039 of 1986 - Rezoning amendment of North Boundary of Bonneville Golf Course, Foothill Boulevard, Wasatch Drive P 86-9
(/ YJ
No. 39 of 1986
(Rezoning an area at approximately
1300 South to North Boundary of
Bonneville Golf Course and between
Foothill Boulevard and Wasatch Drive
from "R-2" to "R-1")
WHEREAS, in response to the request pertaining to zoning
initiated by S. WHITFIELD LEE, said petition being known as
Petition No. 400-381 of 1985, the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah, has held public hearings before its own body and before the
Planning Commission, and has taken into consideration citizen
testimony, filing and demographic details of the area and the
master plan as part of its own deliberation. Pursuant to these
deliberations, the Council has concluded that the proposed change
of property located at approximately 1300 South to the North
Boundary of Bonneville Golf Course and between Foothill Boulevard
and Wasatch Drive from the existing Residential "R-2" to a
Residential "R-1" zoning classification is appropriate for the
development of the community in that area;
THEREFORE, the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, hereby
adopts the following amendment to the Use District provisions of
Title 51.
Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah:
SECTION 1. That the Use District Map, as adopted by Section
51-12-2, Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as
amended , relating to the fixing of boundaries of Use Districts,
be , and the same hereby is AMENDED as follows :
Sec . 51-12-2 . Boundaries of Use Districts. That the
following-described parcel of real property in Salt Lake City ,
Utah, presently zoned Residential "R-2 " , located approximately in
the area of 1300 South to the North Boundary of Bonneville Golf
Course and between Foothill Boulevard and Wasatch Drive is hereby
rezoned to a Residential "R-l" classification, and the Use
District Map is amended accordingly.
Residential "R-2" to "R-1" :
Commencing at the northwest corner of 1300 South Street
and Wasatch Drive and running thence westerly and
southerly along the north line of 1300 South Street
1489. 30 feet more or less to a point in the north line
of 1300 South Street said point also being 134. 07 feet
west of the southeast corner Lot 1 Block 2 Valley Vista ,
a subdivision of Block 26 Five Acre Plat "C" Big Field
Survey; thence N 14105104" W 107.75 feet ; thence S
77023109" W 10. 0 feet; thence N 22120 ' W 87. 67 feet;
thence S 77102 '22" W 47. 0 feet ; thence West 20. 0 feet to
the southeast corner Lot 10; thence N 33*15 ' W 230. 0
feet ; thence N 4 °51126" W 133. 43 feet to the northwest
corner Lot 6 said Block 2 ; thence north 66. 0 feet to a
point on the north line of Laird Way; thence west along
the north line of Laird Way 324. 53 feet to the east line
of Foothill Drive ; thence N 33 °15 ' W alonq the east line
of Foothill Drive 1063. 39 feet to the intersection of
2100 East Street ; thence north along the east line of
2100 East Street 950. 70 feet to the north boundary of
the Bonneville Golf Course ; thence east along the north
boundary of Bonneville Golf Course 744 feet to a point
on the east line of 2200 East Street ; thence south along
the east line of 2200 East Street 25. 0 feet; thence east
162. 0 feet ; thence north 25. 0 feet ; thence east 747. 28
feet to a point on the west line of Monument Park Plat
Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A
County of Salt Lake
SALTLAKECITY,bRDINANCE Cheryl Gierloff,.•..•.._,.••..••....•.••••••••••••......•••.•..•...............
s NO:39 O�19'B6 """""""
(Rexqningg on area a!approximately 1300 South to
ryIYF16 Boundary of Bbnneville Go ftourso and
between Foothill Boulevard and
V(Ia.ctch Drive frmh"R•11"to"R•1") I
AMENDED,RELATING`TO ZONING AND FIXING OF BOUND- Being first dui sworn deposes and says that he/she is
HERES. in response to the request ion being
to zoning legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily
Initlddddddtttttted by S.WHITFIELD LEE,sold petition belnp known as
Petition NN,,o.400- 81 of 1985,the City Council of Salt Lake City,
Utah,haS'"held p blic hearings before Ifs own body and before newspaper printed in the English language with genera
.the P,lannlnq Co tnlssion,and has taken Into consideration citi-
zen testimony,filing and demographic details of the area and circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City,
The master plan as part of Its own deliberation.Pursuant to
these deliberations,the Council has cancluded that the pro- 1 Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah.
posed change of property Iodated at approximately 1300 South ✓
to the'North Boundary of:Bonneville Golf Course and between
Foothill Boulevar8 cihd Wasatch Drive from the existing Resl-
aentlal•'R,-2"4d a Residential"R-i"zoning classification Is.ap- That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto
pro THEREFORE,1he City Council o'ent of f Salts akeiClty Utah,he In that are-
by adopts the-following amendment to the Use D�strlct provl-
slonsofTitle5l. Salt Lake Cit.. Ordinance No 39 of 1986
Beiiordciiaed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: ........................••. .......................:.......................................
