003 of 2002 - Budget Amendment No. 4 for fiscal years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 0 02-1 B 01-12 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 3 of 2002 (Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 32 of 2001 which adopted the Final Biennial Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Years 2001-2002 and 2002-2003) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE NO. 32 OF 2001 WHICH APPROVED, RATIFIED AND FINALIZED THE BIENNIAL BUDGET OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, INCLUDING THE EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT, FOR THE FISCAL YEARS BEGINNING JULY 1, 2001 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2002 AND BEGINNING JULY 1, 2002 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2003. PREAMBLE On June 14, 2001, the Salt Lake City Council approved, ratified and finalized the biennial budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002 and beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003, in accordance with the requirements of Section 118, Chapter 6, Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated, and said biennial budget, including the employment staffing document, was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah. The City's Policy and Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted biennial budget, including the amendments to the employment staffing document, copies of which are attached hereto, for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. The City Council fixed a time and place for a public hearing to be held on January 15, 2002 to consider the attached proposed amendments to the biennial budget, including the employment staffing document, and ordered notice thereof be published as required by law. Notice of said public hearing to consider the amendments to said biennial budget, including the employment staffing document, was duly published and a public hearing to consider the attached amendments to said biennial budget, including the employment staffing document, was held on January 15, 2002, in accordance with said notice at which hearing all interested parties for and against the biennial budget amendment proposals were heard and all comments were duly considered by the City Council. All conditions precedent to amend said biennial budget, including the employment staffing document, have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the biennial budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 32 of 2001. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The biennial budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the biennial budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the employment staffing document, for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2001 and ending June 30, 2002 and beginning July 1, 2002 and ending June 30, 2003, in accordance with the requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated. 2 SECTION 3. Certification to Utah State Auditor. The City's Policy and Budget Director, acting as the City's Budget Officer, is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said biennial budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, with the Utah State Auditor. SECTION 4. Filing of copies of the biennial Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said biennial budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 15 th day of January , 2002. Acting AIRPERS ATTEST: HI F DEPUTY CIT ORDER 3 Transmitted to the Mayor on January 16, 2002 Mayor's Action: Approved Vetoed AYOR ATTEST: 00:14.1.4: 0 c d abt G.r .., - :ten CHIEF DEPUTY CITY REC RDER Data !r--74 — O( -- Eiy,,Ann—V—itAA..---) • 'r CIT'j,'`"44 6. 44 %11 tt`` li -' v f 2002. .f),rfa.-' G\Ordina0l\Amending budget 1-15.doc 4 FY 2002 Initiatives in Budget Amendment - January (action on January 15, 2002) 4- itaa/oa FY 2002 FY 2003 Initiative Gen. Fund Gen. Initiative Name FTE Fund FTE Amount Impact Impact 1. RDA: Railroad Ordinances $60,000 $60,000 1.0 -0- and Bills (approved) 2. Airport Capital Projects (7,567,900) -0- -0- (approved) 3. Legal Services: Union $75,000 $75,000 -0- -0- Pacific Railroad Legal Counsel(approved) 4. Police Department: VAWA $21,854 0.5 -0- Grant(approved) 5. Police Department: State $50,000 1.0 -0- Department of Public Safety Olympic Planning Grant(approved) 6. Police Department: $58,000 1.0 -0- Attorney General Internet Crimes Task Force Grant (approved) 7. Fire Department: $10,000 -0- -0- TESORO Private Donation —Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) (approved) 8. County CDBG— $50,000 -0- -0- Neighborhood House Association Building Improvements (approved) 9. Housing Program Income $471,300 -0- -0- (approved) 10. Refuse- Fleet Maintenance $280,911 -0- -0- (approved) 11. Establish FTE's for Public $0 1.5 1.5 Services Support Staff (approved) 12. Rotary Playground at $190,000 -0- -0- Liberty Park(approved) 13. Existing LLEBG Funds $35,000 -0- -0- (approved) 14. New Park Playground $0 -0- -0- Priorities (approved) 15. Jordan River Par way $100,000 -0- -0- Trail—State Grant (approved) 16. Utah Arts Festival— $42,700 $42,700 -0- -0- Sponsorship (approved ls` year only) 17. Fire Department—R. $25,000 -0- -0- Harold Burton Foundation Grant(approved) 18. Physical Fitness of Cities— $40,000 -0- -0- Donations (approved with conditions to spend only equal to actual receipts) 19. 600 N. 1500 W. Island -0- -0- -0- Landscaping and Curb Reconstruction (deferred to different fiscal year) 20. Hosted Olympic Receptions $270,000 $270,000 -0- -0- (deferred to later in January) 21. CED: Reimbursement of $12,000 $12,000 -0- -0- Employee Expenses (approved) 22. Olympic Planning $890,312 -0- -0- -0- (approved) 2