036 of 1982 - Text Amendment Excavation and Obstruction EK ROFILMED 0 82-36 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 36 of 1982 (Excavation and Obstruction) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 41 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, RELATING TO EXCAVATION AND OBSTRUCTION BY AMENDING SECTIONS 6, 7, 9, 13 AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 25 AND 26. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Chapter 5 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by amending Sections 6, 7, 9 and 13 to read as follows: Sec. 41-5-6. Review and Inspection Fees. The Engineer shall charge, and the City Treasurer shall collect, upon issuing a permit, the following fees, for review of the application and site inspection of the work: (1) Excavation -- $0.15 per square foot - Hard Surfaced $0.10 per square foot - Other Minimum Charge: April - October November - March Hard-surfaced $80.00 $125.00 other 50.00 75.00 (2) Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter, and/or Driveway Approaches-- Curb and Gutter $1.50 per lineal foot Sidewalk, Driveway Approach $0.15 per square foot Minimum charge: April - Oct. Nov. - March $80.00 $125.00 (3) Storm Sewers - $2.00 per lineal foot ($80.00 minimum charge) in addition to excavation fees; and (4) Poles and Anchors - $5.00 each pole or anchor, ($75.00 minimum charge). (5) Multiple Utility Excavation - In accordance with the following schedule, if the distance between excavations does not exceed one block (660 feet) and the excavations are accomplished within the same day. Charge per Excavation: April - Oct. Nov. - March hard surface $50.00 $80.00 other 30.00 50.00 Sec. 41-5-7. Restoration fees. In the event a cut or excavation exceeds 100 feet in length or 300 square feet in area, the restoration of the surface shall be accomplished by the permittee. Any cut or excavation smaller than the above- mentioned size may be restored by the City, at the option of the engineer, and the following fees shall be required in addition to permit fees specified under Section 41-5-6: Asphalt Restoration - $2.50 per square foot for local streets; $5.00 per square foot for major and collector streets; Minimum Charge April - October November - March $250.00 $375.00 In the event that the actual cost of restoration by the City exceeds the amount paid by the permittee, by more than twenty- five dollars, the permittee shall be liable for the difference between such actual costs and the amount paid by him, which shall be billed to the permittee by the City at the conclusion of the work, or from time to time as the work proceeds; and in the event of nonpayment of all or part thereof, after thirty days, the balance due may be collected by legal action. In the event of nonpayment, the permittee shall not be entitled to receive further permits from the City, or to perform further work within the City's public ways. Sec. 41-5-9. Permit duration and limits. Each permit application shall state the starting date and estimated completion date. Work shall be completed within 60 days from the starting date unless extended by the engineer for good cause shown. The engineer shall be notified by the permittee of commencement within 24 hours prior to commencing work. The permit shall be valid for the time period specified. If the work is not completed during such period, the permittee may apply to the engineer for an additional permit or an extension, which may -2- be granted by the engineer if the engineer finds that work under the original permit, or as extended, has not been satisfactorily performed. Sec. 41-5-13. Emergency work. Any person maintaining pipes, lines or facilities in the public way may proceed with work upon existing facilities without a permit when emergency circumstances demand the work to be done immediately; provided a permit could not reasonably and practicably have been obtained beforehand. In the event that emergency work is commenced on or within any public way of the City during regular business hours, the engineer shall be notified within one-half hour from the time the work is commenced. The