039 of 1987 - Employee Compensation Plan for Fire Fighters ' 0 87-1 r 0 87-5 In SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE '"h:aau� as No . 39 of 1987 pabffik,. '; (Employee Compensation Plan for Fire Fi AN ORDINANCE ENACTING SECTION 25-1-1. 3 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS FOR SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 400 SERIES EMPLOYEES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-1-1. 3 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, be, and is hereby enacted as follows : Sec . 25 -1-1. 3. Compensation Plan Adopted. The compensation plan for Salt Lake City Corporation 400 Series Employees dated July 1, 1987, is hereby adopted as the official compensation plan for said employees. Three copies of said plan, or any amendment thereto , shall be maintained in the City Recorder' s Office for public inspection. The provisions of said plan shall be effective under the terms thereof , ccanmencing July 1, 1987 , except as they may be amended by the City Council by resolution or ordinance , or upon approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the recognized employee bargaining unit. The plan herein adopted , and any amendment or modification thereto , shall not apply to employees whose employment terminated prior to publication of this Ordinance , or to the adoption of any amendment or modification to the plan. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this 7th day of July , 1987. V41�4. , ROSE'&YN NJ KIRK, CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: ,t46z� LTITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on 7/7/87 Mayor' s Action: Approved MAYOR ATTEST: TY RECORDER ®A - ,� cml60 SEAL gtU 3911987,) 'published 7/14/87 -2- COMPENSATION PLAN FOR 400 SERIES SALT LAKE CITY EMPLOYEES 1. EFFECTIVE LATE: The provisions of this plan shall be effective under the terms hereof commencing July 1, 1987, except as it has been or may be amended from time to time by the City Council of Salt Lake City by resolution , ordinance , or upon approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the recognized employee bargaining units. 2. EMPLOYEES COVERED: This plan shall apply to all employees designated as a 400-series Salt Lake City Corporation employee, ( hereinafter referred to as "Employee (s] ") and the Salt Lake City Corporation' s , ( hereinafter referred to as "City") , Fire Unit ( hereinafter referred to as "Unit" ) . 3. WAGE SCHEDULE: Unit employees shall be paid pursuant to the wage schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "A" . 4. HOURS OF SERVICE AND OVERTIME : A. HOURS OF SERVICE. In case of emergency or whenever public interest demands , an employee may be required to perform overtime work by the Chief of the Fire Department. Whenever possible , volunteers will be solicited. Forty hours a week shall constitute a normal work week for all UNIT employees, except employees assigned to the combat division. For UNIT employees, except the combat division personnel , hours worked in excess of 40 hours per week shall be considered as overtime work. Employees regularly assigned to duty in the combat division shall perform their work during duty shifts , each consisting of 24 consecutive hours on duty at assigned employment location ; however , members off duty shall be subject to call at any time or in case of emergency. Therefore , the parties agree that for employees assigned to the combat division, a 56-hour work week or 204 hours per a 27-day cycle shall constitute a normal work period and hours worked in excess of 204 hours per a 27-day cycle shall be considered as overtime work. Further, employees may exchange shifts when the change does not interfere with the operations of the Fire Department subject to permission from the employee' s supervisor. B. OVERTIME COMPENSATION (1 ) Employees in the UNIT, except employees regularly assigned to duty in the combat division, shall be paid a general overtime rate of one and one-half times the employee' s "regular hourly rate" , as defined herein for each hour the employee worked in any work week in excess of 40 hours or an allowance of time off fran employment with pay on the basis of one and one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked. Employees regularly assigned to duty in the combat division shall be paid overtime as follows : ( a) One-half times the employee' s "regular hourly rate" , as defined herein for each hour of overtime worked in excess of 204 hours per a 27-day cycle, but not to exceed 216 hours . ( b) One and one-half times the employee' s "regular hourly rate ," as defined herein or an allowance of time off from employment with pay on the basis of one and one-half hours off for each hour of overtime worked in excess of 216 hours per a 27-day cycle . ( 2 ) The City shall make a determination of whether to pay cash or compensatory time off. Employees may indicate a preference for the form of overtime payment, contingent upon approval by the Fire Chief , scheduling requirements and availability of funds. Provided , however, employees in the UNIT, except employees regularly assigned to the canbat division, may not accrue more than 240 hours