004 of 2011 - Budget Amendment No. 3 for FY 2010-2011 0 11-1 B 11-4 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 4 of 2011 (Amending the Final Budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, for Fiscal Year 2010-2011) . An Ordinance Amending Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 34 of?010 l Which Adopted the Final Budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2010 and Ending June 30,2011. PREAMBLE On August 10,2010,the Salt Lake City Council adopted the final budget of Salt Lake City,Utah,including the employment staffing document,for the fiscal year beginning July 1,2010 and ending June 30,2011,in accordance with the requirements of Section 118,Chapter 6,Title 10 of the Utah Code Annotated,and said budget,including the employment staffing document,was approved by the Mayor of Salt Lake City,Utah. The City's Budget Director,acting as the City's Budget Officer,prepared and filed with the City Recorder proposed amendments to said duly adopted budget,including the amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein,copies of which are attached hereto,for consideration by the City Council and inspection by the public. All conditions precedent to amend said budget,including the employment staffing document as provided above,have been accomplished. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City,Utah: SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this Ordinance is to amend the final budget of Salt Lake City, including the employment staffing document, as approved, ratified and finalized by Salt Lake City Ordinance No.67 of 2010. SECTION 2. Adoption of Amendments. The budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document necessary to effectuate the staffing changes specifically stated herein, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance shall be, and the same hereby are adopted and incorporated into the budget of Salt Lake City, Utah, including the amendments to the employment staffing document described above, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011, in accordance with the requirements of Section 128, Chapter 6, Title 10, of the Utah Code Annotated. SECTION 3. Filing of copies of the Budget Amendments. The said Budget Officer is authorized and directed to certify and file a copy of said budget amendments, including amendments to the employment staffing document, in the office of said Budget Officer and in the office of the City Recorder which amendments shall be available for public inspection. SECTION 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect on its first publication. 2 Passed by the City Council of Salt Lalce City, Utah, this 1st day of March 7 • 10-/ CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: CWGA-P ECORDER • 48.11'', V '-1, Transmitted to the Mayor on 3-1-2011 Mayor's Action: X Approved Vetoed MA' OR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM • Salt Lake City Attorney's Office • Date /Z — TY RE ORDE By �aa rk \ 1 CITY ,++ (SEAL) �,'' Bill No. 4 of; 201,1 •\\�, 3-11-11 Published: � Opp RA. tiy HB_ATTY-#13907-v2-Budget Amen dment_FY10-11.DOC 3 Fiscal Year 2011 Budget Amendment #3 January General Fund Impact Fiscal Year Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance # Initiative Name Impact Amount FTE General Fund Impact Impact Amount (If Different) Impact Positive Negative Section A New Items 1. Rose Park Golf Course $425,000.00 Property—Guadalupe 2. Sorenson Center Utilities $104,260.00 $104,260.00 Reimbursement From County 3. Dog Park Fence at $14,000.00 $-14,000.00 $-14,000.00 Rotary Glen Park 4. Street Cars Project $52,500.00 $126,500.00 1 $-52,500.00 $-52,500.00 Manager 5. Outside Counsel $25,000.00 $-25,000.00 $-25,000.00 Associated with Regional Athletic Complex 6. Bike Sharing Pilot $25,000.00 $-25,000.00 $-25,000.00 - Program 7. Civil Enforcement $27,000.00 $54,000.00 1 $-27,000.00 $-27,000.00 Secretarial FTE Request 8. Expedited Plan Review $150,000.00 $150,000.00 Outsourcing • 9. CDBG SLC School $233,732.00 Comm Learning Center 42 General Fund Impact Fiscal Year Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance General Fund # Initiative Name Impact Amount .FTE Impact Impact Amount (If Different) Impact Positive Negative 10. Impact Fee Waivers $429,809.00 $-429,809.00 $-429,809.00 11. Small Neighborhood $55,000.00 $-55,000.00 $-55,000.00 Business Amendment n 12. Public Service $132,462.00 $317,910.00 3 1-132,462.00 1-132,462.00 Reorganization 13. Changes to City's Appointed Positions 14. North Temple Blvd $8,017,200.00 Improvements 15. Remodel of Plaza 349 and $4,737,381.00 5'h Floor of City& County Bldg (Th, 16. Paylock—Vehicle $257,250.00 $257,250.00 Impound Device Section B Grants for Existing Staff Resources 1. US Dept of Justice $389,200.00 Solving Cold Cases With DNA 43 General Fund Impact Fiscal Year Annual Impact Fund Balance Fund Balance # Initiative Name Impact Amount FTE General Fund Impact Impact Amount (If Different) Impact Positive Negative 2. St of Utah Dept of Public $730,000.00 Safety Homeland Security UASI Section C Grants For New Staff Resources 1. US Dept of Justice $399,077.00 .5 Violence Against Women 2. St of Utah Dept of Public $2,170,078.00 1 Safety Homeland Security UASI Section D Housekeeping 1. Public Utilities Storm $1,203,000.00 Water Carryover 2. Public Utilities Water $2,405,900.00 Carryover 3. Public Utilities Sewer $4,127,200.00 Carryover 4. Additional Funding to $1,000,000.00 Grant Holding Account 5. Donation Fund Holding $58,899.16 Account Increase 6. Grants Carryover $-78,410.88 Adjustments Section E Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources 1. US Dept of Justice $106,000.00 Forensic Science Improvement 44 General Fund Impact Fiscal Year Annual Impact 9 !'..1! Fund Balance Fund Balance General Fund Initiative Name Impact .Amount FTE Impact Impact Amount Impact {If Different) Positive Negative 2. US Dept of Housing $22,620.00 TRAX Line Area Plans and Sustainable Zoning 3. US Dept of Justice $400,000.00 Violence Against Women —Elder Abuse Project J Section F Donations 1. Rio Tinto Donation City's $10,000.00 Climate Showcase Comm Section G Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards 1. Office of National Drug $65,354.00 Control High Intensity Drug Trafficking Agency 2. St of Utah Dept of Health $30,109.00 Emergency Medical Ser and Preparedness 3. US Dept of Health Drug $125,000.00 Free Communities n 4. Utah Quality Growth $167,000.00 Comm—Jordan River Open Space Land Acquisition _Section .I Council Added Item Revenue Forecast Salt Lake City Corporation FY10-11 Variance Annual Revised Favorable Revenue Budget Forecast (Unfavorable) Total General Fund 187,976,374 186,947,790 (1,028,584) Selected Discussion Items Total Property Taxes 63,304,511 63,087,434 (217,077) Discussion: A decline in property is due to two judgements that were settled earlier this year. Total Sales and Use Tax 43,493,122 43,488,771 (4,351) Discussion: Reviewing the sales tax trends are stable.The decline is due to Misc Met taxes. Total Franchise Tax 27,953,800 27,853,800 (100,000) Discussion: The decrease is due to a decrease in revenue received from telecomunication companies. License and Permits: 15,640,598 15,711,246 70,648 Discussion: The number of commercial and residential permits are up from last fiscal year, but the values is significantly lower. Total Intergovernmental 5,441,103 5,199,693 (241,410) Discussion: Interest income 480,000 480,000 0 Discussion: Total Fines &Forfeiture 10,551,316 9,609,352 (941,964) Discussion: The issuance of parking tickets are lower on average than in previous years. Parking Meters 1,599,000 1,679,363 80,363 Discussion: Parking meter revenue will come in higher than expected due to the bagging of meters in the down town area Including City Creek. Charges and Services 3,756,784 3,996,935 240,151 Discussion: Miscellaneous Revenue 2,019,136 2,104,463 85,327 Discussion: Other reimbursements have resulted in an increase in revenue. Total lnterfund 9,575,233 9,574,963 (270) Discussion: Transfers 4,161,771 4,161,771 0 Discussion: Revenue Forecast Salt Lake City Corporation Four Four Variance FY10111 0 Variance Month Month Favorable Annual Revised Favorable Revenue Budget Actual (Unfavorable) Budget Forecast (Unfavorable) Total Properly Taxes 1,660,280 1,440,637 (219,643) 62,376,632 62,159,555 (217,077) Total Sales and Use Tax 6,822,012 6,891,071 69,059 43,493,122 43,488,771 (4,351) Total Franchise Tax 5,191,995 5,138,058 (53,937) 27,953,800 27,853,800 (100,000) Total PILOT 0 0 0 927,879 927,879 0 TOTAL TAXES 13,674,287 13,469,766 (204,521) 134,751,433 134,430,005 (321,428) Permits and Licences 3,736,721 3,744,718 7,997 15,640,598 15,711,246 70,648 Total Intergovernmental 252,442 408,448 156,006 5,441,103 5,199,693 (241,410) Charges for Services 941,793 967,087 25,294 3,756,784 3,996,935 240,151 Total Fines&Forfeiture 2,175,691 1,692,881 (482,810) 10,551,316 9,609,352 (941,964) Total Parking Meter 355,481 480,726 125,245 1,599,000 1,679,363 80,363 Interest Income 190,194 350,865 160,671 480,000 480,000 0 Miscellaneous Revenue 578,251 665,088 86,837 2,019,136 2,104,463 85,327 Total Interfund 1,912,966 1,988,431 75,465 9,575,233 9,574,963 (270) Total Transfers 561,587 698,742 137,155 4,161,771 4,161,771 0 Bond Proceeds 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $24,379,413 $24,466,752 $87,339 $187,976,374 $186,947,790 ($1,028,584) Initiative Name: Rose Park Golf Course Property - Guadaiupe Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-1 Initiative Type: New item Initiative Discussion: Salt Lake City Golf` iand sold.S:D1 acres.;of Bland at Rose park Gaff Course to Guadalupe Center Education Program..The proceed from that sale will be used to expand the driving' range at;the!goli course.,.,"This budget request'will establish-the revenue:,and 'expenditure budget for impriovements to the`,Rose'P;ark GolfCourse driving range and the closing,costs sari the sale.: • Salt Lake;City-Surplus land Find recently:purchased the.property at the south end of tip driving range'at Rose Park on Redwood Road to faciiitaate an expansion of the:driving range, that will allow.-golfers to iuse top quality,range balls and practice with all clubs:in their bags. This expansion willTesult n a driving range:that is.over 350 yards long:and a practice tee thai is approximately 125 yards Wide by 50 yardstleep. i • T:h.e:proceeds.from the:land sale to the Guadalupe Center will ibe.used..for improvements on t the land.purchased'by Salt ilake.Cit v.Supplus`La:nd:Fund • • • Initiative#A-1 1 1 1 1 Lose Park GolfCourse 1Rroperty- . _ .:,Guadalupe 1 I Initiative Name I I _ iBA#3 iFY20111•initiative t#A-1 2O113- 1 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year ' , 'Public Services -iNew item - Department r Type of Initiative - 'Greg Davis B01-S35=6123 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 'General Fund Total $01 I $0 Internal Service Fund 0 j Total 1 $01 I _ $011 Enterprise Fund Golf Fund $ 425,000.00 Total $ 425,000.00 : I $01 1 Other Fund I 0 0 1 Total $01 I $0 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 . Position Title: n/a 1 1 Initiative#A-1-a 1 Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 59-01065 1840-Sale of Land $ 425,000.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 59-01065 2329-Other professional&tech $ 2,218.00 59-01065 2731-04-Grounds improvements $ 422,782.00 Additional Accounting Details: Settlement statement 9/30/1 D: Selling price $ 425,000.00 Closing/settlement fees $ (2,218.00) Net proceeds $ 422,782.00 Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Is there a potential for grant to continue? { If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? initiative#A-1-b Initiative Name: Sorenson Center Utilities Reimbursement From County Initiative Number: BA#3 FY20111nitiative#A-2 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: This budget amendment places the expense for utilities(water„ electrical, gas) back into Facilities'budget due to the need for continued payment for these costs.With Salt Lake City's: energy performance contract on this site it is necessary that the City tradk costs and bill Salt Lake County-for not aonly the:utility cost but the,associated debt service that the City will incur; as a result of energy performance contract municipal'lease.Salt Lake County will pay for utilities and receive the financial benefit from the tower utility costs,vn+hile'the City receives:the benefit iof new equipment for it's owned facility. Currently Salt.Lake City pays for the ufility� costs and bills for reimbursement from the County. The Citys budget in'facilities) doesn't currently contain budget for the utility-expenses.This budget amendment requests expense and revenue budgets in'equal amounts to cover initial payment of utilities and reimbursement from the County. Initiative#A-2 I I 1 l I 'Sorenson Center Utilities • .• teini'bursement From Countyl • I 1 Initiative Name I I SA*3lPY213111-Initiative#A-2 4 2010-11 Initiative Number I I Fiscal Year PublicServices, I4ew Item , Department I Type of Initiative -Greg -535 Ei23 • Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- NO IMPACT Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 07-00922 $ 104,260.00 Total i$ 104,260.00 I I $0 internal Service Fund 0 Total $01 I $D Enterprise Fund Total $01 $01 Other Fund r 0 0 I � I Total I $0, I $01 I I Staffing Impact: • Requested Number of 01 ' 0 Position Title: no staffing changes I • I , I Initiative#A-2-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 07.00922 Sorenson Multicultural Center 1792-02 Other Utility Reimbursement $ 104,260.00 For reimbursement from Salt Lake County I Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 07-00922 Sorenson Multicultural Center 2331 Electrical Power $ 48,492.00 07-00922 Sorenson Multicultural Center 2332-01 Natural gas $ 36,612.00 07-00922 Sorenson Multicultural Center 2333 Water $ 19,156.00 Total I $ 104,260.00 For initial payment of utilities Additional Accounting Details: I ff � I � Grant Information: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds employee positions? Is there a potential for grant to continue? 'If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? 1 k_ Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are jeliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? Initiative#A-2-b Initiative Name: Dog Park Fence at Rotary Glen Park • Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-3 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: Rotary mien Park et The;equ remernts:lo be;Designated as.a one year probationary site for a dog park.-Alence Will need to be installed:before,operating he site as a dog park. The fence. must be-550 'feet.long° y `tour"feet_high and 'must PM between the.park and the stream adjacent to The park o be in compliance.;virith the The cost°of:the fence=(nciuding.a-concrete snow strip under the fence)-has been estimated at.approximately $14 D013 depending on to bids.:T The fience will:Teed:l_o be-installed before Thie'spring of 2011 This a-equest is to tuse$14,1 O0,0 from the General Fund Fund..Balance. • • • • • • • Initiative#A-3 1_, I 1 1 'Doq?ParkFenceat Rotary Glen Park • I I Initiative Name I I BA#3,FY2O1;l 4tA 3 201041.