033 of 1984 - Administrative Organization 0 84-12 b � SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 33 of 1984 (Administrative Organization ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 24 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965 AS AMENDED, RELATING, TO ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 3 of Title 24 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, 1965 as amended , relating to administrative organization, be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Chapter 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION Section: 24-3-1. Administrative Organization. 24-3-2. Office of City Attorney. 24-3-3 . Department of Finance and Administrative Services. 24-3-4 . Department of Airports and Airport Authority. 24-3-5. Department of Public Works. 24-3-6. Department of Public Utilities. 24-3-7. Department of Development Services. 24-3-8. Parks Department. 24-3-9. Fire Department. 24-3-10 . Police Department. Sec. 24-3-1 . Administrative Organization. Sec. 24-3-2. Office of City Attorney. * * Sec. 24-3-3 . Department of Finance and Administrative Services. (1 ) Functions. ( 2 ) City Auditor/Budget Officer. The Director of the Department or the Mayor 's designee within this department shall be the City Auditor and Budget Officer, within the meaning of the Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act of the State; however, if either position is filled other than by the Director of the department, such appointment shall take effect only after receiving the Council 's prior advice and consent. Said Budget Officer shall have charge of and be responsible for coordinating the prepara- tion, evaluation and monitoring of the City ' s operating and capital budgets, subject to the final review and adoption by the City Council and Mayor. (3 ) City Treasurer. (4 ) City Recorder. (5) Office of Personnel Management. Sec. 24-3-4. Department of Airports and Airport Authority. * * * Sec. 24-3-5. Department of Public Works. ( 1) Functions: The Department of Public Works shall have charge of and be responsible for: ( a) the supervision of the design and construction of the public works of the City; (b) the operation -2- and maintenance of streets, parkways, sidewalks, drainageways, traffic control devices, street lighting and similar public-ways and facilities; (c) other property or works and the supervision and coordination and all construction work or alterations carried out within the public-ways of the City ; (d ) for the collection and disposal of all solid waste generated within the City as provided for in City ordinances; and (e) maintenance and repair of all ditches, flumes, culverts and drains or irrigation systems operated within City streets or rights-of-way. (2) * * * Sec. 24-3-6. Department of Public Utilities. Sec. 24-3-7. Department of Development Services. Sec. 24-3-8. Parks Department. Sec. 24-3-9. Fire Department. Sec. 24-3-10 . Police Department. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect 30 days after its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of May , 1984 . CHAIRMAN ATTEST: CI TY rRDER -3- Transmitted to the Mayor on May 23, 1984 Mayor 's Action: 5/23/84 MA ATTEST: cc8 (SEAL) BILL 33 of 1984 Published: June 9, 1984 —4— Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake .' Cheryl Gi:erloff ........ .................................................................................. Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily newspaper printed in the English language with general r_ circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. ',� That the legal notice of which a co g PY is attached hereto i y Ordinance - No. 33 of 1984 x_ xis !?F halt Lake C t • ``` chtiini:.stxatiyve organizata3c�n........................................ sa •.�, .: ................... .. .. ... s► 'f. ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ,: was published in said newspaper on.................................. R e.:.. one 9 1984 s= ............................................. `re.: 00 Lega Ad(ve! rk ore me this ..............................2at:h,.............................. day of 4. Ww -Z 4r. A.D. 19..84.. ............... Notary Public My Commission Expires � ly 23, 19,96 {�1. y� 8�dt•aY L... ��' t5 .'