047 of 2007 - waive fees at parking meters from November 22nd thru January 1st 0 07-1 0 07-27 SALT LAKE CITY ORDINANCE No. 47 of 2007 (Waiving parking meter fees for holidays) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12.56.170, SALT LAKE CITY CODE, RELATING TO PARKING METER RATES. Be it ordained by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah: SECTION 1. That Section 12.56.170, Salt Lake City Code,pertaining to parking meter rates be, and the same hereby is, amended to read as follows: 12.56.170 Parking Meters-Rates: A. Parking meter rates shall not exceed twenty five cents ($0.25) per fifteen (15) minutes of parking within any parking meter zone. A parking meter token may be used in parking meters installed by the city at a rate not to exceed one hour of parking per token. Parking meter tokens shall not be used as legal tender to satisfy any debt to the city and shall only be used in connection with a downtown parking and transit token program. B. The foregoing notwithstanding, all parking meter charges shall be waived during the period of November 22, 2007, through January 1, 2008. However, during said period, no person shall park or permit any vehicle to remain parked in any parking meter space adjacent to a meter for a continuous period longer than two (2)hours. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect on the date of its first publication. Passed by the City Council of Salt Lake City, Utah this 16th day of October 2007. CHAIRPERSON ATTEST: r — 1 I c. CHIEF DEPUTY CITY RECORDER Transmitted to Mayor on /4;'"435 el 7 Mayor's Action: ( Approved. Vetoed. YOR ATTEST: ( / ^ -CHI UTY-CITY1 RECORDER (Ark Bill . 7 of 2007. Published: October 31, 2007. APPROVED AS TO FORM 1113_A ITY—=20 16-v I-amending 12 56_170 parking meterimlidayjates Salt Lake City Attorneys Office Dat / 2 6 By -