041 of 1984 - City Employee Compensation Plan • ' ;A Plan amended by Resolution 74 of 1984, July 10, 1984 0 84-15 �. SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 41 of 1984 (City Employee Compensation Plan) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-1-1 OF THE REVISED ORDI- NANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS LAST AMENDED BY BILL NO. 39 OF 1983, RELATING TO COMPENSATION OF CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 25-1-1 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, as last amended by Bill No. 39 of 1983 , be, and is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 25-1-1 . Compensation Program Adopted. The Compensa- tion Administration Program for Salt Lake City Corporation Employees, dated July 1 , 1984 , is hereby adopted as the official compensation plan for Salt Lake City employees. Three copies of said plan shall be maintained in the City Recorder's office for public inspection. The provisions of said plan shall be effec- tive under the terms thereof commencing July 1 , 1984, except as it has been or may be amended from time to time by the City Council by resolution or upon approval of Memoranda of Under- standing between the City and recognized employee bargaining agents. The plan herein adopted and any amendment or modification thereto, shall not apply to officers or employees whose employ- ment terminated prior to publication of this ordinance or to the adoption of any amendment or modification to the plan. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1 , 1984. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 12th day of June , 1984. CH AN ATTEST: YITT RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 12 19 Mayor's Action: June 12, 1984 MAYOR ATTEST: 'CTY RE C RDE R ,_� .......5'..�f-_ ----------.__......... Dy ..........4,t A -..-.---1-----.----- . cm4 8 (SEAL) BILL 41 of 1984 Published: July 9, 1984 -2- *AMENDED COPY* COMPENSATION PLAN OF SALT LAKE CITY EMPLOYEES I. EFFECPIVE DATE The provisions of this plan shall be effective under the terms hereof, commencing July 1, 19B4 except as it has been or may be amended from time to time by the City Council by resolution or upon approval of Memorandum of Understanding between the City and recognized employee bar- gaining agents. II. ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEES Eligible employees may be appointed, classified, and advanced under rules and regulations promulgated by the Mayor, within budget limitations estab- lished by the Council. All elected officers and full-time permanent officers and employees shall be eligible for and subject to the Salt Lake City compensation plan with the following limiting provisions: A. Part-time, Seasonal, and Hourly Employees Part-time, seasonal, and hourly employees shall not be entitled to employment benefits in this plan. B. Adult School Crossing Guards Adult school crossing guards shall be eligible only for the insurance benefits contained in the plan. C. Volunteer Personnel and Personnel Appointed to Serve Without Pay Volunteer personnel and personnel appointed to serve without pay shall not be covered by the provisions of the plan. D. Members of Boards and Commissions Members of boards and commissions shall be subject to applicable sections of state statutes and local ordinances. Unless otherwise stated, members of boards and commissions shall not be covered by provisions of this plan. E. Employees Covered Under the Memoranda of Understanding Employees covered under the memoranda of understanding between Salt Lake City and a recognized employee bargaining agent shall be subject to the applicable sections of their memoranda. Unless otherwise specifically stated, said employees shall not be covered by the provisions of this plan. Compensation Plan Page 2 ` III. 'WAGES AND SALARIES A. Executive Officers Eligible executive officers shall be paid within ranges under the schedule attached hereto as Appendix A. B. Merit Employees Eligible employees shall be paid monthly salaries as specified under the schedule attached hereto as Appendix B. Eligible employees shall be advanced within the adopted schedule under current compensation rules and regulations adopted by the Mayor based upon recognition for performance with the exception of annual cost-of-living adjustments. C. Fire Department Personnel Fire Department personnel not otherwise provided for in the compen- sation programs of the city shall be paid monthly salaries specified in the schedule attached hereto as Appendix C. D. Elected Officials The annual compensation of elected officials shall be as follows: Mayor $45,000 Council Members 8,500 Effective January 1, 1985 the Mayor's and the Council's salarys shall increase to and respectively on an annual basis. E. Statutory Officers Statutory officers of the City shall be paid within the following base salary ranges and advanced under approved compensation rules and regulations: City Attorney $3,538 - $5,308 Fire Chief $3,381 - $5,072 