of compensatory time for hours worked after April 15, 1986. Employees in the UNIT regularly assigned to the combat division may not accrue more than 480 hours of compensatory time for hours worked after April 15, 1986. Any such employee who , after April 15, 1986, has accrued 480 or 240 hours, as the case may be, of compensatory time off , shall , for additional overtime hours of work , be paid overtime compensation. When time off from employment is allowed as compensation for overtime , such time off shall be granted within twelve (12) months from the performance of overtime work . No empl oye e shall be c anpe nsa ted for any period of overtime worked less than one-half hour in duration ; however, compensation for the first one-half hour worked -2- shall be paid employees working overtime in excess of one-half hour on a single work occasion. Compensation for overtime periods in excess of one-half hour shall be computed on the basis of the total number of consecutive 15-minute periods worked by the employee on a particular duty occasion. ( 3 ) A member of the Fire Department shall be entitled to receive overtime compensation under subsection ( 1) of this section for a job-related court appearance made during his or her off-duty hours as a witness subpoenaed on behalf of Salt Lake City or the State of Utah or such other party as may be approved of by the CITY. C. For purposes of this paragraph, except callback pay described below , the "regular hourly rate" , shall be determined as follows : ( 1 ) For employees in the UNIT, except canbat division personnel , the hourly rate shall equal all annual remuneration divided by 2, 080 hours. (2 ) For employees regularly assigned to duty in the combat division, the "regular hourly rate" shall equal the annual remuneration divided by 2, 756 hours . All annual remuneration shall include all compensation, including incentives paid to or on behalf of the employee . D. CAL LB ACK Employees who have been released from normally scheduled work periods who have been directed to return to work by an appropriate department officer without advance notice of scheduling on a mandatory emergency callback basis , shall receive a minimum of four ( 4 ) hours' compensation on such occasions as they actually report to work. Combat Division employees called back shall receive compensation for callback work computed on an hourly rate based upon a forty hour (40 ) work week for emergency callback work and upon a fifty-six (56 ) hour work week for all other overtime and callback duty . E. STANDBY Employees of the Combat Division may be required by an appropriate department head or designated representative to keep themselves available for CITY service during otherwise off-duty hours and leave word where they can be reached for an immediate call to service. Combat Division employees -3- required to stand by to respond to emergency situations shall receive two (2 ) hours' straight time pay per each 24-hour day they are on standby status. In addition thereto , each such employee shall be guaranteed a minimum four (4 ) hours' work or straight-time pay therefore on such occasions if they actually report to work while on standby status . F. EMERGENCY ASSIGNMENTS In the case of an emergency , employees may be assigned temporarily to perform the duties of any position in the next higher grade in the service; provided such assignment shall not be for a longer period than sixty (60) days and shall not carry an increase in salary. upon expiration of such temporary assignment , the employee shall be restored to the position occupied at the time such temporary assignment was made . 5. A. HOLIEAYS SPECIFIED: The following days shall be recognized and observed as holidays for all full-time , salaried employees. All such employees shall receive their regular rate of pay for each of the following unworked holidays : ( 1 ) The first day of January , called New Year' s Day; (2 ) The third Monday of January observed as the anniversary of the birth of Dr . Martin Luther King , Jr . also known as Human Rights Day. (3 ) The third Monday of February , observed as the anniversary of the birth of George Washington ; ( 4 ) The last Monday of May, called Memorial Day; (5 ) The fourth day of July, called Independence Day ; (6 ) The twenty-fourth day of July, called Pioneer Day; (7 ) The first Monday in September , known as Labor Day ; (8 ) The second Monday of October, known as Columbus Day; (9 ) The eleventh day of November, known as Veterans' Day; ( 10) The fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day ; and -4- (11 ) The twenty-fifth day of December, called Christmas . ( 12) One personal holiday can be taken upon request of the employee at the discretion of the department head . Employees are eligible for this holiday only after satisfactorily completing their initial probationary period . B. ALTERNATIVE AND ADDITIONAL HOLIDAYS When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following business day shall be considered a holiday . When any holiday listed above falls on Saturday, the preceding business day shall be considered a holiday . In addition to the above , any day may be designated as a holiday by