042 of 2012 - Appropriating necessary funds to implement for Fiscal Year 2013 a MOU with AFSCME representing eligi 0 12-1 0 11-11 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 42 of 2012 (Appropriating necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2013, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees) An ordinance appropriating necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2013, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, representing eligible employees, dated on or about June 22, 2011. PREAMBLE The City Council, in Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 34 of 2011, approved a Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, as the certified bargaining representative for eligible employees. The Memorandum of Understanding is a two year agreement. The Memorandum of Understanding is subject to appropriation of funds by the City Council. The City Council, therefore, wishes to appropriate funds to implement the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, as negotiated by the City and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees, for fiscal year 2013. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this ordinance is to appropriate necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2013, the provisions of a Memorandum of Understanding approved by the City Council in Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 34 of 2011 between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees. SECTION 2. APPROPRIATION. The City Council hereby appropriates necessary funds to implement, for fiscal year 2013, the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding between Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, representing eligible employees as approved by the City Council in Salt Lake City Ordinance No. 34 of 2011, as amended. SECTION 3. AUTHORIZATION. The Mayor of Salt Lake City, Utah is hereby authorized to act in accordance with the terms and conditions of the attached Memorandum of Understanding between the City and American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004. SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be deemed effective on June 24, 2012. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 1 q day of June , 2012. H RPERSON ATTEST: Ae#4(11/L Y CORDS 51 AY n 78� "rif 1s 2 Transmitted to the Mayor on July 3, 2012 • Mayor's Action: 1 Approved. Vetoed. qu .% MAYOR ATTEST: F D UTY REC ER r'l,''' •41-11 •t�`1 �.'' Pvits i R)oR1'I' S� Bi1T ‘. t of 2012. Published: July 12, 2012 • t+ /�r"-FI,-;y'T)n ._7`.` i Salt ;•:lid '..tt`! i Tice.y ''. f D la 5—f7- /?- HB_ATTY-#23046-vl-Ord nance_Appropriating_FYI3_Funds AFSCME.DOC By 3 0 it-It MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING June 24, 2012 —June 22, 2013 WAGES RECORDED JUN 210 2012 CITY RECORDER Salt Lake City Corporation and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 1004, AFL-CIO 00% s; l` fens, AFSCME17.1 _ = -Fr l#-l-i AFSCME Salt Lake Ciq Corporation Patty Rich, Executive Director Website: www.stcgov.com Website: www.afscmeutah.org Intranet: http://slcnet Office: 801.532.1009 Office: 801.535.7900 E-mail: pattv_afscme cvgwestoffice.net RECORDED _IUN 2 0 2012 ARTICLE 12—FISCAL YEAR 2013 WAGS;f Ty RECORDER For June 24, 2012—June 22, 2013, the City and AFSCME agree that each eligible employee will be paid as provided for herein. June 24, 2012 to January 5, 2013. Effective June 24, 2012 to January 5, 2013, AFSCME eligible employees shall be paid biweekly in accordance with the wage schedule as set forth in Appendix "A" of this MOU. Appendix A reflects a one percent(1%) increase for eligible employees currently designated in steps A-E for 100 series and A-J for 200 series employees. Eligible employees will not progress from one step to another