028 of 1985 - Rezoning an Area at 2100 South and State Street from R-6 and C-3 to C-3A P 85-56
NO. 28 of 1985
(Rezoning an area at 2100 South and State Street
from "R-6" and "C-3" to "C-3A")
WHEREAS, in response to the request pertaining to zoning
initiated by Salt Lake County, by and through MHT Architects,
said petition being known as Petition No. 400-271 of 1985, the
City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, has held public hearings
before its own body and before the Planning Commission, and has
taken into consideration citizen testimony, filing and demo-
graphic details of the area and the Master Plan as part of its
own deliberations. Pursuant to these deliberations, the Council
has concluded that the proposed change of property located at
approximately 2100 South and State Stret from the existing
Residential "R-6" to a Commercial "C-3A" classification is
appropriate for the development of the community in that area;
The Council further concluded that the proposed change of
property located from Westminster Avenue to 2100 South State
Street from the existing Commercial "C-3" to a Commercial "C-3A"
zoning classification is appropriate for the development of the
community in that area.
THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby
adopts the following amendment to the Use District provisions of
Title 51 .
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1 . That the Use District Map, as adopted by Section
51-12-2 , Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as
amended, relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts,
be, and the same hereby is, AMENDED as follows :
Sec. 51 -12-2. Boundaries of Use Districts. That the
following described parcel of real property in Salt Lake City,
Utah, presently zoned Residential "R-6" , located approximately in
the area of 2100 South and State Street is hereby rezoned to a
Commercial "C-3A" classification, and the Use District Map is
amended accordingly.
Residential "R-6" to Commercial "C-3A" :
The area contained generally lying between Westminster
Avenue ( 1910 South) and 2100 South and 200 East and
State Street, except for the elderly housing complex
property, 3. 22 acres, a 125 foot wide strip along 2100
South and a 150 foot wide strip along State Street,
more particularly described as follows :
Beginning at a point 125. 0 feet north of the northwest
corner of the intersection of 2100 South and 200 East
Streets, running thence West 536. 55 feet ; thence North
992. 32 feet to the south line of Westminster Avenue;
thence East; thence East 503. 17 feet to the southwest
corner of the intersection of Westminster Avenue and
200 East Street ; thence southeasterly S 9016 ' E 157.23
feet; thence southeast 99. 78 feet around a 616. 95 foot
radius curve to the right tangent to which curve bears
S 9016 ' W; thence South 62. 16 feet; thence West 270. 0
feet ; thence South 520. 0 feet ; thence East 270. 0 feet;
thence south along the west line of 200 East Street
155.58 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 8.45
acres more or less.
FURTHER, that the following described parcel of real pro-
perty in Salt Lake City, Utah, presently zoned Commercial "C-3" ,
located approximately in the area of Westminster Avenue to 2100
South fronting on State Street, is hereby rezoned to a Commercial
"C-3A" classification and the Use District Map is amended accord-
Commercial "C-3 " to Commercial "C-3A" :
The area contained in a 150 foot wide strip from
Westminster Avenue ( 1910 South State Street) south
along State Street to 125 feet north of 2100 South
Street, more particularly described as follows :
Beginning at a point 125. 0 feet north of the northeast . tad �J
corner of the intersection of State and 2100 South
Streets and running thence North 992. 32 feet along the y�
east line of State Street to the southeast corner of
the intersection of State Street and Westminster
Avenue; thence East 150. 0 feet along the south street
line of Westminster Avenue; thence South 992. 32 feet;
thence West 150. 0 feet to the point of beginning .
Contains 3.42 acres more or less.
SECTION 2. Conditions Subsequent. Salt Lake County shall
accept and comply with the following conditions:
1 . No charge shall be made for any parking in any struc-
tures or lots associated with the proposed County Complex located
within the above-described property. In addition, the County
shall exercise its best efforts to require their employees to
park in the structure or on the premises. If these facilities
are not adequate, the County shall acquire additional off-street
parking facilities in properly zoned aeas;
2. Parking on adjoining residential streets Rosewood,
Ramona and Westminster Avenues between 200 and 300 East shall be
limited to two hours during the day and no parking shall be per-
mitted on the west side of 200 East;
3. Traffic semaphores shall be installed on State Street
and Westminster Avenue and 2100 South and 200 East;
4. The parking structure shall be faced with the same brick
as the office structure and so designed that no lights from the
vehicles parked within the structure or lights in the structure
shall shine into nearby residential areas;
5. All curb, gutter and sidewalks shall be built in accord-
ance to a design by the City Engineer's office and the drainage
requirements of the City Engineer's office shall be complied
6. The width of Westminster Avenue from State Street to 200
East and 200 East from Westminster Avenue to 2100 South shall be
44 feet curb face to curb face except at the intersections of
2100 South and State Street and Westminster Avenue and 200 East
where wider street widths shall be required;
7. 2100 South from 200 East west to State Street shall be
widened in accordance with plans prepared by the City Traffic
Engineer providing for bus loadng and unloading areas;
B. Street lights on Westminster Avenue and 200 East shall
be installed as a part of the County's development;
9. The proposed future addition on the parking structure
which shall provide an additional 170 cars shall be constructed
in the first phase; and
10. The County shall agree to acquire additional off-street
parking facilities in properly zoned areas if the presently
proposed on-site parking and expanded garage area are not
sufficient to meet the needs of the complex.