- • Initiative Number I Fiscal Year • •"Ptiblic'Services i INew item Department 1 x 1 Type of Initiative 'Greg?Davis 8©1-3"5,6123: Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- $ (14,000.00) Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 111 General Fund Total $01 $01 Internal Service Fund 0 1 Total SDI I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $0 Other Fund 1 0 0 Total $01 I $01 I I 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: no staffing changes I I Initiative#A-3-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number • Object Code Number I Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 04-13200 Parks Maint District 11 2730-30 Fences $ 14,000.00 I - Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds employee positions? Is there a potential for grant to continue? If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? i I • Initiative 1 A-3-b • Initiative Name: Street Cars Project Manager Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-4 New Item Initiative Discussion: • In . , ,• •, • . • pctober,Saittake City. n;conjunction:With South Salt Lake and the Utah Transit AUthoritW received a$26 million grant from the US Department of Transportation to'develop a two-nalle,' modern streetcar line un Sugar Hous& The alext le months will require intensive effort to design and construct a',streetcar line along an;abandoned ,railway conidor. Because 4136: scope of the project involves coordinating with -with,many entities outside the City,, as 'well Within:the,CitY,:and• because of the rapid firnefrarne planned for This projebt, This project cannot be an aged with existing City resources that are fully,engaged in The development to other critiCal,scapital Projects.: 'Therefore,the Administrationis:requesting:approval to create a Streetcars;ProjeCt•Nianager,position.. This:poSition will be housed un CED and,ideally, will possess s1iIlsthat complement bOthIthatngineetin,g and the Trapportation divisions _ . • Because the:Administration believes thatethe Sugar House line us the first of several streetcarl lines thatwill be built eventpally in Salt Lake City we propose to create a position that will offer continuity to subsequent Streetcar projects. This position will require considerable technical:skill and expertise,but will also require superb: community and concensus,building skills. As such,we would tentatively propose this position as a Grade 35,Engineer VII equivalent. 'We estimate the annual,fully loaded cost of this type, of position to be$126,200 and request$52,5:00 and I FT E for the remainder of the fiscal year. Initiative #A-4 I I 1 'treet Cars Proiectillanaaer 1 Initiative Name I •BA#3 FY2011Initiative #D4-4 2011 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year P 1icSer ices NewBltem; • Department Type of Initiative : , Greq;'Davis 535-6923 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- $ (52,500.00) Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $ - I I $01 Internal Service Fund Total I $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 1 $0; Other Fund 1 Total i I $01 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of FTE's: 1 FTE - Position Title: Street Cars $ 52,500.00 $ 126,500.00 Project Manager 1 I ' I � � 1 Initiative#A-4-a i I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 06-00100 2100 $ 52,500.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds employee positions? Is there a potential for grant to continue? If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? 'Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? Initiative Name: Outside Counsel Associated with Regional Athletic Complex/ Jordan River Litigation Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 initiative #A-5 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: The City AAtorr eyes Office: s=itncurr ng.,additional costs'associated with the:lawsuit'brought bYi the:,Jordan'River ReStoration NetWor4.:clalleeging•:The issuance of';brands:for..he 'Regional Athletic Conipiex as well as the additional 3itigation that JR<RN bad°publicly.said:. t will f 1e 4 These°;costs includezetaining Joutsidecoui sel'to sup 'lernent:our in ihouse:staff-resources- Ai additional$25;:OOO will be needed n�FY2D D-11 to fund these supplemental::resources. Y • • i P 4 • }t Initiative#A-5 • I • I .1 I • •I.O tside<Counse'I.AAssodiated• with ::Regiona1Ath eticCConnplexAJordan •River L4tigati on • - I 1 I Initiative Name ••IBi4#3' '2-011 InitiativettA-5 :•2010=1 t1 , Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year .''AttarneV's OffiCe • I, • . ilelew`Item• Department 1 Type of Initiative Ed;Ratan ... , •... . r . - . '•B3'57528 ., :. Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) •Positive 'General Fund-Fund Balance- $ (25,000.00) 1 Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 I $0 internal Service Fund 0 Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund I I Total I $01 1 $0 Other Fund 0 0 Total $01 I $01 1 1 1 Staffing Impact: 'Requested Number of I 0 0 Position Title: no staffing changes • 1 • Initiative#A-5-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number , Amount 15-01430 I 2329 $ 25,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: NOT APPLICABLE Grant funds employee positions? lis there a potential for grant to continue? If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? I . Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? Initiative#A-5-b Initiative Name: Bike Sharing Pilot Program initiative Number: BA#3 FY2010-11 Initiative #A-6 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: The`Salt:Lake City.Transportation Division is requesting'the City.Council approve '$25;0 towards the funding of,an approximately$1130,000 bike sharing :program. This would be sa pilot Program:'with 40-50 bicycles located in tthe::downtown area. This money:would be used, tc,match contributions'from private,spo: sorships. Bike sharing programs sin lot} ercities in the and Canada follow a spay-to-rent business model.For a°srn.all fee,the user'can; nta specially,designed bicycle from a public kiosk,use the bicycle.as a:means of public transk and?return the bicycle to the same:bike-sharing kiosk or a kiosk in anotherlocation_ Each bicycle hasmultiple gears and'can carry an additional : fifty pounds of weight Fin the.front basket The locations of each kiosk would'be determined by the bike-sharing vendor;the Salt'Uake:City Transportation-Division, and the Downtown Alliance. . The lcios'ks.are solar-;powered'. hcl:Yoperate on;'a key-..card or credit card.basis.. Jost bike sharing systems offer 3Ominute I•hourgrace;period,:inw) ich the customer Will notAbe charged for thelbicycle After The nitialgr}apeperiod;*thecost°ofrenti,ng:thebicycle:varies.on:a sliding scale Which is determined byy the amount oof time.the bicycle is rented.` Annual user . feesrange from 7 ito 100„4.+il h imontlily and daily neiberShips available. These user fees; typically cover-only4operating costs-,,the capital investment in the 4bikeskiosks is'typically made using public dollars,' .Borne_additional public funding maybe needed to support the r operations. in;tithe pilot phase,the bicycles and.kiosks would be leased from a bike sharing vendor.. Depending an.the;public reception and use of the pilot bike sharing program,the City will likely pursue expanded sponsorships, advertising,and grants to fund the purchase of bikes. E Bike sharing requires a density of bikes/kiosks as well as density in land use:1 mixed-use -) development for its ideal implementation. A tentative'build out"for bike sharing in'SLC's designated downtown,would be on the order of 500 bikes,with a capital cost of$3,500'to $4,500 per bike,fora total cost around$2 million. Annual operating costs,partly.defrayed by user fees,are'typically around $1;000 per bike,with_a total cost around$500,000 for a downtown:program. initiative#A-6 I I I I 1 ' Bike Sharing Pilot Program 1 1 Initiative Name I 1 BA#3 FY20i -1i Initiative*A-5 201i0-41 .' kInitiative Number I Fiscal Year. ICiED_-Transportation +7ew Item. Department I Type of Initiative .TimlHarpst ,- • - 535-S630,.': . Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- , $ (25,000.00) $ - Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 1 1 Total 1 $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 'Enterprise Fund . I 1 Total 1 $01 I $01 Other Fund 1 1 I ! I . I Total I, $01 I $01 1 1 Staffing Impact: 'Requested Number of I ' ;Position Title: NA 1 1 i i i i r 1 I • Initiative#A-6-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 06-11700 2590 $ 25,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: I _ Grant Information: 'Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are ,eliminated? NA I Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? I ! NA j I � Initiative#A-6-b Initiative Name: Civil Enforcement Secretarial FTE Request Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2010-11 Initiative #A-7 Initiative Type: New item initiative Discussion: • In The past,Liar l Enforcem ent,'fora e'1y NAZE), 1ias had up to three full time secretaries.- available to:perform variousenforcer en t related functions,'e-are_curreratly left with acr-,rlyor e F1-E.to perror theselunetions:. Due`to The Qrow.ing rOponsibilites and workload placed x pon CivilEnforcement during the lattsix months,US hot possible for the secretarial=workioad to be done a by lone person. .Civil Enforcement' as been oiaren,additiomal:'esponsibilities including sidewalk.-artists,the Farmers. Marketand,.entertainers enforcement,,ent,sidewalk snow.removal enforc-enent,and soon to be the-good landlord ordinance These new:responsibilities nave and will create an increase an the secretarial Workload'to=processaddilional notices; de iciency'lists,additional ifelephone complaints,.increased information ation requests and :inquiries,and:certificates that will be required under the Good Landlord:program. Theses;in creased odutuiea are on top'of the 4cu1rent duties performed by the;one secretary w;hidh.includes but his;sn.ot;limited o;preparing,notices., certiiicates4,. iens,.tdeficiencyalasts,;1-.dAAB? minutesandrnotices,;Bearings,as w4,11 as assisting Planning and H N with secretarial over#lowsduties. A permanent:employeels needed'for-long tern:stability.and.;performance of t ae_secr+etaria`I duties mentioned above. Civil EnforcementiisTequesting kalf of he funding for this position This fiscal-year.due to the timing of budget-arnend,ment3 A sen orsecretarywith benefits would.call for funding of $54,'0O:Q,half!of the!funding for this fiscal year'ould be 27g,000. Initiative#A-7 I Civil Enforcement Secretarial FTE •Request Initiative Name BAlt3 Y207011 initiative#A 7, I 201017 • Initiative Number I I Fiscal Year CED-Civil Enforcement New Item Department Type of Initiative iBrent Beck • ,S35790.7 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- $ (27,000.00)j $ Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount (General Fund Total $01 $01 (Internal Service Fund I I Total $0I I $01 Enterprise Fund Total, I $0! $01 Other Fund Total $01 $01 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of FTE's:1 _ Position Title:Civil 27,000 54,D00~ Enforcement Senior Secretary 7-1 I I 1 Initiative#A-7-a I ! i Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#It Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount iI Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 06-01400 2199-01 $ 27,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: Full Fundi g of Position is$54,000 Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions?I NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will Ibe eliminated at the end of the grant?I NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA FT— Will grant Impact the community once grant funds are leliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided y private or _ Non-profit sector? NA I I Initiative#A-7-b Initiative Name: Expedited Plan Review Outsourcing Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2010-11 Initiative#A-8 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: Effective ilViarc'h 27,201D,City Council adopted an-Ordinance allowing for expedited plan review services.The ordinance allows expediting technical plan review for double the regular permit fee. Due to fairness issues,the ordinance also requires that all plans-that are expedited are sent to a private plan review firm,under a'contract for plan review services for the`Salt Lake City Corporation. In a".General Fund'environment it is difficult for The Department to recoup-the funds spent on the outsource review. ;it is,also difficult to budget for this expenditure as there is no lcriown conventional method to estimate the number of plans that will be expedited. it'was discussed with City``Council during the adoption process that if we did not have sufficient funds budgeted to pay the p private firms,then a budget opening could•beused,at winch time The demand as well as the current expenditures would be;considered. From July 1,2D1D to October 22,201DD we have expedited and charged double fees on 14 u plan reviews fora total expenditure of$36,196 with an additional 1sO plan reviews;in the queue ready to go out. We are:requesting an addiitional$1150;ti'0t1 to fund:this.program annually. The;program has been a great success with our customers and is seen as a iivalue4 added'resource for them. Our projection is that the demand will remain high. Initiative#A-8 I I I _ , 'Eicpedited Plan iReView Outsourcing I I Initiative Name I I BA#3 fY20103- 11rilitiativeltA-B 2010-11. Initiative Number I Fiscal Year CFI'-Buiidirag Services New Item Department I Type of initiative gent Beck. 35 716.7'' . _ • Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- $ Impact Revenue Impact By Fund_ Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 06-00600 $ 150,000.00 Total $ 150,000.00 I I $0 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $01 Other Fund II 1 Total $01 I $01 I I Staffing Impact: Requested Number of Position Title: NA _ _ Initiative#A-8-a • I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 06-00600 1251-37 $ 150,000.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 06-00600 2313-01 $ 150,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: - I , Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will jbe eliminated at the end of the grant? NA [Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are I eliminated? I NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or [Non-profit sector? I NA I I Initiative#A-8-b Initiative Name: US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), CDBG - Salt Lake City School District Community Learning Center Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-9 New Item Initiative Discussion: The.Mayor is°.Trecommen Sing funding in'the ,amount of :$233,732 from Salt ''Lake City's 2010-41 Community'Developmerat,Biock Grant CDBG) funds, Whiblywere placed in a miscellaneous bolding, account during the"CD13'Gfunding•;process, be located to the-Bait take City.School District:for the consir action of•s?Community>Learraing=Center:adjacent:,fo Mountain View Elementary School located at 1:3'80 South;Navajo Street lin": alt'La'ke City. The::SLC School District will have to comply with D.avvs' Bacon wages and Section:.requirements ion:construction of-the,:entrie project. These requirement may increas the::cost of the =project':s construction costs and HUD does.not allow,any waivers of this: requirement: ha rder'to:nieetilUD's:pubIic.;notice+regUirem9mts,°Salt Lake City will.be sendiing'out.notices of the, recommendation to f nd the School.District's Community:Learning'Center'to,those:on:itsCommurnit? Deve'loprnent Jailing.gist. • • initiative#A-9 I I. ...... US Departrraent:fof Hoiusinq and iliban' =Deve'loptnent HUD),I CDBG- a'lt Lalke Citw'Sc"hoo1!1 ;>Istric`tCnmmunity 'LLeaminc Center I I initiative Name I I ':8A#3'FY2O1.1 initiative#A 9. 