Ave-1800 to 1900 E,Embassy Circle-Embassy Way 06-07 51,000,000 to Cul-de-sac end Design 5158,000 Construction inspection&admm Total S8,372,123• 5184,000 •Funding history includes allocations over 6 year period 24 Public Bldg.4 Metairie Senior Citixen'a Center Energy Conservation Project-868 West 30 24 $194,534 50 S194,534 $194,534 None 900 South District 2 To replace the existing heating/air conditioning equipment&include automated Project received building&lighting controls,to lower building operation costs by reducing energy $15,000 State consumption,Improve thermol comfort&control of lighting,cooling&heating of grant the facility.Project received a$15,000 State grant for a total project cost of 5209,534 Design$16,492 Engineering Fees$3,329 Construction inspection &admin$5,850 2 yr inflationary costs$9,510 25 Public Bldg,2 Plea.349 Energy Conservation-349 South 200 East 34 25 8260,885 50 $260,885 $260,885 None District 4 To replace the existing heating/air conditioning equipment,include automated Possible Savings Project received building 8 lighting controls&upgrade the parking terrace lighting to lower 5259,079 of building operation costs by reducing energy consumption,improve thermol hinds in Budget comfort 8 control of lighting,cooling 8 heating of the facility Project received Amendment 92 5259,079 of fund balance in budget amendment 92&a$15,000 State grant for &515,000 State a total project cost of S534,964 Design$41,321 Engineenng Fees 56,618 grant Construction inspection&admin$15,625 2 yr inflationary costs$24,382 26 Public Bidga 3 C 8 C Building Energy Coneervetion-451 So.State Street 35 26 5254,035 S0 $254,035 5254,035 None Distract 4 To replace the existing heating/a0 conditioning equipment 8 include automated Possible Savings Project received building 8 lighting controls to lower building operation costs by reducing energy 5184,980 of consumption,Improve thermal comfort&control of lighting,cooling&heating of funds in Budget the facility.Project received 5184,980 of fund balance in budget amendment 92 Amendment 82 fora total project cost of$419,015 Design 538,270 Engineering Fees$7,415 Construction inspection&admin$14,902 2 yr inflationary costs$18,539 27 Parks S Pak Pavilion Roof Replacement-Sunnyside,840 S.1600 E.,Mt.Dell 8 24 27 $413,430 $245,000 Washington,Parleys Canyon nest to Mt.Dell Golf Coerce 8 Riverside,739 None N.1400 W. 2 y ., ,.. W. -, Fiscal Ycar 2007 2008 Identifier 8. FV 2007-2005 CIP Board 'ayor's Proposed Operating Pion into,mat,on Project Description Funding History m F unding Request Proposed Amount Amount Council's Funded Budget Impact Notes Parks Recovery To replace the deteriorated roofs on the Sunnyside,Mt.Dell&Washington Action Plan Parks pavilions,replace both the pavilion&restroom roofs at Riverside Park& 10 Year CIP Plan provide new paint to facilities as necessary Design$23,100 Engineering Fees FY07-08 47,100 Construction inspection&admin fees 418,500 Districts 6,1 8 7 28 Parks 6 Fairmont Perk Tennis Courts-900 East Simpson Ave. 25 28 f657,700 $0 S0 Minimal Parks Recovery To replace five(5)existing tennis courts with four(4)new post tension courts, $800 per year Action Plan new fencing,net posts,landscaping&ungation system,sidewalk along north 10 Year CIP Plan side of courts,benches&dnnking fountain area Design 459,400 Engineering FY10-11 fees$10,800 Construction inspection&admin fees$47,500 District 7 29 Perks 10 Rotary Glen Park Improvements-2770 East 840 South 26 29 $1,300,000 SO SO None Rotary Glen Master To provide Phase I construction improvements to meet current ADA standards Prior yrs 4285,000 Plan Improvements include new restroom,utilities to support restroom,drinking 05-06 $95,000 10 Year CIP Plan fountain,new pavilions,new tot lot,concrete plaza,sidewalks,curb,gutter& Total $380,000 FY07-08 parking lot Design$53,000 Engineering&survey fees$22,000 Construction District 8 inspection&admin fees 491,000. 