027 of 1984 - Rezoning property generally located between 500 and 600 South and between Emery Street and the Jorda P 84-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No . 27 of 1984 (Rezoning property generally located between 500 and 600 South and between Emery Street and the Jordan River and between Glen Street and the Jordan River) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-12-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SAT,T LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965 , RELATING TO ZONING AND FIXING BOUNDARIES OF USE DISTRICTS. The City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah has held a public hearing to consider Petition No. 400-157 submitted by Hito International , requesting a change of zoning , and the recommen- dation of the Planning Commission that certain property located between 500 and 600 South between Fmery Street and the Jordan River and certain property located between the Jordan River and Glen Street between 500 South and the North property line of Jordan Junior High School be rezoned from Residential "R-2" and "P-4 " to a Pesidential "R-2A" classification, which allows planned unit developments. The Council has heard testimony of citizens and reviewed planning and demographic data of the area, and finds that the proposed rezoning is appropriate in order to encourage development and growth compatible with the best interests of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Therefore be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah: SECTION 1 . The Use District Map as adopted by Section 51- 12-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, as amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec. 51-12-2 . Boundaries of Use District. The following described parcel of residentially zoned land in Salt Lake City, Utah generally located between 500 and 600 South and between Emery Street and the Jordan River and Glen Street and the Jordan River. , currently zoned Residential "R-2" and "R-4" are hereby rezoned to a Residential "R-2A" classification and the Use District Map is amended and changed accordingly. "R-2" to "R-2A" All of the area lying between 500 and 600 South Streets between Emery Street and the Jordan River, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the southeast corner of the intersection of 500 South Street and Fmery Street; thence south 726. 0 feet along the east line of Emery Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of Emery Street and 600 South Street; thence east 525 .0 feet more or less along the north line of 600 South Street to the center line of the Jordan River; thence northwesterly 752 .0 feet more or less along the center line of the Jordan River to the south line of 500 South Street; thence west 368. 0 feet more or less along the south line of 500 South Street to the point of beginning . Contains 6. 5 acres more or less. 11R-4" to "R-2A" All of the area lying between 500 South Street and the north property line of Salt Lake City Board of Education property at the Jordan Junior Hic;b School site and between the Jordan River and Glen Street, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of the intersection of 500 South Street and Glen Street, -2- said point of beginning also being the northeast corner of Lot 21 , Block 4, City Park Subdivision, a subdivision of Block 20, Plat "C" , Salt Lake City Survey; thence south 345. 0 feet along the west line of Glen Street to the north property line of the Salt Lake City School Board property; .}i Z\ thence west 128 .95 feet along the north property line of the School Board property; thence southwesterly 685. 0 feet more or less along the northwest property line of the School Board property to the center line of the Jordan River; thence northwesterly 752 .0 feet more or less along the center line of the Jordan River to the south line of 500 South Street; thence east along the south line of 500 South Street 732. 0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contains 9. 59 acres more or less. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect thirty ( 30 ) days after the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 17th day of April 1-984 . y� CHAIRMAN ATTEST: CI E R Transmitted to Mayor on April 17, 1984 Mayor ' s action: April 17, 1984 r _� APPROYi 19p,:; ,°J FC MPYOR Self Lake (,i4y : Owt6y'9 (fir y� -3- ATTEST: CT TY 7,57bnh CC80 (SEAL) BILL 27 of 1984 Published: May 5, 1984 —4— v;,.. . Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake sau LAKE City ORDINANCE - Cheryl Gierloff No.27 of 19 (Rezoning property generally Iot between 500 and e00 Sputh and between Emery 5lreet•arlyf-tie,Jordan River AJNANCi-petwen Glen Sheet4ndth9JWUan River)Ayy,, ENDINGSEC'�ION Sl•;12.2 OF THE REVISEANINOF SALT L�UCITY,UTAH 1965Bein first dui sworn de oses and sa s that he is le al RELA� O ZONINl3 AND FIXING EPO DARIES OP USES g Y p y g DIS.,I - Tp64tf Coupon of it Lake.Ctiv,IJfal�'hds held a public advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily heorinpigC I]ShdQl Pgtltlon No.400.1 rt1M"X',tby Hlto inter- arm e�Q..