201 1 Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year C€D HAND. Department 1 Type of Initiative t:ui�vtaa°C'iar1C :t herr e'BGolfans. .;: •. !:533-61361535 S150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total 1 $01 I _ $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $0 Other Fund Total $ - 1 I $01 1 I 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: _ 1 Initiative#A-9-a f I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 71-36059 2590 $ (233,732.00) 83-New Cost Center 2590 $ 233,732.00 Additional Accounting Details: I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? ' NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? j NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA I I Initiative#A-9-b Initiative Name: Impact Fee Waivers Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2O11 Initiative #A-10 New Item Initiative Discussion: The Commur it rii `;Ec anoir ac'Developrrient•Daparttnent'7has_processied .5:requests'for Ainpact;fee exemptions totaling$429,8 9 for 349 honsir runits; • • • Salt Lake`:Citytiomsing andi'Nei bozhood-'Deve oprnent eceived a$7,575;irrapact'fee exemption:for the::five .units`::hordes)at :iodations .hat.include 1019 North Colorado Street; 1259 West Giilespiae iA 171.011 South.1400West;553.Sowttfini :OWest;'and ' 019South'+I400 West. • • The Housing of Salt take City,received a-$143,925 iimpaCtlee=exemptionfor 95 Traits at flee' Taylor gs-;,Apartrnents:iocaied at 1812'S.West Temple, The'Young o en's'Christian Association !U'CAA-r-ecei ed„a'$72,720 impact fee exemption for 48; s seller Arai#s.atthe Y cc CCisis Sheiterlocated at 325 So. op East. The Road Tome eceia'ed*42205,89..inipact.fee-exemption for.2011;:units at Palmer Court located a 999-So. ain':Street. 1 As outlined in the current City Ordinance„.Bane ihiindred(WWO)percent exemption shall be granted,for! non-rentallre atalliaouslmg,for Which he annualized a'lizedItolyagehe ta'lPayment;does not:exceed thirty MO)percent of the annua income,of.a family whose:annual income equals eighty MO)percent of the median bcorne for Salt Lake City as determined by HUD.. 1 Initiative #A-10 • . 1 initiative Name 1 BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#A-10n')sfl=llti Initiative Number Fiscal Year ' D'-"SAND • euv Item Department I Type of Initiative sLtzA n �ar�i 7 erraeCo1iiins ::'335= i35'7'3S--19'0_ Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- $ (429,809.00) Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount !General Fund Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 Total 1 $01 I $01 Other Fund CIP $ 429,809.00 Total $ 429,809.00 I I $01 1 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: 1 1 1 Initiative#A-10-a I I Accounting Detail Grant Or and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 84-84001 Police Impact Fee { 1974-D1 $ 120,169.00 84-84002 Fire Impact Fee { 1974-01 $ 128,869.00 84-84003 Parks Impact Fee 1974-01 $ 180,771.00 $ 429,809.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 09-00700 2910-01 $ 429,809.00 84-84001 Police Impact Fee 2700 $ 120,169.00 84-84002 Fire Impact Fee 2700 $ 128,869.00 84-84003 Parks Impact Fee $ 180,771.00 $ 429,809.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA { { If grant is funding a position is It expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA { I Will grant program be complete In grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are leliminated? { NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? rI NA Initiative#.4-10-b Initiative Name: Small Neighborhood Business Amendment Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2010-11 Initiative#A-11 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: The SalSirmallitileighborhood-Business,A'endment;petition was initiated in April of2009'Since that time Planning`Staff as been esearChing ssues„preparinc, Jdocumentsforpublic input, conducted a_inverioiy',ofall business located within meig'hborhoodareas;contracted.an exterrsl�esurvey�with the.professional:services`rofDan Jones and.Associates,and prepared an analysis of the;identified land-uses.Staff has'identifie d approximately'580 businesses-city wide for consideration:.ation: Additional Cost to be-incurred include noticing'o,affected propedy owners and residents,two F pibtic:processes-requiring'notacing,and publication and printing&the Salt LakeCity Small Business Guide This iepothmcludes introductory?information, pro;posed amendments,eland' use analysis report,maps Hof each P`1anning;district,a summary of the survey,and draft information jor,t'he ,,S aal1;Business Reso rce Total.estirnated:tcasts for this:prolect is$5Sj000MO. • Council allocated.$75;(00O for 1 isprojec1.in the FY09-10 budget,Council directed`$1 O,g&' O to. be used, the€rconomac;DeVelopmentd,iwwsion at the end'of FYt9-t1 the remainder'df these funds were not used, Planning'is requesting that these.farads be reallocated to this fiscal year; F '1' -11I,.s one time'funds. F Initiative#A-1 1 I Small iNeighborbood Business . Amendment' Initiative Name BAN FY2010.11'tnitiative#A-11 2010-11 Initiative Number ll I Fiscal Year ACED-Planning :New item Department J Type of Initiative • Brent Beck 535-7107' Prepared By I Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- $ (55,000.00)1 $ Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 'General Fund I Total $01 I $0J Internal Service Fund J I Total $01 $0_; Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $01 Other Fund Total $01 $0I Staffing Impact: Requested Number of Position Title: NA I � Initiative#A-11-a • I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number { Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 06-00900 2329 $ 55,000.00 I I 1 JII I _ Additional Accounting Details: - I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are laminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA I i Initiative#A-11-b Initiative Name: Public Services Reorganization Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-12 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: , . , , ' • ' - ••in order to function more efficiently,, Public Services is 1proposing to make a number-4:Changes:in:how the department is organized:,Purrently,the department is directed and managed by a director and a deputy director; who-bave•idivided-TeSponsibilitygorloverseeing the ID divisions that comprise Public Services between-them: The proposed ChangeS.would Make department administration organizational changee;tOpore effectively'friistribute, ,. ., .; , •., , adminiStratIvedutieiandprograntioverSightimanagement, ' '• •' ' . ' , ' ,: •- . , • , .- ',- • 1 This budget:amendmentpropoSeS a rreorganization.plan that flattens The organization'structure by eliminating the Depoty'Dirtettor position and creating four 111,)appointed department division functions. :These division directort! would 41:e responsible for:Managing he day to 4dabLoperafigns of'their divisions. The pew division functions are as it follows: • ' .` . ' - . . , .1 , - • •t ' . . ,' , . "Administrative Services Divisiont i- , . Department policy, strategic'Planning, prograrn performance, contracts, safety,'emergency Tilanagemela and event planning. This:division'would include some:functions currently preformed in the zOffice toT DireCtor. and would also be Tesponsible-for the.•operation of the Gallivan Center and•other;events ,Planning Itanctions, lln addition, his division Will engage in Policy,developmerit program review and•evaluation;and strategic•planning,!! functions that gorithe most part:.fitavemotteenconducted in the:recent past duetoiresourceconstraints: Finance and • • - . . .. — Budget,.amounting,,fiscal•analysis., _revenue•.prOjedtions, plardia§igs; payroll, -audking; fund allocatiop„ risk management*ants, and forecasting , ' . • .- ; '. ' ,, •,; ',••, ; • , -_.. ., . „ ..•,, ••• OPerationsDiaiision:'?, ,•- "'' • .'••••••:.:, '•'.'''''',. • .: ' • ;-'•.• t . - . '''''';:.7‘- ':: :. • ; ': , • . Oversight of core public serVide programs.;iFacilities, CoMpliance, Youth City, 'GO% Park and'Public tLands . . StreetsConcrele,`Sieet; Sustainabilinviroirnent Servi des: • • ' .• . , . , • , ,. .. q in addition IC'Abe current iresponsibilities of sustairia'bility,•energy„,envirOnment imanageme.Tat and. COltiPii an ce,TeeliniA , aridsoutreadh,.this division will:assume responsibility:for sanitation. : • . .:, ., . . , Each division would be led bye lDiVisionDirector. Three of the new.diVision categories either currently:exist IOT will be created ',from existing programs; Sustainability-Environment, Administrative Services -and Finance and Accounting Services,and three existing department employees will be slotted into 'new:division responsibilities;; The Operations Division is a Aew division and we antidipate.Erecruifing fora Division Director for this position. ti The budget amendment also proposes the creation cif two r(2)new positions to add supportto existing department functions: A Special Projects•Arialyst to work directly with the Department Director, and an accountant in the Finance and Accounting Division. Initiative#A-1 2 The Special Projects:Analyst will>work for the Director and manage for coordinate large scale projects,:ne initiatives, public:'policy issues, inter-governmental relations, public relations,.and be a liaison with •,Ci departments. This analyst will function as direct support for the Director in managing the'large number a' projects,initiatives and issues the;department is currently responsible for, .including the+construction of the Regional Athletic Complex,exploring new off-1eheh area-options,developing a plan for'deteriorated concrete finalizing the Parks ?Open'Space and Forestry Advisory Board,developing a:master-plan for the Salt Lake:CI Cemetery,and develolDing a tong term plan for the department's capital improvementbeeds. The accountant-willsupporti the daily demands of managing thezexpansive_accounting and financial programs o the department lisat include seven 17)general fund,programs;Iwo=i(2j enterprise funds.and one II)internal service fund. Currently,+critical'',oversight'of the:department's 375,1)01)fl'DO budget is challenging as existing resources are stretchedwei,rtldn. The proposed structure will imake reporting lines clear,and will .relieve the Department Director of the responsibilityto.address daytotday management issues that will now be!handled'by-division directors,ifreeing-up the director's`,time'to concentrate,an larger departmental-issues and city wide priorities. The anticipated annual cost and FY2C1 J0-11..cost to,implement the'reorganization:s as follows: Operations-Division Director: Position ,grade''I Base aenefits :Annual:Cost i FY2011031 Cost Operations Division Director 37 < $ 103,145100 ' $ 45,384.00 $ 148,528:00 $ 51,885 00 Special Projects ;Analyst 31 $ 75,000.00 $ 24,7510101D $ 59,751100 $ 41,562:00 Tinencial Reporting . Accountant 25 •` $ 31,201100 $ 18,4132:00 $ 29,532:00 $ 29,015.00 TOTAL $ 317,010.00 I $ 132,462)00 ; • Initiative#A-12 I I • • Public Services Reorganization. 1 I , Initiative Name I 1 13A#3 FY2011 1 iatiative WA-2 I • 281 1i initiative Number I _J Fiscal Year L-- Pa�blic' ervices.:: • ' ,Newltern . . Department I Type of Initiative %Rick!Graham . 535-7774 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- $ (132,462.00) $ Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund I ' Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $0 Other Fund Total $01 I $01 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of FTE's: 3 Position Title: Division $ 61,885.00 $ 148,528.00 Director, Operations Special Projects Analyst $ 41,562.00 $ 99,750.00 Financial Reporting $ 29,015.00 $ 69,632.00 Accountant 1 I Initiative#A-12-a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#ff Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount � 1 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 03-10200 2100 $ 132,462.00 Additional Accounting Details: ! _ Grant Information: !Grant funds employee positions? I NA � 1 Is there a potential for grant to continue? _ NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant?I NA I Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA 1 ! I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA I I j Initiative#A-12-b Initiative Name: Changes to City's Appointed Positions Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-13 New Item Initiative Discussion: . ; , _ . ..4 Changes to the Citys Appointed Positions: " , . ' '. ' . , ' •1, ., Delete: . • - ' ,' . •, • ... , . •,!' Grade 439 Public services Deputy Director - . Grade Capital Asset Oan-agement Director Grade#35 Sustainability Enifirentnent Division Director Grade-#33 Fleet Division Manager . , Add: • _,. . . , Grade-W39 Labor Relations Director I-Si:City Attorney ' •. ' ' ,•,, Grade#37 Operations Divisionarector.Public services. . „ Grade#35,finance a Accounting Division Director,IPS ':,• Grade#35'Sustainability/Envirorament Division Director ' . , •,,i Grade#35.Admiraistrative Service DiVision Director,PS . ' ' . •i, Grade#33 Fleet Management Program Director , 1 " •Grade#33 Parks-S,Public lands Program Dire 4ctor , • , 1 Grade#31 Special P.rojects,Analyst , • ' r , The costs associated with the Public Service Department rare addressed in initiative#A-12 the other position thave no additional costs. See revised listing attached. Initiative#A-13 ..Chan.ges tloCitv's Appointed Positions' I 1 Initiative Name 1 I JBA#3 FY2011 Initiative#A-13I . 