30 Parke 8 Cottonwood Park Irrigation System-300 North 1600 West 28 30 5350,000 SO $0 None Parks Recovery To rebuild the Cottonwood Park spnnkling irngation system&connect to the Possible Action Plan citys central irrigation system making the park more economical&water Reduction 10 Year CIP Plan efficient Design 432,000 Construction inspection&admin fees$26,000 FY07-08 District 1 31 Parks 18 City Creek Trail Corridors-Folsom St.,Gateway to Jordan River a 900 29 31 $225,000 $0 $0 None So.,300 W.to Redwood Rd. Parks Recovery To provide traihvey design&public process to aid the City in determining future Concept design Action Plan development of these 2 vacant railroad corridors Concept design only 10 Year CIP Plan 4225,000.Total design approx 5900,000 Engineenng Fees 425,000 FY07-08 District 1&2 32 Transportation 8 Arterial Lighting-California Ave.,900 West to Redwood Road 31 32 $65,000 50 30 Minimal Street Lighting Policy To design,purchase&install streetlights to complete the arterial lighting Increased Power 10 Year CIP Plan program on California Avenue Design 45,000 Engineering fees$5,000 Usage FY06-16 9 Dlstnct 2 33 Transportation 7 Arterial Lighting-Redwood Road,North Temple to 2100 So a 1000 to 2300 32 33 $275,000 $0 SO Minimal North Street Lighting Policy To design,purchase&install streetlights to complete the arterial lighting Increased Power 10 Year CIP Plan program on Redwood Road Design 525,000 Engineering fees$25,000. Usage FY06-16 Districts 1 6 2 34 Parks 11 Rosewood Park Reetroom Improvements-1200 West 1300 North 33 34 $158,100 SO SO None Parks Recovery To reconstruct misting restroom to meet ADA&security standards 01-02 S 165,000 Action Plan Improvements include the conversion of existing restroom to indmdual stalls 03-04 5 150,000 10 Year CIP Plan with outside entrances&lockable doors Design$14,000 Engineering fees 05-06 $ 45,000 FY12-13 $3,000 Construction inspection&admin fees 411,300. 'Funding history 06-07 $1,018,400 District 1 includes atocations to Rosewood Park over 4 year period Total S1,378,400' 35 Parke 19 C.esen Park Urban Fishery-Jordon River Parkway,California Ave.to 22 35 $98,000 $96,000 SO None 1700 So. Submitted by To design&construct an urban fish pond&other site improvements to include Glendale CC fish cleaning station,parking,trails&other park amenities Protect would be in Dlstnct 2 conjunction with State Division of Wildlife Resources Design$28,000 Engineering fees$28,000 36 Parks 17 McClelland Trail Corridor Master Plan-Jordan River Canal at 900 So.to 36 38 $50,000 S0 SO None 2700 So.,1050 East Parks Recovery To provide a design&public process to aid the City&Public Utilities in 03-04 $30,000 Design Action Plan determining future use&development of the canal nght of way Project funded 10 Veer CIP Plan in conjunction with Public Utilities project Design$45,000 Engineering fees FY07-08 45,000 Districts 5 8 7 37 Public Bldg,1 Retool Parks Administration-1985 W.500 So.,a Fire Training Facility- 37 37 $829,470 SO $0 None 1800 S.Industrial Blvd. District 2 To reroof the Parks Administration Building&the Fire Training Facility Design 470,294 Engineering Fees 414,059.Construction inspection&admin 442,176 38 Public Bldg.11 Liberty Pollee Precinct a Fire Station Design-Garfield School,1850 South 38 38 $2,107,375 SO $0 None 1500 East 10 Year CIP Plan To design a combined public facility to include the Liberty Police Precinct&Fire Design Possible GO Districts 5&6 Station on the Garfield School property This Fire Station would replace the Bond Project- wsting stational 3&provide better police services to the east side of the City Informational Facility wit include office space,headquarters&housing for emergency purposes only rwpanee personnel.Design portion only.Construction cost estimated at 423,453,215 7 5%of project is Impact Fee eligible 39 Transportation 8 Arterial Lighting-700 East,So Temple to 700 South 39 39 $550,000 S0 $0 Minimal Street Lighting Policy To remove&replace existing lights with new pedestnan&street oriented lights Increased Power 10 Year CIP Plan from on 700 East,South Temple to 700 South Design$15,000 Engineering Usage FYO8-16 lees 425,000 District 4,5 8 7 40 Public Bldg.S Plass 349 Fire Sprinkler Addition-349 South 200 East 40 40 5515,370 $0 $0 Minimal 10 Year CIP Plan To add fire spnnkler system on floors 2 through 6 of this City owned building 41,120 Per Year FYO8-09 Design 451,196 Engineenng Fees 411,946 Construction inspection&admin District 4 $25,598 41 Public Bldg.10 CSC Building Exterior Stone Replacement-451 So.State St. 41 41 81,445,093 $0 $0 None 10 Year CIP