proclamation of the Mayor , or the City Council . C. HOLIDAY WORK Full-time , salaried employees required to work on a day designated for celebration of a holiday hereunder , in addition to their holiday pay , shall receive pay at their regular rates or compensatory time off on a straight-time basis; provided , however, that when hours worked plus designated holiday hours exceed 40 hours in a single work week , overtime compensation shall be granted an employee in addition to his or her holiday pay . The foregoing notwithstanding , employees of the Combat Division of the Fire Department , in lieu of days off for the above-enumerated holidays , shall be granted six ( 6 ) on-duty shifts off per year to be taken at such time as approved by the Fire Chief. D. HOLIDAY PAY LIMITATION No Employee shall receive in excess of any one day of holiday pay for a single holiday. All employees must work their last scheduled working day following the holiday to qualify for holiday pay or be on authorized leave. Employees terminating the day before or after a holiday shall not be compensated hereunder . -5- 6. VACATIONS . A. VACATIONS AUTHORIZED Full-time , salaried employees shall be entitled to receive their regular salaries during vacation periods earned and taken in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph 6. B. VACATION SCHEDULE (1 ) All employees who become full-time , salaried employees after July 1, 1986 with the City will accrue vacation under the schedule in paragraph 6 of this section ; provided that no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless such person has successfully completed their initial probationary period . ( 2 ) Employees holding full-time , salaried positions as of June 30, 1986, will accrue vacation under the schedule in paragraph 6B( 4 ) of this section as of January 1 , 1986. (3 ) Employees holding full-time , salaried positions as of June 30, 1986 may choose to continue using the former vacation schedule as outlined in paragraph 5B. (4) Ccmpleted Years Days of Vacation Shifts of of Cbnsecut ive Per Year Vacat ion City Service Per Year 0 5 2.5 1to3 10 5 4to6 12 6 7tD9 15 7. 5 10 to 12 18 9 13 to 15 20 10 16 to 19 22 11 20 or more 25 12.5 7. FORMER VACATION SCHEDULE A. VACATIONS FOR FIRST NINE YEARS OF EMPLOYMENT Every full-time , salaried employee shall earn vacation at the rate of 4. 00 hours per pay period ( if paid semi- monthly) ; 3. 69 hours per pay period ( if paid bi-weekly) ; -6- ( 6 ) shifts per year for Combat Division personnel , provided that no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless such person has completed at least six months of full-time employment with the CITY. B. VACATION AFTER NINTH YEAR OF CONSECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT Every employee who has completed nine ( 9 ) consecutive full years of employment with the CITY from the ninth anniversary date of employment, shall earn vacation at the rate of 5. 66 hours per pay period ( if paid semi- monthly) ; 5. 23 hours per pay period ( if paid bi- weekly) . (Eight and one-half shifts per year for Combat Division personnel) For the purpose of this chapter, the term "date of employment" shall mean the beginning date of employment when one was hired by the CITY on a monthly salary basis. The term "consecutive employment" shall mean employment from the date of employment to the date the employee qualified for benefits under this section without any break in service through termina- tion , suspension , discharge or layoff. C. VACATION AFTER FOURTEENTH YEAR OF CONSECUTIVE EMPLOYMENT Every employee who has completed fourteen ( 14 ) consecutive full-time , salaried years of employment with the CITY, shall earn vacation at the rate of 7. 33 hours per pay period ( if paid semi-monthly) ; 6. 76 hours per pay period ( if paid bi-weekly) . (Eleven shifts per year for Combat Division personnel) . C. RULES FOR TAKING VACATION (1) Vacation periods may be divided into two or more separate periods as are deemed necessary by the Fire Chief or as requested by the employee and approved by the Fire Chief . ( 2 ) Upon permission of the Fire Chief employees may accumulate vacation ( including both earned vacation and sick leave conversion time) , according to the length of their full-time consecutive years of employment with the CITY up to the following maximum limits : ( a) After 6 months - up to 20 days ( 10 shifts) ; ( b) After 9 years - up to 25 days ( 12-1/2 shifts) ; 7- (c) After 14 years - up to 30 days ( 15 shifts) . Any vacation earned or accrued beyond said maximum shall be deemed forfeited; provided , however, that the foregoing notwithstanding , for good cause shown , the Fire Chief, in writing and prior to a forfeiture date , may allow an employee to accumulate vacation time up to an additional maximum five (5) day (2-1/2 shift) period to be used within one year from the date permission for such extension was granted . ( 3 ) Accumulated vacation can only be used with permission of the Fire Chief or upon termination of employment with the CITY. (4 ) Except upon termination or purchase as provided in paragraph 6, no employee shall be entitled to be paid for vacation earned but not taken . D. VACATION AND TERMINATION BENEFITS UPON TERMINATION (1) Every employee whose employment is terminated by resignation or otherwise shall be entitled to be pa id for : ( a) All earned vacation time accrued , unused , unforfeited and lawfully forwarded from previous years, plus ; ( b) A termination benefit consisting of all vacation accrued , unforfeited and unused for the year of employment during which the termination shall occur . (2 ) However , the foregoing notwithstanding , no employee shall be entitled to any termination benefit or payment for any vacation time which has not been vested , accrued , unforfeited and unused and shall not be entitled to any payment or termination benefit: ( a) Until an employee has completed at least six ( 6 ) months of full-time employment with the CITY; or ( b) If any resigning employee fails to give at least ten ( 10) calendar days prior written -8- notice to his or her department head of his or her contemplated resignation. E. CASH PAYMENT OF EARNED VACATION TIME IN LIEU OF USE (1) The CITY may purchase up to , but not exceed , ten ( 10) days ( 5 shifts) of earned and accrued vacation time, to which an employee is entitled as authorized in this paragraph, with the consent of said employee and upon approval of both the Fire Chief and the Mayor . 8. SICK LEAVE AND HOSPITALIZATION BENEFITS A. SICK LEAVE POLICY AND PROCEDURES (1) Sick leave shall be provided for all salaried , full-time employees only as insurance against loss of income when an employee is unable to perform assigned duties because of illness or injury. ( 2 ) Employees who have used less than the City average as canputed December 31 , each year shall be awarded three extra sick leave days ( 1. 5 shifts) as of January 1 , of the year after . ( 3 ) Each full-time , salaried employee shall be entitled to 12 days each calendar year , except members of the Combat Division who shall be entitled to six on-duty shifts (144 hours) of sick leave each calendar year. Sick leave will be granted in a lump sum ( 12 days or 6 on-duty shifts) during the first month of each calendar year. Sick leave will be granted on this basis if, for the prior year, the UNIT's average sick leave does not exceed the C ITY' s average sick leave. If the UNIT ' s average sick leave exceeds the CITY' s average sick leave , then sick leave will be granted on a month-to-month basis. UNIT members who separate from the CITY for any reason prior to the end of the 12th month of the calendar year will have sick leave for the period prorated back to the CITY on a one-day or 1/2 on- duty shift basis per month. -9- January 12 days 6 on duty shifts February 11 days 5 1/2 on duty shifts March 10 days 5 on duty shifts April 9 days 4 1/2 on duty shifts May 8 days 4 on duty shifts June 7 days 3 1/2 on duty shifts July 6 days 3 on duty shifts August 5 days 2 1/2 on duty shifts September 4 days 2 on duty shifts October 3 days 1 1/2 on duty shifts November 2 days 1 on duty shift December 1 day 1/2 on duty shift (4 ) No employee shall be entitled to the foregoing sick leave , until such person has completed at least six ( 6 ) months of continuous employment with the CITY. ( 5 ) Employees absent from work on account of illness or injury shall report intended absence to their department head or supervisor as soon as practical , but no later than 1 hour prior to the beginning of the employee' s duty shift unless justified by emergency circumstances. Combat Division personnel shall notify their station officer of any such intended absence. All other UNIT employees shall notify their immediate supervisor or Battalion Chief . B. ACCUMULATION OF SICK LEAVE Authorized unused sick leave may be accumulated from year to year . C. OVERTIME COMPENSATION Scheduled work days for which an employee is absent due to illness and on sick leave as provided for hereunder , shall be construed as normal work days for the purposes of computing such employees' overtime compensation under paragraph 5(C) ; but shall not be construed as normal work hours for the purposes of computing such employee' s overtime compensation pursuant to paragraph 2. D. SICK LEAVE CONVERSION TO VACATION TIME Any employee, other than a member of the Combat Division, who has accumulated to his or her credit thirty (30 ) sick leave days and any member of the Combat Division who has accumu- -10- lated fifteen ( 15 ) shifts under the provisions of Section A of this paragraph, may choose to convert a portion of the yearly sick leave grant for any given year to vacation under and subject to the following provisions : Number of Sick Leave Days Number of Sick Leave Days or Shifts Used During or Shifts Available for Previous Calendar Year Conversion No days 5 days 1 day 4 days 2 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 4 days 1 day 5 or more days No days No shifts 2-1/2 shifts 1 shift 2 shifts 2 shift 1-1/2 shifts 3 shift 1 shift 4 shifts 1/2 shift 5 or more shifts No shifts Such converted sick leave days shall be permitted as vacation days in addition to any other vacation award to which said employee is entitled . E. SICK LEAVE CREDIT FORWARD The balance of the - sick leave days not converted to vacation days as