025 of 1985 - Alley Closure - Between Herbert Avenue and Williams Avenue and 200 East and 300 East - Petition No. o fr!5--1 � ECEiVED P 85-57 Q1Y R.=RDER APR SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 25 of 1985 (Closing an alley between Herbert Avenue and Williams Avenue and 200 East and 300 East, Salt Lake City, pursuant to Petitic�n� Noc 400-260 of 1984 ) AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AN ALLEY SYSTEM LOCATED BETWEEN HERBERT AVENUE AND WILLIAMS AVENUE AND 200 EAST AND 300 EAST IN SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, AND REQUIRING CERTAIN CONDITIONS. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah finds after public hearing that the City' s interest in the public alleys described below are no longer necessary for use by the public as alleys and that the closure of said alleys with the reservation of the certain easements will not be adverse to the general public' s interest nor will it relinquish or terminate the City' s interest in the underlying property without separate documents of transfer. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That public alley which is the subject of Petition No. 400-260 of 1984, which is more particularly described below, be, and the same hereby is CLOSED and declared no longer to be needed or available for use as a public right of way; and the title to the City' s interest therein shall be reserved and retained by Salt Lake City Corporation. Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 34, Block 2, Harvard Place, a subdivision of Block 21 , 5 Acre Plat "A" , Big Field Survey and running thence South 221 . 25 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 27; thence East 13. 0 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 26; thence North 100.63 feet ; thence NAVE. 7.07 feet ; thence East 440. 0 feet; thence S. 450E. 7. 07 feet; thence South 100. 63 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 9; thence East 13. 0 ��- feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 8; thence North �� 221 .25 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 1 ; thence West 13. 0 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 52; thence South 100.63 feet ; thence 5.450W. 7.07 feet; thence West 440. 0 feet; thence N. 45°W. 7. 07 feet; thence North 100. 62 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 35; thence West 13.0 feet to the point of beginning . RESERVATIONS. Said closure is expressly made subject to all existing rights of way and easements of all public utilities of any and every description now located on and under or over the confines of the above described property and also subject to the rights of entry thereon for the purposes of maintaining, altering , repairing , removing or rerouting said utilities including the City's water and sewer facilities and all of them. Said closure is subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2. CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT. This Ordinance after passage shall be published but shall not become effective until Petitioner pays to the City fair market value for the above described parcel of property together with costs for appraising said property. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance, after the date of its first publication, shall not become effective until recorded with the Recorder of Salt Lake County. However, the Recorder of Salt Lake City is instructed not to record this -2- Ordinance until the Mayor verifies that the condition subsequent has been satisfied or provided for by executed agreement. Upon verification or satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the Ordinance to be recorded. However if the foregoing conditions are not completed within 12 months from the effective date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no effect and no recording thereafter shall be allowed. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 9th day of April , 1985. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: OCI TY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on April 16, 198 Mayor's Action: April 16, 1985 ATTEST: L CITY RECORDER cm10 8 r,as 2f 85 y (SEAL) -3- Bill 2..5._.._of 19,.8.5...r Published: April 25, 1985 y Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake a Cheryl Gierloff 1 ,OAT uucEfim�ROIjiANCE ..................... ...................................................................... ,•!.n an alhy batwseh�rlrer►Aw' . Y., �a Avenw grid 130 Edat'ohd�Eaat, eke nue to P6NiFRn, `•, &12 of 1984 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING AN ALLY SYSTE {OCATED BETWE N HERBNfEippRT AVENUE AND WILLtA AVENUE ANp q 1R+NGCER.'0 EAST IN SALTONS.LAKE�f,,UTAH, Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is AIN CONDITI the a COuncII of Salt Lake.Clty,Vfah finds a'dter pablic legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily ing th the Ctty%hlferest.in/thhe public Q1. descrlbed ,be _ ar no longer tar use by fhe public as oievs newspaper printed in the English language with general i nabthe closure o. sad alleys with the reservation of,the c"In or�pc�ements rK1U be adver�e to 111e�generol public's circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, 1 will lt relingulsh Or.term note the lty's 1'Merest In "*under yinp pr0i>er4y wft►�oUt separate decumeMs of trons- I ter.- Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. 'Novi THE FOROF,be it ordained by the*City Countlil of Salt.Lake C�tv uiph: SECTI0M-Thgtpublicaiieywhichlsthesubjectof etltlpn No. �oatt9e,,wflkhisrhoreparticularlydes4r,04below, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto a the some hereb�+'s'CLO$ED and declared nO4 rger to obNtelee to C callable• use Os a public right Of wov,and the ltv's interest therein shall be reserved and retoingd gY,SoltlioicecltyCorproanon. , Salt Lke it...................................................... Ordinanc No. 25 of 1985 Beg nn at 1he Northeast corner Of Lot 34,SlodC 2 ...................................... faeftomeSoutheostcorrlerofLot27;thenceEast13.0.. Closing an a11e between Herber Avenue theSouth- b3at�c a .............. g..............y................................................. N� East 3Of ° and [�illiazr�s.�..e ?�.... RQ... nEeNo 1,227.2sfe .... v nue a d 2 0 0 East and t0 itle corner o Lot ;thence West 13.0 feet to the corner of Lot 52;thence South 100.63 feet fh 45•W.7.07 feet thence West 440.0 feet• P thence •W.7,07 feet thence North 100.62 feet to 300• Esi p.t•••••••••••••„ „ the N we�Y corner of Lot 35,thence WeS°13,0 feettb fhe point of lfeglnning, RESERVATIONS.Said closure is expressly rlfof!Q Sybled t0 exlsHnrpp rtphfs of lvaY and easements of all public utlI !lr. andeverY descr on now located on and un _or over the ...........•••••..•.•..............•••..............••••••....••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• cohtlnesoftth�e above described Property and also ,zlectfothe rights of entl•y thereon for the put!rposes of maintaining,altering, repoIring removing or rerouting sold utilities Including the cltv'swaferandseWerfaclltnesandallofthem.SoldclosureIs was published in said newspaper on.................................. subject to any existing rights of way or easements of private third parties. SECTION 2.CONDITIONS SUBSEQUENT.,. Is Ordinance- y j] 25 7 1985 Offer Passaggee shall be publtslxadbW shall n ome effective until Petfff r pgvs to the City fair market ue for the above ..... ..• described parcel Of property together with costs for appraising said property SECTION 3.EFFECTIVE DATE.This Ordinance,after the date of tts first publicallon,shall not become effective until re. ............................................ .•. ...• •. .... ...... ....... corded w"Kff*Recorder of Salt Lake County,However theLegal dv ising C k R Order W Salt Lake C Is Instructed not torecord this brdl- 1 M 1Otver OOT.ftcon ittio pUbseauenthas I l. n or` yl for IbN0�executed_ i eemehf Upen @ r weyeer if Me�eoolno uct ondiNions are Or tat co died n 12 months from the effective date of the Passage,this p dlnance shall pb*e null,void and of no effect and r 7.stall 1 allowed. day 0 April, 04 CSyhc I of Sfilt Lake City,Utah;this 9th S.Fonnesbeck ATTEST: CHAIRMAN t�aNMYn Marshall CITY RECORpER TrOnS�it to Mayor On AprJ116,1985. Mayor's Action:April 16,1985 re me this ........................6 t........................................ day of 'Ted Wilson ATTEST: ' MAYOR ((KaCIT Mar Marsh A.D. 19..85.... 91111125 tOf 19885 :Apr1125,1985 B•97 Noty Public My Commission Expires .... Octobex 11..1986......................