2D19- 1 1 Initiative Number Fiscal Year 3uman esources . New Department j Type of Initiative ?Davld Salazar, . .535 790 6: .. Prepared By • I Telephone Contact J (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund 1 Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund ] 1 Total $01 1 $01 Other Fund 1 • Total $01 I $01 1 I I 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: 1 1 1 • 1 l ' ,I I 1 Initiative#A-13-a I I 1 I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number 1` Amount ( I Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? I NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? I NA I � Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA (Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? I NA Initiative#A-13-b Executive Director Of Airpods City Attorney Chief of Staff PobilSewlseu-Deputy-Blrecter Airport Engineering Director Public Utilities Director Police Chief Chief Information Officer Airport Admlrl/Comm Director OCED Director Public Services Director Communication Director Redevelopment Director Fire Chief Senior Advisor-Meyer City Council Deputy Director Deputy City Attorney Finance Director Labor Relations Director/Sr City Attorney City Council Office Executive Director Capital-AsseiManagemeoLBlresler Appointed Sr.City Attorney City Prosecutor City Engineer Airport Operations Director Public Utiiires Deputy Director Airport Maintenance Director P.Utt.Finance Administrator Airport Finance/Acct Director Director of Alrpod Information Technology Deputy Police Chief Deputy Director,RDA P—SFAn/AAminSew-Birestar ChkfPmcuremenl Ofllcer Public Policy Analyst Planning Director Justice Court Judge Finance&Accounting Division Director,PS City Courts Director Consl LlaisoMPub Pot Analyst OCED Dep Director-Comm Dee Airport Police Chief Building Official Airport PR/Marketing Director Community Facilitator OCED Deputy Director-Econ Dev Operations Divides Director.Public Services HAND Director City Recorder Downtown Trensp Dev Coord City Treasurer Transportation Engineer Faeel-Bivicien-Manager- Emergency Mgt Program Director Human Resource Director Public Utilities Chief Engineer Fleet Management Program Director oggt�al Projects Analyst Deputy Fire Chief Civilian Review Bd investigator Parks&Public Lands Program Director Airport Plan/Cap Prog Dir Sustainability.bireoter WIr.Quality/Treat Administrator SusielnabililvLEnvironment Division Director Dep City Eng/Major Projects Administrative Services Division Director.PS Cored For Human Rights/Divers Council Constituent Liaison iefreslruclure Protection Specialist Assistant To The Mayor Admin Assl to the Office of the Mayor Assistant Communication Dir Econ Dev Mgr Smell Business Administrative Assislanl Policy Assistant to the Office of the Mayor Assistant To Chief of Staff Cons!Liaison/Budget Analyst Staff Assistant Youth City Programs Manager Com Affairs/ADA Analyst Admin Secretary It PlanninglMgl Director—UASI Community Liaison Management Support Coordinalor Cootltine Coordinator Executive Office Assislanl Communications&Content Manager No position may be removed frem or added to this Appointed Employee Pay Plan without approval of the city Council. Initiative Name: North Temple Boulevard Improvements Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-14 New Item Initiative Discussion: Tfais fiscal-Ampad statement addresses :our components~nf funding for the North Temple Boulevard. Improvemen#s'that nnc1ude.Cointy revenue bonds In the amount:Of$3,603o000,;a Special Assessmeni Area ASM)in he•amount of$1 181,OOO;the Mate of=Utah's contribution in The amount of$336,21301 and the C,ity's'Nlnrth Temple salestax;bond::iin the,amount cif$3;:01)0000O. Thee discussion is as follows:, During the 2310#Ge:neral;Session,'the.State Legislature gave approval for-Salt lake County to tssu 1 revenue bonds:to finance certain'transportation projects including improvements to North Temple 4 The City and County entered-:into an elnter1ocal_Agreement which provides for the transfer,and Cityl Use:,of`.$3;50000 bond proceeds to pay or;all-or;part of the North-Temple Boulevard improvements The: ond'rproceeds::received nom•lhe C ounfyWill be used to;fund a portion'of::design and construct boulevard:unprtovernents. The .Engineering Department is -requesting an;-SAA ;budget-Tin'the amount:• f $1,1V1)ODD be established for e•:property.:owne:rs abutting 111orth .Temple from-`"BOO Weal to Redwood Road; 'T.he SAA wjll be used to +construct a street and ;pedestrian:'3ighting system as .part-of the 1lort"Temple Improvemen't;prgjed. This request also includes 'budget in the amount of$336,2OO be established to :,accept the State ofl Dtah's,.Department of Facilities and Construction Management(DFO11)contribution for the street and pedestrian Iighting system in lieu of an assessment_for their properties adjacent to'North Temple. L Initiative #A-1 4 On.January 19,2.010,the City Council approved a;parameters resolution authors in,g a"'not to exceed" $12 00001D00 sales tax bond for completion of the:North Temple project. With the addition of the $3,500.000 in County revenue bonds and final project costs determined,theamount.of salestax bond funds needed to complete the project has been reduced to:$3000,0b0. This amount includes;all o the items/enhancements determined by the City Councllincludingcontingency and admin,plus,future project needs ruhioh include solar panels,enhanced bus stops and the,3ordan'River Trail connection which will be-completed rafter tifik has completed Their portion orthe;;project. With this:budget opening,sailotThe Jundingisin place tobuildthe boulevard and viaduct. The project costs decreased due to the project being"scaled back vest of Redwood Road by eliminating streetlights,pedestrian Sights and landscaping, The price of materials and supplies vete_ below=estimates and the final design and scope of vvork.is completed lhatallowed'lhetontraclot to give firm bids. This request is to establish four cost centers-with budgets totaling$6,fl17,2D0. Initiative#A-1 4 , I. 1 • *loft'la Temple Boulevard Improvements 1 1 Initiative Name 1 r ISM Pf2011'Initiative#i_i41• ;T :, . 2D113 1 1 Initiative Number Fiscal Year • iCED 4iAND • • :,flew nem.. • • Department I Type of Initiative itIA6n CiarkiSh erne Collins;% ' .. 7536=6il3t1'535 61Sii. Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 1 1 Total 1 $01 $0 J Internal Service Fund Total $01 1 $0 Enterprise Fund 1 1 Total $01 I $01 Other Fund 1CIP Fund $ 8,017,200.00 83- Total 1 $ 8,017,200.00 I I 1 $01 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: 1 1 I Initiative#A-14-a I I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number I I Object Code Number Amount 83-North Temple Blvd-County Revenue _ Bond Proceeds 1890 $ 3,500,000.00 83-North Temple Lighting SAA 1890 $ 1,181,000.00 83-DFCM NT Contribution 1370 $ 336,200.00 I83-North Temple Sales Tax Bond Reven 1890 $ 3,000,000.00 Total $ 8,017,200.00 Expenditure: _ Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount 83-North Temple Blvd-County Revenue 2700 $ 3,500,000.00 Bond Proceeds 183-North Temple Lighting SAP, 1 2700 $ 1,181,000.00 I I83-DFCM NT Contribution 2700 $ 336,200.00 83-North Temple Sales Tax Bond Reven 2700 $ 3,000,000.00 Total $ 8,017,200.00 I Additional Accounting Details: Please create 4 new cost centers for the above listed NT projects Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? • NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA (Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are 'eliminated? NA l ! (Does grant duplicate services provided by private or INon-profit sector? I NA I ( i Initiative#A-14-b Initiative Name: Barnes Bank Bond Budget Adjustment- CIP Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #A-15 New Item Initiative Discussion: The Administration iS requesting a.''chartge in the use of The unexpended sales:tax revenue.bong proceeds used lorthe purchase of the Barnes Bank Building as theprOjetttaS:been redefined. .The unexpenderY'voceeds .from ,the Barnes:Sank:tond:f*:$4,7700;000 As per the,,January 2009; kesoltiltion,,thebonde May:be-used for the Cott of acquitition,improvemerit and r,',ernodeling!of building for use as City offices The cost ofrenovation for the Barnes 13an1 :bLiiilding,:$8;043„7181} exceeded budgets and:to accommodate design components .61.the;Public Safety Building, such at; parking requirements.the Administration'proposes the funds should be used in the improvement and remodeling of current CitioffiCe space in Raze 349 and City and County Building. In addition desire of the Adrninstratianu:bdng.to market a::mixed7use;transit-oriented development on:the:north,' side of the Public:Safety Building PrOjectilong 400 South.:, Mit project Serve aiffie,catelyst to a renaissance,ofthe 400 South m orridorand set the standard or.filtireAevaidpment'of the area. Considering the ChangeOfusebf unexpended bond proceeds. The AdMinistrOon'requested proposals for a yariet'ifcif- building irnprovernent',..4projetts Tfrom Faclities!:Servicetand,:_gngineening sed 4ttedliments A, B,and q;or both',Plata 309 and the,City and County Building:::After,carreftil review the Administration requests that 'funding be used as :'folloWt;',:::-$3,473;063:. for',.spafti, rebonfigutionSof lloors 1:; 4,and and upgrades to,n3ethanicaVAedinca and 'plumbing accessible frestroorns)lo*filoort'1.through;5:of'Plaza 349;$2,1148,882forjthe remodel of 5;800 square, feet of the;north.end of the 5th Fioor in the City and County•Building fi:Dr new office.apace and o'Teice' furnishings thus:Creating space tor. 44 employees: :Facilities SerVices estimates that it will cost approximately$11,516-a year to maintain the?new space. Tice bond -proceeds have generated interest as &DeceMber 23; 2010 in the amount of 337,381 of, Which$19559 has been budgeted in prior budget openings in the CIP cost center. That leaves an, additional$17,822 that needs to be budgeted. Initiative#A-1 5 The vC mn istratiiDn recognizes..that;;`the:surer,}.cOf these itemscreates. -dhortfa1l.:off 2p, roxira*el, $8S 301t ' i;weier,'.1hhe,;tiiiference will sae. submitted• s an.':epp'dicatioia'.reqiaes1 as•.park,>aof: toe 2Ot 12012' dP;,nrocess '. . . . •` Initiative#A-15 1 1 I 1 !Barnes Batik Bond,Budget Adiustmeni- i 1 i Initiative Name I 1 43A#3 FY2Oii in dative#A-tlS; 2010-ii Initiative Number Fiscal Year BD_ iA: :D� 'New item ' Department ` Type of Initiative ►Sri d ar'k'V/ 111 ' .; ', .535.6i36I535-7966• Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 1 1 Total I $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 Total $01 I $01 Other Fund CIP- Interest Income $ 17,822.00 1 I Total 1 $ 17,822.00 1 1 $01 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: 1 1 ' I 1 Initiative#A-15-a I 11 I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: MllMllalrjllIllMM Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number j Amount 83-09071 1830 $ 17,822.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number 1 I Amount 83-09071 2700 I $ (4,737,381.00) 83-New 349 Plaza Remodel C 2700 $ 3,473,000.00 83-New C&C Bldg Remodel 2700 $ 1,264,381.00 I -•• •• - . i • 1- r I • ( Grant Information: 'Grant funds employee positions? NA 'Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA 1 If grant is funding a position is It expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA 'Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are 'eliminated? I I NA - I 1 Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NA 1 Initiative#A-15-b Attaehtttaitt A Reve iU bond P deeeds Prtjetts Let6tinn Pktjett drej ti yd� �;iikt t� tail ❑liiil ydt's hftljetttettf ptetefim@iidAtiet4..;' Floors 1,4,and 6 spatial reconfiguration for additional employees Plaza 349 and upgrades to mechanical,electrical,and plumbing(including Remodel $3,473,000 $3,473,000 accessible bathrooms)to floors 1-6 Plaza 349 Floors 2,3,5 spatial reconfigurations Remodel $1,860,000 Remodel of approximately 5,600 square feet in the north end of the City&County 5th floor to increase office space. The remodel would provide Building structural members and flooring to hold the weight for office space, Remodel $2,148,682 $2,148,682 furniture,and files for up to 44 employees in addition to electrical, HVAC,space floor walls and ceiling finishes. Remodel of approximately 2,772 square feet in the the south end of the 5th floor to be used as either a maintenance work area or City&County additional file storage space for City Attorneys.The project would Remodel $739,449 Building include structural members and flooring,HVAC and electrical,floor, walls and ceiling finishes. A secondary hallway would have to be constructed for egress requirements. City&County Window frames scraped to remove existing paint,repair woodwork Building and repaint to restore Painting $158,100 City&County Building,Stone Upkeep/Replacement:During the City&County restoration of the building in 1986-1989,approximately 30%of the Bldg stone was treated with a stone strengthener to slow the Building Shell $1,600,000 deterioration of the exterior sandstone.Because the sandstone is weathering,ongoing replacement of stones will be required. City&County Building Fan Coil Unit Replacement 1st Floor South Half Energy/HVAC $170,292 City&County Building Design and Construction of New Base Isolator System Structural $1,000,000 City&County Building Fan Coil Unit Replacement 3rd Floor South Half Energy/HVAC $194,620 City&County 3rd&5th Floor Carpet,Access Flooring and Electrical Replacement Flooring $748,907 Building City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 1st Floor North Half Energy/HVAC $137,176 Building City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 3rd Floor North Half Energy/HVAC $182,456 Building City&County 2nd Floor,Carpet,Access Flooring and Electrical Replacement Flooring $561,681 Building City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 4th Floor North Half Energy/HVAC $170,292 Building City&County 4th Floor Carpet,Access Flooring and Electrical Replacement Flooring $748,907 Building City&County Building Fan Coil Unit Replacement 2nd Floor North Half Energy/HVAC $158,129 City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 4th Floor South Half Energy/HVAC $170,292 Building City&County Building 1st Floor Carpet,Access Flooring and Electrical Replacement Energy/HVAC $748,907 City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 2nd Floor South Half Energy/HVAC $137,176 Building City&County Fan Coil Unit Replacement 5th Floor Energy/HVAC $206,784 Building City and County Bldg Replace Main Air-handlers on each floor Energy/HVAC $1,220,000 City and County Bldg Washington Square Event Power Distribution Electrical $499,966 . _ Total of All Projects $13,561,816 Total of Recommended $5,621,682 Projects Barnes Bank Bond Unexpended $4,737,381 Proceeds 2011/2012 CIP $884,301 Application Request Attachment B Plaza 349 Estimates Design West/Architects Preliminary Cost Estimate First Floor 10,500 sf @$85.00/sf = $ 892,500.00 Fourth Floor 11,900 sf @$85.00/sf = $ 1,011,500.00 Sith Floor 11,400 sf @$85.00/sf = $ 969,000.00 Cost Estimate $ 2,873,000.00 ***Please note that other levels in the building will require both plumbing and electrical modifications to bring the building into compliance with current building codes as described in the feasibility study. Cost associated with these changes are estimated to be$600,000.00 bring the total cost estimate for the project to$3,473,000.00 Total propsed construction cost estimate-$3,473,000.00 Attachment C City and County Building Fifth Floor- North Project Summary and Cost Information The following are the costs assembled to provide for the remodel that would allow for the use of unconditioned and unfinished space located on the fifth floor north end of the City and County building. Currently the north area space consists of about 5,600 square feet and currently it is in use as Building Maintenance work area and storage space. This project would provide for the structural members and flooring to hold the weight for office space, furniture, files and up to a projected maximum of 44 employees. In addition this project would provide for needed HVAC and electrical, and space floor walls and ceiling finishes. A secondary hallway would also need to be constructed on the west side of the space to allow for a fire exit from the space. Fifth Floor - North Cost Summary Information - 12/7/2010 Cost Summary Total Project Amount Construction - (CCC cost estimate plus 3% inflation) $ 1,440,338.00 Engineering fees 1.85% $ 26,647.00 Design fees 14% $ 201,647.00 Construction inspection and administration 5% $ 72,016.00 Contingency 10% $ 144,034.00 Total Costs $ 1,884,682.00 Office Furnishings $ 264,000.00 Increase in On Going Maintenance Costs $ 11,516.00 Initiative Name: Paylock -Vehicle Impound Device Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 initiative #A-16 Initiative Type: New Item Initiative Discussion: Paylock is an electronic booting device to impound a vehicle that has outstanding parking tickets. Paylock and Salt Lake City entered into a contractual agreement in December of 2010. Salt Lake City as changed its ordinance to reflect the fee that will be assessed at the time the boot is placed on the vehicle. The fee is $147.00 payable to Paylock the owners and administrators of the Paylock system. Salt Lake City will collect the fee and make payment to Paylock. This budget item will creates both a revenue and expenditure of$257,250.00. I I Pavlock-Vehicle Impound Device Initiative Name BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#A-16 2010-11 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Finance New Item Department Type of Initiative Mary Beth Thompson 801-535-6403 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund $ 257,250.00 • Total $ 257,250.00 I $0 Internal Service Fund Total $0I Enterprise Fund Total I $01 I $0] Other Fund I Total $0 $01 I I I I Staffing Impact: Requested Number of •0 0 Position Title: I I I I I Initiative#A-16-a I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable. Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 05.00022 1514-01 $ 257,250.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 05-00022 2399 $ 257,250.00 Additional Accounting Details: • Grant Information: _ Grant funds employee positions? - - (Yes or No) Is there a potential for grant to continue? (Yes or No) I S� III grant is funding a position is it expected the position will I "be eliminated at the end of the grant? (Yes or No) Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? (Yes or No) Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? (Yes or No) Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? (Yes or NO) Initiative#A-16-b 1 Initiative Name: US Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs - Solving Cold Cases with DNA Grant initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #B-1 Grants for Existing Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The:'Police=Department applied;for and:received a•$389;2:00,grant rroin The'JS•Department of,Justice under tthe':S•cilvang•!Cold.'Cases.with DNA :prograrfrn. This grant is '_awarded to :prmvide funds .:and. resources:needed ari solving.cold cases: • The SLLPD has determined the need to clear more:than 100 unsolved, ' idlent,cnmelhornicide cola, cases that; drain open.."The oal and objectiave of the PD is to assess all oases for biological evidence for DNA testing in.order to solve and::adjudicate;the fcrimes: To do this,ithe f'D.proposes to contract With forensics LL=C'forcasa consultation of,these 1-0p cases. $147,200 of,grant funds'will be::usedto contract With Sorenson:Forensics who will determine.which;cases require further DNA testing sand Which are_best ssuited to be tested`'by either the ta'te "Cri„e tab.'(SCL Or Sorenson' Forensics ufith'.Sorenson-talcin,;g Ihe,cases that"needd..:Tt e'widest:..ange of DNA :testing, aniitda ;ar approximate turn around'time of+16 days.:Sorenson Forensics.also;conducts trainings.and:•workshgpg and will: arovide`fthis♦service..to SLR ;sworn :Jaw .enforcement'personnel, 12 fdivirians crime lalb' technicians,and:5.analysts.at the.$CL. :The,PD will also contract with the=Utah Bureau of Forensid Services Mate'Crime";Lab)for 3103 000 to:purchase and supply.1000:DNA lest kits for 24 cold cases, that.have:been screened and assigned Ito'"them. The contractmill also,include.paying for..Analysts.` time at the.SCL'who Will do the testing-during oft:'ho:ursin order to;mediate some of the bac'idog They currently experience.:.'in addition,$60 000 will be used for travel of:2Detectives to conduct interviews; with witnesses miho are out of State and $9;000 will be a sed to:send,4 Detectives lc'Homicide/Cold, Case Training; and $70,000 will be used for overtime paid.to 6 Detectives and 1 Sergeants When, regular caseload does not all ow time to work the cold cases during Lregular Shift work. A :Resolution was previously passed authorizing the ;Mayor to sign and accept the grant and -a:n additional-grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#B-1 I I I i US Department+of.Justice._Office of JusticeiP oprams Salvino C Id Cases with DNA Grant Initiative Name BA#3 FY2011 1 n9tiative#B-1 201'0 11 Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year Grants for Existing Staff Police Department • Resources Department I Type of Initiative 8Cr7sta: nnJSherrreCollins 799-32654535 150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 $01 Internal Service Fund I I C Total $01 _ $01 Enterprise Fund Total ( $01 $01 Other Fund 72 $ 389,200.00 Total r $ 389,200.00 1 $0',_ I � Staffing Impact: _ Requested Number of 01 FTE's: Position Title: I I , � I I I i li Initiative I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 16,560-2010-DN-BX-K006 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72- 1370 $ 389,200.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount 72- I 2590 $ 389,200.00 I � Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I I Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or I Non-profit sector? I No I I I , Initiative#B-1-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security (HLS) , 2010 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant (UASI) Program Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #B-2 Grants for Exisitng Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: • . . • . The Emergency.Management Divisionin a joint effort with Salt. ..alce City Police Department received ,s73o,boD grant from the State of Utah,Department of Public Safety,2010 Homeland Security-Grant under The urban Area SepUtity •grant)program. This rant ifttas awarded ao•vantinue the.1.9ASi 7eff.orts of Jocal enforcement agencies to plan and prepare in the.event xjaturat disasteriorterrorist attack. • • Of theseltinds;$480,i000 be ;used :to icoritinUe :the Data Fiasionr/SyntheSis, Database Software which Utilizes multi-inputs from -various intelligence:sources to•create a correlated set.tif accessible data and 425Dkoop will be 1used for Asynclmoncms Critical Infrastructure Prograrn(ACIP)foi faellitatiOnan4articipation:of planningYexerciseapThilfies. , • • • • ik1Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the State Homeland Security 11.7kS1 g rant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from Me,original grant. • Initiative#B-2 I I., State el3ta i,genet meat sof Put i c .Safety-Division•ofHome1and Security --MIS);20110 alieben Area Security initiative Grant Q]AS'I)Program . 1 1 I Initiative Name :BA#3 IFY2011 Initiative##B-2 2010-11 . Initiative Number I Fiscal Year grants for Eicisitrig Staff 1U'iaraagerherat Serkri.ces :Resout".ces>. • Department .I Type of Initiative Alicia JO"hnsnnJ$herrieco1i,ids L79B-7221' i535.615 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- None 1 Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 1 I 1 1 Total , $01 $0 internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 Total $01 ! $0 Other Fund 72- $ 730,000.00 Total $ 730,000.00 1 1 $01 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: I i Initiative#B-2-a I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 97.067-STATE-2010-UASI-001 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72- 1370 $ 730,000.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72- 2590 $ 730,000.00 1 Additional Accounting Details: Please assign cost center to EMS Division Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? I No Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes i Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes • 'Does grant duplicate services provided by private or INon-profit sector? I No i I I Initiative#B-2-b Initiative Name: US Department of Justice,Office on Violence Against Women-OVW FY 10 Community Defined Solutions to Violence Against Women Program Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#C-1 Grants For New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Police Department applied for and received a '$399;077 continuation grant from.the 'US` Department of.Justice,tinder the "OVW FY 10':Community Defined Solutions to Violence Against Women Program. The fonds-were awarded for the continuation.and expansion:of the Salt Lake Area Family,Justice Center;YSLAF.IC);a multidisciplinary coordinated community response to domestic violence in the SaltLakeArea_ Key stakeholders in:,the SLAFJC include the SLC Prosecutors Office:, The SLOPE),The h'ourig'Womed's Christian Association;('AN CA)Salt take City,'Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake, Utah Department of Workforce Services,Utah Third District Court,SL Legal Defenders Office,SL'Couiaty Criminal Justice Services,the SL County Sheriffs Office,Utah Division of Child and Family Services and Gonzalez,&Iran-Layton, :t:C. This project addresses collaborative partnerships to improve the quality and quantify of services available at the SLAFJC for victims of domestic violence. The SLAFJC is-currentlylocated in the garden level of the Lobe'Eccles Center_ The City will contract with the'li WCf1 to manage the grant activities and house the SLAFJC including meals,utilities and telephone for a cost of$269,587. The City will also contract with the National Family Justice Center Alliance to <conduct strategic planning for the Upcoming transition and expansion of the SLAFJC at a cost of:$25,000. An additional$10;920 contractual element includes foreign and sign language interpreters for clients of the SLAFJC for a total contractual component.of $305,507. 4n addition.'$35 000will be retained by the SLCPD to pay over-time costs to Detectives`to. serve warrants,on violations of protective orders as a partner on the SLAF.IC and'$42 000 will be retained to hire a part-time victim advocate to be,co<located at the SLAFJC. Budgeted travel costs Of $15,570 include travel of SL'AFJC stakeholders to technical assistance trainings and required grant management trainings and$1,000 for supplies. $150,000;of budget for this grant was brought in on FY2011 Consent Agenda #3. This request establishes the remaining budget,of$24g,077 for a total budget of$399.077 for this grant. This item; replaces the amount taken from the holding account of$1150;000. A.Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant Initiative#C-1 11 1 1 1 `N:iolence.-Anainst Women-DVWiFY.TO C mmunity i3,efined.:o1utions to • . - _ -- .:``/iolence Vit a litT" I:omenn TProgram 1 1 Initiative Name I I `8A#372011initiative�#C-' . 20'i041 . - Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Grants'For°New Staff PO1ice?Departmer f . . f . Resources Department I I Type of Initiative #Kristi D. im ilaeriie Caii:ns ;. 799-32E5°r'1'535-i;1Ma Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- None Impact . Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount _ __ General Fund 1 _ Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund Total I $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund i i Total $01 1 $01 Other Fund I- 72 I $ 399,077.00 H Total $ 399,077.00 I I $01 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: .5 Position Title: Victim 1 Advocate _ 1 Salary 42,000 I I Existing Officer OT 35,000 i i 1 1 1 1 1 Initiative#C-1-a 1 11 I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 16.590-2008-WE-AX-0017 Revenue: Cost Center Number IObject Code Number Amount 72-Same Cost Center as established 1360 $ 399,077.00 during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 1 Expenditure: I Cost Center Number I I Object Code Number Amount 1 172-Same Cost Center as established 2590 • $ 249,077.00 1 . 'during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 , 72-99999 2590 $ 150,000.00 1 1 1 Additional Accounting Details: 1 ,Please increase budget of same cost center that was established during the FY2011 Consent Agenda#3 I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or i I Non-profit sector? ` 1 No I i I 1 1 1 Initiative#C-1-b Initiative Name: State of Utah, Department of Public Safety, Division of Homeland Security(HLS) ,2010 Urban Area Security Initiative Grant(UASI) Program Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#C•2 Grants for New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The Emergency Manag ement Division in adoint;.effort'itkSalt lase 0ounty received a$2,17.D;'07 gran' from,:the State.Of Utah,'Department ofPi l lic;'Safety,2010. lomeiarid Security Grant;.-under:the Urban; Area:Security:initiative UA`Sli.2grant:prograi This.gr7arit.•rvas'awarded:to.continue':fhe OAS]efiorts'yii�` Our-elating equiprnentand:i aterials:needed to;plan and:prepare 'Abe Of:a inateral disaster terrorist attack..The taty istheilead agencyand= di Teceive S2,580,715 of the grant funds.;the:Stafeswili receive::$30,000;*he/alley.Emergency catlen Center;WECC)will/receive.4122;DOD;;end�he4 remainder,or'$1-57y3 St), vill belprovided;tolheCounty.., Of theCity's.$185D,718;the:Emergencyf lanageraent Division'ervill;expense.S300,0011 Under dhe,nationay priorities,category byhiring.a.full:time training and exercise coordinator.'This position Will=be responsible to;coordinate.'trainings and exercise development-vf all=121AS]:trajning and exercise activities:'In addition the Coordinator iM.fl be rreeponsible stoensure,allSai1 Lake lirbanlirea;(S'Ll7A) urdsdictions care aware ioT and ;.participate an on-going ;training-and--exercises.provided •stete',and 'Federal.'agencies;end."to, leverage local.'tunds available and reduce duplication of-training�oppertuhifes. The.=salary and benefits of;the iFTE•;will;be:$92,705;per year With a grant budget of$285,443 ever.•a three,year period The remaining :13,552 Will be rased for traveiltraining and supplies. $309;977 Will,be:used to :continue the; contract,with::BDR rto:develop .a SLUA training-arid exercise program:lthat encompasses all :S L* jurisdi:coons:and ensures:all jurisdictions meet a minimum stendard ioftraining and exercise. '$204000 Witt be ftus'e-d for public toutreach..anCto develop and;prodiace DVD'S.that cant*:distributed:throiighout"the conimunitylo inform arid.-:encourage;individuals;famiI.ies, businesses,arid,'acor muni.thy-:organizations to participate: ,;in available;.'training;;,and:support ion=going•,connrnunit'_.,,.preparedness''activities:,and opportunities. $i51,382.will:bie iused.to:develop an area-Wide the State syocbronous Critical Infrastructure:Program 1(AsClP). ,' l swill provide a itemplate.:to develop infrastructure;protection.programs'for significant public c,and Ovate infrastructure That can'be maintained, by the local;virdsdlction. Emergency=f Management.Services Will:then contract With a qualified;.consulte to review the program implemented by the,atate and develop a model to be w.used by l.ElAS1 jurisdictions The'City''si!FireDepartment will receive$1 009;359. .:0fthis.