Police Chief $3,381 - $5,072 City Engineer $3,021 - $4,531 City Treasurer $2,610 - $3,915 City Recorder $2,610 - $3,915 F. Adult School Crossing Guards Adult school guards employed by the City to assist school children in crossing streets shall receive compensation of $285.00 per ninth and a monthly uniform allowance of $35.00. .Compensation Plan Page 3 , G. Forms of Compensation The foregoing shall not restrict the Mayor from distributing appropri- ated monies to employees of the City in the form of retirement contri- butions; making lump sum incentive payments to executives within per annum pay limitations; or classifying and advancing eligible employees under rules and regulations promulgated by the mayor. IV. PAY PREMIUMS, DIFFERENTIALS AND ALZOWANCES In addition to compensation provided under Section III, eligible employ- ees of the city shall receive the following benefits: A. Longevity Pay 1. Eligible employees in 400 and 500 series pay classes shall receive no longevity benefit under this plan. 2. Executive and Professional employees in the Police and Fire department shall not be eligible for longevity benefits, unless authorized by order of the Mayor, the longevity benefit for the majority of such employees having been previously included within base pay. 3. All other eligible employees of the City who have completed seven (7) consecutive full years of employment with the City, shall receive a monthly longevity benefit in the sum of $50.00 per month. Said benefit shall be increased to $75.00 per ninth for employees who have completed eleven' (11) consecutive full years of employment with the City. Said benefit shall increase to $100.00 per month for employees who have completed seventeen (17) full years of employment with the City. B. Overtime Compensation Eligible employees who are authorized and required by their super- visors to perform City work on an overtime basis shall be compensated by pay or compensatory time off under rates and procedures estab- lished by administrative order. The decision to award pay or com- pensatory time off shall be at the absolute discretion of the City. In no case shall overtime compensation exceed the rate of 1-1/2 times an employee's regular hourly rate of pay.- C. Certification Incentive Pay The Mayor may adopt programs to promote employee education and train- ing, provided that all compensation incentive under such programs are authorized within appropriate budget limitations established by the City Council. l , Compensation Plan Page 4 D. Other Allowances 1. Business Expenses The Mayor or Chief Administrative Officer shall adopt rules and regulations for the authorization of employee advancement or re- imbursement for actual expenses reasonably incurred in the perform- ance of City business. Advancement or reimbursement shall be approved only for expenses documented and authorized in advance within budget limitations established by the City Council. 2. Automobiles The Mayor may authorize under City policy an eligible employee to utilize a City vehicle on a take-home basis, and may, as a condition of receipt, require eligible employees to reimburse the City for a portion of the_take-home vehicle cost. All other officers and employees who are authorized to use and who do use privately-owned automobiles for official City business shall be reimbursed for the operation expenses of said auto- mobiles at a rate of twenty-one (21) cents per mile. A car allowance may be paid to department heads and other eligible employees at a rate not to exceed $250 per month. Such payment shall be in lieu of any mileage allowance. 3. Uniform Allowances Eligible employees shall be provided the following monthly uniform, allowances when required to wear uniforms in the execution of their duties. Field Supervisor (Parking Enforcement) $40.00 Fire Dispatchers, Senior Fire Dispatchers, $40.00 EMT Instructor Trainees, and Life/Fire Safety Inspectors within the Fire Department Non-sworn police merit level employees $40.00 Sworn crime lab and evidence room technicians $50.00 Other eligible employees of the Fire Department in pay class 400, 405, 410 A through 410-F and 415. $50.00 Compensation Flan Page 5 Uniform allowances are provided on the condition that eligible employees maintain their uniforms through their duty shifts in reasonably good, clean, neat and pressed condition; of proper identification and insignia not worn, frayed or unsightly, and otherwise in full compliance with applicable department regu- lations. Failure to maintain apparel in accordance with the above shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including for- feiture of uniform allowances provided hereunder. V. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Eligible employees shall receive leaves of absence as provided in this section. The Mayor shall provide by order, rule and regulation, the specific terms and conditions upon which such leaves are to be made available to eligible employees. A. Holidays The following days shall be recognized and observed as holidays for all eligible employees. All such employees shall receive their regular rate of pay for each of the following unworked holidays: 1. The first day of January, called New Year's Day 2. The twelfth day of February, the anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln 3. The third Monday in February, observed as the anniversary of the birth of George Washington 4. The last Monday of May, called Memorial Day 5. The fourth day of July, called Independence Day 6. The twenty-fourth day of July, called Pioneer Day 7. The first Monday in September, known as Labor Day 8. The second Monday of October, known as Columbus Day 9. The eleventh day of November, known as Veteran's Day 10. The fourth Thursday in November, known as Thanksgiving Day 11. The twenty-fifth day of December, called Christmas 12. One personal holiday can be taken upon request of the employee at the discretion of the supervisor. Ccanpensation Plan . Page 6 When any holiday listed above falls on Sunday, the following business day shall be considered a holiday. When any holiday listed above falls on a Saturday, the preceding business day shall be considered a holiday. In addition to the above, any day may be designated as a holiday by proclamation of the Mayor and/or City Council. No employee shall receive in excess of one day of holiday pay for a single holiday. All employees must work or be on authorized leave their last scheduled working hours before and the next scheduled working day following the holiday to qualify for holiday pay. B. Vacations Eligible employees shall be entitled to receive their regular salaries during vacation periods earned and taken in accordance with the pro- visions of this section. Eligible employees shall earn a vacation period of four (4) hours per semi-monthly pay period from the date of full-time employment; (6 on-duty shifts per full calendar year of employment for combat fire personnel); provided further, that no person shall be entitled to any vacation unless such person has successfully completed their probationary period of full-time employment with the City. Eligible employees who have completed nine (9) consecutive full years of employment with the City shall earn a vacation equal to 5.66 hours per semi-monthly pay period; (8.5 on-duty shifts per full calendar year of employment for combat fire personnel) . Eligible employees who have completed fourteen (14) consecutive years with the City shall earn a vacation equal to 7.33 hours per semi- monthly pay period; (11 on-duty shifts per full calendar year of employment for combat fire personnel). Combat fire personnel shall accumulate vacation leave on an annual basis and shall be eligible to use such leave, ccmencing in the calendar year following accrual. Not withstanding the above, Department Heads shall be eligible for twenty days vacation on January first of each of the first fourteen years of employment with the City and twenty-five days each January first thereafter. Eligible employees may accumulate vacations, (including both accrued vacation and sick-leave conversion time), according to the length of their full-time, consecutive years of employment with the City up to the following maximum limits: After 6 month up to 25 days After 9 years up to 30 days After 14 years up to 35 days Department Heads up to 40 days Ca:tpensation Plan Page 7 Any vacation accrued beyond said maximums shall be deemed forfeited unless utilized prior to the end of the calendar year in which maximum has been accrued. Every employee whose employment is terminated by resignation or other- wise shall be entitled to be paid for: 1. All earned vacation time accrued, unused, and unforfeited as of the date of termination, but not including any sick leave con- version time; plus 2. In cases of permanent separation, the City will use its best efforts to compensate employees for unused compensatory time off, within forty-eight hours from the date of termination. However, the provisions of subsection I, notwithstanding, no employee shall be entitled to any termination benefit or payment for any vacation time which has not been vested, accrued, unforfeited and unused and shall not be entitled to any payment or termination benefit: 1. Until an employee has completed six (6) months of full-time employment with the City; or 2. If any resigning employee fails to give at least ten (10) days prior written notice to his department head of his contemplated resignation. The City may purchase up to, but not exceeding two (2) weeks of earned and accrued vacation time, to which an eligible employee is entitled. Subject to the Mayor's approval, the Personnel Officer shall establish by rule and regulation the terms and conditions under which such purchases are to be permitted. C. Sick Leave Sick leave shall be provided for eligible employees only, as insurance against loss of income when an employee is unable to perform assigned duties because of illness or injury. The