025 of 1987 - Revised Parking Fines 0 87-1 0 87-11 T � �iE�D �v, !O SALT 2 LAKE CITY of 1987 1TY R CE APP PRINTING (Revised Parking Fines ) IRECORPER'S.Of FIC AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 28-3-178 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO PENALTIES FOR UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SALT LAKE CITY STREETS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : SECTION 1. That Section 28-3-178 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : Sec. 28-3-178. Unauthorized use. Penalties. Any person engaging in the unauthorized use of streets within Salt Lake City shall be liable for a civil penalty. Any penalty assessed herein may be in addition to such other penalties as may be provided in the Title 46, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City. (1) Civil penalties shall be imposed as follows : Ordinance Penalty 122 $ 50.00 124 50. 00 125 140. 00 127 55. 00 129 50. 00 130 52. 00 131 55. 00 133 55. 00 134 52. 00 135 50. 00 136 55. 00 137 50. 00 138 52. 00 139 50. 00 140 55. 00 141 50. 00 144 55. 0 0 145 $55. 00 146 52.00 147 47. 00 151 47. 00 152 50. 00 156 47. 00 157 52. 00 160 65.00 163 55. 00 164 55. 00 167 50. 00 168 55. 00 169 55. 00 170 52. 00 285 55. 00 286 52. 00 289 52. 00 176 55. 00 177 55. 00 179 55. 00 (2) (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) (6) Sections 180 through 284. Reserved . SECTION 2. That Section 28-3-285 regarding parking areas at the Airport be ADDED to read as follows : Sec . 28-3-285. Parking areas at the Airport. Parking areas. ( a) Parking areas for motor vehicles shall be set aside for Airport employees and for the general public. No person shall park a motor vehicle or a trailer in any place at the Airport other than those areas designated by the Director. No -2- person shall park a motor vehicle in an area designated as an employee parking lot unless the said motor vehicle displays a currently effective employee parking sticker issued by the Director . For the purpose of this Chapter motor vehicles shall be defined by Section 46-1-22, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended , or its successor. ( b) Except as provided in subsection ( c) of this section , no automobile, truck or other motor vehicle shall be parked in or in front of any hangar , except for service or delivery vehicles actually making a delivery and then only long enough to make said delivery. ( c) Tenants of T-hangars and shade hangars may park their motor vehicles in their own hangars when the aircraft is being flown . ( d) No person shall park a motor vehicle at the airport in excess of seventy-two ( 72 ) consecutive hours unless such vehicle is parked in the public parking area or approval is given by the Director . (e) No person shall park a motor vehicle in an area designated as a public parking lot without paying the authorized rates shall be available in the Airport Authority Office of Finance and Administration . SECTION 3. That Section 28-3-286 regarding parking vehicle at the Airport be ADDED as follows : -3- Sec. 28-3-286. Parking vehicles at the Airport. No person shall park a vehicle on the Airport other than in a manner and at locations indicated by posted traffic signs and markings. SECTION 4. That Section 28-3-287 regarding parking in areas designated for vehicles of City and County employees and officials be ADDED as follows : Sec. 28-3-287. Parking in areas designated for vehicles of city and county employees and officials . Certain areas of the city have been designated for parking by employees and officials of Salt Lake City Corporation and Salt Lake County. Such areas include, but are not limited to, the underground parking facilities below the Metropolitan Hall of Justice Complex , designated parking in the Metropolitan Hall of Justice parking lot , parking adjacent to the Salt Lake City and County Building , and miscellaneous parking areas designated for vehicles of employees of various departments of Salt Lake City Corporation and Salt Lake County. SECTION 5. That Section 28-3-288 regarding parking permits required be ADDED as follows : Sec. 28-3-288. Parking permit required . ( a) Only vehicles displaying a valid and authorized parking permit issued by the City shall be allowed to park in the areas designated in Section 28-3-287, or its successor