030 of 1984 - Aeronautics v �.y 0 84-8 SALT L7kKv, CITY ORDINANCF No. _ 30 of 1984 (Aeronautics ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAIC' CITY, UTAH , 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO AERONAUTICS . Be it ordained by the City Council-of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That '.title 2 of. the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to aeronautics, be, and the same hereby is, amended as follows: Chapter 1 DEFINITIONS AND SCOPE ions 2-1-1 . General information - Salt Lake City International Airport. 2-1-2 . General information - Salt Lake City Airport IT . 2--1-3. Definitions. 2-1-4 . Acrobatic. 2--1--5. Aircraft operations. 2-1-6 . Aircraft parking area. 2-1-7. Airport. 2-1--8. Airport rules and regulations. 2-1-9 . Air traffic. 2-1-10. City. 2-1-11. Com1nercial vehicle. 2-1-12 . Control tower. 2-1-13 . Director. 2-1-14 . Doping . 2-1-15. Engaging in aerial applications. 2-1-16 . Engaging in aircraft fuel and oil dispensing service. 2-1-17 . Engaging in aircraft rental . 2-1--18 . Engaging in aircraft sales. 2-1-19. Engaging in airframe and/or power plant repair. 2--1-20 . Engaging in air transportation service. 2-1-21 . Engaging in multiple service. 2-1-22. Engaging in radio, instrument or propeller. 2-1-21 . Engaging in commercial flight service. 2-1-24 . Engaging in training school. 2-1-25. FAA 2-1-26 . FAR. 2-1-27. Fixed base operator. 2-1--28 . General aviation. 2-1-29 . Itinerate operations. 2-1-30. Landing area. 2-1-31 . Local aircraft operations. 2-1-32. Mayor. 2-1-33. Motor vehicle. 2-1-34 . Owner. 2-1-35 . Parking area. 2--1-36. Pedestrian. -2- 2-1-37. Person. 2-1-38. Providing an aircraft parts house. 2-1-39 . Ramp. 2-1-40. State. 2-1-41 . Traffic. 2-1-42. Vehicle . 2-1-43 . Zones. Sec. 2-1-1 . General information - Salt Lake City International Airport . (a) Salt Lake City International Airport is four miles west of the downtown business section of Salt Lake City at an elevation of 4226 feet. (b) The normal traffic pattern for aircraft using the west runway is a rectangular path to the west of the Airport. The traffic patter.•n for aircraft using the east runway is a rectangular path to the east of the airport. ( c) It is unlawful to operate an aircraft over Salt Lake City at an altitude of less than 2 ,000 feet above the ground . This provision does not apply to aircraft flying a normal traffic pattern in the process of landing at or take-off from Salt Lake City International Airport. (d ) Salt Lake City Tnternational Airport has three (3 ) runways--two north-south and one northwest-southeast. Runway 34L-16R is a precision instrument runway and will accommodate aircraft with weights up to 320 ,000 pounds (dual tandem gear- rated ) . Runway 34R-16L is normally used by general aviation -3- aircraft. It will accommodate aircraft with weights up to 260 ,000 pounds (dual tandem gear-rated) . Runway 32-14 is normally used by general aviation aircraft. It will accommodate aircraft having a total weight of 35 ,000 pounds or less. Sec. 2-1-2 . General Information - Salt Lake City Airport II. (a) Salt Lake City Airport II is 11 miles south of Salt Lake City International Airport at an elevation of 4605 feet. It is used by general aviation aircraft only. UNICOM radio facilities, runway and taxiway lights, fixed base operator facilities, and hangars are available. (b) The traffic patterns for Salt Lake City Airport II are rectangular patterns west of the Airport. ` (c) The runway alignment at Salt Lake City Airport II is 34-16, 100 ' x 5604 ' paved and lighted . The runway will accommodate aircraft with weight of 35,000 pounds or less. Sec. 2-1-3 . Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this title, shall be defined as provided herein unless a different meaning is specifically or more particularly described . Sec. 2-1-4 . Acrobatic . "Acrobatic" shall mean maneuvers intentionally performed by an aircraft involving an abrupt change in its altitude, an abnormal attitude or an abnormal acceleration thereof. Sec. 2-1-5 . Aircraft operations. "Aircraft operations" means an aircraft arrival at, or departure from, the Airport with -4- or without FAA airport traffic control service. Sec . 2-1-6. Aircraft parking area. "Aircraft parking area" shall mean the area or areas of the Airport set aside and designated for the parking of aircraft. Sec. 2-1-7 . Airport. "Airport" shall mean, and have reference to, all of the areas comprising Salt Lake City International Airport and/or Salt Lake City Airport II , as appropriate, as now exist or as may hereafter be expanded and exist, together with all their appurtenant facilities. A territorial division thereof may be designated by number . Sec. 2-1-8. Airport rules and regulations. "Airport rules and regulations" shall mean the provisions of this title of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, 1965, as amended and any rules and regulations issued by the Director . Sec. 2-1-9 . Air traffic. "Air traffic" shall mean aircraft in operation anywhere in the air space above and on the surface of the area embraced by the Airport, and normally used for the movement of aircraft. Sec. 2-1-10 . City. "City" shall mean and have reference to Salt Lake City, a municipal corporation of the State of Utah . Sec. 2-1-11. Commercial vehicle. "Commercial vehicle" shall mean a vehicle used or maintained for the transportation of persons or property for hire, compensation or profit. Sec. 2-1-12. Control tower . "Control tower" shall mean the FAA air traffic control tower at Salt Lake City International -5- Airport. Whenever used within this title it shall refer to operations at Salt Lake City International Airport only. Sec. 2-1-13 . Director. "Director" shall mean the duly appointed and qualified executive department head of the City department designated as the Airport Authority, selected and appointed by the Mayor with the recommendation of the Airport Authority Board and ratified by the City Council . Sec . 2-1-14 . Doping. "Doping" shall mean the application of a preparation to strengthen and tighten aircraft fabric. Sec . 2-1-15. Engaging in aerial applications. "Engaging in aerial applications" means a person engaged in the business of aerial. crop-dusting, spraying or fire f ightinq. Sec. 2-1-1.6 . Engaging in aircraft fuel and oil dispensing service. "Engaging in aircraft fuel and oil dispensing service" means a person engaged in the business of dispensing fuels and oil and other related services. Sec. 2-1-17. Engaging in aircraft rental . "Engaging in aircraft rental" means a person engaged in the rental of aircraft. Sec. 2-1-1.8 . Engaging in aircraft sales. "Engaging in aircraft sales" means a person engaged in the sale of new and/or used aircraft. Sec. 2-1-19 . Engaging in airframe and/or power plant repair . "Engaging in airframe and/or power plant repair" means a person engaged in the business of repairing or servicing aircraft -6- airframes or power plants. Sec. 2-1--20. Engaging in air transportation service. "Engaging in air transportation service" means a person engaged in the transportation of a person or persons and/or property according to the applicable following conditions : (a) A certified air carrier which holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under Section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended , other than an air carrier which holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity for supplemental air service; (b) A supplemental air carrier as defined in Title 1 , General Provisions Definitions, Section 101 ( 32 ) of the Federal + Aviation Act of 1958, as amended; or (c) An air taxi operator subject to Part 298, as amended , of the Economic Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board and engaged directly in air transportation of passengers and/or property and who does not hold a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board pursuant to Section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended , or other economic authority issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Sec. 2-1-21 . Engacing in multiple service. "Engaging in multiple service" means a person engaged in two or more commercial aeronautical activities. Sec. 2-1-22.. Engaging in radio, instrument or propeller -7- service. "Engaging in radio, instrument or propeller service" means a person engaged in the sales and service of aircraft radios, instruments or propellers and shall include repairs and installations of new and/or used aircraft radio equipment and parts, aircraft instruments or propellers. Sec. 2-1-23. Engaging in commercial flight service. "Engaging in commercial flight service" means a person engaged in commercial air activities such as, but not limited to, banner towing , aerial advertising , aerial photography, aerial survey, fire fighting , fire patrol , pipeline patrol , powerline patrol , cloud/fog reeding operations or any other operations including FAR Fart 135 operations. Sec. 2-1-24 . Engaging 1.n training school . "Engaging in training school" means a person engaged in conducting a pilot flight training school in fixed and rotary wing aircraft and such related ground school instruction as is necessary to prepare a student pilot to take a written examination and flight check ride for obtaining a pilot certificate or appropriate aircraft rating from the FAA. Sec. 2-1-25. FAA "FAA" shall mean the Federal Aviation Administration . Sec. 2-1-26. FAR. "FAR" means the Federal Aviation Regulations. Sec. 2-1-27 . Fixed base operator. "Fixed base operator" means a person , subject to the provisions of a lease with the -8- City , engaging in the selling , servicing , renting or leasing of new and/or used aircraft, parts, aircraft accessories and hardware; custom repair, overhauling and modification of general accessories and hardware; overhauling and modification of aircraft and/or aircraft equipment; and includes the conducting of charter flight services, aerial photography, advertising, map making , aerial fire fighting or crop dusting services. Sec. 2-1-28. General aviation . "General aviation" shall include all phases of aviation other than aircraft manufacturing , military aviation scheduled and non-scheduled and regulated air- carrier operations. Sec.. 2-1-29 . Itinerate operations. "Itinerate operations" means all. aircraft arrivals and departures other than local aircraft operations . Sec. 2-1-30 . Landing area. "Landing area" shall mean the runways, taxiways, intermediate turn-offs and adjoining areas. Sec. 2-1-31 . Local aircraft operations. "Local aircraft operations" means aircraft operating only in local traffic pattern or within sight of the tower at the Airport-; aircraft that are known to be departing from, or arriving from, flight in local practice areas located within a twenty-mile radius of the control tower at the Airport; and aircraft making simulated instrument approaches or ].ow passes at the Airport. Sec. 2-1-32. Mayor. "Mayor" shall mean the duly elected or appointed and qualified chief executive and administrative -9- officer of Salt Take City , or his/her authorized representative. Sec. 2-1-33. Motor vehicle . "Motor vehicle" is any vehicle propelled by an internal combustion or electric motor. Sec. 2--1-34 . Owner. "Owner" , when referring to vehicles or aircraft, shall mean a person who holds the legal title to any aircraft or vehicle . If said aircraft or vehicle is the subject of any agreement for the conditional sale or lease thereof with the right of purchase upon performance of the conditions stated in the agreement coupled with an immediate right of possession vested in the conditional vendee or lessee, or in the event the mortgagor of any aircraft or vehicle is entitled to possession, then such conditional vendee, lessee or mortgagor thereof shall r be deemed the owner for purposes of this title. Sec. 2-1-3_: . Parking area. "Parking area" shall. mean any portion of the Airport which is set aside for parking of vehicles. Sec. 2-1-36. Pedestrian. "Pedestrian" shall mean any person traveling afoot within the borders of the Airport. Sec. 2-1-37. Person. "Person" shall mean and include a natural person , co-partnership, firm, association or corporation. Sec. 2-1-38. Providing an aircraft parts house . "Providing and aircraft parts house" means a person engaged in the business of storing and dispensing aircraft parts. Sec . 2-1-39. Ramp. "Ramp" shall mean a paved area of the Airport normally used for the parking and taxiing of aircraft. -10- Sec. 2-1-4 0. State. "State" shall mean and have reference to the State of Utah. Sec. 2-1-41 . Traffic . "Traffic" shall mean pedestrians and vehicles, either singly or together, while using any roadway or walkway within the Airport. Sec. 2-1-42 . Vehicle. "Vehicle" shall mean a device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be propelled , moved, transported , hauled or drawn upon any roadway within the Airport Sec. 2-1-43 . Zones. ( a) "Loading zone" shall mean that space adjacent to a curb, reserved for the exclusive use of vehicles during the loading or unloading of passengers, property or materials. (b) "Taxicab stand" shall mean the space reserved for loading and unloading taxicabs. ( c) "Bus zone" shall mean that space reserved for loading and unloading buses. (d) "Limousine zone" shall mean that space reserved for loading and unloading limousines. (e ) "Loading gate" shall mean that space reserved for loading and unloading aircraft. (f) "Loading ramp" shall mean equipment used in loading and unloading aircraft. Chapter 2 USE OF AIRPORT FACILITIES Sections : 2-2-1 . Use of airport property by permission only. 2--2-2. Users ' responsibility. 2-2-3 . Revocation of use privilege. -1 1- 2-2-4 . Unlawful entry of buildings. 2-2-5. Tampering with aircraft prohibited . 2-2-6. Tampering with City property prohibited. 2-2-7. Commercial activities. 2-2-8. Conduct of aviation business. 2--2-9 . Conduct of general business. 2-2-10. Professional skills. 2-2-11 . Damage to Airport property. 2-2-12 . Guest responsibility. 2-2--13. Soliciting. 2-2-14 . Authority of Director to adopt rules. 2-2-15. Advertisements. 2-2-16. Commercial photography. 2-2-17. Roads and walks. 2-2-18. Dogs. 2-2-19 . Funds. 2-2-20. Landing fees. 2-2-21 . Use of Airport facilities--restricted areas. 2-2-22. Repair of aircraft. 2-2-23. Auctions and sales. 2-2-2.4. Personnel on runways and taxiways. 2.-2-25. Tie-down fees. 2--2•-26. Terminal use fees . 2-2-27. Use fee, exclusive use space, terminal . 2-2-28 . Fuel and oil royalties. -1 2- 2-2-29 . Freedom of expression. 2-2-30 . Conditions for soliciting at Airport. 2.-2-31 . Prohibited conduct . 2-2-32 . Issuance of permit. 2-2-33 . Solicitation booth. 2-2-34. Relocation. 2-2-35. Apportionment of available space. 2-2-36. Face-to-face discussions not prohibited . 2-2-•37. Conduct prohibited . 2-2-38. Cargo Ramp Use Fee. Sec. 2-2-1 . Use of Airport property by permission only. (a) Permission granted by the City or an authorized agent y thereof , expressly or by implication, to enter upon or use the Airport or any part thereof_ , ( including aircraft owners, operators, pilots, crew members , mechanics, servicemen and passengers, spectators, sightseers, officers and employees of airlines, agents and employees of sales agencies, flight operators, lessees and other persons occupying space at said Airport, persons doing business with the Airport, its lessees, sublessees and permittees and all other persons whatsoever ) , shall be upon an implied agreement to comply with Airport rules and regulations. (b) All general aviation aircraft normally based at the Airport shall have such aircraft registered with a fixed-base operator or the Director. The registration must include type and -13- make of aircraft, aircraft registration number, the owner's name, address and telephone number and neat of kin. (c) The Airport management shall have the authority to take such steps as may be necessary for the handling , policing and protection of the public while present at the Airport, subject to the review of the Director. Sec. 2-2-2 . User 's responsibility. Persons visiting or using the Airport and its facilities shall do so at their own risk and shall assume full responsibility for their own acts and the acts of their agents, employees, guests and invitees, and shell save and hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, employees and agents from liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from their use thereof, and shall save and hold harmless and defend the City, its officers, employees and agents from the claims of others arising out of such use when such use is in the course of any business transaction or other matter whatsoever with such user and at the latter 's request, solicitation, invitation, permission or license. Sec. 2-2-3 . Revocation of use privilege . Any person refusing to comply with this title may be removed from the Airport; upon order of the Director and may be deprived of further use of the Airport and its facilities. Sec. 2-2-4 . Unlawful entry of buildings. No person shall enter any hangar or portion of any building occupied by any person under a lease or license from the City without consent of -14- such lessee or licensee. Provided , however, this section does not abrogate the City' s right to enter any leased hangar or building as provided in any of the City' s written lease agreements. Sec. 2-2-5. Tampering with aircraft prohibited . No person shall enter, climb upon or tamper with any aircraft without permission of the proper authority or commit any act which would endanger an aircraft landing at, taxiing on or taking off from the Airport. Sec. 2--2--6. Tampering with City property prohibited . No person shall interfere or tamper with any property of the City at the Airport or ride, drive or park any vehicle or walk upon any portion of the Airport not intended for such use without authorization from the Director. Sec. 2-2--7. Commercial activities. No person shall use the Airport, or any portion thereof, for any revenue producing commercial activity without first obtaining an appropriate permit for such activity from the Director and paying the rates and charges prescribed for such use. No person not so authorized shall operate, service or repair aircraft or carry on any business of any nature upon the Airport premises. Sec. 2-2-8. Conduct of aviation business. Any person wishing to use the Airport as a base for conducting a business in any form of commercial aviation, including building of structures, shall. first make application in writing and secure -15- permission from the Director and shall pay the fees and charges prescribed for such use. The carrying of, passengers for hire or reward , including , but not limited to, air taxi, charter, or rental, for the purpose of this title, is considered to be a conduct of aviation business. Sec. 2-2-9. Conduct of general business. Any person wishing to engage in the business or concession of selling food , refreshments or any other commodity or service upon the Airport or upon any lard acquired by the City for use in connection with the Airport, or upon or in any of the buildings, structures, land, parking places, walkways, roadways or other facilities used or operato�l in connection with said Airport, shall make applir-,,,70 (')n in writing and secure permission from the Director acid pay the fees and charges prescribed for Such use. Sec. 2-2-10. Professional skills. Any person wishing to use the Airport, its facilities and services, for the purpose of utilizing his or her professional skill or the professional skill of his or her employees for profit, shall make a written application therefor and procure permission from the Director and shall pay the fees and charges prescribed for such use. Sec. 2-2-11. Damage to Airport property. (a) Any person causing damage of any kind to the Airport or any of the fixtures thereof, shall be liable for such damage to the City. Damage to field lighting or other Airport facilities shall be paid for by the owner_ of the aircraft or vehicle involved or by the operator_ -16- or pilot responsible therefor. (b ) Any damage to any of the physical property on the Airport , its related and/or controlled properties, shall be reported immediately to the Director. Sec . 2-2-12. Guest responsibility. The provisions of this title shall apply to pilots, owners and operators of private aircraft and vehicles and they shall be responsible for the observance of Airport rules and regulations by persons accompanying them as their guests, invitees, students or passengers. Sec. 2.