044 of 1984 - Historic Districts and Landmark Sites - City Historic Register L 84-1 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 44 of 1984 (Historic Districts and Landmark Sites - City Historic Register) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 51-32-2 (4 ) (b) OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH , 1965, RELATING TO HISTORIC DISTRICTS AND LANDMARK SITES - CITY HISTORIC REGISTER. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1 . That Section 51 -32-2(4) (b) of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City , Utah, be, and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: Sec. 51-32-2 ( 4) (b) . City at larqe. ( 1 ) B 'nai Israel Temple , 249 South 400 East Street (2) John M. Whitaker Home, 975 Garfield Avenue (3) William Hawk Cabin , 458 North 300 West Street (4 ) Walter C. Lyne House, 1135 East South Temple Street (5 ) Immanual Baptist Church, 401 East 200 South Street (6 ) Fortunato Anselmo House, 164 South 900 East Street (7 ) Fifth Ward Meeting House, 740 South 300 West Street (8 ) Nelson Wheeler Whipple Home, 564 West 400 North Street (9 ) William A. Neldon Home, 1172 East 100 South Street ( 10) First Church of Christ Scientist, 352 East 300 South Street ( 11 ) McIntyre Building , 68-72 South Main Street (12 ) Irving Junior High School , 1179 East 2100 South Street ( 13 ) Utah Savings & Trust Company, 235 South Main Street ( 14 ) Almon Andrew Covey House, 1211 Fast 100 South Street ( 15 ) Hyrum T. Covey House, 1229 East 100 South Street ( 16 ) Best-Cannon House , 1146 South 900 East Street ( 17 ) Chapman Branch Library, 577 South 900 West Street ( 18 ) The General Engineering Company, 159 Pierpont Avenue ( 19 ) Carl M. Neuhausen House, 1265 East 100 South Street (20 ) Niels C. Christensen House, 375 Quince Street (21 ) Edwin P. Kimball House , 124 South 600 East Street ( 22) Rose Hartwell Whiteley House, 132 South 600 East Street (23) Thorid Peck House, 466 South 500 East Street (24 ) George Arbuckle House , 747 East 1700 South Street (25) Charles H. Jenkinson House, 31 Gray Avenue -2- r (26) James and Susan R. Langton House, 648 East 100 South ( 27 ) Robert R. Widdison House, 464 Pugsley Avenue ( 28 ) Forest Dale Golf Course Club House, 2375 South 900 East Street ( 29 ) Leffler - Woodman Building, 859 East 900 South Street (30) 29th Ward Assembly Hall , 1102 West Fourth North Street ( 31 ) Fire Station #8, 258 South 1300 East Street. (32) Jonathan C. and Eliza K. Royle House , 635 East 100 South Street (33) J. Leo Fairbanks House , 1228 Bryan Avenue ( 34) Byron Cummings house, 936 East 1700 South ( 35) James Jensen Granary, 626 South 400 East SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this loth day of July , 1984 . AIRMAN ATTEST: SIR By ----- CITY RE CO RDER - - - -3- Transmitted to Mayor on July 10, 1984 Mayor 's Action: July 10, 1984 MAYOR ATTEST: ITY RECORDER cm51 (SEAL) BILL 44 of 1984 Published: July 25, 1984 —4— Affidavit of Publication ADM-35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake --- ry ¢AL4 Kt.,E DINA*E No.44pf1984• Cheryl Gierloff � . ....... ............................................................................. '�Hff 6ik Dlttrkfs and Landmark Sires- (� City HIsrork Ro�Sgi tor) T(i�121V15�D tSRDIIVAANCE614F,SALT'LAKE CITY,UTAH 1965,RELATINNG TO HISTORIC 41STRICTS AND.LANbMARIC SITES-CITY,HISTORIC REGISTER. nanc ECTION 1.The CIh�Ion 1-3be,(q b)of thq Lake hereby Utah: is Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is amended to rBad as fa"aws: le al advertising clerk of a a Sea.51-32-2-(4Hb).CNy at large: � g g kf the DESERET NEWS, daily B'nal Israel Temple 249 South 400 East Street 13x'- John M. it ker na4e 975GNorth oowAvenue-e newspaper printed in the English language with general (4- hatte C.Lyn(',Hddse,;1135 East SoNfh Temple circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, (5) 'Imanual Baptist Chursh,.401.Eost200 South Street Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. (6) Fortunoto Anseimo House,164 South 900 East Street' (7) Fifth Word Meeting House,740 South 300 West Street '(BILJ,Nelson WHeeler Whipple Home,564 West 400 North STM-t That the legal notice of which a co is attached hereto (9) Wllllam A.Neldon Home.1172 Egst100 South Street b copy .,(10)First Church of Christ Scientist 352 East 300 South Street (11)McIntyreBuilding,68429"MainStreet .• Salt Lake CityOrdinance N0. 44 of 1984 - (12)Irvin4 Junior High School,1179 East 2100 South Street ..................... .............. .... .... . ..... .................... t (13)Utah Sayings&Trust Company,235 South Main street (14)Althon Andre*Covey House,1211 East 100 South street Historic Districts and, Landmark Sites - City _ ((15)Hyrum-T.Covey House 1229 East 100 Soui�rh:Street i ......... . .. . .. ... . ...... . . Best-Can on 114 South (17) hap annBran h Library,577577 South 900 West Street 118). he;Generdl Erigineering Company,159 PierpoM Historic„Register gvernl��e• ((19)Car)M:Neutlausen House,1265 East 100 Sop*Street (20)Niels C.Christensen House 375 Quince Street 121)Edwin'P.Klmlfall House 124 Souut}((l�600 East Street- 22)Rose Hartwell Whiteley�jouserl3R South 600 East ............................................................................................. 23)Thdrld Peck House,466 south 500 East Street 24)George Arbuckle House,747 East 1700 South Street (25)Charles H.Jenklnson House,31 Gray Avenue (26)South StreetSusan R.Langton House,648 East 100 ............................................................................................. (27)Robert R:Widdison House,464 Pugsley Avenue (28)Forest Dale Golf Course Club House,2375 South'900 East Street (29)Leffler-Woodman Building,859Ea'st900 South We& was published in said newspaper on.................................. (30)Street 29th Word Assembly Hall,,02 West Fourth North (31)Fire Station#8,258 South 1300 East Street Jul 2 5 19 84 32 Street an C.&Eliza K.Royle House,635 East 100 South .....y......f.......................... ... ....................................... (33)J.Leo Fairbanks House,1228 Bryan Avenue (34)Byron Cummings House,936 East 1700 South 35 James Jensen Granary 626 South 400 East SECTION 2.This ordinance s�iall take effect upon its first a d rtisin rk publication. [Y Passed by the City Council of Salt Lalie Gity,Utah,this loth b g day of July,1984. , ' Ronald J.Whitehead ATTEST: CHAIRMAN Katheryn Marshall CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on July 10,1984 Mayor's Action:July 10,1984. Ted Wilson ATTEST: MAYOR ' Katheryn Marshall CITY RECORDER 15thISEAL'aaf,984 before me this .................................................................... day of Publlshed:July 25,1984 E-42 ...........................august.......... A.D. 19...84... l a:.:�✓.�Xlr%�� ............................................... Notary Public My Commission Expires March.1.,..1988....................... �.T.IDAVM