-amount,:$750,000willbe used-to;;purchase,af 1t.0 Channel Intelligence'Repeater Truck.to.provide backup to the City's-existing fixed repeater.sites Should theylbecomeinpperatabie during an incident,$319,359 will be used'#oiprouide training to mayors and councils pertaining to the two NUTS trucks previously purchased :with 'UASJ grant funds and to purchase the remaining equipment needed for the two sMJTS vehicles. $145;537 Of.budget °tor this grant was brought in on F '2011 Consent Agenda S. This reques'l establishes the remaining budget of$2 024,541 fora total budget of$2,1170..;078 for,this grant. This item', will replace the bolding account for the 1145,5377as well. A-Resolution was previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the Homeland:Security; UASI grant and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#C-2 I. ",State cif Utah,Department tof panic "Safetv.,Thvision oflHome'land-Security 0;1t3:I rbban AreaSecurib n`itialtiye 1 rant +i kS1),iProgra f ` • Initiative Name •SAM FY2011 initiative 4JC 2 :201041. :.' . Initiative Number { Fiscal Year Grants tor;liew Staf ; layor1s Offi ce t. . . .,.. ?Resources: Department I I Type of Initiative Alicia.Johnson Sherrie Cidlins.. .a79'9=7221,I535 15O:'" Prepared By Telephone Contact i (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund 1 Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 I $0 Other Fund 72- $ 2,170,078.00 I(— Total $ 2,170,078.00 ; I $0 Staffing Impact: 'Requested Number of I I I 0 FTE's: 1 Position Title: Training Coordinator Annual Salary ,f $68,000 Benefits j 24,705 (NOTE: Grant funds this position for a 3 year period I I Initiative#C-2-a I I I I I " Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 97.067-HSL-2010-UASl-001 Revenue: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount 72-Same Cost Center as established 1370 $ 2,170,078.00 during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-Same Cost Center as established 2590 $ 2,024,541.00 during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 72-99999 2590 $ 145,537.00 Additional Accounting Details: Please increase budget within the same Cost Center established during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes 4Is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes I If grant is funding a position is ft expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I Yes 'Does grant duplicate services provided by private or MNon-profit sector? f No I f Initiative#C-2-b Initiative Name: Storm Water Carryover Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #D-1 Initiative Type: House Keeping Initiative Discussion: • The Storm-Water Utility is:requesting to,.amend the 201 -2011 budget kr three carry :over projects budgeted ast year -and Currently in ,"construct-ion.: "phis"budget request ds asking ,.to • carry ,over .funding:4or the'storm ,water line 'on a40OO'West and ZOO South at,a cost lot $1613,00O.in ;addition the:Utility is asking to-include two new projects,that are both related do street improvement projects that are located:on BOO :South to 700 South =f:om the.Sui;ph1us Canal to Gladiola an the amount.O 65Q,001)-aand 'I7MO East Velecrest.avenue in The amount ; of$3-85,00O. The budget amendment is needed to complete the project that was:budgeted last year and is currentiy under-construction.and,to included!the Iwo new projects that are needed in connection.with:street';projects • ., 5 . This an-established process to:open the budget-for carryover projects-fir;each of the Utility Y funds.The two new projects a e needed to:aleptace the storm waterlines prior to the street being reconstructed. - The budget'amendment'will allow the Utility to replace to additional storm water :lines .iri connection with street project&. fi ik Initiative#D-1 I I Storm Water Carryover Initiative Name BA#3 FY20111 Initiative#D-1 2070 201 1 Initiative Number Fiscal Year Public Utilities House Keeping Department I 1 Type of Initiative _ Jim Lewis 80N-+483-6773. Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund � I 1 Total $0'1 I $01 Enterprise Fund Total $01 $0 Other Fund Total $0 i $01 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: I � Initiative#1}1-a I I I I I i Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount I I I I Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 53-10301 2730-18 $ 1,203,000.00 i I L Additional Accounting Details: I I Grant funds employee positions? NIA _ Is there a potential for grant to continue? NIA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant?( NIA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NIA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? N/A Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? NIA I I I Initiative#0-1-b Initiative Name: Public Utilities Water Carryover Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #D-2 Initiative Type: House Keeping Initiative Discussion: The Waterlifility4s asking 10.amend,the curTenk'years bt5idQet to include funding for carry over projects ghat-were'budgeted last year but are.still ender:construction; The 'z department is requesting`$>1.,755 900 in'mostly water-line p projects that are:currently;tinder construction:and, that warebudgetedlast year:in,addition the Water Utility:is asking to include anew project on: 500 to 70O.South from thie:SurplusCanal to Gladiola treet at a cost of.$i6510 O00.This:project is required Ito be,constructed due to a street improvement project which is scheduled this nod spring season. The budget.amendment is needed to:complete the projects that were:budgeted fast year end are currently Toind under construction This will:allow the.,department to continue'to,rep'lace the.aging infrastructure.. The fiscal year ends on June 30tb and tatis in the middle f our,construction.season. pro,jects.are:started in one udge and completed n the next 'k • initiative#D-2 I I 1 • tP blic�Utilities'WasterCarr�rover. Initiative Name I •SA*3.'FY2011In,itiative AM • I :2010-2..011 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year blictlJtiii ies , House K{eepinq Department —� Initiative Type • .�irn'L�ewis• S01 483.6773 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual _ Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund I 1 Total $01 1 $0 Internal Service Fund 1 Total $01 I $0 Enterprise Fund I Total $0I I $01 Other Fund 1 Total $01 I $01 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: t l f 1 Initiative#D-2-a I i I I 1 Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA# If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 1 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 51-01301 2720-30 $ 225,000.00 51-01301 2720-35 $ 100,000.00 151-01301 2730-01 $ 8,000.00 51-01301 2730-07 $ 76,000.00 51-01301 2730-08 $ 1,946,900.00 51-01301 2730-02 $ 50,000.00 'Total $ 2,405,900.00 1 Additional Accounting Details: 1 Grant Information: IGrant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A _ If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? N/A Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A !Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? N/A iDoes grant duplicate services provided by private or 'Non-profit sector? I ! N/A Initiative#D-2-b Initiative Name: Public Utilities Sewer Carryover Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #D-3 Initiative Type: House Keeping Initiative Discussion: The Sewer Utility is :asking:to amend the current geaTS budget la include funding for= ar over,projects thatwere b udgeted last year'but are-Still under. constriction.The!department is requesting 412Y,;2O0 in mostly sewer'line and sewer Areatrnent projects that are currently under construction and were budgeted last year.. The budget amendment needed to-complete the.projects that were:budgeted last year and are rurentiy under construction, This will allow,they deparament4ko:continue'construction 9of projects budgeted and approved last veer. The'fiscal"year:ends ton June 30th and falls in he middle of our construction season, projects are started in OM budget and-Completed in Initiative#D-3 I I ! I 1 Public Utilities Sewer Cat over' : I initiative Name I ..-BA#3 FFY..2Di 1 initiative ?-3 , 201041 • J Initiative Number I Fiscal Year r--- �P lilic'1�tilitiEs • .. ''..',House'Keeping Department Initiative Type .48011-4133-6773 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact Revenue impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund 1 Total I $01 1 $01 Enterprise Fund Total 1 $01 , $01 Other Fund I I I Total $01 1 $o 1 1 1 Staffing impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: • 1 initiative#D-3-a I i I a Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount • Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount _ I 52-11201 2720-10 $ 50,060.00 52-11201 2720-30 $ 870,000.00 52-10401 2730-14 $ 2,657,200.00 52-11201 2760-20 $ 450,000.00 52-11201 2760-50 $ 100,000.00 Total $ 4,127,200.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? N/A Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I N/A Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? N/A I l initiative#D-3-b Initiative Name: Additional Funding to Grant Holding Account Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #D-4 Initiative Type: House Keeping Initiative Discussion: This Bequest as to increase the Qrant bolding.account'y$1 'million. _ • In the:past. ix moxnth';montths the-C ty- uas Teeei ed over ,6 mi;llion. n,grant funding.. The':1.iSA'.I, grant was:about::$3;r iIhon'by itself, There;are In ltiple-communities,and:organizations- inwdlved" n these grant s: Currently there are 23 active interagency and;interdisciplinary :r projects funded by this OSAl grant. Due to the,nature!of the grant schedule'determined by Congress and the U S_Department , Homeland-Secur.Eity it:is problematic to meet the-scheduled budget openings of the City. -The-average'1 ASI.grantpro gam can ,be between$200.,,0,0O.l p to$3 million.While every i,ollarallocated ilea corisei l agendas appreciated,allocating lest than the average,program) Investment/does little ofurtherplanned est ents:and can,ccreate long:terra damage to estab'is'hed partnerships within the program,, .•Each grant'year oust-1e spent wit in 6' aontha.,,poetpan ng projects an average Of foiar .months:impacts thep;roject tramlines and the ability to,riPlement ilong-term igrar t-led programs:Add to this-timeline the necessarytransition from the Department of:Homeland ,Security to the State o Utah and finally to'the local Urban.Area:and the grant.,performan,ce :< ;period,Aecreases to Zn average of 30 months.For several of our4projects that is simpliTIOi enough time to establish the program and expend the associated funds through established: proposal and-°oontracting processes. 1 Projects are'often tied to tra ings7=ex-ercises:(such as the Utah Shakeout 2012)and ~strategic planning initiatives..Postponing the investments,9s 7ikely.to .create a long-term ;impact on:dep:endentpro,Jects. } Initiative#D-4 1 I 1 I Additional Funding:toa.rantHo1dinq . Account I I Initiative Name 1 l BA#3<i;`i.2D1l'Initiative XD- f.; .2011041 a Initiative Number I Fiscal Year Finance ; :Iause'tieepinq '.,• Department I f initiative Type Goidon Hoskins ,. ' •£ Oi-535-6394 s Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund i I 1 Total $01 1 $01 Internal Service Fund I I Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 Total' $01 1 $01 Other Fund Total [ $01 I $01 1 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 0 Position Title: 1 I I 1 Initiative#D-4-a I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount f � _ Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 2590 $ 1,000,000.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A IIf grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? N/A Wilt grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? ! N/A I i Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? i I NIA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? I NIA Initiative#D-4-b • Initiative Name: Donations Fund Holding Account Increase Back to $100,000 Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #D-5 Housekeeping Initiative Discussion: Trough November 23:;;`2O1 O, nearly $O OO Chas;:been.moved 'from:'the.Donation Account 'to'"the° rarieus pother..donation:brads.for new', oruations,tor,interest income or r both This request trestoreS,the tickling,Account to-$1014000. It is recommended that;the Council' approve is:requestIto,restorete1- didin.:Account bac1 to•$`IDO,OOO_ • r ri" Initiative#D-5 1 ► 1 'Donations Fund Holding 4�ccount • ;Increase13ack16$100:000 I 1 Initiative Name 1 I SA#3fY2.0'Ii'Initiative#©5 = 20 i'0-1'1 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year . ouse`keepinq Department I Type of Initiative ~ luvir� 3e:ilrnaran.. -535=6424..; Prepared By i Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact 1 Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 'General Fund 1 1 Total $01 ! $01 Internal Service Fund Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 1 F Total 1 $ - 1 1 $01 Other Fund 77 Donation Fund $ 58,899.16 1 Total $ 58,899.16 I I $01 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: (Position Title: 1 I I Initiative#D-5-a i I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 77-77001 1895 $ 54,975.75! _ 77-77001 1830 $ 3,923.41 $ 58,899.16 See attached spreadsheet for details Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 77-77001 2590 $ 58,899.16 See attached spreadsheet for details I Additional Accounting Details: I I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? _ NA If grant is funding a position is It expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA 'Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are 'eliminated? I NA (Does grant duplicate services provided by private or INon-profit sector? NA I I I I Initiative#D-5-b Ag d.104.0120,0)2dib , ,,,_CC#.. F;tp,abj , Fund*Option. , N det sN . bonatiOnS . Inteiegt tlpdat4 Wet 7700785 2590 Public Services Recycling Fund 16,000.00 16,000.00 7700875 2590 Youth City Programs 83,023.68 17,111.00 182.92 100,317.60 7709100 2590 Child Abduction Fund 12,626.15 12,626.15 7777108 2590 PARKS&REC.MAINT.DONATIONS 62,751.03 133.42 62,884.45 7777113 2590 Development agree.Hughs Invst. 