-2-13 . Soliciting . Soliciting or canvassing by any person for any purpose whatsoever shall be prohibited within the Airport, its buildings, and facilities, unless written permission is obtained from the Director. if a permit required by section 20-17A-2 of these Revised Ordinances or a certificate required by section 20-17A-16 of these Revised Ordinances is presented to the Director , the Director shall grant permission to conduct the solicitations at the Airport; provided , however, that the permit or certificate holder agrees to abide .by reasonable rules and regulations adopted by said Director as authorized by section 2- 2--14 of these revised ordinances. Sec. 2-2-14 . Authority of Director to adopt rules. Subject to approval by the Mayor, the Director shall have the power and authority and is hereby empowered and authorized , upon the basis of passenger flow, security reasons or where necessitated by the -17- peculiar character of the Airport, to adopt reasonable rules and regulations pertaining to the solicitations of contributions for charitable, religious or political purposes on the Airport. Such rules and regulations may provide for the following; (a) Conducting such activities in such manner as to maintain a free flow of pedestrians and vehicular traffic, maintain security of the Airport and avoid excessive disruption of normal activities and movement of passengers and vehicles. (b) Designating areas upon the Airport in which such activities may not be conducted. (c) Determining the number of persons who may engage in such activities at any specific time and the duration of the activity. Sec. 2-2-15 . Advertisements. No person shall post, distribute or display signs, advertisements, circulars, printed material or written matter at the Airport, without the written permission of the Director. This section shall not apply when such distribution or displays are for religious, charitable or political purposes which events shall be controlled by section 20-17A-1 et seq. of these Revised Ordinances. Sec. 2-2-16. Commercial. photography. No person shall take still , motion or sound pictures at the Airport for commercial purposes without the permission of the Director. Sec. 2-2-17. Roads and walks. No person shall hinder or obstruct the use of any roadway or walkway provided for vehicular -18- or pedestrian travel , or otherwise use or occupy the same except in accordance with the ordinary use thereof for the particular class of traffic involved . Sec. 2-2-18. Dogs. Dogs may be permitted on the Airport if controlled by a leash or other means which will secure the control thereof by the owner or person in charge of the same. No person shall bring a dog to the Airport except under complete control . No person while on the Airport shall allow any dog to escape from such person' s control. Any person bringing a dog on the Airport agrees to indemnify fully, defend and save and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents and employees from and against all losses, damages, claims, liabilities, and causes of action of every kind or character and nature, as well as costs and fees, including reasonable attorney' e fees connected therewith and expenses of the investigation thereof based upon or arising out of damages or injuries to third persons or their property caused wholly by the negligence of such person. City shall give to such person prompt and reasonable written notice of any such claims or action and such person shall have .the right to investigate, compromise and defend the same to the extent of his or her own interest. 2-2--19. Funds. All funds received from fuel , taxes, rentals, concessions or any other source by the Airport shall be placed in the Airport enterprise funds and kept separate and apart from all other City funds. The collection, accounting, and -19- expenditure of all Airport funds shall be in accordance with existing fiscal policy of the City. Sec. 2-2-20 . Landing fees. ( a) There is hereby imposed on every operator engaged in the business of transporting by air persons or property for hire, including travel clubs, common carriers, contract carriers, foreign air carriers and charter operators, a landing fee for each aircraft ( fixed wing ) landing made at Salt Lake City International Airport . The landing fee shall be computed by multiplying the landing fee rate, as amended from time to time and charged to commercial airlines in accordance with the formula in Exhibit "C" , Part I (a) of the Airport Use Agreement dated July 1 , 1978, by the number of thousands of pounds, or fraction thereof, of certified maximum gross landing weight, as defined in the Federal Air Regulations, of the aircraft whether the aircraft is actually in revenue service or not, or a minimum of $5 .50 per landing , whichever is greater. (1 ) Any air carrier that has a valid and existing (not terminated or expired) Airport Use Agreement with the City providing for the payment of landing fees for use of Salt Lake City International Airport shall be exempt from the landing fee imposed by this section. ( 2 ) Any such operator that is a fixed base operator based at Salt Lake City International Airport and operates a charter or air taxi service on a request basis shall, unless -20- such operator has a valid and existing agreement with the City providing for the payment of landing fees as established by ordinance, be exempt from the landing fee imposed by this section. (b ) There is hereby imposed on every operator, not otherwise exempt, of a helicopter for the carriage of persons or property for hire a landing fee for each helicopter landing made at Salt Lake City International Airport of $1 .50 per landing , regardless of weight. (c) The term "landing " as used herein shall include all landings, whether revenue or non-revenue. The foregoing notwithstanding , the term "landing" for purposes of landing fee f computation shall not include the situation where an aircraft departs from the Salt Lake City International Airport for another destination and, without making a stop at another airport, said aircraft is forced to return to and land at Salt Lake City International Airport because of meteorological conditions, mechanical or operating causes or for similar emergency or precautionary reasons. Sec. 2-2-21 . Use of Airport facilities--restricted areas. No person shall enter_ any restricted area posted as being closed to the public except by permission of the Director, which permission shall be in the form of appropriate identification. Such identification must be worn on the left front side of the outer garment at all times a person is within any such restricted -21- area. it shall. be unlawful for any person to use the . identification of another and likewise it shall be unlawful for any person issued an identification to allow another person to use same. ( a) Disclosure of confidential information. No person may disclose confidential information regarding security to any person not authorized to have the information. This includes, but is not limited to, disclosing combinations to combination locking devices used for Airport security purposes. (b) Duplication of Airport keys. No person may duplicate Airport keys or keying devices without permission from the Director . ` S,,c. 2-2-22. Repai- of Aircraft. ( a) No aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller or appliance shall be repaired in any area of the Airport other than that area specifically designated or approved by the Director. (b) No repair will be made on any aircraft in a hangar other than that aircraft normally assigned to that hangar . Provided , however, that corporate aircraft maintenance hangars or areas are considered as designated repair areas for maintenance on their own corporate aircraft. (c) All repairs on aircraft are to be made by properly certified mechanics, except those items of "preventive maintenance" performed by the owner or operator in accordance with the provisions of FAR, Part 43. -2 2- (d ) Items of preventive maintainence may be performed in tie-down areas. Sec. 2-2-23. Auctions and sales. There shall be no auctions or other special sales held on any Airport property without the prior consent of, and in the manner prescribed by, the Director . Sec. 2-2-24. Personnel on runways and taxiways. Pedestrian traffic in any form is strictly forbidden on runways and taxiways. Sec. 2-2-25 . Aircraft parking fees. A. There is hereby established the following fees for the parking of aircraft at the Salt Lake City international Airport. Monthly parking fees for Airport based aircraft on Airport Authority controlled space: 1. Aircraft weighing less than 12,500 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 2. Aircraft weighing 12 ,500 pounds to 44,999 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 .00 3. Aircraft weighing 45,000 pounds and above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 .00 B. Daily transient aircraft parking fees on Airport Authority controlled space: 1. Aircraft weighing less than 12 ,500 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10 . 00 2. Aircraft weighing 12,500 pounds -23- to 44,999 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25. 00 3. Aircraft weighing 45 ,000 pounds and above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 .00 Any person engaging in air transportation services having an assigned gatehold shall be exempt from all parking fees in this section. Sec. 2-2-26. Terminal use fees. There is hereby imposed on any person using the passenger terminal facilities of Salt Lake City International Airport for enplaning or deplaning passengers into or from transport type aircraft the following fees for the use of aircraft apron facilities, baggage claim facilities and other common and public use facilities: r ( a) For use of any of the joint bag claim facilities in passenger terminal units on the west side of the Salt Lake City International Airport, for more than 22 flights in a calendar month, a use fee computed by multiplying $. 33 by the number of passengers enplaned . (b ) For use of any of the passenger terminal units on the west side of Salt Lake City International Airport for 22 or less flights in a calendar month: (1 ) If only the customs and immigration facilities or unassigned gatehold position are used, a use fee of $350 .00 per flight. ( 2 ) If the customs and immigration facilities or an unassigned gatehold position and other terminal facilities -24- are used , a use fee of $575. 00 per flight. ( c) For use of the executive terminal on the east side of Salt Lake City International Airport, a use fee of $275.00 per flight . (d ) Any airline having a valid and existing (not terminated or expired ) agreement with the City covering the use of baggage claim space in a terminal unit on the west side of Salt Lake City International Airport shall be exempt from the use fees imposed by this Section. Sec. 2-2-27 . Use fee, exclusive use space, terminal . There is herby imposed on any person not having a valid and existing (not terminated or expired ) agreement or permit from the City a use fee computed by multiplying the number of square feet of space in the terminal used exclusively by any person by the annual rent rate per square foot of space in the terminal as is from time to time being charged commercial airline's in accordance with the formula in Exhibit "C" , Part I (b) of the Airport Use Agreement dated July 1 , 1978 and designated by the algebraic symbol "RM" . The annual rental rate for basement and baggage make up space shall be charged in the above manner at the rate of . 5 RM. Payment of said use fee or acceptance of payment of said use fee shall not be construed as creating any type of tenancy whatsoever or as authorizing the continued use or occupancy of such space. Sec. 2-2-28 . Fuel and oil royalties. There is hereby -25- imposed upon any person offering aviation fuel or oil for sale upon the Airport the following royalties : (a ) A fuel royalty equal to three cents ( 3�) per gallon of fuel delivered to any person at the Airport . (b ) An oil royalty equal to six cents (6�, ). per quart of oil delivered to any person at the Airport. (c ) Any person selling fuel or oil at the Airport shall on or before the 12th day of each month submit to the City a detailed statement showing all fuel and oil delivered to such person during the preceding calendar month . The City shall thc. n bill such person for the preceding calendar month , taking into account the customary shrinkage allowance of two percent ( 2% ) . Such bill shall be paid within 10 days of receipt thereof from the City. (d ) Any person required to and paying a landing fee imposed by Section 2-2- 20 or required by an existing agreement shall be exempt from the provisions of this Section . Sec . 2- 2-29 . Freedom of expression . The regulations hereinafter set out are hereby declared to be necessary for the accomplishment of the following purposes : (a ) To insure that persons seeking to exercise constitutional freedoms of expression can communicate effectively -26- with users of the Airport ; (b ) To insure adequate nearby police facilities for the protection of persons exercising their constitutional freedoms ; (c ) To restrict such activities to public areas of Airport buildings and premises ; (d ) To protect persons using the Airport from repeated communications or encounters which might constitute harassment or intimidation ; (e ) To insure the free and orderly flow of pedestrian traffic through the Airport premises ; (f ) To insure that only non- profit charitable , political or religious organizations are permitted to solicit funds on the Airport premises ; (g ) To insure that properly authorized persons , groups and organizations seeking to solicit funds have adequate exposure to the traveling public ; and (h ) To restrict such solicitation of funds to public areas of Airport buildings and premises ; Sec. 2-2- 30. Conditions for soliciting at Airport. Any person , group or organization desiring to engage in solicitation of funds at any Airport owned by the City , which involve the exercise of activities which are constitutionally protected , including but not limited to the distribution of non- commercial , non- obscene or any other goods of whatever nature , in conjunction -27- with a request for a donation, the sale of any such literature or other goods, or the mere solicitation of funds, shall be allowed to engage in such activity provided that the following conditions are met : (a) Such solicitation does not result in interference with the transportation function of the Airport; (b) The solicitation does not constitute a commercial activity; (c) Such person, group or organization shall have first secured the permit ( charitable solicitations) required by Section 20--17A-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , 1965, as amended or the certificate (religious or political solicitations ) G- required 'sly Sect- i,, n 20-17A-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lalle City, 1965, as amended; and (d ) The person, group or organization desiring to solicit funds at the Airport shall first obtain a written permit therefor from the Director. For purposes of obtaining such permit, there shall be submitted to the Director a written application setting forth the following : ( 1 ) The full name, mailing address and telephone number of the person, group or organizaton sponsoring, promoting or conducting the solicitation; ( 2 ) The full name, mailing address and telephone number of the individual person or persons who will have supervision of and responsibility for the proposed -28- solicitation; ( 3 ) The purpose of the proposed solicitation; (4 ) The dates and hours during which the solicitation is proposed to be carried out, and the expected duration of the proposed solicitation; and ( 5 ) The number of persons proposed to be engaged in such solicitation. Sec. 2-2-31 . Prohibited conduct. In the solicitation of funds, the following requirements shall apply: ( a) No sound or voice amplifying apparatus or noise making devices shall be used; (b) No sign or printed matter shall be attached to the "Soli.cii.,ttion Booth, " except such as may be necessary to identity the organization which is conducting a solicitation and any such sign must conform with the Airport decor and signing scheme. ( c) No person soliciting funds shall in any way indicate to the public that he or she is a representative of the City of Salt Take or the Salt Lake City Airport Authority; (d ) Funds shall neither be demanded nor required in return for written material or other items such as flowers or candy which are proferred to the general public as "free" , "gifts" , or "gratuities" ; and (e ) The solicitations referred to herein shall be conducted strictly in conformity with the terms and conditions of these .regulations. -29- Sec. 2-2-32 . Issuance of permit. Upon receipt of an application containing information as described in Section 2-2- 30 (d) , the Director shall forthwith issue a permit to the applicant if there is space available in the Airport terminal , applying only the limitations and regulations set forth in these ordinances. The Director shall exercise no judgment regarding the purpose or content of the proposed activity and shall exercise no discretion over the issuance of a permit hereunder, except as provided in these ordinances, it being the intent of these ordinances that the issuance of a permit by the Director under this section shall be a routine clerical and ministerial function. Provided, that in no event shall the Director issue a permit for a period of time in excess of 30 days. See. 2-2-33. Solicitation booth. Each permit issued by the Director_ shall specify, in accordance with the provisions of these ordinances, the area or areas in which the proposed "Solicitations Booth" shall be located; provided , however, that such location shall provide reasonable access to the general public. Solicitations shall be conducted only from a "Solicitation Booth" which shall be furnished by the Director. Such booth shall be located within the permissable areas at such points as may be designated .from time to time by the Director_ . Sec. 2-2--34. Relocation. The Director_ may move such permitted activities from one area to another upon reasonable written notice to the permit holder when such move or moves are -30-- necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the transportation function of the Airport; provided , however, no such move shall unreasonably interfere with the permittee's access to the general public. Sec. 2-2-35 . Apportionment of available space. In the event that two or more persons, groups or organizations seek to conduct the activities described herein at the same time, the Director shall apportion the available areas between or among them all on as equitable a basis as possible . In no event, however, shall more than three (3 ) persons be engaged in any solicitations permitted by these rules and regulations in any one area at the same time. When the Director e rec, ive..- wore icat ions for ps-:r.-mits than the Director is able to grant by following this rule , permits shall be granted on a first come first-serve basis and the Director may impose such reasonable and equitable restrictions as to allowable dates, hours or numbers of participants as may reasonably be required to provide fair and as equal as possible opportunities for all applicants, while insuring the efficient and effective operation of the transportation function of the Airport . Sec. 2-2-36 . Face-to-face discussions not prohibited . The foregoing regulations shall not prevent or prohibit any person, group or organization from communicating their views in face-to- face discussions at locations in the Airport other than the solicitations booth; provided , however , such communications shall -31- be conducted only in or upon those premises which are non- secured, public use areas. Further, under no circumstances shall the same be conducted : (a) Beyond the security check -points through which passengers and visitors are required to pass when moving toward aircraft gate positions; i. e. , on the side of the security check points where the gate positions of arriving and departing aircraft are located ; (b) In any areas reserved for particular uses, such as parking areas, restroom facilities, restaurants, ticket counters or baggage claim areas; (c) Within ten ( 10 ) feet of any area leased exclusively to r: a tenant of the Airport; (d ) Within thirty ( 30) feet of any security check point; or (e ) Within ten ( 10 ) feet of any stairwell , elevator, enclosed concession, any holding areas within the Airport concourses or any doors of general public circulation. Sec. 2-2--37. Conduct: prohibited . In conducting any face- to-face discussion or in an attempt to engage any person or persons in such discussion, no person shall: (a) In any way obstruct, delay or interfere with the free movement of any other person, seek to coerce or physically disturb any other person or hamper or impede the conduct of: any authorized business at the Airport; (b) Use any sound or voice amplifying apparatus on the -32- premises of the Airport; (c) Receive or accept any donation of money (but may direct to a location established under Section 2-2-33 of these Revised Ordinances any person wishing to make such a donation) except at a solicitation booth; (d ) Use any noise making device; (e) In any way indicate to the public that he or she is a representative of the City of Salt Lake , or the Salt Lake City Airport Authority; ( f) Misrepresent his or her identity; or (g) In any manner disrupt the orderly business of the Airport. Sec. 2-2-38. ( 1 ) Cargo carrier ramp use tee. There is hereby imposed on every operator, engaged in the business of transporting property by air for hire, Cargo Carrier Ramp Use Fees for each separate use of the cargo ramp facility at Salt Lake International . The Cargo Carrier Ramp Use Fee shall be computed on an annual basis by the City, for each fiscal year, first determining the cost of (a) Investment by the City for construction of the r amp; (b) Associated site development costs; (c) Administrative and maintenance costs; (d ) A percentage equal to two percent ( 2% ) of the total. costs as outlined above representing the City' s return -33- on this investment. ( 2 ) Cost formula. The investment costs associated with the ramp shall be amortized over a twenty ( 20 ) year period for the purpose of determining a yearly investment cost at an interest rate equal to the rate charged participating airlines for City investment as detailed in the Airport Use Agreements. The City shall then take the sum of the yearly investment cost, the cost of administration and maintenance, and the percentage return on City investment, and shall allocate them as follows: (a) 30% of total yearly cost to aircraft useage. (b) 60% of total yearly cost to gross weight; (c ) 10% of total yearly cost to layover. (3 ) Fee determination. After these costs are allocated , fees to be charged to aircraft using the facilities shall be determined as follows: ( a) The amount determined in ( 2) (a) above shall be divided by the total number of aircraft utilizing the cargo ramp facilities in the prior year to determine a flat rate fee to be charged to each aircraft per use . (b) The amount determined in (2) (b) above shall be divided by the total gross CERTIFIED .landing weight of aircraft utilizing the cargo ramp in the prior year to establish a basic rate per 1000 pounds, or fraction thereof, of maximum gross certified landing weight and shall be charged according to each aircraft per use. -34- ( c) The amount determined in ( 2 ) (c) above shall be divided by the total number of hours over three per use that aircraft utilizing the cargo ramp facilities experienced during the prior year to establish an hourly, or fraction thereof , layover rate to be charged each aircraft which parks on the cargo ramp for a period of over three hours per use. ( 4 ) Payment. Bills shall be submitted to the airline on a monthly basis and shall be payable within thirty days of day of receipt. Chapter 3 GENERAL FLIGHT REGULATIONS 2--3-1 . Federal. , state and local regulations. 