042 of 1984 - Weed Abatement Amendment - Fire Prevention Bureau 0 84-18 ow-j • APPROVED: DATE: SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 42 of 1984 (Weed Abatement Amendment-- Fire Prevention Bureau) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH, 1965, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO WEED ABATEMENT BY: AMENDING SECTION 15-2-3 AND ADDING SECTION 15-2-3 .7 TO AMEND WEED CONTROL PROVISION OF 511 .201 (a) OF THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE; BY ADDING SECTION 15-3-5 AUTHORIZING THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU TO ABATE WEEDS BY CLEANING REAL PROPERTY; AND BY AMENDING SECTIONS 18-29-5 , 18-29-6, AND 18-29-10 RELATING TO ABATEMENT PROCEDURES FOR THE CLEANING OF REAL PROPERTY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Chapter 2 of Title 15 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to the Uniform Fire Code and Amendments, be, and the same is hereby amended by AMENDING Section 15-2-3 and by ADDING Section 15-2-3 .7 amending Section 11 .201 (a) of said Code relating to standards for weed control and accumulation of waste materials, which shall read as follows: Sec. 15-2-3. Amendments. The following provisions of the Uniform Fire Code be, and the same are hereby listed Sec. 15-2-3 . 1 . Appeals. * * * Sec. 15-2-3.6. Hose lines for demolition (510.316) RF r AS Tt 6y _ AA --...-..._...� Sec. 15-2-3.7. Accumulation of waste materials--weed con- trol [§11 .201 (a)] Sec. 15-2-3 . 8 - 3.9 Reserved. Sec . 15-2-3. 10. Fireworks. (§78. 102 , 103 ) * * * Sec. 15-2-3.7. Accumulation of waste materials--weed con- trol. (Sec . 11 .201 (a) of the Uniform Fire Code, relating to the prohibition of the accumulation of waste materials, be, and the same is hereby AMENDED by adopting by reference the standards of Section 18-29-4 of these ordinances relating to weed control which shall read as follows: Sec. 11 .201 (a) . Accumulations of wastepaper, hay, grass, straw, weeds, litter or combustible or infammable waste material , waste petroleum products or rubbish of any kind shall not be permitted to remain upon any roof or in any court, yard, vacant lot or open space. All weeds, grass, vines or other growth, when the same endangers property or is liable to be fired, shall be cut down and removed by the owner or occupant of the property. When total removal of growth from a piece of property is imprac- tical due to size or to environmental factors, approved fuel breaks may be established between the land and the endangered property. The width of the fuel break shall be determined by height, type and amount of growth, wind conditions, geographical conditions and the type of exposures threatened. Weeds shall be -2- deemed to endanger the property if they are not maintained at a height of less than six inches. Weed cuttings must be promptly cleared and removed. Other methods of weed eradication are spe- cified in Section 18-29-4 of these ordinances, and are incor- porated herein by reference. SECTION 2. That Chapter 3 of Title 15 of the Revised Ordi- nances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended, relating to enforcement provisions be, and the same is hereby amended by ADDING Section 15-3-5, authorizing the Fire Prevention Bureau to proceed with abatement work of cleaning real property by adopting and incorporating by reference the provisions of Chapter 29 of Title 18 of these ordinances, which amendment shall read as follows: Sec. 15-3-5. Abatement procedures for cleaning of real property. For the purposes of assisting with weed control and the abatement procedure established for the cleaning of real