Mayor may establish rules and regulations for the correlation of sick leave and worker's com- pensation benefits. Executive and Merit level employees shall be entitled to fifteen (15) days sick leave (7.5 on-duty shifts for combat fire professionals and executives) on January first of each calendar year or upon completion of their probationary period. All other eligible employees shall earn one sick leave day for each full month worked during any given year after successful completion of their probationary periods (combat fire personnel shall earn sick leave at the rate of six on-duty shifts per year). The foregoing notwithstanding, no employee is entitled to sick leave until successfully completing the initial probationary period. Authorized and unused sick leave may be accumulated from year to year subject to limitations of this plan. Compensation Plan F Page 8 An eligible employee who has accumulated thirty (30) sick leave days may choose to convert a portion of the yearly sick-leave grant from any given year to vacation under the following schedule: Number of sick leave days used Number of sick during previous leave days eligible calendar year for conversion 0 5 1 4 2 3 3 2 4 1 5 0 Any election by an employee to convert any sick leave to vacation time must be made by notifying the Office of Personnel Management, in writing, on or before January 31 of each year; otherwise, no conversion will be allowed for that calendar year and such conversion privilege shall be deemed waived for that calendar year. In no event shall sick-leave days be converted for other than the current year's sick-leave allocation. Any sick-leave days properly converted to vacation benefits as above described, shall be deemed to be taken prior to any other days of vacation time to which the employee is entitled. Any sick-leave days converted to vacation days remaining unused at the date of termination or retirement shall be forfeited by the City employee; however, for purposes of this section, conversion days shall be construed as used prior to vacation days otherwise accrued by an employee. Authorized and unused sick leave may be accumulated from year to year. D. Hospitalization Leave In addition to the sick leave authorized hereunder, each eligible employee of the City shall be entitled to thirty (30) days hospital- ization leave (except for members of the combat division of the fire department who shall be entitled to 15 duty shifts off for hospital- ization leave) each calendar year, provided that such leave may be taken only if, and during the period that, such employee is actually confined to a hospital or other facility as adopted under rules and regulations prescribed by the Mayor. Hospital leave shall not ac- cumulate from year to year. No employee of the City shall be entitled to receive hospitalization- leave benefits for illness, injuries or disability resulting from accidents arising out of or in the course of this employment for an employer other than the City. Ccxnpensation Plan Page 9 Each employee who takes authorized sick leave or authorized hospital- ization-leave shall continue to receive his regular salary during his absence from work for the periods set forth in this chapter. The Mayor may establish rules and regulations which extend hospital- ization leave to circumstances where an employee receives medical treatment on an out-patient basis, in lieu of hospital confinement. E. Funeral Leave 1. Time off with pay will be granted to an eligible employee who suffers the loss of a wife, husband, child, mother, father, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandfather, or grandmother. In the event of death in any of these instances, the employee will be paid his regular base pay for scheduled work time from time of death through the day of the funeral, not to exeeed five (5) days. Eligible employees will be permitted one additional day of funeral leave, on the day following the funeral if such funeral is held more than 150 miles distance from Salt Lake City. Satisfactory proof of such death, together with the date thereof, the date and location of the funeral, and the date of burial, must be furnished by the employee to his supervisor. 2. In the event of death of relatives other than those enumerated in subsection 1, an eligible employee will be paid for time off from scheduled working hours while attending the funeral services for such person, not to exceed eight hours. 3. In the event of death of friends, an eligible employee may be granted time off without pay while attending the funeral services for such persons, not to exceed four (4) hours subject to the approval of his immediate supervisor. 4. In the event the death of any member of the immediate family as set forth in subsection 1 of this article occurs while an eligible employee is on vacation, his vacation will be extended by the amount of time authorized as funeral leave under said subsection. 