during this time period. During this period, 100 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as E#, 200 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as J#, and 300 series eligible employees, shall be paid at the wage rate for fiscal 2012 as reflected in Appendix "A". For Fiscal Year 2013 only, 100 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as E#, 200 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as J#, and 300 series eligible employees, as of June 23, 2012, will receive two (2) additional personal holidays to use during the course of the fiscal year. These personal holidays will be used during Fiscal Year 2013 or will be forfeited. These personal holidays will not be included when computing overtime during the week in which they are taken. January 6, 2013 to June 22, 2013. Effective January 6, 2013 to June 22, 2013, AFSCME eligible employees shall be paid biweekly in accordance with the wage schedule as set forth in Appendix "B" of this MOU which reflects a new pay structure. 100 series and 200 series eligible employee pay rates will be based upon the top rate of pay for each job title ("Job Rate") and determined by the completion of requirements and years of completed service as follows: 100 series employees: Entry level wage will be eighty percent (80%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of one(1) year of service in the job title or completion of probation, whichever occurs later, the wage rate will be ninety percent (90%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of three (3) years of service in the job title, the wage rate will be(100%) of the Job Rate. 200 series employees: Entry level wage will be seventy percent (70%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of one (1) year of service in the job title or completion of probation, whichever occurs later, the wage rate will be seventy-five percent (75%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of four (4) years of service in the job title, the wage rate will be eighty-five (85%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of six (6) years of service in the job title, the wage rate will be ninety (90%) of the Job Rate. Upon an eligible employee's completion of eight (8) years of service in the job title, the wage rate will be (100%) of the Job Rate. 2 The Job Rates upon implementation reflect a 1% increase for those 100 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as E# and 200 series employees currently being paid at the rate designated as J . 300 series eligible employees will receive a one percent (1%) increase to their current wage rate, but may be subject to further increases during the course of the fiscal year based upon market analysis and equity adjustments. For the new wage structure, "completed years of service" shall be calculated to he the greater of: 1) the highest step the employee has obtained in the job title as of the date of implementation (i.e. A=0, B=1, C=2, D=3. etc.); or 2) the number of calendar years the eligible employee has completed in the job title. "Job title" shall mean the specific job title, including levels of a career ladder(i.e. "Accounting Clerk II" or"Accounting Clerk III" or"Sanitation Operator II"). For example, the"years of completed service" for a Sanitation Operator II that was paid as a 116C under the prior system and has three years of completed service as a Sanitation Operator II shall be calculated as three (3) years. A Sanitation Operator II that was paid as a 116C but has only completed one year of service as a Sanitation Operator II as of the date of implementation would have"completed years of service" calculated as two (2) years. For the new wage schedule, completed years of service will be computed as of January 5, 2013 based upon an eligible employee's