property, as provided in Section 10-11-1 , et seq. , Utah Code Annotated , 1953, as amended, as codified in Chapter 29 of Title 18 of these ordinances, the City hereby authorizes the Fire Pre- vention Bureau, in addition to the Salt Lake City-County Health Department, to administer in every respect said abatement proce- dures. To that end: ( 1 ) Every reference in said Chapter 29 of Title 18 that refers to said "Health Department" or the "Department" shall be deemed to also refer to the "Fire Prevention Bureau" . -3- (2) The Fire Marshall, as head of the Fire Prevention Bureau, and/or his duly authorized representatives, are hereby appointed City inspectors authorized under Section 10-1 1-1 , et. seq. , Utah Code Annotated. Every reference to "Inspector" in Chapter 29 of said Title 18 shall also be deemed to refer to the Fire Marshall and his representatives. (3 ) The Fire Prevention Bureau is authorized to administer a special revolving fund established by the City to fund out-of- pocket costs incurred in the abatement work under said procedure for the cleaning of real property. Any funds collected in any manner for reimbursement shall be redeposited into the revolving fund, together with any supplemental appropriations. SECTION 3. That Sections 18-29-5 and 18-29-10 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, 1965, as amended , relating to abatement procedures for the cleaning of real proper- ty be, and the same are hereby AMENDED to read as follows. Sec. 18-29-5. Notice. Owners or occupants of the property upon which a violation exists shall be served a written notice stating the violation, location of violation, date of notice, corrective measures to be taken, a reasonable time period to comply, which shall be not less than 10 days from the date of the service of the order, and the department 's power to cause at the property owner' s expense the cutting or eradicating of weeds, the cleaning and removing of weeds, unsightly or deleterious objects or structures, or flammable material, or the securing of any -4- vacant structures. Any administrative appeal to said notice must be filed with the issuing department within ten days of service of the notice and is subject to review as other department admi- nistrative appeals. Once notice has been served during any calendar year directing the cutting and removing of weeds, no further notice need be served upon the same owner or occupant to compel such weed cutting and removing during such calendar year. Said written notice issued by the inspector shall be deemed sufficient and complete when served upon the owner or occupant: ( 1 ) Personally by the inspector or his representative; or, ( 2) Mailing, postage prepaid , addressed to the owner or occupant at the last known post office address appearing on the records of the county assessor. The inspector shall make proof of service of such notice under oath and file the same in the office of the county trea- surer. Sec. 18-29-6. Department authority to clean and secure property upon owner ' s failure to comply. Upon the owner's or occupant' s failure to cut or eradicate the weeds, remove the cuttings, solid waste, unsightly or deleterious objects or struc- tures, or flammable material or failure to secure any vacant structure in accordance with the notice issued, the department shall have the authority to cause such cutting, removing or securing, including the power to enter on the property in viola- -5- tion for such cutting , removing or securing , or to authorize others to enter on such property and cause such cutting, removing or securing. The inspector, upon approved completion of the work, shall