045 of 1984 - City Employment Staffing Document • 0 84-16 a � a SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 45 _ of 1984 (City Employment Staffing Document) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-1-2 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, 1965, AS LAST AMENDED BY BILL NO. 19 OF 1984, RELATING TO THE ADOPTION OF AN EMPLOYMENT STAFFING DOCUMENT FOR SALT LAKE CITY. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 25-1-2 of the Revised Ordinances of Salt Lake City, Utah, as last amended by Bill No. 19 of 1984, be, and is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 25-1-2. Staffing Document. An Employment Staffing Document shall be adopted as an element of the City's annual budget, or otherwise, as the City Council may require. Three copies of such document shall be filed for use and examination of the public in the office of the recorder of Salt Lake City prior to its adoption. The number of persons on the authorized payroll of Salt Lake City shall not exceed the total number of positions approved in the Employment Staffing Document, nor shall those positions exceed the job classifications approved in the City Budget Document for Fiscal Year 1984-85, without express approval of the City Council. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect upon publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this loth day of July 1984. ATTEST: CHAIRMAN Transmitted to Mayor on duly 10, 1984 Mayor's Action: duly 10, 1984 f 1 ATTEST: 1 (SEAL) BILL 45 of 1984 Published: July 25, 1984 Affidavit of Publication ADM 35A STATE OF UTAH, ss. County of Salt Lake SALT LAKE 6TY ORDINANCE No.o Cheryl Gierloff (City Employment Vment $1affin9 ............................................................................................. Document), AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 25-1-2 OF THE RE- VISED ORDINANCES OF SALT LAKE CITY, U,TAH,-1965, AS LAST AMENDED BY BILL NO. 19 OF RELATING TO THE ADOPTIONION OF AN+'EMPLOY- Being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is MENT STAFFING DOCUMENT FOR legal advertising clerk of the DESERET NEWS, a daily 5/SLT LAKE CITY. Be it ordaiged by Ike City Council ofl•Salt iLake city, newspaper printed in the English language with general SECTION (. That Section 25• circulation in Utah, and published in Salt Lake City, 1-2 of the•lieV(3ed'Ordlsn s a lost of Salt s last Salt Lake County, in the State of Utah. Lake�Chy,•Utah,a amended by Bill No. 19 of 1984, be, and is herebly amended as follows: Sec..25-?,2: 5t1affing Docu• That the legal notice of which a copy is attached hereto men. -An '€4[o/ment Staffing Document•.shall by adopted as an element of the Cifv'sasth'annual Salt Lake City Ordinance No 45 of 1984 - City„ Citybur otheraylse,,as the ........................................................ CityCbu.ncll may-require.,, """""""""""""""" Three copse,of such document shall be filed for use and exam[- nationation 10 ment Staff in Document n of the rofpubl lithe office y........................................................................ of thg,recprder of Salt take City ............ ..... Prior to Its adpot on. The number, of persons on the outhoflteg payroll of Salt Lake,City.sholk not exceed the ............................................................................................. total''•nu'ivkr.91,,posltlons ap- proved In ther,Empioyment Staffing.Dpp�cuipent, nor shall those posltloos exceed.the lob ............................................................................................. classifications approved:In,The PC Budget,-•DacLhlerd for.F1;- f bl Year,19A-85, 4vbtaut itx. press 'dpprovol of,.the• City ............................................................................................. uncil.Co - SE T101 2,Tgls,prdl.nonce' shah take effect upon pumlca- was published in said newspaper On Passed by.the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah, this 10th day of-July,1984. ' JUlyv 25 1984 Rolwld Whitehead ..............✓.......;.......................... CHAIRMAN ATTEST: Katheryn Mhrsftll . CITY RECORDER ............................................ .........A ...........ted toNoVor bn.Jaly rs10 1994 d tin rk Mgyor%Adl6n,July 10,1984 b Tet�ii Wilson MAYOR ATTEST;. Kothe y fu�prshall CITY RECORDER (SEAL). BILL 45 of 1984, .<•p,,, _ Published:Juiy;25,9984.'vA.,. E•13 !any ..in­a 5, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .............................15th................................ day of .......................August.............. A.D. 19...84... ...(.............................................. Notary Public My Commission Expires OT AR Y.Q March 1, 1988 At 9 ��