date of hire. An eligible employee may subsequently move to a higher pay rate during the effective dates of the new wage schedule in the event that the passage of his or her anniversary date results in the employee completing the requisite number of completed years of service. After the new pay structure is implemented on January 6, 2013, for newly hired eligible employees or to facilitate the movement of employees from one job title to another as part of a career ladder, the City may"credit" eligible employees with completed years of service to reflect objective criteria such as prior experience or training so long as the criteria are fully disclosed and consistently applied. An eligible employee's wage will not be reduced as a result of the implementation of the new wage schedule, even if the new wage schedule reflects a reduction. The eligible employee's wage will remain the same until the employee qualifies for an increase under the criteria established for the new wage schedule. It is the City and AFSCME's intent and desire that this new structure represents the first phase in achieving a pay structure that accomplishes the following: reduction in the number of years to reach the top rate of pay for 200 series employees; additional consolidation of the number of increases over the course of an eligible employee's career; a comprehensive pay structure for 300 series eligible employees; and, discussions about the potential development of objective minimum performance requirements to achieve salary increases. The City and AFSCME agree to continue the negotiation of these issues in subsequent fiscal years, subject to mutual agreement and appropriation of necessary funds to accomplish these long-term goals. 3 The City and AFSCME agree to form a Compensation Committee that will meet at least quarterly in Fiscal 2013 to discuss compensation and accomplishment of the goals provided for herein. Due to changes in the operational requirements of the Police Information Specialist I job title, the wage schedule for that job title will be limited to an entry rate and a one year of completed service rate as provided for in Appendix "B". If any eligible employee remains in that job title upon the date of implementation, and the wage exceeds the rate in the new wage schedule, the wage will remain the same until the employee qualifies for the move to the Police Information Specialist II job title. IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the parties hereto have fixed their hands and seals the day and year first above written. RECORDED SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION JUN 20 2012 CITY RECORDER By: RALP BECKER MAYOR ATTEST: '1?, -/i1-7•G.JAY/C -' y Recorder LOCAL 1004 OF THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES, AFL-CIO 4.��� ,cECIT}-GA�+ 2' i`��/ By: °fa A ' n- s PATT RICH `�,'�� y Executive Director RICK NUESMEYk, .."-A-l4Y President 4 STATE OF UTAH ) . ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) On the 111 day of June, 2012, personally appeared before me PATTY RICH, who being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the Executive Director of the AMERICAN FEDERATION OF STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES Local 1004, that she executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Local 1004 by authority of Local 1004's Board of Directors and that said instrument has been duly ratified and approved by Local 1004's membership and that her execution hereof constitutes a valid and binding act on behalf of Local 1004 and its membership. �� HEIDI A. MEDRANO ' Notory PuWk S}ah of Ufah l My Commission Expires on: NO RY PUBLIC, residing in September25,2013 Salt Lake Count Utah Comm.Number 580253 y� My Commission Expires: ', STATE OF UTAH ) : ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE ) On the kph day of June, 2012, personally appeared before me RICK NUESMEYER, who being duly sworn, did say that he is the President of Local 1004, that he executed the foregoing instrument on behalf of Local 1004 by authority of Local 1004's Board of Directors and that said instrument has been duly ratified and approved by Local 1004's membership and that his execution hereof constitutes a valid and binding act on behalf of Local 1004 and its membership. HEIDI A. MEDRANO n • •.,�`� Notory Public Stator of Utahk6J2L(2,Akr My Commission Expires on: September 25,2013 NOTARY PUBLIC, residing in "" Comm.Number 580253 Salt Lake County, Utah My Commission Expires: i l • I • Approved as to form -- Brian F. Roberts Senior City Attorney 5 AFSCME NEGOTIATION COMMITTEE: Ray is ens Dale Justice Christi Varney Jo170 ark Kelly Cu n 6 APPENDIX A-AFSCME FISCAL YEAR 2013 WAGE SCHEDULE Effective June 24, 2012-January 5, 2013 Clerk II • Paging Operator • Utilities Rep.I-Customer Service• Utilities Rep.I-Contracts • Comm. Coord.Trainee • Utilities Rep.I-Billing NFW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I I Step J J GRADF Pay I,evel 10 213 $11.57 $12.00 $12.41 $12.89 $13.36 $13.90 $14.38 $14.97 $15.50 $16.13 $16.28 10 213 $2,007 $2,079 $2,151 $2,233 $2,317 $2,409 $2.493 $2,594 $2,688 $2,795 $2,822 I I Custodian II NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F E6 GRADE Level 11 107 $12.07 $12.65 $13.24 $13.81 $14.47 $14.62 11 107 $2,093 $2,192 $2,296 $2,392 $2,510 $2,534 Police Info Specialist I NEW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J ' r GRADE Pay Level 12 215 $12.35 $12.83 $13.31 $13.83 $14.35 $14.92 $15.49 $16.12 $16.74 $17.38 $17.55 12 215 $2,141 $2.223 $2,308 $2,396 $2,488 i $2,585 $2,686 i $2,794 $2.901 I $3.014 $3.043 Justice Court Records Clerk • Office Tech I • Utilities Rep.II Customer Service • Utilities Rep.II Off/Tech • Fleet Maint.Scheduler NEW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J J� , GRADE Pay Level 12 216 $12.80 $13.27 $13.80 $14.33 $14.87 $15.47 $16.07 $16.69 $17.33 $18.04 $18.21 ` I I 12 i 216 $2,218 $2,301 $2,390 $2,484 $2,576 $2,682 $2,785 $2,893 $3,004 $3.127 $3.157 Beautification Maint.Worker NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE bevel 12 109 $12.81 $13.41 $14.07 $14.67 $15.41 $15.56 12 109 $2,219 $2,325 $2,438 $2,543 $2,671 $2,698 Water Meter Reader I 1 NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE Level 13 110 $13.18 $13.83 $14.48 $15.12 $15.89 $16.04 13 110 $2.284 $2,396 $2,511 $2.621 $2,753 $2,780 Engineering Records Tech. • Police Info.Specialist II • Recreation Program Coord. NEW Old Step A I Step B ; Step C Step D Step F 1 Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J Ju GRADE Pay Level 13 217 $13.23 $13.74 $14.27 $14.84 $15.41 $15.99 $16.61 $17.26 $17.96 $18.69 $18.87 13 217 $2,293 $2,382 $2.473 $2,570 $2,671 $2,770 $2,881 $2,992 $3.113 $3,239 $3,270 i I - Water Dist.Valve Operator Trainee • Beautification Maint.Worker II NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E# GRADE Level 13 111 $13.56 $14.24 $14.92 $15.54 $16.31 $16.47 13 111 $2,351 $2,468 $2,585 $2,695 $2,828 $2,855 • Fire Dept.Dispatcher I • Rev.&Licensing Proc.I • Warehouse Support Worker• Airport Ops.Coord. I NEW Old Step A Step B I Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J JN GRADE Pay Level 14 218 $13.69 $14.22 1 $14.78 $15.35 $15.95 $16.56 $17.20 $17.89 $18.60 $19.34 $19.53 14 218 $2,372 $2,464 $2,562 $2.661 $2.763 $2,871 $2,981 $3,100 $3.226 $3,352 $3,385 Water Meter Reader II • Water Maint.Support Worker NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F E1 GRADE Level 14 112 $13.96 $14.65 $15.36 $16.02 $16.82 $16.98 14 112 $2,419 $2,539 $2,662 $2,775 $2,916 $2,944 • Records Tech. II Pub Util. • Sr. Utilities Rep. Customer