66,599.38 141.59 66,740.97 7777119 2590 Unity Technology Center Trs 15,133.89 32.18 15,166.07 7777121 2590 Rainy Day Gallivan Donations 581,609.31 1,212.88 582,822.19 7777122 2590 SLC Classic Donations 310.68 17.75 328.43 7777123 2590 Salt Lake City Fndation 501-C3 18,316.12 32.64 18,348.76 7777124 2590 SLC Fire training center Donat 91,515.83 194.57 91,710.40 7777126 2590 SLOC Tornado Pins 15,580.12 33.13 15,613.25 7777130 2590 Imagination Celebration 23,897.79 500.00 48.63 24,446.42 7777131 2590 Junior Golf donations 7,777.86 16.54 7,794.40 7777132 2590 SLC Tree Replacemnt Torna 1999 132,902.32 282.56 133,184.88 7777136 2590 Police Equipment Endowment 6,478.65 13.77 6,492.42 7777137 2590 Fire Equipment Endowmnt Hansen 87,625.70 186.30 87,812.00 7777139 2590 Anna Palmer Reward Fund 26.08 26.08 7777141 2590 Plaza-Glendale Community Cen 228,136.97 485.03 228,622.00 7777142 2590 Park Plaque 16,192.81 6,594.00 35.75 22,822.56 7777146 2590 Gilgal Garden Donations 15.66 0.04 15.70 7777148 2590 Spotlight of Excellence 4,211.31 8.95 4,220.26 7777150 2590 Memorial House Maintenance 39,601.78 3,055.57 135.75 42,793.10 7777151 2590 Equipment Purchase Donations 99,110.68 25.00 210.73 _ 99,346.41 7777152 2590 Environmental Donations _ 8,327.49 17.71 8,345.20 7777154 2590 Service dog donations fund 161.93 0.36 162.29 7777159 2590 CIT Scholarship 23,757.61 3,100.00 38.41 26,896.02 7777162 2590 Art Project Maintenance RDA 10,937.59 20.16 10,957.75 7777163 2590 World Changers 10,000.00 4,494.06 14,494.06 7777165 2590 PAX Natura Donation CO2 offset 13.11 13.11 7777166 2590 Gallivan Center Sp.Events 1,676.36 _ 3.58 1,679.94 7777167 2590 WalMart Trust 0.34 0.34 7777168 2590 Drug Free Communities 4,537.94 6.41 4,544.35 7777169 2590 Police High School Scholarship 33,615.52 65.59 33,681.11 7777170 2590 Mayor's sponsorship fund 1,627.28 _ 1,627.28 7777171 2590 Taser/Mobile Neighborhood Wet 359.88 359.88 7777172 2590 Wasatch Hollow Natural Open Sp 421.51 0.90 422.41 7777173 2590 Motors training trust 500.00 _ 500.00_ 1,000.00 7777174 2590 Rocky Mtn 800 S Tree Planting 25,119.33 53.40 25,172.73 7777175 2590 Solar Salt Lake Trust 14,927.46 31.06 14,958.52 7777176 2590 Police Explorer 630.45 1,280.00 2.46 1,912.91 7777177 2590 Environment Imp.Dist.1&2 14,607.75 9.10 14,616.85 7777179 2590 Police Officer Relay Team 346.16 _ _ 346.16 7777180 2590 Historic Preservation Fund _ 13,001.06 2,316.12 27.54 15,344.72 7777181 2590 Sorensen Center Donations Fund 4,097.02 8.71 4,105.73 7777183 2590 PSB Bond Public Education 1,036.38 2.20 1,038.58 7777184 2590 Cardiac Equipment - (4.96) (4.96) 7777760 2590 STEINER ACQUATIC TRUST 98,008.27 208.37 98,216.64 7777780 2590 NEWSPAPERS FOR TREES 12,831.36 27.28 12,858.64 1,873,985.60 54,975.75 3,923.41 1,932,884.76 58,899.16 - Initiative Name: Grants Carryover Adjustments Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 initiative #D-6 Housekeeping initiative Discussion: Snide t e;,,irne;.Te ,original: grants ,car over :;request :was created:, 'there'has •been Some adjustments made to dgrant expenditures for the year ,ended June t.30 20111 These, ese corrections -affect:the-:remarn ng::budget as of;June '30th and also the :fleeced Carryover budget:for iscal2O11. .,1± s recommended that the Council pass this:a end aent:request that contains an aoveraJi decrease in thebudget apt' .e ., '' •' .. �4 • initiative#D-6 1 I I I 'GGrants tCer-ryoveridiustments 1 I 1 Initiative Name I 1 .BA#3'•F 2011 initiative:#D-6 • I :00'10 1 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year ." inande. • . • • • . • housekeeping Department l Type of Initiative :;ENvvin`• 7eallmar�n - 535-6424 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- Impact _ Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 l $0 Internal Service Fund 1 1 1 1 Total $01 I $01 Enterprise Fund 1 Total $01 $01 Other Fund 72 Grants $ (78,410.88) Total $ (78,410.88)1 I $01 I I 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: . 1 1 Initiative#D-6-a I I I 11 I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: NA Revenue: _ ICost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-10003.Urban Area Safety Initiative 1360 $ ___ (1V5,856.34) 72-21011 NIJ FY09 Coverdell 1360 $ 55,569.60 72-30603 Global Artways-EDGAR Grant 1360 $ 302.99 72-30904 LifeSkills Grant__@ Central City 1360 $ 4,505.35 72-31002 WFS Youth Fairmont Park 1360 $ (9,315.65) 72-31003 WFS Youth Central City 1360 $ (7,296.83) 72-31004 WFS Youth Ottinger Hall 1360 $ (4,597.47) 72-31006 WFS Youth Libery Park 1360 $ _ (6,313.89) 72-31007 Central City Teen Program 1360 $ (3,666.64) 72-60615 EDGAR Grant-Passthrough 1360 $ (1,742.00) Total $ (78,410.88) Expenditure: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount 72-10003 Urban Area Safety Initiative 2590 $ (105,856.34) 72-21011 NIJ FY09 Coverdell 2590 _ $ 55,569.60 72-30603 Global Artways-EDGAR Grant 2590 $ 302.99 72-30904 LifeSkills Grant @ Central City 2590 $ 4,505.35 72-31002 WFS Youth Fairmont Park 2590 $ (9,315.65) 72-31003 WFS Youth Central City 2590 $ (7,296.83) 72-31004 WFS Youth Ottinger Hall 2590 $ (4,597.47) 72-31006 WFS Youth Libery Park 2590 $ (6,313.89) 72-31007 Central City Teen Program 2590 $ (3,666.64) 72-60615 EDGAR Grant-Passthrough 2590 $ (1,742.00) Total $ (78,410.88) Additional Accounting Details: i Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? NA Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA I If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will I be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA I (Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or I INon-profit sector? NA I I Initiative#D-6-b Initiative Name: US Department of Justice,Office of Justice Programs-FY 2010 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#E-1 Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The.l'alice Department applied for and received a$106ODD grant.from the"t3S Department of Justice under the FY 2010 Pad^Coverr3eII Forensic Science=improvement:program. This grant is awarded and funds are to be used to improve the duality and timeliness of forensic science and medical examiner :services and/or:to eliminate backlogs in the analysis of forensic evidence, including controlled substances,'firean'ns examination,forensic,pathology,latent prints,questioned documents, toxicology and'trace evidence. The'$1136ODD.grant award will be used to purchase four pieces of equipment that Include a-slum), crime-life.82S182 full kit and a;$6,2.00,crime lice,Tull kit'"which are handheld,high:intensity alternate light source's:used primarily by forensic investigators;to detect evidence:such as fingerprints,bodily fluids and latent .evidence from crime scenes, a $62,00D DCS 4;system ,Iliaidh is-a dedicated workstation for the recording and enhancement of latent fingerprints and a$2D,<800 S1CAR which adopts a simple coding technique to characterize shoe pints and tire treads enabling the operator to create a coded ;description Of a pattern by identifying elemental features such as lines, waves zigzags,circles,diamonds and blocks etc in addition,training to forensic'technicians is included,ln` the purchase:;prioe_of each piece of equipment. A Resolution was previously passed authorizing the'Mayor to sign and accept the grant and:any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-1 I I I Justice Programs-FY 2010 Patti Coverdell Forensic.Science Improvement Grant Initiative Name 13Aft3 FY2011Initiative lE-9 2010-11 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year • Grants Reguirino-No •Police Department New Staff Reso urces Department j Type of Initiative 'Krista Dunn ifSherriecollins`• 799 326515356150 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $01 $01 Internal Service Fund I I I ! Total $0 I $01 Enterprise Fund I I Total� $01 $01 Other Fund 72 $ 106,000.00 Total $ 106,000.00 ! I $01 I I I I Staffing Impact: !Requested Number of 0 IFTE's: Position Title: • • I 1 Initiative#E-1-a 1 I ! Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 16.742.2010-CD-BX-0075 Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72• 1360 $ 106,000.00 � I Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72- 2590 $ 106,000.00 —J i II — I Additional Accounting Details: Grant funds employee positions? No 1 _ Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it(expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes I I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? No Initiative#E-1-b Initiative Name: US Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD),Community Challenge Planning and Department of Transportation TIGER II Planning Grants-TRAX Line Area Plans and Sustainable Zoning Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#E-2 Grants Requiring No New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The DFD Planning Division applied for and received a$22 620 US Department:of Housing and Urban Development ..(13UD) grant tinder the Community Challenge Planning and Department of Transportation TIGER Ii planning Grants program. These funds were awarded to-create.and develop station area plansand.zoning codes for`three existing light rail stations along 1.75 miles of the 400 SD. University TRAX line, that identify redevelopment opportunities;promote construction of new, affordable housing;provide-choices in mode of transportation,housing location'and type with access to employment centers;and implement the city's goals for becoming a more:sustainable.city_ The`, total project;cost�is approximately'$32;620. She;$22;'E20 of grant:funds will'be used for public outreach„:conducting the public planning.process;; and,disseminating The community ésion findings by engaging 200 residents in the public process; development of new-or modify existing station area master plans pertaining to land use; and development of new or:revision of existing zoning codes that.meet the goals of the community visioning process and the dity's goal of becoming a more sustainable city with<walkable neighborhoods supported bya robust economic base. The grant award requires a 20%:match whidh will be satisfied through the dedication-of 400 hours of féll4tirne effort by The projectmanager:andfour city planners over a 24-monthperiod. The dedicated time is valued at$10,000 which exceeds the 20%match. A Resolution was,previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the grant and any, additional grants oragreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-2 I 1 US Department of}lousing and Urban Development;MUM,Community ,Challenge Planning-and.'Department'of Transportation TIGER Planning Grants-TRAX Line Area+Plans and Sustainable Zoning I Initiative Name BA#3 FY2011 initiativel#E-2 2010-17 Initiative Number I I Fiscal Year Grants Requiring No cED'Planning Division ':New Staff_Resources Department I I Type of Initiative Nick Norris!'Sherrie%Collins 533-6i7.31S3a-Ela0 Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund-Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount !General Fund Total! $0 ' $0 internal Service Fund Y I Total $01 $01 Enterprise Fund Hit Total $01 $0 Other Fund I , 72 $ 22,620.00 Total i $ 22,620.00 $01 I I I Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: I _ I Initiative#E-2-a ! I I I I I 14.704-HUD Community Challenge PlanninglDOT TIGER Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA# if Applicable: •ll Planning Grants Revenue: Cost Center Number ' Object Code Number Amount I 72- 1360 $ 22,620.00 I I Expenditure: I Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72- 1 2590 $ 22,620.00 I I Additional Accounting Details: I I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? No Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA 1if grant is funding a position is it expected the position will I be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes !Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I No Does grant duplicate services provided by private or 1Non-profit sector? No I I Initiative#E-2-b Initiative Name: US Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) - Salt Lake Elder Abuse Project Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative#E-3 Grants For New Staff Resources Initiative Discussion: The:Police Department applied for and received a.$4101),DDOsgrant:frorra_the'US Department Of.Justice; under the Enhanced Training,arid:Services-to End Violence aiid Abuse of Women Later in Life.. TheCi1y: Eider .Abuse ;Project,is a multi:disciplinary; collaboration between 'the 'SLC'PD, the County,District Attorneys Office, Adult•;Protective;services with the Jta'h.'iiimision:of ging and•Adult.Ser;ices arid the Young Wornen's1ChristianAssodlation of;Salt take City The purpose of'the grant is to enhance oUtreac1 and provide direct,services_to older adult;;fernales and°vulnerable adulta;,who.are victims of elder abuse, and to initiate systernatic improvements to support the expansion of the ;reporting, investigation and, prosecution,:of elder abiase'in•Salt take County: 5t is estimated that 3;500 female Victims lover the age wf 50,will receive outreach and idirectservrces fronn'the trained 5indiuid:oafs over the'Syear+gran;t period. The grant funds wiil,provide resources for ;enhanced training.prograiras for law enforcement:officers, detectives; ;prosecutors, :judges; protective services workers, and victim .advocates; :.cross training for victim services agencies, governmental agencies, courts,:Jaw-enforcement and;prosecutorial:agencies;; creation ofa rriialti d scipl.inaiy Collaborative corn mithiti!response,and enhanced outreach and deIivery of, services for,fOlderadulifernalevictims:of eider abuse: Grant-fund•expenditurres.include£ontraactual•:components t ratinoltade',,$1B4j3gIto Utah Adult Protectiar Services .wlao will,:hire a..caseimmiker that.Will investigate:abuse,<exliioitation •and1or neglect.'referrals t recommend.appropriate actions affecting`t'he victim''s:swell being and social functioning,.and coordinate! and refer direct services of oomrnunity esour-ces,'placement providers and‘collateral agencies for.patients or older:adu'lt:female victims and attend mandated OW :trainings .;$S6;'841 to the Salt take ?County District Attorney':s O'f ice:for,ia„part-time counselor to assess victims;needs;provide;crisis counseling and; court information, crake referrals;tor services:and ihelp the victim:understand the court;system,:attend mandated CM 4rainings.and Prosecutor's Workshop; 34,77,3'to the 'WCA of Salt take City to attend OM Train the Trainers training;and$3;690 to Matheson Third DistrictCourt for•2 judges and 41;845 to West 3ordan Third District Court for'1 judge to travel,attend and complete the;OW/mandated:four-day judicial Jnstitiate. The iPD will.retain:$8,222 to attend the tawlEriforcement Train the Trainerfrainings and., as mandated by O ►a 25%set aside of$12 9;39.0'to support outreach and services. $317:000 of 'budget for this grant was `brought in on iFY2011 Consent Agenda #3. This ;request establishes the riemaining budget of$'83;000 for a total budget'of.$400 000 for this grant. This item nn►ill repelce t e$31,7,000 in the holding account as well. a ' Y A'Resoluiion was previously;passed authorizing the Mayorto sign and accept the grant a nd any additional, grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#E-3 I I_ . USDepartMentbfJuttice,Office on 'Violence Against 'llomerii0VOn.-Salt '.t a'ke'E1der Abuse Prolect 1 ! Initiative Name 1 I `BAN FY2011 ;Initiative #E 3 • I 2010-11 Initiative Number I Fiscal Year .'1GiantsForllw7ew.Staff .1P:o'l ce-'Oepartment`; R.esriurces Department i i Type of Initiative Xrasta Dunn Sherrie'C llins 799-32654'535=615iii Prepared By • Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund -Fund Balance- None impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund Total $0! I $01 Internal Service Fund Total, $01 I $0! Enterprise Fund Total I $01 I $01 Other Fund 72 $ 400,000.00 Total $ 400,000.00 I 1 $01 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: . Position Title: 1 i ! 