034 of 1984 - Capitol Hill Historic District P 84-7 ' I SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 34 of 1984 (Capitol Hill His District ) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 51 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED RELATING TO HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND LANDMARK SITES BY ADDING SECTION 51-32-2(6 ) PROVIDING FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE CAPITOL HILL HISTORIC DISTRICT. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . Purpose. It is the purpose of this ordinance to recognize the existence of the area within the Capitol Hill District of Salt Lake City, wherein the structures and street- scapes are significant and beloved by the residents of the City and State because of their historical and architectural value in preserving the rich history and heritage of this City. As revealed in an extensive individual structure inventory completed within the boundaries of this district, there are 76 structures which have been determined to be historically significant and even potentiallly qualified for placement or existing on histori- cal registers, together with 587 additional structures which have been determined to be contributing to the historical quality of this district. Further, much of the proposed district lies within the Capitol Hill Historic District adopted by the federal register on or about August 2 , 1982. It is the intent of this ordinance not only to preserve the remaining vestiges of our heritage represented by the structures, APPR BY. �.+.+r.....a. r` st'reetscapes, and atmospheric area of the federal historic district; but to encourage new compatible construction and a revitalized growth and interest in this area to enhance, rather than detract or destroy forever, the atmosphere of this historic district. In order to protect and enhance the core area of the federal district, the boundaries of the City's district have been slightly extended to logical physical barriers in order to buffer the core with compatible development and to ease in efficient administration. SECTION 2. That Section 51-32-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to historic districts and landmarks sites, be, and the same is hereby amended by ADDING a new subsection ( 6 ) providing the Capitol Hill Historic District to read as follows: Sec. 51-32-2 (6) . Capitol Hill Historic District. The Capitol Hill Historic District shall include the designated structures and shall include the areas contained within the following boundaries: That area lying east of 300 West Street between 200 North Street on the south and Wall Street on the north and extending east to Victory Road and North Main Street; excepting only the West High School campus in Block 103; together with that area east of North Main Street from the north line of 300 North Street south to the south line of properties fronting on the south side of Gordon Place on the south, extending therefrom east to Canyon Road; more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner of Block 156 Plat "A" , Salt Lake City Survey Base and Meridian; said point also being the northwest corner of the intersection of -2- 800 North and 300 West Streets, running South 4,459.97± feet, along the west line of 300 West Street; thence East 462± feet along a line 165 feet south of the south line of 300 North Street; thence South 49 .5 feet, and thence East 225± feet to a line 82.5 feet west of the west line of 200 West Street; thence South 585.75± feet to the south line of 200 North Street; thence East 1 ,967 .95± feet along the south line of 200 North Street to the southwest corner of the intersection of 200 North and Main Streets; thence South 367 .25 feet along the west line of North Main Street; thence East 430 .0 feet; thence North 37.25 feet to the north line of Lot 3, Block 93 , Plat "A" , Salt Lake City Survey; thence East 790 .0 feet, more or less, to the east line of Canyon Road; thence northeasterly 98.0 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of the intersection of Canyon Road and Third Avenue; thence northeasterly 1 ,392.24 feet along the east line of Canyon Road to the north line of 300 North Street; thence West 1 ,282.0 feet, more or less, along the north line of 300 North Street to the northeast corner of the intersection of 300 North and Columbus Streets; thence northeasterly 1 ,635.0 feet, more or less, along the East line of Columbus Street to the intersection of Columbus Street and 500 North Street; thence North 270.0 feet along the east line of Columbus Street; thence northwesterly 2,275 .0 feet, more or less, along the east boundary of the State of Utah right-of-way line for Victory Road to the northeast corner of Lot 1 , Block 3 , City View Addition Subdivision; thence northwesterly 270 .0 feet; thence southwesterly 526.0 feet, more or less, to the east line of Wall Street, said point also being the northwest corner of Lot 26, Block 5, City View Addition Subdivi- sion; thence northwesterly 906. 13 feet along the north- east line of Wall Street to the east line of 200 West Street; thence southwesterly 140 .0 feet West, more or less, to the point of beginning. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. -3 b- Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of May, 1984. HAIRMAN ATTEST: (t,JITY RECORDER ransmitted to Mayor on May 21, lgR4 Mayor' s Action: 5/23/84 MAYOR ATTEST: r TYv RECORDER cm78 (S EAL) BILL 34 of 1984 Published: June 11 , 1984 —4— � rr l yt Jr i� jr� tr�•a•1 �5�1(t�� r=11ai� �I� I • 1 � • �1�i I,tr v1 _{ r�J 11(,1 J i�PS T a'��� nA- G i 1 • . • I • / � 1 . 1�•(�� i ii i {.,� i C u�� !7 i rl}�N f °� I. I I 1 • • � • •�. 11 �r� 4(__ u' •.�#t 1�. o t• tl;�la�� Lzr�lT Eluf7lltZ'F pf c ! - J.{.# trli t iyinj 4f T[}}��35. �• 1➢ -tisn �d'� 1 ayu� 1� u1 4,1 �41tti j Y I fh' 1. �EtT� I kr AIN r t}yppp 1 r • , • �I Y ! < t,fb�Uf fri (I�t�ANf,L tzl- � t ! II f { 1;r