5. The provisions of this article shall not be applicable to employees who are on leave of absence other than vacation leave. F. Military -- Entry into Service Eligible employees of the City who enlist or are called or inducted into and enter active service in the State militia or any branch of the Federal military, naval, air or marine service shall be entitled to absent himself from his duties and service with the City while engaged in the performance of active military or naval duties and while going to and returning from such duties. No such person or employee shall be subject by reason of such absence to any loss or diminution of vacation or holiday privileges nor shall he be prejudiced by reason of such absence with reference to promotion Compensation Plan Page 10 or continuance in office, employment, reappointment to office or re- employment. All such persons shall be entitled to re-employment by the City upon their following the precedures outlined by statute. G. Military -- Annual Encampment Eligible employees who are or shall become members of the Organized Reserve of the United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines or any unit of the Utah National Guard, shall be allowed full pay for all time not in excess of fifteen (15) days per year spent on duty, at annual encampment or rifle competition or other duties in connection with the reserve training and instruction of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines of the United States. This leave shall be in addition to annual vacation leave with pay. H. Leave for Jury Duty Eligible employees shall be entitled to receive and retain statutory juror's fees paid for jury service in the District and Federal Courts whose jurisdictions include Salt Lake County subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth. No reduction in an employee's salary shall be made for absence frcm work resulting from such jury service for a total of seven (7) days during such employee's term of jury service whether consecutive or not. In the event that an employee is required to serve as a juror more than seven (7) days during his term of jury service, the matter of salary reduction shall be presented to the department head for determination. On those days that an employee is required to report for jury service and is thereafter excused from such service during his regular working hours for the City, he shall forthwith return to and carry on his regular City employment. Failure to so return to work shall result in the forfeiture of that day's pay by such employee. I. Parental Leave A leave of absence may be requested by any eligible employee (except employees in the police and fire units) becoming a parent through birth or adoption, with pay on a straight-time basis, for a period not to exceed five (5) consecutive days from the date the child commences residence with such employee, provided: 1. The child is a minor child and is permanently placed with the employee; provided, however, that marriage to a spouse with child or children shall not be grounds for leave granted under this section even if adoption is then or subsequently considered and no parental leave shall be permitted for a child in the custody of an employee's spouse prior to the marriage of that spouse by the employee. 2. The employee has accumulated any unused sick leave and is entitled to or has converted to vacation days under section III hereof, equal to or greater the number of days to be taken under this section. Under no circumstances shall the employee be entitled to use as parental leave more days than accrued as sick leave Compensation Plan Page 11 conversion or to which such employee would have been entitled to so convert. 3. The employee gives notice to his or her supervisor as soon as possible under the circumstances. 4. The employee provides, upon request by a supervisor, certification of birth or evidence of a child placement for adoption to his or her supervisor within five (S) days following termination of such leave. An employee's accumulated sick leave and sick leave conversion entitle- ments for the following calendar year, provided for under section III, shall be reduced by the number of days taken by an employee as parental leave under this section. J. Additional Leaves of Absence Additional leaves of absence may be granted an eligible employee at the discretion of the department head. VI. INSURANCE A. Group Insurance Eligible employees of the City may participate in the City's group insurance plan in conformity with and under the terms of an insurance plan adopted by the Mayor covering such employees. Retired City employees, and other persons may also be permitted to participate in the plan under terms and conditions set forth by the Mayor. The Mayor shall cause the specific provisions of the group plan offered by the City to be detailed and made available to the City's workforce. The City may deduct frcm each payroll all monies necessary to fund employee shares of insurance coverage and make all payments necessary to fund the plan within budget