All design, construction, installations and associated
matters required pursuant to paragraphs 1 through 10 hereof shall
meet with the approval of Salt Lake City and all costs associated
therewith shall be the resonsibility of the County and the County
shall agree to hold the City harmless thereon.
SECTION 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become
effective upon publication. However, the Recorder of Salt Lake
City is instructed not to publish this Ordinance until the Mayor
verifies that the conditions subsequent have been satisfied or
provided for by executed agreement approved by the City Attorney.
Upon verification or satisfaction the Mayor may instruct the
Ordinance to be published. However, if the foregoing conditions
are not completed within twelve ( 12 ) months from the effective
date of the passage, this Ordinance shall be null , void and of no
effect and no publication shall thereafter be allowed.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this
2nd day of May 1985.
*C ii2CO2RDER.
Transmitted to the Mayor on May 7, 1985
Mayor's Action: May 7, 1985
(S 85
Bm of 19
Published: May 18, 1985
Salt Lako
Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A
County of Salt Lake
f,o.28 of 1985
(Raton[ an area at'd C_ "to and State Street
�rqn R-6"and"C-3"to"C-3A")
WH REAS In response to the request pertaining to zoning
solInitiated� Sae being
Mown ty,
by and through MHT Architects, Being first dui sworn, deposes and says that he/she is
said petition being kn6wn as Petition No.400-271 Of 1985,the - g y p y
City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah has held public,hearings
before it*akm body and before he Planning Commission,and , legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily
has taken into consideration citizen testimony,filing and demo-
grgppigdetails aJ.the Area and the,Master Plan as part of tis newspaper printed in the English language with general
own�tlelibErGNons.'Pursuant to these deliberations.the Council g
has concluded that the proposed change of prope located at circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City
a rty pproxIdiotely 2100 South and State Street from the existing I ,
Residential"R-6"to a•Commerclal"C•3A"clas�flcatlon is op. Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
and rfate for the development of the communify in that area;
The Council further concluded that the proposed change of
property located from Westminster Avenue to 2100 South State
Street from theexlstlnpCommerclal"G 'to a Commercial"C- . That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
3A"zoning clossiflcatiori Is appropriate for the development of
the communtiy In thatareo.
THEREFOREowi City amendICent Salt tothe Lake City,District
..... Salt Lake Cif Ordinance„No. 28 of 1985
sl adopts the following amendment to the Use D�sfritt provi-
sions Of aitl¢51.. .....................�........... .......................................
B��t ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah:
SECTION 1.Thor the Use District Map;as adopted by Sec-
Non 51.12-2,Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,
as dmended,relating to the fining of boundaries of Use Districts,
be,and the same here is,AMENDED as follows:
Set 51-12-2.Boundabyries of Use Districts:That the following
described parcel of real Property In Salt Lake City,Utah,pres-
ently zoned Residential "R-6", located approximately In the
area of 1100 South and State Street Is hereby rezoned to a
Commercial"C-3A"classification,and he Use District Map Is
amended accordingly.
Residential„R-6"to Commercial"C.3A":
The area contained generally lying between Westmin-
ster Avenue(1910 South)and 2100 South and 200 East
and State Street,except for the elderly housing com-
plex propeSouth and
foot i 125 estript wide ship along
21p0 South and a 150 foot wide strip along State Sheer,
more particularly described as follows:
Beainninp at a point 125.0 feet north of the northwest
corner of the Intersection of 2100 South and 200 East
Streets,runnina thence West 536.55 feet;hence North was published in said newspaper on..................................