Service • Justice Court Clerk • Sr.Secretary • Hearing Officer Referee Coord.I • Sr. Comm.Coord. • Warehouse Office Tech II • Pretreatment Sampler Quality Assur Samp/Cul Accounting Clerk III • Sr.Utilities Rep.Billing • Sr.Utilities Rep.Office/Tech. Sr.Utilities Rep.Contracts • Office Tech II • Access Control Specialist NEW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J J" GRADF Pay Level 15 219 $14.14 $14.70 $15.26 $15.89 $16.50 $17.15 $17.82 $18.51 $19.27 $20.02 $20.21 15 219 $2,450 $2,548 $2,645 $2,753 $2,861 $2,972 $3,089 $3,209 $3,340 $3,469 $3.503 Irrigation Operator I • Fleet Services Worker • Irrigation Operator I • WW Plant Maint. Operator I NEW Old Pay Step A I Step B Step C Step D Step F E" GRADE Level 15 113 $14.34 $15.07 $15.82 $16.50 $17.30 $17.47 15 113 $2,486 $2,612 $2,741 $2,861 $2,999 $3,028 Airport Ops.Coord. II • City Payments Processor • Contracts Tech. • Dev.Rev. Combination Processor • Justice Court Clerk • Rev. and Licensing Proc. II • Sr.Utilities Rep.Generalist • Sr.Warehouse Operator • Tech.Support Specialist NEW Old Step A Step B Step C I Step D Step F Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J J" GRADE Pay Level 15 220 $14.65 $15.22 $15.82 $16.44 $17.10 $17.75 $18.45 $19.19 $19.95 $20.75 $20.95 15 220 $2,539 $2,638 $2,741 $2,850 $2,963 $3,076 $3,199 $3,326 $3,457 $3,597 $3,632 Facilities/Building Maint.Worker • Water Dist.Valve Operator • Sanitation Enforcement Specialist • WW Plant Utility Oper.Trainee NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE Level 15 114 $14.81 $15.52 $16.25 $17.00 $17.84 $18.01 15 114 $2,565 $2,691 $2.817 I $2,946 $3,093 $3,123 Fire Dept.Dispatcher II • Police Pub Safety Dispatcher II • Cross Connection Control Inspector • Public Safety Dispatcher II • Airport Ops Coord II NEW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F Step F Step G Step II. Step I Step J JH GRADE Pay Level 16 221 $15.15 $15.82 $16.45 $17.15 $17.88 $18.65 $19.43 $20.29 $21.14 $22.07 $22.28 16 221 $2,626 $2,741 $2,852 $2,972 $3,098 $3,234 $3,368 $3,517 $3,663 $3,824 $3.861 Asphalt Equip.Operator I • Drainage Maint.Worker I • Meter Reader/Tech • Graffiti Resp.Fld.Tech. • General Maint.Worker I,II,III • Transportation Team Coord. • WW Collection Maint.Worker Trainee • Sr.Parks Groundskeeper • Sr.Facilities Landscaper • Transp Maint.Worker • Impound Lot Attendant Helper • Traffic Maint.Op I NEW Old Pay Step A Step B I Step C Step D Step E EH GRADE Level 16 115 $15.21 $15.99 $16.74 $17.47 $18.37 $18.55 16 115 $2,636 $2,770 $2,901 $3,029 $3,185 $3,216 • Parking Enforcement Officer • WW Plant Utility Operator • Equipment Operator NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F E" GRADE Level 17 116 $15.66 $16.46 $17.25 $18.02 $18.93 $19.11 17 116 $2,715 $2,854 $2,990 $3.123 $3.279 $3,311 Building Inspector I • Pretreatment Sr.Sampler/Inspector • Contracts Process Coord. • Quality Assur. Sr.Sample Cul. Water • Business License Enforcement Officer NEW Old Step A Step B rStep C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J GRADF Pay Level i I 17 222 $15.67 $16.32 $17.04 $17.75 $18.49 $19.32 $20.14 $20.98 $21.89 $22.83 $23.05 17 222 $2,716 $2,829 $2.953 $3.076 $3,206 $3.349 $3,491 $3,636 $3,795 $3.957 $3,995 I Water System Maint Operator I • WW Collection Maint.Worker I • Drainage Maint.Worker II • Florist III • Landscape Restoration Lead Worker • Irrigation Operator II • Utility Locator-Public Util. NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F Eli GRADE Level 17 117 $16.14 $16.97 $17.76 $18.54 $19.49 $19.68 17 117 $2,797 $2,941 $3,078 $3,215 $3,378 $3,411 Customer Service Acct.CoWlnves • Hearing Officer Referee Coord.II NEW Old Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G I Step H Step I Step J J" GRADF Pay Level 18 223 $16.23 $16.94 $17.66 $18.39 $19.19 $20.02 $20.87 $21.75 $22.70 $23.69 $23.93 18 223 $2,814 $2,935 $3,062 $3.188 $3,326 $3,469 $3,617 i $3,769 $3.936 $4,108 $4.148 Golf Course Maint.Worker • WW Lift Station Worker • Cleanup Operator II • Water Meter Tech II Water Meter Reader III • Streets Response Team I • WW Lift Station Worker • Plumber Apprentice • Parks Maint.Worker-Irrigation Specialist• Sr.Transp.Maint.Worker NFW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E# GRADE Level 18 118 $16.60 $17.46 $18.30 $19.11 $20.09 $20.28 18 118 I $2,879 $3,027 $3,172 $3,312 $3,481 $3,515 Airport Lands.Ops.Officer • Asphalt Equip.Operator II • Airfield Maint.Equip.Operator III • Building Equip. Operator II • Facilities Building Maint.Worker Sr. • Airport Commercial Vehicle Ins. Fleet Maint.Coord. • General Maint.Worker III • Sr.Florist NFW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E& GRADE level 18 119 $17.14 $17.99 $18.86 $19.72 $20.72 $20.92 18 119 $2.970 $3.118 $3.269 $3.419 $3.591 $3,626 Building Inspector II • housing Financial Services Super. NEW Old Step A Step B I Step C Step D Step E Step F Step G Step H Step I Step J J� GRADE Pay bevel 19 225 $17.40 $18.16 $18.93 $19.75 $20.58 $21.48 $22.38 $23.36 $24.38 $25.44 $25.69 19 225 $3,017 S3.147 $3,279 $3.424 $3,568 $3,724 $3,879 $4,049 $4,226 $4,410 $4,453 WW Preventive Maint.Worker • WW Plant Operator • Watershed Ranger • Sanitation Enforcement Special • Facilities Maint.Contract • Streets Response Team II • Water System Maint.Operator II • WW Collection Maint.Worker II • Water Dist. Syst. Operator I • Container Service Coord. • Drainage Maint.Worker III • General Maint.Worker IV • Sr. Utility Locator • Water Meter Tech.III • Lead Equip. Op. NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE Level 19 120 $17.61 $18.51 $19.42 $20.29 $21.31 $21.52 19 120 $3,053 $3,209 $3,366 $3,517 $3.694 $3,730 Airport Lighting&Sign Tech. • Carpenter II • Fleet Mechanic I • Water Dist.Sys. Operator II Fleet Body Repair/Painter • General Maint.Worker V • Painter II • Maint.Electrician I NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D I Step E E GRADE Level 20 121 $18.13 $19.04 $20.02 $20.90 $21.97 S22.18 20 121 $3,142 $3,299 $3,469 $3,624 1 $3,807 $3,844 Gen Maint.Worker. IV-Concrete. Finisher• Airport Maint.Mec. II • Arborist III • Gen Maint. Worker V • Fleet Mechanic II • Airfield Maint.Equip Operator IV • Locksmith Tech. • Maint. Electrician III • Metal Fabrication Tech. • Pumps Maint.Tech. • Sr.Asphalt Equip.Operator • Sr. Irrigation Operator • WW Lift Stat Ld Worker • WW Plant Lead Operator • Maint.Electrician II NEW Old Pay I Step A Step B Step C Step D Step F E° GRADE Level 20 122 $18.69 $19.63 $20.58 $21.51 $22.63 $22.86 20 122 $3,239 $3,404 $3,568 $3.730 $3,923 $3.961 Streets Response Team Lead • Plumber II • General Maint.Worker V • Sr.Fleet Mechanic • Sludge Management Operator • Traffic Maint.Lead NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE Level 21 123 $19.27 $20.21 $21.22 $22.19 $23.33 $23.56 21 123 $3,340 $3,503 $3,677 $3.846 $4,044 $4,083 Airport Police Officer II • Water Plant Operator II • WW Collect Maint.Worker Lead • Sr.Water Dist.Syst.Operator 598 • WW Plant Maint.Operator IV • Airport Lead Sign Tech. • Drainage Maint. Worker IV • Sr. Water System Maint.Operator • HVAC Tech. II • Streets Maint.Lead NEW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E E" GRADE Level I I 21 124 $19.81 $20.86 $21.86 $22.83 $24.02 $24.25 • I 21 124 $3,434 $3,616 $3,790 $3,957 $4,162 $4,202 Maint.Electrician IV NFW Old Pay Step A Step B Step C Step D Step E I E" GRADE Level I 22 125 $20.44 $21.49 $22.55 $23.54 $24.79 $25.03 22 125 $3,544 $3.726 $3,909 $4.081 $4,297 $4,338 APPENDIX B—AFSCME FISCAL YEAR 2013 WAGE SCHEDULE Effective January 6, 2013—June 22, 2013 Clerk II • Paging Operator • Utilities Rep.I-Customer Service• Utilities