025 of 1984 - Partial Alley Closure - Main Street Subdivision, running North from Herbert Avenue between State and STATE OF UTAH r COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ss 4012408 1 Lynda. Domino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chief, Deputy. ,City Recorder of Salt Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that the attached. 1 S. a, ful L. true,,, and, correct, copy, of, Ordinance, 25. . . from 1984. closing. a. portion. of. an, alley, in, the. Main. Street, Subdivision,,, siaid. a.1.1ey. being 16 feet, wide and running, north. from, Flerhert. Avenue, between. State,.s �d, M ,ip, Streets.. Said or was duly approved and accepted by City Council/B&MIM Action of Salt Lake City, Utah',thls'.' 11`,Atb.';:, day of. . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.D. 19. . .4. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the corporate leal of Salt Lakt City, Utah, this. . . . l 7th. . . . . . . .day of. . . . April . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , A.D. MU. Chief Deputy Crty a order of Salt Lake City, Utah a C� rt� rt, h� w P 84-17 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 25 of 1984 (Closing a portion of a p is alley located within the Main Street Subdivision, said alley being 16 feet wide and runs north from Herbert Avenue between - State and Main Streets in Salt Lake City) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN THE MAIN STREET SUBDIVISION, SAID ALLEY BEING 16 FEET WIDE AND RUNS NORTH FROM HERBERT AVENUE BETWEEN STATE AND MAIN STREETS IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah finds after public hearing that the City' s interest in the alley described below which was platted within the Main Street Subdivision is no longer necessary for use by the public as a public way and that the closure of said alley with the reservation of the certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest nor will it relinquish or terminate the City ' s interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer . NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: o SECTION 1 . An alley located within the Main Street C!5 Subdivision, said alley being 16 feet wide and runs north from 'e iy Herbert Avenue between State and Main Streets in Salt Lake City , which is the subject of Petition No . 400-119 of 1983' which is more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby is closed and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public alley; and the title to the City' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 11 , Block 8 , Main Street Subdivision, a subdivision of Block 22, Five Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey and running thence east 16 .5 feet to the northwest corner of -j Lot 32 ; thence south along the west line of Lot 32, 40 feet more or less; thence west 16 .5 feet to the east line of Lot 10 ; thence north 40 feet more or less to the point of beginnina. Contains 660 t square feet, .015 acres. RESERVATIONS . Said closure is expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , altering , repairing , removing or rerouting said utilities including the City ' s water_ and sewer facilities and all of them. Said closure is subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This Ordinance after passage shall be published but shall not become effective until LaRueil C. Larsen pays to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for appraising said property. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance after the date of its first publication shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the .a Recorder of Salt Lake City is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the condition subsequent k -2- has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon verification of satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the Ordinance to be recorded. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from the effective date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this ]nth day of April , 1984. LX CHAIRMAN ATTEST: y �- -. r; cn 4� MA"` I M CITY E R t7 0 7 Transmitted to the Mayor on 4/17/84 � = ; Mayor 's Action: 4/17/84 r _MAYOR ATTEST: AFi?O':r.D AS TO FORA Salt Lake Cs;; i,i'rrj 0)44 01-nes tst Data - /.. CITY RE C R P/ --------�.E.-..-. cc86 : ,a (S E A L) BILL 25 of 1984 Published: April 24, 1984 -3- P 84-17 C T -/ SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 25 of 1984 (Closing a portion of a public alley located within the Main Street Subdivision, said alley being 16 feet wide and runs north from Herbert Avenue between State and Main Streets in Salt Lake City) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC ALLEY LOCATED WITHIN THE MAIN STREET SUBDIVISION, SAID A'tLEY BEING 16 FEET WIDE AND RUNS NORTH FROM HERBERT AVENUE BETWEEN STATE AND MAIN STREETS IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds after public hearing that the City's interest in the alley described below which was platted within the Main Street Subdivision is no lonqer necessary for use by the public as a public way and that the closure of said alley with the reservation of the certain easements will not be adverse to the general public 's interest nor will it relinquish or terminate the City' s interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . An alley located within the Main Street Subdivision, said alley being 16 feet wide and runs north from Herbert Avenue between State and Main Streets in Salt Lake City, which is the subject of Petition No. 400-119 of 1983 which is more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby is closed and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public alley; and the title to the City ' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation. Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 11, Block 81 Main Street Subdivision, a subdivision of Block 22, Five Acre Plat A, Big Field Survey and running thence east 16 .5 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 32 ; thence south along the west line of Lot 32 , 40 feet more or less; thence west 16 .5 feet to �I the east line of Lot 10 ; thence north 40 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 660 square feet, .015 acres. RESERVATIONS. Said closure is expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining , altering , repairing , removing or rerouting said utilities including the City' s water and sewer facilities and all of them. Said closure is subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This Ordinance after passage shall be published but shall not become effective until LaRueil C. Larsen pays to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for appraising said property. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance after the date of its first publication shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However the Recorder of Salt Lake City is instructed not to record this Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the condition subsequent -2- has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon verification of satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the Ordinance to be recorded. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from the effective date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 30th day of April , 1984. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: I �E�DIRIJER Transmitted to the Mayor on April 17, 1984 Mayor 's Action: April 17, 1984 '-1 ATTEST: A" TO FORM Uf i r,::- CITY RE C r R° 87 ------------ ......._.._.......__....._._._ cc86 (SEAL) BILL 25 of 1984 Published: April 24, 1984 -3- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT EAKE CITY ORDINANCE Icfosln npNO.23 r119s4 d � CherY.l..Gierloff.......................................................... Molt S!iiel Rulydlvlr °oalliu':'16/le�ei wWIs afM runs n hffrlams�n Soli Lek et rli Slafa and pN pRpINpNOE CLOSING A PORTION OFP�SLIC ALLEY LOCATED 1t 11N THE MAIN STREET SUBDIVISION,SAID ALL YBEING Ip FEET WIPE AIsIID RU�L1lB NORTH FROM HER �BER XifC BETWEEN STgTEANO,MAIN:STREETS IN Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is AL AK �Y�// T H, g ✓ keW1 YI SOIf LOk C h fln'ds Dubllc n� Datyy In 9 f lit 6 `fi h irat VOr balaw legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS,a daily ch the MnldhglWsk Isno IoncPo reotbvwNh`p r.tei`'° °IV;ne°°rtlaio;me: newspaper printed in the English Ianguage with general be DtlYaryewm«r ye Ik�y ln,.r.er nor circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, IMBI an or tarinlnma me 61ryY'� sf IHme undgrlY- -L,pc withoutsepomtedost,b�anNer Salt Lake County,in the State of Utah. i., N EREFORE,ba Mgtl0lnad bV Me [oVncli of Sailke.`C Ut�N: SECTI 1.A alle 1;QW Wlihl d1e.M01n5�fSubtllvl- iyh,sald I vbelirol �earw+dsan�rl�arrl�r rhHeraert That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto mnpue b en Stak nd Ma n Slrepf9 n 9a Lake CRy,whkh g Will I °f Sermon N°L<00.119 Wp�19R3 whlc0 Is mae xYlDedlow,�e,andMf.Wme hereby is daps, pU yr no to PNNato°iheC`fts?IC gifthe1el snuube° ..........Salt Lake City Ordinance No: 25 of 1984 .• re "'r°n Med by Salt Lakf G on. M�nnl of me nahheaet COI r L t 1,81«K 8, ntsabevlslon,asuaalsknorBlod ss,vl a Closin a or.tion of a public alley.located 165feetNlhelnorMlwgtc°r_flof52;pthenafoufh .•••••....•.•• ......� ••.••••. Wgnv iM west line of Lot 32,40 feet more Or lees: thence Wolf 1e.5 feet to the east It.of Lot 10'Mer., north e8;feef more or less to the point of btl'ginnlna. within the Main In Street Subdivision callwln3 d00 swore feet,.015 bores. ..................................... •••...•...••••••••...•••• RESERVATIONS.rid closure is axprouly made tubr- alI eKlatllla rights of way and.semerlf9�01 tlll public oflllHes oT anY old every aescrlotlon now I«aN0 on and under«Overihe wntlnee oihp aboYe described property/and.1,0 suDlect to the ............................................................................................. [rlahls°fpe,MrymerV forthepurp0se 0futmplmolnln,aIterIn0, Ch`pOY'I,NYnefH°Vtlsewar liesand.11 tnem.Stlid Cbiureli ect�b1Its existing rlphh of wOY or pOsamellh of prlvMe ............................................................... third SECTION,¢.CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT.This Ordinance otter posypaq shall be publlshe l but eh Il not betame effective: uMII LORuIII C.Larsen payys to me CNy fair market yalyIf 1M .......... above tles�Tlfjetl fell oforoperty togeMOr with Cosh for ap- was published in said newspaper on....................... prolsihy sbtoprap SECTION g.E FECTIVE DATE.Thl,ordlnan Oder the dote of Ili fl,yi'pWypilCW n shot tat become efecff a umu re- April. 24, 1984 corned whh the Recorder of Soh Lake Caurity.rbwever the ...........:...............................AIL—eg �,iissi R«ardet'of Soh lake CIN b In*III nM to rean Cupbrtl mILN-It- beenasorflae or Orov101eftlap%,d.M.Uponverlllcatoa W SOflsfachon h1e TaTDr moY nstruct Me Ordl- ........nonce M be r«ortletl.However f ilia forepoln0 wrMNlons the """"""""-"' ""'nos completed within 12 months from me effective dale of Ma Ak passage,Myh Ordlnonce shall be nWl,vdtl and of no effect and n0 Passed OltY1the areCRY Council Of Ulf L°ke ON,Utah,this lOM dOV of April,1984. Ronald J.Whitehead CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Kother,h Marshall CITY RECORDER - Transmitted to the Mawr on April 12,198e. MaYor's Action:Apr ll 17,1984 Ted Wllsna ATTEST: MAYOR K afheryn Marshall 17th CITY RECORDER 'before me t111S.............................. ...................................day of /SEAL) P111sllp '0had:April 2d,198e ' 84 -f2 :................................ A.D.19.......... i i..................................... .... ....... Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1, 1988 ......................................................