Plan To remove&replace extenor stone surfacing around the base of the City& FY08-09 County Building.Design 4143,552 Engineenng Fees 433,496 Construction District 4 inspection 8 admin fees 471,776 42 Public Bldg.8 CaC Building Carpet,Flooring a Electrical Replacement-451 So.State 42 42 $2,000,633 SO $0 None 10 Year CIP Plan To replace&install a low access sub floor,replace existing electncal flatwire& FY08-09 purchase&install approximately 7700 yards of new carpet Design$169,545 District 4 Engineering Fees$33,909 Construction inspection&admin 4101,727 43 Public Bldg,12 Public Safety Building a Emergency Operations Center Design-Site to be 43 43 $8,899,115 SO $0 None determined 10 Year CIP Plan To develop a viable design fora Public Safety Building&Emergency Design Possible GO District undetermined Operations Center providing en emergency center for all critical operations Bond Project- dunnq emergency situations&to include housing police&fire dispatch Informational operations on a daily basis Design portion only Construction cost estimated purposes only. at 4125,258,896 7 5%of project is Impact Fee eligible 44 Public Bldg.13 Public Safety Building a Emergency Operations Center Land Purchase 44 44 $8,824,575 S0 80 None 10 Year CIP Plan To purchase approximately 5 acres of land for future construction of a Public Possible GO District undetermined Safety Building&Emergency Operations Center.7 5%of project is Impact Fee Bond Project- eligible Informational purposes only 45 Transportation 9 Sunnyslde Avenue Safe Crossing-1400 East 45 45 8186,000 $0 SO Submitted by To construct curb extensions on Sunnyside Avenue at the 1400 East constituent intersection,&provide crosswalks at Sunnyside Ave&Guardsman Way, Districts 5 8 6 Greenwood Terrace&Sunnyside Park 48 Streets 10 Curb a Gutter Replacement-100 South 900 East Intersection 48 46 $120,811 $0 S0 Submitted by To provide reconstruction of curb&gutter,make drainage improvements& constituent District 4 other site work as necessary at all four corners of the intersection Engineering Fees$18,452 47 Streets 11 Street Reconstruction-500 So.,900-1000 East 47 47 $520,000 $0 $0 Submitted by To reconstruct or rehabilitate deteriorated street to Include replacement of street constituent District 4 pavement,sidewalk,curb,gutter&drainage improvements.Design 5158,000 48 Parks 13 Dog Off Leash Perk-Herm Franks,700 E.1300 So.&Cottonwood,300 No. 48 48 $50,000 $0 $0 None 1800 Weal 3 x .S e • • , Fi0c.,I Year 2i,o7- 2008 Ident,t,er& FY 2C07-2008 CiP Be.ro ' 'os Proposed Operating Plan Intormniiee Project Description Funding History x - Funding Request Proposed Amou"t Amount Council's Funded Budget Impact Notes Parks Recovery To complete sidewalk Improvements for dog off leash area at Herm Franks& 04-05 $ 46,400 Action Plan construct new dog off leash facilities at Cottonwood Park Improvements 10 Year CIP Plan include fencing,access sidewalks,benches,dog drinking fountain,exercise FY07-08 equipment&litter dispenser Design$4,200 Engineenng fees$1,000 Districts 1&5 Construction inspection&admin$2,800 49 Public Budge/4 Fire Training Center/Fire Station#14•1600 So.Industrial Road 49 49 $1,967,407 SO S0 None 10 Year CIP Plan To develop a viable design fore combined Fire Training Center/Fire Station*14 Design Possible GO Districts 1&2 on property owned Building would replace exiting building&provide office Bond Project- space,training facilities for fire personnel&citizens&house emergency Informational response personnel Design only Construction costs estimated at purposes only 521,666,329 20%of project is Impact Fee eligible 50 Parks 22 Parleys Way(Wilshire)Park Playground-2810 East 2400 South S0 50 $200,000 S0 S0 None Submitted by To remove&replace existing playground with"Little Tykes"playground constituent equipment,rubber tile base under playground,new swing area,concrete work to Distnct 7 Include ADA accessibility&paths,additional irrigation&landscaping as needed.Design$11,349 Construction inspection&administration$11,349 51 Transportation 2 Traffic Signal Installation-600 South 600 East 51 51 $150,000 S0 $0 Minimal Transportation Plan To design&install new traffic signal where none currently exists at 800 So 800 01-02 8280,000 S90 Per Year 10 Year CIP Plan East.Design$20,000 Engineering fees$20,000 Construction,inspection& 04-05 $150,000 FY08-18 admin fees$5,000 •Funding history includes allocations over 3 year period 08-07 $150,000 District 4 Total $560,000" 52 Public Budge 8 Energy Conservation Study 52 52 $70,581 5O $0 None District 4 To produce en in-depth Energy Analysis Report(EAR)&a detailed(LEED) Green Building Evaluation Report for thirty-seven(37)Public Services,Fire& Police Department facilities,managed by the Facilities Division 53 Public Bldg*9 SoMce Lines&Pavers,Design-300 So.