2-3--2. U. S. airman 's certificate required for pilots. 2-3-3 . U .S. license required for aircraft. 2-3-4. Commercial flights. 2-3-5 . Exceptions. 2-3-6. Tail skids prohibited . _ 2-3-7. Reporting of accidents. 2-3-8. Minimum altitude over city. 2-3--9. Dropping objects from aircraft. 2-3-10. Unlawful to jump or permit jumping from aircraft. 2-3-11 . Responsibility of aircraft owner. 2-•3-12. Knowledge of field rules required . -35- 2-3-13 . Reckless aircraft operation. 2-3-14 . Flight over city. 2-3-15. Airport beacon lighted . 2-3-16. Aerobatics. 2-3-17 . Permit for landing fields required . 2-3-18. Radio. 2-3-19 . Damage responsibility . 2-3-20. Demonstrations. 2-3-21 . Limitations. 2-3-22 . Sky diving . 2-3-23 . Ultralight and u.ltralight-like vehicles prohibited . Sec. 2-3-1 . Federal , state and local regulations. ?\To perso�-i shall navigate any aircraft, land aircraft upon, fly aircraiL from or conduct any aircraft operations on or from the Airport other than in conformity with pertinent Federal. , State and City laws and rules and regulations. Sec. 2-3-2 . U.S. airman's certificate required for pilots. It shall be unlawful for any person to pilot within the City any civil_ aircraft unless such person is the holder of a currently effective pilot certificate issued by the government of the United States, but this restriction shall not apply to any person certificated by a foreign country with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement. Sec. 2-3-3 . U . S. license required for aircraft. It shall be unlawful for any person to land upon or fly any aircraft from -36- the Airport unless there is prominently displayed in such aircraft a current certificate of registration and a currently effective certificate of airworthiness issued by the FAA, but this restriction shall not apply to any aircraft certificated by a foreign country with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement. Sec. 2-3-4 . Commercial flights. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry passengers for hire or reward in any aircraft unless such person has been certificated by the FAA as a commercial pilot and it shall be unlawful for any person to pilot any aircraft in a commercial flight which does not qualify under requirements of the FAA for transportation of persons or property for hire or reward. Sec. 2-3-5. Exceptions. All officers and members of the armed forces of the United States, either active or reserve, while engaged in the service of the United States and all aircraft owned by and/or operated exclusively under direction of the armed forces shall be subject to the provisions contained in this chapter except as to certification of aircraft and airmen. Sec. 2-3-6. Tail skids prohibited . No person may base or operate an aircraft from the Airport unless such aircraft is equipped with a tail wheel . Tail skids are strictly prohibited . Sec. 2-3-7. Reporting of accidents. When , within the .limits of the Airport, death or injury to person or damage to aircraft or other property results from collision , mishaps or -37- accident, involving any aircraft, or in or around any aircraft, a report shall be made immediately by the pilot or the registered owner to the FAA District Safety office, the Utah State Division of. Aeronautics and to the Director, stating the make and registration number of the aircraft, the time and place of the accident and giving such other information as may be required in approved accident reports. In the event of an accident occurring on the Airport involving any aircraft, no vehicle or personnel will be permitted on the landing areas without the express approval of the airport management and/or the control tower. Aircraft in the air will continue to circle or land, wind permitting, on an unobstructed runway as directed by the control t tower. Sec. 2•-3-8. Minimum altitude over City. Ex- apt as directed by FAA air traffic control aircraft flown over residential or business areas of the City shall comply with minimum altitude and as specified in FAA FAR 91 .79 . Sec. 2-3-9 . Dropping objects from aircraft. it shall be unlawful to drop any material, object or refuse from an aircraft while taxiing upon the Airport or while in flight within the limits of the Airport or the City unless prior permission has been obtained in writing from the FAA, the Utah State Aeronautics Commission and the Mayor. Sec. 2-3--10 . Unlawful to jump or permit jumping from aircraft. (a ) Except in case of emergency, it shall be unlawful -38- for any person aboard an aircraft in flight to jump from such aircraft at any point over the corporate limits of the City or to land within the corporate limits of the City from an aircraft in flight, whether the jump therefrom is made within or outside the corporate limits without having first obtained permission from the Mayor in writing. (b) Except in case of an emergency, it shall be unlawful for the pilot or other persons in charge of an aircraft in flight to permit any person aboard to jump therefrom over the corporate limits of the City without such person having first obtained permission from the Mayor in writing . Sec. 2--3-11. Responsibility of aircraft owner. No aircraft ` n-,;ner or operator shall lease to another or otherwise permit any person to operatic any aircraft on or within the limits of the Ai):port until such owner or operator has assured himself_ or herself that : (a ) The lessee or permittee has in his/her possession a currently effective pilot certificate qualifying him/her to operate the particular aircraft involved or a student pilot certificate properly endorsed for the flight involved; ( b) The pilot has in his/her possession a currently effective medical certificate; and (c) The pilot has an understanding and working knowledge of FAA airport traffic control procedure, Airport rules and regulations and the use of aircraft radio. Sec. 2-3-12. Knowledge of field rules required. All pilots and student- pilots shall learn and have a working knowledge of -39- Airport field rules, traffic patterns, practice and restricted areas of the City and the near vicinity thereof. Sec. 2-3-13 . Reckless aircraft operation. Any person who manifests a willful disregard for the safety of persons or property may , after providing reasonable notice to such person and opportunity for a hearing on the matter, be denied the use of the Airport. If such disregard is due to any violation of Airport rules and regulations or regulations in force and effect of the State or the FAA, denial of use of the Airport may be for such period of time as in the discretion of the Director is deemed advisable. Sec. 2-3-14 . Flight over the City. Persons flying any aircraft within the limits of the City or the Airport shall operate the same as to cause a minimum of noise and inconvenience and shall not endanger property or the lives of others. Sec. 2-3-15. Airport beacon lighted. Lighting of the rotating beacon during daylight hours shall be an indication that weather conditions are below basic Visual Flight Rule (VFR) minimums, and that Instrument Flight Rules ( IFR) are in effect. Sec. 2-3-16 . Aerobatics. It shall be unlawful for any person to aerobatically fly an aircraft: ( a) Over any business, industrial or residential area of the City. (b) Over any open air assembly of persons within the corporate limits of the City; or -40- ( c) Within the corporate limits of the City while carrying passengers for hire or reward. Sec. 2-3-17 . Permit for landing field required . It shall be unlawful for any person to set up or to maintain within the limits of the City any landing field for aircraft without special permission first obtained from the Mayor. Sec. 2-3-18. Radio. (a) All aircraft based at the Airport must be equipped with a radio receiver and transmitter capable of maintaining satisfactory two-way radio communications with the control tower while within the Airport control zone or with the Unicom operator at Salt Lake City Airport II. (b) No aircraft without a radio receiver may land at the Airport except in case of an emergency or the pilot has received prior permission from the director or the control tower . Sec. 2-3-19 . Damage responsibility. Any person who operates an aircraft in a negligent manner resulting in damage to Airport equipment or buildings shall be required to reimburse the City for such damages. Sec. 2-3-•20. Demonstrations. No flight or ground demonstrations shall be conducted on the Airport without the express written approval of the Director. (This shall not apply to aircraft sales demonstrations. ) Sec. 2-3•-21 . Limitations. Gliders, hang gliders, heli- gliders, hot air balloons and similar aircraft-like vehicles shall not be operated on or from the Airport . -41- Sec. 2-3-22. Sky diving . Sky diving operations shall not be conducted on or in the immediate vicinity of the Airport. Sec. 2-3-23. Ultralight and ultralight-like vehicles prohibited. Ultralight or similar vehicles, certificated or non- certificated , registered or non-registered , operated by licensed or non-licensed pilots shall not be operated on or from the Airport.. This section references, but is not limited to, ultralight vehicle addressed in FAR 103 . Chapter 4 GENERAL TRAFFIC RULES Sections : 2--4-1 . General standard established . 2-4--2. Exceeding Airport weight limits prohibited . 2-4-3 . Control tower. 2-4-4. Parking of servicing equipment. Sec. 2-4-1 . General standard established . In addition to FAR 91, the following traffic rules shall govern flight operations at the Airport. Sec. 2-4-2. Exceeding Airport weight limits prohibited. No person shall land, take-off or taxi an aircraft on the ramps, runways and taxiways of the Airport with a gross weight in excess of the design limits for such ramps, runway and taxiways or in excess of such weight limitations as the Director may from time to time establish and publish in the "Airman' s Information Manual . " -4 2- Sec . 2--4-3 . Control tower. Air and ground traffic shall be under the direction of the control tower when operating within the movement area at Salt Lake City International Airport. All instructions to personnel of aircraft and vehicular traffic shall be transmitted by radio or by flashing light gun signals. Sec. 2-4-4. Parking of servicing equipment. The Director shall authorize and designate the placement and parking of all aircraft servicing equipment of the airlines and other aircraft on the Airport. Chapter 5 TAXIING RULES Sections : E 2-5-1. General standard established . 2--5-2. Taxiing on ramp area. 2-5-3 . Taxiing precautions. 2-5-4. Crossing runways. 2-5-5 . Passing other aircraft. 2-5-6. Taxiing in and out of hangars prohibited . 2-5-7. Taxiing of jet-powered aircraft. 2.--5-8. Taxiing or towing . Sec. 2-5-1 . General standard established. All aircraft shall be governed by the standard FAR-91 rules of taxiing and the provisions of the following sections. :per_ . 2-5-2. Taxiing on ramp area. Persons taxiing past aircraft parked on ramps or in front of the terminal buildings -43- shall use extreme caution. Adequate clearance shall be given when passing other aircraft, vehicles or persons. Sec. 2-5-3. Taxiing precautions. Aircraft shall be taxied carefully, having due regard for the safety of other aircraft, vehicles and persons. Sec. 2-5-4. Crossing runways. Aircraft shall not cross any runway at Salt Lake City International Airport until clearance by the control tower has been received. Sec. 2-5-5. Passing other aircraft. Aircraft may pass other aircraft at Salt Lake City International Airport while taxiing only if cleared to do so by the control tower. Sc-( . 2-5-5. Taxiing in and out of hangars prohibited. No aircraft shall be moved into or out of any hangar with an engine running. Sec. 2-5-7. Taxiing of jet-powered aircraft. No jet or prop-jet aircraft shall be taxied on the Airport where the exhaust blast is likely to cause injury to persons or damage to property, runways, aprons or taxi strips. If it is impossible to taxi aircraft without causing such damage, engines must be shut down and aircraft towed to its destination. Sec. 2-5-8. Taxiing or towing. No aircraft shall be taxied or towed on any area, other than the areas normally used for operation of aircraft, without the express prior written approval of: the Director. -44- Chapter 6 TAKE-OFF PROCEDURES Sections : 2-6-1 . General standard established . 2-6-2. Tower clearance required. 2-6-3 . Run-up procedure. 2-6-4. Turns after. take-offs. 2-6-5 . Highway clearance. 2-6-6. Formation take-offs. 2-6-7. Unusual maneuvers. 2-6-8. Touch-and-go landings. 2-6-9. Mid--runway clearance. r 2-6-10. Take-offs and landings. 2-6-11 . Launch site requirements for manned balloons. Sec . 2-6-1 . General standard established. All aircraft shall be governed by the standard FAR-91 rules for take-off and the provisions of the following sections: Sec. 2-6-2 . Tower clearance required. Take-off at Salt Lake City International Airport shall not be commenced until clearance has been received from the control tower. Sec . 2-6-3. Run-up procedure. Aircraft shall run up on ramps adjacent to the end of runways facing in the direction of take-off. Sec. 2.-6-4 . Turns after take-offs. After taking off from the Airport, aircraft shall attain a minimum altitude of 400 feet -4 5- above the ground and shall be 1 ,000 feet or more beyond the Airport boundary before making the first turn unless otherwise directed by the control tower. CAUTION: Aircraft taking off on Runway 32 shall turn slightly after take-off and assume a northerly direction keeping 1 ,000 feet or more east of Runway 34L. Sec. 2-6-5 . Highway clearance. All aircraft on take-off shall clear highways abutting the Airport at an altitude of fifty feet or more above the ground . Sec . 2-6-6 . Formation take-offs. Formation take-offs or take-offs closer than a full runway separation will not be unless prior permission has been granted by the control Scc. 2-6••-7. Unusual maneuvers. Before any maneuver is practiced, other than normal take-off and landing, permission to do so must be received from the control tower. Any instructor about to execute simulated forced landings on take-off shall call the control tower and obtain permission to do so before starting flight. Sec. 2-6-8. Touch-and-go landings. Any person piloting and aircraft while practicing touch-and-go landings and take-offs shall clear the runway thereafter as soon as possible. Any person flying or piloting aircraft coming to a complete stop and desiring to take-off again must taxi back, via taxi route specified by the control tower, unless otherwise directed by the -4 6- control tower, to the end of the runway for take-off.. Sec. 2-6-9. Mid-way runway clearance. The control tower may , upon request, clear light aircraft for take-off at approved intersection take-off points. Sec. 2-6-10 . Take-offs and landings. Take-offs and landings will be conducted on runways only and not on taxiways or aprons; provided , however, helicopters may land on designated ramp areas. Sec . 2-6-11 . Launch site requirements for manned balloons. It shall be unlawful for any person to launch any manned balloon or other similar aircraft within the corporate 111nits of the City, except at a launch site which meets the following requirements: 1 . The launch site is sufficiently large and open so that nothing will be contacted by the balloon upon take-off . 2 . The terrain is suitable for such operations. 3. During all preparations for flight, only qualified and trained persons shall be on the launch site. Chapter 7 TRAFFIC PATTERN Sections: 2-7--1 . Conformance to traffic pattern required . 2-7-2. Traffic pattern described. 2-7-3 . Entering and leaving pattern. 2-7-4. Passing aircraft in traffic pattern. -47- J Sec. 2-7--1 . Conformance to traffic pattern required . All persons flying aircraft within the control zone will fly in accordance with FAR 91 . 1 . Any person violating FAR 91 . 1 shall also be in violation of this ordinance. Sec. 2-7-2 . Traffic pattern described . The traffic pattern at the Salt Lake City International Airport for light aircraft shall be a rectangular path around the east side of the Airport at an altitude of 1 ,000 feet above the ground. The traffic pattern at Salt Lake City Airport II for aircraft shall be a rectangular path around the west side of the Airport at an altitude of 1000 feet above the ground . Sec. 2-7-3. Entering and leaving pattern. All persons flying light aircraft shall so control it as to enter the traffic pattern at an altitude of 1 ,000 feet above the ground from the East and at a forty-five degree angle to the downwind leg . Upon leaving the traffic pattern, aircraft shall be flown as to leave the pattern at a forty-five degree turn before entering the downwind leg at an altitude of 500 feet above the ground or as directed by the control tower. Sec. 2-7-4 . Passing aircraft in traffic pattern. All light aircraft must be flown to conform with the outlined flight path minimum when making training flights and shall not pass other aircraft in the line of traffic unless on the side away from the airport and at a sufficient distance to avoid accident or cutting out other aircraft in landing. -4 8- Chapter 8 LANDING RULES Sections : 2-8-1 . General. standard established . 2-8-2. Entering pattern. 2-8-3 . Caution--obstruction to the south. 2-8-4. Landing clearance required . 2-8-5 . Clearing runways. 2-8-6. Passing on landing prohibited . 2-8-7. Landing on runways required . 2-8-8. Practice landings. Sec. 2-8-1 . General standard established . All persons piloting or flying aircraft shall be governed by the standard FAR-91 rules for landing in addition to the following provisions: Sec. 2-8-2. Entering pattern. Unless otherwise directed by the control tower, aircraft using runway 34R-16L shall enter the traffic pattern from the East. Unless otherwise directed by the control tower, aircraft using runway 34L-16R shall enter the traffic pattern from the West. Sec. 2-8-3 . Caution--obstruction to the South. Aircraft landing from the South must clear the highway at an altitude of not less than fifty feet. Sec. 2-8-4 . Landing clearance required . Persons landing aircraft shall observe and acknowledge instructions from the control tower, whether by radio or by signal light. -49- Sec. 2-8-5 . Clearing runways. After completing the landing run, persons piloting or taxiing aircraft shall clear the runway immediately via the nearest taxiway or follow instructions from the control tower. Pilots must use caution to avoid hitting elevated runway or taxi lights. Sec. 2-8-6. Passing on landings prohibited. No person shall land an aircraft in such a manner as to pass another aircraft which is landing, taxiing or taking-off. Sec. 2-8-7. Landing on runways required. Landings will be confined to paved runways. Sec. 2-8-8. Practice landings. Persons flying light aircraft may practice landings at the Airport, but such landing r practice khalI include a normal approach and normal take-off. Chapter 9 MISCELLANEOUS TRAFFIC RULES Sections : 2-9-1 . Holding on runways prohibited . 2-9-2. Repairing aircraft on landing area prohibited. 2-9•-3 . Removal of damaged aircraft. 2--9-4. Impounding of aircraft. 