section. Any parking space in the aforementioned facilities, specifically designated for a particular vehicle by number of other denotation, shall be -4- occupied only by a vehicle displaying a parking permit bearing that particular number of identification . (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing , if specifically authorized by the Mayor or his/her designated agent , a vehicle may be parked in the areas designated in Section 28-3-287 without displaying a permit as required in subsection ( a) of this section, but then only in the area or stall so designated by the Mayor or his/her designated agent . SECTION 6. That Section 28-3-289 regarding unlawful parking be ADDED as follows : Sec. 28-3-289. Unlawful to park . ( a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of Section 28-3-288, it shall be unlawful for any person other than the person whose vehicle displays a parking permit referred to in Section 28-3-288 to park in any parking areas designated in Section 28-3-287. ( b) It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to park in a numbered or otherwise denoted parking stall except a vehicle displaying a parking permit as referred to in Section 28-3-288 bearing the corresponding number or denotation, or as provided in subsection ( b) of Section 28-3-288. SECTION 7. That Section 28-3-180 (6 ) regarding appeal of penalty for unauthorized use of streets be AMENDED as follows : Sec . 28-3-180. Appeal . ( 1 ) (2) (3 ) -5- '0 ► (4 ) (5) (6 ) If the hearing officer finds that an unauthorized use occurred and no applicable defense exists , the hearing officer may , in the interest of justice and on behalf of the City , enter into an agreement for the timely or periodic payment of the applicable penalty. (7 ) * * * SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication . Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 19th day of MAY 1987. HAIRPERSON ATTEST0• TY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on 51 9Z87 Mayor' s Action: xx Approved Vetoed x&actld)'d- , ,rt� MAYOR ATTEST: I C TY RECORDER Lf cml55 ( SEAL Bill 25 of 1987 Published 6110187 _6 (D 87-11) 1113 SOUTH MAIN ST. Newspaper Agency Corporation 04 P.O. BOX 45838 AGENT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84145 Zi a,%alt fake Zribune DESERET NEWS FED.TAX I.D.#87-0217663 MORNING &SUNDAY EVENING &SUNDAY Affidavit of Publication I ��j Hereby certify that the attached rSTATE OF UTAH. advertis ent of SYNDP � UFSALT LAKE CITY 0R� PWNCE25 OF 1 SS. for CITY RECORDER was published by the County of Salt Lake NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE and DESERET NEWS, daily newspapers printed in the English SALT LAKECCIITYO DINANCE language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt 25of 19n y (Revised Parkin Lake Count in the State of Utah. g Fines) The Salt Lake City Council at its 9/ryy114y a?,e pft7; mpr, ac,(ppted� PUBLISHED ON JUr+1 1 C 14F37 ViJ ce'amen in •the;Re-1 v's ,RSdfn4Qnc�s of,Salt.Lak@ itH1tlh,'bY drih'End�n9 SBcfiod 28 3 178 {�roygh 28-3-�17�9 iq4 lu- Lsive relatfn§-fo`1ihoCifdorifed SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 19THDAY OFJUNI= 19 E17_ use of streets and the penalties Ws'ucti-Onputtforized'Ilse; Sec. i tlon.2&3-285 relating to parking V e'as at the Airport, adding Vk 7 P� r n �: St.tles"ign� NOTARY PUBLIC for vehicles of city and county employees and officials; adding Section 28-3.288 relating to parking'permits treguired;,,0d0- B.�• DA MARCH 1, 1988 ing Sec+fQP 28-3,289,relating to unlawful't6,"k;wfid-amehding . COMMISSION EXPIRES Sect.t)pp '28e3i1 oQ16),.relatin9 to 9w , oppe`61''of peii 1l 'for ilnautho `�s e'. rued;tlse-.of'6treets::.- 1, ,� RESIDING IN SALT LAKE COUNTY Copies of the.or inonce,or@, � c available.for rebleW`In#ht City I n a ', Recgrder's Office, 5th Floor, CitvlHa0;.374'SoufhiStat6, due- ing rEgg�,Ipr¢u5iq$$5 pours. This a'�dihahce sFiall t6ke effect uporQfi sNpublieptifm, (087�1 ), PUB l`k tD:'Jd'ite 10,'1981ti ' C-9 LEGAL ADVERTISING INVOICE ACCOUNT NAME AD NUMBER TELEPHONE CITY ECt RED FR r"9 801-535-7671 CUST, REF. NO, SCHEDULE MISC. CHARGES OkfAr-41ANCE #25 JUN: 10 1987 14.00 CAPTION SIZE TIMES RATE AD CHARGE SY I.OP5I5 CFF5ALT LAKE CITY OR 38 LI[IES 1 978 29.64 DUE AND PAYABLE ON RECEIPT OF THIS INVOICE FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 801-237-2796 43.64