limitations established by the City Council. All officers and employees eligible to participate in the group insurance plan shall be enrolled unless waivers are executed by employees desiring exemption, in form and manner and at such times as the Mayor may direct. B. Worker's Compensation In addition to the foregoing, the Mayor may provide for worker's compensation coverage to the City's workforce under applicable pro- visions of state statute, and other service related disability plans compensating employees of the City who are permanently and totally disabled while in the discharge of their official duties. VI I. RETIRFI%= A. Social Security Adopted. Exception. Compensation Plan Page 12 �- Salt Lake City hereby adopts the provisions of the Federal social security system and applies and extends all of the benefits of the old age and survivor' s insurance of the social security act to eligible employees; provided, however, that officers and employees in the classified civil service of Salt Lake City in the Fire and Police Departments shall be exempted from such adoption, unless determined otherwise by the Mayor. B. Retirement Programs The City may permit or require the participation of eligible employees in it's retirement program(s). Under terms and conditions established by the Mayor. Such programs may include: 1. The Utah State Public Safety Retirement Act 2. The Fireman's Pension and Disability Retirement 3. The Utah State Retirement System 4. Deferred Compensation Programs 5. Retirement Incentive Programs The City may deduct frcm wages and salaries due eligible employees covered by this section, the payroll deductions determined by the Mayor to be necessary to fund employee contributions to such programs. C. Sick Leave Pay at Retirement At retirement, eligible employees shall be paid in cash, at the person's current pay scale, a sum equal to the employee's daily rate of pay for 25 percent of the accumulated sick leave days re- served for the benefit of the employee at the date of retirement. In lieu of the above, an employee may elect to convert 50 percent of the accumulated unused sick leave days to hospital and surgical coverage at the rate of one month of insurance for each day of ac- cumulated sick days reserved for the employee's benefit at the date of retirement. Such sick leave retirement benefits shall also be available to executive level employees who have not retired from employment with the City when employment has been terminated by death or resignation (provided that in the case of death, benefits shall be payable to the employee's survivor) occurring after the date the employee has become eligible for full service retirement frau the City. This provision shall not act to instate an employee with sick leave benefits which were in any respect lost, used or forfeited prior to the effective date of this plan. EXE rIVE PAY CLASS APPENDIX A Chief Administrative Officer/Director of $3647 - $5471 Finance and Administrative Services Director - Airports $3647 - $5471 City Attorney $3538 - $5308 Police Chief $3381 - $5072 Fire Chief $3381 - $5072 Director - Public Works $3381 - $5072 Director - Public Utilities $3381 - $5072 Director - Development Services $3213 - $4818 Director - Parks $3213 - $4818 Administrative Services Director $3021 - $4531 Redevelor-nent Director $3021 - $4531 City Engineer $3021 - $4531 Finance Director $3021 - $4531 Deputy City Attorney $3021 - $4531 Superintendent of Water $2878 - $4317 Superintendent of Streets & Sanitation $2878 - $4317 Planning & Zoning Director $2878 - $4317 Personnel Director $2878 - $4317 Transportation Engineer $2878 - $4317 Major - Police $2878 - $4317 Deputy Chief - Fire $2878 - $4317 Airport Deputy Director - Operations $2878 - $4317 Executive Pay Class Page2 A, Airport Deputy Director - Finance & Administration $2878 - $4317 Airport Deputy Director - Engineering & Maintenance $2878 - $4317 j Management Information Systems Manager $2878 - $4317 City Prosecutor $2878 - $4317 Superintendent - Wastewater $2740 - $4111 Building & Housing Services Director $2740 - $4111 General Services Manager $2740 - $4111 Executive Assistant to the Mayor $2740 - $4111 Executive Director/ City Council $2740 - $4111 Public Utilities - Chief Finance & Accounting Officer $2610 - $3915 Housing Authority Director $2610 - $3915 Fleet Services Manager $2610 - $3915 Assistant Director - Parks $2610 - $3915 City - Treasurer $2610 - $3915 City - Recorder $2610 - $3915 _ APPENDIX B A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P �. 