2-9-5 . Portable equipment must be secured. Sec. 2-9-1 . Holding on runways prohibited. No person shall board or disembark from any aircraft on the landing or take-off area except in the case of an emergency, nor shall any aircraft hold on a runway or landing strip while instructors are coaching -50- students. Instructors shall not solo students except from the end of runways and in so doing shall clear the runway before disembarking from aircraft. Sec. 2-9-2. Repairing aircraft on landing area prohibited . No person having charge or control of an aircraft shall. permit the same to remain unnecessarily on any part of the landing or take-off area for the purpose of repairs. Sec. 2-9-3. Removal of damaged aircraft. Every aircraft owner, pilot and agent, severally, shall be responsible for the prompt removal of wrecked aircraft, together with such debris as ,.,ay be resulted therefrom, as soon as permitted by FAA rF� 5e 4­.tions. Car.-(, shall be used so as not to damage Airport: property. Sec. 2-9-4 . Impounding of aircraft. The Director may claim a mechanic 's lien and hold any aircraft until all fees and charges for materials, labor or damages to Airport property have been paid . Sec. 2-9-5 . Portable equipment must be secured . Portable loading ramps, baggage trucks and other such portable equipment shall be equipped with brakes, or if not so equipped , shall be secured by suitable locking devices when not in use. Chapter 10 AIRCRAFT PARKING RULES Sections: 2-10-1 . Parking . _5q_ 2-10-2 . Securing of unattended aircraft. 2-10-3. Owner responsibility for tie-down. 2-10-4. Parking on apron . 2-10-5. Airline parking positions. 2-10-6. Air taxi and transient parking . 2-10-7. Parking and cleanliness. 2-10-8. Unlawful to park without paying rates and charges. 2-10-9. Impounding of aircraft. Sec. 2-10- 1 . Parking . No person shall park any aircraft in any area on the Airport other than that prescribed by the Director. Sr.c. 2-10-2 . Securing of unattended aircraft. No person shall leave an aircraft unattended unless within a hangar or otherwise properly tied or secured . Owners shall assume the risk of damage to their own aircraft and shall be liable for any injury to persons or damage to other 's property caused by their negligence in permitting the movement of their aircraft when attended or unattended . Sec. 2-10-3 . Owner responsible for securing aircraft. it shall be the duty of aircraft owners to securely fasten their airplanes. Sec. 2-10-4 . Parking on apron. Aircraft shall be parked only on painted parking spots designated for that use. Sec. 2-10-5 . Airline parking positions. No person shall park any aircraft on the airline parking positions for a period -52- longer than that agreed to by the airline having jurisdiction over the position. No person shall park any aircraft so as to interfere with the proper use of airline equipment on the airline parking positions. Sec. 2-10-6. Air taxi and transient parking. Aircraft parking for air taxi and transient aircraft desiring to park on the west side of Salt Lake City International Airport may do so in the area provided for that purpose. This area is located on the ramp south of Terminal Unit #1 . Sec . 2-10-7. Parking and cleanliness. Each operator and attendant shall be responsible for the orderly parking of ai.t:craft in the area adjacent to his or her hangar or hangars and for the cleanliness of the area he or she uses. Sec. 2-10-8. Unlawful to park without paying rates and charges. It shall be unlawful for any person to park an aircraft in any area designated for parking without paying the prescribed rates and charges for such parking . Sec. 2-10-9. Impounding of aircraft. Any aircraft parked in violation of this chapter may be impounded by the Director. Such aircraft shall not be released except upon payment by the owner, pilot or operator of such aircraft of a fee in the amount of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00 ) for the cost of impound, together with the parking fee then due and all storage and towing charges reasonably resulting from such impounding to the time of payment of all fees and r.•elease of the aircraft. The impounding of an -53- aircraft shall not prevent or preclude the institution and prosecution of criminal proceedings in the Circuit Court or elsewhere against the owner or operator of such impounded aircraft. Chapter 11 RUNNING ENGINES Sections : 2-11-1 . .Starting engines. 2-11-2. Running engines in hangars prohibited. 2-11--3 . Run-up areas. 2-11-4. Run-up of jet or jet prop engines. 2-11-5 . Responsibility of employees. r Sec. 2-11-1 . Starting engines. No person shall start an aircraft engine unless: (a) A competent operator is at the controls; and (b) the parking brakes of the aircraft are fully applied or the wheels of the aircraft are securely blocked with blocks equipped with ropes suitable to remove them safely. Sec. 2-11-2. Running engines in hangars prohibited . No person shall start an aircraft engine or run it while in a hangar. Sec. 2-11-3 . Run-up areas. Aircraft engines shall be run- up only in the areas designated by the Director or the control tower. The aircraft shall be so placed that hangars, shops, groups of persons and other aircraft will not be in the path of the propeller stream or the blast from jet engines. The aircraft -54- shall also be so placed that noise from such engine run-up will not unreasonably inconvenience others. Sec. 2-11-4 . Run-up of jet or jet prop engines. No jet or jet prop engine shall be run-up except on a warm-up pad or in another area authorized by the Director. Sec. 2-11-5. Responsibility of employees. Persons employed at the Airport shall observe every precaution for their own safety when in the vicinity of turning propellers or jet engines and it shall be their duty to warn others of inherent dangers. Chapter 12 AIRCRAFT REFUELING AND DEFUELING Sections: 2-12-1 . Dispensary. 2-12-2. Fueling containers. 2-12-3 . Refueling and defueling prohibited while engine running. 2-12-4 . Smoking prohibited . 2-12-5. Attendant required when passenger in aircraft . 2-12-5 . Grounding required . 2-12-7. Prevention of fuel overflow. 2-12-8. Operating electrical switches. 2-12--9. Prohibited when gasoline on ground . 2-12-10 . Maintenance of fueling equipment. 2-12-11. Grounding devices. 2-12-12. Refueling measurement. -55- 2-12-13 . Prohibited in buildings . 2-12-14. Refueling vehicle parking . 2-12-15 . Fire extinguishers. 2-12-16. Jet fuel dispensing. 2-12-17. Washing of aircraft. 2-12-18. Dumping of oil . 2-12-19 . Fueling facility restriction. Sec. 2-12-1 . Dispensary. No aircraft shall be refueled except by fuel dispenser authorized by the Director . Sec. 2-12-2. Fueling containers. The refueling of all aircraft shall be accomplished by use of gasoline trucks, pumps and pits approved by the Director. Aircraft will be properly ` ground d while being refueled. Refueling from barrels or other such containers is prohibited. Sec. 2-12-3 . Refueling and defueling prohibited while engine running. No aircraft shall be refueled or defueled while the aircraft engine is running or while such aircraft is in a hangar, other enclosed place or being warmed by the application of external heat. Sec. 2-12-4 . Smoking prohibited. No smoking shall he permitted within fifty feet of a refueling truck or within fifty feet of an aircraft fuel tank while such aircraft is being refueled or defueled. Sec. 2-12-5. Attendant required when passenger in aircraft. During the refueling or defueling of any aircraft, no -56- passenger or passengers shall be permitted in such aircraft unless a cabin attendant is stationed at or near the cabin door . Sec. 2-12-6. Grounding required. During period of fueling , refueling or defueling of any aircraft, the aircraft and fuel dispensing or draining apparentus shall be properly grounded to a point or points of zero electrical potential to prevent ignition of volatile gases by static electricity. Sec. 2-12-7. Prevention of fuel overflow. Persons engaged in aircraft fuel handling shall exercise care to prevent overflow of fuel. Sec. 2-1.2-8. Operating electrical switches. During fuel handling in or about any aircraft, no person shall operate any radio transmitter, receiver or switch electrical appliances off or on in such aircraft. Sec. 2-12-9. Prohibited when gasoline on ground . No person shall start the engine of any aircraft whenever gasoline is on the ground or pavement thereunder. When gasoline is spilled or leaks from gasoline dispensing equipment or from aircraft, those in charge thereof shall immediately notify the Airport fire department. Sec. 2-12-10 . Maintenance of fueling equipment. Fueling and defueling equipment including hoses, valves, nozzles and such other equipment as may be used , shall be maintained in a safe operating and non-leaking condition. Sec. 2-12-11. Grounding devices. All hoses, funnels and -57- appurtenances used in fueling, and draining operations shall be properly equipped with a grounding device. Sec . 2-12--12 . Refueling measurement. All refueling vehicles will be equipped with functioning refueling measurement equipment. Sec. 2-12-13 . Prohibited in buildings. There shall be no fueling operations conducted in any building on the Airport. Sec. 2-12-14 . Refueling vehicle parking . Refueling vehicles will be parked in areas approved by the Director and at least 50 feet from other aircraft and buildings. Sec. 2--12-15. Fire extinguishers. Adequate fire extinguishers shall be within easy reach of all fueling and i draining operations. Sec. 2-12-16 . Jet fuel dispensing . Jet fuel dispensing operations shall provide for the recirculation of the fuel prior to and during delivery of fuel to the aircraft. Sec. 2-12-17. Washing of aircraft. If petroleum products are used in the washing of aircraft, such washing shall be done only in those areas designated for such purpose. Sec. 2-12-18 . Dumping of oil . Persons changing oil in their own aircraft shall not dump drained or surplus oil upon the surface of the ground on Airport property or into storm drains. Sec. 2-12-19. Fueling facility restriction. Only those persons having valid written lease agreements for commercial flight operations at the Airport will be allowed to have fueling -58- dispensers on their leased premises or fuel farms designated by the Director. This restriction does not abrogate existing leases on the Airport as of the effective date of this ordinance. Chapter 13 FIRE PROTECTION - GENERAL Sections : 2-13-1 . Responsibility of Airport user. 2-13-2. Smoking forbidden. 2--13-3 . Storing of flammable liquids. 2-w13-4. Painting and doping of aircraft. 2-13-5. Cleaning of aircraft. 2-13-6. Heating equipment. 2•-1�, ,.'!. fle ati.ng of oil. 2-13--8. Welding and heating . 2-13-9. Motor vehicles in hangars prohibited . 2-13--10. Floor care. 2-13-11. Waste receptacles. 2--13-12. Accumulation of litter. 2--13-13 . Fire extinguishers required. 2-13-14. Storage. 2-13--15 . Open flame operations. 2--13-16. Lubricating oils. 2-13-17. Leaking fuel or oil. Sec. 2-13-1. Responsibility of Airport user. Every person using the Airport or its facilities in any way shall use the -59- utmost caution to prevent fire. Sec. 2-13--2. Smoking forbidden. Smoking shall be prohibited in those areas of Airport buildings where no smoking signs are posted. Sec. 2-13--3 . Storing of flammable liquids. Aircraft fuel and other flammable liquids shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of the Salt Lake City Revised Ordinances relating to fire and fire prevention. (See Sections 15-9-1 to 15-12--5 , inclusive, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965 ) . Sec. 2-13-4 . Painting and doping of aircraft. Painting and doping is prohibited except in rooms adequately ventilated and r approved by the City Fire Marshal . The doping and/or painting of aircraft, or parts thereof, shall not be permitted in any aircraft parking area, taxiway, shade hangar_ , or T-hangar. . Sec. 2-13-5. Cleaning of aircraft. No person shall use flammable and/or volatile materials in the cleaning of any aircraft, aircraft engine, propeller or appliance unless such cleaning operations are conducted in open areas, as designated , outside building and a safe distance from the same or other aircraft or in a room specifically set aside for that purpose, which room must be properly fireproofed and equipped with adequate and readily accessible fire extinguishing apparatus. Sec. 2-1.3-6. Heating equipment. All heating equipment and fuel-burning appliances installed in any structure shall be in -60- accordance with the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City relating to such installation. Sec. 2-13-7. Heating of oil . No person shall heat oil in any manner except with steam, hot water, hot air or electric heaters. Sec. 2-13-8. Welding and heating. Welding operations or the use of any appliance with an open flame or highly-heated part shall not be allowed except in shop space designated for such purpose by the Director. Sec. 2-13-9. Motor vehicles in hangars prohibited . Except as provided in Section 2-16-2 (c) of this Title, no automobile or other motor vehicle shall be driven into or allowed to remain inside any hangar ordinarily used for the storage or parking of aircraft for hire or reward except when necessary for some operation requiring its entrance therein; provided, however, that a hangar, or portion of a hangar, set aside and ordinarily used as a repair shop, is exempted from this provision. Sec. 2-13-10 . Floor care. All lessees shall keep the floors of hangars, shops, store rooms, aprons and areas adjacent thereto leased by them, free of all grease, waste or other .flammable material . Sec. 2-13-11. Waste receptacles. Metal receptacles with self-closing covers shall be provided for the disposal of oil waste, rags and other rubbish, and the contents thereof shall be removed at least daily. -61- Sec. 2•-13-12. Accumulation of litter. No boxes, crates, rubbish, paper or other litter shall be permitted to accumulate in, about or around any hangar and all oil , paint and varnish cans, bottles or other containers shall be removed from the hangar immediately upon being emptied . Sec. 2-13-13. Fire extinguishers required. Every building on the Airport and every repair shop, doping or welding room shall ;e equipped with adequate fire extinguishers and first aid equipment approved by the City Fire Marshal . Such extinguishers and equipment shall be maintained in first class working condition at all times and it shall be the duty of the Director to dcysignate some person to examine the same and report their condition to him or her as frequently as he or she shall require. Sec. 2-13-14 . Storage. No person shall store or stock material or equipment in such a manner as to constitute a fire hazard. Sec. 2-13-15 . Open flame operations. No person shall conduct any open flame operations in any hangar or building, or part thereof, unless specifically authorized by the Director. Sec. 2-13-16. Lubricating oils. No person shall keep or store lubricating oils in or about the hangars unless stored in closed containers. Sec. 2-13-17. Leaking fuel or oil . No person shall keep any aircraft stored in a hangar or tied down on any ramp, without providing for the containing of leaking fuel or oil . Repairs of -62- any damage resulting from failure to observe proper containment of such leaks shall be made at the expense of the aircraft owner. Chapter 14 GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT Sections: 2- 14-1 . All ordinances made applicable to the Airport. 2-14-2. Sanitation. 2-14-3 . Firearms and explosives. 2-14-4. Abandonment of property. 2-14-5. Preservation of property. 2-14-6. Hunting . 2-14-7. Flying of model airplanes. t 2•-14-1. All ordinances made applicable to the Airport. No person shall commit any violation of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, as amended, while on the Airport. For the purposes of this section the Airport shall be deemed to be a public place. Sec. 2-14-2 . Sanitation. No person shall drop, throw or otherwise release or permit to be released upon the Airport premises any garbage, paper, refuse, cans, building materials, rags, litter or other waste material, except in proper receptacles. Sec. 2-14-3 . Firearms and explosives. No person except authorized peace officers, post office, customs, express and air carrier employees, members of the armed forces of the United -63- States or members of the National Guard, on official duty, shall carry any loaded or unloaded firearm, explosive, ammunition or flammable material on the concourse or any other restricted area at the Airport without the prior written permission of the Director; provided , however, such permission need not be obtained for an unloaded firearm being delivered for shipment by air air carrier and being delivered directly to the air freight office or the airline ticket counter. Specific authorization may be given by the Mayor for the use of firearms for the elimination of hazards to aircraft or to the public. Sec. 2-14-4 . Abandonment of property. No person shall park and abandon any airplane, boat, trailer, automobile, truck or F personal property within the limits of the Airport. Vehicles and personal property of any nature shall be removed from the Airport premises immediately upon request of the Director. Sec. 2-14-5. Preservation of property. No person shall : (a ) Destroy, damage, deface or disturb in any way any building , sign, equipment, marker, or other structure, tree, flower, lawn, or other public property on the Airport; (b) Trespass on any Airport property or within any building on Airport property; ( c) Interfere or tamper with or damage any part of the Airport or any equipment thereof; (d ) No unauthorized person shall interfere or tamper with -64- any aircraft or start the engine of any aircraft. Sec. 2-14-6. Hunting . There shall be no hunting or shooting on the Airport, its related or controlled properties without the express prior written approval of the Director . Sec. 2-14-7. Flying of model airplanes. No person shall fly any model airplane on the Airport or controlled properties without the express prior written approval of the Director. Chapter 15 MOTOR VEHICLE REGULATIONS Sections: 2-15-1 . Operations in accordance with state law. 2-15-2. Parking areas. f 2-15-3 . Permission required to drive on loading areas. 2-15-4. Speed limits. 2-15-5. Prohibited vehicles . 2-15-6. Reporting of accidents. 2.-15-7. Parking vehicles . 2-15-8. Loading or unloading of common carriers . 2-1.5-9. Impounding . 2-15-10. Purpose of the following sections. 2-15-11 . Definitions. 2-15-12. Service pickup. 2-15-13 . Fee. 2-15-14. Toll booth. 2-15-15 . Method of payment. -65- 2-1.5-16 . Taxicab ordinances applicable to airport. 2-15-17. Feeder line. 2-15--18 . Pre-arranged fares. 2--15-19 . Taxicab stand . Sec. 2-15-1 . Operations in accordance with State law. No person shall operate a motor vehicle on the Airport except in strict compliance with the motor vehicle laws of the State and the ordinances of the City, and in addition thereto, such persons shall conform to the regulations set forth in this chapter. Sec. 2-15-2. Parking areas. (a) Parking areas for motor vehicles shall be set aside for Airport employees and for the corieral public. No person shall park a motor vehicle or a r trailer in any place on the Airport other than those areas designated by the Director. No person shall park a motor vehicle in an area designated as an employee parking lot unless the said motor vehicle displays a currently effective employee parking sticker issued by the Director. For the purpose of this Section motor vehicles shall be defined by Section 46-1-22, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, no automobile, truck or other motor vehicle shall be parked in or in front of any hangar, except for service or delivery vehicles actually making a delivery and then only long enough to make said delivery. -66- ( c) Tenants of T-hangars and shade hangars may park their motor vehicles in their own hangars when the aircraft is being flown . (d ) All parking of motor vehicles in the T-hangars, shade hangars or other aircraft parking areas, other than provided in (c) above, is prohibited . (e ) No person shall park a motor vehicle on the Airport in excess of seventy-two (72 ) consecutive hours unless it is parked in the public parking area or with the approval of the Director. (f) No person shall park a motor vehicle in an area designated as a public parking lot unless said person pays the authorized rate for such parking lots. A schedule of parking ' rates shall be available in the Airport Authority Office of Finance and Administration. Sec. 2-15-3 . Permission required to drive on loading areas. (a) Motor vehicles, other than support vehicles, shall not be permitted on ramp areas except for the loading or unloading of aircraft passengers and/or baggage. when on the ramp, such vehicles must display proper identification issued by the Director. (b) Any vehicle being used on the ramp as a service vehicle must bear suitable identification, which designates the operator to whom the vehicle is assigned , issued by the Director. (c) No person or vehicle is permitted in, on or around any secured area, such as, but not limited to any, hangar, landing -67- field , runway, apron, taxi-strip, without prior permission from the Director. Automobiles, trucks and other equipment ( including Airport maintenance and emergency vehicles) being driven on any landing area, runway, taxi-strip or apron must display a standard checkered flag or flashing amber or red light, as appropriate, if operated during the nighttime, or when applicable, marked in accordance with FAA Regulations or as directed by the Director and must not be operated without prior permission of the control tower or the Director. Sec. 2-15-4 . Speed limits. ( a) Motor vehicles shall be operated on established streets and roadways within the Airport in strict compliance with speed limits posted on traffic signs. They shall also be maintained and operated in conformity with all motor vehicle regulations and laws of the State and City. Motor vehicles being operated on any passenger loading ramp, aircraft parking ramp, or in any area immediately adjacent to the terminals or hangars, shall he driven cautiously and at a safe and reasonable speed , but not to exceed twenty ( 20 ) miles per hour. (b) Use of ramp roadways. Vehicles shall only be operated within the limits of the designated painted roadways on the air operations areas. Sec. 2-15-5. Prohibited vehicles. No go-cart, motor bike, bicycle, house trailer, or similar vehicle, or horse, shall be permitted on any landing area, ramp, taxiway or hangar area -68- without the approval of the Director. Sec . 