041 of 2014 - Amending the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule 0 14-1 0 11-9 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 41 of 2014 (Amending the Consolidated Fee Schedule While Also Amending and Enacting Ordinances Related to the Fees Set Forth On the Consolidated Fee Schedule) An ordinance amending the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule; amending Sections 2.12.040, 3.50.020, 5.16.090, 5.51.027, 15.16.090, 15.24.120, 18.98.090, and 18.98.160 of the Salt Lake City Code, and enacting Sections 3.16.005, 12.56.600, and 15.16.120 of the Salt Lake City Code. WHEREAS, on May 17, 2011 the City Council adopted Ordinances 2011-23, 2011-24 and 2011-25 to authorize and create the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule; and WHEREAS, the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule has since been amended from time to time; and WHEREAS, it is now proposed that the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule be amended to include, eliminate, or otherwise modify various fees as shown in the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds (i) the fees set forth in Exhibit "A" are necessary, reasonable, and equitable in relation to regulatory and service costs incurred by the City; and (ii) adoption of this ordinance reasonably furthers the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Salt Lake City; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to insure that the provisions of the Salt Lake City Code closely correspond to the Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule; NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. The Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be, and hereby is, amended to reflect the fees and corresponding information set forth in the attached Exhibit "A". SECTION 2. The official copy of the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule shall be revised to reflect the tees and corresponding information set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" and a copy thereof shall be published on the official Salt Lake City website. SECTION 3. Section 2.12.040 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 2.12.040: BUSINESS PERMIT FEES: The city shall collect the permit fees; and other fees including cost recovery fees, event-specific fees, report fees, and late fees; shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule for each business activity regulated by the fire prevention bureau under the international fire code or other authority. No new fee shall exceed the maximum fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 4. Section 3.50.020 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 3.50.020: DEFINITIONS: As used in this chapter: BASIC CITY SERVICES: Those services determined in the sole discretion of the city to be necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare of participants and spectators at any commercially related special event or free expression activity. CITY COSTS: Any expense incurred by the city, as a result of a commercially related special event or free expression activity except those for basic city services and except for city services specifically budgeted for commercially related special events or free expression activities. The fee amounts used to calculate such city costs are set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. CITY SERVICES: The provision of city employees or equipment for services related to commercially related special events or free expression activities including police, fire and building inspection services other than those which are determined by the city to be basic city services. City services shall also include the city allowing the applicant or sponsor the exclusive use of city property including the exclusive right to sell merchandise on the property. COMMERCIALLY RELATED SPECIAL EVENT: A. Any organized formation, parade, procession, assemblage of people, animals, vehicles or any combination thereof, which assembles or travels in unison with common purpose upon any public street, highway, alley, sidewalk or other public way and which does not comply with normal or usual traffic regulations or controls; or B. Any organized assemblage at any public park or other city owned public forum which gathers for a common purpose or event under the discretion and control of a responsible person or entity and which requires more services, facilities or equipment than normally provided to groups which reserve park facilities; and C. In either circumstance: 1. Which charges a fee of any kind for participation in the event or for viewing any or all of the event, or 2. Which is organized by an individual or entity for the purpose of making a financial return on the event. D. Commercially related special event shall not include any event or activity of a type specified above which claims to be a "free expression activity" as defined below. EVENTS COORDINATOR: A city employee designated by the mayor for the purpose of administering the provisions of this chapter. EVENTS REVIEW COMMITTEE: A committee comprised as follows: A. Voting members (or their designees): 1. The mayor, 2. The city attorney, 3. The chief of police, 4. The director of public services, and 5. Up to six (6) residents of the city, appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the city council; B. Nonvoting/ex officio members (or their designees): 1. The director of Salt Lake Valley health department, 2. The chief executive officer of the Utah transit authority, 3. The director of the Salt Lake City chamber of commerce, and 4. The director of the city's downtown business improvement district contractor. FREE EXPRESSION ACTIVITY: Any formation, procession or assembly upon any public street, park or other public way or other traditional public forum in a manner which does not comply with normal or usual regulations or controls and which claims that it has the purpose of engaging in constitutionally protected speech or assembly. Free expression activity includes: A. "Advanced planned free expression activities" where the activity is scheduled sufficiently in advance of its occurrence, such that the city may lawfully require compliance with certain of the permitting requirements as specified below; and B. "Short notice free expression activities" which arise out of or are related to events or other public issues which cannot be reasonably anticipated far enough in advance of their occurrence to reasonably allow compliance with the requirements for advanced planned free expression activities. (Ord. 1-06 § 30, 2005: Ord. 23-93 § 4, 1993) SECTION 5. Section 5.51.040 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 5.51.027: SPECIAL EVENT ALCOHOL PERMITS: A. Required: A city-issued special event alcohol permit is required for all events which are required to obtain from the Utah alcoholic beverage control commission a single event permit or temporary special event beer permit under title 32A, Utah Code Annotated (2009) or its successor provisions, allowing alcohol to be stored, sold, served and consumed for short term events. B. Application Requirements: In addition to the application requirements set forth in section 5.02.060 of this title, the following information is required: 1. The time, dates, and location of the event. 2. A description of the nature and purpose of the event. 3. A description of the control measures to be imposed by the DABC and where alcohol will be stored, served and sold. 4. A signed consent form stating that law enforcement and authorized city representatives shall have the unrestricted right to enter and inspect the premises during the event to ensure compliance with state law and city ordinance. C. Operational Restrictions: The permittee is subject to all operational restrictions imposed by the DABC under its state permit. No alcohol may be served at any special event unless the city permittee also obtains the appropriate state permit. D. Nontransferable: Special event alcohol permits are not transferable. E. Time Limits: Special event alcohol permits are subject to the time limitations applicable to DABC single event permits and temporary special event beer permits. F. Fees: Special event alcohol permits are subject to the fees that correspond to chapter 5.04 of this title and to an alcohol concession agreement fee. Such fees are set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 6. Section 15.16.090 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 15.16.090: RECREATION PROGRAM FEES: A. The director of public services and the director of community and economic development, with approval of the mayor, shall establish a fee schedule for recreation program fees; provided, however, that all such fees shall be included on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. The maximum fees charged shall be as follows: 1. City Special Events: The majority of special events produced or sponsored by Salt Lake City shall be free to the public. These events include, but are not limited to, Bike Bonanza, Friday Night Flicks, 4th Of July Celebration at Jordan Park, Fireworks for 24th Of July Celebration at Liberty Park, Monster Block Party, Highland Bagpipe Experience, Salt Lake City Gets Fit Online Tracking, The People's Market, and the International Culture Fest. The Salt Lake City Gets Fit 5K is currently charging the admission fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. The Salt Lake City Gets Fit Volleyball Tournament charges the admission fee shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. These admission fees will not exceed the amount shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule, per person. These fees represent a partial recovery of the costs to produce these events. Fees for additional special events and festivals that may be produced or sponsored by Salt Lake City, or held on city owned or city managed property, shall be established consistent with fees for similar events as set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. 2. Programs And Fees: a. Youth And Family Programs: The youth and family recreation program fees are shown on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. B. The director of public services and the director of community and economic development, in establishing fees within the limitations provided in this section, shall determine the fee based upon the recoupment of costs incurred by city personnel for their time in making the reservations and in their involvement with the activity. The fees charged do not represent the payment of any consideration for the use of the land, which is provided at no cost, fee, or consideration. C. Refugee youth are eligible for scholarships funded by Salt Lake County. In general, refugee status is a form of protection that may be granted to people who meet the definition of refugee and who are of special humanitarian concern to the United States. SECTION 7. Section 15.24.120 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 15.24.120: PRICE FOR GRAVESITES: The price for each gravesite sold in the various locations within the city cemetery shall be as follows: A. Adult Gravesite: The price for an adult gravesite shall be as set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. B. Infant Gravesite: The price for an infant gravesite shall be as set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 8. Section 18.98.090 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 18.98.090: CHALLENGES AND APPEALS: A. 1. Any person or entity that has paid an impact fee may challenge the impact fee by filing: a. An appeal pursuant to subsection B of this section; b. A request for arbitration as provided in Utah code section 11-36a-705, as amended; or c. An action in district court. 2. An impact fee challenge may be initiated only within the time limits set forth in Utah code section 11-36a-702, as amended. 3. If, pursuant to Utah code section 1 1-36a-705, as amended, a person or entity submits an impact fee challenge to arbitration, the city shall not agree to participate in binding arbitration. 4. The remedy for a successful challenge to an impact fee shall be as provided in Utah code, title 11, chapter 36a, part 7, as amended. 5. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a fee payer to exhaust administrative remedies with the city before filing an action in district court under subsection (A)(1)(c) of this section. B. An appeals hearing officer, appointed by the mayor, shall hear and decide appeals alleging an error in any administrative decision made in the administration or enforcement of this chapter. Appeals to the appeals hearing officer shall be considered in accordance with the following procedures: 1. The standard of review for an appeal shall be de novo. The appeals hearing officer shall review the matter appealed anew, based upon applicable procedures and standards for approval, and shall give no deference to the decision below. 2. The appellant has the burden of proving the decision appealed is incorrect. 3. The community and economic development director may adopt policies and procedures consistent with the provisions of this section, for processing appeals, the conduct of an appeal hearing, and for any other purpose considered necessary to properly consider an appeal. C. 1. Any fee payer may pay the impact fees imposed by this chapter under protest in order to obtain a building permit and thereafter may appeal the validity or amount of such payment to the appeals hearing officer. Appeals regarding the impact fees imposed on any development activity may be filed only by the fee payer of the property where such development activity will occur. No appeal shall be permitted unless and until the impact fees at issue have been paid. 2. Appeals shall be made by filing a written notice of appeal with the appeals hearing officer, specifying the grounds thereof, and paying an administrative fee in the amount set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. a. The appellant may also submit, in writing, a request for information relative to the impact fee. b. The appeals hearing officer shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving notice of appeal, hold a hearing to consider the evidence and arguments of the appellant and shall record the hearing and retain such evidence. c. The appeals hearing officer shall issue a written decision on the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days after the day on which the appeal was filed. Notification of the decision of the appeals hearing officer shall be sent by mail to all parties to the appeal within ten (10) days of the appeals hearing officer's decision. 