12.32 feet to`the south line of Westminster Avenue,
thence East;thence East 503.17 feet to the southwest
corner of the e and
200 East Street thence southeasterly S 9'16'Eon of Westminster u157.23 May 18 1985
fee thence southeast 99.7t1 feet around a 616.95 foot
........... .......f..........................................................................
radius curve to he right tangent to which curve bears 5
9.16'W;thence South 62.16 feet;Thence West 270.0 feet; -
thence South 520.0 feet;thence East 270.0 feet;thenceA
south along he west line of 200 East Street 155.58 feet .......... J. a��...��Y y?.:�...f Y,7..l
to the point of beginning.Contains 8.45 acres more or
less. Legal Advertising Clerk
FURTHER,that he following described parcel of real prop-
eriy In Salf Lake City,Utah presently zoned Commercial"C-3",
located approximately In the area of Westminster Avenue to
2100 South fronting on State Street,is hereby rezoned to a Com-
mercial "C.3A" closslficatlon and the Use District Map is
amended accordingly.
Commercial"C-3"to Commercial"C.3A":
The area contained In a 150 foot wide strip from West-
minster Avenue(1910 South State Street)south along
State Street to 125 feet north of 2100 South Street,more
particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point 125.0 feet north of the northeast
corner of the Intersection of State and 2100 South
Streets and running hence North 992.32 feet along the f ore me this east line of State Street to the southeast corner of the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,•••..•,...StY)., ....., day of
Intersection of State Street and Westminster Avenue,
hence East 150.0 feet along the south street line of
Westminster Avenue;thence South 992.32 feet;thence
We 150.0 feet to he point of beginning.Contains 3.42 A.D. 19. $5
Mf�PG RilkP Ar IPCC ••• •••••••••
:..:�:�... ..........................................
Notary Public
My Commission Expires ®�NR Y.6
its �via A
SECTION 2:COndBbns Subsequent.Sant Lake County shall
accept and comply with the following conditions:
No charge shall be made for any parking In any struc-
tures or lots associated with the proposed County Complex lo-
cated within the above-described property. In addition,the
County shall exercise Its best efforts to require their employees
to park In the structure or on the premises.If these facilities ore
not adequate the County shall acquire additional off-street
parking facilities In properly toned areas-
2.Parking on adjoining residential streets Rosewood,Ra-
mona and Westminster Avenues between 200 and 300 East shall
be limited to two hours during-the day and no parking shall be
permitted on the west side of 200 East'
3.Traffic semaphores shall be installed on State Street and
Westminster Avenue and 2100 South and 200 East;
4.The parking structure shall be faced with the some brick
as the office structure and so designed that no lights from the
vehicles parked within the structure or fights In the structure
shall shine Into nearby residential areas,
5.All curb,gutter and sidewalks shall be built In accordance
to a design by the City Engineer's office and the drainage re-
quirements of the City Engineer's office shall be complied with;
6.The width of Westminster Avenue from State Street to 1
200 East and 200 East from Westminster Avenue to 2100 South
shall be 44 feet curb face to curb face except atthe Intersections
of 2100 South and State Street and Westminster Avenue and 200
East where wider street widths shall be required*
7.2100,South froth 2p0 East west to State Sire shall b-
widened In accordance wit et h plans prepared by the City Traffic
Engineer providing for bus loading and unloading areas;
8.Street lights on Westminster Avenue and 200 East shall
be Installed as a part of the County's development;
9.The proposed future addition on the parking structure
which shall provide an additional 170 cars shall be constructed
In the first phase;and
10.The County shall agree to acquire additional off-street
parking facilities In properly zoned areas if the presently pro-
posed on-site parking and expanded garoge area are not suffl-
cient to meet the needs of the complex.
All design,construction,Installations and associated mat.
ters required pursuant to paragraphs 1 through 10 hereof shall
meet with the approval of Salt Lake City and all costs associated
therewith shall be the responsibility of the County and the Coun-
ty shall ogr a to hold the City harmless thereon.
SECTION 3:Effective Date.This Ordinance shall become
effective upon publication.However,the Recorder of Salt Lake
City Is Instructed not to publish this Ordinance until the Mayor
verifies that the conditions subsequent hove been satisfied or
pprovided for by executed agreement approved by the City At-
torney.Upon verification or satisfaction the Mayor may Instruct
the Ordinance to be published.However,If the foregoing condi-
tions are not completed within twelve(12)months from the
effective date of the passage,this Ordinance shall be null,void
and of no effect and no publication shall thereafter be allowed.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah,this 2nd
day of May,1985.
Kathryn Marshall
Transmitted to the Mayor on May 7,1985.
Mayor's Action:May 7,1985
Ted Wilson
Kathryn Marshall
Bill 28 of 1985
Published:May 18,1985