prepare an itemized statement of all cost including administrative expenses incurred by the department which shall be a minimum of not less than $100, plus the cost of cutting, eradi- cating , removing or securing the property. The inspector shall mail a copy of such statement to the owner or occupant demanding reimbursement to the department of said costs by payment to the city treasurer within 20 days of the date of mailing. Such notice shall be deemed delivered when mailed by registered mail addressed to the last known address of the property owner or occupant according to the records of the county assessor. Sec. 18-29-10. Costs of removal to be included in tax notice. Upon receipt of the itemized statement of the costs of cutting or eradicating, removing of solid waste, unsightly or deleterious objects, flammable material , or the securing of any structure, the county treasurer shall forthwith mail one copy to the owner of the land from which the same were cut, eradicated, removed or secured, together with a notice that objection in writing to the Board of County Commissioners may be made within thirty days to the whole or any part of the statement so filed . The county treasurer shall, at the same time, deliver a copy of the statement to the clerk of the Board of County Commis- sioners. If objections to any statement are filed with the com- -6- missioners, they shall set a date for hearing, giving notice thereof, to the party objecting , the inspector, the department and the City Attorney' s office, and upon the hearing of the matter, determine and fix the actual cost of cutting , eradicat- ing, removing or securing , including administrative expenses, reporting their findings to the county treasurer. If no objec- tions to the items of the account are made within thirty days of the date of mailing such statement, the county treasurer shall certify and enter the amount of such statement on the assessment rolls of the county in the column prepared for that purpose. Otherwise, the treasurer shall, within ten days of the date of the action of the Board of County Commissioners upon any objec- tions filed , enter in the prepared column , upon the tax rolls, the amount found and certified by the Board to be the cost of cutting , eradicating , removing or securing. If current tax notices have been mailed, the taxes so incurred may be carried over the rolls to the following year. After the entry by the county treasurer of the certified costs of such work, the amount so entered shall have the force and effect of a valid judgment of the district court, and shall be a lien upon the lands upon which the work was performed , and shall be collected by the county treasurer at the time of and in the manner provided for the pay- ment of general taxes. The county treasurer shall send a copy of the certification to the city treasurer 's office. Thereafter, upon payment, a receipt shall be acknowledged upon the general -7- tax receipt issued by the county treasurer and the collected funds shall be reimbursed to the applicable abatement fund . SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 21st day of June , 1984. CH MAN ATTEST: TY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on June 22 1983 Mayor's Action: 6/27/84MAYOK r , ATTEST: % P 7 CYITI R CORDER cm56 (S E A L) BILL 42 of 1984 Published: June 27, 1984 -8- Vr�4lc1\��- l Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, SS. County of Salt Lake _• fit .. � ... , 3�f- tk Hof, •._; € fnq , "t''YKfrs pre'„elt�'Nf►,^Bufea n)�"ti ,',' ; Cheryl Gierloff �SRDINANCEAMENpING THE RE[NERORRINIANCES O� •'r LAKE CITY UTAH,1945,AS AMEND'EtS,RELATING D