3. A person or an entity who is a party to an appeal may challenge a decision made by the appeals hearing officer by filing a petition for review of the decision with the district court as provided in the impact fees act, Utah code 11-36a-101 et seq., or its successor. SECTION 9. Section 18.98.160 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be. and hereby is, amended to read as follows: 18.98.160: INDEPENDENT CALCULATIONS: A. If a fee payer desires not to have the impact fees determined according to the schedule set forth in section 18.98.190, "Appendix A; Impact Fee Schedule", of this chapter, then the fee payer shall prepare and submit to the director an independent impact fee calculation for the development activity for which a building permit is sought. The documentation submitted shall show the basis upon which the independent impact fee calculation was made. The appropriate department staff persons shall review the independent impact fee calculation and provide an analysis to the director concerning whether the independent impact fee calculation should be accepted, rejected, or accepted in part. The director may adopt, reject, or adopt in part the independent impact fee calculation based on the department's analysis and based on the specific characteristics of the development activity. The impact fees or alternative impact fees and the calculations shall be set forth in writing and shall be mailed to the fee payer. B. Any fee payer submitting an independent impact fee calculation must pay to the city a fee to cover the cost of reviewing the independent impact fee calculation. The fee shall be an amount equal to the actual review costs incurred by the city, including the cost of any consultant services deemed necessary by the city. The city shall require the fee payer to post a cash deposit in the amount set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule prior to initiating the review. If the city's actual review costs exceed the cash deposit amount, then the fee payer will be responsible for paying such additional review costs. However, if the city's actual review costs fall below the cash deposit amount, then the fee payer shall be entitled to a refund of any portion of such cash deposit amount that exceeds the actual costs of review. C. The director shall consider the documentation submitted by the fee payer and the analysis prepared by the appropriate department staff persons, but is not required to accept such documentation or analysis. The director may require the fee payer to submit additional or different documentation for consideration. The director may adjust the impact fees on a case by case basis based on the independent impact fee calculation and the specific characteristics of the development activity. The impact fees or alternative impact fees and the calculations shall be set forth in writing and shall be mailed to the fee payer. SECTION 10. Section 3.16.005 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, enacted to read as follows: 3.16.005: LOAN APPLICATION FEES: Any person or entity applying for a loan from the city's loan programs must pay the application fee set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 11. Section 12.56.600 of the Salt Lake City Codc shall be, and hereby is, enacted to read as follows: 12.56.600: ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS - RATES: The rates the city charges for use of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations shall be as set forth in the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 12. Section 15.16.120 of the Salt Lake City Code shall be, and hereby is, enacted to read as follows: 15.16.120: ICE SKATING FEES: The fees imposed for use of the city's ice skating facilities located at the Gallivan Center shall be as set forth on the Salt Lake City consolidated fee schedule. SECTION 13. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt L., e City, , this 10hlay of June 2014. HAIRPERM+ ATTES : id g/eif(fig CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 10, 2014 • Mayor's Action: y Approved. Vetoed. AIF,. k MAYOR ITY RECORDER ' `````rYp p0, r t RATES (SEAL) �-r,...", .►+rya APPROVED AS TO FORM Bill No. 41 of 2014. Date: C. /U Published: June 20, 2014. By: �� ni"")".- HB_ATTY-#38807-v2-Ordinance_Amending_Consolidated_Fee_Schedule and_Related_Sections.DOC Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule a 4---:-4,.. h f, xy ._ 1-41 li,liN irc, i i weix- . 48, \ A. iZ1f/// Or i' '; i __ to m. ai �o aib $..., - r. . i, _II__--- mg, =In - r 1 Ise � FL� .. . N."' :r:, y y Z. „� f , Akt • _ I . ua___ lG �-.�. .ter-.ws'� %en.' /lin 0 _ C % 48 \:4431... NO\\\\ IV . 1,1 I rV , r Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 1 Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule This document shows fees charged by Salt Lake City to offset regulatory and administrative service costs. Although most City fees are shown, this consolidated fee schedule does not show penalties, such as fines and late fees; court fees; credit card processing fees; or fees required by a city contract, such as concession and franchise fees. It also may not show fees authorized by admin- istrative rules or a general delegation of authority. The City intends that future versions of this document will show such fees. Fees are generally listed by City department and the associated service. References to a "section" in the comments column means a section of the Salt Lake City Code. The code may be accessed by going to Sterlingcodifiers.com More than one fee may apply to a given set of circumstances. For answers to questions, please call the number shown at the top of each section. The fees here may change. The current consolidated fee schedule may be accessed by clicking here. The fee schedule was originally adopted by Ordinance 2011-25 and has been subsequently amended by: Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 2 (Amended By: _ (Code Sections Affected: 5.04.070 5.48.030 5.76.120 5.76.120 15.16.09 5.09.010 5.56.040 5.90.010 j 5.90.010 17.16.67 5.14.040 5.60.030 6.16.030 6.16.030 17.72.03 Ordinance 2011-44 5.16.060 5.61.120 12.56.170 12.56.170 17.81.20 5.16.180 5.64.280 12.56.210 12.56.210 18.44.03 5.37.080 5.70.040 14.52.030 14.52.030 5.42.030 5.74.080 Ordinance 2011-75 15.16.031 Ordinance 2012-3 8.04.065 8.04.070 Ordinance 2012-6 8.06.010 Ordinance 2012-27 18.98.190 9.08.030 15.16.090 16.56.050 16.60.120 12.56.170 16.12.140 16.56.090 17.04.030 12.56.240 16.12.150 16.56.100 17.16.670 Ordinance 2012-44 15.16.020 16.12.155 16.56.130 17.16.680 15.16.031 16.12.160 16.5 6.15 0 17.64.040 15.16.035 16.12.170 16.56.170 17.72.030 15.16.060 16.12.180 16.56.180 18.44.030 15.16.080 16.12.190 16.60.110 21A.64.010 Ordinance 2012-54 8.04.135 Ordinance 2012-69 !15.16.090 Ordinance 2012-93 17.90.020 17.95.300 Ordinance 2013-17 15.16.010 15.16.110 Ordinance 2013-28 Ordinance 2013-39 'Ordinance 2014-10 Ordinance 2014-27 Ordinance 2014-41 • Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 3 Consolidated Fee Schedule Table of Contents Page(s) Airport 5 - 6 Animal Services 6 - 7 Business Licensing 8 - 11 Cemetery 11 City and County Building Rental and Washington Square Use 12 - 13 Community Development 13 - 19 Engineering 19 Fire 20 - 23 Golf 23 - 24 Impact Fees 24- 25 Parking and Traffic 25 - 26 Parks and Recreation 26 - 29 Police 29 - 30 Records and Elections 30 - 31 Refuse 31 Sanitary Sewer Utilities 31 - 34 Special Events 34 - 35 Storm Water 35 - 36 Street Lighting 36 Water 36 - 39 Watershed Recreational 39 Zoning Fees 39 - 41 General Fund Miscellaneous Fees 41 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 4 .A N11 %. Ii! Salt Lake City Consolidated Fee Schedule AIRPORT For questions regarding Airport Fees Contact:801-575-2721 Service ( Fee Additional Information Section Aircraft Parking Fees Daily Monthly 16.12.180 Less than 12,500 pounds $10 $20 16.12.180 12,500 pounds to 44,999 poui $25 $30 16.12.180 45,000 pounds and above $50 $60 16.12.180 Aircraft parking fees exemption:Any person engaging in air transportation services having an assigned gate hold Aeronautical Services Aircraft rental permit $100.00 Annual,per aircraft rental 16.56.090 Aircraft sales permit $100.00 Annual 16.56.100 Commercial flight service pern $100.00 Annual,per aircraft 16.56.130 Commercial Flight service owr $100.00 Annual,per aircraft in addition to 16.56.130 Commercial Flight Service Permit Fee Flight training permit $100.00 Annual,per aircraft 16.56.150 Flight training owner permit $100.00 Annual,per aircraft in addition to flight 16.56.150 training owner permit fee Radio,Instrument or propeller repair service pen $100.00 Annual 16.56.170 Miscellaneous business permit $100.00 Annual 16.56.050 Any person desiring to engage in two(2)or more commercial aeronautical activities is responsible for payment of all fees as established for each aeronautical activity Multiple aeronautical services engaged in;however,fees for owned aircraft(as the term"owner"is defined in 16.56.180 Section 16.04.30 of this title),will be assessed for one(1)aeronautical activity only. Any Person offering any such services,or combinations thereof,shall do so under written lease or permit agreement with the City.For exemptions and other information,see Section 16.56.010. AVI Fees(Automated Vehicle Identification) Vehicle Category Fee 1 to 5 passengers 16.60.110; 16.60.120 6 to 9 passengers Set forth in current rate schedule 10 to 15 passengers _1 based on Administrative Rules and Rates established by Administrative Rules and Regulations(See Ground Regulations Transportation Rules and Regulations,Section 2.0);also see the current rate 16 to 24 passengers i schedule. >24 passengers 1 Cargo Carrier Ramp Use Fees Formula based See Section 16.12.170 16.12.170 Fuel Royalties $0.06 per gallon of fuel For provisions,see Section 16.12.190 16.12.190 Landing Fees !Fixed-wing aircraft Formula based See Section 16.12.160 16.12.160 For Landing Fee Exemptions:See Section 16.12.160 o Paid within 15 days of the end of each month, Off Airport In-Flight Caterers 7%of gross sales at airport see Section 16.12.155 for provisions 16.12.155 Parking Economy 1 First hour $2 112.56.240 • Each additional hour $1 12.56.240 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 5 Daily maximum $9 12.56.240 Hourly/Daily First 30 minutes $2 12.56.240 Each additional 20 minutes $1 12.56.240 Daily maximum $28 12.56.240 Terminal use Fees* Annual terminal space rental Formula based See Section 16.12.150 Annual basement&baggage make-up space Formula based See Section 16.12.150 16.12.140 Common use bag claim Formula based Per enplaned passenger 16.12.150 Common use ticket counter and bag make-up Formula based Per use/Use equals 3 hours space Rates established by Common use gates Formula based Per use/Use equals 3 hours Administrative Rules and Regulations;also see the !Common use boarding bridge Formula based Per use/Use equals 3 hours current rate schedule. Use of international arrival building Formula based Per passenger deplaned *Terminal use fee exemption:Any airline that has a valid and existing agreement with the City covering use of bag claim and terminal facilities. ANIMAL SERVICES Note: Salt Lake City contracts with Salt Lake County for Animal Services. Animal service fees are set and administered by Salt Lake County.Additional fees may apply. For questions regarding Animal Service Fees Contact: 801-559-1100 Service Fee Additional Information Section Determined by Salt Lake County staff Adoption Fee $0 $295 based on demand for and adoptability of 8.04.065 particular animals/includes sterilization, microchip and adoption packet Board Fees for Pets $12 Per Day 8.04.065 I _ Dead Animals Removal Disposal Small livestock $150 $45 8.04.065 Large livestock $300 $65 8.04.065 Dogs(licensed) No charge Removal from property 8.04.350 All cats,small domestic animals,small Dogs(unlicensed $25 livestock and all other small privately 8.04.350 owned animals Brought to shelter when owner is a SLC resident No charge 8.04.350 Large livestock and other large,privately owned animals ty ice not provided by See Section 8.04.350 8.04.350 Dog Breeders License Dog breeder fee $25 8.06.010 Euthanasia Fees Cat $25 8.04.065 Dog $50 8.04.065 Impound Fees(See section 8.04.350 for redemption conditions) No impound fee will charged to the Rabid animals No charge reporting owners of suspected rabid i 8.04.240 through animals if the owners comply with 8.04.290 Sections 8.04.240 through 8.04.290 Voluntary Relinquishment $35 Cat,dog or each cat/dog litter under four 8.04.352 months of age. Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 6 Livestock i Small Large I. Board fees $12 I 515 Per day 8.04.065 Impound fees $30 $75 I 8.04.065 Transportation fees $50 Per trip or trailer 8.04.065 Permit Fees Business selling only tropical/freshwater fish $50 Annual 8.04.065 Commercial operations: Up to 30 animals $100 Annual 8.04.150 Over 30 animals $175 Annual 8.04.150 Keeping additional animals for commercial purposes $15 Annual/see Section 8.08.030 8.08.030 Pet rescue permit $25 'Annual,expiration 12/31 following date of 8.04.170 issue;see Section 8.04.170 Pet rescue permit(issued at shelter's request) No charge 8.04.170 Riding Stables $50 Annual 8.04.065 Domestic fowl permit $5 Per bird-maximum of$40 Annual 8.08.010 Rabbits(more than 2) $5 Per animal-maximum of$40 Annual 8.04.065 Domestic livestock $40 Annual with application 8.08.010 Pet Disposal Fees Up to 25 pounds $25 8.04.065 26-50 pounds $30 8.04.065 51-75 pounds $40 8.04.065 76-100 pounds I $45 8.04.065 Over 100 pounds $45 Plus$1 per pound over 100 8.04.065 Pet Licenses Dogs Cats Regular Senior Citizen* Regular Senior Citizen* 1 year 3 Yr 1 year 3 Year 1 Year Lifetime License** Unsterilized/microchip $25 NA $20 NA $15 NA Sterilized/no microchip $20 $40 $15 $30 $10 $15 1 8.04.065 Sterilized/microchip $10 T $20 NA NA $5 $5 Unsterilized/no microchip $35 NA I $30 NA $25 NA 8.04.070 Lifetime license,sterilized/ NA T NA $15 .01jcrgchio** *Over 60 years of age,proof of age required **Must provide annual rabies vaccination information Replacement tag $5 . 8.04.065 Transfer fee $5 8.04.065 Vicious dog license $50 Annual,in addition to other license fees 8.04.010 Dog permit for residences within watershed areas $25 See Section 17.04.160 for permit and bond 17.04.160 requirements License ;Temporary License needed within See Section 8.04.090 8.04.090 30 days Rabies Deposit $25 Scientific Disposition Fee Not to exceed$30 Plus license and rabies vaccination 8.04.340 I Sterilization Deposits Cat $25 8.04.065 Dog - I $50 I 8.04.065 Transportation Fee I $35 8.04.065 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 7 BUSINESS LICENSING I For questions regarding Business Licensing Fees Contact:801-535-6644 Service Fee Additional Information Section All Businesses pay a Base License Fee and Employee fee as listed below Base License Fees Before Effective Sept'14_ Sept'14 Home occupation businesses $86.07 I $89 5.04.070 Non-home occupations $114.07 $118 .04.070 F-- Employee Fee $17.63 $18 Annual,per full or part time employee if business has more than one employee Additional fees may apply depending on type of business according to list below Before Effective Fees with an effective date other than July 1,2011 are Sept'14 Sept'14 indicated by two columns. Additional Background Checks $152.44 $158 For business License 5.90.010 Amusement Devices $3.11 $3 Annual,per device 5.70.040 Amusement Devices Wholesale $22.81 $24 Annual 5.76.120 Apartment Units(until 9/1/2011) I See Rental Dwelling 5.90.010 I Application for Certificates I —Public convenience and necessity $116.14 $120 5.05.130 Additional authority I $116.14 $120 5.05.130 Auctioneer $114.07 $118 Per auctioneer 5.16.060 Auction House,Transient $214.66 $223 Per day,per business 5.16.180 AAutomobiles Dealers $51.85 $54 Annual 5.76.120 Parts sales $97.48 $101 Annual 5.76.120 Rental agencies $22.81 $24 Annual 5.76.120 Repair $51.85 $54 Annual 5.76.120 Towing/Wrecking $17.63 $18 (Annual 5.76.120 Automobile Towing/Wrecking $17.63 $18 'Annual 5.76.120 Refer to base license fee Automobile Trailer Court License Annual per trailer,per space on premises,see section 5.86.056 I 5.86.056 listed in this section Banks $114.07 $118 Annual 5.76.120 Beer Licenses Before Effective Sept'14 Sept'14 Retail Beer $271.69 $282 Annual,per license 5.90.010 Restaurant $214.66 $223 Annual,per license i 5.90.010 j Bar Tavern $303.84 $315 Annual,per license _ 5.90.010 Special Event $214.66 $223 Annual,per license 5.90.010 I Microbrew pub $214.66 $223 Annual,per license 5.90.010 Recreational facility beer $271.69 $282 Annual,per license 5.90.010 Beer Licenses Application Fee No charge I Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 6.08.110 Billiards/Pool Tables $3.11 $3 Annual,per device 5.70.040. (Billiards/Pool Tables-Pool Hall I $20.74 $22 Annual 5.76.120 Business License Transfers Business location transfer $15.56 $16 l 5.02.210 Business name change $15.56 $16 5.02.21Q Other related license transfers Per Section 5.02.210 5.02.210 Change of business address $36.30 $38 1 5.02.210 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 8 iChange of business names $36.30 $38 5.02.210 Childcare Facilities $114.0T1 $118 Annual 5.76.120 Clothing Sales $86.07 I $89 5.76.120 Construction Business $22.81 $24 Annual 5.76.120 !Convalescent and Retirement Facilities $136.88 $142 Annual 5.76.120 iDance Hall $17.63 $18 Annual 5.90.020 Dance Studio Refer to base license fee 9.04.050 listed in this section Dance IRestaurant Refer to base license fee 9.04.170 listed in this section Tavern Refer to base license fee 9.04.170 listed in this section Private Club Refer to base license fee 9.04.170 listed in this section Dance Hall-Public Dance Hall License Refer to base license fee 9.04.040 listed in this section Dating/Marriage Service $91.26 $95 Per Business I 5.42.030 Dry Cleaning and Laundry $114.07 $118 Annual 5.76.120 Electronic Goods Sales $136.88 $142 Annual 5.76.120 Engineering $22.81 $24 Annual 15_76.120 Entertainment Concert $79.85 $83 'Annual,per exhibition room 5.90.010 Dance hall $15.56 $16 Annual,per room 5.90.010 Live entertainment No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.90.010 Theater,live $114.07 $118.3 Annual,per exhibition room 5.90.010 Theater,motion picture No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.90.010 Fire and Damaged Goods Sales No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.32.025 Fireworks 'Inside $70.52 $73 Annual,per location 5.90.010 Outside $70.52 $73 Annual,per location 5.90.010 Fireworks Sales Refer to base license fee I Paid at least 10 days prior to opening of business.See also 9.20.020 listed in this section 2.120.040 under Fire !Furniture Sales $51.85 $54 Annual I 5.76.120 Gas/Oil,Wholesale Gas $232.29 I $241 Annual 5.90.010 Gas/Oil,Wholesale Businesses $22.81 $24 Annual 5.76.120 Gasoline Stations $136.88 $142 (Annual 5.76.120 Government Owned Alcohol Related Business $152.44 $158 Annual 5.90.010 Grocery/Convenience Stores(including I gasoline) $114.07 $118 (Annual 5.76.120 Hardware Stores $114.07 $118 Annual 5.76.120 Healthcare Facilities,Hospitals $40.44 $42 Annual 5.76.120 I Ice Cream Truck Vehicle Inspection $25.93 $27 5.64.740 !Ice Cream Truck Operator Application Fee No more than$30 I 5.64.580 ;Ice Cream Vendors $29.04 $30 Annual 5.90.010 I Interior Design $22.81 $24 'Annual 5.76.120 IJanitorial $63.26 $66 lAnnual 5.76.120 (Lawyers $17.63 $18 'Annual 5.76.120 'Licenses Requiring a Special Public Hearing $51.85 $54 Plus actual costs 5.02.240 Liquor Consumption License $22.81 I $24 Annual,per license I 6.16.030 (Live Entertainment 'Concerts $17.63 $18 I 5.76.120 I Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 9 Private Club Refer to base license fee 5.28.080 listed in this section Refer to base license fee Restaurants 5.28.080 listed in this section i - - Refer to base license fee Taverns 5.28.080 listed in this section _ Locksmiths No Charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.90.010 Manufacturing $40.44 $42 Annual 5.76.120 Miscellaneous Services $22.81 $23 5.76.120 Motion Picture Theaters $86.07 $86 Annual 5.76.120 Numismatic and or Bullion Dealer Refer to base license fee See Section 5.47.030 ' 5.47.030 listed in this section Nursing Home License Refer to base license fee See Section 5.86.306 5.86.306 listed in this section Out of Doors-Restaurants&Occasional For occasional banquets,fee could be assessed in future as per Banquets No Charge ordinance 5.54.040 Participant License Fee Refer to base license fee 5.64.330 listed in this section Pawnshop and Secondhand Dealer Pawnbroker $1,425.88 $1,479 Annual,per business 5.48.030 Secondhand compact disk exchange dealer $428.28 $444 Annual,per business 5.60.030 Secondhand computer exchange dealer $189.77 $197 Annual,per business 5.60,030 Pedi-cabs No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.90.010 Private Club Licenses Application Fees Class A No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.50.110 Class B No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.50.110 Class C No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 5.50.110 Private Club Licenses Social Club $381.62 $396 Annual,per business 5.90.010 Diner's Club $381.62 $396 Annual,per business 5.90.010 Banquet&Catering $243.70 $253 -Annual 5.90.010 Proprietor's License $36.30 $38 Per automatic amusement device 5.12.050 Real Estate Agencies $17.00 $18 Annual 5.76.120 1 Rental Dwelling-Before 9/1/2011 Formula based See section 5.14.040 5.14.040 Rental Dwelling License with Good Landlord Certification-Effective 9/1/2011(Per Ordinance) (Dwelling units $20 Per rental unit 5.14.040 Fraternities,sororities,rooming and boarding $20 Per room for lodging sleeping purposes 5.14.040 house 9 9 or slee in Rental Dwelling License without Good Landlord Certification-Effective 9/1/2011(Per Ordinance) Dwelling units $342 Per rental unit 5.14.040 'Fraternities,sororities,rooming and boarding $342 Per room for lodging or sleeping purposes 5.14.040 _ I house Restaurants/Cafeterias $86.07 $89 Annual 5.76.120 Retail/Wholesale Sales $40.44 $42 Annual 5.76.120 Retail Service Station Refer to base license fee 5.86.410 listed in this section Room Rentals(rooming houses,boarding houses and for profit residential treatment facilities) Boarding/rooming house $5.19 $5 !Annual,per rental unit 5.56.040 Hotel $5.19 $5 Annual,per rental unit 5.56.040 (Motel $5.19 $5 Annual,per rental unit 5.56.040 RV Parks and Campgrounds $22.81 $24 Annual 5.76.120 Scrap Metal Processor Refer to base license fee See Section 5.58.030 5.58.030 listed in this section Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 10 Sidewalk Entertainer and Artist Registration $30.00 $31 14.38.100 Sidewalk Vending Cart-Revocable Land Use Fee $259.25 $269 5.65.030 Sexually Oriented Business Adult business $328.73 1 $341 Annual,per business 5.61.120 Nude agency $855.53 $887 Annual,per business 5.61.120 Nude entertainment business $328.73 $341 Annual,per business 5.61.120 Semi-nude dance agency $330.80 I $343 Annual,per business 5.61.120 Semi nude dancing bar $254.07 $263 Annual,per business 5.61.120 Outcall agency $1,140.70 $1,183 Annual,per agency 5.61.120 Adult employee(non-escort) $200.14 $208 'Annual,per employee 5.61.120 Outcall non-performer(non-escort) $200.14 $208 Annual,per employee 5.61.120 Nude performer employee* $228.14 $237 Annual,per nude performer;for prorated formula see Section 5.61.120 5.90.010 Semi-nude dance performer* $228.14 $237 Annual,per semi-nude performer;for prorated formula see 5.61.120 Section 5.90.010 Seml nude performer employee* $228.14 $237 Annual,per semi-nude performer;for prorated formula see 5.61.120 Section 5.90.010 Outcall performer(escort)* $855.53 $887 Annual,per outcall performer;for prorated formula see section 5.61.120 5.90.010 Sexually oriented business transfer $79.85 $83 Annual,per performer transfer 5.61.120 Photography(adult) $159.70 $166 Annual,per photographer 5.61.120 *These fees shall be prorated as follows:If 180 days or fewer remain before the employer's license expires,the fee shall be 50%of the full fee.If 181 or more days remain before the employer's license expires,the full fee shall be charged Shipping Companies $40.44 $42 I 5.76.120 Solicitor $114.07 $118 Per Individual 5.64.280 Solicitor ID Card $25.93 $27 For period of time stated on card 5.64.130 Solicitor Registration $15.56 $16 For ID card 5.64.430 Sporting Goods Sales $40.44 $42 Annual 5.76.120 Storage Services $51.85 $54 Annual 5.76.120 Theater,Concert Hall,Motion Picture house or other Place of Amusement $50.00 $54 Per day 5.74.080 Temporary Merchant License Refer to base license fee See Section 5.64.310 5.64.310 listed in this section Tobacco Products-Retail Sales I Annual,includes grocery and convenience stores,taverns, $97.48 $101 5.76.120 private clubs,hotels,motels and restaurants. I Tobacco Sales License Refer to base license fee Annual 5.86.480 listed in this section Towing Operations Refer to base license fee 5.84.140 listed in this section Unmanned Kiosks $40.00 $41 Redbox,Best Buy,Etc I Transportation Vehicles Certificate of public convenience and necessity 5.90.010 New application $159.70 $166 Annual,per business 1 5.90.010 Renewal I No charge 5.90.010 Horse drawn carriage $45.63 I $47 Annual,per carriage 5.37.080 Vehicle inspection fee $25.93 I $27 Paid prior to licensing,per truck 5.64.740 Vehicle Authorized Certificate Refer to base license fee 5.72.170 listed in this section I. Vending Cart Application $25.00 I $26 'Not including Mobile Ice cream vendors 5.65.030 Vending License-Mobile Ice Cream Vendors $25.00 $26 I 5.64.670 i Refer to base license fee Wrecker Service License listed in this section 5.84.040 i -- -- — Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 11 I CEMETERY ;For questions regarding Cemetery fees Contact: 801.596.5020 i Service Fee Additional Information Section I 'After Hours Surcharge After 4PM any day $183 Per hour 15.24.290 Saturday $323 Per day 15.24.290 Sunday or holiday $479 'Per day 15.24.290 Burial Rights Adult Infant Resident $809 $535 15.24.120 iNon-resident $1,321 $842 15.24.120 III Continuing Care Fees Adult Infant I Resident $274 $137 15.24.120 Non-resident $479 $241 15.24.120 Cremains Burial: 15.24.290 Residents $326 15.24.290 Non-residents $573 15.24.290 Removal $520 Marker Monitoring Ground level $66 15.24.290 Upright $130 15.24.290 Opening and Closing 'Single grave: Adult Infant Residents $651 $390 Infant:5'in length or less 15.24.290 Non-residents $1,138 $683 Infant:5'in length or less 15.24.290 Removal of remains $1,301 $651 15.24.290 Double deep grave: Lower Top Grave Grave Residents $781 $651 15.24.290 INon-residents $1,367 $1,138 1 15.24.290 Fort Douglas cemetery $1,107 15.24.290 !Jewish cemetery $1,005 15.24.290 Removal and lowering Adult Infant 'Resident $1,952 $1,431 15.24.290 1Non-resident $2,408 $1,757 15.24.290 Transfer of Burial Rights $40 15.24.180 Transfer of Burial Rights Continuing Care Fee $994 15.24.220 CITY and COUNTY BUILDING RENTAL and WASHINGTON SQUARE USE For questions regarding Building and Square fees Contact: 801.535.7280 Service Fee i Deposit Additional Information Section Activity with food $699 $430 15.14.020 Filming(Commercial) Fewer than 8 staff,crew and other persons $269 $538 Each 4 hour block 15.14.020 L 15 staff,crew and other persons 1 $538 $807 Each 4 hour block 15.14.020 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 12 !More than 15 staff,crew and other persons $1,075 $1,613 Each 4 hour block 15.14.020 Filming(Religious or Charitable) As defined in Section 15.14.010 Fewer than 8 staff,crew and other persons No Charge $538 15.14.020 8-15 staff,crew and other persons No Charge $807 15.14.020 More than 15 staff,crew and other persons No Charge $1,613 15.14.020 Miscellaneous Meetings Regular city business hours(8am-5pm) $26/hr $81 Up to 40 people,no more than three hours 15.14.020 Non-city business hours $26/hr $81 See Section 15.14.020 15.14.020 Supplemental Charge for Exclusive Building Use $108 NA I i 15.14.020 Wedding Ceremony Base fee for two hours $156 $81 No food 15.14.020 See Section 15.14.010 for damage and deposit provisions,additional fees and exceptions. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT For questions regarding Community Development fees Contact: 801.535.6000 Service Feee1 Additional Information Section Billboards Permit for demolition of a non-conforming billboard $119 , 21A.46.160 Boarding or Securing of Buildings ;Done by city $108 Plus actual costs,see Section 18.48.110 18.48.110 Initial(first year) $753 Each Structure 18.48.140 Plumbing permit to install external irrigation hose bib,if required $6 18.48.140 Annual Fee $1,290 Per each structure,due on or before boarding 18.48.180 permit anniversary City maintenance of building $183 Annual,plus actual costs,see Section 18.48.270 18.48.270 City maintenance of landscaping $183 Annual,plus actual costs,see Section 18.48.270 18.48.280 City removal of snow $183 Annual,plus actual costs,see Section 18.48.270 18.48.290 Building Permits Total project valuation: $1-$500 $34 18.32.035 $34$34 for the first$500 plus $4 for each additional$100 $501 $2,000 or fraction thereof,to and 18.32.035 including$2,000 $99 for the first$2,000 plus$20 for each $2,001-$25,000 additional$1,000 or 18.32.035 fraction thereof,to and including$25,000 $560 for the first$25,000 plus$14 for each ;$25,001-$50,000 additional$1,000 or 18.32.035 fraction thereof,to and including$50,000 $920 for the first$50,000 plus$10 for each $50,001-$100,000 additional$1,000 or 18.32.035 fraction thereof,to and including$100,000 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 13 $1,420 for the first $100,000 plus$8 for each $100,001-$500,000 additional$1,000 or 18.32.035 fraction thereof,to and including$500,000 $4,621 for the first $500,000 plus$7 for each • $500,001-$1,000,000 additional$1,000 or 18.32.035 fraction thereof,to and including$1,000,000 $8,015 for the first $1,000,001 and up $1,000,000 plus$5 for 18.32.035 each additional$1,000 or fraction thereof and above Contractor Registration Fee $22 Each person,firm or corporation 18.16.050 Demolition Landscaping Waivers Request for landscape waiver process $202 18.64.030 Property inspection $119 If waiver is denied,this fee will be refunded 18.64.030 Pre-demolition salvage permit 20%of demolition fee See Section 18.64.080 18.64.030 Demolition Permit Application Fees Building floor area: 5-2,000 sq.feet $71 18.64.030 2,001-4,000 sq.feet $83 18.64.030 4,001-6,000 sq.feet $95 18.64.030 6,001-8,000 sq.feet $131 18.64.030 8,001-10,000 sq.feet $143 18.64.030 10,001-12,000 sq.feet $179 18.64.030 12,001-14,000 sq.feet $214 18.64.030 14,001-16,000 sq.feet $250 18.64.030 16,001-18,000 sq.feet $286 18.64.030 18,001-20,000 sq.feet $316 18.64.030 20,001-22,000 sq.feet $357 18.64.030 22,001-24,000 sq.feet $405 18.64.030 24,001-26,000 sq.feet $441 18.64.030 26,001-28,000 sq.feet $488 18.64.030 28,001-30,000 sq.feet $536 18.64.030 30,001-32,000 sq.feet $578 18.64.030 Square feet over 32,000 $12/500 sq.ft unit 18.64.030 Electrical Permits(Commercial and Industrial) Minimum fee $29 18.36.120 New service or change of service Alterations or repairs of 600 volt or less capacity 18.36.120 service entrance equipment Up to 100 amps $29 18.36.120 101 amps to 200 amps $29 18.36.120 Each additional 100 amps or fraction $4 18.36.120 Installation,alteration or repair of sub-feeders(including supply taps from sub-feeders) 'Up to 30 amp capacity $0.071 Each 18.36.120 31 amp to 60 amp capacity $2 Each 18.36.120 61 amp to 100 amp capacity ,� $4 Each 18.36.120 100 amp or fraction above 100 amp capacity , $4 Each 18.36.120 Transformer inspection fee(in addition to regular system inspection fee) Up to 50 volt secondary No charge 118.36.120 51 volt to 240 volt secondary $21 18.36.120 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 14 241 volt to 600 volt secondary $33 18.36.120 601 volt to 2,300 volt secondary $93 18.36.120 Greater than 2,300 volt secondary $136 18.36.120 Motor generator installation for emergency or standby power Up to 500 kVa $107 18.36.120 Above 500 kVa $179 18.36.120 See Section 18.36.120/When a fee cannot be Alternate fee schedule-fee cannot be computed using Formula based computed on the foregoing schedules,it shall be 18.36.120 standard schedules computed as outlined in this section up to,but not exceeding,$100,000 Electrical Permits-Work Exceeding$100,000 Work exceeding$100,000 but less than$250,000 $429,plus$0.4252 of 1% 18.36.130 over$100,000 I _ $1,000,plus$0.1452 of Work exceeding$250,000 1%all work at$250,000 or 18.36.130 more Electrical Permits(Residential) Basic Fee $42 _ 18.36.100 Minor remodel and additional circuits $29 18.36.100 Service change with 1 or 2 new circuits $29 18.36.100 Service change or alteration $29 18.36.100 Homeowner electrical remodel permit $36 18.36.100 New residents for homeowner permits See single family schedule 18.36.100 New single family dwelling Up to 1,500 sq.feet $0.043 Per square foot 18.36.100 Above 1,500 sq.feet $0.0290 Per square foot 18.36.100 Total renovation of electrical systems Existing single family dwelling $29 118.36.100 Multi-unit apartment building* 1 or 2 units $29 18.36.100 3rd and 4th units $11 Each 18.36.100 Additional units including house meter $6 Each 18.36.100 Note:Projects including multi buildings or row houses shall be computed for each building or house separately. Inspection by City Staff to advise on and Consulting inspection $6 appraise electrical systems in existing 18.36.100 residences. residences. Multi-unit apartments(excluding transient occupancies,such as hotel or motel which are classified as commercial) First 3 unit $0.048 Per sq.foot 18.36.100 4-10 units $11 Each 18.36.100 11 units and above $6 Each 18.36.100 Computed for each Projects including multiple buildings and/or row houses building or house separately Power panel with no issue for single occupancy buildings $11 18.36.100 'Power to panel for construction purposes only 60 Days 30 Day Extension No issue fee $22 $8 18.36.100 Individual Individual apartments in an apartment building,or condominium units nor for occupancy $4 Each Additional meter 118.36.100 Electrical Temporary Metering i Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 15 Up to 100 amp load capacity $19 18.36.100 Each additional,or part thereof,100 amp capacity $4 18.36.100 Fencing Permit $33 18.36.100 Fire Extinguishing Systems Automatic fire sprinklers in range hood or vent $6 18.56.040 Dry standpipe $14 Plus$3 each outlet 18.56.040 Fire pump $43 Each 118.56.040 Fire sprinkler systems: C 1 to 100 sprinkler heads $36 18.56.040 Over 100 sprinkler heads $36,plus$0.1398 per 18.56.040 head Flow switch $7 Each 18.56.040 Hood extinguishing system $36 Each 18.56.040 Hydrants on private property $11 Each 18.56.040 Sewage ejection pump $14 Each 18.56.040 Tamper valve $7 Each 18.56.040 Underground piping $19 18.56.040 Water service and distributing piping $9 18.56.040 Water storage tank $14 Each 18.56.040 Wet standpipe $14 Each,plus$2 each hose cabinet 18.56.040 Housing Inspections Existing single-family dwelling Not more than$26 18.48.030 Additional dwelling units on premises $11 Each 18.48.030 Mechanical Permits Base Fee $42 18.52.050 Installation or relocation of each forced air or gravity type Including ducts or vents attached to such appliance furnace or burner Up to and including 200,000 BTU.h $21 18.52.050 (Over 200,000 BTU.h up to and including 300,000 BTU.h $30 18.52.050 Over 300,000 BTU.h up to an including 1,000,000 BTU.h $47 18.52.050 Over 1,000,000 BTU.h $47 18.52.050 Each additional 500,000 BTU.h or part thereof $17 18.52.050 Installation or relocation of each floor furnace,including vent $13 18.52.050 Installation or relocation of each suspended,recessed wall or floor mounted unit heaters 'Up to and including 200,000 BTU.h j $17 18.52.050 Over 200,000 BTU.h up to and including 300,000 BTU.h $30 18.52.050 Over 300,000 BTU.h $47 18.52.050 For the installation,relocation or replacement of each appliance vent installed and not included on an appliance $13 18.52.050 permit ,For the repair of,alteration of or addition to each heating appliance,refrigeration unit,cooling unit,absorption unit or Including alteration of controls regulated by this code each heating,cooling,absorption or evaporative cooling system Up to$1,000 contract value $30 18.52.050 Greater than$1,000 contract value $73 18.52.050 For the installation or relocation of each boiler or compressor I to and including 3 horsepower,or each absorption system to $21 18.52.050 and including 200,000 BTU.h ,Installation or relocation of boilers: Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 16 Over 200,000 BTU.h to and including 300,000 BTU.h $30 Each 18.52.050 Over 300,000 BTU.h to and including 1,000,000 BTU.h $47 Each 18.52.050 Over 1,000,000 BTU.h to and including 2,000,000 BTU.h $73 Each 18.52.050 Over 2,000,000 BTU.h $73 Plus$17 for each additional 500,000 BTU.h or 18.52.050 part thereof Air handling unit This fee shall not apply to air handling unit To and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute,including which is a portion of a factory assembled cooling ducts attached thereto $21 unit,evaporative cooler or absorption unit for 18.52.050 which permit is required elsewhere in this code IOver 10,000 cubic feet per minute $47 118.52.050 Evaporative cooler other than portable type Up to 6,500 cubic feet per minute $17 Each 18.52.050 More than 6,500 cubic feet per minute $47 Each 18.52.050 Ventilation fan connected to a single duct $13 18.52.050 Ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air $13 18.52.050 conditioning system authorized by a permit Installation of each hood which is served by mechanical $30 18.52.050 exhaust,including the ducts for each unit Installation or relocation of domestic type incinerator $17 Each 18.52.050 Installation or relocation of commercial or industrial type I incinerator $47 Each 18.52.050 For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories,or for $17 18.52.050 which no other fee is listed in this code Installation or relocation of cooling towers: 1 1/2 horsepower up to and including 4 horsepower or $21 18.52.050 tons 4 1/2 horsepower up to and including 10 horsepower or tons $30 18.52.050 11 horsepower or tons and over $56 18.52.050 For the purpose of calculating the rate in tons,the tonnage shall be considered not less than then the following: a.Total maximum BTU peer hour of capacity of the installation divided by 12,000 or b.The nameplate horsepower of any compressor prime mover unit or for any air conditioning installations;or I �c.2/3 of the nameplate horsepower subsection A18b of this section,for any refrigeration installation Installation or relocation of compressor or absorption systems 1 1/2 horsepower to and including 4 horsepower or tons $17 18.52.050 4 horsepower to and including 5 horsepower or tons $20 18.52.050 5 horsepower to and including 6 horsepower or tons $26 18.52.050 6 horsepower to and including 7 horsepower or tons $29 118.52.050 7 horsepower to and including 8 horsepower or tons $31 18.52.050 8 horsepower to and including 9 horsepower or tons $34 18.52.050 9 horsepower to and including 10 horsepower or tons $39 18.52.050 Each additional horsepower or tons $3 18.52.050 I Other appliances* $17 I 18.52.050 *Fee for each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this code but not classed in other appliance categories,or for which no other fee is listed in Section 18.52.050 Mobile Home Park Construction Permits General building permit-pads,patio slabs,metal sheds,curb, Per mobile I ' gutter,drives,piers,sidewalks,fence,wall $2 home space 18.76.050 Electric meter stands or pedestals Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 17 First 10 I $5 Each 18.76.050 Next 90 $3 Each 118.76.050 Over 100 $2 Each 18.76.050 Park plumbing system,including sewer and water risers $5 Per mobile home space 18.76.050 Regular and normal fee Permanent buildings,swimming pools,etc. 118.76.050 schedule Fire hydrants within property lines $5 Each hydrant 18.76.050 Plan Review Fees Plan review fee 65%of building permit fee 18.32.035 Expedited building plan review Twice the cost of a See Section 18.20.050 18.20.050 standard plan review fee Condominium preliminary review $323 Per plan,plus$11 per unit 21A.56.040 Condominium final review $215 Per plan,plus$11 per unit ++I 21A.56.040 One half the original plan i review fee,maximum of $1,075 plus$122 per hour Renewing expired plan review for review necessitated by See section 18.20.110 18.20.110 changes in codes and ordinances,two hour minimum Plumbing Permits —, - —. Basic fee for permits requiring inspection $42 18.56.040 Air conditioning device discharging into the building drainage $7 Each 18.56.040 system Change,alteration or replacement of soil,waste or vent pipe $6 18.56.040 Change or repair of a drain,waste,vent(DWV)system $9 Each 18.56.040 Grey water system $14 Each 18.56.040 (Lawn sprinkler control valve on devices $7 'Each 18.56.040 Medical gas piping $14 Each 18.56.040 Plumbing fixture or trap roughed in for installation or relocation, $6 Each 18.56.040 Refrigeration drain and each safe drain discharged directly or l $6 Each 18.56.040 indirectly into the building