(�U.e4t(nypthanpeofzoningiand,"orgcommenda- except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English bbetweer�ir500a"na'n' sC°auffm,'Slr�et>�lEI,~`"°"- Strelin �a"dti Ianguage with general circulation in Utah and don River and cerFoinlpr lacatetl between the Jordan River and Glen Street b�w �'''Soo"and the North proper- p Y Y published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the ty line of JordtWan JuniorHjgh School berezoned from Residential R�211 and 14 411 to a ROdentlal:"li closslficotlon,whicl, State of Utah. allows plant*d unit developments.The"Council has hoard testl- many of citi;ens and reviewed p(ahnl ;And demogrdphic data Of the•orea and finds that the gzoning III appropriate In order to encourage deveiopmeM a owth cph,pcMble with the best lMerestsFfthenetghborhood6 theCffasaWhole. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto Thereto fe be R ordained by the City Councilof Solt Lake City,Ute't SECTION 1.The Use District(clap as adopted by Section 51- 12-2of the Revised Ordinances of Soft Lake City,Utah 1965,as Salt Take CityOrdinance No, 27 of 1984 - amended relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts, ...................................... .................................................. be,and the some hereby Is amended as follows: "" "' " Sec.51-12.2.$oundaries of Use Dlstrrct.The following de• scrlbedffcelofres►dentlaWI onedlandInSdMLakeCHY,Utan Remoning property generally located between ery Streetla�a Jordan Riv00e rannd G fi�eetn and the Jordan ............................................................................................................... River,currently zoned Residential"R•2"and"R-4"arg hereby rezoned to a Residential"R,2A"clpssf[WKon and the Use Dls- tricfMapisamendeaandatwngedaccordingiy. 500 and 600 South and between Emery? Street and R_2.1 to 1111 ............. All eeri area lyl Shee�t at d the grd6ri a th Streets particulttrla descrtl s foli6%Js:' mar the Tordan River ,Beginning at the southest corner, e Intersection the, of ............................................................................................... 500 South-Street and Emery Streft'lhence south 726.0 feet along the ggst Ilne of Emery Str6ot to the norhreast corner of the4)ntersect(on of Emery Street and 600 South Street;-fhence east 523.0 to&rMorq8 or les's along the north'llne,ot600 South Streettb the ce"O r line of the .............I.............•................................................................................... Jordan River;thence northwe's y 752.0'f6eYmore or less atorYg the,cetNer=llne'gj th6 Jordan RI' to the south lirlb of 500, Wee.thence west 368'0 feet more or less along south7fneof5005outl,5treetM was published in said newspaper on......................................... the point af beginning.,,, ' Contains 6.5 acres more or less. ..R_4"to,.1R-2A" ....I......4ay:.5.)...19.$.4:.............................. .............................................. All of the area lying between 500 South Street and the north property line of Salt Lake City Board of Education Rroporty at the Jordan Junior High School site and be• twee,the Jordan River and Glen Street,more particu• fairly described as follows: ...................................................... .. ........ ............ Beglnningotthe sou",west corner otthelnterseclonot Leg A rtisin erk 500 South Street and Glen Street,sold point of bo In- nln0 also being the northeast corner of Lot 21,Block 4 City Park Subdivision,a subdivision of Block 20 Play "C',5aM Lake City Survoyy thence south 345.6 feet along fhe west line of Glen Street to the north property line of the Salt Lake City School Board property;thence west 128,95 feet along the north property line of t1M efore me this ................................21at......................................... day of School Board property;thence southwesterly 685.0 feat more or less along the northwest property line of the School Board property to the center line of the Jordan A.D. 19..B.Q... River;thence northwesterly 752.0 feet more or less along the centerline of the Jordan River to the south """"" Ilne of 500 South Street thence east along the south line of 500 South Street 732.0 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Contain;9.59 acres more or less. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect thirty(30)days ; after the Passed b of Its first the City Council Publication. Lake City,Utah,this 17th day of April, 984. -� ... ...................... ...........r.t...... r' . .:.................... ATTEST: Ronald J.WhiteheadCHAIRMAN Notary Public Kathervn Marshall CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on April 17,1984 Mayor's action:April 17,1984 Ted Wilson MAYOR ATTEST: Kather'yn Marshall CITY RECORDER (SEAL) BILL 27 of 1984 Publlshed:May 5,198A f A•30 t........... AOM-35A Affidavit of Publication A()M 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake —_-- -_ -- _ Cheryl Gierloff SALT LAKO CITY ORDINANCE ............................................................................................. No.27 of,1984 (Rezoning property generally located between 500 and 600 South and betwee I EmeryStreet and the Jordan River and een Olen Street and the Jordan River) AN OR 1 ANE AMENDING SECTION 