2-15-6. Reporting of accidents. Any person involved in an accident resulting in personal injury or damage to property on the Airport shall report promptly to the office of the Director. Sec. 2-15-7. Parking vehicles. No person shall park a vehicle on the Airport other than in the manner and at locations indicated by posted traffic signs and markings. Sec. 2-15-8. Loading or unloading of common carriers. No common carrier, vehicle for hire, taxicab or limousine shall load or unload passengers at the Airport at any place other than that designated by the Director. Sec. 2-15-9. Impounding . Any vehicle parked in violation of Airport rules and regulations for a period in excess of one hour shall , upon request of the Director, be impounded by the City Police Department and removed from the Airport premises, or the Director may at his or her discretion arrange to have such illegally parked vehicle placed in the Airport public parking lot, in which event the owner thereof shall pay for the tow charge in addition to the regular fees of the parking lot . Sec. 2-15-10 . Purpose of the following sections. Section 2-16-11 through Section 2-16-19 are enacted for the purpose of requiring those persons who conduct business at the Airport by providing ground transportation as their sole business or as a part of their business such as, but not limited to, providing -69- courtesy car service, to assist in defraying the expense of providing certain facilities and services including, but not limited to, the Airport roads, curbs, special parking facilities, traffic control , snow removal , lights, and other related Airport facilities and services for ground transportation vehicles using the Airport and to create an equitable assessment of fees for its use. ,Sec. 2-15-11. Definitions. The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be defined as provided herein unless a different meaning is specifically or more particularly described: (a) Automobile or station wagon. "Automobile" or "station r wagon" shall mean any motor vehicle which if registered with the State as a commercial vehicle, is so registered at a gross weight of less than 6000 pounds, or if not registered commercially, that said vehicle would receive a weight classification as gross weight of less than 6000 pounds, if such vehicle were to be registered commercially. (b ) Bus. "Bus" shall mean any motor vehicle operated on the streets and highways for hire, which is registered with the State at a gross weight of over 36,000 pounds , on a scheduled or non-scheduled basis and operated by authority of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity issued by the Public Service Commission of the State. Provided, however, that such terms shall not include any buses operated by the Utah Transit Authority. -70- ( c) Courtesy car. "Courtesy car" shall mean any motor vehicle, other than a taxicab, bus or limousine, which is regularly operated for the transportation of customers and/or baggage between the Airport and any motel, hotel, auto rental office or parking lot, which is situated off Airport property. (d) Ground transportation vehicle. "Ground transportation vehicle" shall include a bus, mini-bus, courtesy -car, limousine and taxicab. (e) Limousine. "Limousine" shall mean any motor propelled vehicle, except a taxicab, buse or mini-buse, operated on the streets and highways for hire with a driver furnished, operated on a scheduled or non-scheduled basis and operated by authority f of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity issued by the Public Service Commission of the State. ( f) Mini-bus. "Mini-bus" shall mean any motor vehicle operated on the streets and highways for hire, which is registered with the State at a gross weight of 15 , 000 to 36,000 pounds, on a scheduled or non-scheduled basis and operated by authority of a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity issued by the Public Service Commission of the State. Provided, however, that such term shall not include any mini--buse operated by the Utah Transit Authority. (g ) Taxicab. "Taxicab" means a motor vehicle used in the transportation of passengers for hire over the public streets and not operated over a fixed route or upon a fixed schedule, but is -71- subject to contract for hire by persons desiring special trips from one point to another. It does not include an automobile rental vehicle licensed under any other section of these ordinances. (h) Van. "Van" shall mean any motor vehicle which is registered with the State at a gross weight of 6 ,000 to 15,000 pounds . Sec. 2-15-12. Service pickup. All persons operating a ground transportation vehicle on the premises of the Airport shall pick up passengers only in a special pickup zone as designated by the Director. Ground transportation vehicles may Occupy said zone only for the period of time established by the Ili G�a.t.:' 2-15-13. Fee. There is hereby established the following fees for all ground transportation vehicles picking up any passenger or passengers at the Airport: Type of Vehicle Per Trip Charge Automobile or station wagon 25� Van 50V Mini-bus 75� Bus $1 .00 Sec. 2-15-14 . Toll booth. No ground transportation vehicle which has picked up a passenger or passengers at the Airport shall depart the Airport without stopping at the toll booth on the outbound side of the terminal loop road and paying the fee -72- required by Section 2-15-13 of these Revised Ordinances. Sec. 2-15-15. Method of payment. Payment of the required fee at the toil booth may be paid for either by cash in the required amount or by the payment of a token or tokens in the required amount which tokens have previously been obtained . and paid for at such location as designated by the Director. Sec. 2-15-16 . Taxicab ordinances applicable to Airport.. All applicable ordinances contained in Title 43 of these Revised Ordinances shall apply at the Salt Lake City International Airport. In addition, the following ordinances shall specifically apply at said Airport. Sec. 2-15-17. Feeder line. ( 1 ) There is hereby r established a taxicab feeder line at the Airport which is designated exclusively for taxicabs entering the Airport for the purpose of obtaining a fare. ( 2 ) All taxicabs entering the Airport for the purpose of obtaining a fare shall proceed to the feeder line and wait in said line until there is an available slot open at one of the designated taxicab stands. ( 3 ) When a slot becomes available at one of the taxicab stands, the taxicab first in line shall proceed to the taxicab stand and occupy said open slot. ( 4 ) No driver_ shall leave his or her taxicab unattended while said vehicle is in the feeder line. In the event it is necessary to leave the taxicab unattended, the driver shall park -73- the taxicab at the southeast end of the lot in the area designated by appropriate signs for parking of taxicabs. ( 5) No driver of a taxicab seeking to obtain a fare shall go directly to the taxicab stand without first going through the feeder line. Should there be no other taxicab waiting in the feeder line and an open slot at one of the taxicab stands, the driver may proceed directly from the feeder line to the open slot at such taxicab stand. Sec. 2-15-18 . Pre-arranged fares. Any taxicab driver entering the Airport for the purpose of picking up a pre-arranged fare shall not utilize, the feeder line or the taxicab stand , but shall park his or her vehicle at the southeast end of the lot in the area designated for parking of taxicabs while the driver is inside of the terminal building locating his or her fare. Sec. 2-15-19 . Taxicab stand . (1 ) There is hereby establ+..Jhed taxicab stands at the Airport which are designated exclusively for taxicabs entering the Airport for the purpose of obtaining a fare. Said stands shall be marked by appropriate signs placed at the direction of the Director. (2 ) A driver shall stay within ten feet of his or her taxicab while said cab is parked at one of the taxicab stands. (3) No more taxicabs shall occupy any taxicab stand at any one time than there are designated slots appropriately marked by signs. The number of taxicab slots at each taxicab stand may be changed from time to time by the Director. -74- Chapter 16 PENALTY CLAUSES Sections: 2-16--1 . Prohibitive nature of title. 2-16-2 . Penalty. 2-16-3 . Removal of violator. Sec. 2-16-1. Prohibitive nature of title. It shall be unlawful for any person to do any act prohibited by this title, to fail or refuse to do any act required by this title, to operate any vehicle or aircraft in violation of any provisions of this title or to operate any vehicle or aircraft unless such vehicle or aircraft is equipped and maintained as provided in this tittle. Sec. 2-16-2 . Penalty. Any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this title shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed two hundred ninty-nine dollars or imprisonment not to exceed six months or by both such fine and imprisonment. Sec. 2-16--3 . Removal of violator. Any person operating or handling any aircraft in violation of this title, or by refusing to comply herewith, may be removed or ejected from the Airport, or may be temporarily grounded by, or under the authority of, the Director_ and may be deprived of the further use of the airport and it: facilities for such length of time as may be deemed necessary to insure the safeguarding of the same and the public -75- . and its interests therein. Chapter 17 SALT LAKE CITY AIRPORTS MASTER PLAN EXTERIOR BOUNDARIES Sections: 2-17-1 . Declaration of policy. 2-17-2. Master plan fixing exterior boundaries adopted - Salt Lake City International Airport. 2-17-3. Master plan fixing exterior boundaries adopted - Airport II. Sec. 2-17-1 . Declaration of policy. The City Council finds that : (a) Aircraft transportation of all kinds is rapidly acc<,,lerating and expanding in all its fields and requires and will require increasingly larger areas for larding facilities , terminal facilities, warehouse facilities, hangars and other facilities to accommodate such transportation; (b) Salt Lake City International Airport is situated in the center of the Great Intermountain West and as such will attract and serve an ever expanding aircraft transportation system and efforts are being made to increase the number of airlines using said Airport; ( c) In order to meet the needs of the aircraft industry using said Airport, it is necessary that immediate steps be taken to enlarqe said Airport and its facilities; (d ) It is necessary that the City make plans for the enlargement of said Airport to provide the necessary accommodations and to protect the air space needed -76- therefor; (e) It is further necessary to adopt a master Plan which will define and fix the exterior boundaries of the area necessary for the orderly and convenient expansion of said Airport facilities in order to keep abreast of the needs and requirements of the air transportation industry which said Airport should and will serve. Sec. 2-17-2 . Master plan fixing exterior boundaries adopted - Salt Lake City International Airport. The official map of Salt Lake City No. 21. , as amended , on file in the office of the City Engineer, designated as The Master Plan showing exterior boundaries of the area already acquired or to be acquired and controlled by the City for expansion of Salt Lake City Int.: rnat9_anal Airport, be, and the same hereby is, adopted as the Master Plan for the expansion of said Airport, the area comprising the same being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point 806 .03 feet N. 0°02 ' 38" E. of the South 1/4 corner of Section 33 , Township 1 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, said point being on the Northerly right- of-way line of North Temple Street, and running thence S. 89058138" W. 340 . 71 feet along said right-of-way line; thence S. 0002138" W. 805. 75 feet to the South line of Section 33 ; thence N. 89058 ' 33" E. 340. 71 feet along said section line to the South 1/4 corner of Section 33 ( said 1/4 corner is also the North 1/4 corner of Section 4 , T. 1 S. , R. 1 W. ) ; thence S. 0°11 ' 26" E. 2,290 .43 feet to the Northerly right-of-way of the Western -77- Pacific Railroad main line siding ; thence S. 77049101" W. 581 .95 feet; thence S. 0° 12 '04" E . 238 feet, more or less, to the 1/4 section line; thence S. 89057109" W. 188 feet, more or less; thence N. 0°12 ' 04" W. 197 feet, more or less, to the northerly right-of-way line of the Western Pacific Railroad main line siding; thence S. 77049 ' 01" W. 1 ,932 .50 feet to the West line of said Section 4 ( said line is also the East line of Section 5, T. 1 S. , R. 1 W. ) ; thence S. 77°49 ' 01" W. 230.26 feet to a point on a 3 ,852.83 foot radius curve to the left, said point also being on the Northerly right-of-way line of the relocated Salt Lake Garfield & Western Railroad; thence Southwesterly 397.14 feet along said curve to a point 116 feet perpendicularly distant Northwesterly to the Western Pacific Railroad main line track; thence Southwesterly and parallel to said railroad track 3,459 feet, more or less; thence S. 78°00' 55" W. 1 ,343 feet, more or less, to the West line of said Section 5 (said line is also the east line of Section 6, T. 1 S. , R. I. W. ) ; thence S . 78°00' 55" W. 238 feet, more or less, to the Westerly Highway right-of-way and non-access line of U.D.O.T. project #1-80-3 (5) 116; thence N. 1025 ' 59" W. 622 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way line to a point on a 1 ,527. 89 foot radius curve to the left (note: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears N. 1`50134" W. ) ; thence Northwesterly 769. 68 feet along said curve to the North line of the NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 6; thence Northwesterly 971 .37 feet along the arc of a 1 ,672. 95 foot radius -78- curve to the left (Note: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears N. 34°24 ' 21" W. ) ; thence N. 63 *47138" W. 1 ,084 . 09 feet; thence N. 55'55 ' 36" W. 436.08 feet; thence West 83 . 57 feet to a point on a 2 ,894.79 foot radius curve to the left (note: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears N. 51035112" W. ) ; thence Northwesterly 246.45 feet along said curve; thence N. 57*07149" W. 100 .52 feet; thence N. 57°27 ' 53" W. 328. 82 feet; thence N. 57'47 '59" W. 200.79 feet to a point on a 5,759.58 foot radius curve to the left (note: Tangent to said curve at its point of beginning bears N. 58°28 ' 02" W. ) ; thence Northwesterly 640 feet, more or less, along said curve; thence North 545 feet more or less, to the north section line of said r Sect- .ion 6; thence North 850. 50 feet; thence East 46. 47 feet; thence N. 4'58 ' 32" W. 4,445.67 feet to the north line of Section 31 , `.C. 1 N. , R. 1 W. ; thence West 1,009. 82 feet alonq said line to the northwest corner of said Section 31; thence North 15,840 feet to the northwest corner of Section 18, T. 1 N. , R. 1 W. ; thence East 10 ,560 feet to the northeast corner of Section 17, T. 1 N. , R.1 W. ; thence South 5,280 feet to the northwest corner of Section 21, T. 1 N. , R. 1 W. ; thence East 2640. 0 feet; thence South 660. 0 feet; thence Fast 1,320. 0 feet; thence South 14,374. 25 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of North Temple Street; thence S . 89'58' 38" W. 1 ,254 feet, more or less, along said right-of-way line to the point of beginning, and beginning at a point 660 feet West and 792 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of Section 16 , -79- T. 1 N. , R. 1 W. , Salt Lake Base and Meridian; running thence North 198 feet; thence East 660 feet; thence North 33 feet; thence East 165 feet; thence South 264 feet; thence West 165 feet; thence North 33 feet; thence West 660 feet to the point of beginning, and beginning at the South 1/4 corner of Section 16 , T. 1 N. , R. 1 W. , Salt Lake Base and Merdian; running thence West 660 feet along the south line of said section; thence North 792 feet; thence East 660 feet; thence South 792 feet to the point of beginning , and beginning at a point 660 feet West and 990 feet North of the South 1/4 corner of Section 16, T. 1 N. , R. 1 W. , Salt Lake Base and Meridian; running thence North 519 . 75 feet; thence East 660 feet; thence South 189 .75 feet; thence East 165 feet; ;-hence S;Duth 297 feet; thence West 165 feet; thence South 33 :feet; thence West 660 feet to the point of beginning. Contains 6, 757 acres, more or less. (Excluding the Highway R.O.W. ) Sec. 2-17•-3 . Master Plan fixing exterior boundaries - Salt Lake City Airport II. The exterior boundaries of Salt Lake City Airport II are particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 5 .89°55 '30" E. 1557. 37 feet from the Northwest corner of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, and running thence 5.89055130" F. 1.525.73 feet; thence South 33. 00 feet; thence 5.89055130" E. 758 .75 feet; thence S.0006129" E. 2608.68 feet; thence 5.89059140" E. 1410 . 75 feet; thence 5.89049 ' 50" E. 642. 60 feet; -80- thence S. 29052 ' 00" E. 285. 10 feet, more or less; thence S. 10047100" E. 505 .50 feet; thence S. 19047100" E. 628. 13 feet; thence S. 89° 49 ' 40" E. 957.87 feet; thence S. 0017 ' 02" W. 1320.00 feet; thence S .89°49 '40" E. 420 .00 feet; thence South 33 .00 feet; thence S. 89°49140" E. 240.00 feet; thence S. 0017 ' 02" W. 2621 .40 feet; thence N.89055 ' 08" W. 1476.20 feet; thence S. 17040 '00" W. 1084 feet; thence S. 5027100" E. 960.70 feet; thence S. 89029 ' 00" W. 347 .74 feet; thence S.0052 ' 30" E. 600.00 feet; thence S.89029100" W. 746.80 feet; thence North 350.00 feet; thence West 350.00 feet; thence South 353. 15 feet; thence S.89°29 ' 00" W. 54. 40 feet; thence S. 86059157" W. 350. 00 feet; thence 14. 89058 , 00" W. 3147 . 49 feet; thence N. 10°48 ' 00" W. 224. 11 fee',. to the point t of curvature; thence along the arc of a 2814 .93 foot radius curve to the right 810 .64 feet; thence N.5°42100" E. 2128. 50 feet to a point of curvature; thence along the arc of a 3487. 87 foot radius curve to the left 1552. 31 feet; thence N. 19*48100" W. 648.80 feet, more or less; thence S. 89055' 10" E. 212.90 feet, more or less; thence N.23°59 '00" W. 111 .00 feet, more or less; thence N. 22036100" W. 2006.50 feet; thence N .7056 ' 00" W. 696. 30 feet; thence S. 89055 ' 40" E. 1245.35 feet; thence North 2608.75 feet; thence S. 89° 55130" E. 40.54 feet; thence North 33.00 feet to the point of beginning, and Commencing at a point along the centerline of 7800 South Street, said point being the Northeast corner of the Northwest 1/4 , Northeast 1/4 of Section 31 , Township 2 South, Range 1 West, -81- Salt .take Meridian; thence North 89059 ' 50" West 316 . 224 feet along the Section Line; thence South 1004 '53" East 238 feet, more or less to the North right-of-way line of the existing Bingham Highway, (Utah State Department of Highways Project No. S-6) ; thence Northeasterly 334 feet, more or less, along said North Line and along the arc of a 3,894. 8 foot radius curve to the right, to the intersection of said North Line and the East boundary line of said grantor 's land; thence North 0 °04 ' 02" East 120 feet, more or less, along said East boundary line to the point of beginning, and Commencing at a point which is 961. 301 feet West and 216 . 167 feat. South fr_ol-2 the Northeast corner of Section 31, Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian; thence South 82 *30100" West 361 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the West Boundary line of said grantor 's land and the South right-of-way line of the existing Bingham Highway (Utah State Department of Highways Project No. S-6) ; thence Northeasterly 358 feet, more or less, along said South Line and along the arc of a 3, 759 . 8 foot radius curve to the right, (whose tangent bears North 7100312911 Last: at said property intersection) ; thence South 13 *55108" East 55 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning , and Beginning at the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 31 , Township 2 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian; running thence West 245. 