permitted above , less the number of days used during that calendar year as sick leave days , shall be carried forward as accumulated sick leave days . F. NOTIFICATION OF ELECTION Any election by an employee to convert any sick leave to vacation time must be made by notifying the City' s Office of Human Resource Management, in writing , on or before January 31 of each year ; otherwise , no conversion will be allowed for that calendar year and such conversion privilege shall be deemed waived for that calendar year. In no event shall sick leave days be converted for other than the immediately preceding year' s sick leave allocation. -11- G. PRESUMPTION OF USE Any sick leave days properly converted to vacation benefits as above described , shall be deemed to be taken prior to any other days of vacation time to which the employee is entitled; provided , however , that in no event shall an employee be paid for converted sick leave days upon termination. Any sick leave days converted to vacation days remaining unused at the date of termina- tion or retirement shall be forfeited by the employee. H. RETIREMENT BENEFITS In addition to the sick leave conversion privilege to vacation days above described , at retirement an employee ( or his or her estate, where death follows retirement but precedes payment) shall be eligible to a retirement benefit as stipulated in Executive Order 3. 11 . 300 and Special Orders approved by the Mayor. Persons who retire under the eligibility requirements of the Utah State Retirement System with fran 10 to 19 cumulative years of service in the Fire Department and are not eligible under the above referenced order shall be paid in cash, at their then current pay scale, a sum equal to their daily rate of pay for 25% of the accumulated sick leave days reserved for the benefit of said employee at the date of their retirement or 45 days ( 22. 5 shifts) of full pay (whichever is less) . I. HOSPITALIZATION In addition to the sick leave authorized hereunder , each full-time , salaried employee in the UNIT shall be entitled to thirty ( 30) days hospitalization leave each calendar year , except for employees of the Combat Division who shall be entitled to fifteen ( 15 ) on-duty shifts off for hospitalization leave each calendar year , provided that such leave may be taken only if, and during the period that , such employee is actually confined to a hospital or using an outpatient or other acceptable facility with the approval of the Office of Human Resource Management. Employees requesting such leave shall comply with the CITY' s cost containment policy as set forth by the Office of Human Resource Management. -1 2- i J. UNAUTHORIZED SICK LEAVE AND HOSPITAL BENEFITS An employee in the UNIT shall be entitled to receive sick leave or hospitalization leave benefits for illness, injuries, or disability resulting from accidents arising out of or in the course of employment for an employer other than the CITY; provided , however, that as a condition of granting such leave , the CITY may require that it be subrogated to the employee' s rights of recovery against any person or organization associated with such injury. The CITY shall have the exclusive right to decide whether to require subrogation and/or seek recovery; provided , however, that full recovery by and reimbursement to the CITY of all its expenses associated with the employee' s injury , including medical and leave costs , shall have the effect of revesting with the employee all sick leave and hospitalization leave entitlements exhausted as the result of such injury. K. REGULAR SALARY TO BE CONTINUED Each employee who takes authorized sick leave or authorized hospitalization leave shall continue to receive his or her regular salary during his or her absence from work for the periods set forth in this chapter. L. ON-DUTY SHIFTS FOR COMBAT DIVISION PERSONNEL DEFINED For the purposes of this plan, the term "on-duty shift" for members of the Combat Division shall mean a continuous 24-hour working day which shall be equal to two regular working days for other employees of the CITY. M . DISABILITY COMPENSATION (1) Any full-time , permanent employee of the UNIT who is permanently and totally disabled while in the lawful discharge of his or her official duties for the CITY shall continue to receive full ccmpensation until such employee reaches his or her normal retirement age . ( 2 ) For the purpose of this section, the following terms shall be defined as herein specified : -1 3- a. "Total disability" means the complete inability, due to injury or illness to engage in the employee ' s regular occupation during the first 24 months of disability benefits . Thereafter, " total disability" means the complete inability to engage in any gainful occupation which is reasonable considering the employee' s education , training and experience. Total disability exists only if during any period of total disability the employee is under the regular care of a legally qualified physician other than the employee. Disability compensation shall not be paid for the loss resulting from the following : 1 . Self inflicted injury. 2. Alcoholism. 3. Drug addiction. 