(So.Side)State to Main St-8 53 53 $50,000 S0 $0 None West side of State Street to Exchange Place. District 4 To provide design&construction documents for replacement of irrigation Design service line,sidewalk pavers&planters Design$35,000 Engineenng Fees 515,000 54 Streets 8 Eat Capitol Street Reconstruction-State Street to 300 North 54 54 $600,000 S0 $0 None 10 Year CIP Plan To reconstruct East Capitol Hill Street to include removal&replacement of 05-06 $40,000 FY06-16 deteriorated street pavement,installation of sidewalk,curb&gutter,retaining District 3 walls,atreetscape landscaping,street lighting&storm drainage Design complete Engineering fees$8,000 Construction inspection&admin fees S59,000. 55 Parks 16 Analysis&Design of"A"Street Oran Space•"A"Street between 6th& SS 55 $50,000 S0 S0 None Sr Ave. Parks Recovery To design&construct green space area to include benches,ADA accessibility Design Action Plan sidewalks,picnic table,landscaping&irrigation system Design$4,800 10 Year CIP Plan Engineering fees$800.Construction inspection&admin fees$2,400 FY08-07 District 3 56 Public Bidgs 7 PSB Energy Conservation Project-318 East 200 South 57 56 51,305,790 30 SO None District 4 To provide an energy survey site visit report&energy analysis of the Public Possible Savings Safety Building,crate detailed system retrofit design&engineering drawings, install new amp service,remove existing absorption chillers&replace chiller& cooling tower equipment,heat exchanger,pneumatic building controls,& elevator motors with energy efficient equipment Design$96,840 Engineering Fees$14,930 Construction inspection&admin$48,420 2 yr inflationary costs$205,300 57 Transportation S Traffic Camera Installation-1300 So.300 W.,700 E.So.Temple,1300 E. 19 57 $50,000 $50,000 $0 Minimal 400 So.,200 So.Main Street-Camera Detectors Various Intersections Transportation Plan To install five(5)traffic signal cameras purchased with pnor yrs funds& $150 Per Year 10 Year CIP Plan purchase camera detectors for various intersections Costs associated with FY08-18 instalauon includes steel poles,concrete pole bases,modems,camera Distnct 2,3&4 controllers,&fiber optic connects to the Traffic Control Center Design$6,500 Engineering fees$8,500 Construction inspection&admin$2,000 Total General Fund Pay As You Oo $42,570,404 $6,116,500 S6,574,293 51,934,454 /ia•nl Veins ll_-1)8(cuss "C"r Prnieele 1 Class"C"1 Asphalt Street Overlay FY07/06-Citywide 1 1 $1,500,000 $1,500,000 51,500,000 None 10 Year CIP Plan To provide asphalt overlay to street pavements es selected by Pavement 01-02 $1,500,000 Funded in FY06-16 Management System&based on condition&need Other improvements 02-03 $1,500,000 budget All Distncts include ADA pedestrian ramps,sidewalk,curb,gutter repair&design funding 03-04 $1,500,000 amendment s3 for O8rO9 overlay project Design$113,800 Engineering fees$31,600 04-05 51,500,000 FY 2007 Construction inspection&admin fees$89,800 "Funding history includes all 05-06 $1,500,000 Class"C"allocations over 8 year penod. 08-07 $1,500,000 Total $9,000,000• 2 Class"C"2 500 East Rehabilitation-900 to 1300 South 2 2 $622,100 $622,100 $622,100 None 10 Year CIP Plan To provide major rehabilitation to include street pavement restoration,removal 05-06 $550,000 Funded in FY07-08 &replacement of defective sidewalk,curb&gutter,ADA pedestrian ramps, budget District 5 traffic calming bulbouts,upgrades to traffic signals&street lighting Project will amendment 43 coordinate installation of major storm drain lines with Public Utilities $550,000 FY 2007 was allocated during the 05/08 CIP process This request will fund total budget needed for construction Design$91,000 Construction inspection&admin 587,000 3 Class"C"3 900 East