drain Roof drain $6 Each 18.56.040 Roof drain installed inside building $6 Each 18.56.040 Settling tank or grease trap $14 Each 18.56.040 Soda fountain carbonator $11 Each 18.56.040 Store,restaurant or home appliance or device connected to $6 Each i 18.56.040 the culinary water supply and/or building drainage system I 'Vacuum breaker or backflow device on tanks,etc $7 lEach 18.56.040 Water heater $11 Each 118.56.040 Water softener or conditioning device $11 Each 18.56.040 Revolving Loan Application Fee $100 Each 3.16.005 Re-inspection Fee Not more than$32 1 For each additional inspection required 18.20.200 Sexually Oriented Businesses Application fee $323 plus postage required i 21A.36.140 notification mailing 'Postage for notification mailing Actual costs 21A.36.140 This fee is a daily rate.Rate estimated on the Special Event-Alcohol Concession Agreement $250 number of days the alcohol would be served for the Special Event Application outside of boundaries of a Street Banners on Utility Polesi $54 21A.46.1701 coordinated street banner program __J Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 18 Temporary Metering Up to 100 amp load capacity $19 18.36.110 Each additional,or part thereof,100 amp capacity $4 18.36.110 Temporary Re-locatable Office Buildings Installation permit $81 Per unit 18.84.070 i I Interior inspection $81 Per unit 18.84.070 I ENGINEERING For questions regarding Engineering Fees Contact: 801.535.6159 !Service Fee Additional Information Section 1 Excavation Permits Hard surfaced $0.32 1 Per sq.foot 14.32.400 Minimum charge $148 April 1-November 15 14.32.400 Minimum charge $220 November 16-March 31 14.32.400 Other $0 Per sq.foot 14.32.400 Minimum charge $97 April 1-November 15 14.32.400 Minimum charge $143 November 16-March 31 14.32.400 Permit extension $59 See Section 14.32.400 C 14.32.400 Permit within a restricted area Fees double See Section 14.32.400 A3 14.32.400 I Multiple Utility Excavation Permits Hard surfaced Minimum charge $96 April 1-November 15 14.32.400 Minimum charge $148 November 16-March 31 14.32.400 Other Minimum charge $54 April 1-November 15 14.32.400 Minimum charge $86 November 16-March 31 14.32.400 I Poles-Application for Permit to Erect Utility Poles $2 For each pole 14.40.030 (Poles and Anchors $45 Each pole,concrete pedestal or anchor 14.32.400 Public Survey Monuments 1st monument $65 14.10.040 Additional monuments $13 In addition to the$65 fee,same application 14.10.040 Replacement of a monument by survey $1,290 Minimum cost,see Section 14.10.090 14.10.04Q Replacement of a monument by survey ties $591 Minimum cost,see Section 14.10.090 14.10.040 Public Way Improvements Curb and gutter $2 Per linear foot 14.32.405 Sidewalk,driveway approach L $0.32 Per sq.foot 14.32.405 Minimum charge t $148 April 1-November 15 14.32.405 Minimum charge $213 November 16-March 31 14.32.405 Permit extension $59 14.32.405 'In kind No charge See section 14.32.405 D 14.32.405 Public Public Way Obstruction Permits Short term(5 days or less) $32 14.32.410 Long term:(more than 5 days) Up to 1 block face $199 Per month(Construction barricades) 14.32.410 Additional block faces i $183 Each,per month(Construction barricades) 14.32.410 Permit extension $215 (Construction barricades) 14.32.410 'Short term permit extension $43 14.32.410 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 19 FIRE I For questions regarding Fire Fees Contact: 801.535.4150 Service Fee Additional Information Section 911 Emergency Service Fee $1 Per month for each basic local access line 5.04.210 Amusement Building Permit $312 Single event 2.12.040 Cost Recovery Hazardous material emergency Actual cost See Section 9.44.0309 44.030 Fire emergency Actual cost See Section 9.48.030 9.48.030 • EMS CHARGES EMS Billing $50 2.12.040 EMS Equipment Surcharge $50 2.12.040 Medical Report $16 2 per month 2.12.040 Healthcare Provider CPR/First Aid Training $50 5 per month-Cost Recovery 2.12.040 Heartsaver CPR Courses $30 7 per month-Cost Recover 2.12.040 CPR Cards $3 Cost Recovery Exhibit and Trade Show Permits 0-5,000 sq.feet $210 Single event 2.12.040 5,001-10,000 sq.feet $258 Single event 2.12.040 10,001-25,000 sq.feet $339 Single event 2.12.040 25,001-50,000 sq.feet $419 Single event 2 12Z 040 50,001-80,000 sq.feet $495 Single event 2.12.040 80,001-125,000 sq.feet $575 Single event 2.12.040 ' 125,001-200,000 sq.feet $656 Single event 2.12.040 Each additional 20,000 sq.feet above 200,000 $103 Single event,in addition to$610 2.12.040 Explosive Permits Fireworks Vendor $500 Permit for stores/tents/selling fireworks I 2.12.040 Fireworks $522 Public display outdoors I 2.12.040 I Blasting $683 Annual 1 2.12.040 Fire Suppression and Monitoring Equipment Inspection Fees I Underground water main for water-based fire suppression J i 'Water supply line for fire suppression system to three fire hydrants $308 18.44.030 Each additional supply line or fire hydrant $103 18.44.030 Water-based fire suppression systems tenant improvements I Change of existing fire sprinkler system from 0 to 3,000 square foot area $103 18.44.030 Each additional 1 to 52,000 square foot area add $103 18.44.030 New water-based fire suppression systems Up to 26,000 square feet $308 18.44.030 126,001 to 52,000 square feet $616 18.44.030 Each add i 1 to 52,000 square feet on single floor add $205 18.44.030 New interlock and non-interlock pre-action water-based fire suppression systems per riser New dry pipe system with fire sprinkler heads:1,000 heads or less $308 (Detection system is additional) 18.44.030 Per additional 1 to 500 heads $103 (Detection system is additional) 18.44.030 Standpipe Class III basic,30 to 74 feet(fee us in addition to fire sprinkler fee) 1 I 'Per standpipe I $154 18.44.030 1 Standpipe Class III high rise,75 to 150 feet(fee is in addition to fire sprinkler fee) 1 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 20 Per standpipe $205 18.44.030 'Each additional 1 to 50 feet in height $103 18.44.030 Standpipe Class I basic ! I One automatic wet standpipe,30 to 74 feet in height $308 18.44.030 Each additional wet standpipe $103 18.44.030 Automatic dry or semi-automatic dry add to the above basic fee $51 18.44.030 Standpipe Class I high rise,75 to 150 feet(fee is addition to fire sprinkler fee) Two automatic wet standpipes per standpipe(7 hours initial) $359 18.44.030 Each additional 1 to 50 ft in height,per standpipe $103 18.44.030 Standpipe Class II Two class II hose outlets are required by code,supply from automatic fire sprinkler system $103 18.44.030 Each additional pair of class II hose outlet added to any $26 18.44.030 system Water supply separate riser system(FDC)add $103 18.44.030 Fire extinguishing system hoods —1CO2,wet chemical,dry chemical and clean gas extinguishing agents $205 18.44.030 Hood systems,per hood $103 18.44.030 Fire alarm systems for monitoring Clean gas systems $308 18.44.030 Fire alarm notification devices in all occupancies except A,with voice over: Horn and strobe for notification 1 to 26,000 square feet $205 18.44.030 Horn and strobe for notification 26,000 to 52,000 square $308 18.44.030 feeet !Horn and strobe for notification 52,001 to 250,000 !square feet $513 18.44.030 'Horn and strobe for notification 250,001 to 500,000 $616 18.44.030 square feet Horn and strove for notification>500,000,individually determined,per review hour $103 18.44.030 !Each additional 1 to 50 feet in height $103 18.44.030 With voice control and emergency voice/alarm communications system add to above 1 to 50 square $103 18.44.030 feet Fire pumps For structures requiring a fire pump to include jockey $564 18.44.030 pumps either internal combustion driven or electric Paint booths $308 per booth 18.44.030 IAddition to an existing system $103 18.44.030 In the event that the fire suppression and $103 per hour of inspector monitoring equipment does not pass the first Re-inspection of fire suppression and monitoring equipment time scheduled inspection,for whatever reason, 18.44.030 subsequent re-inspections shall be billed to the applicant Fee assessed for each man hour to perform Fire System and Equipment Installation Permit $103 2.12.040 linspection during each phase of installation Fire Watch $45 Per hour 2.12.040 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 21 After Hour Fireman Rate $60 Per hour 2.12.040 Hazardous Materials Permits i Annual/Solids: <500 lbs. Compressed gas: <200 cu.ft. Minimal dispensing,use or storage $210 Oxygen:<504 cu.ft. 2.12.040 Liquids:<55 gal. Backup generator systems $156 Annual 2.12.040 ;Storage quantities exceeding minimal storage $258 Annual 2.12.040 Dispensing or use $419 Annual,quantities exceeding minimum use or 2.12.040 dispensing Body shop/garage $210 Annual,under 5,000 sq.feet 2.12.040 Production and processing $522 Annual 1 2.12.040 Gas stations $183 Annual 2.12.040 Tank installation,alteration,abandonment,removal or Single event disposal: Up to 3 tank per site $419 2.12.040 Each additional tank $103 2.12.040 High Rise Permits 1 7-12 floors $522 Annual i 2.12.040 '13-18 floors $629 Annual 2.12.040 19-24 floors $731 Annual 2.12.040 25-30 floors $839 Annual 2.12.040 31-36 floors $946 Annual I 2.12.040 37-42 floors $1,048 Annual 2.12.040 Over 42 floors $103 Annual;in addition to$1,011,per each 2.12.040 additional 6 floors Hospitals $522 Annual 2.12.040 Hot Works Operation Permit $156 Annual 2.12.040 Lock Boxes 1 Small $65 Per box 2.12.040 Large $167 Per box 2.12.040 Lid $16 ICost Recovery ' 2.12.040 National Fire Incident Report(NFIR) $16 Per request;form or property incident search 2.12.040 report Open Burning Permit $210 Annual 2.12.040 Place of Assembly Permits I 10-5,000 sq.feet $210 Annual 2.12.040 '5,001-10,000 sq.feet $312 Annual 2.12.040 10,001-25,000 sq.feet $446 IAnnual 2.12.040 25,001-50,000 sq.feet $602 Annual 2.12.040 50,001-80,000 sq.feet $758 Annual 2.12.040 80,001-125,000 sq.feet $946 Annual 2.12.040 125,001-200,000 sq.feet $1,204 Annual 2.12.040 Each additional 20,000 sq.feet above 200,000 $103 Annual;in addition to$1,161 2.12.040 Property Search $16 2.12.040 Pyrotechnic Special Effects Materials Permit IFlame effects I $210 Before an audience;single event 2.12.040 Indoor Fireworks $210 Single event 2.12.040 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 22 1.4 grain fireworks $210 Single event l 2.12.040 Theatrical display $210 Single event 2.12.040 Fee assessed for each 1/4 man hour to perform Re-inspection $21 re-inspection,including paperwork and travel 2.12.040 time State Licensed Healthcare Facilities 0-3,000 sq.feet $156 Annual 2.12.040 3,001-6,000 sq.feet $210 Annual 2.12.040 6,001-10,000 sq.feet $258 Annual 2.12.040 10,001 sq.feet or greater $312 Annual 2.12.040 Temporary Membrane Structures,Tents or Canopies iSingle event $156 Up to 180 days.See Also Special Events. 2.12.040 Each additional structure on same site $1 See Also Special Events ! 2.12.040 Re-inspection of additional set up $1 1-2 per week.See Also Special Events 2.12.040 GOLF For questions regarding Golf Fees Contact: 801.485.7730 Service Fee 1 Additional Information Section Advance Tee Time Reservations 0-8 days in advance No fee I Minimum 18 holes 15.16.031 9 days to one year in $5 Per player,minimum 18 holes 15.16.031 Discount Cards and Passports Regular ]unioryounger)s old or Senior l a6 d cY ol I LoyalTee Discount Cards $45 $30 $45 Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 6 15.16.031 Birdie Passports $1,195 NA $955 Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 7 1.5.11. Corporate VIP Passport(up $4,999 NA 1 NA (Plus tax,See Section 16.16.031 All 15.16.031 to 2 olavers) Corporate VIP Passport(up to 4 players) $9,599 NA , NA Plus tax,See Section 16.16.031 All 15.16.031 1 — Double Eagle Passports $1,845 NA I $1,475 'Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 13 15.16.031 Junior Eagle(Annual) I NA $550 NA Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 10 15.16.031 Passport I Junior Par(Summer) NA $275 NA Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 9 15.16.031 Passport Wingpointe/Rose Park $795 NA Passport $645 Plus tax,See Section 15.16.031 A 13 15.16.03 I Lost or stolen discount card $5 $5 $5 15.16.031 or passport Golf Cart Rentals 9 Holes 18 Holes ' Double rider $14 $28 15.16.031 Single rider $7 $14 15.16.031 'Private cart trail fee $5 $10 _ [ 15.16.031 Cover rental $5 $10 15.16.031 ;Golf Club Rentals Regular $7 $14 15.16.031 Premium $15 $30 15.16.031 USGA grant Jr.Clubs $3 $6 15.16.031 'Jordan River Par-3 $3 NA 15.16.031 Grandfathered Senior Season 9 Holes 18 Holes Golf Passes [ se fee ' $400 See Section 15.16.031 A 2 15.16.031 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 23 1 Resident surcharge $3 $6.00 On all pass rounds 15.16.031 Nonresident surcharge $4 $8.00 On all pass rounds 15.16.031 Green Fees Regular(2) Senior(1)(2)(65 60 years old or older) Junior(1)(2)(17 years old or younger) Course: Holes 9 Holes 18 Holes 6 Holes 9 Holes 18 Holes Holes 9 18 (3) I (3) (3) Holes Holes Bonneville 18.50 35.00 15.50 29.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 Forest Dale 10.50 14.00 NA $9.00 12.00 NA 6.00 8.00 NA 15.16.031 Glendale 15.00 30.00 13.00 26.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 Jordan River Par-3 8.00 NA 7.00 NA 6.00 NA 15.16.031 Mountain Dell Canyon 18.50 35.00 15.50 29.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 Mountain Dell Lake 18.50 35.00 15.50 29.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 Nibley Park 13.00 NA 11.00 NA 8.00 NA 15.16.031 Rose Park 10.501 14.00 28.00 $9.00 12.00 24.00 6.