4. Injuries occuring while traveling to and from work. b . "Full conpe nsa t io n" shall mean the total monthly salary paid by the CITY to a disabled employee in the month immediately preceding the injury, excluding overtime payments , shift differentials, uniform and travel allowance , witness fees , educational incentive or certification pay , and other similar such reimbursements not ordinarily included in an employee' s base salary; provided that compensation paid under the provisions of this section shall be increased from time to time to reflect cost of living adjustments granted generally to employees of the CITY in employment positions similar to that occupied by the disabled employee at the time of injury , and reduced by any and all amounts paid as worker ' s compensation, social security disability or other retirement benefits, or any form of governmental relief whatsoever . c . "Normal retirement age" shall mean, and in no case exceed the attained normal retirement age as presently specified in Section 49-6a-8 of the Utah Firemen' s Retirement Act. -14- (3 ) The CITY at its own expense shall have the right and opportunity to examine the person of any employee when and as often as it may reasonably require during employment with the CITY and during the pendency of a disability hereunder. No employee refusing such examination shall be eligible for the benefits provided by this section. ( 4 ) Refusal to submit to treatment for disabilities shall be grounds for termination of compensation specified hereunder. (5) When any injury for which compensation is payable under this section shall be caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another employee of the CITY or person not in such employment, the CITY may require an employee claiming compensation hereunder as a condition of receipt of such compensation , to assign to the CITY any action for damage against such third person such injured employee may have . 9. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Full-time , salaried employees shall be eligible for leaves of absence under the following circumstances : A. FUNERAL LEAVE (1) Time off with pay will be granted a permanent, full-time employee who suffers the loss of a wife , husband , child, stepchild , mother, father, stepmother , stepfather , brother , sister , father- in-law , mother-in-law , grandchild, grandfather or grandmother. In the event of death in any of these instances, employees will be paid their regular base pay for scheduled work time from the time of death through the day of the funeral ; however , no such leave shall be permitted to extend more than five ( 5 ) calendar days after the date of death. Employees will be permitted one additional day ( 1/2 shift) of funeral leave , on the day following the funeral , if the funeral or burial is held more than 150 miles distance from Salt Lake City. Satisfactory proof of such death, together with the date thereof and the date and location of the funeral and burial , must be furnished by the employees to the Fire Chief. -15- (2 ) In the event of death of relatives other than those enumerated in (1 ) above , an employee will be paid for time off frcm scheduled working hours while attending the f uneral services for such person, not to exceed eight ( 8 ) hours. (3 ) In the event of death of friends , an employee may be granted time off without pay while attending the funeral services for such persons , not to exceed four ( 4 ) hours subject to the approval of his or her immediate supervisor . ( 4 ) Time off hereunder shall not be included as time worked in the computation of overtime pay. ( 5 ) In the event the death of any member of the immediate family , as set forth herein occurs while an employee is on vacation, his or her vacation will be extended by the amount of time authorized as funeral leave. (6 ) The provisions of this paragraph shall not be applicable to employees who are on leave of absence . B. LEAVE OF ABSENCE OF EMPLOYEES WHO ENTER MILITARY SERVICE Every employee who enlists in time of national emergency or is called or inducted into and enters active service in the state militia or any branch of the federal military, naval , air or marine service shall be entitled to be absent from duties and service with the CITY while engaged in the performance of active military or naval duties and while going to and returning from such duties. No such person or employee shall be subject by reason of such absence to any loss or diminution of vacation or holiday privileges nor shall he or she be prejudiced by reason of such absence with reference to promotion or continuance in office , employment , reappointment to office or re-employment. All such persons shall be entitled to re-employment by the CITY upon their return following the procedures outlined by state statute . C. LEAVE WHILE ON ANNUAL ENCA4PMENT All employees who are or shall become members of the organized reserves of the United States Army, Navy, Air -1 6- Force and Marines or any unit of the Utah National Guard , shall be allowed f ull pay for all time not in excess of fifteen days per year spent on duty at annual encampment or rifle competition or other duties in connection with the