51•i2.2 OF THE REVISE((�,qR 0INA CES OR SA[,T L'A1(E CITY,'UTAH 1965 RELA�F1KIt�,TO TONING AND FIiCICIO'BOUNDARIES O�USE` Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is DISTgR�ICfiS. '.., the'I'co sjdoCounrP Ot O N� '40 City'UJo4' as h9'Id a public legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily hetrringta�consldet PetFtion No:'400.1'J�sUbia bV Hlto Inter- , national' equ4sHnn�qi a Chan a Of;Onln%an, a rewmmenda- f C Hon'oft, Plannln XomNsranthot.terjdId.pr rty located newspaper printed in the English language with general betwee , 00-and 660000 South be4ween.EmerV ggfl eel and the Jar. dan River and certain property located belween,the Jordan River and Glen Street between 500 soon,and the North proper- circulation In Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, 1 aa n'tluelgsh rezoned Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. allows planned unit developments.The I nclI has heard testi- mony of gttlze and reviewed plannln and derrrogrophle data Of the grip.. ttndethgtlhegx rgfon117g ls.gppraprlae In orderragedeveropme gro cgm lblewith That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto the best r8yts.ofine neI hborh dnd the`C a whOle. CltyTha••,r#j roIbe it;a►dalned by fhs'city Cound p Sant Lake S=G,ION 1,The Use District Map as adopted by Section 51- Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 27 of 1984 - 12.2of the Revised Ordinances of Soft Lake City Ufah1965 as •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••............................... amended,relating to the frxlrrpp at boundaries.o/Use Districts, be,gndthe sdrM�a hereby is anletided06 follows: R@mvnin property generally located between See. 1.12.2.Boundaries of Use District.The following de• 9 P pg y y scribed pdreel of residentially zoned land In'Satt Lake City,Utah ................ ..................................... generally located between 500 and 600 South and between Em- ery Streef and the Jordan River and Glen Street and the Jordan 5 d0 and 60© South and between Rory Street and River cu entty zoned Reslderrtial"R-2"and"R•4"ar hereby rezoned a.Re§Identlal"R-2A"classlficgtlon and the Use Dis- trict Mppls amended and changed accordingly. .......................................................................... ,,R; "',o,.R_2A" 'gqilpp a area lyin between ZpQp and 600 South Streets the ©rG�dn River beriv$en Emery S eat and the'Jortlan River,,more poYMtuldrlydescribed as.foiloWil: . ........... ................................................................................ Beginning,at the southest corner of the Intersection of 500 South Street and Emery;Street;thence south 726.0 feet qq��on the epst line of Emery Street to the northeast caC9r of the Intersection of, Street.and 600 ............................................................................................. So Street;thence east 525.0,E I Nfgrear less along then line of 600'South Street(o the CerNer Ilna otthc J Riverpthence northwe�fy,7S2.0 feet m e or less ong fflp'tenter Ilne 0f" ;4rdan,River the was published in said newspaper on.................................. south,Ilne,ot 50o South S1reeN cv1 west 368.0 feet more'or loss along the south Itire;of.SOO South Street to the pt?Int of beginning. Contains 6.5 acres more or less. May 5, 1984 "R,,,s"to Isil „ ..................................................... ....................................... All of the area lying between S0g South Sheet ana the north property line of Sant Lake City Board of Education pproperty at the Jordan Junior High School site and be- ............................................. ..... .. .. ......... . ........... tweenMhe Jordan River and Glen Street,more parttcu- larly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of the Inters000n of Leg A rtisl n rk Soo SOuth Street and Glen Street,said point of begln- ning also being the northeast corner of Lot 21,Block 4 CC' Sant Lake(visionCity Srurvayy thence of oouth 345.9 feet along the west line Of Olen Street to the north property 21 st line of the Sant Lake City School Board property;thence west 128.95 feet along the north pproperty line of the School ROard properly;thence touMwesterly 605.0 feet more or less along the northwest property line of the 84 School Board property to the'center line of the Jordan River;thence northwesterly 752.0 feet more or less along the center line of the Jordan River to the south line of 500 South Street;ttrence east along the south line of 500 South Street 732.0 feet more or less to the point of �f ore me this .................................................................... day of beginning. y Contains 9.59 acres more,or less. SECTION 2.This ordinance shall take effect thbiy(30)days after of its Passed b theity Council of San Lake City,Utah,this nth .... A.D. 19.......... day of April,1984. Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: CHAIRMAN t Katti0ryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on April 17,1984 Ted Wils Mayor's action:April 17,1984 on Y Notar Public � MAYOR ATTEST: Katheryn Marshall CITY RECORDER (SEAL) u" BILL 27 Of 1984 - Published:May 5r 1984 x A-30 ...................................................... °?