Rehabilitation-900 to 2100 South 3 3 S214,400 $214,400 $214,400 None 10 Year CIP Plan To crowd*major rehabilitation to include street pavement overlay,curb,gutter 04-05 $200,000 FY07-08 &drive approaches,ADA pedestrian ramps,upgrade of storm drainage, Distncts 5&7 irrigation,slreetscape landscaping,traffic signals&street lighting Project will coordinate installation of major storm drain lines with Public Utilities $200,00 was allocated during the 04/05 CIP Process.Project has been selected for $5,908,000 of Federal Highway funding This request will fund remaining local match needed. Design$414,400 Construction inspection&admin$451,800 Total project cost$8,120,400 4 Class"C"4 Concrete Street.Rehabilitation-Citywide 4 4 $200,000 5200,000 $200,000 None 10 Year CIP Plan To provide construction rehabilitation to deteriorated concrete streets Citywide 00-01 $290,000 Funded in FY07-08 Improvements to include slab replacement,grinding&resurfacing&joint repair 01-02 $100,000 budget District 2 Priorities include California Ave to 1429 So,California Ave from lndustnel Rd 06-07 $200,000 amendment ff3 to 1-215 interchange&venous other locations as funding permits Design Total 5590,000• FY 2007 $16,500.Construction inspection&admin$18,800 •Funding history includes Class"C"allocations over 3 year period 5 Class"C"5 900 South Rehabilitation Design-700 East to Windsor 5 5 S67,000 $67,000 S67,000 None 10 Year DIP Plan To design for future construction improvements to include roadway pavement, Design FY11-12 sidewalk,curb,gutter&street lighting Project will coordinate installation of Districts 4&5 major storm drain lines with Public Utilities Design only 6 Class"C"6 California Ave.Street Construction SID-4800 to 5800 West 6 8 $296,500 $296,500 $296,500 None 10 Year CIP Plan To reconstruct&create Special Improvement Distract(SID)for Westside arterial 06-07 $770,000 Total project FY06-07 street to include removal&replacement of existing deteriorated pavement, request is District 2 coostruct,cn of widened concrete pavement section to match street section east $2,970,000- of 4800 West,curb&gutter,sidewalk,storm drainage,streetscape landscaping,traffic signals&street lighting Public Utilities to coordinate water, See Streets N4 8 Impact Fees 12 sewer&storm drainage upgrades SID portion of project is 52,000,000, $1,870,000 is Impact Fee eligible&$296,500 is Clsss"C"eligible.Total project cost 57,540,000. Design update$50,000 Construction,inspection& anon fees$140,000 Clue"C"Fund Total $2,900,000 82,900,000 S2,900,000 $0 /"icru/ )'eur 111-1)8 humid Fee laieiblc Pruiec9s 1 Impact Fees 1 Fin Station 015 1 1 5750,000 5750,000 $750,000 8750,000 None 10 Year CIP Plan To purchase property for future site of new facility in the southwest quadrant of Impact Fees for FY05-06 the City for increased medical&fire protection of this quadrant Site to be this project must District 1 determined Property Acquisition$750,000 Design$190,000 Engineering be allocated fees$85,000 Construction inspection&admin fees$43,000 100%of project during FY08-07 is Impact hie eligible 2 Impact Fees 2 California Ave.Street Construction SID-4600 to 5600 Weet 2 2 $1,870,000 $1,670,000 $1,870,000 None 4 II Fiscal cc.,,2:0u7. 2038 Identit,c,8 FY 2007-2008 CIP Board t:a Pro d yor po,_ Operating Plan Inform ut„n Protect Description Funding History ra — Fundmo Request Prnpn,-d Amount Account Council's Funded Hudget Impact Notes 10 Year CIP Plan To racamtnict&create Special Improvement District(SID)for Westside arterial 08-07 8770,000 Total project FVO8-07 street to Include removal&replacement of existingu detenorated pavement, request D,stnct 2 construction of widened concrete pavement section to match street section east 82,970,000-See of 4800 West,curb&gutter,sidewalk,storm drainage,streetscape Streets#4& landscaping,traffic signals&street lighting Public Utilities to coordinate water, Class"C"a8 sewer&storm drainage upgrades SID portion of project le 82,000,000, 81,870,000 Is Impact Fee eligible&6298,600 le Class"C"eligible.Total project met 82,000,000. Design update$50,000 Construction,inspection& adorn lees$140,000 Impact Fee Fund Total $2,620,000 $2,120,000 $2,620,000 $750,000 Total FY 07-08 CIP $62,51,410 S26,197,516 828,655,379 $17,281,026 5