reserve training and instruction requirements of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines of the United States. This leave shall be in addition to annual vacation leave . D. LEAVE FOR JURY DUTY All salaried , full-time employees shall be entitled to receive and retain statutory juror' s fees paid for jury service in the District and Federal Courts whose jurisdictions include Salt Lake County subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. No reduction in an employee' s salary shall be made for absence from work resulting from such jury service. On those days that an employee is required to report for jury service and is thereafter excused from such service during his or her regular working hours for the CITY, he or she shall forthwith return to and carry on his or her regular CITY employment. Failure to so return to work shall result in disciplinary action and forfeiture of that day' s pay for such employee . E. PARENTAL LEAVE A leave of absence may be requested by any employee for the following reasons : ( 1 ) Beccming a parent through birth or adoption of newly born children . ( 2 ) Due to the hospitalization of a dependent child. The following provisions apply to the use of parental leave: ( 1 ) Parental leave may be granted with pay on a straight-time basis for a period not to exceed five consecutive days from the date a child commences residence with an employee or becomes hospitalized . ( 2 ) The employee has accumulated any available unused sick leave. Under no circumstances shall the employee be entitled to use as parental leave more than five consecutive days . -17- (3 ) The employee gives notice to his or her supervisor as soon as possible under the circumstances. ( 4 ) The employee provides, upon request by a supervisor , certification of birth or evidence of a child placement for adoption to his/her supervisor within five (5) days following termination of such leave. A letter may be requested frcm the treating physician in the event of hospitalization of a dependent child within five (5) days following termination of parental leave used for this purpose . (5 ) An employee' s accumulated sick leave , and sick leave conversion entitlements for the following calendar year , provided for herein , shall be reduced by the number of days taken by an employee as parental leave . F. ADDITIONAL LEAVES OF ABSEIL E Employees shall be eligible for additional leaves of absence , without compensation for health problems or other reasonable purposes, at the approval of the Fire Chief in compliance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations, if applicable. Any employee who requests such leave shall be subject to the following 1 imitations: ( 1) The leave request shall be for not less than 90 days. ( 2 ) The employee' s seniority shall be reduced the same number of days that such leave was in effect . ( 3 ) Upon return from such leave the employee shall be reinstated after successful completion of a physical and performance review as stipulated by the Chief . 10. ADDITIONAL ALLOWANCES. A. EDUCATIONAL INCENTIVE PAY Full-time , salaried employees who have completed all required basic training courses and probationary periods, shall be entitled to the following monthly allowances according to the educational degree held by such employees: -18- Doctorate $100.00 per month Masters 75.00 per month Bachelors 50.00 per month Associate 25.00 per month An employee shall be eligible for incentive pay here- under following submission of his or her diploma evidencing completion of degree requirements at a fully accredited college or university to the Fire Chief. The foregoing notwithstanding, no employee shall be entitled to compensation for an educational degree which qualifies the employee for his or her position of employment; or for any degree which is not specifically related to the employee's actual employment duties as determined by the Mayor upon recommendation of the Fire Chief. B. UNIFORM ALLOWANCE Employees who are required to wear uniforms while in the execution of their duties with the CITY shall receive the following monthly uniform allowance: Fire Prevention Specialists: $40.00 per month Fire Fighters: $50.00 per month from the date of initial hire through the sixth year of consecutive employment and no uniform allowance thereafter. Communication Specialists: $50.00 per month Such uniform allowances are provided on the condition that eligible employees maintain their uniforms through their duty shifts in reasonably good, clean, neat and pressed conditions; of proper identification and insignia, not worn, frayed or unsightly, and otherwise in full compliance with applicable Fire Department regulations. Failure to maintain apparel in accordance with the above shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including forfeiture of uniform allowance provided hereunder. -19- In the event of a ccanprehensive change in departmental dress , all Fire Department employees who are required to wear a dress uniform will , within one ( 1) year from the effective date of the change , convert to the new-type dress un i fo rm . C. AUTOMOBILE ALLaIANCES Employees who are authorized to use and who do use privately owned automobiles for official CITY business shall be reimbursed for their operation expenses of said automobiles at the rate of twenty-one cents (211) per mile for each mile actually traveled in official CITY business. Before payment is made to any employee pursuant to the terms of this section , the use of the autombile must be authorized by the employee' s supervisor and the mileage traveled must be verified by the head of the department involved . Verification and reimbursement shall be on forms and in the manner provided in administrative procedures, as prescribed by the City Controller or Finance Director . 