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 Wingpointe 17.00 33.00 14.00 27.00 8.00 16.00 15.16.031 (1)Senior fees shall be valid Monday through Friday all day and Saturday,Sunday and recognized holidays after 12:00 noon (2)As of January 1,2012$1.00 per nine hole round less sales tax and$2.00 per eighteen hole round less sales tax will be allocated to a dedicated Golf CIP fund to be used exclusively for golf improvement projects at all courses (3)Availabilty of 6-hole times will be determined by ech course and may change at various times of the year. Group Reservations See Section 15.16.035 Pull Cart Rental 9 Holes 18 Holes [Regular $2 $4 15.16.031 Premium $3.50 $7 15.16.031 Jordan River Par-3 $1 NA 15.16.031 Range Balls Small bucket $5 Per bucket 15.16.031 Large bucket $8 Per bucket 15.16.031 Range pass $50 10 large buckets 15.16.031 School golf team 9 holes $8 15.16.031 18 holes ( $16 , 15.16.031 Large bucket of range balls $5 Per bucket 15.16.031 1 Tournament Fees j 9 holes $5 minimum Per person,plus green fees 15.16.035 118 holes $10 minimum Per person,plus green fees j 15.16.035 Jordan River Par-3 $3 minimum Per person,plus green fees 15.16.035 IMPACT FEES For questions regarding Impact fees contact:801.535.7712 Service Fee Additional Information Section I -- Appeals Process $50 18.98.090 i Developers Independent ! Could be refunded or increased based upon !Calculation Deposit $150 actual total costs. 18.98.160 i i I Residential(Per dwelling Commercial/Industrial Impact Fees (per square foot,retail, unit,single or multi-family) office and industrial) Fire $119 $0.32 11 18.98.190 Park $2,875 No charge Increase fee after 2 years to$3,999.00 18.98.190 Police $41 $0.03 118.98.190 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 24 1 Roadway I Residential Single Family$424.00 Multi-Family$249.00 Per dwelling unit 18.98.190 Retail $3.28 Per square foot 18.98.190 Office $2.33 Per square foot 18.98.190 j Industrial $2.26 Per square foot 18.98.190 Storm Water $374 Per 1/4 acre 17.81.400 PARKING AND TRAFFIC For questions regarding Parking and Traffic contact: 801.535.6630 Service Fee Additional Information Section Administrative Fee For $47 12.56.550 Collection of Past Due Debts Area Regular Parking Permits One year I $37 12.64.090 9-11 months $28 12.64.090 5-8 months $19 12.64.090 1-4 Months $9 12.64.090 Area Seasonal Parking Collection 5-8 months $19 12.64.090 13-4 months $9 12.64.090 Barricade Permit $29 14.32.418 Electric Vehicle(EV)Level 3 Fast Charge Station: Base Fee Per Charging Event $2.00 PLUS per kilowatt hour charge 12.56.600 Electricity Charge $0.20 Per kilowatt hour 12.56.600 Freight Curb Loading Zone Permit Base business license fee Annual;plus sticker fee 12.56.330 Vehicle sticker $36 Annual 112.56.330 Vehicle sticker replacement $5 12.56,330 Vehicle sticker transfer of vehicle $5 12.56.330 House Number Certificate(public works) $10 14.08.040 Library Parking Fees $1.50/half hour or$12/day First half hour is free 112.56.580 Loading Zone&Restricted Parking Loading zone&restricted parking $26/vehicle per day For provisions and exemptions see Section 12.56.325 12.56,325 Events $10/vehicle per day For provisions and exemptions see Section 12.56.325 12.56.325 Filming(movie,television series or commercial) $10/vehicle per day For provisions and exemptions see Section 12.56.325 12.56.325 Parking Meter Rates Shall not exceed$2.00 per 12.56.170 hour Residential Transit Pass 1 Year Pass $350 !Ten dollar discount for payment in full Deposit Required.First month will be pro-rated,determined by 1 Year Pass-Monthly Rate(For 12 months) $30 Per Month ;the date of purchase.Total purchase price$360(12 months X $30) Deposit for Monthly Pay Option $30 Deposit Required only if monthly payment option Is chosen Street Name Change Application $259 14.08.015 Traffic School $50 Per course 12.08.150 Temporary Closure-Parking Meters $26 ;Per meter,per day 114.12.130 Temporary Placing of Bags on Parking Meters $27.50 I Per day it 12.56.210 (During filming of a movie/television series/ commercial $11 'Per day 1 12.56.210 ,I I r For an event that continues for not less than 3 $11 1Per day/must significantly foster area business promotion and ' 12.56.210 days have an expected attendance exceeding 5,000 For a religious or charitable organization I No charge 'Limited to 30 days per calendar year 112.56.210 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 25 ' For use under the direction of the city in No charge I 12.56.210 connection with a city sponsored event PARKS AND RECREATION For questions regarding Parks and Recreation contact:801.972.7800 L— Service _ Fee Additional Information Section After School Programs Formula based See Section 15.16.090 15.16.090 Athletic Facility Reservations Recreational $11 Per hour/two hour minimum 15.16.010 Organized league use: Non-profit youth organizations $2 Per hour per field 15.16.010 Other youth organizations $4 Per hour per field 15.16.010 Adult organizations $5 Per hour per field 15.16.010 Tournaments with season reservation $108 Per day 15.16.090 Tournaments without season reservation $215 Per day 3.50.070 Any cleaning required after usage $38 Per staff hour 15.16.010 Film Classes $22 15.16.0 0 'Free Expression Activity Permit $5 3.50.070 Gallivan Center Ice Skating-Adults $8 Includes admission and skates 15.16.120 Ice Skating-Children $7 Includes admission and skates 15.16.120 Picnic Facility Reservations Resident Non- resident Pavilions(does not include Liberty Park Rice Pavilion and Washington Park/Mountain Dell) $43 $52 Full day 15.16.020 Washington Park/Mountain Dell Pavilions(AM) $81 $108 1 Half day(8am-2pm) 15.16.020 Washington Park/Mountain Dell Pavilions(PM) $81 $108 Half day(3pm-10pm) 15.16.020 Liberty Park-Rice Pavilion(AM) $43 $54 Half day(8am-2pm) 15.16.020 I Liberty Park-Rice Pavilion(PM) $43 I $54 Half day(3pm-10pm) 15.16.020 1 Recreation Kit Rental $11 plus sales tax Each with pavilion reservation;limit 2 per reservations 15.16.020 I — - Recreation kit rental-late fee $5 Late fee day 15.16.020 Recreation kit rental-replacement fee $216 plus sales tax iTotal cost of the entire recreation kit if it needs to be replaced 15.16.020 Recreation Programs Bike bonanza No fee 115.16.090 Friday Night Flicks No fee 15.16.090 4th of July celebration at Jordan Park No fee 15.16.090 24th of July firework celebration at Liberty Park No fee 15.16.090 Monster block party No fee 15.16.090 Highland bagpipe experience No fee 15.16.090 I SLC Gets Fit 'Online tracking No fee ! 15.16.090 5K $16 Admission fee 15.16.090 Volleyball tournament $22 (Admission fee i 15.16.090 The People's Market I No fee 15.16.090 International Culture Fest No fee 15.16.090 •Seasonal Youth League Food and Beverage Service Permits Concession Stands I Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 26 Concession-with electricity and/or plumbing $54 Per month 15.16.110 Concession-temporary without electricity $27 Per month 15.16,110 and/or plumbing Special Event Permit $108 Commercially related(community events) 3.50.070 Special Event Filming Permit $108 21A.42.070 Special Event Free Expression $5 21A.42.070 YouthCity Programs:After School and Summer Formula based Programs Income Qualifications Amount per participant Residents of Salt Lake City Household After School Program* Summer Program** income: $10,000 or less per year $11 $11 15.16.090 More than$10,000 per year but less than or equal to 42%of the area median income,or with free lunch $38 $54 15.16.090 status More than 420/0 but less than or equal to 60%of the $81 $108 15.16.090 area median income,or with reduced lunch status More than 60%but less than or equal to 80%of the area median income $134 $161 15.16.090 More than 80%but less than or equal to 100%of the area median income $161 $242 15.16.090 More than 100%of the area median income $215 $430 15.16.090 Non-residents of Salt Lake City Household After School Program* Summer Program** income:*** g g Regardless of income or lunch status $215 —1 $430 15.16.090 **Effective summer 2012,monthly after school fees will be charged on a monthly basis,with the exception of the August fee,which shall be one half of the monthly fee,as determined by the family median income. **Fees will be charged on a monthly basis,as determined by the family median income. (***For purpose of the after school and the summer program,area median income shall be determined based on the federal housing and urban development guidelines for the Salt Lake City metropolitan statistical area. Tennis Courts -__ -- Hours: Dee Glenn Smith and Liberty Park Monday-Friday Saturday,Sunday&holidays 7:00am to close 8:00am to close Indoor(bubble) 'Court $22 Per court,per hour 15.16.060 Prepaid court $20 Per court,per hour 15.16.060 Tournament $13 Per court,per hour 15.16.060 Outdoor(summer) Court $7 Per court,per hour 15.16.060 Prepaid court $2 Per court,per reservation 15.16.060 Tournament $3 Per court,per day 15.16.060 All Other Courts No charge j 15.16.060 • Unity Center-For Questions Contact 801.535.6533 Unity Garden Plot Deposit $10 !Refundable deposit for yearly garden plot usage ! 3.50.020 Staffing Charge $25 Per hour over 6 hours 3.50.020 Janitorial Rate See Notes Fee is equal to fee charged by facilities for SLC 3.50.020 Janitorial Services !Guess contracts Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord. 2014-41 Page 27 Rehearsal day rate $54 15.16.090 i Performance day rate See additional information 20%of gross ticket sales or 80%if performance 15.16.090 is solicited by the Sorenson Unity Center Programming performances 20%of gross tickets sales 15.16.090 All contracts 20%of concession sales 15.16.090 Classrooms $27/hr or$134/day 8 hours maximum I 15 16.090 Main lobby/gallery For profit business/individuals $269 Not residents of Glendale or Popular Grove 15.16.090 Glendale or Popular Grove residents $188 Per group 15.16.090 Nonprofit charging a fee $242 15.16.090 Nonprofit not charging fee $215 15.16.090 City activities No charge Including community council meetings 15.16.090 Theater For profit business/individuals $215 Not residents of Glendale or Popular Grove 15.16.090 Glendale or Popular Grove residents $134 Per group 15.16.090 Nonprofit charging a fee $188 15.16.090 Nonprofit not charging fee $161 15.16.090 City activities No charge Including community council meetings 15.16.090 Reception area _ For profit business/individuals $59 Not residents of Glendale or Popular Grove 15.16.090 Glendale or Popular Grove residents $43 Per group 15.16.090 Nonprofit charging a fee $54 15.16.090 Nonprofit not charging fee $48 15.16.090 City activities No charge Including community council meetings 15.16.090 Kitchen For profit business/individuals $43 Not residents of Glendale or Popular Grove 15.16.090 Glendale or Popular Grove residents $27 Per group 15.16.090 Nonprofit charging a fee $38 15.16.090 Nonprofit not charging fee $32 15.16.090 (City activities No charge !Including community council meetings 15.16.090 Lobby,theater and kitchen For profit business/individuals $457 Not residents of Glendale or Popular Grove 15.16.090 Glendale or Popular Grove residents I $376 Per group 15.16.090 Nonprofit charging a fee $430 15.16.090 Nonprofit not charging fee $403 15.16.090 (City activities No charge Including community council meetings 15.16.090 Full facility rental $538 15.16.090 SLC conference room $27 Maximum rate 15.16.090 Damage deposits Up to 75 participants $108 15.16.090 1 More than 75 participants _ $269 15.16.090 Equipment rental and service rates Chair riser setup $269 15.16.090 Stage setup $161 15.16.090 Table(other than conference table) $5 Per table 15.16.090 Conference table setup $11 Per table 15.16.090 (Chair setup 1 $1 Per chair 15.16.090 Projector with operator i $161 Includes a DVD-VHS combination 115.16.090 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 28 Wireless Internet service No charge 15.16.090 Piano $54 15.16.090 MAC VGA adaptor $5 15.16.090 Lightening board $161 15.16.090 17'by 12'HDTV screen $108 15.16.090 DVD-VHS combination $38 If rented without projector and operator 15.16.090 Theatrical lighting usage $81 Includes single man lift usage 15.16.090 Single man lift usage $54 15.16.090 PC laptop computer $108 15.16.090 Audio system Free with theater rental Includes CD player,microphones and auxiliary 15.16.090 inputs Visual Art Youth Not more than$22 15.16.090 Parent/child Not more than$32 15.16.090 Wedding Ceremony Permit Fee $161 plus cost of staff time Per hour,plus staff time to set up and take 15.16.100 Idown for$36 per hour POLICE For questions regarding Police fees contact:801.799.3808 Service Fee Additional Information Section 911 Emergency Service fee See Fire Background Search and Letter Not more than$16 Age 65+exempt/waiver available,see Section 2.10.090 2.10.080 Fingerprinting Not more than$54 Age 65+exempt 2.10.010 ID Cards Not more than$54 Age 65+exempt 2.10.010 Personal Criminal History Record $5 Age 65+exempt 2.10.050 !Service fee for Party,Gathering,or Event Non-rental property $323 Each visit 11.14.020 Rental property,renter responsibility Each visit up to 2 visits $323 For 3rd visit or more see rental property,owner responsibility 111.14.020 Rental property,owner responsibility Third visit $108 11.14.020 'Each additional visit in any 365 day period $323 11.14.020 Discount for payment received within 30 days ($50.00) 11.14.020 Discount for payment received within 60 days ($25.00) 11.14.020 !Theft Reports Not more than$54 Age 65+exempt 2.10.010 User's Security and Privacy Non-disclosure Not more than$54 Age 65+exempt 2.10.050 Agreement I !Vehicle Booting Fee 1Vehide booting fee $75 12.96.025 !Late removal of boot fee $25 Per day after first 24 hours i 12.96.025 i__ (Boot damage or replacement fee City's actual costs incurred Determined by the total cost(s)required by the City for 12.96.025 replacement or repair of the immobilization device (Vehicle Tows and Impounds Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 29 Registration Fee $31 12.96.025 Sex Offender Registration Fee $26 Special Events Police Coverage during special event $55 Per hour estimated on duration of event.Invoice to be trued up 3.50.020 at the end of the event. Police Secondary Employment Car Charge $6 Per every 4 hours,Plus Fuel Surcharge 3.50.020 Towing Operational Costs: 1 Size of tow Base Tow Rate Varies based on size of vehicle 12.96.025 Light Duty $145 Any vehicle with GVWR of 10,000 lbs or less 12.96.025 Medium Duty $240 Vehicles with a GVWR of 10,001 to 26,000 