036 of 1984 - Boundaries of Liquor License Districts P 84-31 SALT LAKF CITY ORDINANCE No. 36 of 1984 (Boundaries of Liquor License Districts) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 19-2-19 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED RELATING TO FIXING THE BOUNDARIES OF LIQUOR LICENSE DISTRICTS, BE, AND THE SAME HEREBY IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS : Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah : SECTION 1 . City Map No. 19372 is hereby amended to reflect the current A, B, and C Districts, together with all major streets, as indicated on said map which is on file with the office of the City Recorder including the following-described parcel of real property which shall be classified as an A District: Commencing at the southwest corner of North Temple and 300 West Streets and running west along the south line of North Temple 660 feet to the east line of 400 West Street; thence south along the east line of 400 West 1452 feet more or less to the north line of 100 South Street; thence east along the north line of 100 South Street 660 feet to the west line of 300 West Street; thence north along the west line of 300 West Street 1452 feet more or less to the point of beginning. More particularly described as all of Blocks 79 and 84 , Plat "A" , Salt Lake City Survey. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 22nd day of May , 1984 . r. 7AIRMAN ATTEST: C�TY`RECORDER (---I Transmitted to Mayor on May 23, 1984 Mayor's Action: 5/23/84 MAYOR ATTEST: Salt Data By ........... C ORDER .....)..V-� RE 0 cm88 (S E A L Bill 36 of 1984 Published: June 12, 1984 -2- y Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake SAIIT.LAKECITYORDINANCE ..CT122' 1 Gierloff............................................................... NO.36 61-1984'- (Boundaries of Liquor AN ORDINLicenANQCIEm�AMENDING SECTION 19.2-19 OF THE RE• VISED ORDINANCES OF SALT AMDNbCED FRELATING� Tc Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is FIXING 7IC NSE DISTRICTS OF legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS a daily �ISAMENDEDASFo LOWS E�Y. newspaper printed in the English language with general co tl iI uri°Sa ja g�►1v circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, `"° ` t Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. SECTION 1.City IVIOR,No.' .19372 Js,herebVC rr(ended t0 re., fleef.the current'A,B,and'CDIs. $ p s In w"t °" "sold That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto �trtiets,as lndicoted l said +flap wbblISh'Is.on ftie}y fhe of• tice`of yhe City Recorder includ- ing the,foilow(na•desOribed Sl Salt Lake Cit�7 Ordinance No. 36 of 1984 p6rcel of real prdpc?ty-which shall be dnssltfed.as.on.A Dis.' trid Piesfto i," nnQ Of Nc e.'fh Tom. Roundariea of Li or License District andr3r.of North Tom., ........................................................ ...................... ple andF 30y,WOsf"Sfi-sets antl.running west.-along the south I(ne of North Temple 660 fW16"ihe epst,�'fine of 4([0.West Street;.thgn4e south'afOha,the eisf i e of 400 West,1452 feet rrrOre or less tb the:n of 100 v:..gS�o�untQh Street thence east ............................................................................................. 1110- 5 ifti ".laps'�0�f:_100. ,�est j(ne of 3,Q0..Vy 4L sets r tlfe"ce'`firth, t esi Ifn;`ofa�g0 yye!(#Stket52, rliore dr $es5'hi'the ' ore ofbearticunni . was published in said newspaper on Particularly de- P .................................. scrlbed as,a0 Of 81 Is'79 and 84, Plgt City Survey. SECTION-2. Th-15 ordl•, I ....:une..I ).. ...................*d*v ............................... nonce shall take effect upon lts first publicati°h. Passed by the taffy Coun- cil of Salt Lake City Utah, ............................................... .... Mi5 22nd day of MOV,1984. tlslRonaldfh� g CMAIRp N ATTEST: Kafheryn Marshall CI'r.Y RECQRDr;R. �' TrtlnsriilNBd40 MOV°r`on May23,1984. Mayor's'Action: May 23, 1944. Ted Wilson ATTEST: MAYOR Kotheryn Marshall CITY RECORDER. 2 Oth......................... a of (SEAu ,worn to before me this day Bill 36 of 1984' Pubfished:.Jupe 12,1984'. E......................... ..................... ..................... A.D. 19..84 .� ..... Notary Public My Commission Expires Sul ':.23 t..1986......................