034 of 2011 - Approving a Memorandum of Understanding with AFSCME representing eligible employees 0 11-1 0 11-11 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 34 of 2011 (Approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, representing eligible employees pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22,2011) An Ordinance approving a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, representing eligible employees pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22,2011, which shall become effective on proper ratification and signature. PREAMBLE The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, representing eligible employees pursuant to the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution dated March 22, 2011, and the Mayor, have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding subject to appropriate ratification by eligible employees and signature of the parties. Section 6 of the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution, dated March 22, 2011,provides that no collective bargaining Memorandum of Understanding shall be effective until the City Council approves the Memorandum of Understanding, enacts implementing legislation and appropriates all required funds. The attached Memorandum of Understanding is a 2 year agreement effective for fiscal years 2011- 2013. The City Council has appropriated necessary funds required to implement the provisions of the attached Memorandum of Understanding for fiscal year 2011- 2012. Accordingly, the City Council wants to approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which shall become effective on ratification and signature of the parties. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Ordinance is to approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding which shall become effective on appropriate ratification by the eligible employees and on signature of the Mayor and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, representing eligible employees,pursuant to Section 6 of the Collective Bargaining and Employee Representation Joint Resolution, dated March 22, 2011. SECTION 2. The attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees is hereby approved. SECTION 3. AUTHORIZATION. The Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah is hereby authorized to act in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached Memorandum of Understanding when it is properly ratified and executed. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be deemed effective on July 1, 2011. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah,this 14th day of June 2011. ILLUJ CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: ChAeOZ:eAPPROVED AS TO FORM RECORDER Salt Lake Ci Attorney's Office HB_ATTY-#17640-v1-Ordinance_Adopling_MOU_AFSCME FY_2011-2012 Date C 1 By Transmitted to the Mayor on June 14, 2011 Mayor's Action: X Approved. Vetoed. ge 4 MAY W R ATTEST: 66.-- 14'R-E-CC%°14e16-A r��fsICE-', a ? ,rl , • (SEAL) \cp,1 �,:4 i�. fit'_,, Bill No. 34 of 2011. Published: July 1. 2011 • HB_ATTY-#17640-v1-Ordinance Adopting_MOU_AFSCME_FY_2011-2012