ApATEVV3By lyll?NpIN,G$�GTI N TST.3 AND SE ON f55-22 3.7 T A7NEIVL3 YVEEp CSN Is PRO- 1l OF 71.291(a,OF? M Cp� TIO GSEAU,`X 15-�-5" U 1�?1 fzir�vG�THE' E BY Being first dulysworn deposes and says that he/she is TfON BUREA 10N, ABA AfB+kERS BY;'LI i RVE g p y PROPERTY,ANp$yq�y ING 1 S 1 9, AN 18-29-5f) RELATINf . A� ` „ r",ri: U0 legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily F E CL"I "d q. E P(2 RTY C;,� r,a ° r p�p'T �tffl4 c ,; If newspaper printed in the English language with general Soflcl►y"Utah,196s asrQla4�fa circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, 4JlI�m Fed and�hlendp)i3Mrts bsome I hom- y ended.¢y A/hENQIN�attajl ,bY A p��G Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Section 15 2-3:7 amending on 11.20(a)of sa(ia Code'rbtaR fng.to standards for weed`c9atrol and accumulgtiqn,Rf"Ste mdterlais wh ch,sHa)I Yeatf US10flows! Sec f5-2-0,Amer drmeti f,The fpfiowing provI long of'Hte Un(>Iorrim Fire Code'be and the some are hereby list!f• That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto P*Ci 15,?.3.1.Appeals.s s s - , ?SpS�ec 15-2{t:4�Rose Ines:fpr`dglfrolHiph;( 1g;3T6 City h llk/6471.201(ajT' c4U R�a 1on 9f waste M, rlaig Wegd:can- ................................ .............................................. ........... 8 Salt Lake Ci Ordinance No. 42 of 1984 Weed a i 15.2 . .3,9,Resery , z .s+s 15-7 .10.Wreworke`:sshga02;103)s-+�"t..." ?U•. Abatement Amendment Fire Prevention Bureau Sec.15-2=3.7.AtcUn1 { Dp� U1ati6ri of ufaste hlQferfati`(4e4d�n 1rWl(Sec.11.201(0)bf the Uniform Fire Code,reigffng t0 the P� on Of x the MINDED accumulation of waste materials,be and the js he 0. by q(lopli Y•rsf¢r�nrestun- s whit([of all 29 4 of'iHese otdI rites'-itT1-q Need ............................................................................................. �. 11.20 a).�Ae- 03M'�o�lowsl �� I,allo of wa per r ;tfQ Weeds; •vr q0 ustlblb i Y irddiSi Qmd,7e'W"ngasYf�MOW-Nq1,wast�e��ppeetroleUm prod ds ar rubf?Ish of anY kind shall not ne tjeril5iitlt]'ta'remain vacant lot or ��Pbof ar In ahY cbdrl yard, open spa II weeds, grass, vines or other ggrowth when the m�re�fr nge property or IS It le 'of t I I+o 0 ? ............................................................................................. p mPrpctl due to sl q or tq envlr nm'` f *" m fuel ggksmaybeest�lisFiedbetweenthe in" Pr kd , deteYh_ ae + `'' W$`il 1the '' $�""� was ublished in said news a er on.................................. hTicoit dngTq°e � nrieondf- p ppcoes Shall be d8emehdanger a Pr }hey ca�u�retHtl{ rrtalneq° (,height otsss tbn rx in Ilyleed June 27, 1984 °ds°ngs mu be promPHy cleared ohdt'emo ed. 111 ..................................................... ....................................... adicat! "are sped It,SecHyn 18-29r4 of tf else y ordinances b are lonC: or her in by reference. SECTIdN .T hat Chbpfer 3 of Tf a 15 of the it vlsed Ordl- nonces of SOH Lake City,Utah,1965,as amende,relating to enforcement provisfons be,and fire same Is her amended .......... .. ' . ............ by ADDING Section 15-3.5,authorizing tg Fire Prevemion Su Leg A ertisi n lerk CreVau to proceed with ahogtregfmt eM work of cleaning real property ha°ptardOp 29n of T�itiie 19 pf}nes�e ordinances which amenilme4}shall read as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...........................15th. . .................................. day of . . . ........................August.............. A.D. 19.....84.. ............................