21 feet; thence 14. 1047122" W. 931 .41 feet to a point on the arc of -82- a curve to the right; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve (which is the southerly right-of-way line of the Bingham Highway) 283 . 03 feet, more or less; thence N. 82030100" E. 333 .84; thence 5. 13012138" E. 933 .70 feet; thence West 35 .56 feet; thence S. 0017140" W. 545. 15 feet; thence West 513 . 25 feet; thence N. 0017140" E. 371 .74 feet to the point of beginning . Total airport property 1 ,223.92 acres, more or less. Chapter 18 AIRPORT AUTHORITY Sections: 2-1,0--1 . Def initions. 2-18--2. Creation of Authority. 2•-18 -3 . Appointment. Oath of Office. 2-18-4. Removal from office. 2-18-5. Directors ethics. 2-18-6. Eligibility for membership. 2-18-7. Remuneration. 2-18--8. Meetings. 2-18-9. Election of Authority officers. 2-18-10. Review of action - veto power of Board. 2-18-11. Committees. 2-18-12. Powers and duties. 2-18-13 . Attorney - engineer. 2-18-14. Severability. Sec. 2-18--1 . Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter -83- the following words shall have the meanings as given herein: ( 1 ) "Airport" means the Salt Lake City International Airport, Salt Lake City Airport No. 2 and any other airport owned or operated by Salt Lake City. (2 ) "Authority" means the Salt Lake City Airport authority created under this ordinance. ( 3 ) "Board" means the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City. (4 ) "City shall mean and have reference to Salt Lake City, a municipal corporation of the state of Utah. ( 5) "Commissioner" means a duly elected or appointed , and qualified commissioner of Salt Lake City. ( 6) "Director" means a person appointed by the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake City who is duly qualified and an acting , voting member of the Authority. (7) "Mayor" means the duly elected or appointed, and qualifies mayor of Salt Lake City. ( 8) "Person" means an individual . Sec. 2-18-2 . Creation of authority. There is hereby created the Salt Lake City Airport Authority, hereinafter referred to as "Authority" , which body shall consist of seven appointed voting Directors The mayor, each commissioner, the airport manager the city attorney and the city engineer shall be ex off. icio non-voting members. Sec. 2-18-3 . Appointment. Oath of office. All -84- Sec. 2-18-4 . Removal from office. Any director of the Authority may be removed from office by the Board for cause, prior to the normal expiration of the term for which such director was appointed. Sec. 2-18--5. Directors ethics. Directors shall be subject to and bound by the provisions of the Utah Public Officers ' and Employees' Ethics Act, Section 67-16-1 , et seq. , Utah Code Ann. 1953, as amended. Any violation of the provisions of said act shall be grounds for removal from office. Sec. 2-18-6. Eligibility for membership. A person to be eligible to be appointed as a director of the Authority shall greet the following prerequisites: (1 ) Be not less than 21 years of age. (2 ) Be a resident of the State of Utah. ( 3 ) No person shall be eligible to serve on the Authority as a director while actively engaged or employed in commercial aeronautics . Sec. 2-18-7. Remuneration. Directors of the Authority shall receive a compensation of $1 .00 per year for their services as directors of said Authority and may be reimbursed for reasonable and authorized out of pocket expenses they may incur as directors thereof. Sec. 2-18-8. Meetings. The authority shall convene for regular_ meetings to be held not less than monthly throughout the year. The Authority shall keep its meetings open to the -86- appointments and removals of directors of the Authority shall be made by the Board evidenced by resolution duly passed by the said Board . In making initial appointments, the Board shall designate one director to serve one year, two to serve two years, two to serve three years, and two to serve four years. Any fraction of a year in the initial appointment shall be considered a full year. Thereafter, all appointments shall be made for a four-year term. Each director ' s term of office shall expire on the applicable third Monday in January, but he shall continue to hold that office until his successor is appointed and qualified. Each director shall be an employee of Salt Lake City , and shall have such rights and protections-s and shall have such duties as are by lar; afforded to or are imposed upon city employees, but they shall not receive fringe benefits provided other employees. Directors of the Authority shall sign the oath of office required by law to be signed by city officials and file the same in the office of the city recorder. Every director who shall fail within ten days after notification of his appointment to file with the city recorder his oath of office to perform faithfully, honestly and impartially the duties of his office, shall be deemed to have refused such appointment, and thereupon another person shall be appointed in the manner prescribed in these ordinances. Vacancies occurring in the membership of the Authority shall be filled by appointment by the Board for the unexpired term. -85- public. Special meetings may be ordered by a majority of the Authority, the chairman, the mayor or a commissioners. The order for a special meeting must be signed by the directors chairman, mayor or commissioner calling such meeting and , unless waived in writing , each director not joining in the order for such special meeting must be given not less than three hours notice. Said notice shall be served personally or left at the director' s residence or business office. The Authority may also hold executive sessions, for the purpose of discussing sensitive matters such as negotiations or personalities, at such times as the Authority shall determine, which need not be open to the public; provided, however, no resolution, rule or regulation shall be finally approved at such executive session and such sessions shall be held infrequently as it is recognized that almost all issues are to be discussed in public. Meetings shall be held at the office of the airport manager Salt Lake City International Airport, or at such other public place as may be designated by the Authority. Four directors of the authority shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business. The Authority may act officially by an affirmative vote of any four of the directors. The authority shall cause a written record of its proceedings to be kept which shall be available for public inspection in the office of the airport manager. The Authority shall record in the record the yea and nay votes on the voting of -87- any action taken by it. The Authority shall adopt a system of rules of procedure under which its meetings are to be held. The Authority may suspend the rules of procedure by unanimous vote of the directors of the Authority who are present at the meeting. The Authority shall not suspend the rules of procedure beyond the duration of the meeting at which the suspension of the rules occurs. i Sec. 2-18-9. Election of Authority officers. Each year the Authority at its first regular meeting after the third Monday in January shall select one of its directors as chairman, and another of its directors as vice-chairman who shall perform the duties of the chairman during the absence or disability of the chairman. The airport manager shall make available a secretary from his staff to the Authority when required . Sec. 2-18-1.0. Review of action - veto power of Board. All actions taken by the Authority shall constitute recommendations to the Board and shall not constitute official action. All actions shall be reduced to writing and submitted to the city recorder 's office for presentment to the Board. The city recorder shall present the same to the Board at its next regular meeting. The Board shall have the power to review, ratify, modify or veto any action submitted by the Authority. The City recorder shall promptly notify the Authority in writing of the action taken by the Board . No action shall be implemented until the Authority is notified in writing that it has been ratified by -88- the Board or that the action was modified and adopted by the Board and in such event it shall be implemented as modified. In the event the Board shall desire to hold any matter for further study, the chairman of the Authority shall be notifed . Actions will take effect only upon ratification by the Board. Sec. 2-18-11 . Committees. The Authority may designate such committee or committees as it desires to study, consider and make recommendations on matters which are presented to the Authority . Committee members may be directors but the Authority shall have the power to appoint such committee members as it deems appropriate and advisable even though they may not be directors. ;;R c— 2-•18-12 . Powers and duties. The Authority ,k�al.l have the following powers and duties: ( 1 ) The power to determine and establish such rules and regulations for the conduct of the Authority as the directors shall deem advisable; provided, however, that such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with this ordinance or other city , state or federal law. ( 2 ) To adopt and alter all rules and regulations which it shall from time to time deem in the public interest and most likely to advance, enhance, foster and promote air transportation at city airports, for the conduct of the business of, and the use and c..peration of , the airport and the facilities thereof , and for the purposes of carrying out the objects of this ordinance; but -89- such rules and regulations shall not be in conflict with the terms of this or any other city ordinance, state or federal law. ( 3 ) To recommend the appointment and removal of an airport manager who shall be directly responsible to the Authority, also, to recommend the appointment and removal of the assistant airport manager and any project manager hired by the city. All other personnel shall be processed through the city personnel department with final recommendation to come from the airport manager and appointment by the Board. (4 ) To plan, establish and approve all construction and expansion projects for the airport. The approval required in this section shall be in addition to all other approval of other s city dopartments required by law. (5 ) To determine broad matters of policy regarding the operation and management of the airport , which shall include, but not in limitation thereof, the following: ( a) Expansion of the airport. (b) Timing of such expansion. (c) Determining the method of establishing and establishina rate structures for services or facilities furnished by the airport to the public or to any person, firm or corporation, public or private and for leasing of spare or facilities, or for granting rights, privileges, or concessions at the airport. (d) The duration which will be allowed for each -90- particular class of leases or granting of rights at the airport. ( e) To establish any other general provisions of agreements or leases which may be brought before the Authority . (f) To make determinations when required as to the public need and convenience for additional concessionaires, services or facilities at the airport. (g) To fix and determine exclusively the uses to which any of the airport land shall be put; provided, that any use shall be necessary or desirable to city, airports or the aviation industry. r (h) Review and establish policy on all operations or activities that are major in nature and require policy determinations. ( i ) Review and establish policy regarding the improvement program of the master plan study as related to income and revenue so that the staging of major capital improvement projects are within the anticipated airport revenues and income projected , in a conservative manner. (j ) Review and adopt matters of policy on all major problems which require broad policy considerations, including rules and regulations, commercial operations and general aviation. (k) Review and decide policy matters regarding -91- problems of general public concern affecting the airport. (1 ) Decide matters of policy regarding all matters which are properly brought before the Authority. (6 ) The Authority shall annually prepare a budget for the purpose of operating and maintenance expenditures for the airport and shall calculate the revenue necessary to provide funds for the operating expenditures of the airport. The budget shall be prepared and filed at such time as the Board shall designate and shall contain a full and detailed estimate of the revenue required during the ensuing year for the maintenance and operation of said airport, showing therein the number_ of employees, by classification, and the amount of salary and wages r recommended for each. The expenditures for the maintenance and operation of said airport shall be limited to the extent of specific appropriations of money made in advance by the Board upon estimates furnished. ( 7 ) Review not less often than annually with the airport administration, the income from all sources, the expenditures for all purposes, and the relationship of anticipated revenues to anticipated expenditures including debt retirement. ( 8) Assist the airport manager in every way possible for the continuing orderly development and promotion of the airport in order to best serve the local and regional requirements for airport service. Sec. 2-18-13 . Attorney - engineer. The city attorney and -92- the city engineer shall be the attorney and engineer, respectively, for the Authority and the airport shall reimburse the city for all charges, costs and expenses incurred by the city therefor. Sec. 2-18-14 . Severability. The provisions of this ordinance shall be severable; and if any provision thereof, or the application of such provision under any circumstances is held invalid, it shall not affect any other provision of this ordinance, or the application in a different circumstance. Chapter 19 MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CONDUCT OR LEASING Sections : 2-19-1 . General requirements. 2-19-2. Mandatory and minimum standard lease clauses. 2--19-3 . Lease proposal requirement. 2-19•-4. Bond requirement. 2-19-5. Aircraft sales. 2-19-6. Airframe and/or power plant repair. 2-19-7. Aircraft rental . 2-19-8. Flight training . 2.-19-9. Aircraft fuels and oil dispensing service. 2-19-10 . Radio, instrument or propeller repair service. 2-19-11 . Aircraft part house. 2-19-12. Air transportation service. 2-19-13 . Aerial applications. -93- 2-19-14 . Commercial flight services. 2-19-15. Multiple services. 2-19-16. Complete fixed base operatons. 2-19-17. Flying club regulations. 2-19-18 . Miscellaneous services. Sec . 2-19-1 . General requirements. (a) Any person desiring to perform aeronautical services on or from the Airport must submit to the Director, prior to commencing any operation , information satisfactory to the Director that the prospective tenant meets the minimum standards established herein for engaging in such business on the Airport. (b) The applicant shall submit to the Director a verified statement, including a complete summary of the general naturf:, of the applicant 's general aviation operation, and if an individual , his/her name and address, or if a partnership, the names and addresses of all the partners, or if a corporation, association or organization, the names of the president, vice-president, secretary, and fulltime managing officer or managing employee. (c) Any person operating as a fixed base operation shall require all employees to participate in fire, rescue or other emergency training conducted by the City Fire Department on a schedule convenient to both parties. (d ) All personnel of lessee required to hold FAA certificates and ratings must maintain such certificates and ratings. -94- t Any peL��n offering any services, or Cer,binations thereof, shall do so under wLitt-Qn lease or permit agreement with the City. In the event services are provi.dcd under a permit agreement, the following shall apply: ( 1 ) Such permit will be issued for a period of one year. In the event the permit is abandoned by the holder, is cancelled by the Director for failure to. comply with the Airport rules and regulations, the directives issued pursuant thereto or for violation of any of the provisions of this Title 2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, as amended , there shall be no refund of permit fees previously paid or accrued. ( 2 ) Employees of fixed base operators or others operating under contract with the City, which allows the contracting party to perform such services, shall not be required to obtain the permit provided for by this section in order to perform services on behalf of such contracting party. ( 3 ) The permit holder shall maintain and keep available for inspection by the Director, at reasonable times and places, in accurate form, such permanent written records as may be necessary to show the nature of services performed pursuant to such permit, when, where and for, whom the services were performed and the charge therefor. The permit holder shall submit to the Director, not less than -95- every six months, a statement of the charges made during the preceding six months, for the services performed pursuant to such permit. ( 4 ) The permit holder shall meet such other qualifications as may from time to time be established by the Director and conduct the services for which the permit is issued without discrimination and in accordance with the Airport rules and regulations. (5 ) The permit holder shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims of liability for personal injury, death, or property damage resulting from permittee's operation at the Airport. Any and all permits shall contain language similar to that required of leasehold operations as stated in Section 2-19-2 . ( f) All permit holders are required to comply with the airport rules and regulations. (g ) All permit holders shall obtain and keep current the appropriate license or licenses as required by the City, County, State and Federal authorities to engage in the business or activities conducted by said permit holders. (h) The Director may cancel any permit for failure of the permittee to comply with the Airport rules and regulations or directives issued pursuant thereto or this Title 2 of the Revised ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah 1965, as amended. A permit shall be cancelled only after reasonable notice to the permittee -96- and an opportunity to be heard by the Airport Authority ' s General Aviation Subcommittee, whose decision shall be final . ( i) Prior to December 31 , 1985 the fees for permit holders as stated in this chapter will be reviewed and adjusted by the Council . Sec. 2-19-2 . Mandatory and minimum standard lease clauses. The following minimum standards for leasehold operations on the Airport shall include therein the building codes as adopted in these ordinances, the .State and the appropriate API standards for the handling of aviation fuels. All leases concerning aeronautical services at the Airport shall contain the .following provisions: (a ) The lessee agrees to operate the premises leased for the use and benefit of the public and to furnish such service on a fair, equal and not unjustly discriminatory basis to all users thereof , and to charge fair, reasonable and not unjustly discriminatory prices for each unit or service; provided, however, that the lessee may be allowed to make reasonable and non--discriminatory discounts, rebates or other similar types of price reductions to volume purchasers. (b) The lessee, for himself, his heirs, personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land , that in the event facilities are constructed , maintained or otherwise operated on the said -97- property described in this lease for a purpose for which a Department of Transportation program or activity is extended or for any other purpose involving the provision or a similar service or benefit, a lessee shall maintain and operate such facilities and services in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 49 , Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21 , Non-discrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and any provisions of said regulations as may in the future be amended . (c) The lessee, for hiinself, his personal representatives , suec-,.