SECTION1.That the Use District Map,as adopted by Sec-
tlon 51-12.2,Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City,Utah,1965,
as amended;relating to the fixing ofboundoriesofUseD)quiets, - Rezoning an area at a rOX: .1300 South to North
be,and the same hereby Is AMENDED as follows: •••••••..............................
Sec.5S1-12-2;Boundaries of Use Districts.That the follow- ••••••••••••••'•g'•""......""'p
Ing-described parcel of real property In Salt Lake Clty,Utah,
presently zoned Residential"R-2",located approximatelyV In the
area of 1300 South to the North Boundary of Bonneville Golf Boundary of Bonneville Golf Course and Between
Course and between Foothill Boulevard and Wasatch Drivels .............................................................................................
hereby rezoned to a Residential 11R-1"classification,and the
Use District Map Is amended accordingly.
Residential"R-2"to"R-I": oot Drive
Commencing at the northwest corner of 1300 South F.00t•••••••hill••••••••Blvd.•,••••.••and••.Wasatch..............Dr ....................................
Streetand Wasatch Drive and running thence westerly
and southerly along the north line of 1300 south Street
1489.30 feet,more or less to a point In the north line of
1300 South Street sold point also being 134.07 feet west
of the southeast corner Lot 1 Block 2 Valley Vista,a ••••••••••••••••••............'•"""""""""""'•"""
subdivision of Block 26 five Acre Plat"C"Big Field
Survey;thence N 14'05'04" W 107.75 feet;thence S
77'23'09" W 10.0 feet,,thence N 22'20' W 87.67 feet;
thence S 77'02'22"W 47.0 feet;thence West 20.0 feet to was published in said newspaper on..................................
the Southeast corner Lot 10;thence N 33'15'W 230.0
feet;thence N 4'51'26"W 133.43 feet to the northwest
corner Lot 6 sold Block 2;thence north 66.0 feet to a
point on the north line of Laird Way;thence west along Mai 14•,•.1 '•"
g86 .......................................
The north line of Laird Way 324.53 feet to the east line of
Foothill Drive;thence N 33'15'W along the east line of
Foothill Drive 1063.39 feet to the Intersection of 2100
East Street;thence north along the east line of 2100 .... ••••• ••••• • •••••
East Street 950.70 feet to the north boundary of the ........................................... .. .
Bonneville Golf Course;thence east along the north Le al dye Cl
boundary of Bonneville Golf Course 744 feet to a point b In g
on the east tine of 2200 East Street;thence south along
the east line of 2200 East Street 25.0 feet;thence east
162.0 feet;thence north 25.0 feet;thence east 747.28 feet i
to a point on the west line of Monument Park Plat"B"
Subdivision;thence south 240.96 feet to the southwest
corner of the SW1/4 NE1/4 T1S R1E Section 10 Sait
Lake Base and Meridian;thence S 89'51'30"E 1321.95
feet to the southeast corner of sold SW 114 NE 1/4t
Section 10�thencr�S 89048'E 55.66 feet to the west line o
Wasatch Drive;thence southerly along the west line of
Wasatch Drive 2030.82 feet to the point of beginning.
SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be
effective upon publication.
Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah this 6th day of May,1986. afore me this 16th ............................... day o
Earl F.Hardwick � """""""""•"'••"'•••����•��
/s/Kathryn Marshall
CITY RCODERTransmEtt dR o Mayor on May 6,1986,
A.D. 19.8.......
i Mayor's Action:May 6,1986
Palmer DePaulis "1
/s/Kathryn Marshall / ^
CITY RECORDER ........................
(SEAL) ....................................... ..
BIII 39 of 1986 P86-9 J Notary Public
Published:May 14,1986
My Commission Expires
March 1,..�988...................