11. I NS UR ANC E. A. The CITY will make available life , accidental death and dismemberment, health and dental insurance to all employees, upon the terms and conditions as may be from time to time determined by the CITY. B. The amount which the CITY will contribute to the employees' insurance is as follows : City contribution per month Medical & Dental Coverage : Medical Dental Total Single 51. 38 10. 40 61 . 78 Couple 99. 48 20. 94 120. 42 Family 153. 92 27. 40 181. 32 Life Insurance $. 24/per $1 ,000 of cover age/month Dependent Life $. 66/month A. D. & D. $. 48/month -2 0- Employee' s contribution will be deducted and apportioned per pay period . C. The CITY will make available a consulting service which will provide consulting by an outside confidential firm for drug abuse , alcoholism , and marriage counseling . 12. PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION. The CITY and the employees shall each pay the following respective shares of monthly retirement contributions required to be paid to the Utah State Retirment Fund . City Contribution 23. 96% Empl oye e Contribution 2. 0% 13. MISCELLANEOUS. The CITY agrees to continue to furnish no-cost annual physical examinations , off-street parking at assigned work sites , and to provide monthly sleeping linen exchange , and washing linens as necessary for all employees . cml 60 -21- APPENDIX A The PAY SCALE set forth herein shall be effective on the employee' s anniversary of hire date. Pay Class Completed Years of Service Salary 4 15 A 1 $1452 415-B 2 1862 415-C 3 1913 415-D 4 1965 415-E 5 2132 415-F 6 2251 415-G 7 2313 415-x 8 2313 415-I 9 2313 415-1 10 2376 415-K 11 2442 415-L 12 2442 415-M 13 2442 415-N 14 2509 415-0 15 2578 Employees in the 415-0 step on June 30, 1987 shall be moved to the 415-0 step under the new pay scale described above on October 1, 1987. No further merit adjustments will be made during Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1987 and ending June 30, 1988. Compensation shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis. The implementation date of the bi-weekly pay period shall be made at a time determined by -i- a the City' s Finance Director to be convenient, but no later than February 1, 1988. PARAMEDIC : Effective July 1, 1987, a member of the Unit assigned and certified to perform as a Paramedic will be paid in addition to the regular salary of a Fire Fighter the following incentive pay: Initial Certification $250. 00 per month First Re-certification $300. 00 per month Second Re-certification $3 50. 00 per month A member of the Unit certified but not assigned as a Paramedic will receive one-third of the above incentive pay. HAZ MAT, ENGINEER, CFR: A Member of the Unit assigned and certified to perform as a specialist in one of these categories will be paid in addition to the regular salary of a Fire Fighter , $125. 00 per month, as incentive pay. cml 5 7 -i i- 143 s,UTH MAIN ST. Newspaper Agency Corporation 16 P.J.BOX 45838 Ar—T SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84145 iTt)i t Malt fakt'Xfibunt DESERET NEWS FED.TAX I.D.4 87-0217663 MORNING&SUNDAV EVENING&SUNDAV Affidavit of Publication I � Hereby certifyy that the attached STATE OF UTAH. 1 advertiseme of SYIv0P315 OFSALT LAKE CITY JR ii'fA1�CE39 OF 1 SS. for C I TY RECORDER was published by the County of Salt Lake S NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE _ TRIBUNE and DESERET NEWS, daily newspapers printed in the English SUTSYMOPSISOFNAM language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt ��Ieav;�IN> Iron Lake County in the State of Utah. Hdni'"ce�Msl TAe SeHLoke CHy r14lla Xs I or�elonce em`mcelti�w seOdOarnonais- PUBLISHED ON JUL 28 1987 1.1.3 a the RDuc r.axnv ro FvemalCH 400 tWe$ m- rH Like C♦ITY 400 series Em• H ees(IrA oral1,lpplI,,��pp aM SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 297'DAY OF JULY ty 87 1 ew In0nereuueNRMelor re- le In Me CHy Retoraer'S OI- tti sin FIOoe,exv Hal,3a4 !►R Y p �. 5ain stole, eorlrq nwlor ,� ThIs orshoun. �1 8 H�meal affan. eettea N, G ��I(gohs) e r �� NOTARY PUBLIC ,IPA 1511ED:lulY 14 I9!]- � a.T DAIM MARCH 1, 1988 COMMISSION EXPIRES 4t, RESIDING IN SALT LAKE COUNTY Of v�! LEGAL ADVERTISING INVOICE ACCOUNT NAME AD NUMBER TELEPHONE CITY 'iiLCORL)E, F-96 b01-535-7671 CUST.REF.NO. SCHEDULE MISC.CHARGES SLC OkD.39 CF a JUL 28 1987 12000 CAPTION SIZE TIMES RATE AD CHARGE SYNCIPSI5 OFSALT LA:E CITY CIR 23 LINC5 1 .7h 17.94 DUE AND PAYABLE ON RECEIPT OF THIS INVOICE . 29.94 FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 801-237-27e6