301 1234 1268 1303 1339 1375 1413 1452 1492 1533 1575 1619 1663 1709 1756 1804 1854 302 1265 1300 1336 1372 1410 1449 1489 1530 1572 1615 1659 1705 1752 1800 1849 1900 303 1296 1332 1368 1406 1445 1484 1525 1567 1610 1654 1700 1747 1795 1844 1895 1947 304 1329 1366 1403 1442 1481 1522 1564 1607 1651 1697 1743 1791 1840 1891 1943 1996 ' 305 1361 1398 1437 1476 1517 1559 1602 1646 1691 1737 1785 1834 1885 1937 1990 2044 306 1396 1434 1474 1514 1556 1599 1643 1688 1734 1782 1831 1881 1933 1986 2041 2097 307 1431 1470 1511 1552 1595 1639 1684 1730 1778 1827 1877 1929._ 1982 2036 2092 2150 308 1466 1506 1548 15030 1634 1679 1725 1773 1821 1871 1923 1976 2030 2086 2143 2202 309 1504 1545 1588 1632 1676 1722 1770 1 1819 1869 1920 1973 2027 2083 2140 2199 2259 310 1541 1583 1627 1672 1718 1765 1813 1863 1915 1967 2021 2077 213.4 2193 2253 2315 311 1594 1638 1683 1729 1777 1826 1876 1927 1 1980 2035 2091 2148 2207 2268 2330 2394 312 1650 1695 1742 1790 1839 1890 1942 1995 2050 2106 2164 2224 2285 2348 2412 2479 313 1708 1755 1803 1.853 1904 1956 2010 2065 2122 2180 2240 2302 2365 2430 2497 2566 314 1768 1817 1867 191.8 1971 2025 2081 2138 2197 2257 2319 2383 2448 2516 2585 2656 315 1830 1880 1932 1985 2040 2096 2153 2213 2274 2336 2400 2466 2534 2604 2675 2749 316 1894 1946 2000 2055 2111 2169 2229 2290 2353 2418 2484 2553 2623 2695 2769 2845 317 1960 2014 2069 2126 2185 2245 2306 2370 2435 2502 2571 2642 2714 2789 2866 2944 318 2029 2085 2142 2201 2262 2324 2388 2453 2521 2590 2661 2735 2810 2887 2966 3048 319 2121 2179 2239 2301 2364 2429 2496 2565 2635 2708 2782 2859 2937 3018 3101 3186 320 2215 2276 2338 2403 2469 2537 2607 2678 2752 2828 2905 2985 3067 3152 3238 1 3327 321 2315 2379 2444 2411 2580 2651 2724 2799 2876 2955 3036 3120 3206 3294 3385 3478 322 2420 2487 2555 2625 2697 2772 2848 2926 3007 3089 3174 3261 3351 3443 3538 3635 323 2528 2598 2669 2742 2818 2895 2975 3057 3141 3227 3316 3407 3501 3597 1 3696 3798 324 2643 2716 2790 2867 2946 3027 3110 3196 3284 3374 3467 3562 3660 3761 3864 3970 325 2760 2836 2914 2994 3076 3161 3248 1 3337 3429 3523 3620 3720 3822 3927 4035 4146 I 326 2885 2964 1 3046 3130 3216 3304 3'395 3488 3584 3683 3784 3888 1 3995 4105 4218 4334 5-29-84 APPENDIX C 400 Series Monthly Compensation Schedule A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 I� 400 I 1265 1300 1336 1372 1410 1449 1489 1530 1572 1615 1659 1705 1752 1800 1849 19001 405 I 1361 1398 1437 1476 1517 1559 1602 1646 1691 1737 1785 1834 1885 1937 1990 20441 I 410 I 1594 1638 1683 1729 1777 1826 1876 1927 1980 2035 2091 2148 2207 2268 2330 23941 415 1 1380 1492 1597 1790 1986 2104 2177 2185 2194 2261 2272 2284 2290 2306 2400 24241 420 1 1830 1880 1932 1985 2040 2096 2153 2213 2274 2336 2400 2466 2534 2604 2675 27491 425 1 1894 1946 2000 2055 2111 2169 2229 2290 2353 2418 2484 2553 2623 2695 2769 28451 PAY SALARY CLASS TITLE RANGE 400 Fire Prevention Inspector 1265 - 1900 405 Communication Specialist 1361 - 2044 410 Fire Prevention Specialist 1594 - 2394 415 Firefighter 1380 - 2424 420 Engineer 1830 - 2749 Hazardous Materials Specialist Instructor 425 Firefighter/Paramedic 1894 - 2845 Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake — ;,., —:a. Cheryl Gierloff........................................................ > .. AN., OfNAfJ- , N_ING, NK,22�j 1d1.0 ARE- ; isFD.gMtp►NAN ;+A 4LT- 1 4k6 '{tITYy U7AH,, 965j,AS 4S� . , , �ti .o., Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is ° kY ,r` legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily if`- newspaper p g avfi�i�,��1i.s�+!?�, news er tinted a in the English language with general circulation in Utah and published in Salt Lake City, 1'1- the,R1e�is6d��1 �� .s � f a - rlake.�ity,a)talt as'i6s4` Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. p end 4X g p' y'39r ;+1 , �d�.is.,hera¢Y'amE 25.10,.SwMae sltiad, That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto 6 �a p11t d"; C..0#1± sa t9li` mlfnlisfraf zPru: m-.irgm'. 4 (`or,. Salt Lake Ciy- Ordinance N0. 41 of 1984 . �fMmp4i11;aF(kn eta �► ar.Gatc�'Pty.+crrlhlo e� „ r r r.�tiabf'riy•t sr a' CitY..Em. t..o.3'.e.e....C..a.m..I?e..n..s..a.t..ion Plan ........................................... bV lee orr. I TeQe rK e a H1jy r, li1� een iliA b ............................................................................................. n d.ft K di iti The play h"bin aitd any ame0drg8nt or lion Miereto"'slNfil.'not officers or,�empI ees-whose was published in said newspaper on.................................. employment terminated prior to publitation,of.this'ordinance onto-the,adoption'of.any JU1 9 1984 amendment or'-modification to ..Y...................................... ............. the plan. : .. SECTION j,This ordinance t shall take effect on July 1 1994.. Passed by"city dynell,of ............................................ Salt Lake'City, Qtah,'thls 12th day Of Dyne;►�• I.e a A rtisin rk ! RonaldJ.-whlte�eakR g g ATTEST: a C1iA1RMAN+ Kalhry_ri all C,,.R.r.2, TransiMlt6d to ayar.on June 0j J9&t. Mayor's Action:June 12,-190 'r..,. n' 'Ted Wilson MAYOR ATTEST- ( ' Kathryn MkxshaIf CITY RMCMER' Sul, IILLL41Of17e+ ,: �n to before me this .........................15th.................................... day of ftblishcd my 9,1984�' ..............................UH t........ A.D. 19...8.4.... .. . ............................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1 1988 ......................r............................... DAV13 ��, Of��