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires March 1, 1988 ...................................................... DAVE z ae air` --Sec.15-8-5.ADWemeni aocedures/a cleaW a d rsr�l F«tlle D11raa sa/aeslethq wpn wNd Ca�dralalMYns pc dyr simllstaaf«mecleonlnpared«w- as aoyalOeU In 5salbn 10-ned s1 tea..UIW.Coos Annc/ish �5953�amBnded. tl In Chapter 29;,T. iBW efe«dhances,and Cpggy hKebv room«lass me ' Buro0u RI tMtlHlan fi the SaH Lakq\CHY.Fwn4 m 1 D ;W, ad mister m—Y respect sold ( vpryTd mW en-iota Chaoier P9 o/TWalnmal'raM1is ro shwE"INaHD er roe I� Ma pspanft .sf'yMl'De tlssmppni f«ta mF Flro PrevMllon Burefw"- (p)The FirergN"1�yMatt as Dead of mD FDe Pr.vgesIDMw- '.reau,Ordi«hla dYIV tlYl� lt� SsaH�p'�10-11�� HY eier¢me 10"Impeciar ppWrpP9Ns�allo .86ha11 alw De tlse edbrefeC to m6 FIFE MdthWi tlnd hN aMvlsaulborlsedbe to atlmml$M a�IMsry1s I�nrY��p I so M work antler wltl calls�Y°sira I mecfl«e°hlllp '�n=nu�lled IW°me onalrcyo1�N`ipaeMerw�gly&t�lt� la `. Nod Lak)7Cm,I�HWI y ro nO to �mmS!1e1 M�s�ep8stor ecYecn . djy7v.6;TK9Id1dppHenn��b�wnMs orppascsatse+�p��yyanby mmryery� . ch TaloNHwI IOOYtlQO IOIallory tloM'of noilCb q¢Df. nyD rg6sonadehmd hm I� a9 s pa�p1°wamto c°I�uaeeWW ft.�me oY ihf'Nslil�l�t d1 nl+u'' M p pw soma' ,:grpc'"H cop iMFP'b: ant °rc' Ym'Ier1 y« lous McPVeBkIk nein ¢-i,.yin 9MIifilNas bJecae On ,, centhed,ilMor �yy�1l �d� «rtryeNHppppsn��mywhl •Kj4a nnpp,.MI ,r l =Iona abOWh0, ywsv,aererlIs��,,eY°�iaYshad alalo.iM co nWli11p�ca1esW111a1 admfnls7rWP e°exn3/s Ir sn,sd D the Gpufin�l IallbeamininDlmW lets than 5ll�,Plus thecostolcm eradlwlln9,remayIApp�il thou fltpms propelN.Th.lnrpsrt«�I sh l mdn a capv MSIMI sMdaAM0 b me a o�aam�• demalbrprot�mWlbursemYll b theMdhslpq��.�0ntl�orgydmagsprfsWMtlNOyDpsb�Dv —9"a.Such 1�bp mOH ONlveridwMn my�l3tl ov i roalateron mbl Sed to M IaN brown oddre:sa W the Wvcau° w�es .«aCaWad q m tta ro«wda a the Sec le-P9-10.Cosh of romoval ro bJrv'IYdestl In bk Iw1ke. Mpon redeipt oettn Ib Nero efafemerrt W YnaN W cum « aAcafinp,remoyloo Yr sand watlB. «Mwlarl r s ttaTMwosW«es mo xla2iHiwMnemot Ilrt«n w°�pvM1to Hire o�Uwrli Wmslantlirom vy�hirsme s rMw"h Man eradl�Wed,� ed ed toaeftrer.%an xcemmob(ecd°n lnwrlllno tome e«o«5°a m founts eommissloners may be nadivnin thirty dap b me wndB«anv oaf of ms-b+Wement so pletl.The Caumy frea0arer anon,W the same dme,tleliver P C9Pv of me alolemerd to cslMmlks0 tlof my Comm[aKxlsrs.H Mey. Its set aydOk Mrn aarino,y in9 nWlu mm«lMn/ oatvsoblecllna,111e InapMar me deparirnent antl ms tHy At- TtaoonmmdeeIn Tx Me arcc(uol °s°/M ccuum�p,eradlcatin9,re�rrM�A.o's9- cw ;lnciudinQ odminlskaHvsezpsnsea,rep°rhrptheirflnd- Inaa ro ma toothy freosurar.H m oblacHona b me tlemis of me st°«otem°tailf the°wunHmNe0airK yslwu cep and the I tf°0VnoWcol rn Pr9eppaaredf mate r6°Posee.Oth:lerwisWB mc$°e°o- surershail whhlnten dap ofine dole o/meacflon oVme Do°rd ofeecpp000urnty Commisalonars upon anv ob=."meQ Mer mme hrerimrso Dv°DM eat ar°d°.D°emtl%refO°oef m wllm p,ero}pYdime Meovlrq or securina.H cumam tax noficea have been maneµ bxes so IncYmed m°y De embdtyovtrerms rxollstomebliow- sd crdfing o/w�woricetM anauMwer�M�hallA 0ms Bahr I cndefpploMoota vanb Iutl9meWW me dls�court,antl sholl be a the shalll I C111 n Me ed Dios M!Wou 1r olbpemr eP Nalnie of,M In ceurdm0recear�OV«sn�anu d optlpv atn certnitoNm Mti live a�dc°nowie09e°md u4ponn agennerroI rDeeceIpf Issued DVpmeraolun.r aNppilc46°ble aD°o°dbme.11 fun�ed turd$soon be ralmbursed ro me SECTION 4.This orNrwnce shall mks effect upon Hs first Pbllcofion. - Passed Dyy the SWCfty Council of S Ldka City,Utah,this Pill day W Jura,1981. Rood MAN CHAIRATTEST: Kohiryn M«i II CITY RECORD TronsmHHed to me May«on June PP,19S4 Mavar's Action: To Wilson MAYOR ATTEST: KWnryn Marshall CIFY RECORDER �IIS�9T of 19B/ Published:June PP,1984 8-45