lbs 12.96.025 Heavy Duty $300 Vehicles with a GVWR of 26,0001 lbs or greater 12.96.025 i Vehicle Storage Fee Size of tow Varies based on size and location stored 12.96.025 Light Duty-Stored Inside $30 Per Day 12.96.025 Light Duty-Stored Outside $25 Per Day 12.96.025 Medium Duty-Stored Inside $70 Per Day 12.96.025 Medium Duty-Stored Outside $45 Per Day 12.96.025 Heavy Duty-Stored Inside $70 Per Day 12.96.025 Heavy Duty-Stored Outside $45 Per Day 12.96.025 Fuel Surcharge I Fuel Price Varies based on the daily Rocky Mountain Average as 'Size of tow determined by the Department of Energy $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.00 (http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/wohdp/diesel.sap).When the price of fuel rises$0.50/gallon,from the base rate of$3.00 Fuel Surcharge to$3.50/gallon,the City may charge a surcharge equal to 10% Light Duty $14.50 $29.001 $43.50 $58.00 of the base tow rate.The City may charge an additional 10% for each$0.50/gallon increase.Conversely,as the price of fuel Medium drops,the fuel surcharge shall decrease by the same rate. Duty $24.00 $48.00 $72.00 $96.00 Heavy Duty $30.00 $60.00 $90.00 $120.00 I Property Removal Fee $75 j Per each 30 minute time period 12.96.025 RECORDS AND ELECTIONS 1 For questions regarding Records and Election fees contact: 801.535.7671 Service Fee Additional Information (( Section Candidate Filing Fees Mayor Council i i File $339 $81 Or petition/see Section 2.68.010 I 2.68.010 With Nomination $339 $81 Or additional petition signatures/see Section 2.68.010 2.68.010 Write-in $339 $81 I 2.68.020 Copies of Records Per hour minus the first 15 minutes compiling records as listed (Employee time Not more$11 2.64.130 in Section 2.64.130A 1 1 Paper photocopies Not more than$0.10 Per copy 2.64.130 Size C blueprint I Not more than$1 Per copy 2.64.130 Produced a microfilm printer(silver paper) Not more than$2 Per copy 2.64.130 From microfilm(plain paper) Not more than$0.10 ,Per copy 2.64.130 1From a photograph Not more than$5 Per copy 2.64.130 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 30 Cost of media,plus Tapes or discs $11/hour for employee See Section 2.64.130 2.64.130 time Traffic accident reports Not more than the fee charged by the State of Utah for similar 2.64.130 reports Mylar or Vellum Prints 24"x 36" Not more than$6 2.64.130 Larger than 24"x 36" Not more than$2 per 2.64.130 square foot Declaration of Mutual Commitment $26 10.03.050 Termination of Declaration of Mutual No charge 10.03.030 Commitment REFUSE For questions regarding Waste Collection Service fees contact: 801.535.6999 Service Fee Additional Information Section !Green Waste and Recycling Green Recycling _I Waste No additional No Charge is included in the fee for garbage„recycling and green Residences receiving City garbage service charge additional 'waste 9.08.030 charge Per month,per container/eligible recycling customers are non- garbage customers who meet City's service criteria regarding 9,08.030 access to curb and location within service route;minimum subscription 12 months. Glass recycling for residences $7 Per month 9.08.030 Garbage 40 gallon container $13.75 Per month,per container 9.08.030 60 gallon container $17.75 Per month,per container 9.08.030 90 gallon container $21.00 Per month,per container 9.08.030 Replacement or Removal of Containers Actual city cost to purchase container plus When damage is caused by property owner $11 9.08.140 When stolen and theft reported to police No charge 9.08.140 When stolen and theft not reported to police Actual city cost for purchase of container 9.08.140 With one of a different size No charge 9.08.140 Removal of containers for residences and for eligible recycling l customers I $11 Per container 9. 3 ) Additional information on termination or suspension see Section 9.08.030F Low Income Abatement:Customers who are granted abatement for taxes on their dwelling shall be granted a 50%abatement of the minimum monthly charge per Section 9.08.030. SANITARY SEWER UTILITIES For questions regarding Sanitary Sewer Charges contact:801-483.6727 Customer Classifications Customer BOD(mg/I) TSS(mg/I) Additional Information Class 1 <300 l <300 2 300-600 300-600 More than one class may apply IY to a customer at the same time.Customer 3 601-900 601-900 classifications is set based on the estimated BOD and TSS discharge rate. 4 901-1,200 901-1,200 1,201-1,500 1,201-1,500 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 31 6 I 1,501-1,800 1 1,501-1,800 See Section 7 >1,800 >1,800 Sewer Charges I _ Customer Flow Rate BOD TSS Total Additional Information Section Class* 1 $1.03 $0.39 $0.23 $1.65 Monthly service charge for customers in classes 1 to 6 equal to 2 $1.03 $0.70 $0.45 $2.18 the greater of: 3 $1.03 $1.17 $0.76 $2.96 1.Cumulative flow rate,BOD rate and TSS rate set forth in the - following chart per 100 cubic feet of metered water usage 4 $1.03 $1.66 $1.05 $3.74 during winter months,or 5 $1.03 $2.11 $1.34 $4.48 2.Minimum charge of$6.60 6 $1.03 $2.58 $1.65 $5.26 17.72.030 Monthly Service charge for each customer in Category Cost per Pound of class 7 and all other separately monitored Discharge($/Pound) classes based on actual discharae strength 7 Flow component charoed at$1.03 oer 100 cubic feet COD $0.1220 of metered water used durina a billina period BOD $0.2438 Charae for COD.BOD. and TSS billed on actual pounds of discharae TSS $0.1569 New sewer accounts-Applicable until data required by Section 17.34.030.E.1 is received Single $12.24 per month 17.72.030 Duplex $12.24 per month/per dwelling 17.72.030 Triplex $12.24 per month/per dwelling 17.72.030 unit $12.24 per month minimum or Multiple dwelling $0.95 per one hundred cubic 17.72.030 feet of total water consumption whichever is highest Customer Class Flow Rate Per 100 Cubic Feet A minimum charge of$12.24 per 1 $1.03 month or a service charge per 2 $1.36 one hundred(100)cubic feet of All other users 3 - - j total water consumption based $1.86 17.72.030 on the applicable customer • __ - 4 $2.32 class,whichever is highest 5 $2.80 _ 6 $3.28 I Monthly service charge for each customer in class 7 and all other Customer class 7 separately monitored classed See Section 17.72.030 E.1.f 17.72.030 based on actual discharge strength As needed to ensure equitable Service charge adjustment I service charges,determined by 17.72.030 director SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION FEES For questions regarding Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees contact: 801.483.6727 Service/Size Fee Additional Information I Section Connection fees on new development property: Residential single dwelling 1 $545 per connection or unit Indudes condominiums and twin homes single 17.72.030 dwellings Multi-family dwellings Duplex $818 17.72.030 Triplex $1,226 17.72.030 ,Townhouse(apartment) $409 per unit L 17 72.030 IHotels and motels: • • T Without kitchen or restaurant $273 per dwelling unit 17.72.030J Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 32 With a kitchen or restaurant $363 per dwelling unit 17.72.030 With a kitchen and a restaurant $363 per dwelling unit 17.72.030 General commercial and industrial $27 per each equivalent fixture unit Base on Utah plumbing code 17.72.030 Trailer Park $545 per equivalent fixture unit Three trailer spaces shall equal one residential 17.72.030 single dwelling unit fixture unit Six trailer spaces shall equal one residential Recreation park $545 per equivalent 17.72.030 single dwelling Special industrial and commercial uses $27 per equivalent fixture unit,as specified in Including car washes,Laundromats„etc. 17.72.030 uniform plumbing code Sewer connection fees on property with prior development: Residential building See Section 17.72.030 17.72.030 Commercial building See Section 17.72.030 Hotel,motel,industrial building,etc. 17.72.030 Temporary sewer connections L $100 Not to exceed 24 months 17.72.030 SANITARY SEWER PERMITS For questions regarding Sanitary Sewer Permits contact: 801.483.6727 Service Fee Additional Information Sewer Permit Fees Section Sewer and miscellaneous inspection $60 17.72.030 Sewer repair inspection $30 17.72.030 Trail sewer survey $35 17.72.030 Sewer survey $100 17.72.030 Resurvey charge $35 each occasion 17.72.030 Shall be determined by the Installation of sewer special ways Cannot exceed the City's actual cost plus reasonable overhead 17.72.030 director J Sewer Construction,Connection and Repair Permits Additional surveys or inspections Fee Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.44.030 IApplication for repairs and replacements fee Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.44. 40 Trial sewer survey fee Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.44.050 Re-inspection additional fee Fee to cover the cost of the work See Section 17.44.110 17.44.110 Survey stakes resetting fee Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.44.160 Opening sewer when junction pipe not available Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.48.130 Replacing damaged junction pipe Fee to cover the cost of the work 17.48.140 SANITARY SEWER PRETREATMENT PROGRAM For questions regarding Sanitary Sewer Pretreatment Program contact:801.799.4002 Service Fee Additional Information Section Pretreatment Program services Permit application I Determined by Publi`PIOyTW Owned treatment Works For provisions see Section 17.52.030 17.52.040 1 Metering of sewage flows Based upon actual sewer meter readings 17.72.030 Sample and analysis fees Fee to cover all cost associated with labor and 17.64.040 • testing New Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit $100 17.64.040 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit $50 17.64.040 Renewal Pretreatment Sampling Manual sampling $80 17.64.040 Automatic sampler composite $50 17.64.040 Grab sample $20 17.64.040 I Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 33 Grease Interceptor Inspection Fee 1st trip Free 17.64.040 i2nd trip $50 17.64.040 13rd trip $100 17.64.040 SPECIAL EVENTS For questions regarding Special Events contact:TBD Service Fee Additional Information Section I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT-SPECIAL EVENTS Alcohol Concessions Agreement $250 Per Applications 3.50.020 Unity Garden Plot Agreement $10 Refundable deposit for yearly garden plot usage 3.50.020 Staffing Charge $25 Per hour over 6 hours .50.020 Janitorial Rate See Notes Fee is equal to fee charged by facilities for janitorial services 3.50.020 FIRE-TEMPORARY MEMBRANE STRUCTURES,TENTS OR CANOPIES-SPECIAL EVENTS Single event-Initial Inspection $156 Up to 180 days.See Also Fire Code under 2.12.040 3.50.020 Each additional structure on same site $1 See Also Fire Code 2.12.040 3.50.020 Re inspection of additional setup $1 Using the same plan that was previously inspected.See Also 3.50.020 Fire Code under 2.12.040 PARKS-SPECIAL EVENTS Site:Set Up/Takedown $62 !Per Day 3.50.020 Event Fee $124 Per Day 3.50.020 Staff costs Supervisor $27 Per Hour 3.50.020 Sr.Groundskeeper $19 Per Hour 3.50.020 Seasonal Employee $10 Per Hour 3.50.020 Irrigation Tech $21 Per Hour 3.50.020 I !Irrigation Seasonal $15 Per Hour 3.50.020 Electrical Usage $0 Per Kilowatt Hour-$15.00 Minimum 3.50.020 Litter Clean Up $10 Per Person/hour .53 0.020 Garbage Can Relocation $10 Per Person/hour 3.50.020 Restroom Cleaning $33 Per Cleaning 3.50.020 Damage to Landscape Sod Replacement $0 Per Square Foot 3.50.020 Pet Moss $12 Per Bale 3.50.020 Lawn Seed $100 Per Bag 3.50.020 ;Top Soil $36 Per Yard 3.50.020 Fertilizer $33 Per Bag 3.50.020 Tree Replacement Varies per size of tree Based on city's cost to replace damaged tree 3.50.020 Paver Replacement Paver Cleaning ' $37 Per Hour 3.50.020 'Equipment Damage and Parts Varies based on damage Based on city's cost 3.50.020 Irrigation Damage and Parts Varies based on damage Based on city's cost 3.50.020 Fuel Costs $3 3.50.020 Use of Equipment 1 Ton Dump Truck $26 Per Hour 3.50.020 Aerator(Walk Behind) $8 I Per Hour 3.50.020 !Aerator,Tractor Mounted(including Tractor) $15 'Per Hour 3.50.020 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 34 ATLV $14 Per Hour 3.50.020 IBackhoe $59 Per Hour 3.50.020 Blower,Backpack(Stihl) $6 Per Hour 3.50.020 Blower(Walk Behind) $6 Per Hour 3.50.020 Edger,Grass(Power Trim) $6 I Per Hour 3.50.020 Leafbed/10 Wheeler $59 'Per Hour 3.50.020 Loader $91 Per Hour 3.50.020 Mixer $10 Per Hour 3.50.020 Mower,Bagger(Snapper) $6 ,Per Hour 3.50.020 Mower,Riding(Toro/Kubota) $15 Per Hour 3.50.020 Mower,Side Discharge(Eastman) $5 Per Hour 3.50.020 'Mower,Wide Area(Jacobsen 9016) $32 Per Hour 3.50.020 Pickup Truck $13 Per Hour 3.50.020 Plow,Jeep Mounted(Including Jeep) $14 Per Hour 3.50.020 I Plow,Truck(Including Truck) $18 'Per Hour .53 0.020 Pressure Washer $7 Per Hour 3.50.020 Snowthrower(Toro) $5 Per Hour 3.50.020 Sprayer,Pull Behind(Including Pickup) $16 I Per Hour 3.50.020 Spreader,Pull Behind(Including Pickup) $15 Per Hour 3.50.020 Sweeper,Tractor Mounted(Including $26 Per Hour 3.50.020 Track hoe $6 Per Hour 3.5320 0. Trimmer,Hedger(Stihl) $4 Per Hour 3.50.020 Trimmer,Line(Maruyama,Echo) $13 Per Hour 3.50.020 Utility Truck(Cushman) $9 Per Hour 3.50.020 Utility Truck(Kawasaki Mule) $17 I Per Hour 3.50.020 !Van,Mower(Including Trailer) $10 Per Hour 3.50.020 Volleyball Court Lighting-Liberty Park $10 Per Hour 3.50.020 POLICE-SPECIAL EVENTS Police Coverage for Special Events $55 Per Hour,Per Officer 3.50.020 Police Secondary Employment Car Charge $1,000 Per Every 4 Hours,plus Fuel surcharge 3.50.020 SANITATION-SPECIAL EVENTS Garbage Cans $14 Each Can/Per Day 3.50.020 Temporary Meter Charge-Deposit $1,000 !Per Event I 3.50.020 1 STORM WATER jFor questions regarding Storm Water contact:801.483.6727 Service Fee Additional Information Section !Drainage connection fee $374 Per 1/4 acre,rounded up 17.81.400 Storm water inspection fee $85 i 17.16.050 Storm Water Fees .Single family residential and duplex parcels,less than 0.25 acres $4.49 Per month 17.81.200 'Single family residential and duplex parcels,less $6.28 Per month 17.81.200 'than 0.25 acres !Triplex and fourplex residential $8.98 Per month ! 