1 Initiative fE-3-a i I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: 16.528-2010-EW-AX-K007 Revenue: Cost Center Number I I Object Code Number Amount 172-Same Cost Center as established 1360 $ 400,000.00 during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3 Expenditure: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number _ Amount 72-Same Cost Center as established 2590 f $ 83,000.00 during FY 2011 Consent Agenda#3� 72-99999 2590 $ 317,000.00 ` � I Additional Accounting Details: Please use same cost center that was established during the FY2011 Consent Agenda#3 • I I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? Yes is there a potential for grant to continue? Yes If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? Yes 'Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? Yes Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I Yes Does grant duplicate services provided by private or I Non-profit sector? I No I I Initiative#E-3-b Initiative Name: Rio Tinto Donation to the Cuv'sClimate Showcase Communities Grant Initiative Number: g/#upYuo11 Initiative#p'1 Donation Initiative Discussion: _ in FY 2,01M., th e City was awarded an, EPA Grant of 4386,554. 'The budget for this grant was establish ed in FY1,0 budget amendment#2- The City,partnefing wlth Salt,Lake'County,Salt Lake� Solutions, Utah Department of Transportation CUDOT-), Utah 01ean Qties lGoalition and Rio Tinid pnoposed-to implement a Sustainable Transportation,Jor�'SustainatJie FutureJSTSF)program. The County. The STSFprogramgoal is lo create ablueprint4orpermanent and sustainablechanges in initiative#F-1 • 1 I I ► ► F2io Tinto bontion o. e tit-Vs - '!C1mateShowcase'CommUnM'ties!Grant I I Initiative Name 1 E 3 Y2011 Initiative l#F-11 .20140-1~i . Initiative Number• _ Fiscal Year ';GED HAND' . . }Donation'' Department I ! Type of Initiative Kate' ilia'CSberrie 535q755iT535-161vD., Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive IGeneral Fund - Fund Balance- None Impact ! Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund I I Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund I I 1 1 Total $01 I $01 !Enterprise Fund ! I Total $01 I $01 Other Fund 72-10001 $ 10,000.00 Total $ 10,000.00 I I $OI i I I 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: I 1 1 ! 1 Initiative#F-1-a I I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Donation Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-10001 1890 $ 10,000.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number I Amount 72-10001 2590 $ 10,000.00 I I I Additional Accounting Details: I I Grant Information: 'Grant funds employee positions? NA I Is there a potential for grant to continue? NA If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? NA ;Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are i 'eliminated? NA Does grant duplicate services provided by private or I Non-profit sector? ! NA I I Initiative#F-1-b Initiative Name: Utah Department of Health - Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2O11 Initiative #G-1 Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards Initiative Discussion: The'Fire'"Departrnent was.awarded.`$a0,1O9:of,grant.funding.from the;Utah 'Department:of Health) Bureau of'Emergency..Med;ical,Services:and:Preparedness to' eused for training,purposes for the' Fire Emergency ?Medical Services EMS?) personnel. 'More specifically, $10.,000"will be,. used for Paramedic School, $15'0OD will be used for trainings associated with State required continuing medical •education and: $541.09 ; iill be .used for program:.'and seminar iregistrations and travel associated With local The grant is awarded based on the per capita of certffied ES personnel -The'City's•:Fire!Department has 1113::.certified`,,Paramed,ics,, "1i69 .certifiied''.`Ernergency. ;Medical Technicians and ,,20 certifie l dispatchers: • • A Reso]union'was x revious y,passed authorizing the'Mayor to Sign and accept the funds and.,any' additional;grants or,agreements that stem born the'original grant. . ' t Initiative#G-1 I ! ► Utah'Depar anenfaitIlHealth;-Btureau cif ' ErnergencV1171edical Services and prepar.,edness.l , Initiative Name I I , BiA#3iF 2Oi1;3litiative#G '20101i Initiative Number I Fiscal Year ,I ::r rig: _ v, .• _ _ - .. - - • ,;. 'Council Consent :Fire' . Agerada-•GrantAwards I. . j.,. Type of Initiative T m i'ithard1Slasrive= :o liras : '. :799 2171535-°615O Prepared By , I Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive I General Fund - Fund Balance- l None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund I I Total $01 1 $01 !Internal Service Fund ► I Total $01 i $01 Enterprise Fund { I I, i Total I $0I i $0 Other Fund 72-99999 $ 30,109.00 Total $ 30,109.00 , I $01 Staffing Impact: !Requested Number of 0 'FTE's: Position Title: I I I I i I i I 11 I I Initiative#G-1-a I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 1370 $ 30,109.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number I Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 2590 $ 30,109.00 Additional Accounting Details: Grant Information: IGrant funds employee positions? N/A Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A 'Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? I I N/A ,Does grant duplicate services provided by private or I Non-profit sector? l N/A I i I p Initiative#G-1-b Initiative Name: Executive Office of the President, Office of National Drug Control - Rocky Mountain High Intensity Drug Trafficking Agency (HIDTA) Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #G-2 Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards Initiative Discussion: • The Police.Department applied for and :received a $65 354 Rocky Mountain.H1DT+A grant from the E%ecutve Office of the President,;Office of National,:Drug riControl. The SLCPD reCeives This grant an•annual°basis-and will continue to fund the salary and benefits of gone!l) ;K-9 Law Enforcement Officer assigned to the•Metro Narcotics7Dru,g Enforcement `Task Farce to ;address drug issues. throughout Valley. The rpose<o this grant is co suupport<the.national:drug,control strategy Of reducing Anug'use iin ithe nation .Specifically,the RlyJHl;DTA's giant funding is-lIocated to Jurisdictions:to ifaciiitate,°cooperatiora • and coordination-among federal state and focal drug enforcement-efforts to-enhance:corrbafing+drugi trrathdking ear anizations locally, regionally and nationally. This is aaccornplished through intelligence,} dri'en!Obi ulti agency drug task forces;s'haring information and working ,cooperatwe1y.nrith other drugenforcement: nitiatives: A Resolution Was previously passed authorizing Mayor;:to sign and accept the funds and anj? additional grants agreementsithat:stein,from the original grant.. • ti Initiative#G-2 1 1 I. 1 xectutiveOfce;ot'the.P.resident; Office otNationai.Drug:Contr l•-Rocky ;Mountain IliqtrantenSitv'i rug ' 1 Trafficking Agency:(14IDTAA-_• 1 1 Initiative Name I I 8A#3 FY.201 i ilnitiative#.G-2, : " 2619,111 Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year `:. .'Council Consent'_ Police; ;4gennda-'Grant•:Awards'' � L. . jai'', .. Department I 1 Type of Initiative I Krista,D.ann1Shersia .o�llins_f,:;: '799'3265#535-6i.5g• Prepared By Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund- Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 'General Fund 1 Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund 1 � Total $0) 1 $0 Enterprise Fund I Total I $01 I $01 Other Fund 72-99999 $ 65,354.00 Total $ 65,354.00 I I $0 1 I 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: Position Title: I 1 I Initiative#G-2-a I I I I ! I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA #If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 1370 $ 65,354.00 I Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 2590 $ 65,354.00 I I Additional Accounting Details: I Grant Information: Grant funds employee,positions? N/A F— Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A I If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A I I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? N/A I Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? I f I N/A Initiative#G-2-b • Initiative Name: US Department of Health and Human Services- Drug Free Communities Support Grant Initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #G-3 Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards Initiative Discussion: The'Mayor.':s Offide,applied;forand received$'45 ODD!or grantfund.ing from:<the Departmentfof Health': and -iti.m an Services:for,continuatiOn .of the%Mayor's Drug Free i•Cornmunit�ies SUpport program. This' program supports the'l1iayor':s Coalition on Alcohol, Tobacco and?:Other Drugs in the reduction and prevention Osubstance abuse in Salt_%L ke City .This is-year two.of the grant Which has been awarded for an addtional 5 Year period,— , Of these funds; $5$,429 will.be isedfor the salary and benefits of'the Coalition Coordinator, rh:o; coordinates;and supports the Coalition Strategy in program implementation and activities"thatincludd training, data• coileetion, t!dissernination:aof findings; and liaising between the :Coalition,.the Mayes! Office and°4hkrpommuz lty„;, 5, 5iB''vyill ;fund the Grant Monitors :tiraelfor•the fiscal -monitoring and oversight of then-rant,, 1;Od473-will Abe;cased for travel and training to Mandatory conferences,:$12,2DT3'. will be ,used for CAOCA; membership,._{conference :registrations to 'CADCA Conference, the Yo th LeatierehiP Initiative andl 43 of 41J conference,'photocopying ,of;Youth Advisory Boards recruitment brochur nd,.,initiative infor;nation.Byers,,•.and':$3O 3A.Will..be used' or:contractual components to include.$1F 28O'for continuation of program tevalliafion and]needs assessment;':$45J:O for a consultant to assist in:the',facilitation of the annual strategic planning process; $10„4600 for stipends paid to five, high school teact ers Who.serve as,adw sors forschooi based Youth Advisory,Boards,z$2,1300 to Steve .lames for,per$ormances at:four'fown l all meetings;sand, B00 to The inclusion Center for-cultural{ competency training to coalition piembers. The-grantrequires a$222:,75O sin4ind match which will be nnet iith the Mayor's Office staff, -C:oalitiora volunteertirne,.1i S staff time for Community Forums tapings, a:portion of the evaluation services and'i Community Forum vdlunteer speakers and performers. A Resolution was :previously passed authorizing the Mayor to sign and accept the funds-and any additional grants or agreements that stem from the original grant. Initiative#G-3 :US Department cifliea'lth and uman' Services-Drug,Free Communities : Sapp ort;lrant I I Initiative Name I ! I BAfi3'FN:2011.:initiativel#G 3 • .201041 Initiative Number 1 Fiscal Year :Y. , _°iCouncii Consent- • ,} :'Mayor 'Agendas-'Grant-Awards Department ,I Type of Initiative �— ,bbie /:iiaesiShers eit ^IiinS•, :=;,d:,,a35-79361535- 5i , Prepared By Telephone Contact _ (Negative) I Positive 1General Fund - Fund Balance- None Impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount 'General Fund 1 1 I I Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund i Total $01 I $0 Enterprise Fund I t l I 1 Total 1 $01 I $01 Other Fund 72-99999 $ 125,000.00 Total $ 125,000.00 ; I $0 1 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 • FTE's: Position Title: 1 j t 1 I I 1 f I I i 1 Initiative#G-3-a I I I I Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 1370 $ 125,000.00 Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 2590 $ 125,000.00 1 Additional Accounting Details: I I Grant Information: Grant funds employee positions? N/A Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A !Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are I eliminated? N/A Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? N/A ! I Initiative#G-3-b initiative Name: The Utah Quality Growth Commission - Jordan River Riverview Open Space Land Acquisition initiative Number: BA#3 FY2011 Initiative #G-4 Council Consent Agenda - Grant Awards Initiative Discussion: The:PAtiblic'SrerVicet Open Space Division:applied for and,;received $1,67„ip0D.irat frOrn the:tiltah , , „. , Quality.,Oroi,Mth"ConlialisSion,?:s.WZay:AviCAlliStet CrifiCai Land:Consewation, Fund„program for:ithe jordanffiVer,RiverviewppenSPace.74nd cquisthon This project includes 4he restoration acne site located .approxi mately4 i8t1:$Tilonth)CatherinaStre'6.t V144D.A41es0 fo;a predominantly natural open and;.;und:eveloPed! Onditionlbr vwildhfe abita1, public access,iedu'oatibp'.andlofe-liattineente This ',Parcel Cfland:Tepretents the last Ternaining':Pnivately heId9pen land along the Jordan,iliver;. . , The:total purchase pncè of the,prOpertlyis 41,4250,000.-!:-;TOe'bitreontnibiitiOn ii:$72000'toward;th4 'land'i#nsefvation ieasernentjWitit':..thei:f.CitylS:PPen L:Spapel3ondMith'additional funding of$36.21-10 to be fund raised from he;Commilhityand tollabOratiVe efforts Of;the;!'iCit and kej stakehOldersinthe:COmrikinity:,1Keilitaiiebolderesupponteri,include local elected :offildials;•Senator Luz Robles iRepresentatiVe Jen;Seelig;RoselPank,Conlmuni -Counct South Siore',Conrinnlii weed MapagementAssociatioR and the Salt Lake City poen Spice lands._Advisory Board . . - . • • A feetitie appraisal was conducted _in May 201D and the property was valued at $140804000. :A second appraisal is icurrently be conducted. The ,current market price is $1,250;000. The final purchase price is to be adetermi ned, A Resdiution was previously passed :authorizing the Mayor to sign ,and accept the funds and anY, additional grants or agreements that stem from the:original want. Initiative#G-4 • I I I The`Utah Duality Growth Co*Mission- ordan;}tiareriRivenriewti,peri Space Land Acquisition;, 1 1 Initiative Name I I ..BA1#3 f 2011 iriltiative#G- • , 2016 41.,., Initiative Number 1 Y Fiscal Year . `,Council Consent Pub1ix Seraiaces • _Agenda,-Srant;,Awards Department 1 I _� Type of Initiative Emy ,aa 78n41535-'b 5D. Prepared By i Telephone Contact (Negative) Positive General Fund - Fund Balance- None impact Revenue Impact By Fund: Fiscal Year Annual Impact Amount Impact Amount General Fund , Total $01 I $01 Internal Service Fund I Total I $01 I $01 (Enterprise Fund 1 Total, 1 $01 $01 Other Fund 72-99999 i $ 167,000.00 1 1 Total $ 167,000.00 1 I $01 1 I 1 1 Staffing Impact: Requested Number of 0 FTE's: • Position Title: �I 1 1 1 Initiative#G-4-a ( i Accounting Detail Grant#and CFDA#If Applicable: Revenue: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 172-99999 1370 $ 167,000.00 I I I � Expenditure: Cost Center Number Object Code Number Amount 72-99999 2590 $ 167,000.00 I - Additional Accounting Details: I _ - I Grant funds employee positions? N/A Is there a potential for grant to continue? N/A If grant is funding a position is it expected the position will be eliminated at the end of the grant? NA Will grant program be complete in grant funding time frame? N/A I Will grant impact the community once the grant funds are eliminated? N/A Does grant duplicate services provided by private or Non-profit sector? N/A Initiative#G-4-b