-sssors in interest and assigns, as part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree, as a covenant running with the land , that no person on the grounds of race, color or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of , or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities, that in the construction of any improvements on, over or under such land and the furnishing of services thereof, no person on the grounds of race, color or natural origin shall. be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination; that the lessee shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed by, or pursuant to Title 49 , Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of -98- the Secretary , Part 21, Non-discrimination in Federally Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation-Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and such provisions of said regulations as may in the future be amended. (d ) That in the event of a breach of any of the non- discrimination covenants pursuant to Part 21 of the Regulations of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation, . the lessor shall have the right to terminate this lease and to re-enter_ and repossess said land and the facilities thereon and hold the same as if said lease had never been made or issued . ( e) It is clearly understood and agreed by the lessee that no rac; ';t: or privilege has been granted which would operate to prevent any person, firm, or corporation operating aircraft on the Airport from performing services on its own aircraft with its own regular_ employees ( including , but not limited to, maintenance and repair ) that it may choose to perform. (f) It is understood and agreed that nothing herein contained shall be construed to grant or authorize the granting of an exclusive right. (g ) Lessor reserves the right to further develop or improve the landing area of the Airport as it sees fit, regardless of the desires or views of the lessee and without interference or hindrance from lessee. (h) Lessor reserves the right, but without obligation to lessee, to maintain and keep in repair the landing areas of the -99- airport and all publicly owned facilities of the Airport, together with the right to direct and control all activities of lessee in this regard . ( i ) During the time of war or national emergency, lessor shall have the right to lease the landing area or any part thereof to the United States government for military or naval use and if such lease is executed , the provisions of this instrument, insofar as they are inconsistent with the provisions of the lease to the government, shall be suspended. (j ) Lessor reserves the right to take any action it considers necessary to protect the aerial approaches of the Airport against obstruction, together with the right to prevent from erecting or permitting to be erected , any building or other: structure on or adjacent to the Airport which, in the opinion of the lessor, would limit the usefulness of the Airport or constitute a hazard to aircraft. (k) This lease shall be subordinate to the provisions of any existing or future agreement between lessor and the United .States, relative to the operation or maintenance of the Airport, the execution of which has been or may be required as a condition precedent to the expenditure of Federal funds for the development of the Airport. (1 ) The lessor reserves the right to temporarily close the Airport or any of the facilities thereon for maintenance, improvement or for the safety of the public. -100- (m) Lessor reserves the right to approve or deny any assignment of this lease or sublease of the premises. (n) Indemnification. It is understood and agreed that the lessee is an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of the City and the City is an independent contractor and not an agent or employee of the lessee with regard to its acts or omissions hereunder. Lessee agrees to indemnify fully , defend and save and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees from and against all losses, damages, claims, liabilities and causes of action of every kind of character and nature as well as costs and fees, including reasonable attorney' s fees connected therewith, and expenses of the investigations thereof, based upon or arising out of damages or injuries to third persons or their property caused wholly by the negligence, intentional acts or omissions of lessee, its officers, agents or employees. City shall give to lessee prompt and reasonable written notice of any such claims or action, and lessee shall have the right to investigate, compro- mise, and defend the same to the extent of its own interests. In carrying out any of the provisions herein, or in exercising any power or authority granted to lessee, there shall be no liability upon any official of Salt Lake City Corporation, Salt Lake City Airport Authority, their authorized assistants, consultants or employees, either personally or as officials of the City , it being understood that in such matters they act as agents and -101- representatives of Salt Lake City Corporation. It is further understood and agreed that the City assumes no responsibility for any damages or losses that may occur to the lessee's property, except the only obligation that the City assumes is that it will not willfully, intentionally or negligently damage the property of the lessee. Note: These minimum standards do not abrogate existing leases on the Airport, as of the effective date of this ordinance. Sec. 2-19-3 . Lease proposal requirements. The City will not accept an original. request to lease land or facilities at the Airport unless the proposed lessee submits in writing a proposal which sets forth the scope of operations he proposed, which shall include the following : (a) The services the applicant will offer. . (b) The amount of land that the applicant desires to lease. (c ) The building space the applicant will construct or lease. (d) The number of aircraft the applicant will provide. (e ) The number and qualifications of persons the applicant will employ. ( f ) The proposed hours of operation. (g) The amount and types of insurance coverage the applicant will maintain. (h) Evidence of the applicant' s financial capability to -102- perform and provide the above services and facilities. Sec. 2-19-4. Bond requirement. Upon the execution of the lease agreement and prior to entering the premises, the lessee shall supply the City with a performance bond, written with a company or companies acceptable to City, conditioned upon the faithful and true performance, observation and compliance with all of the terms, conditions and provisions of the lease agreement . Said performance bond shall be in an amount based upon 20% of the minimum guaranteed annual rental rounded to nearest one hundred dollars. In lieu of said performance bond , the City may , upon the approval of the Director, accept a cash deposit equivalent to the performance bond and the City shall not be required to pay any interest on said deposit. Sec. 2-19-5. Aircraft sales. Any person desiring to engage in busness of commercial sale of new and/or used aircraft must lease and provide as a minimum the following: (a) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) The leasehold shall contain adequate space for operation of the business to be conducted. (c) Provide proof of insurance coverage, in the form of a policy or certificate of insurance written by an insurance company or companies acceptable to the City, in amounts not less than $1 ,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability and not less than $100,000 per seat -103- passenger liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall. name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30) days prior written notice to the City. The above coverage shall include aircraft held for sale and/or demonstration by the lessee but owned by others. (d) Provide the buyer proof that the aircraft to be sold is certificated under FAA regulations as airworthy or provide the buyer with a statement of the work required to meet all regulations in order to obtain certification. (e) Provide or contract for all necessary service to fulfill implied and expressed warranties on aircraft within the terms of the contract. (f) If the right to perform aircraft sales on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2-19-1 ( e) , said person shall pay a fee of $100.00 prior to issuance of said permit agreement. Permittee shall be subject to all the requirements of this section except space requirements as stated in paragraph (b) of this section. (g ) Transacted sales by persons normally not in the business of aircraft sales on a commercial. basis are exempt from this section. Sec. 2-19-6. Airframe and/or power plant repair. Any -104- person desiring to engage in airframe and/or power plant repair service must provide as a minimum the following: ( a) Register business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) The leasehold shall contain adequate space for operation of the business to be conducted. (c) The appropriate certification to comply with FAA regulations and maintain such certificate in a current status. (d) Provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance with a company or companies acceptable to the City, in an amount not less than $1 ,000,000 com?;pined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability. ,Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30 ) days prior written notice to the City. The above coverages shall be increased when, in the opinion of the City , the number and type of aircraft serviced warrants same. ( e) Accomplish all work in accordance with FAA regulations and have all work inspected according to State and Federal regulations. Sec. 2-19-7. Aircraft rental . Any person desiring to -105- engage in the rental of aircraft to the public must provide as a minimum the following: ( a) Register business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be performed . (b) The leasehold shall contain adequate square footage of land to provide space for aircraft parking and building or buildings. (c) Lessee shall lease or construct a building which will provide adequate square footage of properly heated and lighted space for housing of offices, restroom and public space. Such building shall contain a telephone for public use. (d) Such lessee shall provide at least one person having a current pilot certificate with appropriate ratings. The office shall be attended during all hours of operations. (e) Lessee shall provide at least one airworthy aircraft owned or leased in writing to the lessee. ( f) Lessee shall accomplish all work and maintain all aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations and have all work inspected according to State and Federal regulations. (g ) The normal operating hours will be at the operator's discretion; provided, however, the services shall be reasonably available to the public. (h) Provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, with a company or companies acceptable to the City , for all aircraft owned in amounts not -106- less than $1 ,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability and not less than $100,000 per seat passenger liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30) days prior written notice to the City. The amounts under the basic coverage, as provided above, may be increased if, in the opinion of the City, it is warranted . If the right to perform aircraft rental on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2- F 19-1 (e) , said person shall pay a f`ee of $100. 00 per year for each aircraft said person owns which will be used in the performance of aircraft rental . Ownership as used herein shall be as the term "owner" is defined in section 2-1-34 of this title 2 . Permittee will supply the Director a list of all aircraft with the corresponding FAA "N-number" for all aircraft to be used in the performance of aircraft rental. Said fees will be paid prior to the issuance of the permit agreement. The payment of annual fees above will be increased or decreased by aircraft the permittee adds or may delete in the performance of aircraft rental during the time said per,nit agreement is in place. Permittee shall be subject to all conditions of this section except space requirements as sstated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of -107- f this Section. Sec. 2-19-8. Flight training . Any person desirinq to engage in pilot flight instruction shall provide as a minimum the following : (a ) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) The leasehold shall contain reasonable space which is adequate for operation of the business to be conducted. (c) Obtain appropriate certification to comply with FAA regulations and accomplish all flight checks and other requirements to maintain such certification in a current status. (d) Provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, with a company or companies acceptable to the City, in the following minimum amounts : Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability Insurance $50 ,000 each person $500,000 property damage $500 ,000 each accident A flight instructor using an aircraft which it does not own shah be in compliance with this Section if the aircraft owner carries insurance in type and amounts equal to or greater in coverage than that above, and the aircraft owner ' s insurer names the flight instructor as a named insured on the aircraft owners insurance policy. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with -108- the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30 ) days prior written notice to the City. If the right to perform flight training on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2- 19-1 (e) , said person shall pay a fee of $100. 00 per year. If the person performing flight training is the owner (as the term "owner" is defined in Section 2-1-34 ) of the aircraft used in the performance of flight training the person performing flight training shall pay an additional fee of $100. 00 per aircraft per year for each aircraft used in the performance of flight tra i,r.ing . Permi ttee .All supply the Director a list of all aircraft with the corresponding FAA "N-number" for all owned aircraft to be used in the performance of flight training . Said fees will be paid prior to the issuance of the permit agreement. The payment of annual fees above will be increased or decreased by owned aircraft the permittee adds or may delete in the performance of flight training during the time said permit agreement is in place. Permittee shall be subject to all conditions of this section except space requirements as stated in paragraph (b) of this section. Sec. 2-19-9. Aircraft fuels and oil dispensing service. any person desiring to dispense aviation fuels and oil and provide other related services, such as aircraft parking , shall -109- provide as a minimum the following : (a ) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) Obtain appropriate certification to comply with FAA regulations and maintain such certification in a current status. (c ) The leasehold shall contain adequate square feet of lard to provide for building or buildings, adequate aircraft parking area and dispensing equipment. (d) Construct or lease a building which will provide adequate square footage of properly lighted and heated floor space for office, public lounge and rest rooms. Such building shall contain public telephone facilities. b' (e) Lessee shall provide at least one properly trained person who shall be on duty during all hours of operation. ( f) Lessee shall provide emergency starting equipment, adequate fire extinguishers, adequate towing equipment, and wheel chocks. (g ) Lessee shall provide as a minimum two dispensers , metered , filter-equipped , fixed or mobile for dispensing aviation fuels in sufficient quantity to supply the demand , adequate stock of appropriate lubricants, and separate dispensing pumps and meters for each grade of fuel to be dispensed . (h ) Fueling service shall be provided from 6 :00 a.m. to thirty minutes after sundown , seven days per week; provided however_ , at least one fixed base operator shall be open twenty- -110- four hours per day , seven days per week. Provided , further, this twenty-four hour per day requirement shall not be applicable at Airport II unless there exists two or more fixed base operators at said Airport. ( i) Lessee shall provide insurance coverage, written with an insurance company or companies acceptable to the City, in an amount not less than $1,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30) days prior written notice to the City. Sec . 2-19--10. Radio, instrument or propeller repair service. Any person desiring to provide a radio, instrument or propeller repair service must provide as a minimum the following : (a) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) Obtain appropriate certification to comply with FAA regulations and maintain such certification in a current status. ( c) The leasehold shall contain adequate square feet of land for required building . (d ) Construct or lease a building providing adequate square footage of properly lighted and heated space for housing office, rest room facilities and minimum shop and hangar space as -111- required for FAA repair shop certifications. Such buildinq shall contain public telephone facilities. ( e) Lessee shall provide at least one FAA certified repairman qualified in accordance with the terms of the repair station certificate. ( f) The normal operating hours will be at the operator's discretion; provided , however, the services shall be reasonably available to the public. (g ) Lessee shall provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, written by an insurance company or companies acceptable to the City, in an amount not less than $1 ,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily ' injuty liability and property damage liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City , shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall. contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. Insurance coverage limits may be required to be increased when it is deemed by the City that the risk exposure is greater than the minimum requirements herein. If the right to perform radio instrument or propeller repair on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2--19-1 (e ) , said person shall. pay a fee of $100. 00 prior to issuance of said permit agreement . Permittee -1 1 2- shall be subject to all conditions of this section except space requirements as stated in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section. Sec. 2-19-11 . Aircraft parts house. Any person desiring to provide an aircraft parts house must provide as a minimum the following : (a) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) The leasehold shall contain adequate square feet of land for the required building. (c) Lessee shall construct or lease a building providing adequate square footage of properly lighted and heated space to house office, rest room facilities and minimum shop and hangar space as required for FAA repair shop certification. Such builcl.i. ng shall contain public telephone facilities. (d) Lessee shall provide knowledgeable personnel in sufficient number to meet the requirements of operation. (e) The normal operating hours will be at the operator ' s discretion; provided , however, the services shall be reasonably available to the public. ( .f) Lessee shall provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance with a company or companies acceptable to City, in an amount not less than $1 ,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with -113- the City , shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty (30 ) days prior written notice to the City. Sec. 2-19-12. Air transportation service. (a) Any person desiring to engage in scheduled air transportation service must hold a current FAA certificate with ratings appropriate for the functions to be accomplished. (b) Prior to entering into an agreement for any space to be leased .from the City and prior to commencing any operations on the Airport for conduct of the business of air transportation, the prospective lessee must present to the Director information sat isfactot:y to said Director that the lessee meets the minimum sti�ndards established by the City for engaging in the business of air transportation. (c ) Each prospective lessee shall submit to the Director a verified statement, including a complete summary of the general nature of its air transportation business and if an individual , his name and address, or if a partnership, the names and addresses of all the partners, or if a corporation, association or other organization, the names of the president , vine president, secretary and full time managing officer or station manager. (d ) Lessee may be required to submit a financial statement and credit ratings acceptable to the City. -1 1 4- i (e) Lessee must be a certified air carrier which holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under Section 401 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended , other than an air carrier which holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity for supplemental air service; or a supplemental air carrier as defined in Title 1 , General Provisions Definitions, Section 101(32) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended; or an air taxi operator subject to Part 298 of the Economic Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board and engaged directly in air transporation of passengers and/or property and who does not hold a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board rursuant to Section 4Q1 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as ame.;ded, or other economic authority issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board . ( f) All airlines and air transportation companies must meet the following minimum standards for the conduct of business at the Airport: ( 1 ) The lessee shall lease space in the terminals on the west side