Rep.I—Contracts • Comm. Coord. Trainee • Utilities Rep I-Billing Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $11.51 $1,995 1 $12.33 $2,138 4 $13.98 $2,423 6 $14.80 $2,565 8 $16.44 $2,850 Custodian II Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $11.81 $2,048 1 $13.29 $2,304 3 $14.77 $2,559 Police Info Specialist I Years of Hourly I Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $12.40 $2,149 1 $12.85 $2,227 Justice Court Records Clerk • Office Tech I • Utilities Rep.II Customer Service • Utilities Rep.II Off/Tech • Fleet Maint.Scheduler Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $12.87 S2,232 1 $13.79 $2,391 4 $15.63 $2,710 6 $16.55 $2,869 8 $18.39 $3,188 Beautification Maint.Worker Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $12.57 $2,179 1 $14.14 $2,452 3 $15.72 $2,724 Water Meter Reader I Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $12.96 $2,246 1 $14.58 $2,527 3 $16.20 $2,808 Engineering Records Tech. • Police Info.Specialist II • Recreation Program Coord. Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $13.34 $2,312 1 $14.29 $2,478 4 $16.20 $2,808 6 $17.15 $2,973 -- i 8 $19.06 $3,304 Water Dist.Valve Operator Trainee • Beautification Maint.Worker II Years of I Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent _Service Entry $13.31 $2,307 1 $14.97 $2,595 3 $16.63 $2,883 Fire Dept.Dispatcher I • Rev.&Licensing Proc.I • Warehouse Support Worker• Airport Ops.Coord.I Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $13.81 $2,393 1 $14.79 $2,564 4 $16.77 $2,906 6 $17.75 $3,077 1 8 $19.73 $3,419 _1 -- - Water Meter Reader II • Water Maint.Support Worker Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $13.72 $2,378 1 $15.43 $2,675 3 $17.15 $2,973 Records Tech.II Pub Util. • Sr.Utilities Rep.Customer Service • Justice Court Clerk • Sr.Secretary • Hearing Officer Referee Coord.I • Sr.Comm.Coord. • Warehouse Office Tech II • Pretreatment Sampler Quality Assur Samp/Cul Accounting Clerk III • Sr.Utilities Rep.Billing • Sr.Utilities Rep.Office/Tech. Sr.Utilities Rep.Contracts • Office Tech II • Access Control Specialist Years of I Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $14.29 $2,477 l $15.31 $2,654 4 $17.35 ! $3.007 - � I 6 $18.37 S3,184 8 $20.41 $3,538 Irrigation Operator I • Fleet Services Worker • Irrigation Operator I • WW Plant Maint.Operator I Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $14.12 $2,447 1 $15.88 $2,753 3 $17.64 $3,058 Airport Ops.Coord.II • City Payments Processor • Contracts Tech. • Dev.Rev.Combination Processor • Justice Court Clerk • Rev. and Licensing Proc.II • Sr. Utilities Rep. Generalist • Sr. Warehouse Operator • Tech.Support Specialist Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $14.81 $2,567 1 $15.87 $2,751 4 $17.99 $3,117 6 $19.04 $3,301 8 $21.16 $3,668 Facilities/Building Maint.Worker • Water Dist.Valve Operator• Sanitation Enforcement Specialist• WW Plant Utility Oper.Trainee Years of Hourly Monthly I Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $14.55 $2,522 1 $16.37 $2,838 3 $18.19 $3,153 Fire Dept.Dispatcher II • Police Pub Safety Dispatcher II • Cross Connection Control Inspector • Airport Ops Coord.II•Public Safety Dispatcher II Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $15.75 $2,730 1 $16.88 $2,925 4 $19.13 $3,315 6 $20.25 $3,510 8 $22.50 $3,900 Asphalt Equip.Operator I • Drainage Maint.Worker I • Meter Reader/Tech • Graffiti Resp.Fld.Tech. • General Maint.Worker I,II,III • Transportation Team Coord. • WW Collection Maint.Worker Trainee • Sr.Parks Groundskeeper • Sr.Facilities Landscaper • Transp Maint.Worker • Impound Lot Attendant Helper •Traffic Maint.Op I Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $14.99 $2,598 1 $16.86 $2,923 3 $18.74 $3,247 • Parking Enforcement Officer • W W Plant Utility Operator • Equipment Op. Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service _ Entry SI5.44 $2,676 1 S17.37 $3,011 3 $19.30 $3,346 Building Inspector I • Pretreatment Sr.Sampler/Inspector • Contracts Process Coord. •Quality, Assur. Sr.Samp.Cul.Water•Business License Enforcement Officer Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $16.30 $2,825 1 $17.46 $3,026 4 S19.79 $3,430 I 6 $20.95 $3,632 8 $23.28 $4,035 Water System Maint Operator I • WW Collection Maint.worker I • Drainage Maint.W orker II • Florist III • Landscape Restoration Lead Worker • Irrigation Operator II • Utility Locator-Public I.til. Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $15.90 t S2,756 1 $17.89 $3,101 3 $19.88 $3,445 Customer Service Acct.Coll/Inves • Hearing Officer Referee Coord.II Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $16.92 $2,933 I $18.13 $3,142 4 $20.54 $3,561 6 $21.75 $3.770 8 S24.17 $4,189 Golf Course Maint.Worker • WW Lift Station Worker • Cleanup Operator II • Water Meter Tech IIWater Meter Reader III • Streets Response Team I • WW Lift Station Worker • Plumber Apprentice • Parks Maint.Worker-Irrigation Specialist• Sr.Transp.Maint.Worker Years of I Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service I Entry $16.39 S2,840 1 $18.43 I 53,195 3 $20.48 $3,550 Airport Lands.Ops.Officer • Asphalt Equip.Operator II • Airfield Maint.Equip.Operator III • Building Equip.Operator II • Facilities Building Maint.Worker Sr. • Airport Commercial Vehicle Ins. Fleet Maint.Coord. • General Maint.Worker III • Sr.Florist Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry S16.90 $2.930 1 $19.02 $3,296 3 521.13 $3,662 Building Inspector II • Housing Financial Services Super. Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $18.16 $3,148 1 $19.46 S3,373 4 S22.061 $3,823 6 $23.35 $4,048 8 $25.95 $4,497 WW Preventive Maint.Worker • WW Plant Operator • Watershed Ranger • Sanitation Enforcement Special • Facilities Maint.Contract • Streets Response Team II • Water System Maint.Operator II • WW Collection Maint.Worker II • Water Dist.Syst.Operator I • Container Service Coord. • Drainage Maint.Worker III • General Maint.Worker IV • Sr.Utility Locator • • Water Meter Tech.III • Lead Equip.Op. Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $17.39 $3,014 1 $19.56 $3,39I 3 1 S21.74 $3,767 Airport Lighting&Sign Tech. • Carpenter II • Fleet Mechanic I • Water Dist.Sys.Operator II Fleet Body Repair/Painter • General Maint.Worker V • Painter II • Vlaint.Electrician I Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry S17.92 S3,106 1 $20.16 $3,495 3 $22.40 $3,883 Gen Maint.Worker.IV-Concrete.Finisher• Airport Maint.Mec.II • Arborist III • Gen Maint. Worker V • Fleet Mechanic II • Airfield Maint.Equip Operator IV • Locksmith Tech. • Maint. Electrician III • Metal Fabrication Tech. • Pumps Maint.Tech. • Sr.Asphalt Equip.Operator • Sr. Irrigation Operator • WW Lift Stat Ld Worker • WW Plant Lead Operator • Maint.Electrician II Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $18.47 $3,202 1 $20.78 $3,602 3 $23.09 $4,002 Streets Response Team Lead • Plumber II • General Maint.Worker V • Sr.Fleet Mechanic • Sludge Management Operator • Traffic Maint.Lead Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry i $19.04 $3,300 1 $21.42 $3,712 3 $23.80 $4,125 Airport Police Officer II • Water Plant Operator II • WW Collect Maint.Worker Lead • Sr.Water Dist.Syst.Operator 598 • WW Plant Maint.Operator IV • Airport Lead Sign Tech. • Drainage Maint. Worker IV • Sr.Water System Maint.Operator • HVAC Tech.II • Streets Maint.Lead Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $19.59 $3,396 1 $22.04 I $3,821 3 $24.49 $4,245 Maint.Electrician IV Years of Hourly Monthly Completed Rate Equivalent Service Entry $20.22 $3,506 1 $22.75 $3,944 3 $25.28 $4,382