17.81.200 'All other developed parcels $4.49 per ERU Per month,see Section 17.81.200 for formula 17.81.200 Undeveloped parcels ' No assessment levied 17.81.200 'Parcel mitigation credit Formula based (See Section 17.81.200 17.81.200 I Low income abatement Formula based ISee Section 17.81.200 17.81.200 1 I Non-service abatement Formula based !See Section 17.81.200 17.81.200 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 35 Discharge into City Storm Water Sewer System T Not to exceed$125 17.84.400 Discharge into City Storm water Sewer System $20 18,16.050 Registration Fee Discharge into City Storm Water Re-inspection Not to exceed$30 17.16.050 STREET LIGHTING For questions regarding Street Lighting fees contact: 801.498.6700 Service I Fee Additional Information I Section Single family residential,duplex,and triplex $3.73 Per month 1 17.95.300 High Density Lighting Surcharge $3.28 Per ERU Per month 17.95.300 Per month-minimum bill will be$3.73 per water account or All other properties j 53.73 Per ERU 17.95.300 undeveloped parcel I WATER For questions regarding Water fees contact: 801.483.6900 - -- Service --- Fee Minimum Charge Rate Table Size of connection Charge Daily Amount Monthly Amount City County City County 3/4 and 1 inch Minimum charge $0.3003 $0.3962 $9.14 $12.06 17.16.670 1 1/2 inch Minimum charge $0.3548 $0.4659 $10.80 $14.18 17.16.670 2 inch Minimum charge $0.3851 $0.5069 $11.72 $15.43 17.16.670 3 inch Minimum charge $0.6462 $0.8598 $19.67 $26.17 17.16.670 4 Inch Minimum charge $0.6919 $0.9212 $21.06 $28.04 17.16.670 6 Inch Minimum charge $0.9988 $1.3355 $30.40 $40.65 17.16.670 8 inch Minimum charge $1.7955 - $2.4118 $54.65 $72.41 17.16.670 i 10 inch Minimum charge $3.3330 $4.4830 $101.36 i $136.45 _' 17.16.670 >10 inches Minimum charge Based proportionately on meter capacity,as determined by Public Utilities Director. • Fire Hydrant $6.5708 $8.8706 $200.00 j $200.00 17.16.590 Low Income Abatement:Customer who are granted abatement for taxes on their dwelling shall be granted a four dollar fifty cent($4.50)abatement of the minimum monthly charge. Water Meter Rates 17.16.680 All rates charged are per each 100 cubic feet of water. **Summer months are April through October Account Type Amount Used ' Rate(Summer) Flat Rate(Winter) I City County City County 'Block 1: 1-10 hundred $1.08 $1.46 cubic feet Block 2: 11-30 hundred cubic feet(except as $1.61 $2.16 increased to 47.94 I Single family residence Cubic feet for Urban i $1.08 $1.46 Vegetable Gardens) Block 3: 31-70 hundred $2.23 $3.01 cubic feet • Block 4: >71 hundred $2.34 f $3.15 cubic feet • Block 1: 1-13 hundred $1.08 $1.46 cubic feet Block 2: 14-30 hundred $1.61 $2.16 ! residence Duplex cubic feet P Block 3: I $1.08 $1.46 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 36 31-70 hundred $2.23 $3.01 cubic feet Block 4: !>71 hundred $2.34 $3.15 'cubic feet Block 1: :1-16 hundred $1.08 $1.46 icubic feet (Block 2: 17-30 hundred $1.61 $2.16 Triplex residence icubic feet Tri 1 Block 3: $1.08 $1.46 !31-70 hundred $2.23 $3.01 icubic feet i Block 4: >71 hundred $2.34 $3.15 l cubic feet 100 Cubic feet $1.08 $1.46 Through AWC Above AWC [through 300%of AWC $1.61 $2.16 Over 300%through $2.23 Fourplex residence/Commercial 700%of AWC $3.01 and Industrial $1.08 $1.46 Over 700%of AWC $2.34 $3.15 Note: "AWC"means average winter consumption,and is calculated as the average amount of water used by customer during the months of November through March,inclusive(a"winter period"),taking into account the highest number of complete winter periods available for that customer,up to a maximum of 3 winter periods.Any customer that at the time of calculation has not established an AWC will be assigned a class average AWC by meter size for such customer's classification.Customers with defective plumbing or unexplained deceases in usage of more than 25 percent may be adjusted back to a prior AWC,or be assigned the class average by meter size.In cases where class average is not available or is not reasonable,the Director may use other consumption information specific to such account to determine AWC. Account Type j Amount Used Rate(Summer) Flat Rate(Winter) City County City j County Cost 100 Cubic feet to target budget $1.61 $2.16 Over target budget Up to $1.61 $2.16 $2.23 $3.01 Irrigation 300%of target budget Over 300%of $2.34 $3.15 target budget Note: "Irrigation account"means an account established for applying water for irrigation and landscaping only,as determined by the Public Utilities Director or his designee. "Target budget"means the estimated amount of water consumed per acre,as established by the Public Utilities Director or his designee each year for customer based on factors including,but not limited to,evapotranspiration,and considering efficient water practices.A different target budget is established for each month of the irrigation season. Miscellaneous Fees City County Range from • Urban Vegetable Garden Credit Adjustment $74.10 to NA ';Based on garden size 17.16.685 $185.26 Annually Deposit for water-residential j $60 $60 117.16.380 Deposit for water-business $100 $100 !Retail,warehouse,offices 17.16.380 Deposit for water-small restaurants ___ $150 $150 ! 17.16.380 Deposit for water-Laundromats,large restaurants I $300 $300 17.16.380 Deposit for water-carwashes $600 $600 i 17.16.380 Meter Test Fee-5/8"to 1" I $40 117.16.050 Meter Test Fee-1 1/2"to 2" $75 17.16.050 Meter Test Fee-larger than 2" ! Actual Costs 17.16.050 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 37 Water turn on-turn off $21 17.16.660 Illegal turn on fee $50 I $50 17.16.660 Bankruptcy deposit Highest two monthly bills over 17.16.660 the previous 12 months period Charges for water Minimum charges apply �See Section 17.16.590 17.16.590 Damage to padlock,inline lock or lock out sleeve Actual costs 17.16.050 Deposit for fire hydrant meter $1,000 $100 not refundable Illegal fire hydrant usage-theft of water $500 Fire hydrant monthly charge $50 per month Includes 5 fill-ups at Public Canyon water surplus sales(for contracts that are not tied to the rate established by the average MWDSLS rate paid by SLC) Contract volume 800 gallons per day $160.65 per year 17.04.030 'Contract volume 400 gallons per day $80.33 per year 17.04.030 Water Connection Fees-Contact 801.483.6727 17.04.040 Classification Dwelling Meter Size City Cost** County Cost Single family 3/4 inch $2,473.00 $2,554.00 Single family 1 inch $3,913.45 $4,110.45 Residential Duplex 1 inch $2,940.45 $3,048.45 Triplex 1 inch $2,987.45 $3,108.45 Fourplex 1 inch $4,017.45 $4,196.45 3/4 inch $2,602.00 $2,727.00 1 inch $4,446.05 $4,829.56 1.5 inch $8,591.56 $9,329.56 2 inch $14,099.21 ( $15,157.21 Compound — 3 inch $27,661.06 $29,821.06 4 inch $31,772.81* $31,772.81* 6 inch $61,957.45* $61,957.45* 8 inch $98,027.40* $98,027.40 -r Commercial/Industrial 2 inch Price upon request Price upon request 3 inch Price upon request Price upon request Turbo 4 inch Price upon request* Price upon request* 6 inch Price upon request* Price upon request* 8 inch Price upon request* j Price upon request* 4 inch $33,221.96* $33,221.96* 6 inch $64,026.67* $64,026.67* FM 8 inch $98,633.46* I $98,633.46* 10 inch $150,192.77* $150,192.77* *For meters 4-inches and larger a water resource fee shall be added.The fee is based on the ratio of the projected usage(gpd)as determined by the AWWA M-22 method to the equivalent residential unit amount of 449 gpd multiplied by$106. **Cost includes actual hardware cost,inspection fees and impact fees. Fire Service Connection Charges***Contact number 801.483.6727 Detector check 8-inch j $2,722.31 17.16.050 i 1 110-inch $4,057.41 I 17.16.050 Fire Lines 12-inch $355 17.16.050 4-inch $355 17.16.050 6-inch $601 17.16.050 8-inch $819 i 17.16.050 10-inch $1,091 1 17.16.050 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 38 I12-inch $1,309 17.16.050 New hydrants $110 Per each inspection 17.16.050 Hydrant and/or meter $110 Per each move/kill inspection 17.16.050 ***Cost indudes inspection fees Water Meter Testing Requested by Property Owner 1 inch and smaller $12 17.16.410 I Meters over 1 inch $25 17.16.410 When meter is found to be over-registering No charge Cost of test borne by the city 17.16.410 Water Used During Construction Residential $10 17.16.345 Commercial Metered rates 17.16.345 1WATERSHED RECREATIONAL FEES 'For questions regarding Watershed Recreational fees contact: 801.483.6880 Service Fee I Additional Information I Section Affleck Park Site Fees Single Site $15 Per day 17.08.030 Group area#2 $50 Per day 17.08.030 i Group area#3 $100 Per day 17.08.030 Little Dell Recreation Area Site Fee Vehicle entry $5 I Per car 17.08.030 Season pass $50 17.08.030 Senior season pass $25 17.08.030 City Creek Canyon Entry Fee Vehicle entry $3 Per car 17.08.030 Site fees for picnic areas $3-$75 17.08.030 Special Event Permits Per Day in Protected Watershed Areas(Races,walks,filming,etc) I #of Participants Fee Deposit Additional Information 0 to 20 $0 $0 20 to 50 $25 $50 50 to 100 $50 $100 100 to 200 $100 $200 One toilet required per 40 participants at start. 200 to 400 r $200 $500 Running races over 5 miles require toilets at 17.08.030 400 to 600 $500 $1,000 intermittent mile markers and aid stations(e.g. 600 to 1,000 $1,000 $2,000 miles 1,3,5...) *Over 1,000 *Contacted watershed manager Filming Fees(per day) $200 minimum to$1,000 minimum i ZONING FEES For question regarding Zoning fees contact:801.535.7700 Service Fee Additional Information Section ;Administration Determination $179 21A.64.010 Administration Interpretation and Verification $60 Plus$60 per hour for research after the first hour 21A.64.010 j Alley Vacation $238 Fee waiver available 21A.64.010 !Alternative Parking Residential 1--- $357 II 21A.64.010 I INonresidential $655 I21A.64.010 IAmendments I !Master plan j $893 IPlus$119 per acre in excess of one acre 121A.64.010 j Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 39 l Zoning text or map $953 Plus$119 per acre in excess of one acre 21A.64.010 Annexation $1,191 21A.64.010 'Appeal of a Decision Fee waivers available 21A.64.010 Administrative decision $238 21A.64.010 Historic Landmarks Commission $238 21A.64.010 Planning Commission $238 21A.64.010 Appearance Before the Zoning Enforcement Hearing Office First scheduled hearing No charge 21A.64.010 Second scheduled hearing $60 21A.64.010 Application for Conditional Use Billboard Construction or Demolition $238 21A.64.010 Conditional Site Plan Review $715 Plus$119 per acre in excess of one acre 21A.64.010 Conditional Use/Planned Development $715 Plus$119 per acre in excess of one acre 21A.64.010 Condominium Preliminary $476 Plus$36 per unit 21A.64.010 Final $357 Plus$24 per unit 21A.64.010 Dwelling Unit Legalization $238 21A.64.010 General Plan Application $215 20.29.040 Historic Preservation/Historic Landmarks Commission Alterations of a principal building $30 21A.64.010 Signs $30 21A.64.010 New construction of a principal building $238 21A.64.010 Demolition of a principal building $476 21A.64.010 Relocation of a principal building $238 21A.64.010 I Home Occupation Non-conditional No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 21A.64.010 Conditional No charge Fee could be assessed in future as per ordinance 21A.64.010 Landscaping Permit for Public Right of Way $16 Per job,or$80.66 Per year 2.26.210 News Racks Permit application $5 i Per news rack 14.36.080 Certificate filing fee $5 Per news rack 14.36.110 Outdoor Dining [Outdoor Dining Application $25 21A.40.065 Outdoor Dining Permit Fee(1-5 tables) $100 21A.40.065 !Outdoor Dining Permit Fee(6 or more tables) $150 —I 21A.40.065 Planned Development $714 21A.64.010 Processing Petition for Disposal of City Owned See provisions in Section 14.52.030 Alleys 14.52.030 Routine and Uncontested Matters $119 21A.64.010 Signs Plan checking fee 11.26% Of building permit value 121A.46.030 Inspection tag $12 21A.46.030 I— — - 20.28.040 Site Development Permit $238 !Plus$60 per acre in excess of one(1)acre 20.12.020 20.04.050 Site Plan Review Application $715 I Plus$119 per acre in excess of one(1)acre I 21A.58.080 Special Exception $238 For historic structures,see Section 21A.34.020 and 21A.52.040 21A.46.070V. Street Closure $357 !Fee waiver available 21A,64.010 Street Name Change $2981 I 21A.64.010 i Subdivision Review Fees Preliminary Final Review Review Minor residential and nonresidential $357 $715 !Plus$119 per lot 20.04.140 Major residential and nonresidential $357 I $1,191 (Plus$119 per lot ; 20.04.140 Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 40 { Plus$119 per lot preliminary review;Plus$172 per lot final FR and FP zones $715 $715 review. 20.04.140 Subdivision Amendments and Vacations Amendments $357 'Plus$119 per lot 1 20.04.140 Vacations $357 Plus$119 per lot 20.04.140 Subdivision Engineering Fees 5%of the 1st$100,000& Preliminary Review Fee , 2%for the amount above 20.04.140 $100,000 Final review an inspection fee 5%of estimated cost of ' 20.04.140 public improvements Main line sewer extension,engineering design, 8%of estimated cost of I 20.04.140 field surveying and inspection fee public improvements Subdivision Lot Line Adjustment $237 I 20.29.040 Subdivision Lot Line Adjustment-Routine and Uncontested $215 Application review fee 20.29.040 Subdivision Plat Amendments Plus$27 per lot plus cost of postage for mailing labels,see $376 I Section 20.31.040 20.31.040 Temporary Uses $238 1For provisions see Section 21A.42.060 21A.64.010 Zoning Variance $357 i For historic structures,see Section 21A.34.020 and 21A.52.050 21A.46.070V. GENERAL FUNDS MISCELLANEOUS FEES For questions regarding General Funds Miscellaneous Fees contact:TBD Service Fee Additional Information Section Collection Fee $47 .16.050 I Legal Fee $181 II 2.75.040 Credit Card Use Surcharge 1.23% This fee will be added at the register to all credit card 3.16.060 transactions Amended 6/10/2014 by Ord.2014-41 Page 41