of Salt Lake City International Airport providing adequate square footage of space for passengers and crew members of itinerant aircraft, office, passenger gatehold and satisfactory arrangements for checking of passengers, handling of luggage, and ticketing. ( 2) Lessee shall provide at least one FAA certificated -115- commercial pilot who is appropriately rated to conduct air taxi service as offered . At its option, the City may require the lessee to provide assurance satisfactory to the City of its continued availability of suitable aircraft with qualified operating crews. (3) Lessee shall provide at least one four-place aircraft which shall meet all the requirements of the commercial operator 's certificate held . ( 4 ) The normal operating hours will be at the operator 's discretion; provided, however, the services shall be reasonably available to the public eight hours per day , five days per week. Scheduled lessees must supply to the City a schedule of their flights, shall operate at all. times on a sclheduled basis and shall comply with all City, County, State and Federal laws, rules, regulations and ordinances. (5 ) Each airline and air_ transportation company shall provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, written with a company or companies acceptable to the City, in an amount not less than $25,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City , shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will -116- give thirty ( 30 ) days prior written notice to the City. The City at its option may require insurance coverage in excess of the coverage provided for above if in the opinion of the City it is warranted. Sec. 2-19-13 . Aerial applications. Any person desiring to engage in aerial application operations must hold an agricultural aircraft operator certificate issued by the FAA under Part 137 of the FAA regulations, comply with requirements of the State and political subdivisions thereof and provide as a minimum the following: ( a) Register the business with the Director division stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (1-�) Leasehold shall contain adequate square feet of land to provide for buildings, aircraft parking and tie-down, and parking space for loading vehicles and equipment. (c) Construct or lease a building providing adequate square .footage of properly lighted and heated space for housing office, restrooms and storage. Such building shall contain public telephone facilities. (d ) Lessee shall provide at least one person holding a current FAA commercial certificate, properly rated for the aircraft to be used and meeting the requirements of Part 137 of the FAA regulations and applicable regulations of the State. (e) Lessee shall provide at least one aircraft, which shall be airworthy, meeting all the requirements of Part 137 of the FAA -117- i regulations and applicable regulations of the State. Said aircraft shall be owned or leased by agreement in writing and based on the lessee 's leasehold. ( f) Lessee shall provide a segregated safe chemical storage and containment of noxious chemical materials in an area protected from public access. (g ) Lessee shall provide availability of aircraft suitably equipped for agriculture or fire fighting operations with adequate safeguards against spillage of noxious chemical materials on the runways and taxiways or dispersal by wind force to other operational areas on the Airport. (h) The hours of operation shall be as required by each individual lessee. ( a ) Less,.-e shall provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, written by an insurance company or companies acceptable to the City , in an amount not less than $5 ,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty (30 ) days prior written notice to the City. Sec. 2-19-14 . Commercial flight service. Any person desiring to engage in the commercial flight services shall -1 18- r provide as a minimum the following : (a) Lessee shall provide at least one person having a current pilot certificate with appropriate ratings for the aircraft to be flown. (b) Lessee shall provide at least one properly certificated aircraft owned or leased in writing to the lessee which is maintained according to the standards of a commercial operation under the appropriate FAR. ( c) Lessee shall provide proof of insurance coverage in the form of a policy or a certificate of insurance, written by a company or companies acceptable to the City , for all aircraft owned or leased by lessee in amounts not less than $1 ,000,000 r combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability and not less than $100 ,000 per seat passenger liability . Said policy or certificate of insurance shall be filed with the City, shall name Salt Lake City Corporation as an additional insured and shall. contain a statement that in the event of cancellation or material change in the policy the insurer will give thirty ( 30 ) days prior written notice to the City. If the right to perform commercial flight service on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2-19-1 (e ) , said person shall pay a fee of $100 .00 per year. If the person performing a commercial flight service owner (as the term owner is defined in section 2-1-34 ) of the aircraft -1 19- used in the performance of a commercial flight service, the person performing a commercial flight service shall pay an additional fee of $100. 00 per aircraft per year for each aircraft used in the performance of a commercial flight service. Permittee will supply the Director a list of all aircraft with the corresponding FAA "N-number" for all owned aircraft to be used in the performance of commercial flight service. Said fees will be paid prior to the issuance of the permit agreement. The payment of annual fees above will be increased or decreased by owned aircraft the permittee adds or may delete in the performance of commercial flight service during the time said permit agreement is in place . Permittee shall be subject to all. conditions of this section except space requirements as stated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section. Sec. 2-19-15. Multiple services. Any person desiring to engage in two or more commercial aeronautical activities must provide as a minimum the following : (a) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) Obtain appropriate certification to comply with FAA regulations and maintain such certification in a current status. (c) The leasehold :for multiple activities shall contain adequate square feet of land to provide space for specific use area requirements established for services to be offered . Specific use space need not be cumulative where a combination use -120- l can be reasonably and feasibly established , such determination to be made by the City. (d ) Lessee shall construct or lease a building containing adequate square footage to provide properly lighted and heated space for office, public lounge, pilot briefing and rest rooms. Such building shall contain public telephone facilities. Repair stations must provide minimum shop and hangar space as required for FAA repair shop certification. ( e) Multiple responsibilities may be assigned to personnel in order to meet personnel requirements for all activities; provided , such personnel meet requirements for all activities engaged in. ( f) All requirements for aircraft for the specific activities to be engaged in must be provided; however, multiple uses can be made of all aircraft, except aerial applicator aircraft, to meet these requirements. In order to meet these requirements, however, a minimum of two aircraft must be owned or leased, under the direct control of the lessee and based on the lessee's leasehold. (g ) All equipment specifically required .for each activity must be provided. (h) All services specifically required for each activity must be provided during the hours of operation as required for that activity under these minimum standards. ( i) The lessee shall. adhere to the operating schedule as -121- required for each activity. ( j ) The lessee shall obtain the highest single coverage in the amounts and types of insurance established for each specific activity. if the right to perform multiple services on the Airport is granted to any person by permit agreement as stated in Section 2- 1.9-1 (e) , said person shall be responsible for payment of all fees as established for each aeronautical activity engaged in, as specified in this Chapter, provided however, fees for owned aircraft (as the term owner is defined in section 2-1-34 ) will be assessed for one aeronautical activity only. Permittee shall be subject to all conditions of this Section except space require- ments as stated in paragraphs ( c) and (d ) of this section. Sec. 2-19-16. Complete fixed base operation. Any person desiring to engage in a complete fixed base operation must provide as a minimum the following: ( a) Register the business with the Director stating the scope of activities to be entered into. (b) Lessee shall provide sales, servicing , rental and display of franchised aircraft, aircraft engine overhaul , repair and maintenance, ( at least demonstrated capability to perform minor repairs coupled with possession of the necessary tools, jacks, towing equipment, tire repair equipment, etc. ) air frame repair and maintenance service for business and/or personal aircraft by FAA certificate mechanics with appropriate air frame -122- and/or. power plant ratings. ( c) In providing aircraft rental and sales, lessee shall provide for the following: ( 1 ) Availability , during specified hours, of aircraft commensurate with the scope of planned activity as specified in this chapter. ( 2 ) Sales or distributorship franchise for an aircraft manufacturer for new aircraft or adequate sources of used aircraft. ( 3 ) Suitable sales and office facilities, which may be leased, rented or constructed on the Airport property ( 4 ) Satisfactory arrangements at the Airport for repii l.ring an,-1 servicing of sold aircraft during the sale guarantee period as specified in Sections 2-19-•5 , 2-19--6, 2- 19--10 and 2--19-11 of this chapter. ( 5) Minimum stocks of spare parts peculiar to the aircraft types for which sales privileges are granted . (d ) The lessee may provide radio repair and overhaul services, sell at wholes&le or retail any aircraft parts and accessories, propeller_ repair or overhaul services as licensed by the FAA and as prescribed in this chapter. (e) Any person who desires to operate as a fixed base operator shall meet the following minimum standards : ( 1 ) Lessee shall lease existing facilities or construct a building to provide adequate square footage of -123- shop space meeting local and state industrial code requirements, plus adequate office space. Such facility shall contain a public telephone. (2) Lessee shall provide full time FAA certificated mechanics in such fields as air frame and engine maintenance, electronic instrument maintenance and others as required . ( 3 ) Lessee shall provide minimum equipment, such as, but not limited to, machine tools, jacks, lift and test centers . as required for its operation. (4 ) Lessee shall make arrangements for access to, or for the provision of , such minimum capacity for the storage of aircraft as the Director shall specify and shall be required to remove any non-airworthy aircraft from the Airport premises within a reasonable time. (5 ) Lessee shall promptly remove from the public landing area (as soon as permitted by cognizant FAA and CAB authorities) any disabled aircraft owned or controlled by the lessee; coupled with the availability of, or arrangements made for, suitable tractors, tow bars , jacks, dollies, and other equipment as might be needed to remove the largest aircraft that normally could be expected to be operated from the lessee ' s facility. ( 6 ) If painting of aircraft is anticipated , all applicable safety requirements shall be met . -124- 4 ( f ) Any .lessee may be required by the City to furnish such primary line service to the public on a non-discriminatory basis such as the sale of aviation petroleum fuel and aircraft propellant products, the rental. of aircraft parking areas, storage and/or hangar space, ( including demonstrated capability to efficiently and safely move aircraft to such areas and store them in compliance with local regulations) , pilot training with FAA certified instructors, aircraft rental facilities, aircraft charter and flight maintenance facilities. (g) Lessee may be required by City to provide the following : ( 1 ) At all fueling locations, suitable space in a convenient 'Location to service the type of aircraft using the F Air-port; (2 ) Tan; storage capacity , either above or below ground as mutually agreed upon, for aviation fuels; (3 ) Adequate grounding rods at all fueling locations to eliminate hazards of static electricity, together with mobile and,/or fixed pumping eauipment which meets all applicable safety requirement s, with reliable metering devices subject to independent inspection, and with a pumping efficiency capable of filling jet aircraft including the "jumbo or bus" series within a reasonable time; ( 4 ) Uniformed personnel on full time duty during all hours of operation. (h) Lessee shall maintain an adeauate staff of employees with skills, licenses and certificates appropriate to the activity provided as specified in these minimum standards . -125- t ( i ) Lessee shall conform to all safety , health and sanitary codes. (j ) Lessee shall provide energizers, starters, passenger loading steps, oxygen and compressed air, together with such other equipment and supplies as may be required to serve the types of aircraft using its facility. (k) Lessee shall be required to remove snow and otherwise clean up its fueling and aircraft parking areas and possess the equipment necessary for this purpose. (1 ) Lessee may be required to furnish a financial statement and credit rating acceptable to the City. (w) Lessee shall provide insurance coverage written with an ` insurance company or companies acceptable to the City in amounts not less than $2 ,000 ,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability and $2 ,000 ,000 hangar keepers liability insurance. ( n) Lessee shall either individually, or in connection with the other fixed base operators situated at the Airport, be available for repair service and emergency service during the night hours, weekends and holidays, to insure that aircraft repair service is available for general aviation users at all times. This service shall be provided for the public and/or general aviation users. In any event, each fixed base operator shall rem,',i.n open for business at least eight hours daily, five days each week . The lessee may be required by the City to -126- supply, on a twenty-four hour basis, seven days per week , facilities for the sale of aviation petroleum, fuel and aircraft propellant products. Likewise, lessee may be required to provide basic facilities and employees to handle the tie-down and/or hangar space for aircraft on a seven-day, twenty-four hour basis. Sec. 2-19-17. Flying club regulations. Flying clubs shall be permitted at the Airport only upon prior written approval of the Director. (a) Definition of flying club. A "flying club" is defined as an association or group of more than three individuals jointly owning or leasing an aircraft where payment is made to the club for the operating time of such aircraft. The registration ' certificate issuc-d by the FAA must show the names of all owners if the club is not incorporated and the aircraft must be registered in the name of any incorporated flying club. (b) Organization. Flying clubs must be organized as non- profit corporations under the laws of the State or as duly organized non-profit functioning unincorporated associations for the purpose of fostering flying for pleasure; for the development of skills in aeronautics, including pilotage or navigation; and for the development of an awareness and appreciation of aviation requirements and techniques by the general public in the field of aviation and aeronautics. (c) Documents required . Flying clubs shall furnish the Director with copies of their bylaws, articles of incorporation, -127- operating rules, membership agreements and the location and address of the club ' s registered office . The Director shall also be furnished with a current roster of all officers and directors, including places of residence, business address and telephone numbers, who shall be responsible for compliance by the club members with all aviation laws and Airport rules and regulations. (d ) Commercial operation prohibited . Flying clubs, or any individual member thereof, shall not provide instruction to other than its members or engage in charter service or in any commercial operation at the Airport. (e) Membership records. Flying clubs shall keep a membership record containing the full names and addresses, past anc7 present ine;n,Iaers included , toqether with the date their _--j� ibers;�Jp commenced and ter_r..inated and investment share held by each ii;ember. Such records shall be available for review at any reasonable time by the Director. ( f) Operation of aircraft. (1 ) All aircraft owned , leased or used by flying clubs shall be registered with the Director and may not be leased or loaned to others for any commercial use, purpose or venture. The club 's aircraft shall not be used by other than bona fide members for rental or by anyone for charter or taxi lease. ( 2 ) An aircraft operated , owned or leased by a flying club shall meet all. airworthiness requirements of the appropriate federal agency. -128- ( 3 ) The flying club shall not derive greater revenue from the use of its aircraft than the amount necessary for its actual operation, maintenance and replacement. (g) Rules and regulation requirements. All flying club members must comply with all FAA, State and Airport rules and regulations. (h) . Insurance required. Each aircraft owned by the flying club must have liability insurance coverage in amounts not less than $1 ,000,000 combined single limit bodily injury liability and property damage liability and not less than $100 ,000 per seat passenger liability. Certificates of such insurance coverage shall be filed with the Director and the policy shall contain a k provision whereby such insurance may be cancelled only after giving 30 days written notice to the Director. ( i ) Holding harmless. The flying club shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City from any and all claims of liability for personal injury, death or property damage resulting from its operation at the Airport. Sec. 2-19-18 . Miscellaneous services. Minimum requirements associated with any business for profit not specifically addressed in this Title 2 shall be as provided by the Director. In providing the minimum requirements herein the Director shall treat all similar type services equally. Permittee shall pay to the City an annual fee of $100 .00 prior to issuance of the permit agreement. -129- SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this 15th day of _ _ May , 1984 . H IRMAN ; ATTEST: R C ER Transmitted to the Mayor on May 15, 1984 Mayof- 's Action: May 15, 1984. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY REC R ER cc5 7-87 (SEAL) BILL 30 of 1984 Published Synopsis: June 12, 1984 -130- Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake ..Chery],.G!P.::-1,0ff............................................................... ...��. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is SALTLAK CITY ORDINANCE legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily 30of 1984 newspaper printed in the English language with general (AeronauticThe Salt Lake City Council at Its P g g May 15,1984 meetIpp adopted. circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, on ordinance d endOrdinances a Title f Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. of the Revised Orgfinances of Salt Lake City Utah, 1965,as amended,relo(Ing to Aeronau- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto The ordinance along.with changes changes to deflnktons and the legal descriptions of the air- ports,Includes modifications to fees and certain requirements ,S np srs, of Salt Take City Ordinance„No. 30,of Salt Lato ke CitylInternationalSAirrt p Air- port and Salt Lake City Airport u. 1984 Aeronautics Coples of the ordinance are ............... ............................................................................ available for review in the City Recorder's Office, Room 311 City and County'Bullding,dur-, Ing regular business hours. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after first publication. PUBLISHED:June 12,1984 E•86 ............................................................................................. was published in said newspaper on.................................. r..1984................................................................. ............................................ . . . . . . .. . . ..... ......... Leg A rtisin rk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..............................loth. ............................... day of . ... .........Tuly................................. A.D. 19..84..... .......... .....r....' 1. ..�.................. Notary Public My Commission Expires .......................