person commencing and conducting such work shall take all necessary safety precautions for the protec- tion of the public and the direction and control of traffic. Any person commencing emergency work in the public way during off business hours without a permit shall immediately thereafter apply for a permit or give notice during the first hour of the first regular business day on which city offices are open for business after such work is commenced, and a permit may be issued which shall be retroactive to the date when the work has begun, in the discretion of the engineer. SECTION 2. That Chapter 5 of Title 41 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended by ADDING new Sections 25 and 26 to read as follows: Sec. 41-5-25. Violation of this Ordinance. A violation of any provision of this chapter shall be a Class B misdemeanor. Each day the violation exists shall be a separate offense. No criminal conviction shall excuse a person from otherwise comply- ing with the provisions of this section. Sec. 41-5-26. Penalty for work without permit. Any person found to be doing work in the public way without having obtained a permit, as provided by this chapter, shall be required to pay a permit fee equal to two times the normal permit fee. -3- SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 8th day of June 1982. CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Y RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on Jane lr 1922 Mayor's Action: dune 15, 1982 MAYOR ATTEST: RECORDER l cm50 (S EAL) BILL 36 of 1982 Published .Tuly 1, 1982 -4- ADM 35A Affidavit of Publication STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE .......Nvadine..MoTgan........................................................................... Ng.7s et 0 (Extivatlon•aM ObtlrVglipnl AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 5 OF TITLE 41 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH,1965,R IATING TO EXCAVATION AND OBSTRUC TION BV AM ND IN $EC'f10N}I),.7,9,13 AND ADDING Being first duly sworn,deposes and says that he is legal NEWSECTIOr+�257A1aoD26. - advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily Be iroralneeW cry COIRKII of sou Lake clry uyn: o V na ECofl Salf rLah,bICheplUtah.b It 1w Me same,herebya�. b ✓ am e dad bV amend ng SxHonaa.z 9 and 13 to read as roil (except Sunday) newspaper printed in the English IowS:: language with general circulation in Utah, and $ec.41-5-6:(ieview an Inspection Fees.The Engineer shall charge, rid 11rqq CItY Treasurer shall Wlkci;ul»n suing a cerml,,ine rollowin6'leas,1.Y'reNew 011he.'"cat"'and published in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, in the Mleln—atio er"°w°" State of Utah. 0,E.evallon-30.15 per 6qu re IWf•HarC Surfaced $0.10 Hob Snuaa,77b ,,. Minimum ChaYge� Apr I&t.. Nov.-March Hard-surfaced foo -, - f75.000 That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto other Gunter, - vew (2) Sltlewelk,Curb end Gutter, and/or Drivewav Au mooches-- Cdro and Gutter $1.50 Par lineal fool SidOwalk,Drivewav'Appopch - $o.15 Par square fool M1,Mum charge: Aprd-pcL Nay.Marrn Pub. Ordinance No. 36,,of 1982 relating„to.,Excavation SA0.00 $125 W ......... ..................................................... (3)Storm Sew' 11200 Per line 1 toot(580.00 minimum charge)maddtle f avatlaftess and (4)Poles and An m eas-oo each cola or.anchor,($75 dd ........and..Ob5txucti.0.n..bx- amending..Sect.i.Rns..4.,.7,5.,...J,3..and minimyy((����harge). accordance wiM I1e (5);'NWltlole UtiIItY.Excevdfiiih,-In following hedule,if Me distance 061ween excavations does rot ez ore block NRO feetY and the ebcavatlons are ac- compu ad within maaamedaY, add?Ag..N.