041 of 1987 - Elections and Disclosure of Campaign Financing 0 87-1 0 87-19 APPROVE PRINTING SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE p,� r No . 41 of 1987 R U ARD IlIi�E (Elections and Disclosure of Campaign Financing) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-27-6 AND 25-27 -11, AND REPEALING SECTION 25-27-12 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY; RELATING TO ELECTIONS ; PROVIDING FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF CAMPAIGN FINANCING. SECTION 1. That Section 25-27-6 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to campaign financial disclosure be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec. 25-27-6. Financial statements. Filing dates . ( 1 ) Except as otherwise provided in subsection ( 3 ) of this section, each political committee and personal campaign committee shall file with the City Recorder a verified financial statement containing the information required herein on the following dates: ( a) On the 5th day prior to any election; ( b) On the loth day of December of the year of the election for which the political committee or personal campaign committee was formed; and ( c) On the fifteenth day of February of every year; (2 ) The statement shall contain all expenditures and contributions within the reporting period. The closing date for each statement shall be the date on which the statement must be filed . Each financial statement shall contain: ( a) ( b) ( c) The name and address of each contributor contributing over $25, and the date on which each of such contribution was received; ( d) ( 3 ) other than the annual report required by subsection 25- 27-6( 1) ( c) of this section , no committee is required to file the financial statement specified in subsection ( 1) of this section if it made no expenditures during the calendar year ending December 31. ( 4 ) Within thirty days after distribution of any surplus and/or payment or compromise of all debts , a political committee or personal campaign committee shall file a termination report with the city recorder. The termination report shall state the name and address of any person who received surplus , the name and address of any person to whom any debt was paid or compromised and a certification by the secretary that the committee has permanently ceased operations. In the event a political committee or personal campaign committee intends that a termination report shall be included as part of the annual report required by subsection 25-27-6 (1) (c) of this section, or its successor , it shall so state in said annual report . ( 5 ) The requirements of this chapter shall not be construed -2- to abrogate the necessity of complying with any other reporting or disclosure required by the law. SECTION 2. That Section 25-27-11 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to campaign financial disclosure be, and the same hereby is amended as follows : Sec. 25-27-11. Penalties. (1) The name of a candidate shall not be printed on, or if already printed shall be removed from, the official ballot for the ensuing election unless the statements of contributions and expenditures relating to the candidate have been filed by the candidate or the candidate' s personal campaign committee as required by this ordinance . ( 2 ) It shall be unlawful to administer the oath of office, or to issue a certificate of election to any candidate for the offices of Mayor or Councilmember until the candidate' s personal campaign committee has filed the financial disclosure statements as required by this act, which statements shall be complete upon their face and show compliance to the provisions herewith, and no person shall enter upon the duties of the office until the personal campaign committee has filed the required statements , nor shall any salary or fees be received by that person for a period prior to the filing of the statements . (3 ) It shall be a misdemeanor punishable as provided by Chapter 1 of Title 26 of these ordinances , or its successor , for any person to fail to file any report specified in this ordinance -3- or to knowingly or willfully falsify or omit any information required by any of the provisions of this ordinance . SECTION 3. That Section 25-27-12 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, relating to campaign financial disclosure be, and the same hereby is REPEALED. SECTION 4. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City , Utah, this 14th day of July . 1987• VICE AIRPERSON ATTEST: 4, Y RDER Transmitted to the Mayor on 7/15/87 Mayor's Action: u Approved Vetoed MAYOR ATTEST: CITY R RDER Salt Lkre c c l4 s Date � 7�t old?. ..-...� ( SEAL) --7-/21/87 -4- 143 SOUTH MAIN sT. Newspaper Agency Corporation P.O. BOX 45838 AGENT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84145 Lr a halt fakt IXtibune DESERET NEWS FED.TAX I.D.#87-0217663 MORNING &SUNDAY EVENING &SUNDAY Affidavit of Publication -yt Hereby certify that the attached advertiseme t of SYNOPSISi5"ALT LAKE CITY OROINANCE41 OF 1 STATE OF UTAH. SS, for CITY RECORDER was published by the County of Salt Lake NEWSPAPER AGENCY CORPORATION, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE and DESERET NEWS, daily newspapers printed in the English language with general circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, Salt _ - Lake County in the State of Utah. 11 SALT LAK+1 19DRDINANCE (Elections df and Disclosures 07 PUBLISHED ON J U L 21 1987 Of CamoolJ►I Inancing) The Sad Lake C council of its ,lulu 14, 1987 an ,11 r ng adopted nWOSUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF JULY 19 87 on ordinance d 2S-21-6 W 1 ppe'ling Seat is 2S-27-12 of; - RpSLC. � e disb 'Ys Mons prOvlding /` J y C p qf i8s� dinancd ttr` Wall for In.thc C)N ',` � NOTARY PUBLIC Recor er's Oft14e Sfh FIOOr. Az Ci1Y HON, 824 9tluf� Slafe�dbr- ing regular business hours. This ordinance shall take upon , � MARCH 1, 1988 publication. . (187-t9) m COMMISSION EXPIRES PUBLISHED:July 21,1987 �t t RESIDING IN SALT LAKE COUNTY INVOICELEGAL ADVERTISING ACCOUNT NAME AD NUMBER TELEPHONE CITY RECORDER 0-55 801-535-7671 OUST. REF. NO. SCHEDULE MISC. CHARGES (0 87-19) JUL 21 1987 12`00 CAPTION SIZE TIMES RATE AD CHARGE SYNOPSIS OFSALT LAKE CITY OR 23 LINES 1 .87 17.94 DUE AND PAYABLE ON RECEIPT OF THIS INVOICETOTAL AMOUNT DUE 29.94 FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 801-237-2796 millt-