033 of 1983 - Amendment to Chapter 24 Title 51 Seasonal sales of Fireworks 0 83-20 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 33 of 1983 (Seasonal sales of fireworks) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 24, TITLE 51 , OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW SUBSECTION 51-24-1 (75 ) THERETO, RELATING TO SEASONAL SALES OF FIREWORKS. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Title 51 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended, be, and the same hereby is, amended by ADDING a new subsection 51-24-1 (75 ) , relating to Seasonal sales of fireworks. Sec. 51-24-1 ( 75) . Seasonal sales of fireworks, except those that meet all the requirements of Section 51 -21-2 ( 1 ) (c) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965, as amended , or successor section. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 14th day of June , 1983. HA RMAN ATTEST: 44/49t, 0 RDE R Transmitted to Mayor on June 21 , 1983 Mayor 's Action: June 22, 1983 �r R ATTEST: CITY RE RDER (S EAL) BILL 33 of 1983 Published: June 20, 1983 -2- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake ..............Cheryl,.Gierloff................................................................ Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal ORDNANCE advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Me.1 of 1983 ( al.I .'firewas) (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English ,N oRo,NAN« AMEND- language with general circulation in Utah, and l ING CHAPTER 21,TITLE 11, DF III REV0AI9,EAKb published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the NFNCES OF SAES LAKE CITY, UT.lH, 19G5, AS State of Utah. AMLIJDED, BY ADDING A NEW SI105ECI ION SI-III 111) THFRETO RELATING tC SEASONAL SALES OF FIRE WORKS. That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 9 t orJainetl Ov,the CITY Cnanoll of Sall Like Clty,Utah: SECTION 1 df ,,I SI of k R• •tl drtloanw,at=all Pub. Ordinance No, 33 of 1983 - Sesanal Laku (.itv, Ulah, 1YW`, .r�, .......................................................................................... ;,,wtl. lK. Intl the s iriltle�v eaoen by no DINGI„lahn,l ...... .11 Sales of PTreworks............................................................ aeasenal zakro. $x. S1,lA-1 (]5). Seasonal of fireworks,e e,f'lv'Il,, nc I !lief ntect all IhC roq�i,e',t: HofSection 51.11�2(1)lc)of tIK• ............................................................................................................... Revlsetl Or tllnaw 1 S. im�mlaa a�svUe sor s"6.i - mnJ SeUioot Thil ortlinao,:,. ......................................................................................................I........ shall taku affcv.t aoo tho Ilnf� of Its fitH VUUficafi0a� !Sfrt�I,;koUC ty,UtaN Cthi•MI It, ............................................................................................................... tlar Uf Junc,1985. Grunt Mad:v CHAIRWIN , ATTEST. A hEvnMarslra�I was published in said newspaper on............. ..................... CITY RECORDER fransn,Ntetl to Mavor on Juir.. �I' f '1 OZ la.1983. .............Y�} e..F,�. 1.9 us+...................................................... .Mavor'.—ml 'Teal Wil,ao r... .............. MAYOR A ti E51. KathrynCORD ............................................................. ❑II RC--ORDER Lega d tl9ing k I1I LI_IS OF 1903 D 3a Subscribed and sworn to before me this...............................30th__. ._....__......._.__..__._.day of ...........June..........................................A.D. 19..g3... Notary Public My Commission Expires ..Oct,...1.a..7 986.................. PDM-35A