�H..Sections..2.S..and...26......................................... ChandepeT Excavation; .Aor11-Oct. Nov. March hard surface SwAll $f" othere 30.00 50.00 Sec. 7.5-7.Reslglatlgnfeea.In the Avant a cut or ezcava- 1 ieon ezd y�5 40p fseet In)angry,dr,3V0 gquare feet to area,the ............................................................................................................. r storafio[t af'Ihe rface shall be accoMpllshed by the permih tee.Anv-'uf or excevaNpn smaller man the above-mentioned size may 'reFtored by me CIf4,pi.ine oopprtad of the englneec fees she. IIOwi fees shall be redUlretlin'adtlitlon to cermit ............................................................................................................... Ru$iaraNan-$2.w per sPUAre.rrot.tor local streets; 55.00 ;�q uaTf}dot far malof and collector streets; Mini unfCharge' APYII-Odpbef, '; -.November-March was published in said newspaperdon............... ............... s2so.oa s37s.dg P In tr1,',g�-evedl'inM Hla actual)cost of(8sforptlan by the Ciry ezceed9®la'arTgUm paid by the pemlitee,by more then iwen- s MI'l dot rs;Ahe per he r shall be amount for the alHer . between�Ch 6i:tuel<o�a-aid the amount polo by nlm,wnlcn .......P.uh...J.uly..1.,...1982................................................................... shall'or,or fee Ion PamlHee bv'1Me CNY af'me conclblan of the work,or from time to time as Me won�.proceeds;and in / ..- ihe everd of.rpnpavmeni of all le Part 1he'reof,after thirty tlays,the ba lance due may bs cottoned by legal ectlon.Inihe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,, ,, -.Z.�.4..- vicei of noher=,the Pa,tnh0"ee Shall ref be rm-futl Io T, v further cermrfs from tha'Cit, onto PaAorm further Legal Advertising ark work within the CUY's_Public ways r Sec.41-5-9.Permit duration and limits.Each Permit'Ioul' cation shall state the starting date and estimated completion ddate.ate Work shall be completed wltM1in 60 aaYs from the starling umess'extended w the erwir,cer far goed cause snewn. 16th The engineer Shall be notified by the oemil".of commence mend within 24 hours prior to commanoinyy work.The permit re me this.................................................................................. ay of shall Pa valid for the time Parted sPeclfied.If Me work is not completed during such Pariod,the ParmltiPa may apply fa ih¢ 82 engineer for an addifionel permit or an extension,which may 8 be granted by the engineer if If ,e nue,sinds Ihat wark,....A.D.19......... under the original nermiI,or as ezteltded,has not been.,Is- fact, I rily performed. / ,f Sec.41-5-13.Emergency work.AHY Person mrr ntalnin, J / =,Imes ar facilities ii,the oublic way may proceed with work upon exl sting foci)ilies without a Parmit when error-n: - cv circumstances demand the work fo be do_Immediately: a _provided a permit could not reasonablY antl practically have been oblalPad beforeT a work is commenced at or A �Y In Ina event Mat emergency regular bushes "'"""""'..""'- �F 1. within any lwblic way of the CHy during `i ' hours,Hie engineer shall be nmmeX within one-hall hour from Notary Pn tic ,enducting1hes n Work°shall take a necessanry safefvcarec- tions for the prolMlon of the pubic and the direction and control of traffic. AnY Parson commencln0 a glfncY work IM1e public During off business Hours wimoUl a permit shall immedic tely Mereafter apply for a permit or give notice during the first four of the fl ret regular business day M which city oific as _om n for busiress aHar such work is commencetl,antl a Permit aY he issued which shall ce etroactive to the date when fte work has begun,in the discretion of fed engineer. SECTION OSalt Lake City,Utah fTitle rd thehsameeVhereby is mended by ADDING new Sections 25 and 26 to read as fors IowsS_.41-5-25.Violation of this Ordinance.A violation of any provision of MI5 Chapter shall be Class B iedemean— Each day the violation exists shall be a separate offense.No criminal conviction shall se a person from otherwise compivirp with the Provisions of ihls section. Sec.41-526.Penalty for wmk witleul Parmif.Any cerson found to De Oaing work in the Wbli<way wlthoul having a% lamed a,Permib as provided by ihls chapter,shell be reguir 0 tP Par, pe it fee equal l0 two times the rime)Porm'❑f6e SECTION 3.This ordinance stall take effect uwn its first oub licatton. Pawed by the City Council of Salt lake Cltv,Utah,this eth day of June,1982. S.FONNESBECK CHAIRMAN ATTEST: KATHRYN MARSHALL CITY RECORDER MaY,r'sf Aeilunr June 15,198je 15.1982 TED W ILSON MAYOR ATTEST: KATHRYN MARSH ALL CITY RECORDER (SEA) BILL 36of 1982 Published July I,19112 D-42 —